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Name: Joseph Joestar
Race: Human
Age: Mentally 69, but for some reason his body is physically 18
Height: 195cm
Weight: 97kg
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown/Black/Whatever looks most awesome at the moment
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Charisma: C (sufficient to score with a 20-something year old Japanese girl as a 70 year old grandpa)
Strength: B
Agility: B
Speed: B+ (enough that every moment he spends in battle is added to his metaphorical prep time)
Magic Resistance: E

Magic Abilities: Technically none, but supernatural abilities he does possess.

Ripple (Hamon): An ancient vampire-slaying breathing technique that packs the power of the sun into every punch. Generated inside the body of any wielder doing the proper breathing technique, it's deathly fatal to any undead, acting as a concentrated dose of sunlight that quickly burns them to ash through prolonged contact. There are many other abilities it possesses, including slowing down aging, passively making the user supernaturally strong, and all sorts of crazy shit that you'd need an entire wiki for. It can be channelled through the wielder's body or any objects he is in contact with, although it will dissipate through large objects like the ground. It can also linger in living things through careful use, allowing for objects such as ordinary flowers to be used as deadly strengthened vampire-slaying projectiles. Joseph is a fan of channelling the Ripple through a pair of Clackers and his trademark string. While not normally harmful to non-undead, overly large amounts of ripple can cause rapid cellular degeneration and even stop someone's heart. Joseph doesn't possess enough Ripple to do feats like those, however.

Stand: Hermit Purple:  A supernatural power developed by those who possess great unusually strong spiritual power and determination. They are called stands because they 'stand' behind their owner. Stands take a variety of shapes, and Joseph's is somewhat of an oddity. Hermit Purple manifests as multiple purple thorny vines that spawn from Joseph's right hand. They are relatively weak; however, Hermit Purple also provides Joseph with considerable telepathic ability, enabling him to sense locations or thoughts by projecting them into a camera, or a TV, or even into an image made from the sand of a dusty street. It represents the Tarot Card The Hermit and doesn't have a personality. Joseph can use the vines for various purposes, and even channel the Ripple through them in place of other objects. While usually not visible to those without a Stand of their own, anyone who possesses great spiritual power in the Nexus is capable of seeing one, as well as those who possess supernatural sight. (Note: Magi and Vampires can't automatically see stands. You'd need something like Pure Eyes to do so.)


Metal Hand. One of Jojo's hands is mechanical in nature, and was built by Nazis to replace his old one, which was cut off. Yep.

A Thompson Submachine gun with pleeeeenty of ammo in drum magazines.

Grenades. Tons and tons of grenades.

Women's clothing and tequila. Don't ask.

Personality: It's fucking Jojo. Read the manga or watch the anime.

Backstory: At the end of part 3, while hanging on the edge of life and death after his battle with Dio Brando, Joseph wakes up in a younger body in Nexus, still able to use his Stand and finding his Ripple powers restored to their height. Believing it to be the afterlife, Joseph decides to kick back, enjoy himself, and see if he can find something (or someone) fun to do.

Name: Maximillian Achterberg
Race: Vampire (Kindred of Clan Mekhet)
Age: 114 (Appears younger than 40, his age of death. Even before the Embrace, he aged well.)
Height: 6 feet
Weight: Around 170 pounds
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dirty Blonde
Appearance: Max usually wears a German army styled military looking uniform, but of a darker color than the actual uniform, complete with a matching peaked cap without any symbol, black gloves, and a trench coat. When feeling less formal, he opts for a simple high collared jacket, a shirt, dark pants and boots or some manner of heavy weather footwear.
Alignment: Neutral

Charisma: B (His striking looks make him handsomely appealing, and he carries a pleasant expression)
Strength: E (He is not the physically strongest of kindred, and relies more on his skill than sheer strength)
Endurance: D (Although there are vampires who reach astonishing levels of fortitude even beyond what their condition normally affords, he is not one of them)
Agility: B- (In life he was already quite agile and dexterous, and as a kindred he has become even more so)
Speed: C (Quick, but not out of the realm of reason due to not being that physically strong, despite his sturdy build)
Magic Resistance: D+ (The thickness of his blood, more than the norm for his age as a vampire, offers him some resistance against all manner of supernatural powers)
Magic Ability: None.

