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The Man With All The Cute Boats:
Name: Ran

Race: Human

Age: 20


Weight: 125 lbs (without equipment)

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black, in a ponytail

Spoiler for Hiden: Yes, this is my fetish.
Don’t worry, I plan on making her put a shirt on.

Alignment: Chaotic neutral

Charisma: E-(Not team leader, hard to get along with)

Strength: C (B when in overhead stance)

Agility: C (B when in drawing stance)

Speed: D (C when in drawing stance)

Magic Resistance: E (C when in clear stance)

Magic Ability: D (Can use some skills with a magical element to them, but cannot outright use “magic”)

Other Abilities:

Stances (A): Ran is a master of the four stances taught to the Ronin: the upper stance, for offense and a fire strike, the clear stance, for defence and a lightning stab, and the drawing stance, for agility, speed and a freezing slash. From these stances she can use the final stance, the peerless stance, which allows her to use any stance’s skills.

Warcry (B): Ran, like many other Ronin, has the ability to let out a warcry that supernaturally induces fear into weak-minded foes. Some say that this is not supernatural, but rather because an angry Ronin in a stance is piss-scary.

Mining (D): Ran is trained in the arts of mining and prospecting. She has never sought to master this art however, and swings her sword with many times the skill with which she swings a pickaxe. However, both are deadly and not recommended to your health.

Origin: Far into the post-apocalyptic future, where man is technologically retarded and people have gone back to using swords and junk, there exists a labyrinth of depth unimaginable. This labyrinth is both filled with monsters and inexplicable beings, and is constantly receiving an influx of explorers who wish to surpass these obstacles and be known as the team that explored the entirety of the labyrinth. The labyrinth was called the Yggdrasil Labyrinth.

The town of Etria, parked next to this labyrinth, thrives off of this. The explorers provide a source of income for the town, both off of their own needs and by obtaining new materials from the labyrinth that can be carted off and traded.

Ran, at this time still weak and inexperienced, went to this town of Etria on a quest to prove herself. She formed a guild with a duo of constantly-bickering medics, a survivalist dedicated to learn how to gather resources instead of how to fight and a silent and serious Hexer, who seemed to be the only person Ran could get along with, until the Hexer gained the unpleasant hobby of pranking Ran. This team, which had little offensive strength until Ren came along, was to be her team and group of friends for the following year.

Together with this group, Ran conquered the labyrinth one floor at a time, all the while being rivals to two other, better formed teams. They reached the fifth stratum, Lost Shinjuku, before any of their peers. It is in this technologically advanced place that Ren’s team started falling apart: One of the medics died against the harsh foes that were Ren and Tlachtga, once mentors. The survivalist, long lucky and barely dodging death, lost all luck once Visil, Etria’s chieftain merged with a monstrous being created from the Yggdrasil’s core, struck him down.

With two of her allies and friends dead, Ran became bitter and angry at her failure to protect them. She further pushed herself and the team, stating that if they stopped at the fifth stratum they wouldn’t be honoring their comrades’ deaths. They entered the sixth stratum, a veinous and living cavern created by Yggdrasil’s Core to protect itself, though only after news that their two rivals had already fallen within. At the very lowest floor, with but three constructed doors between them and their final foe, is where misfortune struck again. The dragon guarding the first door felled the Hexer, and the dragon guarding the third struck down the remaining medic, the de facto team leader.

Now completely alone and consumed with fury and grief, Ran threw herself at the Yggdrasil Core. The being was magnitudes stronger than she alone could ever be, and summoned down fire and chaos to destroy her. It is here that she was thought to have died, however what happened is completely different.

Covered and hidden away by a wave of fire, Ran was taken away to another world, one housing a place known only as Nexus City. She was confused by this place, looking eerily like lost Shinjuku, but after a certain amount of time there she realized that she had only traded one monster-infested dungeon for another, but this new one was far less easy to deal with.

Weakness: Puts more into offense than defense, needs to have a stance set up to do major damage, reacts poorly to surprise attacks (In more ways than one, pranks lol), terrible social skills

Likes: Getting shit done, a good blade, money, Finishing what’s been started, All of her friends, her honor code

Dislikes: Annoying people, stubborn people, people who waste time learning useless stuff, pranksters, all of her friends, Losing, Failure, dragons, modern technology

Arch-Magos Winter:
Not sure if I'll run him, but here you go. Good god the creation tools in Demon: The Decent are AWESOME. Old testament style angels baby~

Name: Raul Martinez
Race: Demon
Height: 6'2
Weight: 220lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Appearance: The Cover is of a Hispanic male in his late 20's. The Demon's form is humanoid, winged, consisting of harsh angled joints and body structure, and covered in a bizarre armor plating that looks like feathers. It possess six angular and unnaturally flexible limbs aside from its wings. It's possible to hear the whirring of impossibly perfect gears within the joints of the limbs. Two function as feet. The other four serve as arms, and It's head is completely faceless, having only two indents in the face which seem to extrude an eerie green glow, and his entire bodyseem to be covered in a thin coat of electrical power at all times.


