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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #915 on: November 04, 2013, 04:15:03 AM »
Elf, just a heads up - if Forest ever DOES read Law's mind - expect a rather crazy three way conversation, because the Redheaded Driver would LOVE to be able to talk to someone else for a change.

That could actually be a lot of fun honestly.  A three way conversation.  Until the Redheaded Driver suggests killing her.

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #916 on: November 04, 2013, 06:41:59 PM »
Elf, just a heads up - if Forest ever DOES read Law's mind - expect a rather crazy three way conversation, because the Redheaded Driver would LOVE to be able to talk to someone else for a change.

That could actually be a lot of fun honestly.  A three way conversation.  Until the Redheaded Driver suggests killing her.
He probably would be more interested in what Forest is. I mean, she's a lot like Lawrence and him - dead, but not dead. Though the source of her animation and 'life' is far different. He'd probably be wondering why she doesn't have a Geist. Same with Lawrence - she's not a Sin-Eater but she's so similar.

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #917 on: November 04, 2013, 07:14:16 PM »
Wouldn't Archer and Rider be similar? And probably Ruu, for that matter.

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #918 on: November 04, 2013, 07:43:04 PM »
Wouldn't Archer and Rider be similar? And probably Ruu, for that matter.
Archer and Rider are... they're like Lancer. A spiritual entity - that's easy enough to understand. They're like a Geist or a more powerful ghost to Lawrence. They aren't much more than that.

Ruu on the other hand well, he's an artificial existence. Not unknown to Sin-Eaters. Though usually the ones they encounter send out an aura of wrongness.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #919 on: November 05, 2013, 03:37:52 AM »
Remember, my Lancer is a real live Demi-God now.  He's no longer a Servant.

He's as alive as Rin and the others are.

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #920 on: November 05, 2013, 03:49:39 AM »
Remember, my Lancer is a real live Demi-God now.  He's no longer a Servant.

He's as alive as Rin and the others are.
Daaang. Then scratch that, though Lawrence can likely sense the divinity.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #921 on: November 05, 2013, 05:17:36 AM »
Daaang. Then scratch that, though Lawrence can likely sense the divinity.

Yeah, right now, Lancer pretty damned powerful.

Knowing Forest, she might start scolding the Redheaded Driver for telling Lawrence to kill people.

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #922 on: November 05, 2013, 06:56:21 AM »
Daaang. Then scratch that, though Lawrence can likely sense the divinity.

Yeah, right now, Lancer pretty damned powerful.

Knowing Forest, she might start scolding the Redheaded Driver for telling Lawrence to kill people.
>Telling an embodiment of violent demise not to endorse murder
That's a tall order. Geists are odd, even for spirits. Most spirits are mindless, no core of humanity. They just ARE. Geists are like that, but they've got this source of humanity in them that's their core. They were human once. Once. Now they're like the other spirits but they remember, they know, they are.  Here's how the book explains it:

Quote from:  Giest: The Sin-Eaters
What is a geist, exactly? Where do they come from, and how do they become something more than a mere ghost? Born of dead men, reshaped in the crucible of the Underworld, and given new flesh by the promise of the Bound, they are the hungry, lustful dead, given over to urges and desires inscrutable to mortal men and women. More than just ghosts, they are “small gods” of death, each one embodying an archetypal force of nature as well as the soul of a dead man. The truth is, even Sin-Eaters aren’t entirely sure how geists are created, and the geists themselves don’t seem particularly willing (or able) to explain in greater detail.

All ghosts are bound by their passions and inability to let go of the mortal world, but geists are even more so: unwilling to slip into the Underworld forever, they find secret paths to claw their way out of the lightless realms below and find the land of the living once again. As near as the Bound can piece together, geists have found a way to break the laws of death that send ghosts screaming to the Underworld when their last anchor is destroyed. Through processes not wholly understood, a geist manages to replace its missing anchors with something else: something archetypal. They become as much a symbol as a specific individual, an embodiment of an aspect of death itself. Some style themselves gods, others liken themselves to the ghede of Vodoun religion: ghosts who have taken up iconic roles within the pantheon of the loa. Sin-Eaters often use this iconography as a kind of title: a geist that ties itself to the concept of revenge from beyond the grave might be called a “geist of vengeance,” while one that takes on the mantle of a plague god is called a Tlazoteotl geist, after the Aztec goddess of filth and disease. In any case, the geist becomes something more than merely the shade of a man — and yet, in some ways, also less

So basically - Geists ARE death. Or at least a fragment of it. In the Redheaded Driver's case, of violent murder/shootings.

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #923 on: November 05, 2013, 07:03:02 AM »
More clarification -

Quote from: Geist: The Sin-Eaters
It might seem staggeringly obvious to state that geists aren’t human, but it bears repeating: geists are not human. Even their memories of humanity are blurred, distorted, and fractured by the archetypal mantle they assume. A geist of fire is more than just a ghost that can manifest fire-related powers; on some level at least, it is fire. It doesn’t want to burn, it needs to burn, because burning is what fire does. More so than ordinary ghosts, geists cannot be reasoned with, cannot be bargained with or talked down. They do the things they do because they have no choice in the matter.

