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So here's the character I came up for this. I hope you're happy, Elf. I hope you're happy. No idea when I'm introducing


Name: Valda Becker/The Mother of Fire
Race: Human/Old One
Age: 29/Incalculable
Height: 5'7"
Weight: Nope.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Blond

Appearance: Blond hair done up in a bun, and deep brown eyes. She has a light tan, her face has sharp features, and her body maintains the healthy layer of muscle and fat that it has only though a steady diet of anything she can fit into her mouth and digest. Her metabolism is ridiculous enough that this is actually the healthy course of action for her, lest she waste away and look like a rail in very little time. She is usually wearing either a suit with pants and a pair of glasses, or some sort of uncomplicated casual wear with a red shirt.

Alignment: Lawful Evil [she's a lawyer hurr derr]
Charisma: B
Strength: E-/A
Agility: E-/C
Speed: E-/C
Weapons: Pepperspray, a taser, and her shoes if she's desperate.
Magic Resistance: B

Magic Ability: EX (in the 'doesn't fit well on the scale either way' sense)
If it has anything to do with fire or its products, then she can do pretty much anything with it; intensify it, weaken it, create it, destroy it, shape it into impossible forms like animate simulations of living creatures or objects, and even communicate with it. She is the source and master of flame, even dethroned as she is.

However, she is subject to very strict limitations about this in her current state. For one thing, she has no ability to use magic for anything unrelated to these things. She cannot affect things outside her immediate sensory range. She cannot directly affect the bodies of human beings or the space immediately within five feet of them unless that space is adjacent to her, due to the limitations of her sealing (i.e. destroying the heat in their body, or increasing it; she could throw fire at them!), though other animals are not similarly protected. She cannot conceptally manipulate it or gift living beings or objects with power related to it, as her full self once could. Finally, everything costs mana, and she burns through it like an industrial paper shredder through year-old tax returns if things come down to a fight.

Other Abilities:
1) Immunity to heat and radiation of any sort. 
2) Unseen Senses, allowing her to vaguely recognize when something supernatural is happening and the rough compass direction it's happening in. Cannot be more specific than that, unless it's right in her face.
3) Is a really competent lawyer.
4) Can play a bit of football (soccer for the Americans).

Weakness: Most of her actual power is so inaccessible it isn't even on her character sheet; the powers that are here don't work unless she has a supply of magical energy. Problem is, she can't generate it herself and she has no way to steal it from anyone; it has to be gifted to her. Where two stats are separated by slashes, the ones on the left are for when she has no mana to fuel herself. Also, she needs a lot more food than normal people do to remain healthy if she has no mana.

Origin: Valda Becker grew up in East Berlin during the second half of the last decade of the Cold War, raised by hard working parents who had themselves been born and raised in the Soviet socialist system. Their housing and employment situations were a certainty, so while the food and amenities were not really anything to write home about they got by well enough to live. There was never quite enough food, for her tastes, but her parents always told her she would just have to put up with it.

Then the USSR collapsed and there really wasn't enough food being put on the table; say what you will of the collapse of the Berlin Wall, it was the end of her family's ability to make ends meet. They were not equipped mentally to survive in the capitalist society that followed due to their upbringing, and so the suffered. But Valda was determined, from the age of six, to not be like her helpless parents. The burning hunger inside of her demanded nothing short of excellence and success, and it was a hunger that never seemed satisfied with anything.

So she worked her ass off and became a lawyer. It still wasn't satisfying.

The reason for that is simple.

There was once an Old One known as the Mother of Fire, who was known to the ancients before recorded history as the source and symbol of fire's consuming nature and the burning blood of the earth. She demanded human sacrifice from the primitive societies of that epoch and earned the enmity of every sorcerer and shaman who had not already bound themselves in service to her. Though she drowned obstinate nations in magma and incinerated the souls of many of her enemies, in time she was overcome by the seven greatest of the age.

They bound her body beneath a volcano, and severed her consciousness from it. Then in a work of sorcery unseen since those primordial times they bound her to a human soul and locked her into a cycle of impotent reincarnation, trapped in the minds and bodies of humans and cut off entirely from her power and memories.

Her most recent incarnation is Valda, and something has gone very wrong with her punishment. She is finally beginning to get those memories back, and she realizes what she needs.

