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Next up Downy's great great great great great great... Grandmother Lobellia!

Name: Former Savior Candidate Lobellia Reed
Race: Human, Undead, Necromancer
Age: Over 1000 years.
Height: Around 5 Feet
Weight: Don't you dare ask
Eyes: Unknown (Blindfolded and perhaps has no eyes at all under there.)
Hair: Snow White

(Not her real appearance as she stole Rubinas's body.)
Alignment: True Neutral
Charisma: E
Strength: C
Agility: A
Speed: B+
Magic Resistance: C+ Not technically Magic Resistance but she can pump so much magic into herself that she cancels most spells with ease.

Magic Ability: 1st generation of the Reed line and Downy's distant ancestor she is the one who taught Downy just about everything he knows in the field of necromancy, in fact it could be said that she's more talented than him in that field though he makes up with it with different types of magic and his dimensional travel. She was once the White Apostle Candidate and wielder of the Aether Relic Dark Prison but those days have long passed. Now she's just a very talented Necromancer.

Other Abilities: Very strong in a fight she is a greater fight then most other Candidates save Rubinas her arch-rival and former best friend. Though she cannot do dimensional travel like Downy she is a much stronger Necromancer than he is, especially startling given the fact she chooses to fight with a blindfold and is much better with it on than with it off.

Though she could replace her eyes if she wanted she stubbornly refuses to as it would remind her too much of her arch-rival.

Origin: Lobellia was once a Savior Candidate along with her friends Rubinas, Muriel, and Alstroemeria however she always had a secret jealously for Rubinas the beautiful Alchemist who was admired by all why she herself was scarred and hideous from numerous and terrible battles with ruin. (Necromancy can only do so much after all.) After a series of events she eventually defeats Rubinas and steals Rubinas's body for her own which turned out to be a trap sealing her for the 1000 years under the crypts of the school, eventually she freed herself found her distant ancestor Downy and told him of his lineage before serving under his command. One important thing to take note of is that she has lost the right of the white Apostle and her ability to summon her Aether Relic Dark Prison, instead she uses a blood red blade similar in appearance but not nearly as strong.

Weakness: Anything to do with Rubinas she usually reacts badly too, she also has a rough talking style and it can be described as the mouth of a sailor often describing things such as ripping out the hairs of a certain body part one by one. She is also weak to Alchemists.

Likes: She has a soft spot for her old friends and Downy Reed.

Dislikes: Rubinas, Rubinas's homunculus Nanashi, and Taiga Touma.

Final General and perhaps strongest of them all Imnity.

Name: Imnity of the White Book
Race: Book, God's Messenger, Summoner
Age: Too old to quantify
Height: Short
Weight: Don't you dare ask
Eyes: Red
Hair: Purple

(She changes her appearance every 1000 years but for now this is what she looks like.)

Alignment: Lawful Good (Follows God's will to the letter.)
Charisma: C
Strength: D
Agility: A
Speed: A
Magic Resistance: A (Now that she's contracted her magical capacity is near infinite thanks to being connected to what's essentially the Book of existence, think Dark Sakura only bigger.)

Magic Ability: The best summoner in the universe and rival only to her counterpart Rico her skills in summoning are as quick as they are deadly. From a meteor out of thin air to an army in seconds she is the only one (Besides Rico.) capable of transporting between dimensions in a reasonable amount of time. (For comparison Downy would have taken 1000 years to get back to Avatar while she could do it in under a day hence why the complicated ritual to alert her of his presence.) Besides summoning, she is also fairly skilled in just about every type of magic and extremely skilled in anything logic based. (She is the book of logic after all.)

Other Abilities:  She can change appearance if necessary and is contracted to the White Apostle. (This person being Mia Touma, Taiga's sister though Downy can force a contract himself if he needs the boost.)

Once contracted both herself and the contracted one gain an extraordinary amount of power and their fighting skill are enhanced greatly. (For Imnity it's the ability to regenerate lost energy and for Mia it's the ability to do stuff like blocking an Excaliblast type beam with just her hand.)

Origin: She is the spirit of the white book the rival of the red book, she governs all things logic while the red book governs all things emotion. After being discovered by Downy and Lobellia she has joined their plot in activating God's final wish and will do anything to make sure it comes true, at the moment she is looking through the entire universe and all it's dimensions to try and find Downy so that they can regroup and continue their plans on world destruction.

