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Cherry Lover:
Name: Emiya Sakura
Race: Human (Magus/Grail)
Age: 44
Height: 158 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Eyes: Purple
Hair: Purple
Appearance: Like her canon self, but older. However, due to use of life-extending magecraft and her natural healing factor, she actually looks like she is in her early 30s.

Still occasionally wears the red ribbon given her by Rin, but less so than she used to since it is now somewhat faded and tatty. However, she always keeps it in her possession as a reminder of her sister's love.

Alignment: Neutral Good

Charisma: A-
Strength: D
Agility: B
Speed: C
Endurance: C++++ (normal human endurance except that she can heal almost any wound).
Intelligence: A
Magic Resistance: A
Magic Ability: B++ (her training and natural abilities put her at B, but her very high prana regeneration means she can spam spells at a much faster rate).

Affinity: Imaginary numbers and water.

Magical attribute: Possesses the Matou family trait “binding”. Also has a small residual amount of her natural Tohsaka affinity, transfer of energy.

Magic crest: Possesses a pseudo magic crest that was burned into her body by Zouken, but it is of little use and much of it was lost when the worms were destroyed.


Cursed Boundary Layer: Using a combination of her elemental affinity, the Matou magecraft and her connection to Angra Mainyu, Sakura can generate a cursed shadow which expands around her, and empowers her other magical abilities., However, since this ability draws on her connection to Angra Mainyu, it is weakened somewhat now she is no longer Dark. Additionally, use of it can put mental strain on her, although she has learnt to mitigate this.

She has, however, learnt to use a weaker and non-cursed version of this skill without tapping into Angra Mainyu's power. Due to the reduced danger and other advantages, this is the version she will usually use, except in emergencies. Additionally, she has taught herself to harness and control her connection to Angra Mainyu, making the skill generally much safer to use even when she does need to draw on Angra Mainyu.

Shadow dimension: Sakura's Cursed Boundary Layer allows her to absorb people and items into a shadow dimension. Whilst inside, the person or item is completely subject to Sakura's whims. She can control the environment they are in, project an avatar of herself into their mind and convert anything inside into prana.

Due to the connection with Angra Mainyu, her shadow dimension will naturally corrupt anything placed into it. However, through much training, Sakura has learnt to prevent this happening, and now she can safely store any item inside the shadow dimension without it becoming corrupted, unless she desires for it to be of course. As a result, she does sometimes use it as a hiding place for her family, and as a method of transportation. However, she dislikes doing so due to her past as Dark Sakura, and the fact that she doesn't fully trust herself with that much power over people.

Shadow tentacles: Using her natural affinity, Sakura is able to produce rudimentary magical tentacles. Through years of training and refinement, these tentacles have got considerably more powerful, and she can now use them to bind enemies in place, even quite powerful ones. Additionally, her Matou magecraft allows her to use the tentacles to drain prana from anything they touch.

Sakura has additionally learned to produce shadow tentacles which remain active even when not in contact with her. These draw prana from the surroundings or from the person they are in contact with, and can effectively be used as magical ropes to bind captives.

Shadow familiars: Using her shadow magic, Sakura can create semi-autonomous shadow familiars. These familiars will follow her basic intentions, but are capable of acting on their own to achieve those intentions, and have a rudimentary level of independent thought in this respect. To create them requires an initial prana input, followed by a small constant prana input to maintain them.

The shadows are of variable size, from very small shadows used for spying to massive shadow giants. Their size depends on how much prana Sakura puts into them, and they can grow or shrink depending on this. However, producing a shadow giant of the size of the ones seen in HF requires her entire prana supply, and thus she doesn't tend to do so very often.

These shadows are also all connected to her main shadow dimension, and can absorb things into it, although less effectively than she can do so with other magic. As well as using them for this purpose, she can use them and her cursed boundary layer like walls, to attempt to direct an opponent in a favourable direction or to entrap them.