Personality: When it comes to business she's no-nonsense. When it comes to fun she's all nonsense. The main thread of continuity between the two is her refusal to make promises lightly, or to break the ones she already made; having to do so infuriates her. Moreso, if someone else breaks a promise to her. Outside of this rigid code of conduct, anything goes for her.

And that's just the most obvious crack in the human she is and was.

Likes: Food, wealth, hot summer days, the colors red and orange, professional football and Disney movies.
Dislikes: Winter, taxes, freeloaders, broken promises and the number seven.

Name: Luka
Race: Half Human, Half Angel
Age: 19

Alignment: Neutral Good
Charisma: B (A+++ to any females who have monster blood or are otherwise not human)
Strength: B/A++
Agility: B/A+
Speed: B/A+
Endurance: C/A++
Weapons: An ordinary iron sword, Angel Halo.
Magic Resistance: B/A+

Magical Ability: Technically, none, but Luka possesses several supernatural sword techniques that could be mistaken for magic, as well as supernatural powers of his own. His skills include, but are not limited to: Regenerating his health exceedingly quickly by meditating for a few seconds, countering almost any attack with three powerful angelic strikes (note that this exhausts him and can only be used once before he needs to rest), and entering a serene state of mind that enables him to flow around attacks effortlessly.

Backstory: Six or so months after Monster Girl Quest 3, Luka decides to go visit his home village to see how it's doing, and for some alone time from his slightly overbearing wife. He never reaches it, however, because he gets swallowed up by a giant black wormhole while crossing the ocean, waking up to find himself in Nexus. Now he's looking for a way out and back to his world.

Other Abilities: Luka has the 4 spirits of nature (Sylph, Gnome, Undine, and Salamander) living in his soul after he made a contract with them. By calling upon their powers, he can boost his own abilities and performance exponentially. Sylph will increase his speed several times over and automatically block most status effect attacks, Gnome will boost Luka's durability and raw strength, giving him the 'strength of a mountain' and enabling him to escape almost any bind, Undine will let Luka enter a serene state where he will calmly dodge attacks with great efficiency and attack enemy weak points for massive damage, and Salamander will empower Luka's sword with the flames of purgatory, restoring his stamina and giving him a great boost in offensive power. All of his moves will be greatly powered up while each spirit is active.

He also has angelic blood, which lets him do crazy feats when asleep and gives him great powers when unsealed. Luka normally wears a keepsake ring on his finger to suppress his angelic blood, but taking it off will give him a big power boost.

Luka's ultimate attack, Quadruple Giga, fuses the powers of all 4 spirits into his sword and can be compared to Excalibur in terms of power. It is incredibly energy efficient, but has many drawbacks that make it very difficult to use in battle. To use it, one must first dismiss all 4 spirits currently active, and slowly summon them one at a time before launching the attack. This means that Luka is essentially a sitting duck while charging Quadruple Giga, and usually needs someone else to distract the enemy while he's preparing it. If he's attacked even once while charging, the attack will fail.

Weaknesses: Luka doesn't have the spirits active at all time. He must manually summon them while in battle, which will give the opponent a free shot at him. He's also a bit weak willed unless someone's life is in danger, and is extremely weak to pleasure attacks. He's a notoriously quick shot and a masochist, being literally unable to get off unless he's being forced into it, even on his wedding day. If he's beaten using pleasure attacks, which is easy (again, quick shot), he'll immediately collapse and offer no resistance to his opponent, regardless of his physical condition. At this point, he's relatively easy to mind-break.

Likes: Cooking, Alice, People and Monsters living in harmony, Peace, getting raped
Hates: People who throw the lives of others away, getting raped

Name: Tsukasa Tohsaka
Race: human/shadow
Age: 18
Height: 5'8
Weight: 190lb
Eyes: purple/red
Hair: purple/white
Appearance: Tsukasa has mother's figure however her hair is shoulder length. She wears casual clothes baggy sweaters and sweat pant in black, red or purple and always a single unified colour
Alignment: chaotic
Charisma: C
Strength: C
Agility: B
Speed: A
Magic Resistance: B
Magic Ability: A
Other Abilities: Tsukasa is a hybrid being of Sakura's magic and the curse from the grail. She is human because her soul balances the evil of the curse with forms her body making her human. Tsukasa can shift this balance to use high level shadow magic. She can create familiars, use shadow travel concussive blasts, become intangible, noise cancel, become invisible and possess others or manipulate objects or unconscious people. In addition possession masks her presence. Her body isn't immortal but she is ageless
Weakness: too much use of magic or a blow to the head causes her to turn dark, further use of magic can kill her
Likes: ice cream, puppies, rainbows, strong female roll models, Taiga
Dislikes: Gilgamesh, rainy days, people who mess with her family, mascots who don't give hugs