Charisma: E
Strength: B
Agility: A
Speed: A
Magic Resistance: C

Magical Ability: As he was originally of the Angelic Faction of the Destroyers, he possesses a focus in the Cacophony Embed. Transferring his skill in his demonic form in unarmed and armed combat to his Cover, Martinez is able to easily overwhelm most opponents he would normally face in human form with his sheer speed and a liberal abuse of his Embeds and Exploits of the system.

The Cacophony Embed allows Martinez even in human form able to take wounds that would incapacitate him if he were normal. Within demonic form, he can kill without a sound, alter probability, clear a room of enemies with a ranged weapon in seconds, find a target without trouble, sabotage nearly anything with a touch, able to commit acts of violence and murder without anyone reacting, and in general raise merry hell.

However his true power is in his ability to partially transform into his demonic form through the cover, or enter it entirely. In fact, he can 'Go Loud' - turning him into a powerful force of reality echoing his former connection to the God Machine's power - though this attracts more attention than it's generally worth. However, a Demon that's Gone Loud is practically invincible to mortals, capable of feats and powers it normally cannot access, easily capable of wrecking several Angels and multitudes of lesser beings without much issue.

His Demonic form is armored, capable of seeing in pitch blackness, is able to transform its hands into lethal weapons, and is eerily fast and capable of ripping enemies to little more than ribbons. For that matter, it can let loose a wave of electricity, easily capable of stunning and killing opponents, or destroying Infrastructure. It also provides an extra degree of protection in close combat.  To say facing Martinez's 'Loud' form head on is suicide is an understatement.

Other Abilities: Martinez has a program that automatically translates any language he reads or hears into a form of code he can understand, a little fragment of the information stream of the God Machine the was able to rip from it when he cut the link. He also has several pacts that supply a steady stream of potential replacement Covers.

Origin: Despite being a living Paradox, Martinez is your standard Hispanic adult, easily capable of blending into the metropolis of the nexus without much difficulty. The mission of the Angel that is within his body is simple -  Destroy the Unchained seeking the Nexus as Hell by destroying the Infrastructure within. The Infrastructure here was weaker than usual, Saboteur's wearing away at it. The Angel willingly obeyed the God Machine. Martinez did its job. The Infrastructure recovered. How many unchained fell to it and its group of Angels is unknown. And then the question came.

"Why do you preserve the destroying machines" - posed by a Demon, before he took it's head off with a cleave of his blade.

So for the first time, the Angel did a dangerous thing - he thought for himself. After the task was done It would never remember the place it unwittingly helped destroyed, the feeling of walking the streets, the smells and the sheer humanity it possessed. And the Angel thought again, and decided to do what needed to be done, because this destruction went beyond his mission parameters.

His final act before severing his connection was impaling one of his brother Angels through the head with a flaming sword. Unchained he slaughtered his former brothers, and slipped into the Saboteurs he once hunted down. Now functioning as an assassin and operative among that Agency, he pursues his agenda with a vengeance few Demons among the Unchained could understand. When he Fell, he fell with a purpose in mind - destroy the destroyers.

The Nexus will be free. Hell will come. This is the Descent. Each Angel that falls brings it closer and closer to reality. Those who remain Loyal are to be eliminated with extreme prejudice. The God Machine will fall to the Demons, and Heaven will be destroyed.

And Martinez hopes he'll see that day, and be the first to burst through the gates.

Weakness: Lack of Aether, Cover Blown or Burned, Going Loud (Sorta), severe damage,

Likes: Freedom, the Nexus, Mexican food, explosions

Dislikes: The God Machine, loyal Angels, those who interfere with the city or otherwise act to draw the actions of the God Machine upon him or the city, those who assist the God Machine

Name: Tohsaka Ryoko
Race: Human (Magus)
Age: 18
Height: 5'4"
Eyes: Eggshell Blue
Hair: Orange/Red

Appearance: Attractive, albeit in a more tomboyish sense, even for a Japanese girl. She keeps her hair cut short, to keep it out of the way while fighting. Her body is well toned in it's musculature due to years of training in the martial arts. Her bust is only modest in size, but it works in her favor in more ways than one. Her clothing choices tend to be fairly simple and practical- jeans, t-shirts, tennis shoes, maybe some overalls every once in awhile. Sometimes she favors a tight pair of shorts and a sports top instead, to make herself harder to grapple when fighting hand to hand, but this doesn't happen nearly as often.