Shadow transportation: Using her shadow dimension, Sakura is able to travel to any location with a shadow familiar. She is also able to use this ability to transport other people or items to her location or from her location to any other familiar.

Shadow Archery: Sakura can fire shadow arrows at enemies using a bow she also creates from her shadow. These arrows are highly corrosive to anything they hit, especially magical entities.

Other Abilities: Can regenerate from almost any wound due to her high prana supply and the effect of her connection with Angra Mainyu.

Background: Born Tohsaka Sakura, Sakura was adopted into the Matou family at age 4. She was in the care of the family head, Zouken, who tortured her mentally and physically on a daily basis in an attempt to turn her into a second Grail. Finally, after eleven years of torment, she was freed from his control by her sister, Rin, her servant, Rider and the guy she loved, Shirou, but not before the shadow that leaked out from her due to her imperfect nature as a Grail had killed hundreds of people.

After the Grail War, Shirou spent over a year with his soul trapped in the container Ilya placed him in, weak and unable to do much. During this time, Sakura spent every spare moment watching over him and tending to him, or working with her sister to try to find a way to bring him back, never allowing herself to despair so she would be ready for him when he returned. Finally, Rin managed to locate a puppet body to use, and Sakura sold the Matou magic books to the Association in order to pay for it, returning Shirou to his old self, and to her side.

Since then, she has been living as normal a life as possible, trying to overcome her past as best as she can, whilst trying to atone for all the people who died in order that she could survive. Married Shirou shortly after her 18th birthday, and they had their first child, Aoi, not long afterwards. They now have a total of four children. The first two are adults and have now moved out, and the third was recently adopted by Sakura's sister, Rin (on her own request), although Sakura still acknowledges her as her daughter and sees her regularly. The youngest child, Kiyoshi, is still living with them, and Sakura dotes on him.

Due to Sakura's condition, she and Shirou are required to have regular sex for her to get rid of excess prana. For a while, this had become something of a chore, but, with the help of some suggestions and advice from Rider, they added some variety and kinkiness to their sexual activities, and this returned the spark to their sex life. Even now, after over 25 years of marriage, they are still enjoying theirselves and, further, are in love as much as they ever were.

As the heir to the Matou family, Sakura is rather wealthy, owning a large number of properties she inherited from Zouken on his death. As a result, she has no need to work for a living, and instead does a mixture of caring for her children, voluntary work for various charities and practicing magecraft.

Due to use of magic, she is able to age more slowly and, thus, despite being in her mid-forties, looks only around 30. By transferring prana to Shirou, she's able to allow him to age at a similar rate.

Personality: Sakura is a kind, loving, gentle and caring person, who usually gives off the impression that she wouldn't hurt a fly. However, underneath her gentle exterior is a core of pure steel, and a surprisingly aggressive nature. Whilst she would never cause genuine harm to anyone without good reason, she can be very assertive if she needs to be, and if you get on her wrong side you will regret it, just like with her sister Rin.

As a result of her past, she has a strong dislike of seeing people suffer, especially children. Anyone harming a child will feel her wrath. She is also extremely protective of her own family, especially her younger children. Due to her past, she wants to give them the happiest childhood possible, and therefore she finds it very difficult to discipline them in any way, or to deny them anything. Further, anyone who even threatens to harm them will find theirselves on the receiving end of her wrath. In situations like that, Shirou often has to calm her down to prevent her doing something she might regret.

Whilst Sakura is wealthy, she dislikes spending her inheritance on herself, feeling she doesn't deserve it, and thus rarely spends more on herself than she has to in order to live (since she’s aware that she can do more good doing charity work than working for a living). This frugality does not, however, extend to her children, whom she tends to spend money on like it was water, even when they don't ask for it. Similarly, she is inclined towards spoiling Shirou, although he does tend to insist on equal treatment for the two of them.