Name: (The Glorious!) Sir Bonesingtson
Race: Lich
Age: You'd like to know, wouldn't you. So would I! But come on, admit this pile of bones is still worth a hump.
Height: 7 or 8 feet or so~? Do you count the distance to the floor? Or where my robe ends?
Weight: I'm as light as a feather! Don't even touch the ground!
Eyes: Why, they were as dazzling as a morning sunrise! Surely!
Hair: Quite sure it was as soft as touching heaven itself.... yes, I must've had an outrageous mane of princely hair!
Alignment: Outrageously Neutral!

Charisma: B
Strength: D
Endurance: B
Agility: D
Speed: E
Magic Resistance: B
Magic Ability: A++

Undead archmaster of Ice and Shadow magic. Also learnt Necromancy, since it was a requirement for the job description he had in mind at a time. And like any good exceedingly accomplished mage, knows just enough about general magic of all kinds to count when there's a relevant plot reason to use it. Wards, summoning, and portals are just the ones that come up most often.

Really likes 'Mass spells', and other spells with a large and dramatic effect. Some of his preferred abilities are Frost Armor, Frost Blast, Frost Nova, Death And Decay, Shadowbolt and Sacrifice. His Ice and Shadow spells can all be instantly or near instantly cast, and have great power and area of effect due to his natural ability and skill. His ice explosion spells can freeze entire blocks and encase enemies in ice, and his shadow magics and curses can cause very agonizing pain and widespread environmental and personal damage, as the case of Death And Decay.
He can raise the dead as skeletons, ghouls and wraiths that serve him and also summon many of his existing undead minions, some of which are notably stronger individually.

Other Abilities: Farmer, gardener, playwright, actor extraordinaire, public speaker, singer, and dancer. The Glorious Sir Bonesington is all of these things with a passion! Most skills acquired from overseeing and educating position at a certain cult of the dead. Others he's just a natural though. Also was president of said cult's member association and organized a strike for more vacation days.

Origin: Spoiler for Hiden: Bonesington (he has since forgotten his original name and no longer cares) was once a bright and studious young mage studying at the Kirin Tor. Y'know, back way before Lordaeron fell and Archimond and the Scourge totally wrecked it. And Bonesington was so good, people used to say he was the second coming of Antonidas. Except for using magic to make people sneeze and then freeze the sneeze in their face. And making the library into a ice skating hall. Or making people think they'd gone blind. But damn if he wasn't so classy doing all of that that he managed to prevent himself from getting expelled.

Bonesington had bigger, cooler, more exciting dreams than what people thought though. Eventually, he left Dalaran in search of new sights and new visions. And he journeyed through the Eastern Kingdoms and other places those of the human nations knew not, jumping all over the place. He got drunk with the dwarves, he very hurriedly and quickly declined to be a part of troll banquets, he tinkered with cogs and machines with the gnomes, he crashed blimps with the goblins, he learned the distinction between fabulous and ridiculous with the elves, he froze murlocks alive, he saw the nerubians do the most smackin' version of break dance in existence, and he flew through the skies of Azeroth with drakes. One merry day he was making his way through Lordaeron when he saw a shady pamphlet for an interesting job offer as local cult of the dead propagation manager. That sounded interesting and new! Also, their dental plan sounded really good.

So, to meet job requirements, he went and learnt necromancy. He took to it surprisingly fast. He had always wanted to try it to make skeletons break dance. Which he thought would be the most floor-clacking thing ever since he saw nerubians do it. It turned out doing that on the job was frowned upon, as new employees orientation for Cult Of The Damned members told him. Still, he listened and did his job, and did it well, and soon he was being promoted faster than it took him to say an orc joke. And for his troubles, the big boss got him turned into a lich. He thought it was totally radical.

