Mike, first off all that is bullshit stating I was sabotaging the game for Lantz. It seems you still have some issues towards me. If anything, I've been taking Lantz's side for most of the damned game even though he's done some really stupid shit.
Like tracing a car through singing. That should have been fucking impossible. However I let it slide. Hell, I even gave alternatives in how to explain its existence that were plausible but they were shut the fuck down. So I let it slide to be nice.
Then I took his side with the Connor and Law conflict, making sure that Law didn't blast him in the fucking face with the shot gun. So don't you dare say Mike that I'm sabotaging Lantz's game. I've done a lot of shit for you, but I've gotten nothing in return so stop please spreading bullshit about me or you will see what I'm like when I'm not being nice.
OK, sorry about that. I've sent you a PM.
Now I do have issues with Lantz "planning things" ahead of time. This is an RP- not a fanfic. It has a hard lesson that I had to learn once, but I'm glad I did. The only one who should be planning something in advance is me as a GM or someone I'm letting GM a campaign within the game. And to do that, all they have to do is ask me for permission. Lantz already had everything planned and didn't ask if it was really okay in the beginning; however as a GM I was being nice and letting it slide.
Well, there's nothing wrong with planning out how your characters will act but, yeah, you can't assume that they will get the response they want, or that your plans won't get screwed-up.
So when I'm not on, please listen to Alice. She's the admin here. If she makes a decision I'm going to go with it. Ultimately, at the end of the day, it's her Forum. She gets the last word.
Well, she's not the only admin, and being the admin doesn't grant you the automatic right to the last word in an argument.
But, yeah, people should listen to her. I appointed these people as admins for a reason....
Oh geez, is the pace really that slow here?
It's not so much that it's slow as it is that we have had a lot of stuff going on. Although, also, we are on different timezones, so sometimes we might only get a post a day done, and sometimes people are busy so it's a bit less.
Er, anyway, on the time travel thing: It's also possible that time travelers are 'outside' of time in the sense that changes don't affect them. So they could kill their own grandfather and still exist, even if they don't have an origin point in the timeline. Because the universe is not so small and flimsy that the misplacement of a single human being means anything to it.
But I admit that probably wouldn't be the case in any potential time-travel experiments based on the laws of physics rather than 'lol magic'.
In terms of physics the only really plausible explanation (especially in a universe with multiple dimensions being canonical) is to say that changing the timeline creates an alterate dimension. So, in other words, the moment Ryoko showed up the Nexus we're in diverged from the Nexus her parents were from.