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Name: Milletia Catherine Garrison (Introduces herself as Mille Garrison to most people. Sometimes uses her middle name as her first. Doesn't like being called by her full first name because she finds it embarrassing.)
Race:Human (Magus)
Age: 17
Height: 5'2"
Weight:Probably not a good idea to ask.   
Eyes: Black (can appear to be dark brown or dark blue depending on the lighting)
Hair: Red (as in red red rather than orange red)
Appearance: Quite attractive for her age, but tends to come off more as cute rather than beautiful. So much so that she tends to be mistaken for younger than she really is, which frustrates her. Her hair is usually worn as a pair of thick pigtails, each being tied off towards the very bottom. She has a somewhat athletic form, and can fight well enough hand to hand if forced into a corner.

She tends to wear practical clothing for the most part, but doesn't mind wearing skirts so long as they go above her knees so she can move around easily.

Alignment: Neutral Good (she tries desperately to be True Neutral to be more like other magi, but her conscience tends to win out 99% of the time)
Charisma: C-
Strength: B-
Agility: B-
Speed: B-
Magic Resistance: B+
Magic Ability: B+
Other Abilities: Currently she has no particularly special skills or unique magecraft, but this could change over time. She does show more than a fair bit of potential with her rune magic, however.
Likes: Magecraft, videogames (though she hides this, as she feels this is improper for a magus), genuine earned compliments, giving things her all, modest people, people who live up to their reputations, hard work, learning new things.
Dislikes: Braggarts, the upper class, people who give up easily, being called by her full first name, stupidity, pointless frivolity.
Weaknesses:All human weaknesses. Also her temper. And hubris.
Origin: A young magi with great potential with a ridiculous first name. Despite this potential, however, she is limited by the age of her family's crest, which spans only four generations. This, combined with her American origins, made it quite difficult for her to enter the Clock Tower. Because of this, she tends to resent those with older families, since she has to work more than twice as hard to even try and keep up despite her natural talent. Her family's specialty is rune magic, as taught to the first by an Irish master, but even with Cat's tireless training, research, effort, there are still gaps in knowledge, and thus plenty of room for her to improve.

She's quite persistent but also quite stubborn, and while generally polite if rather straightforward, she can be quick to anger. Despite the fact she's a magus, however, she's generally harmless when provoked, so people find her fun to tease. She's more pleasant and good natured than she seems, but tries to suppress this to try and become a more ideal magus. She's also a good person, but this too she tries to hide. She is, however, rather serious, and can come off as rather grouchy, especially around people that irritate her. She can have fun, but often has to be talked out of training to do so. The intensity in which she obsesses over magecraft should lessen with a bit of time and some encouragement, however.

Unlike her brother (who she disowns somewhat, but still cares about despite all her attempts to hide this fact), she's very much so concerned about proving herself worthy of the Magus Association, hence her constant training. The bitterness this has caused is one of the main reasons her good naturedness tends to be suppressed, alongside her deliberate attempts to accomplish this. In essence, her main problem is that she's often wound rather tight due to her constant need to prove herself, and thus needs to be unwound a bit first if she wishes to start improving herself.

Name: Tohsaka Rin
Race:Human (Magus)
Age: 18
Height: 5'3"
Eyes: Eggshell blue
Hair: Brownish Black
Appearance: Beautiful as living up to her reputation as school idol of a Japanese high school. Her proportions are well rounded in all respects. Her build is somewhat of an athletic one as well.

Her twintails and thigh highs are the stuff of renown and legend. Her usual red shirt, which bears a symbol representing a cross, and her usual black skirt make for an iconic outfit.
Kaleido Ruby... well, that one you may just have to look at the image. Tis a thing to behold. 
Alignment: Neutral Good (can be True Neutral at times, but this is somewhat rare)
Charisma: B+
Strength: B-
Agility: B-
Speed: B-
Magic Resistance: B+
Magic Ability: B+-A
Other Abilities:
Mystic Code: Kaleido Stick Ruby:
Transforms Rin into Kaleido Ruby, increasing her status and magical ability significantly and giving her immense power. Also puts her in a silly dress, but tis a small price to pay. Gains a variety of new attacks and virtually infinite prana while in use.

However, the stick is sentient, and has a mischievous and sometimes even sadistic and twisted personality. Think Kohaku from Tsukihime/Melty Blood. She is also quite in control of herself, and can be rather disobedient if she chooses, in some cases even abandoning the one who currently possesses her. She by herself is also knowledgeable in medicines and potions. Again, think of a certain maid. Should she abandon Rin and go to a new master, her new owner gains essentially the same skills as Rin herself would. 

