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Name: Fate Averruncus (self-decided; true name of Tertium)
Race: Artificial Mage Construct (human appearance)
Age: 12 physically, around two decades in reality
Eyes: Grey
Hair: White
Alignment: True Neutral
Charisma: C - despite being rather stoic, his firm strength of character and dedication to his greater objectives have earned him some close followers
Strength: A - as the Averruncus of Earth, his physical strength is the strongest among the constructs of Cosmo Entelecheia
Endurance: A (C if he loses his barrier)
Agility: A
Speed: C
Magic Resistance: A (D without his barrier) - However, it is of the kind that denies magic damage, and not magic itself.
Magic Ability: A+
Great mastery of spells of both the eastern and western schools. He can use magic of multiple elements, and summoning magic from the east, but his affinity is the element of Earth, and he has access to many powerful Earth spells, including those of the highest order in the element, High Ancient level.
He was created and configured to be the strongest among mages, and so his magic power and ability are without equal among humans. Only certain individuals of world class power can match him.
Spoiler for Magic List: Earth Element

- Standard Western Magic (incantations and names in Latin)
Earth-rending Torrent - Causes magma to burst from the ground at a target area.
Ring Of Black Stakes Piercing All Creation - Summons a massive amount of black stakes which may be infused with a petrification spell. A smaller number of stakes can also be called.
Thousand Obsidian Swords - Summons a great number of obsidian swords which can be controlled manually or via telekinesis by the caster. Naturally, Fate is proficient at telekinesis. As above, a smaller number can be called. A larger amount of swords is harder to control.

- High Ancient (Ancient Greek)
Spear Of Stone - Launches a sharp stone missile at a target. Can be outfitted with anti-barrier capabilities by means of the line "Penetrate the barrier".
Breath Of Stone - Releases a cloud of poisonous gas that petrifies all living beings that it comes into contact with. Incantation: "Little king, the eight-legged lizard, owner of the evil eyes. / Breath out the time-stealing poison.”
Evil Eye Of Petrification - Releases a beam of light from one's fingers that petrifies all living and non-living beings it contacts with. As a concentrated attack, it has a much smaller area of effect than Breath Of Stone, but is more effective against barriers. Incantation: "Little king, the eight-legged lizard, owner of the evil eyes. / Let that light reside in my hand, and shoot forth the ruinous gaze.”
Pillar Of The Underworld - Summons great black pillars of stone, of high volume, which can be controlled and hurled by the caster through telekinesis. While summoned by magic, they cannot be defended against via anti-magic measures or barriers. However, their large mass means it is also hard to defend from them through purely physical means. One through five pillars may be summoned at once depending on the power used. Incantation: “Oh, the temple of the sleeping dead beneath the earth. Appear from below us.”
Tearing Earth - The highest order of offensive earth spell. An extremely powerful large scale magic which ruptures and cracks the earth with spikes and fissures and produces a massive torrent of lava. Incantation:  “Obey the contract, obey me, king of hades. / Come cracking the earth, torrent of scorching heat engulfing the furthest reaches. / Seethe, surge forth, earth god of brilliant burning ruination.”

Water Element

Teleportation: Gate - Spatial dislocation by means of a medium. In this case, water. Although any presence of water will do, Fate can simply evocate a small puddle from the water in the atmosphere to enable this spell.


Levitation - The ability to float and move on air through expenditure of magic power.
Instant Movement - Skill to cross a short distance (six to fourteen meters in Fate's case, who is a practiced user) nearly instantaneously in a burst of extreme feet by focusing mana or ki on the base of the feet to control kick off and landing. The movement is all but invisible to regular people, but it is not true teleportation, so it is possible to follow and intercept, and the exit point calculated. Also, once started the technique cannot be stopped, and it requires a surface or foothold to initiate.
Void Instant Movement - The same as above, but does not require the use of a fixed or solid foothold. Instead the 'air' is used as a foothold. As such, movement in mid-air becomes possible, and it enables movement in every possible direction.
Personal Barrier - Multi-layer Omni-directional Mandala Barrier of the Disciples Of The Lifemaker - The personal barrier shared by Fate and the other constructs of the Mage Of The Beginning, the 'Lifemaker'. An extremely powerful high density barrier with multiple regenerating layers of complexity that offers up to point blank protection, greatly reducing the efficiency of any attack. Magical damage is neutralized, absorbed and lessened before it reaches the mage, and the impact and force of physical damage are dispersed and likewise greatly weakened before they reach him. It is more effective against pure magical damage than it is against physical. However, spells and techniques which penetrate or pass through barriers will not be affected by it, and it is also vulnerable to being broken with specialized techniques. Sufficient damage in short moments will also damage the barrier itself and its efficiency, and can potentially break through all the layers, deactivating it. However, it will regenerate over time if not completely destroyed.Other Abilities: Martial Arts and Combat Experience - Fate is well proficient in multiple forms of Kung Fu and hand to hand fighting styles, and also has noted combat awareness and experience.
Weakness: His primary weakness is that without his barrier, he is many times more vulnerable to damage, both physical and magical. Although still extremely resilient by himself, losing the advantage of his barrier will put him on a back foot. And although he can survive life-threatening wounds for a human and continue acting despite severe damage to his body, he is particularly susceptible to his core (located approximately in the center of his torso) being damaged.
Likes: Drinking fine coffee, relaxing in peaceful places, fighting against a worthy opponent
Dislikes: Pointless fights, plans going heavily awry, unnecessary loss of life

