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The Man With All The Cute Boats:
Name: Anna
Race: Human
Age: How rude~
Height: 5.6, maybe?
Weight: Every Girl’s Secret~
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Red
Appearance: (can vary, however)
Alignment:  Chaotic Neutral
Charisma: B (excellent merchant, can sell to almost anyone)
Strength: E
Agility: E
Speed: E
Magic Resistance: E
Magic Ability: Very little, enough to demonstrate and maintain magical equipment but not enough to fight effectively

Other Abilities:
The Anna Siblings: There are thousands of Anna sisters. Even then, it is implied that they have cousins with thousands of sisters of their own. This massive family is also the biggest merchant network that the Fire Emblem universe has ever known, being able to sell things you can’t find anywhere else. From wall-making Runes to class-promotion items to statboosters to the rarest and most esoteric of weapons, these siblings have it all.

That also means that among the siblings, there is the odd egg: Some are more combat oriented, leaning towards the combat style of a Trickster. A sheet for them will be made later, if the need arises.

An Unending Inventory: An Anna obtains her goods through buying and selling, yes, but also through buying and selling from her siblings. She can interact with her siblings through a Rift Door, a door between worlds and time. So no matter where Anna is, she can sell her goods as she pleases and still be able to pull out more goods, as if from thin air. Of course, shipping and handling is paid by the demanding client~.

Item Use: Anna, to properly handle and demonstrate her wares, has a certain understanding of their workings and can handle them with limited proficiency. Her untrained body, however, won’t allow her to use certain weapons to their fullest potential. She’s a merchant, not a fighter.

Rift Doors: These are an item often used to open ways through space and time, but cannot be used consecutively in the same area within a certain timeframe.

Origin: Anna is a merchant who sells anything, and is in Nexus city because she could smell that there was profit to be made. Nothing more, nothing less~.

Weakness: Rift Door cooldowns, Combat, Competition, Money, Not Selling Anything On That Day(makes them grumpy)

Likes: Money, Good Deals, Finding New Customers, Siblings, Finding New Suppliers, Making A Profit

Dislikes: Getting Scammed, Brigands, Thieves, Misers

Name: Gabriel Lucifer Umbra
Race: Incubus/Unseelie Faerie hybrid
Age: A little over 100.  Physically 25
Height: 6'1
Weight: 194
Eyes: Violet
Hair: Black
Appearance: Gabriel is tall, broad shouldered, and fairly well built.  He has very fair skin, he's actually paler than Forest.  When excited or arouse, he glows slightly, like moonlight. 

He has long black hair, but his hair looks odd.  There's no highlights, it's almost like his hair was just liquid darkness or India Ink.  It also doesn't reflect light either.  He uses his hair to cover his pointed ears.  He has fine boned features- think Tom Hiddleston as Loki and you're not too far off.  He has a wide, mobile mouth and his grin has a bit of a knowing wickedness to it.  His eyes are violet.

He dresses in either fine suits in dark colors such as black, burgundy, gray, and violet.  He's also been known to sport poet's shirts and leather pants as well.  He also has a black cashmere duster that he'll wear when the weather permits it.

In short, Gabriel is a gorgeous, gorgeous man.  Then again, he's Half Faerie and Half Incubus.
Alignment: Chaotic.  Chaotic Good with Chaotic Neutral leanings.
Charisma: A-, when Lure is activated S.  (However that only applies if one is attracted to males.)
Strength: D.  He's stronger than a human, but he'll lose in an arm wrestling match against say Forest.
Agility: C
Speed: D-
Magic Resistance: EX++
Magic Ability: E, however knowledge is A.  If it's a sort of magic he's unfamiliar with, he's very good at grasping the concepts and how it works.
Other Abilities:  Gabriel is a Magical Null.  He completely nullifies and negates magic within a one foot radius around his body.  This also includes magical constructs and beings such as Servants and even other Faerie.  Touching say Rider wouldn't kill her, but she'd feel instantly weaker and with prolonged contact he could end her (or any Servant's) existence.  Yes, Gabriel can hug a Servant to death.