Rin also knows some martial arts as taught to her by Kotomine Kirei.

Likes: Gems, money, tea, cats, teasing, Archer (though won't openly admit it), her father, her sister Sakura, magecraft
Dislikes: Electronics, unwelcome surprises, pompous blowhards, Luvia, being poor, Ruby trolling her.
Weaknesses: All human weaknesses. Electronics and other such modern technology. Despite her brilliance, she also has a tendency to get ahead of herself or overlook things, thus making mistakes.
Origin: Tohsaka Rin. School idol, potential magus extraordinaire, survivor of the 5th Holy Grail War. Things have turned out well since then, but she feels somewhat lonesome romantically, as she currently isn't dating anyone. But this is a minor thing for her, as she's quite content perfecting her magecraft. She does miss that idiot Servant of hers though. Not that she'd ever admit that directly. Still, she has little to complain about, being under the training of Zelretch and all. A bright future is more than adequate compensation for some minor unhappiness.

Seems like the Association trusts her enough to go on dangerous missions now as well. Something about an overeager young magus throwing herself through a portal to try and prove herself to the Association. Still, idiot move on the girl's part or not, it's the perfect chance for Rin to show the Association what she can really do...

Kaleido Ruby:


Name: Touzaki Shuya
Race: Mixedblood
Age: 23 years old
Height: 5'9
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Light brown/Red (during Inversion Impulse).

Appearance: Shuya is rather tall and slender man. His body is well trained and pretty muscular. He has a long face with angular traits. He wears a piercing ring on his lower lip, near the left extremity of his mouth. His most distinctive feature is obviously his amputed left arm, up to the scrapula joint, there is nothing left.
Shuya has a preference for casual wear simply because he considers clothes as disposable material. One could say, he lacks a sense of fashion.

Personality: Shuya is a selfish being. Not much count besides himself. He's a witty, charming and irrational person. His lack of empathy is something which seems to be natural and he entirely accept that fact, showing no remorse in that behavior. He enjoys fighting a lot, especially when the "prey" is of worth. He is not someone to trust and could betray someone on a whim.

Alignment: Lawful Evil
Charisma: A - His mixed blood seems to have a strange effects on others, granting him a strong magnetism which is hard to break. People see him as more than what he looks like. Some would say "cool" or "attractive" depending the situation.
Strength: C+ - As a member of the Oni descendants, his strength is above the norm.
Agility: B -
Speed: A+ - His inhuman speed is the result of long years of daily rigorous training.
Magic Resistance: C - His demonic blood allows him to have a natural resistance to magecraft. He is also resistant to mental interferences thanks to his stubborn nature.
Magic Ability: -

Other Abilities:
Burning Blood - By raising the heat and his blood pulse in the circulatory system, it's possible to increase reflexes and overall physical prowess.
Inverted Impulse - The power to increase one's demonic blood. By doing so, tremendous power is obtained in exchange of giving up on one's humanity.
Talented Swordsman - Being trained for years in the way of bushido, Shuya is an expert when it comes to cutting people. His own katana's blade was made from his very bones.
Enhanced sense of hearing

Origin: Shuya was born and raised in one of the branch family of the Tohno. A critical event happened in his past, but it's not something he would reveal to others. He became a hitman  not out of necessity but because he likes to kill. He always travel alone, rarely staying in one place more than few days after a contract before moving on. His steps will eventually lead him in a strange city...

Weakness: Above average magecraft and common weaponry can hurt him. While he has regenerative abilities, these are basics and couldn't keep up with a continuous amount of wounds. He is also unable to deal with wraiths and other spirits which scares him because he has no way to harm them.

Likes: He has a passion for history. He enjoys basket ball, open bath and watching the stars. Appreciates beauty, sincerity and conflicts. He likes strong-minded people and talented fighters. He enjoys drinking with good "opponents".

Dislikes: He hates being in debt. He dislikes wasting time and failures. He is often reluctant to help others but won't kill unnecessarily. He loathes those who help the weak.


Name: Luern Uuoruuocon(Shortened to Ruu)
 Servant Class, if Applicable:
 Race: Familiar
 Age: 2647 years old.
 Height: 3'57
 Eye: Silver
 Hair: Purple

 Appearance: Despite his long existence, Uuoruuocon has the appearance of a 7 or 8 years old child. Even though he is designated as a "he", he doesn't possess a gender. He usually wears larger-than-his-size hooded sweats while being fond of jeans pants.