Alignment: Neutral Good
Charisma: B
Strength: B+
Agility: B+
Speed: B+
Magic Resistance: B
Magic Ability: B+ for most types of combat based magic, A for reinforcement based magic minus projection, D+ for everything else

Other Abilities: Is fairly natural at fixing things. Also knows martial arts, but for some reason, tends to default to charging and just plain punching things. Also has fewer pain receptors than most, which is a double edged sword- she can feel less pain, but this doesn't actually prevent any damage, so while she can withstand more than most people, she can also push herself too far and get herself into fatal conditions more easily than other people.

She also possesses a pair of enchanted colored contact lenses that make some subtle changes to her features, enough so she's not immediately recognizable to people searching her out, as well as doing their normal job of changing her eye color from blue to brown. The case she keeps them in also has a spell on it, one that, with a small incantation, makes sure the fluid inside is both sufficient and clean.

Origin: Rebecca Kururugi is a woman- a woman... with a mission. A mission to be the best superhero ever like no one ever was, to beat up bad guys to a pulp, and to just generally have fun. In other words, she's like a shounen protagonist. And like most shounen protagonists, she's kinda an idiot. And yet, in spite of how many people it irritates, no matter how much collateral damage there may be, nothing will stop Rebecca from fulfilling her mission, her dream, her destiny. 

...Naaaaaaaah. This is the persona that one Tohsaka Ryoko takes on at times to protect herself from magi who may want to study her should they ever discover the truth of her birth, one based off of an encounter with a real person and nearly perfected with practice and the aid of her enchanted colored contact lenses.

Ryoko is really the daughter of one Archer and one Tohsaka Rin. To be precise, her parents are the very Dark Archer and Tohsaka Rin who's hearts and bodies have intertwined within the City itself. She was sired by Archer while his taint was still within his body, and he passed some of that to her. However, recently, thanks to a Sin-Eater named Lawrence, that taint is now gone.

She's generally a good person, but she has a mischievous streak that she inherited from her father while he was still dark, and thus loves messing with people at times, even her own parents. She never tries to go too far with this though, and tends to keep it to ribbings and teasing, much like her parents themselves are fond of doing. She can go further though, like with the Rebecca persona or dating a guy she likes that she knows will rub her dad the wrong way for instance. She ultimately wants to hurt people as little as possible in the process, however.

Despite her relatively easy going and laid back nature, she hides the fact that she often feels immensely pressured. While she's interested in magecraft, she doesn't quite have her mother's drive for it and her lack of talent for most forms of magecraft outside of combat and reinforcement makes it difficult to fulfill her place as the Tohsaka heir, a role that she still tries to take seriously despite her personality. But she still tries. She can have a bit of a temper at times like her mother, but it doesn't tend to be as overt, and her anger tends to seeth under the surface unlike her mother's, which tends to boil over and explode.

She's more of a tomboy than even her mother, however, one who is fond of fixing broken objects much like her father. She doesn't quite share his passion for cleaning, but she doesn't mind putting in the elbow grease if it helps add the finishing touches to her work. She has talent both as an archer and as a chef, but whether she can match her father is questionable. She has a gift for the martial arts beyond either of her parents, however, and has been training since she was very small, starting with Rin teaching her what that Fake Priest taught her so many years ago.

She's competitive, and also enjoys a good fight. The latter is much to her parents' chagrin, since given her lower amount of pain receptors, if she gets hurt, she won't be able to tell as quickly, and thus she may not get treatment for certain things in time unless someone else notices first. Even without her persona, she can be somewhat reckless and cocky when she fights, which makes this worse. This is also worsened by the fact that, much like her father, she starts out with melee to assess her opponent, and, like her mother, tends to save her gems for emergencies and bigger conflicts.

The Rebecca persona is not the only facade she has. She also acts as if she is the Tohsaka Heir, even though it's her younger sister that possesses the Tohsaka crest. This is an effort to protect her from harm, as while her sister has better magical capabilities all around, Ryoko is far stronger in battle. This was a decision she made on her own, with her parents' grudging acceptance.