Due to the fact he's a magical null his blood can kill ritual magic such as summoning circles or wards placed upon an area too.  He can also use his blood to create an area that is magically null for a short time.  He can also touch a magic user in the middle of casting and completely kill the spell they're working on.

Not to mention he can take magical energy to the face and it doesn't faze him.  An Excaliblast to the face?  Gabriel's clothing might be blown off of him, but he'd be rather untouched.

Gabriel has one magical ability: Shadow Walking.  Think of String Theory via magic.  Shadows can be accessed as portals to other places and Gabriel can open up doors to enter this interconnecting pocket dimension.  Using this he can travel great distances rather quickly.  He can also go into the shadows to keep someone from getting him.  However using this too many times and too fast will wear him out.

Since he's also half incubus, he has Lure.  This is something he can "turn on", making his intended target, as long as they are sexually attracted to men, want him.  To the point that it starts to become a need and obsession.  However those who are already in love with someone else, such as Sakura with Shirou or those with enough will power, like Forest, can resist it.

Another ability that Gabriel has due to his father's heritage is a sort of Sex Sense.  He can sense a person's sexual desires, kinks, what they like, dislike, and their sexual history.  He can read if someone's been raped, if someone is a nympho minx, or if they're a virgin. 

He has knowledge in martial arts and fought in World War I and II under the British SAS with all the training that would entail.  He also served with MI6 for a time.  Gabriel has some James Bond spy skills.
Origin: Wynn Umbra, in her days of political climbing within the Unseelie Court and Council, wanted to make a weapon that would strip a Faerie of their magic.  To do this, she needed to temper the blade with an incubus' blood.  As part of their bargain,  this incubus could call upon Wynn for sex to feed off of whenever he wanted for a time.

The last time he called Wynn just happened to be in her once every decade fertile period.

Wynn was pregnant, and was fully aware of the child she was going to give birth to.  Faerie and incubi had tried to breed in the past- the best cases ended with still born babies and the worse had the babies killing their mothers from in the womb due to the magical nullifying nature.  Oddly enough, Faerie seed wouldn't take in a succubus's womb.  Anyway, due to her knowledge of intertwining demonic and Faerie natures and that she made a safeguard so her own blade couldn't be used against her, she was able to carry the child to term without either dying.  Even though the pregnancy was very difficult; Wynn had no access to her magic and was ill the entire time.

Luckily,  Wynn's closest friend was Forest. 

Knowing that she couldn't raise the child herself (Gabriel's presence in Faerie starts to dissolve it if he's there for too long), Wynn gave him to Forest to raise as his Godmother.  In fact, when Gabriel calls Forest "Godmother", it's pretty obvious he wants to call her "Mother".  Wynn gets called "Mommy Dearest" because Gabriel has some resentment issues towards her.

Anyway, Gabe grew up like any kid being raised by Forest would.  There was violence, learning how to fight, and then joining the military to fight.  He served as an intelligence operative in WWI & WWII and was even part of MI6 for a time until he retired to become what he jokingly called a "gentleman of leisure". 

Now he sort of wanders the world, helping his Godmother and extended family from time to time, and mucking about the affairs of magic users that would harm others.
Weakness: Iron.  Gabriel is Faerie, and iron is his greatest weakness.  While he can take an Excaliblast to the face, Axe Cop could kill him with his axe due to it being steel.  He can be physically hurt.  Also, while throwing magic at Gabriel doesn't do anything to him, throwing it at the building behind him to collapse on him would.

His Godmother and people he cares about.

Also, if he doesn't get sex regularly he'll get cranky.  He doesn't quite feed through sex, but it does help him out.  Like Caffeine. 
Likes: His godmother, a well cut suit, curvy blonds, sex, teasing others, causing chaos, liquor, and deserts.  He also enjoys a good cup of tea.
Dislikes: His mother. Pompous magic users. Anything that could be considered a threat to his Godmother.  Being alone.