Name: Anub'Zahar
Race: Crypt Lord (Undead Nerubian Spiderlord)
Age: Around 200
Height: Around 19 feet
Weight: Around 10,000 pounds
Alignment: Lawful Evil (by obligation - actually much closer to True Neutral)
Charisma: E-
Strength: A
Agility: E
Speed: E
Endurance: A+
Magic Resistance: D
Other Abilities: As a crypt lord, Anub'Zahar has an extremely resilient carapace with protruding spikes, formed of barbed layers of chitinous armor, which makes attacking him in melee a dangerous affair, as simply contact with his armor is damaging. His massive claws can be very powerful natural weapons, and he can slam them into the ground to shoot out a line of spiked tendrils with great strength in a direction. He may generate carrion beetles that will accompany him and protect him, from corpses that will be consumed in the process, and finally, he can create a swarm of fierce locusts from his own body that will bite and tear into enemies and restore his own flesh with what they can devour. In addition, Anub'Zahar is a great digger, being able to burrow through most materials with ease and travel underground. He has an uncanny sense of smell. Due to his wings being vestigial he cannot fly, but he can do something of a boosted jump.
He also has great knowledge of the lore of Azeroth and all manner of beings, and high level alchemic and astronomical understanding.

Origin: Anub'Zahar was born a spiderlord of Azjol Nerub many years ago. Though naturally gifted physically, he had no interest in following the path of a warrior or a leader, unlike some of his fellow spiderlords, and instead dedicated himself to more cerebral ways. He studied astronomy and alchemy, as well as diplomacy, and had much discourse with travelers and scholars like Brann Bronzebeard over the years. He wasn't very demanding, and he led a quiet, contemplating life in Northrend and the halls of Azjol-Nerub. Until the Lich King came, and the War Of The Spider broke out.

He saw what the Scourge did to the casualties of the war. And he saw what they were capable of from a distance. He wanted nothing to do with it, so during the following ten years he never saw battle directly, and only supported the war from a tactical command position and overseeing production of supplies. But his folly only lasted until the dread lords of the Lich King and their armies invaded the underground kingdom of the nerubians head on, destroying their crypts and tunnels and forcing them back and deeper into their reaches. It was around this time, while scurrying into the deeps of their empire to protect themselves, that the nerubians reached a fragment of the Old God Yogg-Saron's will, and unleashed the Faceless Ones into the world. Anub'Zahar was among the few that first encountered them, and the terror of their emergence and the consuming voice of the old god would never again leave his mind.

Zahar managed to survive and flee, but not without heavy wounds of both the body and the heart. He watched his companions die and be shattered by madness, as he himself became a victim of the faceless ones' powers. When he had finally managed to exit those deep passages, he came across the scourge, and half-mad begged them to kill him, so he would not be caught. They granted his wish, but that was not all they did. They rose him from the grave as a mighty crypt lord of the Scourge, and he was forced to serve the Lich King. He was not able to escape from madness, and was made to brutally rip, tear, break, and mutilate through the ranks of his former people.
Besieged by enemies on two sides, the nerubian empire fell, and their race was all but destroyed. But the Scourge did not let him rest. He continued to be sent to destroy its enemies on the frontlines, an engine of destruction for the Lich King, and eventually was even part of the forces that helped Anub'Arak and Arthas retake Icecrown Glacier and defeat Illidan.