Even beyond her own family Sakura is still generous,, especially towards anyone she sees herself as owning anything to (which includes most of Fuyuki). She is also still prone to blaming herself for things she is not responsible for, particularly with regard to the Grail War, although she has improved massively relative to how she once was. An aspect of this is her desire to atone for everything she did and this, coupled with her generous nature, results in her performing a large amount of charity work and providing considerable amounts of funding for charitable causes, especially those related to children.

She works at an orphanage which she also provides much of the funding for, and is also the patron of several children's charities, especially ones related to helping abused children. Shirou has persuaded her to pay herself a salary for the work she does at the orphanage (which comes out of her own funding), and to use that for spending on luxuries without feeling like she hasn't earnt the right to do so. She also assists Rin in carrying out her duties as the Second Owner of Fuyuki, as well as deputising for her when she's away, in London or elsewhere.

Due to her nature as a magus, she has to keep her distance somewhat from the orphans in the orphanage she works at and funds, to ensure they are not drawn into the magical world, and as a result cannot foster them as she would like. Even so, she does care deeply for them, and does sometimes invite them over to her house to meet her family and eat a delicious home-cooked meal. She also does cook for them at the orphanage (although less often than she would like, due to her own family commitments), bringing Kiyoshi over to meet the orphans. She sees them as almost part of her family, and is known to be rather generous towards them, both whilst at the orphanage and afterwards.

She's also generally very tolerant, particularly of abnormal beings who are usually feared (e.g. Dead Apostles), due to the fact that she herself is abnormal, as is her servant. Gets very upset if people judge them by what they are rather than how they act.

Sakura is a very loving mother, but is also extremely overprotective of her children, and does not like them being out of her sight for too long. She also finds it extremely difficult to discipline or punish them, due to the nature of her own upbringing, although she does have the ability to scare them straight with a smile, like her big sister does. Further, due to the controlled nature of her own childhood, she tends to prefer to leave her children to live their own life as far as possible, and dislikes telling them what to do. She also wants them to be happy, and as a result has a tendency to spoil them. This is worsened by the fact that Sakura is very wealthy due to Zouken's investments and ownership of land. Whilst she does not like to spend much on herself, she is far happier to spend money on her children, paying for them to fly first-class and the like even when she dislikes doing so for herself. She is especially protective of Kiyoshi, her baby, and anyone who even thinks of hurting him is in serious trouble.

As a result of her inability to discipline them and tendancy to spoil them, the children are often rude and disrespectful towards her, although rarely in a nasty or hurtful way. She doesn't really mind this, though, because they do love her dearly, and she is always the first person they will come to when they need emotional or practical support. Additionally, the children trust her absolutely, and will happily confide in her (particularly her eldest children), treating her like a close friend as well as a beloved mother. They also tend to get into trouble quite a lot due to her unwillingness to discipline or control them, although Shirou does temper this somewhat.

However, whilst she is generally very soft towards her children, she is capable of being extremely scary if she needs to be, just like her big sister. This tends to come out more when dealing with Shirou, Rider and Rin, but if necessary she will use her power to exert pressure with a smile on her children too. She mainly does this when it is really in their best interests for them to do something.

Weakness: Very attached to her family and friends, and still a little emotionally unstable. Harming (or even threatening) any of them will anger and upset her, although this might not be a good idea....
Likes: Cooking, Shirou, her children, Rin, Rider, looking after children, pretty flowers, gardening, Kyuudo.
Dislikes: Seeing children hurt/suffering (especially her own).

Name: Angra Manyu, avenger, all the world's evil.
race: concept/servant
age: as old as the human race
appearance: being as Angra lacks a true body it's appearance varies as it wishes, it can look anyway it chooses so long as it is within human shape. Typically however it takes the shape of a man or woman with sun darkened skin and large black tattoos barely shrouded in a red cloth.
all of Angra's stats are at E- rank due to it being a human imitation and not a truly manifested spirit.

Angra is unkillable in the traditional sense as it will simply reform itself so long as the human race exists.

Angra can control lesser curses than itself and can absorb them, in addition angra can create wolves from accumulated curse and use them to attack others.