Mordalfus Grea:
Name: Monkey D. Luffy

Title: Straw Hat Luffy, King of the Pirates

Bounty: 400,000,000 Beli

Servant Class: Rider

Age: 19

Height: 5'9"

Eyes: Black

Hair: Black

Spoiler for Appearance: Spoiler for Up Close Facial Shot: Spoiler for Image A: Spoiler for Image B: Spoiler for Image C: Spoiler for Image D:
Spoiler for Gear Second:
Gear Second TechniquesSpoiler for Hiden:
Gear Third Techniques
Alignment: Chaotic Good

[Using 'Gear Second']{Using 'Gear Third'}

Charisma: A

Strength: A+ [A+++] {EX}

Endurance: A+ [A] {B}

Agility: A+ [A++] {C}

Speed: A [A++] {C}

Mana: C

Luck: A

Magic Ability: E

Noble Phantasm: EX

Class Skills:

Magical Resistance: B+

Riding: C

Other Skills:

Battle Continuation: A++

Instinct(Fake): A+

Natural Body(Fake): A+

Pioneer of the Stars: EX

Voyager of the Storm: EX

Noble Phantasms:

Straw Hat Pirates: The Unbreakable Bond: Rank - A+++ - Through his journey Luffy acquired a crew of the very powerful and loyal friends, who will always come to his aid when called. Each one of them is a full-blown Heroic Spirit and has his or her own Noble Phantasms and Skills.

Gomu Gomu no Mi: The Cursed Gift of the Sea Devil: - A+ - A Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that enables the user's body to stretch like rubber, making the user a Rubber Human (ゴム人間 Gomu Ningen?).It was originally a treasure that Shanks and his crew took from an unspecified enemy, but was accidentally eaten by Monkey D. Luffy. The fruit's major strength, as demonstrated by Luffy, is that the person's body can stretch like rubber even when the ability user himself is nullified and makes them almost entirely immune to blunt attacks, including hand-to-hand combat, bullets or even cannonballs and can be further reinforced with the application of Busoshoku Haki, and thanks to Luffy's own creativity at both in and out of combat, this fruit has consistently proven itself to be among the most formidable, versatile, and unpredictable within the Paramecia-Class. The user's rubber-like body also allows the user to survive falls from heights that would kill a normal person. To surpass his limits Luffy created two techniques: 'Gear Second' and 'Gear Third' that greatly boost his performance in battle.

Haki: The Act of Not Doubting: - A+ - A mysterious power that is found in every living being in the world. It is not that different from the normal senses. However, most people do not notice it or fail to awaken it. Broadly, there are two types of Haki common to everyone, given the proper training; however, there is a third type that only a certain group of "chosen ones" are said to simple terms, Haki is an ability to sense spiritual energy and overpower enemies.

* Kenbunshoku Haki, also known as Mantra on Skypiea, is a form of Haki that allows the user to sense the presence of others, even if they are concealed from view or too far to see naturally. With enough skill, one can use this Haki to predict an opponent's moves shortly before they make them, thereby making the attack that much easier to evade. This prediction appears to the user as an image or brief "premonition" of what the opponent will do in the user's mind's eye, and the damage the user will take if the attack actually "hits". It appears that the more killing intent the enemy has, the easier they are to predict. Although, more skilled users can predict future moves whether there are ambient murderous intents or not.
* Busoshoku Haki allows the user to create a force similar to an invisible armor around themselves. Similar to Tekkai, this Haki allows the user to defend against attacks that would otherwise cause them harm. Only significant physical force can overcome this defence. Each attack made with this type of enhancement will rise up full Rank.
* Haoshoku Haki is a rare form of Haki that cannot be attained through training and only one in a million people carry it. This type of Haki grants the user the ability to dominate the wills of others. The most common usage in the series so far is knocking those with weak wills unconscious. Whilst inexperienced users are restricted to merely overpowering the will of one individual or blindly knocking out weak-willed people around them, those with more expertise can pick out weak-willed individuals in a large group and knock them out without affecting those around them. However, those with stronger wills can resist or even ignore the effects of Haoshoku Haki. The ability to knock someone out depends on the difference in strength between the person using Haki and the person or persons the user is trying to knock out. The greater the power gap, the easier it is to knock the victim out.
The Will of D: The Legacy of the Great Pirate Era: Rank - EX - The conceptual power that is held in the hearts of people living in the Pirate Era and searching for the greatest treasure in the world, One Piece. 'Destiny, Fate, Dreams, this unstoppable ideals are held deep in the hearts of men. As long as there people who seek freedom in this life, this thing shall not vanish from the Earth.' If there even the smallest chance of victory, even when fighting against an impossible odds, those possessing the Will of D will always attain victory.