He helped Arthas in his campaign in Lordaeron and spread the plague through the Eastern Kingdoms before he was stationed in Northrend, where he served as reinforcement against Illidan's forces when the Lich King was under assault, and after that was part of the crew overseeing the construction of Icecrown Citadel. Later, he organized a strike on behalf of the Scourge employees members' association to get their much deserved paid vacation while that silly tournament with adventurers from the Horde and the Alliance was going on.

They won. And went on vacation through Azeroth! Until while catching some waves in Tanaris, Bonesington stumbled into the Caverns of Time and got thrown into an unstable gateway by accident. Through time and space and multiple realities, it turned out to be his biggest adventure yet. In the process, he helped dethrone Discord, bitch-slapped Grom Hellscream for being an idiot, became the lead singer of the Elite Tauren Chieftains, engaged in the most amazing murder spree in ever with Richard the warlock, went to the whores with Benjamin Franklin, saved Britain and got armed a knight (whereupon he started referring to himself as Sir Bonesington), saved Christmas, and learned how to break dance.

When he finally got back to his proper Azeroth, the Lich King had already gotten himself killed by Tirion Fordring and co., so he quit his job and decided to buy a little farm in Hillsbrad Foothills, where he dedicated himself to killing helpless and stupid adventurers, gardening, and farming, employing some hard working skeletons to tend to the fields.

He also got a cat.

And one day he was playing around with portals when he tripped into one and found himself into Nexus City.
He immediately decided that, as a new place he hadn't been at before, he was going to get his fill of it.

Weakness: His phylactery, fire magic, wrecking balls, bowling alleys.
Likes: His cat, interesting people, gardening, farming, dancing, opera, rocking out, tea and biscuits, seeing innocent people get flustered.
Dislikes: Obnoxious peasants, simple minded fools, over-thinking issues, people with bricks for brains, lack of flair, those who trample on his flowers or vegetables.

Spoiler for When he gets serious:

"That, as they say, SIR, is it! The top hat comes off!"

Name: Angel/Angelus (Human name: Liam)
Race: Ensouled Vampire
Age: Around 250, not including the hundreds of years he spent being tortured in a Hell dimension.
Height: 6'2
Weight: 210
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Brown
Appearance: Angel is the very epitome of "Tall, Dark, and Handsome."  He has dark brown hair that he wears spiked with gel, deep set dark brown eyes that are both soulful and penetrating.  He has broad shoulders and a handsome face.  His smile is slightly lopsided and more than a little sad.  In fact, when not in action, has very defensive body language: he folds his arms over his chest and hunches in on himself sometimes too.  (When he's soulless and Angelus, it's all swagger and leather pants.)

He wears dark colors, generally black pants, boots, and deep jewel toned shirts.  He's fond of long, black cashmere dusters and car length black leather jackets.
Alignment: Angel is Chaotic Good.  Angelus is pure, sheer Chaotic Evil.
Charisma: Angel: B-, Angelus B+ (Evil is sexy!)
Strength: C- (Buffy would be a C)
Agility: C+
Speed: B-
Magic Resistance: F
Magic Ability: C- Angel has magical knowledge.  He's even done an exorcism in the past, while the cross was burning his hand.
Other Abilities: Photographic Memory

Advanced Combat- There's a reason why Angelus beat Buffy and Faith both in combat before he decided to gloat about it.  He has a mastery of martial arts and martial weapons.  He seems to prefer hopkido and aikido as his martial arts and prefers broadswords and the occasional axe for martial weapons.

Regneration- Not to Forest's absurd levels, because Buffyverse vampires don't work like that, but the only ways to kill Angel are exposure to sunlight, fire, a wooden stake through the heart, and beheading.  Anything else he can walk away from.  However, cut off a limb if he can't reattach it, he won't grow another.

Heightened Senses- He's a vampire- his hearing, sight, smell, etc have all been amplified.  (When he first woke up as a vampire, he mentioned he could hear the very worms in the earth.)

Psychological Manipulation: As Angelus, he displayed considerable skill in manipulating others' emotional states, using psychological tactics to attack both the Scooby Gang and Angel Investigations both times when Angel lost his soul, though the most notable example was his driving Drusilla insane. He was also an expert in torture as both Angel and Angelus. Both personas know how to get into someone's head and prey upon it.