Weakness: General human weaknesses, her higher threshold for pain in the right circumstances, her lack of talent for certain types of spells, and her general recklessness and occasional overconfidence in her fighting ability.
Likes: Fixing things, messing with people, a good fight, a nice cup of tea (her father's especially), her parents, punching out her enemies.
Dislikes: Being rendered helpless, those that would besmirch the Tohsaka name, failing to live up to expectations.

Name:Thomas Hale
Race:Human (?) Spoiler for Hiden: MewtwoAge:21
Height:6'3" in human form, 6'7" in true form

Appearance: Handsome, enough so to be called a pretty boy, and yet somehow manages to be intimidating even though he almost always wears glasses and has a medium, well toned build. He's bulkier than Lancer, but less bulky than Archer, but is generally a bit closer to Lancer's build. He has a rather intense gaze, and has a nearly perpetual frown on his face. He can smile, though it tends to turn into a smirk or something a bit bitter more often than not.

He dresses both simply and rather conservatively, favoring clothing that covers his body. He currently has a long coat that he's rather fond of. As mentioned before he almost always wears his glasses.

His true form... isn't quite so attractive.
Spoiler for true form:
Alignment: True Neutral (could be turned Neutral Good with enough effort though)
Charisma:C (C+ in human form due to being pretty, C- in True Form, though the voice still helps, which is why it's not lower. C all around because of poor social skills)
Magic Resistance:B+
Magic Ability:A (for his psychic abilities- otherwise he can't use magic)

Other Abilities:
Telekinesis: Can move objects with his mind. His is quite strong, and can lift quite large and heavy objects. How much he can manipulate an object, however, depends on its size and distance. It's safe to say, however, that he can fling around the average person with relative ease. In both forms, he can use this to fly, but in human form, only for short distances. Becomes exponentially more powerful in true form.

Telepathy: The ability to communicate via the mind. His is strong enough that he can manipulate the minds of others, to the point where he can erase memories or even control people. He does not do either of these things often, however. His power over the mind increases in true form.

Barrier: Can project a barrier around himself and others that deflects physical and some magical damage. How long the barrier is maintained depends on how much damage its taking and how much energy the user himself has left. Only available in true form.

Teleportation:So long as he remembers the location, he can teleport himself and others to that location in an instant. Only available in true form.

Recover:Can heal more than a fair bit of damage to himself when injured. Can also use this to heal others if need be, though he can only focus on one person at a time, and he has an easier time healing himself than other people. Only available in true form. 

Regeneration: Heals wounds far more quickly than most naturally. This combined with Recover means he can sustain incredible amounts of damage, though this does not make him invincible. While he does heal somewhat more quickly than the average human in human form, it is not to nearly the same extent as it is in true form. 

Origin:A mysterious young man of unknown origin just making his way through life. His true nature is a mystery...

What isn't so mysterious, however, is that he is rather the quiet sort, somewhat reclusive and not fond of crowds or parties. Despite his seemingly bookish and reserved personality, he can have his more human moments, including the occasional spurts of immaturity. In spite of his relative calm, however, he does occasionally have a bit of a temper. He's generally quite serious, but his words can often take on a bitter or cynical edge. He can snark, but it doesn't happen too frequently. His sense of humor is not well developed.

He sometimes has trouble understanding other people, in spite of his vast intelligence (or perhaps because of it), and sometimes has to use what he can glean from the minds of others to come to a greater understanding. He does have his moments of comprehension on this front, however. In spite of his distrust towards certain aspects of Biological study, he is an avid learner who will go out of his way to find answers. He is a deep thinker, and will at times be lost in thought to the point where he loses awareness of everything else around him.

He slept through breakfast this morning, but in the rare instances he does eat breakfast, he usually has something fairly simple and quick to eat with tea, because he likes tea.

Weakness:Anything that stops or inhibits psychic abilities. He also has a few psychological trigger points as well. In human form, while he is stronger, faster, and smarter than the average human, he is still human. He therefore will experience injury like any other human. In true form, while insanely powerful, his appearance makes him far more noticeable and is likely to make people more hostile, increasing the chance of people attempting to capture or kill him exponentially. Also, in spite of his healing factor and being a bit more resistant to it, he's not invulnerable to physical damage. A bullet to the heart is still a bullet to the heart. Spoiler for Hiden: In true form, pokeballs also might work, but that assumes he doesn't break free or crush them first.Likes:Reading, brooding, philosophizing, tea, peace and quiet.
Dislikes:Idiocy, laboratories, people trying to control him.

