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Arch-Magos Winter:
Name: Lawrence Frisvold
Race: Human/Sin-Eater
Age: 22
Height: 5'10
Weight: 160 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Appearance: A Caucasian male with a rather scruffy look and seemingly permanent short beard, Lawrence seems to be perpetually slouching, like there's a massive weight upon his shoulders. Fond of old surplus military items, he's rarely found without a jacket without a unit insignia sown on.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Strength: D
Charisma: D (There's something... off, about him. You just can't put a finger on it)
Agility: C (For a human, his reflexes are top notch)
Speed: D
Magic Resistance: B
Magic Ability: N/A; Though Special might be the better definition considering the source of the abilities he does possess

Other Abilities: Lawrence, like all Sin-Eaters is bound to a Geist; a sort of weird mix between a spirit, a ghost, and a revenant that embodies the very essence of how it died - and often this matches up quite nicely to how its Sin-Eater died, their Threshold. Lawrence himself belongs to the Torn, a sort of catch all term for the Threshold of those who died violently or in gruesome matters. This ghostly pact is the only reason the Sin-Eater is alive, a sort of timeshare/cohabitation plan that allows the Sin-Eater to live, and the Geist to once again touch the world of the living. Many Sin-Eaters use their new life to help the restless dead move on through various means, and this pact also grants abilities to the Sin-Eater of a ghostly nature. Sin-Eaters can also use the energy of their Geist to regenerate from otherwise fatal wounds, even on the edge of death itself. An other wise 'dead' Sin-Eater can sacrifice part of his own control to the Geist in return for resurrection as well, but this permanently scars the soul - regenerating most of your body or shoving your soul back into a corpse isn't exactly the healthiest thing to do repeatedly. Lawrence is still new to the whole 'Sin-Eater' thing, only possessing a knack for two 'Keys' of ghostly power, the Stigmata and Industrial.

The Industrial Boneyard - Upon entering an area, industrial machinery and mechanical devices seem to be far more responsive to his touch; able to spark to life with little difficulty. One of the primary powers of a Sin Eater, the Boneyard allows an area to come under their influence and observation - a bounded field specifically linked to their Threshold and Geist. Though it puts the user in a seemingly trance like state, the Boneyard can be fatal to underestimate - a lock can refuse to open, televisions spark to life and radios broadcast unearthy echoes and the sounds of the damned, machinery of all types suddenly whir to life and move on their own. Tools and manmade items fly through the air, telekinetically obeying the Sin-Eaters will.

The Rage of the Machines - Lawrence can make machines fail to work in catastrophic ways and electrical machinery simply refuse to start or sputter and die. This same ability makes his weapons even deadlier, the rage of the items themselves fueling and guiding his own hands as the Geist howls into his ears.

The Curse of the Stigmata - Possibly the worst power to be on the receiving end of within a Sin-Eaters arsenal; the Curse of the Stigmata is horrifying to experience - not that many live long after falling under it. Wounds refuse to heal and bleed profusely as old scars spill fresh blood, the souls of the dead torment their mind, drawn to the recipient like flies to a corpse, their eyes are filled with cataracts and the victims own body begins to eat him alive. Many commit suicide soon after falling under the curse, the effects simply too much to take. Lawrence himself rarely uses it - no one deserves to die in such a way.

The Bloody Caul - Many cultures believe blood is the source of the soul - for Lawrence, it's somewhat true. Binding himself within his Geist's power, he loses the need to breath, eat, sleep, his body functions crawl to a halt as blood simply refuses to move through his veins - yet he somehow still lives, still moves, still acts. For that matter, he's able to manipulate spilled blood in a short radius around him; forming ghostly specters of crimson to blind his enemies or manipulate objects.

Lawrence himself is a rather talented driver, a skilled marksman and a mechanic that's very very good at what he does. For that matter, he can also see spirits and ghosts, even in non-manifested and spiritual forms due to his bond with the Redheaded Driver, his Geist.

Weakness: Losing his Geist, lack of industrial machinery or mechanical devices around, spirit destroying weaponry
Likes: His old muscle car, old weapons and machinery, ghosts, 60's music, Hard Rock
Dislikes: Gang members, those who torment spirits, Sin-Eaters who exploit ghosts for personal gain

Backstory: Every Sin-Eater is born in death. Some obsess over it, some wish to truly die again, some simply see it as something that happened to them. But what really matters is how they died. Lawrence was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, having just purchased an old and rather battered '71 Firebird that he planned to restore as a project. Instead, he was killed during a case of mistaken identity, his car and body torn apart with bullets by a group of gang members looking for revenge against a member of a rival.