Origin: Monkey D. Luffy, also known as "Straw Hat Luffy" and commonly as "Straw Hat", is a pirate and the main protagonist of the anime and manga, One Piece. He is the son of the Revolutionary Army's commander, Monkey D. Dragon, the grandson of the famed Marine, Monkey D. Garp, the foster son of a mountain bandit, Curly Dadan, and the adopted brother of the late "Fire Fist" Portgas D. Ace and Sabo. His life long dream is to become the Pirate King by finding the legendary treasure left behind by the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. He believes that being Pirate King means one has the most freedom in the world. He has eaten the Gomu Gomu no Mi. As the founder and captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, he is the first member who makes up the crew, as well as one of its top three fighters.

Luffy has a worldwide reputation for causing trouble, challenging the Shichibukai, the Marines, and even a Yonko, as well as committing felonies and actions which were deemed threatening by the World Government. What is more, in the majority of these confrontations, he emerges as the victor. He has gained a reputation for being "reckless" and, in some cases, "insane", after causing an incident in Enies Lobby, entering and escaping from Impel Down, and joining the Battle of Marineford.

He is, therefore, infamous for being the only known pirate to not only deliberately attack the three most important government facilities, but also escape from all of them alive. The additional fact that he punched a Tenryubito with full knowledge of the consequences, as well as his heritage, has caused Luffy to be labeled as a "Dangerous Future Element", earning the wrath of Fleet Admiral Sakazuki, making the Marines among his greatest enemies.

These acts, amongst other things, have given him his current bounty of Beli400,000,000, one of the highest past or present bounties in the series. Having had a bounty of 300,000,000 Beli prior to his arrival at the Sabaody Archipelago, Luffy is one of eleven rookie pirates who has been referred to as "The Eleven Supernovas", the eleven pirates with bounties over 100,000,000 Beli to have reached the Red Line. He is also one of the pirates widely regarded as The Worst Generation.

Likes: His Namaka/Crew, His Family, Thousand Sunny, Adventure, Making Friends, Shanks, Meat, Food
Dislikes: People Who Insult his Dreams, Assholes, People who damage his Hat, People Who Piss him Off
Weaknesses: Seawater & Hunger.

Arch-Magos Winter:
Name: Old Man Henderson
Race: Old Man
Age: 51
Height: 5'10"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: White
Appearance: A middle aged man in combat boots, cargo shorts, a Hawaiian print shirt, and Mohawk. On his shoulder is a stuffed Parrot, known as Rupert.
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Charisma: B
Strength: E
Agility: C
Speed: C
Magic Resistance: Special, see notes.
Magical Ability: N/A

Other Abilities: Expert firearms wielder, specializing in combat shotguns. He's immune to abilities that affect his mind; Henderson is simply too damn crazy or drugged up to even acknowledge this sort of thing most of the time. Stunt driver, ship builder, champion figure skater, hockey player, and golfer. One of the luckiest fuckers in human history, bar none. Fluent in multiple languages. Memorized the Anarchists's Cookbook.

