Author Topic: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page  (Read 492063 times)


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #3285 on: January 03, 2014, 08:28:48 PM »
The exit was impossible to trace arch, withdraw the post, you're only causing an issue for names

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #3286 on: January 03, 2014, 08:31:53 PM »
Fine, fine. For Nachos, not for you.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #3287 on: January 03, 2014, 09:52:37 PM »
...OK, read everything, still processing everything...

OK, first of all, once Rider enters the picture, you should be able to interact again, Mike. Rider's a lot harder to ignore. Plus I can at least justify it for both of my characters as well as D. Archer in this case- Rin and Archer are both in shock from learning that they have a daughter and Rin may very well be pregnant with her right now. Ryoko is both disoriented and drunk (as Lancer said, she's a light weight), hence why she's disclosing information she normally wouldn't blab in front of everyone like this. She's out of it as it is, so far the only people she's really registering as in the room are her parents.

Second of all, Aiden makes an excellent point pointing out that people can find it rather difficult to want to RP with characters IC if they hate the characters OOCly. ...Honestly, I also agree that we should be more honest about how we feel in this regard, and if anyone has similar feelings about any character, I feel they should voice them so the RPer themselves knows.

In my case, I absolutely despise lantz's characters. All of them. This version of Rin that he brought in? Makes me fume so damn much with almost every god damn thing she's done. I will happily list her crimes if someone so asks me to. What's worse is that it's incredibly difficult for me to ignore her IC with certain characters. So no, I can't just blow them off anymore. I also really do feel that something should be done on this front. I have yet to have had any difficulty on this front with characters besides lantz's (yes, even Kiyoshi).

Which brings me to my third point... lantz, I don't care if what Magos did was out of nowhere, I don't care if Nachos is rather busy right now, that's god modding. Like you've been doing the whole RP. And quite frankly it's about the last straw for me. Especially since they're headed back to the Complex.

I wasn't wanting such extreme action before, but this was, for me, the nail in the coffin. I think lantz should no longer participate in this RP. This has gone too far, and quite frankly, I've had enough. 

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #3288 on: January 03, 2014, 10:02:36 PM »
Which brings me to my third point... lantz, I don't care if what Magos did was out of nowhere, I don't care if Nachos is rather busy right now, that's god modding. Like you've been doing the whole RP. And quite frankly it's about the last straw for me. Especially since they're headed back to the Complex.

And I think Lantz did nothing wrong. Names has not been online for weeks and has given no indication when he'll be back. In those circumstances Lantz leaving the car is the only realistic option.

I wasn't wanting such extreme action before, but this was, for me, the nail in the coffin. I think lantz should no longer participate in this RP. This has gone too far, and quite frankly, I've had enough.

And if Lantz is kicked then I walk out. I do not think he has done anything wrong there, and returning to the compound is something he said he was going to do when he left Names' custody a month or so ago. Rider is meeting him there.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #3289 on: January 03, 2014, 10:07:47 PM »
Lantz did claim he apparently planned this with Names beforehand so... it doesn't seem that this occasion at least is an example of god-modding.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #3290 on: January 03, 2014, 10:11:26 PM »
Ah, OK. If that's the case, then I'll let it slide. Because even if I don't trust lantz, I do trust Nachos quite a bit.

I reel back my opinion then to what it was before I read that, then- I don't think lantz should necessarily be kicked, but I do think that some GM action should be taken against him, as he's failed to heed any of Elf's advice. 

A lot of my points before that still stand, however. If anyone has issue with anyone's characters to the point they find them difficult to RP with, please say so in the thread.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2014, 10:28:26 PM by Alice »

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #3291 on: January 03, 2014, 10:13:16 PM »
Lantz did claim he apparently planned this with Names beforehand so... it doesn't seem that this occasion at least is an example of god-modding.