Arch-Magos Winter:
Name: John 'Jack' Cooper
Race: Vampire; Clan Gangrel
Age: 81 years dead, apparent age 32
Weight: 171 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Appearance: Rarely found not in a trenchcoat or some sort of hat, Jack looks very little like his actual age. Maybe a little haggerd around the eyes, but otherwise? He looks pretty damn normal. An intelligent observer however would easily be able to note the way he walks, and equate that confident stride with that of a former beat officer.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Charisma: D, despite his condition he's surprisingly good at talking to people.
Strength: D+ vampirism didn't do much but expand a bit on what was already there when it comes to this.
Agility: B, he's always been quick on the draw
Speed: D, he's no where near Forest's type of vampire, quick and strong. He's more the 'Take a 10 gauge to the face, and just come out of it looking pissed' type.
Magic Resistance: C-, his condition and vampiric abilities have allotted him a resistance against magical effects of all types.
Ability: There's some things that becoming a vampire intrinsically lets you do - boost your strength through burning vitae (the power absorbed by blood), have fangs, and take bullets like a champ - you simply don't need that flesh or internal organs any more..

And then there's the freaky shit that each clan can do. Scare people shitless with a look, take control of minds, become a target of infatuated lust, be able to always find whatever you're looking for... and change shape. Powers like this are known as Disciplines, and every Kindred knows at least one. Moving faster than the eye can track, being able to rip off heads like someone would twist open a soda bottle, hiding in plain sight, and being able to blunt the points of knives on their bare skin? Those are disciplines as well. Here's what Jack knows, which is pretty much all Gangrel stuff.

Protean - Shapeshifting. Jack took one hell of a liking to this - it's useful simply because as long as he can find a deserted alley, he can sleep during the day without worry by melding himself with the pavement below ground level. Jack can use this to bring claws out of his knuckles, see 360 degrees through modifying his ears to be able to sense tremors in the ground nearby, and smell like a bloodhound. He can even take on the form of a stray dog if he wants to avoid detection. Dracula did a wolf, but sometimes a vicious mutt is just as good.

Some masters of Protean can turn to mist and sprout wings and other bizarre appendages, but Jack's a long way off from being able to do stunts like that.

However... his claws just got a nasty upgrade, turning them into fleshrotting shredding machines that rip through kevlar and thinner steel like Butter. And they will probably later only IMPROVE in their killing power when he frenzies, but he's not there yet.

Animalism - Supposedly, animals don't like the undead. That's bullshit. Well, at least for Gangrel. Hell, Jack can talk to them and make them do things for him - simple tasks like check if an alley is clear, or to go and distract someone. Pigeons are especially good for that role. It's not much, but it's companionship. And for a vampire, that's nothing to laugh at.

Resilience - This is where Jack's powers really shine through. He's tough as a rhino on PCP half the time, able to take 9mm rounds and have them stopped by his bare skin, not that that's stopped him from picking up a bulletproof vest. Whatever you throw at him, as long as it isn't fire, he can take it as long as he's got vitae in his system.

Obsfucate - While most Gangrel don't bother figuring out how to do this, Jack found it necessary sometimes to slip away from those not to happy with him, like the Don's enforcers occasionally. He can simply be looked over in a crowd, and even in more empty spaces, people's eyes just go right past him without even noticing him when he wants them to. They even ignore him when he speaks! Hell, he's figured out how to do this to other people while he's touching them too - useful when he needs to have a private conversation.

Other Abilities: A private dick, Jack's the type to get dirty. He's got a .357 Magnum and he damn well knows how to use it. And it's always filled with hollow points. He's taken to a Makarov he picked up recently though; smaller caliber but it carries a few more bullets and he can easily hide it under his coat. Quite good with his fists, and he's able to see in the dark. For that matter, he can smell a drop of blood in a busy building, or hear the heartbeats of everyone in a room. When you're a predator of humans, you get very good at being able to find them.

Origin: A private eye in the nexus who's investigations eventually lead to his embrace. Since then he's continued on doing his job - pro bono. He gets his payment in a quick bit of feeding, something plenty of people are willing to give when no one else cares about their problem. I'll expand more on this later.
Weakness: Fire. Holy water just makes him laugh. A stake to the heart puts him out cold, but doesn't kill him - if you can pull it off that is, His skin's rather tough when he needs it to be. Cannot walk in sunlight, or he'll incinerate himself. For that matter, fire makes him very very antsy. A pretty smile and nice legs will get him to do just about anything, and probably truly for free.
Likes: A nice pair of legs, good whiskey, bad whiskey, blood, his hat, the Nexus at nighttime.
Dislikes: The fact he can't smoke anymore. The inability to drink without vomiting it back up afterward. Dirty cops.


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