Willy Vereb:
Name: Emiya Shirou
Allias: Masked Rider, The Hero Without A Name (Nameless)
Race: Human/Demon
Age: 23
Height: 6'0" (180 cm)
Weight: 176 lbs (80 kg)
Eyes: Golden
Hair: Rusty red
Being an alternate reality version of Emiya Shirou, he shares many features with the original. There are a few differences to note, though:
1.) This version of Shirou is aged 23. He grew taller, approaching the height of EMIYA, while thanks to the constant exercise and training he developed more muscle definition.
2.) Due to the assimilation with his own Reality Marble, Shirou gained a somewhat unearthly aura and features. His hair became a deeper and dirtier shade of orange-red, making it seem he's using a dye. And his eyes turned bright gold not unlike that of Arcueid's.
3.) To hide the above changes and blend in more effectively with the crowd, Shirou wears special glasses to suppress his true nature. It also has side effect of casting an illusion on people, making them unable to describe his appearance in anything but rather broad strokes (ie: "he's tall and red").

Unfortunately, Shirou's own fashion sense didn't change over the years. The blue-white raglan sleeve shirts are still amongst his favorite. Albeit he now has a much larger selection of clothes to wear. Partially thanks to the suggestions of his previous girlfriend.
Spoiler for "regular" attire: This version of Emiya Shirou also has the secret identity as the superhero "Masked Rider" (Kamen Rider) or the "Nameless Hero". In this form Shirou is suited up in a special armor designed in the image of the popular Japanese Super Sentai hero.
Spoiler for Masked Rider: Alignment: Neutral Good
Strength: C (C+ as the Masked Rider)
Agility: B++
Speed: C++
Magic Resistance: B
Magic: B+
Charisma: D+ (B as the Masked Rider)
This is Emiya Shirou from a radically different universe who managed to become a true hero of justice.
Details of his background and differences compared to the original Nasuverse are unclear.
What little is known that this version of Emiya Shirou is implanted with Sampo, the lost relic of the smith-god Ilmarinen. It's a large coin that now replaces Shirou's heart.
His skill in magic suggests a proper magus training unlike his Nasuverse self.
Observation of his spells also point towards a system different from that of modern magecraft, closer to the magic from thousand years ago mixed with the advances of unusual technology.
Lastly, this version of Emiya Shirou seems to had a history as a costumed vigilante. He took up the identity of the "Masked Rider" to personally make justice long before departing from his homeworld.
The "Masked Rider" continued his activities even after coming to Nexus City, becoming mildly popular in the media.
Meanwhile Emiya Shirou had settled down as a car mechanic and earns a small but honest income. He owns a small apartment with garage and a tiny workshop. His hobby and side-job is to customize motors.

Being Emiya Shirou from an alternate reality he shares many similarities with the original from the Nasuverse. Key differences originate from his age and identity as a superhero.
His success at becoming a hero of justice fills him with a lot of strength and confidence. This version of Shirou has a honest, straightforward and almost domineering personality.
He's selfless to a fault but it doesn't mean he'd allow himself to be used. If possible he prefers to lead instead of following people. He isn't afraid to stand up for his ideals and ready to take on any challenge. His experiences made him a more serious and overall "adult" person. His overall tolerance also improved by several notches. He does voice his displeasure with certain people but never try to push the matter any further when he sees it as futile.
Shirou is a man who lives for his ideal. But this ideal isn't about sacrifice with no gain. This version of Shirou honestly believes he can change the world for the better. And that means more than just a few fancy words on his part. He's working constantly toward his dream.

Unfortunately Shirou cannot express most of this in public. He has a secret superhero identity to protect. As such Shirou tries to avoid attention as much as he could. His core personality is the same but Shirou must exercise self-control during the work days. This can generate a lot of stress which he usually works off by patrolling Nexus City as the enigmatic Masked Rider. His superhero alias is the only way he can express his true self and generally fills him with a sense of accomplishment.