Personality: Ruu is an innocent person mostly oblivious to what happens around him. He likes to observe others but he's often facing tough situations when he has to interact with others, his shortcomings in the social interaction being obvious. He's currently searching for a purpose worth dedicating his life to.

 Alignment: Neutral Good
 Strength: A+
 Toughness/Endurance: A - His body is able to survive damage from common weaponry or falling from a skyscraper.
 Agility: B - Ruu is able to jump higher than most organics. Given his body size, it's easy for him to dodge or avoid most dangers.
 Magic: - None. Ruu has knowledge of runes but he cannot uses any kind of magecraft.
 Intelligence: C - He possesses a vast knowledge but it usually takes time for him to remember something.
 Charisma: B - He could be described as a very cute kid.
 Weapon: His body is a weapon in itself. It would be clever to think of it as the equivalent of a human-life trained body while its weight is several times one of an build-up man. Since Ruu is able to jump huge gaps like the space between two buildings with ease, it is fair to consider him far above humans.
 Speed: C
 Other Special Abilities/Limit Breakers: Enhanced strength and resistance. Empathy's relay - Ruu is able to share sensations and emotions with organics around him. It doesn't work on living dead or mysteries.

 Weakness: Water - Hugely slows him down when immerged. His body while being more resilient than normal is still molded after humans. He also doesn't sports any kind of magic resistance. His limbs do not allow to reach far.

Origin/Background: Uuoruuocon was created by Luern, a druid of the Celtic people of Insubri several centuries ago. While the reason he was created is long lost even in Ruu's own memory, it was surely something involving protection or difficult tasks as his body is able of feats impossible for humans.

 It's a mystery how he came to live this long without a master. He developed a personality on his own over time. While being able to stock an incredible amount of information, he is unable to access it directly if it's something he rarely has to use.

Ruu doesn't discriminate and can deal with most beings of magical natures as long they don't attack him. He's also close to nature and as such will defend even a bunch of trees from being cut even it means fighting against dreadful opponents. Usually he's often seen day dreaming, as he likes to observe others to the point sometimes he forgets about the current situation.

 He can eat any kind of food as long as it contains nutrients but he has a soft spot for sweets and spicy things. While he can stay more than one month without water or meal his strength decreases over time as well.

 Even though he doesn't need a master anymore, he's willing to admit than having one is more convenient.

Name: Vanessa(Older sister) & Isabella(Younger sister) Rizzi.
Race: Humans(magi)
Age: 14
Height: 4'9
Eyes: Purple(Vanessa), Blue(Isabella)
Hair: Black

Appearance: Spoiler for Hiden:
Personality: Vanessa is easy-going, friendly, outspoken and at times, an air-head. Isabella is reserved, calm and logical. They still have in common their patience and passion for their studies. They have a strong sense of justice and will do their best to help others. While member of the Association on paper, they wouldn't hesitate to take position against other magi if need be.

Alignment: Neutral Good.
Charisma: C
Strength: E
Agility: D
Speed: D
Magic Resistance: C+
Magic Ability: A - Their particular thaumaturgy is called Light of Dark & Dark of Light and takes origin in the Gematria of the ancient tome of Kabbalah. It would normally be impossible for a human alone to use it because of the original complexity for being its own paradox. A group wouldn't either succeed either  because of the prana calculations which can only be led by one soul. However given the natural bond the sisters possess, it's the perfect match for them. The whole idea is to give birth to geometrical shapes by channeling through ether clump both light and dark element and then, balancing it in order to make it either static or dynamic energy. It results in varied ways to attack and defend. Vanessa uses Static Light while Isabella is adept of Dynamic Dark.

Other Abilities: Soul Synchrony - A sorcery traits inherited through the family Rizzi for generations. Grants them the ability to share all their sensations and allows great compatibility while casting spells. While the twins do not share "whole thoughts" together, it's possible to feel the strength of the mental connexion between the sisters. They are like relays exchanging data in a non-stop pattern. While it has great utility, it comes with its own downside. Vanessa and Isabella share absolutely everything such as pain, emotions, illness, exhaustion. Each time something happens to one, the other feels it like it does happen to her.

