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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #2550 on: December 17, 2013, 07:09:41 AM »
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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #2551 on: December 17, 2013, 10:06:57 AM »
To Kaiza: I sent Grea to attack you while I hide in the back to support, just waiting on his support for the moment.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #2552 on: December 17, 2013, 10:24:05 AM »
So... "Sakura" was taught to punish her parents? What the fuck Lantz?!


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #2553 on: December 17, 2013, 01:45:15 PM »
To Kaiza: I sent Grea to attack you while I hide in the back to support, just waiting on his support for the moment.

And Gabriel followed him.  He can't teleport, but Shadow Walking is almost just as good.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #2554 on: December 17, 2013, 02:05:41 PM »
So... "Sakura" was taught to punish her parents? What the fuck Lantz?!
I... really have to share this sentiment, lantz. I'm kinda really unhappy with that post in general, to be quite honest, since it's probably better if I just air my grievances now. Not only for that revelation about "Sakura," and how OOC it makes Archer and Rin in the process, but also for Connor so rudely going down there just so Toshi can call them. And not only that, but the way it's structured forces me to reply to it, so I can't just ignore it.

Posts like this puts a lot of stress on me, lantz. And posts like these have been making this RP more and more stressful for me to play. I was hoping after what happened the day before you finally understood that, but it's quite clear that you didn't really learn that lesson at all.

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #2555 on: December 17, 2013, 02:42:27 PM »
Sorry for the double post, but I feel like I should explain for everyone else why I'm having this sudden burst of emotion.

Basically, things got a bit... rough, in private yesterday, over lantz's attempt to apologize to my characters, and me as well. But from what I understood, he got the message and then everything was fine.

Then I see this. Again, this is setting up lantz's attempt to apologize. An apology shouldn't frustrate/anger the one being apologized to further. So in addition to annoying me, it also feels like a slap to the face on top of that. Hence why I'm not too pleased about it. Plus I wanted to explain this in a civil manner so that lantz can understand where he went wrong with me this time.

Hopefully that makes sense, and sorry for the trouble.

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #2556 on: December 17, 2013, 03:34:10 PM »
I'm not wrong and Alice you. YOU are responsible for your characters actions. Your characters threatened others, yes Archer made it a veiled threat but it was still a threat. Archer even admitted that nearly starting the fight again was wrong.

Satoshi did not use the best method to confront Archer but that is where he is wrong, not in confronting Archer but in the method of execution. This means that Satoshi is not at fault 100% Archer made the threat to begin with.

Satoshi will apologize for his mistake in the way he did things but you won't get them to proclaim archer or Rin innocent.

as for Rin there was my misreading of a post but Rin still tried to claim that Satoshi was a terrible person without proof of any kind in hand. Further she accused him of being worse than most heroes. Most heroes have three digit body counts. This means logically Sakura will call bullshit and get mad.

she went over the top yes but she even admitted as much and wanted to correct it.

Sakura has been raised to not let her parents get away with stuff. Anything from stuff like Archer overworking, Rin reading in the dark to taking dumb risks in a fight. It makes sense because Archer and Rin want to keep the other safe even when they aren't around. So Sakura's character isn't wrong, nor are the way I write her parents.

bottom line, the characters feel bad and are going to apologize but that does not give you the right to demonize me or my characters Alice. I don't bash your characters or attack you so I want the same consideration in return.

my characters are not immune to what they say and do and neither are yours. Take responsibility please.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #2557 on: December 17, 2013, 04:05:05 PM »

excuse me ma'am, Sakura needs to see you and Rin upstairs, it's important

is not rude, it's polite as you can get.

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #2558 on: December 17, 2013, 06:53:50 PM »
I'm not wrong and Alice you. YOU are responsible for your characters actions. Your characters threatened others, yes Archer made it a veiled threat but it was still a threat. Archer even admitted that nearly starting the fight again was wrong.

Satoshi did not use the best method to confront Archer but that is where he is wrong, not in confronting Archer but in the method of execution. This means that Satoshi is not at fault 100% Archer made the threat to begin with.

Satoshi will apologize for his mistake in the way he did things but you won't get them to proclaim archer or Rin innocent.

as for Rin there was my misreading of a post but Rin still tried to claim that Satoshi was a terrible person without proof of any kind in hand. Further she accused him of being worse than most heroes. Most heroes have three digit body counts. This means logically Sakura will call bullshit and get mad.

she went over the top yes but she even admitted as much and wanted to correct it.