Weakness: Rico's magic is of equal strength to hers, other then that she is fairly weak physically being that of a young girl and heavily relies on her white book. (Good luck trying to take it from her as she keeps it with her at all times and never having to sleep or anything is quite the advantage.) However if for some reason she was to lose the book her near infinite supply of energy would vanish and it would be as if she was no longer contracted relying on a small fixed amount of energy.

Likes: Mia, Anything Mia likes, Downy, Lobellia, and God.

Dislikes: Taiga Touma (Despite Mia's protests.), Rico, anyone who gets in her way.

Arch-Magos Winter:
Name: Brianna Macmillan
Race: Enthralled Human (Ghoul)
Age: 24
Apparent Age: 21
Height: 5'4"
Weight: When asked, punched the questioner
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
Appearance: Brianna's rather conscious about her appearance, hiding her curves behind bulky clothing. Pullovers and hoodies are a constant fixture in her wardrobe, and she keeps her hair in a short bun.
Alignment: True Neutral
Charisma: B, she's rather cute in that Girl Next Door style. Getting off the needle helped a lot.
Strength: E+, she isn't exactly the spitting image of strength
Agility: C, she's very nimble
Speed: C-, she did some track in high school
Magic Resistance: E+
Magic Ability: N/A

Other Abilities: As a Ghoul, Brianna heals at a faster rate, and can spend vitae to increase her physical abilites. She also knows a bit of Resilience, though no where near that of her Regents. She's very good with animals, and also is learning from Jack how to handle a gun. Brianna is also blood bonded with Jack, giving her a degree of connection with him.

Origin: A foster child, she was bounced from house to house again and again, before ending up on the streets after failing out of a local college and losing her job. Brianna ended up on the needle for a while, shooting up anything she could get her hands on. Jack changed that. He dragged her inside one night, force fed her his blood, and started making sure she couldn't get anything. The withdrawal was horrible, but Jack's vitae helped her tough it out, a new drug substituting somewhat for the old.  Now blood bonded to him, Brianna became the daytime face of his business, and his secretary of sorts. He also feeds off of her occasionally, and seems to trust her more than you'd think.

Jack has never stated exactly why he brought her in. Brianna has her suspicions, but Jack has never confirmed any of them. Maybe she reminded him of a lost love, or a dead family member. Or maybe he just needed someone to tend the place during the day. Perhaps it was for company. Whatever it was, Brianna knows she's lucked out.

Weakness: Without a steady supply of vitae, she can't activate any of her disciplines, or heal. Her powers are entirely dependent on Jack. For that matter, she cannot disobey Jack, because the strength of the blood bond.

Likes: Jack, Jack's blood, cute guys, and is rather fond of donuts, plus Riley, Jack's dog.

Dislikes: Spiders, crows, seeing Jack transform

Name: Rin Tohsaka
Race: human
Age: 49
Height: 5'4
Weight: 135lb
Eyes: aquamarine
Hair: black
Appearance: Rin is just as she was as a teenager when it comes to her choices in clothes although she now prefers pants and long skirts in her old age. She's aged gracefully but now colours her hair and uses a small bit of make up now and again.
Alignment: chaotic good
Charisma: B
Strength: A
Agility: A
Speed: A
Magic Resistance: A
Magic Ability: Ex
Other Abilities: Rin possesses numerous weapons and items from her years in training and as head of the mage association.

the second magic, Rin has mastered it. This gives her free reign to traverse dimensions and create portals. She rarely travels the multiverse at her age any and all trips are black listed.

the jeweled sword, as with her daughter Rin also completed the sword and keeps one in her possession.

rainbow blaster, a revolver which can fire magic blasts using jewel magic.

magintology equipment, various devices created by the mage association to study anomalies, keep contact and provide funding for the association itself, the magi cell phone carried by Sakura and others is one such device

mastery of the Tohsaka family martial arts, as the name implies Rin is a master of her family's martial arts.
Origin: Rin became the mage association head after the events in the fate route and Saber's return from Avalon. Rin has traveled the world and raised her daughter with her husband Archer. Rin is career minded but is no longer image obsessed as she was in her teen years. She is in a word mellow
Weakness: Rin is still stubborn as a mule and often late for things (although no one mentions the latter to the boss)
Likes: her family, doctor who, quiet moments.
Dislikes: Kirei, Gilgamesh, fruit cake, threats to her friends and family.