Origin: The twins were born in a weak yet old magus lineage, near Venice, Italy. They were sent early to the Clock Tower in order to get a proper and varied education. Over the years, they raised quickly among the students, reaching the rank of mastery recently. They were labeled with few surnames but they are usually known as White Monster and Black Beast although they prefer being called by their names. They are users of ether and demon elements. They have a solid knowledge of magecraft and usually travel in order to meet with fellow magi. One of their favorite lecturers was Forte. They can be considered something close to geniuses.

Weakness: Take one down, the other will follow. All human weaknesses.

Likes: Being called Nessa and Isa. Jazz and pop music. Coconut ice cream. Spicy food. Cross Dressing. Honesty.

Dislikes: Unnecessary violence. Lies and selfishness. Misuse of magecraft. Physical and verbal abuse. Robes. Old men.

Name: EMIYA Shirou, but you can call him Archer. (Archer Alter)
Race: Blackened Servant
Age: Physically, late twenties to early thirties.  Mentally, ancient due to the fact that the Throne has no concept of time and Counter Guardians can be deployed whenever Alaya wants them to be.
Height: 6'2
Weight: Between 180-190 (Fuck this 77kg bullshit).
Eyes: Dark grey, the color of gunmetal.
Hair: White.
Appearance: Tall, broad shouldered and built literally like a blacksmith, Archer is a rather large man.  Due to the effects of being Altered, his skin is no longer its tawny bronze, but almost white.  Delicate crimson lines mark up his neck, all over his back, up and down his arms, and on the left side of his face in an oddly beautiful pattern as a side effect of being corrupted.  His body bores multiple scars, including a nasty one over his heart from when Gae Bolg stabbed him as a teenager.

Instead of his eyes going the icy gold of Saber's, they darkened to a more gunmetal gray color that sometimes looks like its glowing, like quicksilver.

His burial cloth was actually destroyed in the process of being turned (it had to be, the cloth was protecting him from corruption), but he dawned a similar mantle and tail crafted from a heavy black cloth, with the tail being slightly longer than his original one.  The white parts of his Servant's garb have now turned a deep, blood red.  The steel rivets and plates had tarnished, all of this an effect of his blackening.

He's still handsome, but the side effects of his corruption have given Alter Archer an almost alien air.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, but basically what Archer wants, Archer gets.
Charisma: B- (Blackening gave him his sexy back.)
Strength: C
Agility: B
Speed: B
Magic Resistance: E (It went down after being corrupted.)
Magic Ability: B
Other Abilities: Eye of the Mind (True): Rank B. A danger-avoidance ability that utilizes the intelligence collected up to the current time as the basis to predict the opponent’s activity and change the current situation. Servants like Lancer and Saber cannot be matched in direct combat under normal circumstances. They are too fast and strong for him to last more than a few blows before falling to their strength, should he take them on without any strategy. He reads the oncoming attacks and counterattacks ahead of time, constantly thinking tens of steps ahead in order continuously prolong his survival by seconds in avoiding blows, parrying, and striking back without being overwhelmed.

It is "combat logic" that utilizes calm analysis to take information obtained from the current situation and enemy's abilities to make predictions, and makes use of his cultivated battle experience to plan his attack. In spite of danger, he takes consideration of all possible actions in a particular situation, and if there is even a one percent chance of a comeback, the ability improves the chances of success.

Unlike other's Servants' abilities like Saber's instinct, it is something that can be learned with tenacious training. 

Clairvoyance Rank C -  A visual ability also called “Eagle Eye” that affects the accuracy of bows, allows him to execute his “ultra long-range sniping” precisely even against targets moving at high speeds as long as they are within a four kilometer range. With accuracy transcending the realm of men, it is an ability often used for scouting that is able to fully survey the town simply upon looking down from a high location. Utilizing the "must-have ability" of the Archer class, such strikes greatly differ from his regular arrows, and they are a means to certainly kill the opponent. Differing from his former Japanese shooting method, nocking the arrow in the palm of the left hand, Archer utilizes the traditional European method of nocking the arrow over the back of the left hand. He is skilled enough to mark two enemies and fire a single arrow with the intention of striking both, surpassing the normal rules being unable to alter its course.

Independent Action A++- As a result of being corrupted, Archer doesn't need a Master to survive.  He also has a physical body due to this and cannot go into spiritual form.  However, since he is technically a Servant he cannot be killed by mundane means, unlike Lancer now can despite his power because he's human (demi-god) again.