Magic Prowess: This version of Shirou originates from a magic-rich world, similar to the one 1000 years ago. This implies that in his world magic didn't decay and instead mages kept improving their techniques. As such, this version of Shirou has no magic circuits whatsoever. He relies on an entirely different, more efficient system. This additional power coupled with the more refined spells allow the otherwise talentless Shirou to perform a variety of magic, even if only the most basic ones. Furthermore, his power and familiarity with spell gave Shirou magic resistance comparable to the Servants from the Knightly Classes. His eyes also bear the Noble Color of Gold, albeit  Shirou has yet to develop a proper Mystic Eye.

Innate Time Control: The limited ability to manipulate the flow of time. While he possessed minor affinity with this type of magic (it aided him to develop his Reality Marble), Shirou generally refers to this as a power of someone else (whom he calls "father", even though they aren't related by blood). The details how he acquired this power are unknown but it became one of his core abilities. The possibilities of Innate Time Control are immense but Shirou currently can only gasp the basics.

* Inner Time Control: Specialized skill when the user expands a time control boundary over his own brain or, to be precise, his consciousness. The result is that Shirou can accelerate his thoughts many-fold, making everything appear to be in slow motion. Aside from the obvious increase in reactions, this skill allows him to observe and plan in exquisite detail. Under the effects of Inner Time Control, Shirou can perceive a mere second as 10, 20 or sometimes even more than a hundred seconds. As the result Shirou can keep thinking rationally and analyze his opponent even in the most intense battle. This directly led to the development of something like Archer's Eye of the Mind. Lastly, this unique skill effectively detaches Shirou's mind from the normal flow of space-time. Giving telepaths severe difficulties to reach his conscious.
* Acceleris: Special technique which works by expanding the time control boundary over Shirou's entire body, increasing his speed many-fold. Unfortunately Shirou can only use this technique for an instant. Otherwise he risks bodily injury. Furthermore there's a certain cooldown period between two uses, preventing to cast Acceleis repeatedly. This "cooldown time" is proportional to the activation length of the Acceleis. As such it's possible to perform small movements (ie: stance corrections, evasions) with Acceleris after only a tiny delay.
* Stagnate: The opposite of Acceleris, allowing Shirou to slow down his own physiology in the process. Unlike Acceleris, this power can be maintained for hours. On the other hand the benefits of Stagnate are far less direct, limiting its usefulness to only certain situations.
The Unlimited Forge (UF): Reality Marble unique to this version of Emiya Shirou. Sambo is the divine mill said to create food and gold out of nothing, belonged to the "air-smith god" Ilmarinen. Sambo's power directly effected Shirou's soul, changing his origin in the process. While the end result is similar, UBW and the Unlimited Forge have several fundamental differences. For starters, Unlimited Forge does not replicate the weapon but creates an object with shape and properties identical to the original. In this regard UF's products are more fake than the "fake" creations of UBW. For example UF cannot copy Excalibur but can use its own resources to create a sacred blade with ability similar to King Arthur's legendary sword. Obviously this also means that UF is unable to replicate the "memories" of the weapon. Instead of "stealing" the heroics of these swords and their wielders, UF specializes at learning the secrets of the sword's creator thus adding their techniques to Shirou's growing repertoire. Indeed, UF isn't about copying the enemy's sword but creating a whole new weapon by borrowing the properties of many others. By subconsciously merging the knowledge of all the great craftsmen Shirou has the potential to make the ultimate weapon. Furthermore, this version of Shirou does not acknowledge himself as a mere weapon but a hero. As such his repertoire isn't limited to a mere sword. With the Unlimited Forge Shirou is allowed to create any tool that can be used for justice. This is also his ultimate drawback as Shirou is unable to create anything for his own gain alone. Even if he technically has the power to "forge" money and turn himself rich, he can't. Neither he can create things for his own comfort. Only for the service of others. This is a limitation bound to his soul and free of the influence of anyone else.