It wasn't until the Lich King's years long sleep that he was allowed some respite, and instead of being forced to kill again, he instead oversaw and directed the construction of Icecrown Citadel, although such an exercise was torture in and of itself due to the grim memories awakened by the material it was constructed out of. It was sometime during this period that he met a very odd lich whom he became friends with. During the war in Northrend, he somehow managed to stay away from combat, and when the Lich King was defeated and replaced, he regained enough free will to leave the Scourge and ended up being asked by his lich friend (who now called himself Sir Bonesington) to come along with him. With nowhere else to go, he accepted the offer and occupied himself with culture and not much else in Bonesington's manor.

Just recently, he was wondering what sort of crazy magic Bonesington had riled up this time, when a portal suddenly opened beneath him and he fell into Nexus City.

Weakness: Chronic pain, mental attacks, anything that reminds him of the Old Gods.
Likes: Nature, looking at the sky, astronomy, literature, burrowing, sweets.
Dislikes: Violence, chaos, blood, explosions, pain.

Name: Titus Marius the Merciless
Titles: Equestrian; Centurion; Brother Worm
Aliases: The Destroyer Worm
Race: Vampire (Kindred of Clan Nosferatu, the Moerus Bloodline)
Date of Birth: 799 Ab urbe condita/46 AD
Age: 1967; active for the first 304 of those years
Height: 5'8"
Eyes: n/a (the sockets shine an awful red when he is hungry)
Hair: Brown

Appearance: Titus Marius may have once been a handsome young soldier, but those days are long gone. The Destroyer Worm has forgotten what color his eyes once were, for he neither has them or needs them to see; only in deprivation do the lidless sockets possess color. His face is gaunt, his teeth are razors, and though he has lips with which to cover them they are thin and pale like the rest of his dead flesh. His body is fatless, but toned with lean muscle hard like iron. His fingers are long and narrow, and end in sharp nails that he breaks and files down each night. His only concession to beauty is his shoulder-length hair, rich and vibrant. Few notice any of this, for he lurks in the cracks and shadows between your perceptions.

In ancient times he rarely went without his set of legionary's lorica whose plates and scales did nothing to give him away in the dark. Now it is rusted and worn, and he has to pull it away. No idea whose clothes he will plunder for his garb yet. All that remains of the equestrian's station is the lightly tarnished silver ring on his right hand.

Alignment: Neutral (originally Lawful Neutral, but Rome is gone and he has no loyalty to its successors)
Charisma: E (as one of the Nosferatu, he is hideous to all, and inherently unlikable to most of the living in particular)
Strength: B
Agility: C- (he is far from the most reactive of vampires, relying on force and endurance instead)
Speed: D+ (unless you count jumping speed and distance in which case he is a B)
Endurance: B-
Magic Ability: None
Magic Resistance: D (originally B, before dormancy)
Weapons: None at start; they've all rusted away.

Other Abilities
Advanced Combat, Engineering and Infiltration: Marius was a legionary in both life and death. He served first in Judaea under Vespasian in Legion X Fretensis as a man, and the Mortuus Legio as a vampire. He thus has centuries of experience in the arts of war and in the slaying of man and monster alike. He was also a military engineer and saboteur, and the long nights taught him much of remaining hidden as he learned the secrets of the enemy and ruined their defenses and devices of war.

Innate Durability: Most mortal weapons are no more effective against vampires than an unaided punch, and that's before his bloodline's enhanced durability comes into play.

Physical Intensity: By expending the life force of his cursed blood, Kindred can briefly achieve great bursts of physical prowess. Marius can temporarily become sturdier, stronger or more agile, by empowering himself in this manner. But it still doesn't quite match up to...

Resilience: The aforementioned enhanced durability; his endurance is beyond human limits, and even things that kill most vampires such as fire or potent sorcery are somewhat less effective against him (except sunlight). Of course, it still looks like you hurt him when this comes into play; it just in no way puts his existence at risk or keeps him from fighting.

Regeneration: If he has life force from human or vampire blood in him then there are few injuries that Marius cannot heal from. He can, with some time and concentration, regrow limbs.

Enhanced Senses: Marius possesses very keen senses, twice as accurate and capable as the average healthy human being. He can easily see in perfect darkness without even the slightest effort. His sense of taste for blood is incredible. He can see even the smallest traces of blood anywhere within line of sight, and scent blood clearly at up to 10 yards away. He can hear heartbeats at up to 3 yards away without issue. He used to be able to smell and hear these things at greater distances, but those senses dulled with his thinning blood.