Other Abilities:

Military and Special Ops Training: Maximillian is a trained officer of the German army and a veteran of both World Wars. He is trained in gun-handling and close-quarters combat, focusing on knife fighting, and has basic first aid and survival knowledge. During the era of World War II, he also received expert stealth and infiltration training and specialized in pistols, and became familiar with basic occult and scientific knowledge. Additionally, he is skilled at deception and manipulation, and retains all of his experience gained on the battlefield and his secret assignments.

Innate Durability: Kindred are inhumanly resilient. Most mundane weapons are no more effective against him than an unaided punch, and even then he can take a greater amount of punishment than any regular human.

Healing: So long as he has life force from human or vampire blood in him, there are few injuries that he cannot heal. With time and effort, it is possible to even regrow limbs.

Kindred Senses: Maximillian possesses very keen senses, twice as accurate and capable as the average healthy human being. He can easily see in perfect darkness without even the slightest effort. His sense of taste for blood is incredible. He can see even the smallest traces of blood anywhere within line of sight, and scent blood clearly at up to 60 yards away. He can hear heartbeats at up to 9 yards away without issue. While his sensitivity to blood can prove incredibly useful, it can also be very distracting when hungry.

Physical Intensity: By expending the life force of his cursed blood, Kindred can briefly achieve great bursts of physical prowess. Maximillian can temporarily become sturdier, stronger or more agile by empowering himself in this manner.

The Beast: As much a weakness as a strength, the Beast is the source of all vampiric power in Maximillian's world, the personification of all bestial instinct and desire that lurks within each and every Kindred. It provides them with the drive to continue surviving from night to night, pushing them to feed, flee from their banes, and destroy perceived insults.

It allows them to detect others like itself lurking within, making identification between vampires a simple matter barring certain powers, and can lash out to provoke people to wanton desire or primal fear. When allowed to be in the driver's seat it sends the body into a frenzy, its power pushing the vampire beyond its limitations.
Thanks to one of the natural powers of his clan, Max can make himself impossible to sense as kin by other vampires.

The Kiss: Also known as 'orgasmic bite', if you're not using the popular slang. It's a hunting aid, and it does pretty much what you would expect.

The Blood: Vampire blood is addictive, and drinking it will bind your heart in love for the one who fed you. Drink three times and it will beome almost unbreakable, deep and obsessive as it roots into your heart. It lasts a year without reinforcement. On the other hand, mortals who are fed like this can be gifted a portion of the power belonging to the vampire including a cessation of aging.

Auspex: Even more so than other kindred, the Mekhet live in the shadows, and they feed on what is hidden. Letting loose the Beast on secrets, Maximillian can obtain visions and flashes of insight that reveal precious information that he can exploit. The Beast can pinpoint danger and weakness, perceiving things others cannot, and provide awareness of what is not apparent in people; and focus on a single person to peel back the shroud of misdirection over her mind and sniff out her secrets, exposing the truth she is hiding to Max. He can use these powers often and without cost, but employing them repeatedly takes effort.

Obfuscate: A series of psychic sensory tricks that allow Maximillian to perfectly blend into crowds or groups of people despite his appearance, going unnoticed by anyone as long as he does nothing attention-grabbing; he can extend this benefit to objects or other beings that he comes in contact with. He can also, with some effort, vanish completely to all five senses. If he does this no amount of activity will alert anyone but his direct victim to his presence... or the victim's peril.