Name: Lady Wynn Noreen Umbra
Race: Unseelie Faerie
Age: About 1,000.  She's slightly younger than Forest.
Height: 5'7
Weight: 130
Eyes: Violet
Hair: Jet black
Alignment: Lawful Neutral with True Neutral and some Chaotic tendencies.   In other words, she's FAERIE.
Appearance: Wynn is slightly above average height for a woman, and voluptuous with an hour glass figure.  She has nice, sculpted legs and a bit of muscle tone in her shoulders, arms, and abdomen from working her forge.  Her jet black hair falls to her knees.  Like Gabriel's hair it doesn't reflect light at all.  It appears as if her hair was crafted from India ink- just a solid, silken mass of black.  In fact, it looks as if her hair is absorbing and dissipate light if one looks closely enough. 

Her wide eyes are a pure violet, like the finest amethysts and look unreal and jewel bright as well.  She has full lips, pointed ears, and finely sculpted features.  Her skin is fair and faintly luminescent- like a good quality pearl.  She has pointed ears as well.  Now, this is when she has her glamor up.

When she drops her glamor the evidence that the Wild Hunt is strongly in her blood comes through.  Her skin glows, as if moonlight was trapped underneath it, and the more excited, aroused, or if she's using magic the brighter Wynn glows.  The pupils of her eyes go from traditional round to an oval shape- not quite elliptical but none the less very alien.  Even more unusual is that black crescent moons appear on all of her pulse points.

She favors well tailored power suits -either skirts or pants are fine - that show off her supple curves.  She likes gray with pale lavender pinstripes with a matching blouse.  She also of course likes blacks, deep reds, violets, purples, and plums as well.  Her shoes of choice are black heels with a reasonable heel.  She can sometimes be seen in jeans as well.  When she is at Court she sports elaborate ball gowns in her chosen shades.

She is never seen without jewelry of some kind.  Most importantly the Seal of Umbra that decorates her left ring finger.  Gabriel has a matching seal made for a man, but he wears it on his left middle finger.

Charisma:  A++
Strength: D-, magically enhanced she can get to a C.
Agility: D-, Magically enhanced she can get to a C+
Speed: D-, Magically enhanced she can get to a C+
Magic Resistance: B+ if she doesn't have any casting time to defend, EX if she can prepare.
Magic Ability: Shadow Crafting- EX, Elemental Spells B-, Charms (Think like mystic codes)- A
Other Abilities:
Shadow Crafting- EX- Wynn comes from the House Umbra and is the only living member of its line.  Her birthright is the ability to control shadows.  She can bend them to her will from anything to soft bindings to hard edge blades.  She can also manipulate multiple shadows at once.  This ability is limited by her own imagination and how strong the shadows are in her area.  (Say if it was high noon and she was outside in an open area she wouldn't have much to work with.)

Shadow Walking- Due to her ability to actually use magic, Wynn's form of Shadow Walking is far more enhanced than her son's.  While her son opens doors and passage ways, Wynn can come in and out of walls, through the floor to grab someone from behind and so on and so forth.  It also makes her a pain to fight against because not only is her Shadow Walking faster because she can pull herself along the Shadow Paths faster than her son can walk or run, she can all but vanish and reappear at will.

She can also pull things through the Shadows without going with her.  She generally does this to "summon" things she wants- generally liquor or the like.  Ironically, a lot of liquor stores find their stores of absinthe gone while Wynn is in town.  Taking a person is difficult-  She needs to be in contact with them, but it's not anything for her to bind someone with shadows, open a portal and drop them somewhere unpleasant. 

She can also use this in battle as well.  If someone aims a projectile attack at her such as fire balls or bullets, she'll open up a shadow portal in front of herself to send them elsewhere.  If asked where it goes, she believes its some place in Antarctica.

Craft- Wynn's specialty is Shadows, but it takes a considerable amount of time for her to use other Elemental magics that other Faeries can do pretty much at will.  To make up for this, Wynn studied and she studied hard.  With an artistic eye and a love for gemstones as well as a gift with a forge she began to craft mystical items that would put her more on par with other Faeries.  She is never without mystical jewelry that she can use defensively and offensively or give other abilities like having people understand her and be able to understand others who don't speak the languages she does.