Obfuscate: A series of psychic sensory tricks that allow Marius to perfectly blend into crowds of people despite his appearance, going unnoticed by anyone as long as he does nothing attention-grabbing; he can extend this benefit to objects or other beings that he comes in contact with. He can also, with some effort, vanish completely to all five senses. If he does this no amount of activity will alert anyone but his direct victim to his presence... or the victim's peril.

Nightmare: To be Nosferatu is to be terror itself. Marius' presence can, at will, become a focal point of psychic terror and create realistic haunting illusions. He can lash out with, or become, a victim's greatest fear such that they must flee rather than face him. He can even twist the mind directly with delusional beliefs, making someone think their friends hate them or that the sky will fall if they do not perform certain acts.

The Kiss: Also known as 'orgasmic bite', if you're not using the popular slang. It's a hunting aid, and it does pretty much what you would expect.

The Blood: Vampire blood is addictive, and drinking it will bind your heart in love for the one who fed you. Drink three times and it will beome almost unbreakable, deep and obsessive as it roots into your heart. It lasts a year without reinforcement. On the other hand, mortals who are fed like this can be gifted a portion of the power belonging to the vampire including a cessation of aging.

The Beast: As much a weakness as a strength, the Beast is the source of all vampiric power in Marius's world, the personification of all bestial instinct and desire that lurks within each and every one. It provides them with the drive to continue surviving from night to night, pushing them to feed, flee from their banes, and destroy perceived insults.

It allows them to detect others like itself lurking within, making identification between vampires a simple matter barring certain powers, and can lash out to provoke people to wanton desire or primal fear. When allowed to be in the driver's seat it sends the body into a frenzy, its power pushing the vampire beyond its limitations.

Origin: Titus Marius was Roman back when that meant something, when young men would go to war in far off provinces and crush rebellion beneath the armored fist of the legions. Born to a noble line that shared the nomen of a former Emperor, Marius received his first taste for battle during the Great Jewish Revolt in Nero's time. He slew Zealots with gladius and pilum, and helped Legion X Fretensis design the earth ramp that broke the siege at Masada.

Then a pack of Hebrew vampires whose names he never learned descended on his comrades and butchered them in retaliation before his eyes; he was one of the unfortunate few who survived to be the post-slaughter meal. Unfortunately for Marius there was no afterlife waiting for him, because they did not dispose of his body properly and he rose from the dead as a hungry corpse a week later.

Over a month of survival in the desert feeding on caravans and lizards, hiding from the sun beneath the sand, led him back to Jerusalem. There his true sire, a member of clan Nosferatu, took pity and uplifted him to full vampirism and monstrosity. From there he joined the society of the Roman vampires, and the insular culture of his clan, and continued his soldiering ways for almost three hundred years.

After a long and prestigious career he had the misfortune to be trapped in a cave-in and was starved into dormancy for millenia.

Sunlight: Does not burn him as quickly as it once did now that his blood has thinned with time and inactivity, but it is still suffering and danger all the same. Seeing it can provoke him to uncontrollable fear in some cases.
Fire:  Burns as badly as it always has, defying easy regeneration, and provokes the same fear as sunlight when seen.
Staking: Does not destroy him outright, but it renders him completely paralyzed if his heart is penetrated with wood. On the other hand, the ribs and chest plates are very good at protecting the heart from threats like that to begin with; most humans can't manage enough force to pull it off without assistance even without his enhanced durability.
Garlic: Alas poor Marius, the stench and substance of garlic deny his unlife in a curse that is uniquely his. He has difficulty approaching garlic, and it sears his skin when it touches open wounds like a blade's motion.

Blood Potency: Due to his recent stint of dormancy he can only contain a limited amount of energy taken from blood. It will take much exercising of power, many lives, and/or many years before he approaches his old power; for now his blood runs thin and he can only bring his power to bear so often. On the other hand, he can feed on animals again; he hasn't been able to do that since his youth.

He is also hideous, and violently protective. All issues in their own right.

Likes: Blood, clan Nosferatu, military trappings, tunnels, building tools, piety, Hero of Alexandria and Petronius Arbiter
Dislikes: Rapists, deserters, bright lights, burials, owls and monotheists

First up Mudou!