Leadership and Tactical Skills: Additionally, Angel was highly intelligent, possessed strong leadership skills, and had a natural flair for strategies and tactical planning; although he initially followed Buffy's lead when working with the Scooby Gang, this could have been based around his own social uncertainty after decades of isolation and/or his attempt to help her grow as a Slayer, demonstrating greater skills and confidence when he moved to Los Angeles to set out on his own. Angel also appeared to be a master of intimidation; when Connor broke free of his restraints and beat down Gunn and Fred, Angel, despite his weakened condition after three months trapped at the bottom of the ocean and only a limited amount of recently-ingested blood to restore himself, quickly stood up to Connor and ordered him to sit down, which he did after only a slight hesitation.

Multilingual - Due to his Travels, he can speak almost as many languages as Forest can.  In fact, of "people" languages, his skills are better than Giles and Wes's.  (Wes trumps all three at demon languages.)

Other Abilities: Angel was competent, but uncomfortable, with modern technology; he frequently struggled to understand cellphones (once claiming that they must have been invented by a "bored warlock") and confused computer terminology such as "chatty rooms.". He also knew how to change diapers, but claimed to be more familiar with pins than the "new-fangled fasteners" of disposable brands. He was also a convincing improvisational actor, deceiving Faith and Mayor Richard Wilkins as well as later the Circle of the Black Thorn and his own allies into believing that he had either reverted to Angelus or gone corrupt. Additionally, according to Cordelia, Angel possessed remarkable cooking skills "for someone who's on a liquid diet."

Origin:Angel was one of the most famous vampires of all time in vampire history, legendary for both his savage villainy and his great heroism. Born Liam in 1727 in Galway, Ireland, he was sired by Darla in 1753 and changed his name to Angelus and was dubbed The Scourge of Europe, earning notoriety for being one of the most sadistic and brutal demons in history, and the most evil vampire ever recorded. Both The Master and the First Evil recognized how purely evil Angelus was. He was also known as The Demon with the Face of an Angel or The One with the Angelic Face because of his physical beauty. However, in 1898, Angelus was cursed by the members of Clan Kalderash as vengeance for killing a member of their clan. They returned his soul, forcing him to live eternally in guilt over the countless crimes he had committed.

In the late 20th century, Angel, as he began calling himself, became an ally and lover of the current Slayer, Buffy Summers. After the two were forced to realize their limitations as a couple, Angel left Buffy and moved to Los Angeles, where he became a Champion of the Powers That Be and dedicated himself to "helping the helpless" in the hope of achieving atonement.

Eventually, Angel adopted the identity of Twilight and gathered a cabal of humans and demons who had become wary of the rise of multiple Slayers. As Twilight, Angel sought to keep these forces distracted as well as make Buffy grow more focused and stronger, and at the same time, try to keep the Slayers' deaths as low as he could.

Angel was later discovered to be under the control of Twilight, a sentient dimension who had been manipulating him all along to destroy the Earth and create it in the Earth's place. When Angel came to his senses and rebelled against Twilight, it possessed him and battled against the Scooby Gang in the ruins of Sunnydale, where it killed Buffy's beloved mentor and father figure, Rupert Giles, before Buffy destroyed the Seed of Wonder, the source of all the Earth's magic. After being purged of Twilight, Angel, overcome with grief and guilt, fell into a catatonic state. Upon awakening, Angel, along with Faith Lehane, dedicated himself to redeeming himself by resurrecting Giles. He eventually succeeded in bringing back and was forced into conflict by Whistler, who wished to unleash a mystical plague over the world to 'save it', even if it mean destroying millions of the population. Angel was able to reason with him, causing Whistler to give up his life by sacrificing himself. Once the world was saved, Angel decided to stay in London and help the people who were changed because of the minor plague release.

Weakness: Wooden stakes to the heart, fire, beheading, and sunlight are the sure ways to kill him.  Holy water burns him like acid and crosses repel him and will burn his skin when touched.  His ego.  Buffy Summers.  Oh, and a moment of pure happiness makes him lose his soul and become Angelus.

Likes: Tiny blonds. Old Detective novels. Ballet. Drawing. Muscle Cars.  Feeling important.

Dislikes: His past.  Angelus. Male rivals.  Feeling unneeded or unimportant. Evil lawyers.  Xander Harris.


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