The jewelry Wynn currently has in the Nexus are:
Band of Lightning- This is a clear quartz bangle set in silver.  All of Wynn's jewelry is set in silver because it enhances the stone's mystical properties.  What the Band of Lightning does is that it can shoot lightning bolts at a chosen target.  She can shoot five of these before the bangle's power supply is depleted and it has to recharge.  For this bracelet to recharge it has to sit outside during a thunder or lightning storm.

Knowing Tongue- This pendent and earring set are made from amethyst and aquamarine in an icy blue.  This set allows Wynn to understand languages that she doesn't know, like Japanese, and when she speaks the people listening to her will understand her.  Basically, its a universal translator.  So if say Brother Worm and Kiyoshi were both talking to Wynn she would understand them perfectly and they would understand her.  (This is because Wynn cannot be bothered by learning heathen languages like Japanese.)

The Pyre- The Pyre is a garnet band made from red, yellow, and orange garnets.  She wears it on the ring finger of her right hand.  It allows her to create and control fires.  She has about seven uses of this ring before it needs to be recharged.  To recharge the Pyre Wynn simply needs to drop the ring into a flame for a few hours time.

Combat- Forest taught her how to fight, and Wynn is a master swordswoman. However, Forest didn't teach her martial arts because at the time Forest herself didn't know them.  Still, Wynn hones her skill with a blade with other master swordsmen and can craft shadows into very dangerous weapons if need be.

Origin:  Wynn is one of the few Faeries in either court that has direct routes to the Wild Hunt.  Her father was a huntsman who saw her mother.  They had a tryst.  Wynn was born ten months later.  Her mother was sort of distant and Wynn herself was left in the care of various nursemaids and the like.  Eventually, Wynn's mother joined Wynn's father and rode with the Hunt, leaving Wynn with all the responsibilities of running the House of Umbra.

Even at a young age, Wynn could see that Faerie itself was stagnant.  There was little change going on, and she knew that change meant atrophy and then atrophy meant death.  So she began to gain the means to attempt to revolutionize Faerie and try to get the Fae into the world.

This is where she met a certain vampire named Forest.  Wynn was instantly curious because she'd never seen a person with golden hair before- it's not a color found in the Unseelie Court.  Then Wynn, being Faerie, decided that hey, molesting Forest with shadows would be a lot of fun.

Forest retaliated by beating the shit out of her with a cast iron skillet.

They became friends since that, aiding each other when the other needed it. In some ways becoming close as family.  During this, Wynn rose politically within Faerie until there was a duel she couldn't win.  See Gabriel Umbra's origin for more on the Incubus and the sword she wanted to forge.

Having a child that she couldn't raise- in fact just carrying him nearly killed her- she gave her son to Forest to raise while trying to be in his life as much as possible.  Wynn loves her son, but cannot be around him due to his magical nullifying nature.  She is also somewhat disappointed because she cannot claim Gabriel as an heir and his existence must not be revealed to Faerie.  It also makes her sad that she could not teach her offspring how to use magic as she had learned.

Still, Wynn works to try to change Faerie and make it thrive, and trying to get into Forest's pants from time to time.  However, she's content with cuddling and blood drinking for the most part.

She cannot negate magic like Gabe can either.  She can shield herself somewhat, but powerful enough of a blast will harm her.
Weakness: Wynn is Faerie, so iron is her bane.  Any alloy with a high enough iron content can harm her and bind her.  If the same question is asked of her three times she must fully and honestly answer it.  She cannot lie outright, but she can manipulate the truth to her needs.  Her abilities to use magic are weaker in the day than the night.  Even though immortal, she cannot heal at the rate Forest has unless magic is involved.
Likes: Absinthe, gemstones, a good fuck, pretty blonds of either gender, sweets, good tea, was Absinthe mentioned?  Long hot baths.  Violets.  Jasmine.  Lavender.  Absinthe.  People fawning over her.
Dislikes: Iron.  Steel.  Modern technology.  Cars.  When Forest gets mopey.  Mortal stupidity. Not getting the proper respect she deserves.


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