Does this make geists monsters? Put bluntly, yes. At least, most of them. Geists, left unchecked, are usually the sorts of specters that end up as the antagonists in ghost stories. They’re the drowned children forever seeking playmates down at the old swimming hole. They’re the hook-handed killers who appear every ten years to stalk and slash and kill until their bloodlust is sated. They’re the revenants whose killers went unpunished, taking out their rage on the family that moved into their new home. And yet, if geists were purely alien beings, driven entirely by their archetypal natures, it would be easy to write them off as mere demons, monstrosities inimical to human life that should be destroyed at the first opportunity. That’s not an entirely accurate portrayal, though; geists were human at one point, and at least a small part of them remains so. That small part of a geist’s psyche, symbolized by its keystone, is what allows the symbiotic bond between geist and host to be what it is, rather than a simple case of possession. While that human aspect might be largely buried beneath the visage of a wrathful death god, it is there, and it surfaces from time to time. The Sin-Eater sees a pretty girl at a bar and feels his geist yearn to feel a lover’s soft embrace. Rum burns the throat as it goes down, and the geist relishes the ability to taste it for the first time since it died. Some Sin-Eaters believe they can bring out more of their geist’s human side by learning about who it was in life; by connecting with their geist’s mortal identity, they remind the geist of who it was, and help it to balance its nature and perhaps find peace.

Geists are not necessarily “evil” in any philosophical or cosmological sense of the word (although for every innocent victim driven mad by an unjust death there’s certainly one nasty son of a bitch too mean for hell to hold): “elemental” might be a better term for them, or perhaps “amoral.” Unlike ghosts, who retain some vestige of their human mores in the form of a Morality score, geists have no such empathy. They are motivated purely by their own natures, both the archetypal mantle they wear and the remnant of the human it once was. A geist of car crashes doesn’t cause freeway pile-ups because it enjoys seeing humans suffer, it does so because it is the unliving embodiment of car crashes, and causing accidents is simply what it must do, just as the wolf must hunt the rabbit or the salmon must swim upstream. The vengeful geist visits torment and terror on its killers and their families not because it is a sadistic monster, but because vengeance is what it is, and that vengeance is directed by human memories of its murderers.

I'd love to run a Geist campaign sometime but so few people want to play it despite it fluff wise being Ghostbusters meets the Sixth Sense and with a healthy dose of the Exorcist thrown in.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #924 on: November 05, 2013, 07:09:34 AM »
Have you thought about trying to start a campaign here on the forum? Might be a good way to get an interest check at least. :)

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #925 on: November 05, 2013, 07:12:47 AM »
Good match? She'd probably destroy Ran unless she was sleeping. She's got some crazy stats there(Bleach).

But yeah, sure. If Imiganai can handle Ran being the supermad person, they should totally hang out. Grab a cup of coffee, talk about fighting, fight some vampires and werewolves together as bonding, you know, girl stuff.

So yeah, on the Imiganai sheet itself, I really only have four things that raise questions.

#1: Where and what is her mask? Or half-mask, or whatever the arrancar call their not-masks. I didn't see it come up in the sheet itself.

#2: How does she have a second resurreccion? I thought that Ulqiorra was the only one who made it happen.

#3: I remember them saying a higher ranked hollow, past a menos grande, is a completely new entity when it comes to its mind and whatnot(The grimmjow scene says this, I think). How is it that Imiganai can remember being a human?

#4:Why the mystic face thing? It comes off as a little... well, a little much. She can be really hot, sure, but making EVERYONE have the hots for her on sight is, as aforementioned, a little much.

Aaaand I'm back. My excuse? GTA V.

1) Her mask fragment are located on the back her neck, hidden by her long hair and generally out of sight. Her first resurrection manifests as a Samurai's Mask, though with a cloth with Japanese seal markings covering her eyes. Her final resurrection takes the form of a half Oni Mask with the same cloth covering her eyes.

2) I believe that a second resurrection is just something that only the most powerful of the Arrancar are capable of and that Ulqiorra hid his full potential, allowing himself to be ranked as Espada 4 rather than Espada 1.

3) It is my belief that if a soul's will is strong enough, it can remain in control or take back control just prior to achieving Vasto Lorde. As for her memories, she is basically like all those souls that remember their past lives in the soul society and can recall their lives among the living.

4) I think I'll be removing that, as I agree it is a little much and I have already forgotten why I did it.

I need to get either The Don/Joe, Kusagari, or Seras to do something. Or if I can work something out with Milbunk, get Mu back in action (He may be my character but he is enthralled to Milbunk's character, Downy Reed's will and he'd need a set of orders before heading out of his own)

If possible, this may be a good time for The Don/Joe to meet Lantz's OC and arrange something
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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #926 on: November 05, 2013, 07:13:49 AM »
Have you thought about trying to start a campaign here on the forum? Might be a good way to get an interest check at least. :)
Play by post is a nightmare for games like Geist. I prefer to run them in person or over IRC or another chat system - Roll 20 is relatively useful for this as it has a built in dice bot and (Useless but still there) mapbuilder along with a chat.

I'm taking it you're interested?

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #927 on: November 05, 2013, 07:23:45 AM »
One thing I sorta realized as of late. Seras and Lawrence encountering each other would be a tense situation, a Vampiress whom stores the souls of others within her own. A Vampiress with enough souls inside of her own that she manifests her mindscape as a London-like City just to keep her sanity in order, meeting a being like Lawrence and Lawrence being what he is meeting the "daughter" of Dracula could be disastrous.

Though I'd imagine him seeing mainly her Sire's souls that she inherited before her own souls, meaning Lawrence would probably see something akin to what Alucard did upon releasing Level 0 upon London in the Tenth Hellsing OVA but non-physical and only Lawrence would see it.
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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #928 on: November 05, 2013, 08:24:57 AM »
Play by post is a nightmare for games like Geist. I prefer to run them in person or over IRC or another chat system - Roll 20 is relatively useful for this as it has a built in dice bot and (Useless but still there) mapbuilder along with a chat.

I'm taking it you're interested?
Ahh, OK- we could probably either set up Roll 20 for that then or a dedicated IRC chat if a campaign gets going. And the concepts certainly seem interesting, so I think it's worth a shot. :) Plus more stuff happening around here is always a plus.

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #929 on: November 05, 2013, 12:28:22 PM »
Satoshi is busy tutoring, yeah that's it...