Name: Mudou the Betrayer
Race: Human, Ninja, Samurai
Age: Mid 40's
Height: Over 6 Feet
Weight: Around 200 lbs
Eyes: Violet
Hair: Violet
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Charisma: B+
Strength: A
Agility: B
Speed: B
Magic Resistance: E
Magic Ability: None, but he has great knowledge of a wide variety of magic.
Other Abilities: Mudou is one of the few “normal” people who are able to fight Savior Candidates at near equal strength, though he possesses no special abilities of his own he's managed to steal an amazing of amount of other people's abilities, in fact it could be said that stealing other people's abilities is an ability in itself. (But not in the same way that Downy does.)

Mudou is an expert Ninja excelling at the ability to bluff his way through just about any situation he's used his silver tongue to steal countless secrets after which he mercilessly kills any who might have seen him so as to keep himself secret to the rest of the world. Quick on his feet and with a strength strong enough to shatter the ground with the smallest of attacks. Mudou sacrifices his inability to use magic with pure stats alone.

Mudou's main weapon is the enormous Greatsword (Wielded with one hand easily of course.) you can see him carrying in his picture but he also supplements it with a near infinite amount of point daggers and shuriken. (Think Ciel but with Ninja weapons instead of Keys.)

Finally his greatest technique is the soul bind a purely skill based technique that completely forces a person under his control, even in death he can still control their body just like a mindless puppet, perhaps the greatest feat of this technique is that once casted the skill can last as long as Mudou remains alive. (In the story he casted it on someone and 20 years later then finally took control of them.) The victim doesn't even realize they've been cast upon until Mudou himself reveals it. The only way to break the technique is with an A rank or greater skill/magic. But perhaps the biggest weakness of this spell is the 1 hour casting time during which Mudou must remain in constant concentration and breaking the concentration would cause him to have to restart all over again, also once the completed spell is broken he must recast it again as a new spell.  It uses no magic however someone with a very high magical capability may be able to tell that's been cast upon them. (Think of it as a very very tiny nagging feeling that something's wrong but they aren't sure what.)

Origin: Mudou unlike Downy wasn't born on Avatar, rather he was summoned there by Downy's Book, after hearing about Downy's plan and witnessing Downy's overwhelming power Mudou stubbornly agreed to helping Downy with his plan. However Mudou is really just in it for the killing and the possibility to find even more power, also to get revenge on a certain other ninja who happens to be a Savior Candidate.

Weakness: Having no innate magical capabilities Mudou is extremely vulnerable to magic, that doesn't mean however that he can't fight against a magus, rather it means he'd have a much tougher fight against one then a non-magical opponent.

He is also weak to unexpected surprises or things outside of his planning forcing him to retreat and regroup.

Likes: Mudou is a fairly simple man who loves just two things, killing and watching people suffer.

Dislikes: People who just won't give up and people who are able to overcome his surprises, also Shezar.

Second general Shezar!

Name: Shezar the Assassin's Blade
Race: Human, Assassin
Age: Mid-20's
Height: Around 5 feet
Weight: Fairly Light
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond

(Underneath his mask he has an incredibly beautiful face as it's described.)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Charisma: A
Strength: D
Agility: A
Speed: A
Magic Resistance: D

Magic Ability: No innate magical ability but often uses magical materials in his traps such as a bottled fire spirit.

Other Abilities: Fairly weak in appearance Shezar's main talent is the deadly arsenal he carries beneath his clothes, they range from knives, to smg's and large shuriken on ropes, to even rpg's. (Don't ask how he hides that I'll never know.) he also has a wide assortment of traps often very situational such as a rope that tightens to his opponent the more you try to cut at it. (As he describes it perfect for annoying warriors and classes stronger than him physically.)

He is also a lover of all sorts of traps and given even the smallest amount of prep time can turn an ordinary child's playground into a deadly battlefield, oh and he is never seen without his trademark mask unless of course he's going undercover.

Origin: Shezar brother to a certain Savior Candidate comes from a family with a very weird blood talent. Each member of this family once born is destined to be a taker of something Shezar in particular was destined to be a taker of lives and so he became a master Assassin, hiding in the shadows and killing his prey mercilessly and with little effort. It was only when he got too greedy and killed his father that he was caught and thanks to some circumstances ended up being called by Downy just like Mudou.

Weakness: Strong physical fighters are the ones he has the toughest time against though magi with very fast casting times (I'm talking Medea speed.) can also give him trouble if they catch him off guard.

Likes: Killing, killing, killing, killing and Berio his sister. (But only because he wants to cut off all her limbs and hang her like a puppet on his wall, yes that's his life long goal.)

Dislikes: People that are just as tricky as he is, people in love with his sister, and Mudou.


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