Sakura has been raised to not let her parents get away with stuff. Anything from stuff like Archer overworking, Rin reading in the dark to taking dumb risks in a fight. It makes sense because Archer and Rin want to keep the other safe even when they aren't around. So Sakura's character isn't wrong, nor are the way I write her parents.

bottom line, the characters feel bad and are going to apologize but that does not give you the right to demonize me or my characters Alice. I don't bash your characters or attack you so I want the same consideration in return.

my characters are not immune to what they say and do and neither are yours. Take responsibility please.
...Except, Lantz, Satoshi is a horrible person. His own actions have killed far more than 100 people, if he interferes with Counter Guardians. He killed millions. He's directly responsible for the deaths of those he caused by not letting the Counter Guardians do their job. So yes, Satoshi is far worse, as he's actually stopping the things that save people. That's something you need to realize.

For that matter NO KID IS RAISED LIKE THAT. Such an upbringing is not only impossible, but something that Rin would never, ever do. That much I can tell you. "Sakura" is simply acting like a bitch there, and there's no excuse.

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #2559 on: December 17, 2013, 07:00:13 PM »
I'm not wrong and Alice you. YOU are responsible for your characters actions. Your characters threatened others, yes Archer made it a veiled threat but it was still a threat. Archer even admitted that nearly starting the fight again was wrong.

Satoshi did not use the best method to confront Archer but that is where he is wrong, not in confronting Archer but in the method of execution. This means that Satoshi is not at fault 100% Archer made the threat to begin with.

Given what MoS Shirou did and who he is, I think Archer showed a remarkable level of restraint. If (my) Sakura had been the target, he wouldn't have gotten a warning, and even Sakura specifically ordering Rider not to kill him would not have saved him. He'd have just died of a accidental eight-hour torture session.... And, if she didn't do it, Shirou would have.

as for Rin there was my misreading of a post but Rin still tried to claim that Satoshi was a terrible person without proof of any kind in hand. Further she accused him of being worse than most heroes. Most heroes have three digit body counts. This means logically Sakura will call bullshit and get mad.

she went over the top yes but she even admitted as much and wanted to correct it.

I think you're still misunderstanding what she meant a little, and I also think that Rin didn't really consider what most heroes were really like, she was thinking of the ones she knew, like Archer and Rider. Plus, Toshi did threaten to kill Archer solely for trying to protect his master, it's not surprising that Rin was defensive of him.

Plus, the reasoning Sakura gave there was extremely offensive to servants. They are not worth less just because they were summoned and not born. It's not surprising Rin got over-defensive given her attachment to Archer and friendship with Rider.

Sakura has been raised to not let her parents get away with stuff. Anything from stuff like Archer overworking, Rin reading in the dark to taking dumb risks in a fight. It makes sense because Archer and Rin want to keep the other safe even when they aren't around. So Sakura's character isn't wrong, nor are the way I write her parents.

That makes a bit of sense, but for a child to "punish" their parents is still rather odd.

bottom line, the characters feel bad and are going to apologize but that does not give you the right to demonize me or my characters Alice. I don't bash your characters or attack you so I want the same consideration in return.

Not demonise, no, but I do think that, in Toshi's case in particular, Archer would not agree he did anything wrong there, and nor would a decent chunk of the other characters.

my characters are not immune to what they say and do and neither are yours. Take responsibility please.

No, sure, but Archer in particular would not consider himself to have done anything wrong, and nor would most of the other characters. Rin is a bit different, perhaps, she got mad and went a bit over the top, but then Kiyoshi called her out on that already.


excuse me ma'am, Sakura needs to see you and Rin upstairs, it's important

is not rude, it's polite as you can get.

I think the issue is more the timing. Forest is exhausted, and Rin has just finished up with Archer.

...Except, Lantz, Satoshi is a horrible person. His own actions have killed far more than 100 people, if he interferes with Counter Guardians. He killed millions. He's directly responsible for the deaths of those he caused by not letting the Counter Guardians do their job. So yes, Satoshi is far worse, as he's actually stopping the things that save people. That's something you need to realize.