* Imagining: Unlimited Forge is potent ability but has an important flaw. The whole manufacturing process is too slow to be feasible in the midst of combat (on the other hand UF's creations can be easily turned permanent and "real"). In response Shirou developed the abbreviated process called as "imagining". By condensing the air and covering it in his own prana Shirou can create weapons shaped of energy, with color reminiscent of the yellow-orange glow of molten steel. While shaped of energy these weapons retain the properties of the weapon they're trying to imitate, albeit only to 10%. This makes them cheap but also comparably weak, often forcing Shirou to use them en-masse.
* Trans-Dimensional Gallery: When mere 10% isn't enough, Shirou has to look for other alternatives. That is to use weapons carefully made by the Unlimited Forge. He can accomplish this by storing his favorites in a customized pocket dimension, ready to be conjured up any time. This includes other necessary objects and even Shirou's armor as the Masked Hero, taking up the latter via a bright transformation sequence. Unfortunately, the Trans-Dimensional Gallery has a limited space, only allowing Shirou to pack a few or maybe several weapons for each mission.
* Morph Cards: Special tools that can be inputted in the Masked Rider's belt. Allows Shirou to make minor adjustment on his equipment in the middle of battle. For example with the "Fire Card" Shirou can make his sword ablaze. Or alternatively use the same card to turn his armor fire-proof. Morph Cards increase Shirou's versatility in combat.
Physical Prowess: This version of Emiya Shirou is an experienced and versatile fighter. He went on a journey to learn many schools of both armed and unarmed combat while also facing more than a hundred fights. Over the course of the years Shirou steeled his body while also managing to merge with his own Reality Marble. As a result Shirou became an entity resembling demons or nature spirits, a borderline phantasmal being gradually nearing the power of Heroic Spirits. And indeed, with the combination of enchantments and his unique nature Shirou's strength and speed is now almost at an even level with an average Servant. His armor also offers protection against a Servant's blows to a limited extend. To top it, Shirou has magic resistance comparable to one of the Knightly Classes of Servants (B Rank). This can make him a fearsome opponent in battle.

* Martial Arts: Through his journey Shirou learned from over a dozen schools of martial arts. While he didn't master either of these forms his Eye of the Mind allowed him to know much more than just the essentials. He combined them (as side effect of his UF) and created his own fighting style, atrociously dubbed "Hero of Justice Form" and became his primary way of fighting. He has two distinctive styles called "Vanguard" and "Punisher" stances. The former focuses on defense/counters and grappling/subjugation techniques while the latter is more proactive and focuses on rapidly knocking out the opponent(s). Whichever stance though, Shirou made the strict rule to never kill with his fists.
* Weapons: Realizing the terrible potential of his abilities Shirou decided to seal his Reality Marble along with the use of his weapons. Still, there are situations where Shirou's fists alone aren't enough. Such times he releases the mental lock on his powers to unleash his full range of abilities. He calls this particular form as "Ruthless Justice". True to its name, Shirou's fighting style sees a complete change. From preserving life and protecting people Shirou's focus shifts to his own survival and to ensure the enemy's defeat. More often than not "Ruthless Justice" also involves Shirou resolving himself to kill the enemy. Albeit that's not obligatorily the case.
* Feels compelled to help innocent people in need
* Will never kill unless the enemy makes him draw his weapons
* Unlimited Forge can only be used for good and justiceLikes: Peace, Happiness of Others, Powerful and Noble Souls, Hard Working, Machines, Motor Riding, Japanese Dishes
Dislikes: Injustice, People Who Misuse Their Powers, Seeing Other People's Suffering, People Who Aren't True To Themselves, Vampiric Cats/Catgirls (it's a long story...)

Howdy I was talking with Mike and he suggested that I go ahead and post my hypothical character for this particular RP, what do you guys think?

