Mike, first off all that is bullshit stating I was sabotaging the game for Lantz. It seems you still have some issues towards me. If anything, I've been taking Lantz's side for most of the damned game even though he's done some really stupid shit.
Like tracing a car through singing. That should have been fucking impossible. However I let it slide. Hell, I even gave alternatives in how to explain its existence that were plausible but they were shut the fuck down. So I let it slide to be nice.
Then I took his side with the Connor and Law conflict, making sure that Law didn't blast him in the fucking face with the shot gun. So don't you dare say Mike that I'm sabotaging Lantz's game. I've done a lot of shit for you, but I've gotten nothing in return so stop please spreading bullshit about me or you will see what I'm like when I'm not being nice.
Now I do have issues with Lantz "planning things" ahead of time. This is an RP- not a fanfic. It has a hard lesson that I had to learn once, but I'm glad I did. The only one who should be planning something in advance is me as a GM or someone I'm letting GM a campaign within the game. And to do that, all they have to do is ask me for permission. Lantz already had everything planned and didn't ask if it was really okay in the beginning; however as a GM I was being nice and letting it slide.
Another thing is it is sort of tiring to hear all of one's characters all but sing praises for another's. It's called "cheerleading" and it gets annoying. Yes, I understand that Connor is Satoshi's BFF, Taiga is his sister, and Sakura is his half sister cousin thing, but Angra shouldn't be praising him like she was. It gets really grating really quickly and I'm not the only one having that issue.
Not to mention I've gotten complaints from other players about Lantz - I am not going to name names because this shit storm has gone long enough. I've tried placating everyone's side, but evidently it is not working. So now I have to get my Dredd on and tote the law.
Also, Magos and Lantz, if you two can't play nice together then I would suggest each other just ignoring each other's characters or having as little involvement with them as possible.
Secondly, Magos- please don't kill of Satoshi. The consequences aren't worth it. I don't want this RP to be a blood bath.
Thirdly, you all have to know that I do have a life outside of the forum. I work essentially two jobs; one of which requires a lot of overtime. Not to mention I'm preparing to speak at a convention in January to help promote my writing. So I've been coming up with presentations and the like as well.
So when I'm not on, please listen to Alice. She's the admin here. If she makes a decision I'm going to go with it. Ultimately, at the end of the day, it's her Forum. She gets the last word.
In short, Magos don't kill Lantz's characters- Lantz, please take my criticisms to heart. Remember I am a published and professional author. I do know what I'm taking about, and while I'm blunt, I am trying to help.
Any questions?
Also, with how FSN time travel works, if Dark Archer gets the taint removed BEFORE Ryoko is conceived it wouldn't affect her. Why? Because she's from an alternate reality.