Protean: Some vampires keep their Beast tightly leashed. Others indulge in it, allowing it to manifest in the increasingly more monstrous ways that are the domain of this power. Maximillian can use this power to make the earth itself open to receive him and merge with the ground, safe in its embrace where he can remain until he decides to emerge. He can sink into other materials apart from soil with additional effort. While submerged, Max's kindred senses continue to function and he can absorb blood that is spilled on the ground. Greatly damaging the ground where he is resting will cause him to emerge.

Celerity: Unholy speed achieved by channeling the power of the Beast, which gives Maximillian some ability to dodge bullets through increased reflexes; and by expending life force, allows for bursts of speed faster than the eye can perceive.

- Combat Knife
- Heckler & Koch HK45 (.45 ACP) Pistol

* - Compatible Suppressor
* - 2 Magazine Reloads- Stun Grenade
- Handcuffs
- Duct Tape

Origin:Spoiler for Hiden: Maximillian was born in 1899 in Germany to a countryside middle class working family during the imperialistic era of Germany. As a youth, he lived the rise of tensions across Europe and was drafted to join the military once World War I broke out in June 1914. After receiving training in a regiment, he and his fellow soldiers joined an infantry division as part of a corps organized with a number of others, forming one of the newly established army-inspectorates.

Their division was first deployed on the western front at the beginning of 1915 and was a part of the reserves that countered the British Army's capture of the Aubers Ridge. Afterwards they served as a mobile offensive force and engaged in trench fighting across the western front. Maximillian and his division were some of the forces that stood witness to the most successful use of chemical attacks during World War, the Second Battle of Ypres.

Maximillian continued to serve in the defense of the western front, and transferred divisions and positions multiple times due to the death of most of his original division. Eventually he attained the position of Lance Corporal (Gefreiter). He cooperated successfully with multiple operations despite being wounded several times in service, but the only other major battle in which he participated was the Battle of Passchendaele in 1917 after taking part in the failed defense of the Messines Ridge. Afterwards what remained of his current division was recalled from the frontlines, and were to serve as some of the reinforcements during the Spring Offensive of 1918, but the German strategy fell apart and they were forced to retreat from all ground taken during the Spring Offensive as a result of the Allies' counter-offensive.

After the Hundred Days Offensive had begun, Maximillian's commanding officer and troops under his command surrendered in October, alongside the large number of other German troops that laid down their arms following the string of military defeats for Germany. Subsequent to the armistice, the Imperial German Army was dissolved and reorganized into the Reichswehr. And as the war ended, popular discontent and the situation of Germany brewed revolution. Max got to live through the death of the empire he served, as the Wiemar Republic was implemented and Germany was made to sign the Treaty Of Versailles, which he alongside many others viewed as a humiliating epilogue to the war. Max endured his feelings on the conditions imposed upon Germany and remained in the reorganized armed forces not for his own sake, but to support his family, who had suffered greatly from the "total war" commitment policy of the country during the war which gave priority to most supplies and produce being sent to support the military's operations.

With the disconnection of the new government from the people, especially the working classes, and recognizing the general instability of the country, Maximillian became a silent supporter of the German Worker's Party (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, DAP). In 1919 he attended a few of Adolf Hitler's speeches for the DAP, and he was convinced to officially join it, becoming its 60th member with the number 560. He continued to support it through its change of name after which it was more commonly known by the Nazi Party. Although he did not directly participate in the Nazi Party's attempted coup d'état, he was among the individuals that unsuccessfully attempted to rally the aid of the local Reichswehr forces, and was only deposed of his rank for his guilt as co-conspirator, an even lighter punishment than the lenient prison sentences of Hitler and other key members of the party. Upon its reformation, his respect for Hitler was renewed, and despite his wish to join the SS after it was formed, he had to remain with the army to provide an income because he couldn't depend on the party to do so.