Origin: The history of Old Man Henderson is lost in the sands of time, but he's got some facts concrete about him - he at some point in his life was a thai prostitute and gangster, went to college for ship building, apparently competed at a national level in figure skating, hockey, and golf, is likely the father or related to The Stig, at some point returned to the US on some mans junk, and at some point, acquired roughly 215 antique lawn gnomes as his retirement plan, estimated value of over 40 grand. He also blames all his life's problems on Vietnam, but was 12 in '74.  At some point though, his collection of Lawn Gnomes went missing (He sold them to a charity auction, got high, and forgot about it), and Henderson went on the warpath in search of them, the quest ending with his killing Hastur the King in Yellow with a fuckload of explosives and some luck.

Or maybe that last bit was a weed hallucination, he has no fucking idea. Maybe he's in a parallel reality or something, but honestly he doesn't know or care. He's probably forgotten whatever even brought him into the city. The trail of the missing gnomes has brought him into Nexus City, and no muckle damn cultist will stand between him and his wee men.

Weaknesses: Good weed, the munchies, his forgetfulness when high, high explosives, most things that kill humans, flying helicopters
Likes: Good Weed, his gnomes, Rupert, booze, his shotgun
Dislikes: Cultists, Hastur, Mormons, Celine Dion

Name: Android Series No. 12, “Executioner” Unit I.D. R31-N4 (or, Reina if you want)
Race: Gynoid
Age: ? ? ?
Height: 1.68 m; 2.03 m (w/ armor)
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Blonde
Appearance: Looks like a young woman with a moderate physique, medium-length blonde hair, gray eyes and a neutral expression on her face. Wears a sleeveless light gray bodysuit with short legs, wears a thick black bracelet with blue highlights on each arm and goes barefoot. Her most striking feature, however, is her booster wings; metallic wing-like thrusters with blue highlights coming out of her back that allow her to fly.

Her Battle Armor is gray with some turquoise highlights. It covers her body entirely; it is more bulky in the torso and hip area, with the legs ending on points, giving her a more androgynous, if delicate appearance. Her helmet has three narrow visor openings, and her wings are usually open while wearing her armor.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Charisma: E
Strength: B+
Agility: A
Speed: A+
Magic Resistance: EX
Magic Ability: X

Weapon: [Harvester] Abyssal Crash: a scythe-like weapon which can shift its blade both horizontally, for normal combat, and upwards, to use as a pole weapon. It also has the ability to nullify other Artificial Concepts, which makes them very effective for combat, as they are not only deadly with their weapon, but they can also disarm they’re opponents with ease.
Other Abilities: Specialized in countering magic-users and tanking. She is capable of cancelling any magical based attack on her by dispersing the mist around her body, rendering magic null. Being a machine, it is unaffected by mental abilities. Capable of detecting disturbances in mist (i.e. use of magic) in a 2 km radius. Capable of summoning a battle armor which increases her power and durability by 135%. Can absorb mist in the atmosphere as a power source if needed. Her armor is also equipped with a small Mist Cannons on its chest and retractable blades on each arm.
Origin: In a world where magic is on its dying throes, mages are persecuted and the use of magic outlawed by the Order of the Black Wing. Forcing them to live in the wastelands or in hiding in order to survive, the Order wanted to ensure order and peace would be maintained within their cities. 

Android Series No. 12 [Executioners] “The Blades of Judgement”, deployed by the Order in order to closely inspect and supervise the various districts, were created for this very purpose. They were designed by a top member of the Order; almost universally female in appearance, and usually identified from other Androids by their booster wings.    

They patrolled every single sector of the districts, and were programmed to eliminate any threat to public safety. Criminals and magi alike fell to them, and their tenacity and effectiveness led to them to be known as “the Angels of Death”.

Weakness: While immune to any magical-based attack, it can still be fought and defeated through physical means. It takes a great effort, but it's doable. Concept Weapons are also capable of bypassing her defenses and render Harvester null.
Likes: n/a
Dislikes: Magic


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