Lawrence bled to death in the front seat. So had the Redheaded Driver, a Geist in the form of a young man fresh from the horrors of Vietnam, wide eyed and riddled with bullet holes, who had been murdered himself in the same car by a jealous ex-boyfriend of his Fiancee. His spirit, consumed with fury and pain, had attached itself to the car, remaining within. Most of the owners had sold the car after a while, naturally feeling ill at ease in the presence of such an angry ghost. The Redheaded Driver wanted payback. It wanted Justice. It wanted to kill those who killed in anger. It wanted to feel the world again. So it offered Lawrence a deal, one he grasped onto immediately, coming back to life in the back of an ambulance covered in a sheet. The doctors said he made a miraculous recovery from the attack. Lawrence knows better.

Lawrence is now on the hunt, armed with the old .45 Automatic the Redheaded Driver had in paranoia stashed within a seat cushion fourty years earlier, not that it had done him any good. The killers are still alive, but he won't let them stay that way forever. The ghosts of the dead howl for vengeance and justice, and that's exactly what they need to move on. The Redheaded Driver doesn't want anything less than that.

He's currently in the city tracking down one of the gang members who had shot him and left him for dead.

The Man With All The Cute Boats:

Race: Human?

Age: Cop-years old

Height: Six feet or so

Weight: About as much as a skeleton and a cop outfit. And a gun. That, or he weighs as much as a car.

Eyes: Not present

Hair: A beautiful and glorious mane of animated fire

Appearance: He’s presumably fully a skeleton, wearing a cop outfit that really shows of his pecs very well. He has a fire-proof cop cap too, and is constantly holding a gun no matter what, unless he’s a car. As a car, he’s a really sweet racecar with his skeletal head at the front of it.

His head is also always on fire.

When he is glitter Inferno Cop, he shines with a golden sheen.

Alignment: Lawful Good, and then some other things, then Lawful Good again

Charisma: B (he inspires an entire town to cheer for him as he fights his final battle)

Strength: E (B as GIC)

Agility: E(B as GIC)

Speed:A+++ (as a racecar, E otherwise unless GIC, where it goes up to B)

Magic Resistance: C

Magic Ability: No magic

Other Abilities:Is bullet-reflective

Can turn into a racecar, which is also a time machine, but he’s had an operation since.

Can land from falls dozens of stories high as if he just walked down a stair.

Can fly as Glitter Inferno Cop

Is a Real God

Devil’s Satan Hellhound Grenda’s Kind Hand, Abbreviated to Devil’s Satan Hand, allows him to defeat any enemy at the cost of his life. Or it makes him a 20foot tall invisible giant who watches over us, who knows.

Origin: Inferno Cop is a cop who’s come back from hell to defeat the southern cross, the organization that killed his family. One of the first things he did was run through a cop and his car as the cop thought of illegally watching anime, which he did to go shoot up some people and save a pregnant lady. The pregnant lady’s water breaks, and there is a massive flood in the immediate area. Inferno cop saves her baby, and laments that one of the men who were assaulting her gave him a cross scar on his forehead, making him into one of the Southern Cross.

But then, the baby reveals itself as an agent of the southern cross, and turns into a scaly giant with a crab’s hand! He shoots it, and as it turns out it’s invulnerable to bullets. The bullet ricochets back at him, but Inferno cop is invulnerable to bullets as well! The bully ricochets to the baby monster, making him explode.

To speed the story up, he’s is brought to Trial, loses, gets sent to prison, gets into an accident on the way to prison, gets rescued by an evil organization that wants IC to kill himself due to medical bill debts, jumps into the streets in the middle of a future zombie apocalypse, in November 17th of 2087. He meets Mecha cop, who was born to destroy him, but his survival rate was of 120%. He rams Mecha cop in his time machine/car form, and warps back in time, to the cretaceous period. He meets dinosaurs and this savage tribe that treats him and Mecha cop as gods, until the real god shows up and slaps them into hell. They meet Inferno cop’s something or other, Grenda, and help her find Inferno Cop’s uncle. She shows them the way out, but Mecha cop stays. Inferno cop runs over some kid as his first deed in the world of the living, and that kid becomes HELLFIRE BOY, his sidekick. They sign up for a race together, so they can conquer the world with the prize money.