The concept of the escape at least was planned well back. It was intended to happen later, but with Names not around he had no option but to bring it forward.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #3292 on: January 03, 2014, 11:15:05 PM »
Since we're kind of on topic. It's not that I want to have anyone kicked out of the RP per say, since for one, a lot of lantz's characters provide interesting conflict to the story, but... let me be completely honest here about what I think of practically every one of lantz's posts in the RP:

They're janky, often not properly capitalized, oddly worded and somewhat confusing, the narration is most of the time lackluster, and the way he writes his characters tends to rub me in a bad way, like they're... well, like lantz is not even putting that much effort in it, and they end up sounding contrived and not relateable.

The questionable quality of his posts bothers me. There, I said it.

Please understand lantz, I'm not trying to attack you here, and I'm just taking the occasion to be sincere about what's been bugging me, since more people are pointing out the problems they have with your writing in the RP.

Look. The presence of your characters is brewing conflict. It has already driven events and interactions forward. You have the means, the catalysts, to continue to do so and contribute to the RP in a meaningful and interesting way. Which is precisely why I'd like to be able to not cringe whenever I read one of your posts because they felt like you didn't put any care into them, or they portrayed characters in a jarring manner, or just because you were forcing the action in a contrived way.

I'm trying to offer constructive critique here, because I want to enjoy this RP (I think we all do!), and I want this organic, unpredictable, developing story we're all making to be up to the standards I believe it deserves.

So I'm asking you. Lantz, can you please make that effort? And Magos, can you please bear with him at least a little and not direct your actions IC against him due to bias and your personal opinion?

Can we all cooperate on this guys? Maybe?

« Last Edit: January 03, 2014, 11:18:03 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts

Cherry Lover

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #3293 on: January 03, 2014, 11:22:20 PM »
Yeah, honestly, I do wish Lantz would use better grammar sometimes. It doesn't have to be perfect, but things like correct capitalisation would make his posts look a lot better, and easier to read.

And, I agree with the bit about Magos, too. I wish he would stop the IC targetting of Lantz. It is not only screwing the RP up for Lantz, it is also affecting other people by causing constant pointless conflicts that we all end up having to deal with. Kiyoshi, for example, is being a lot more aggressive than he would be if this stuff wasn't happening, particularly since Lantz's characters are feeling insecure as a result and Kiyoshi feels the need to defend them.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2014, 11:23:25 PM by Cherry Lover »


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #3294 on: January 03, 2014, 11:25:04 PM »
...YOLF? God damn are you awesome. :3

Honestly, I invite other people to voice their own thoughts even more enthusiastically than before now because I honestly think a lot of constructive thought and criticism can come from it, as was just displayed here. :)

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #3295 on: January 03, 2014, 11:35:56 PM »
Ruu thinks we have enough vampires.

Cordially, an anonymous fami person.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #3296 on: January 03, 2014, 11:44:59 PM »
...YOLF? God damn are you awesome. :3

Honestly, I invite other people to voice their own thoughts even more enthusiastically than before now because I honestly think a lot of constructive thought and criticism can come from it, as was just displayed here. :)

Thank you, I try my best. ^c^
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #3297 on: January 03, 2014, 11:56:56 PM »
Given YOLF that my explanations and concerns are ignored often especially when it comes to in character stuff I find the return for the effort you ask is well beyond fair.

I do acknowledge that grammar wise I could do to improve but that's a time issue.

I'll say this even though it will be ignored most likely. I am not aiming for my characters to take center stage at all.

Cherry Lover

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #3298 on: January 04, 2014, 12:03:17 AM »
The thing is, though, Lantz, if you improved stuff like the grammar people would be more likely to listen to your concerns and to be generally less critical of you, and to read your stuff. However good a concept is, if it's hard to read people just won't bother.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #3299 on: January 04, 2014, 12:18:11 AM »
The grammar isn't the main issue. Even it I did improve it to the point where I was better than Elf the main issues would still be present and rampant.