Bullshit. Saving the lives of innocent people is never wrong, and doing so certainly does not make you a bad person, even if others die as a result.

You might follow that Utilitarian bullcrap, but not everyone does.

For that matter NO KID IS RAISED LIKE THAT. Such an upbringing is not only impossible, but something that Rin would never, ever do. That much I can tell you. "Sakura" is simply acting like a bitch there, and there's no excuse.

Sorry, I don't think you're qualified to say how every single parent on the planet would act....
« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 07:04:15 PM by Cherry Lover »

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #2560 on: December 17, 2013, 07:13:10 PM »
Bullshit. Saving the lives of innocent people is never wrong, and doing so certainly does not make you a bad person, even if others die as a result.

You might follow that Utilitarian bullcrap, but not everyone does.

Sorry, I don't think you're qualified to say how every single parent on the planet would act....
No, but the point is that he's still basically killing thousands because he's not willing to let the CG's do their fucking job, which is saving people. By delaying counter guardians, he's risking the entirety of humanity. Because CG's are deployed to protect humanity as a whole, Satoshi is a threat to humanity as a whole. He's no hero. If anything, he's worse than the CG's, because they limit the casualties.

No, I'm not, but being raised like that by RIN of all people is quite frankly, bullshit.

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #2561 on: December 17, 2013, 07:15:12 PM »
Bullshit. Saving the lives of innocent people is never wrong, and doing so certainly does not make you a bad person, even if others die as a result.

You might follow that Utilitarian bullcrap, but not everyone does.

Sorry, I don't think you're qualified to say how every single parent on the planet would act....
No, but the point is that he's still basically killing thousands because he's not willing to let the CG's do their fucking job, which is saving people. By delaying counter guardians, he's risking the entirety of humanity. Because CG's are deployed to protect humanity as a whole, Satoshi is a threat to humanity as a whole. He's no hero. If anything, he's worse than the CG's, because they limit the casualties.

Again, rubbish. He is not responsible for whatever is killing those people, he is trying to prevent it. And, the CGs are not there to save people they're there to kill people. It is entirely reasonable to not want to allow innocent people to die.

Perhaps it's not smart, but it certainly doesn't make you a bad person. Trying to protect innocent people is never wrong, even if more people die as a result.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #2562 on: December 17, 2013, 07:16:27 PM »
Actually Hakuno HAD BEEN in danger, she was not in danger and Archer admitted threatening Shirou almost restarted the fight. Had Hakuno been in danger in that immediate moment Satoshi would not have played devil's advocate as he had.

Satoshi made a bad bluff and as soon as Connor finds Archer Archer will know as much.

and Connor is doing what he has been asked, he doesn't know that the characters are preoccupied. If they are he'll just return and say as much. No harm.

with Rin my point is again it is mistakes on both sides that cause the issue. This is why neither side archer and Rin or Satoshi and Sakura are outright right or wrong.

Satoshi is not wrong for confronting archer he is wrong for the way he did so, big difference. And it was again a bluff after he played devil's advocate.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #2563 on: December 17, 2013, 07:17:18 PM »
Sorry, I don't think you're qualified to say how every single parent on the planet would act....

Mike, I don't think he was saying he is. He's simply commenting on what he thinks is possible and on what he thinks is out of character, for characters that we've seen in a VN as opposed to original ones.

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #2564 on: December 17, 2013, 07:23:04 PM »
Perhaps it's not smart, but it certainly doesn't make you a bad person. Trying to protect innocent people is never wrong, even if more people die as a result.
OK, I don't think you get WHY the CG's are deployed. They're deployed because if they aren't, the world is screwed. When they kill, it is to save lives. If they don't kill these people, the world as we know it fucking ends. These people aren't innocent. Those around them maybe, but the people that they're deployed to destroy most certainly in the sense of humanity, are not.

And dammit, do I HAVE to bring out this argument again?

Imagine you have a subway. There's five people down the line on the track, and one next to you. The lever is on the tracks, and the train is coming. You only have one second to react, and can't trip the lever yourself. However, if you push the man next to you onto the tracks, you'll save those five people by forcing the train to switch tracks or stop.

So, you can either watch five people die, or kill one yourself.

Whichever you choose, you are responsible for a death. Now, which one is the most morally correct. State your answer.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 07:23:57 PM by Arch-Magos Winter »