However, Archer still needs regular prana transfusions so he can use his abilities, and he will survive for a time if his spiritual core is destroyed.  Because of this, if there is a truly talent magus around they could repair it so he doesn't fade away.

Kanshou and Bakuya   "Married" twin swords representing yin and yang encountered by Archer at some point during his lifetime and added to the numerous weapons recorded and stored in Unlimited Blade Works. They are his favored weapons to project, having become his symbols after wielding them all his life. He and Shirou Emiya find the craftsmanship of the blades, rather than what they represent, to be extremely captivating and beautiful, and the swords suit their natural style of fighting. Despite not having a wielder in the legends, they are still Noble Phantasms crafted by the blacksmith Gān Jiàng, Kanshou, of Wu during the Spring and Autumn Period of China. They were crafted more for the sake of crafting, as if questioning the meaning of the swordsmith, than for any real idea behind their creation. They were created without vanity, and lack a sense of purpose found in other swords. They contain no fighting spirit to defeat others or competitive spirit to beat other weapons, and they contain neither the desire to be famous nor the faith to accomplish great deeds.

They are rather low ranking compared to other Noble Phantasms, but the dual-wielding style, their experience, and their tracing time make them very reliable. The main ability of the swords is their strong bond with each other, which not only allows them to attract each other, but it is also said they will return their owner even if events cause them to be lost. If one is thrown while the other is held, the thrown sword will return to the wielder much like a boomerang. This works well with projection, allowing an already projected sword to identify a new projection as its partner sword. When both are wielded, magic resistance and physical resistance improve, and their rank as both weapons and Noble Phantasms increases. The original versions of the swords that reached the realm of the Gods due to human sacrifice, rather than the imperfect projected versions, also have a strong affinity against monsters, allowing them to easily cut down creatures like the Gorgon form of Medusa and the extra-dimensional evil god summoned by Caster in a single strike.

Unlimited Blade Works It is high-class thaumaturgy that embodies Archer's internal world and imprints it upon the world as a bounded field. It is hisone true specialization of magecraft, the result of "Sword" being both his Origin and  Elemental Affinity, and the basis of their projection and reinforcement skills. It is the definite answer obtained by someone whose life was saved by a sword, actually merged and lived with a sword, and acted as a sword all of his life. Emiya has no penalties from the world while utilizing his version of Unlimited Blade Works.

The Reality Marble's purpose is a steel manufacturing factory that produces the countless famous swords without owners that extend into the horizon. It contains all of the raw materials and sorcery needed for the formation of the weapons, and it records and analyzes all weapons and defensive armaments encountered. The number of unique weapons encountered and recorded by Archer exceeds numerous thousands, most of which are Noble Phantasms. Their entire histories, compositions, and designs are all perfectly recorded, allowing for instant proficiency with the weapons by inheriting all combat skills and techniques utilized by their original owners. This allows for the reproduction of Noble Phantasms, which would generally be impossible for a faker. They can also be modified to the user's taste with reinforcement as shown by Archer's Caladbolg II and Kanshou and Bakuya.

The construction of weapons is limited to materials found upon the planet in the present era, so weapons like Ea, which is constructed from substances not found in the world, cannot be analyzed. The analysis of weapons is limited only to the direct use of human senses, meaning that blueprints and materials will be unable to provide the necessary information for a proper analysis. Shared memories, such as dreams shared with a Servant, can allow for weapons to be analyzed and projected, even if they have been lost like Caliburn. The quality of projected weapons will always be degraded by one rank due to humans being unable to fully conceptualize the existence of an object through only one sense, and they will never equal the originals without a technique such as detonating them as Broken Phantasms.

Without being deployed, the Reality Marble allows for projection and reinforcement in the real world. Weapons are produced within Unlimited Blade Works and then brought into the world, greatly lowering the cost of reproducing them and allowing for numerous weapons to be prepared at once to be projected. Weapons can be summoned directly to the user's hands, or they can be summoned to levitate within the air and fire upon the enemy as arrows much like the Gate of Babylon. Once the Reality Marble is deployed, all of the weapons are available for use, and any weapon can immediately be called to the user's hands or levitated even while the user is in direct combat. The weapons reproduced once the Reality Marble is first activated will not consume prana, but those used or destroyed within it will add to the cost of maintaining the bounded field. The amount of energy used to reproduce weapons that did not exist after the bounded field was expanded and the amount of energy used to recreate weapons destroyed while it is activated is extremely costly

Archer has access to a large number of Noble Phantasms that he has encountered during his lifetime, which include Caladbolg II, Durandal, Hrunting, Kanshou and Bakuya, Rho Aias, and numerous weapons from the Gate of Babylon. Divine constructs, such as Ea and Excalibur, are unable to be replicated, though there may be degraded Noble Phantasms with similar abilities stored with the Reality Marble. Archer claims that it is possible to reproduce an imperfect version of Excalibur likely to drain him of all of his prana in a suicide attack.