The race doesn't go too well and IC is lagging in second place, until he uses HELLFIRE BOY’s life as a fuel source to go faster. He goes past the speed barrier, but still ends in second place. He gets the prize money anyway, and gets an operation to make him not a car/time machine once more. He goes to bury HELLFIRE BOY in Egypt, and uses a 99 cents world cruise to get there. HE gets hungry and stops at a bread stand, only to find a piece of bread that looks like HELLFIRE BOY after he puts his sidekick’s glasses on it. He then eats the bread.

Next he goes into the pyramid, where he interrupts the unrivaled pharaoh’s fifteen hours of sleeps, and proceeds to defeat him in single combat. He then goes into the pharaoh’s sarcophagus, until he gets a call to return to Jack Knife Edge Town from his boss. He runs there, and is greeted by the police department being struck by lightning, which came from an alien spaceship. Aliens then kidnap him and use his status as a false god to trigger the third destroy finale, which will lead to another worldwide extinction, just like it did for dinosaurs and bell bottoms. This will lead the world to its ideal state, and evolve Inferno cop to a Real God.

After it happens, everyone is inferno cop, except for that cat. As it turns out, that pregnant lady was so impressed by IC saving her that she attempted and succeeded at making a world filled with Inferno Cop. A world that has nothing but IC and her, where they can be together forever. IC thinks that a world with no war or shoplifting is a good thing, until he pukes up the HELLFIRE BREAD, who reminds him of his objective and to not give up. Inferno cop then eats the bread again.

IC affirms that he is the one and only Inferno Cop, and becomes Glitter Inferno Cop, his final form, where the fire enveloping his head becomes golden. He is also a Real God, at this point. All the people who had become inferno cop because of the pregnant lady revert to their normal selves, and Inferno Cop states that that’s the power of humanity and that she shouldn’t underestimate it. The pregnant lady shoots at him with a machine gun that was in her belly, but Inferno Cop remains bulletproof.

He proceeds to beat the crap out of a pregnant lady.

He powers up his final move, and the pregnant lady takes her chance: she fires her entire body, minus the head, as a massive boomerang to finish him. Hope seems lost, but Mecha Cop, who was made to protect him, and Grenda appear and shoot the boomerang out of the sky. Inferno Cop now uses his final strike, the Devil’s Satan Hellhound Grenda’s Kind Hand, to defeat and kill the pregnant lady once and for all.

His story ends as he watches over a grown-up Hellfire Boy and his Girlfriend from Arizona, as they chill on his bouncing car.

It is as he ponders if anyone will remember him that he wakes up in a Nexus city hospital with a living(?) body, where a Ghost Rider brought him in thinking he was one of his people. Inferno Cop, in a moment of glory and nostalgia, runs out the hospital’s seventh floor window into a pack of wild Gelatinous Cubes.

And this is where it all starts.

Weakness: Irreversibly fated to be the protagonist to the best story ever told, has severe ADD, might be retarded

Likes: Black bread, Money

Dislikes: The Southern Cross organization, Shoplifting

Name: Axe Cop
Race: Cop (don't ask, it's complicated)
Age: Kinda old but not old enough to be boring, so like 35 maybe
Height: Axe
Weight: Cop
Eyes: Impossible to know because he never takes his glasses off
Hair: He's bald and never removes his hat. Has a bitchin' black mustache that's impervious to damage.
Appearance: HE'S A COP WITH AN AXE (also can transform so it's fairly fluid)

Alignment: Lawful Good
Charisma: A (do you see how many people he gets at his tryouts? shit's crazy)
Strength: C (B with lemon)
Agility: C (B with lemon)
Speed: C (B with lemon, A when chopping people's heads off)
Magic Resistance: D

Magic Ability: None, technically. But he can pull shit out of his ass (not literally) often enough that it's sort of like magic. For a complete list of his abilities, read the comic.

Other Abilities: Chopping people's heads off. Martial Arts. I'm not listing them all here. Seriously. You can just put down 'whatever is most ridiculous' and it would fit. There's a gun that shoots books, a book that turns into a giant robot... too much. Way too much stuff. Oh, when he eats a lemon he powers up and turns into Axe Cop With Lemon (raises all stats by 1 rank), and when he gets lit on fire he turns into Axe Cop Fire. He also has a T-Rex but he left it back home.

Origin: All you need to know

After the events of his comic, Axe cop takes a vacation to a hotel, where he plans on watching lots of movies and eating cake. However, he checked into the a hotel in Bad-guy-ville, so he has to go out and chop off the head of every bad guy. At the end, he chops off Evile Champagne Man's head, causing the town to be flooded by really tasty booze. Axe cop accidentally drinks it all and falls asleep for two minutes.