Name: Downy Reed
Race: Human, Dark Knight, Necromancer
Age: Mid 30’s
Height: 5’10
Weight: 200 lbs
Eyes: Red
Hair: Red
Alignment: Lawful Evil, He believes in the code the strong rule over the weak.
Charisma: B+, high enough to command an army of at least 100,000, supreme commander of the Ruinous Legion.
Strength: C
Agility: A
Speed: B+
Magic Resistance: C+ Not technically Magic Resistance but he can pump so much magic into himself that he cancels most spells with ease.
Magic Ability: 42nd generation of the Reed line, his mastery over Necromancy is second to none, his specialty involves literally stealing the abilities of other beings via absorbing them through his hand, as well as that he can perform a wide variety of magical attacks such as a gravity crushing spell, and a variety of other attack magic, finally he has the power to use dimensional warps in the land to essentially teleport around whether to retreat or use it as a form of a surprise attack.
Other Abilities: Though most would think he’s nothing but a frail magician they would be sorely mistaken as he is also a master fencer using the Aether Relic Dispaia, (Aether Relics are essentially Noble Phantasms just for Messiah Candidates instead of Servants.)
If taken fatal damage Downy has the potential to revive himself from said fatal damage up to 3 times each one more difficult than the last, also if given enough time (A couple months.) He can restore the amount of times he can use this skill. 
His final trump card is called the Inaxatio Materio, a powerful forbidden spell that seals him and anyone as well as anything in a 1 kilometer radius into a dimension between dimensions for the next 1000 years, the only two ways to get past this spell is to either stop him from using it or to have dimensional travelling capabilities of your own.
Finally losing limbs and other body parts is no problem for a necromancer such as himself as he can literally just take the limbs and other parts off of dead people and attack them to himself treating them as his perfect body parts.
Origin: Downy was born on the planet Avatar the root world of the Universe, born into extreme poverty with his sister they were nothing but playthings to the local lord of the land who would send said siblings to fight each other to the death treating them as nothing but tools for his own entertainment.  This eventually led to his sister’s death leading Downy to escaping from the Noble and discovering his ancient thousand year old lineage, however when he returned to take his vengeance he found that the Noble had already died a peaceful death surrounded by loved ones, this drove Downy insane leading him to believe that if he could not find happiness in this world then it was better off disappearing altogether, after discovering the ancient flying battleship known as the Gargantuan and obtaining his own Aether Relic Downy stole the ability to travel dimensions from the spirit of the white book Imnity.
Weakness: Downy has a great tendency to underestimate his opponent, though if you’re found to be taken seriously fighting against Downy will prove to be a lot more troublesome as he will use any means necessary to destroy you. Though he is quite the talker he never has any real people as allies using them until their tasks are complete then either throwing them away or absorbing their abilities to his own depending on his mood at the time, the only exception to this are people who have had a similar past as his such as Taiga Touma.
Likes: People with a similar background as his as well as people who have proven to be as equally strong as he is. If you can fight him on equal ground you can easily earn his respect.
Dislikes: People who try to stand against him as well as people who act with their emotions first, Downy has bound to his soul saying that it’s the law of the land that the strong naturally rule over the weak, any other path would lead to nothing but destruction.
Goals: His goals are quite simple, they are to create an opening for his ruinous taint to consume the world eventually destroying it and moving onto the next one, anything that gets in his way would simply need to be removed.

Name: Sakura  Tohsaka
Race: Human
Hair:black (red when her magic circuit pushes to its limit)
Appearance: Sakura  looks like an Amazonian version of mother with a much more endowed figure. She often wears red and black as she doesn't have a head for fashion.
Alignment: chaotic good
Magic Resistance:B
Magic Ability:A
Other Abilities: Martial arts mastery, computer systems expertise, operatic musical skill, arcane knowledge and incredible tactical skill.
Origin:the daughter of Tohsaka Rin and her servant Archer, she carries seven weapons  at all times. Three swords made by her younger brother Satoshi, the jeweled sword her Tonfa blasters which convert into a bow and her own fists using a modified form of the Tohsaka martial arts and jewel craft.
Weakness: garlic cheese bread
Likes: Cooking, Sleeping,  her dad
Dislikes:arrogance, ignorance  and jokes about her body


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