Origin: Everyone knows the story about how Emiya Shirou wanted to become a hero and save everyone, his faustian pact and how that faustian pact screwed him over in the end.  Then he was summoned by Tohsaka Rin to fight in the Fifth Holy Grail War where he was going to pull a retroactive suicide.  That's the part of the story everyone is familiar with.

That's all the same, but here is where Archer Alter's story begins.

Instead of Saber getting taken and blackened at Zouken's request, Sakura decides to take her sister's Servant instead, leaving Rin unprotected and distressed.

Just one thing happened, it's hard to completely corrupt someone who has their own inner world, and Archer had already been made so bent by his twisted ideas that all of All the World's Evil did to him was make him self aware.  As if countering his previous self-sacrificing nature of protecting others, Archer became focused on finding what was important to him.  And he desired to stay in this world, because he didn't want to wipe out his existence after being corrupted.  He had been given a second chance to live, and he wasn't going to squander it on a stupid chance.

Knowing that the Grail was corrupt and Sakura was the Shadow due to his previous experiences in life, Archer began a magnificent gambit of Xanatos Speed Chess on the other participants of the Holy Grail War.  His goals were to make sure that Ilya and Rin survived, to insure his victory and continued existence, and everyone else could be damned.  Just things didn't turn out that way due to his former master, Tohsaka Rin.

There was still a connection between them, despite their pact being broken by Sakura, and in this twisted state, Archer began to obsess and then fall for Rin.  It didn't help that there was feedback from the worms inside of Sakura, revving up his desires that had been repressed for far too long. As Zouken and Kotomine fought for which one would get the Grail - Zouken in an attempt for eternal life and Kotomine just to see the world burn - Archer and Rin kept meeting over and over again, a sparring match of wits and desperation.

The War raged on, Saber defeating Gilgamesh but dying in the process, leaving Rider and Archer as the only two Servants standing as Avenger was beginning to form.  Saber dead, and Archer unable to project a Noble Phantasm strong enough to obliterate the Grail in one sweep, Rin took matters into her own hands. 

Archer doesn't like to talk about what happened to Rin in that war, but it was something obviously tragic.

In the end, after the dust had settled, Shirou, Sakura, Rider, and Archer where there, and the two people that Archer was striving to save were not.  Both Ilya and Rin had chosen their siblings over themselves, leaving Archer alone again.  Now in a physical body (Rider was still connected to Sakura to help drain her continuous prana) Archer began to wander trying to find meaning in his new existence.

Not having the scruples of his counter parts, Archer has no problem feeding prana off the dregs of society, targeting rapists and murders to fuel his need for Prana.  He also indulges in "Tantric Rites" from time to time with various women when there isn't a viable source to feed off of.  During his wanderings, he found himself in the United States (plenty of guilty for him to feed off of), he found himself in this strange city seeing things that should not be.
Personality: Archer is still sarcastic as his alternate self, but even more so.  He is brutally honest now, preferring not to hide things and enjoying others reactions to brutal truths.  He is blunt and purposely so.

Being Blackened has made him more selfish, and he can come off as an asshole.  There is still Emiya Shirou burred under there, and he won't turn away a person in need.  He's a bit more "playful" now as well, his normal sardonic teasing taken up a notch.  In fact, he seems to enjoy getting reactions from others, finding their responses fascinating.

He can also be distant at times as well.
Weakness: Rin. 
Likes: Rin. Ilya. Women with long hair and a good set of legs.  Mechanics. Cooking. Housework. Sex (side effect of being Sakura's was some of her enhanced libido rubbed off on him). Cleaning. Finds vampires fascinating still.  Teasing others.  Getting a rise out of others.  Finely crafted blades. 
Dislikes: He resents Sakura surviving and ending up with Emiya Shirou every time he thinks of what happened to Rin.  He doesn't harbor Sakura any ill will about it - it wasn't her fault - but he still resents her for it.  Still hates Emiya Shirou because he's an idiot. Poorly cooked food.  Haphazard repairs.  Messes and laziness.


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