When Axe cop wakes up, he is in an empty police station in Nexus. Since there are no other officers there, Axe Cop decides to hold tryouts for his new partner, which is where his story begins...

Weakness: Talking gorillas
Likes: Axes, being a Cop, beating up bad guys, chopping off bad guys' heads, dinosaurs, anything a 5 year old boy would like
Dislikes: Bad guys (not really), talking gorillas, people figuring out he's bald, not being able to chop up bad guys, anything a 5 year old boy would hate

Name: Connor McRemitz
Race: Demi god
Height: 6 feet
Appearance: A lean but muscular young man whose hair is often tied in a pony tail. His wide shouldered frame and choice of heavy clothes make him appear much bigger than he is. He can and will grow a beard if left unchecked for more than a few days but he finds it a nuisance to care for so he shaves every day despite his natural baby face getting him a few jabs from girls.
Alignment: Chaotic good
Charisma: C
Strength: B
Agility: A
Speed: A
Magic Resistance: B
Magic Ability: C
Other Abilities: Endless  pursuit, Connor enters a Zen like state where his reflexes perception become a singular entity. This allows him to Dodge or block any attack seen the moment he sees it. Although not invincible it makes him very hard to defeat in combat. It also often causes him to fall asleep on the spot after it concludes and is not voluntary to activate or exit.

Shadow pact. Connor is seen as an extra dimensional creature by other creatures of that nature unless Connor actively stops the effect. Cu culann's teacher gifted him this ability as a baby after Connor's mother won a certain dispute.
Origin: NA
Weakness: Connor cannot lie, a nameless curse afflicts him making him unable to lie
Likes: Sakura Tohsaka
Dislikes:Gilgamesh, emotional fronts

Mordalfus Grea:
Name: Imiganai Satsuriku
Race: Arrancar, Vasto Lorde
Age: Unknown
Height: 5'8"
Eyes: Blue, neon-blue
Hair: Black
Appearance: A beautiful woman with the physique of  skilled fighter specializing in agility and speed, she appears to be a woman of ancient Japan. She prefers men's clothing of that era as opposed to women's clothing and will more often then not, carry her Zanpakuto in it's sealed state in public like she did during her life as a human.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Charisma: A (C) [C]
Luck: B (A-) [A+]
Strength: A+ (EX) [EX]
Agility: B+ (A++) [EX]
Speed: A- (A++) [EX]
Mana: EX
Magic Resistance: A- (A++) [EX]
Magic Ability: C+ (A) [EX]
Other Abilities: Bala; Cero; Aguja Cero; Punto Cero; Tala Cero; Gran Rey Cero; Diosa Cero; Enhanced Hierro; Enhanced Pesquisa; Sonido Master; Master Swordsman; Master Hand-To-Hand Combat; Enhanced Strength;  High-Speed Regeneration;

Other Abilities

Resurrection (Rank EX) - 盲目的 / (Mōmokuteki) Fin; Upon releasing her Resurrection she unleashes her true form for all to see, her form is enclosed in a bone white armor of some resemblance to that of bygone eras and renders her sightless. In this form most of her stats are increased, except her charisma which drops considerably. Like many of her fellow Arrancar she retains her Zanpakuto, however her blade is unleashed much like herself and allows for her to fully uses its many abilities in combat. Her Second Resurrection 暴露 / (Bakuro) Los Líneas de Ocultos acts in a manner similar to her first resurrection, from which she gains a massive boost in power and abilities.

最後の女神 (Saigo no Megami) / Diosa del Fin / Goddess of the End; Rank A++ Mystic Code; Imiganai's signature weapon, in her unreleased stage it takes the form of a larger than most Katana sword but in it's first released stage it takes the form of an Odachi sword being over six feet in length. The blade has the ability to End anything, from spells to lives, from curses to fates. It can end many things, but even in its first released state it is incapable of Ending what cannot be ended by any non-divine being. Upon her second resurrection, her blade changes once more to the form of a massive Zanbatou styled Bisento in which the staff portion of the Bisento being 5 feet in length and the blade portion being over six feet in length, one might think such a weapon would be unwieldy but Diosa del Fin is capable of shortening itself to smaller lengths

Origin: N/A
Weakness: Her Sense of Honor; Imiganai has a strong sense of Honor and will not back down if challenged, even if it means walking into a trap. She will never waver in the face of her honor, this has not changed the slightest after her death and ascension to Vasto Lorde
Likes: Bushido, Nature, Honor, Reading, Sushi
Dislikes: Needless Conflict, Corruption, Slavery, Oppression, Makeup & Beauty Products, Modern Society, Fangirls & Fanboys


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