With its growing strength towards the late twenties and finally the crash of the Great Depression upon Germany, Maximillian left the army to fully dedicate himself to the Nazi Party and the opportunity it was offered, becoming a part of the SS. Max had full faith in Hitler's promises and goals for Germany, fueled by his resentment at the result of the war. They had lost so much, and now they were going to take it back, and more. After a series of political campaigns, the Nazi Party controlled the majority of parliament with the German Communist Party, and in succession to a series of unsuccessful cabinets, Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany on 30 January 1933 by President Paul Hindenburg.

Soon, Adolf Hitler, officially named the Fuhrer and made head of state and head of government, established a centralized totalitarian estate with complete control, focused the industry to remilitarization, and introduced strong anti-semitic policies and laws, as well as rapidly suppressed political opposition. Maximillian was given the rank of First Lieutenant at the time and participated in the annexing of Austria as Germany launched into a series of operations for the sake of regaining control of their own borders and the territory they lost from of World War I.

When plans were being made for the invasion of Poland in 1939, Maximillian had all intentions of participating on the front lines, anticipating a much larger confrontation exploding from it, but then he was recalled to the capital on an urgent note. He personally met the Fuhrer, who explained to Max he had been recruited for a 'special project' sponsored by him. His leader spoke to him of glory, of power to be used for Germany's sake if he would be willing to serve it from the shadows with the same unflinching resolve he had shown, and asked if he was ready to set down his life for the good of the country. Maximillian did not hesitate to accept his Fuhrer's command. That same day, he officially joined the Ouroboros Division. A week later, he had learned of the occult secrets it hid, researched and made use of, and of the existence of Kindred from his Major. Maximillian Achterberg died, and was Embraced, reborn as one of the Nazi regime's secret vampire agents.

He received intensive stealth and infiltration training, learned how to make use of his vampiric powers, and throughout World War II was deployed on an extensive number of missions. He successfully completed multiple nigh-impossible espionage and intelligence assignments across Europe, assassinations, and several special interest targets to consolidate power for the division.

However, in-between missions, he found his belief in Hitler's regime fading as the war escalated and the crusade against the ethnicities that threatened the power of Germany plummeted into what he realized were atrocities against humanity itself. He realized exactly what kind of creature he had become, the kind of monsters and dark knowledge his country were using as tools of war, and how wrongly he had invested his allegiance.

Even though Maximillian now contested the current ways of Germany, he could not act in rebellion due to his position and he still owed loyalty to the people of Germany if not to the mad designs of its leader. Indecision kept him from organizing a revolt or turning traitor, although he managed to help a few concentration camp prisoners escape, even while under his Major's scrutiny. Almost a year since his shift in views, in 1945, the Axis Powers decisively lost ground in the war and the offensive of the Allies intensified and finally reached Germany. During the ensuing chaos of the Soviet and Polish forces storming Berlin, the headquarters of the Ouroboros Division were caught up in the fighting and their libraries of stored occult and esoteric knowledge raided. Max returned from amidst the skirmishes approaching the capital to that chaos, and it was then that he first met Kindred who were not of the secret Nazi force.

In the aftermath, most of his division and his superior were killed. Due to the secrecy of the matter, it was easy for him to slip away and disappear, as World War II officially ended. While he had no loyalty left for the fallen Nazi regime, he still had duties to the German people and patriots who he did not believe were to blame for the extremes their country had taken, so he helped many escape from becoming prisoners of war or ending up unfairly judged and convicted for their superiors' actions.

It was at that time that he first came into contact with the society of the Kindred behind the Masquerade, and learned of the disturbances the war had left in it as far as Germany was concerned. Max had interest in making sure that the unlawful vampires and loose cannons of the Kindred did not cause further grief to the German people than the war had already, and he made a strong impression on the vampires of Berlin by acting as an enforcer against these miscreants and undesirable sort that threatened the stability of vampire society and Germany.

Eventually, Maximillian cut off all of his remaining personal ties with the mortal world and joined the ranks of the Carthian Movement, which he remains dedicated to this day for their ideals of bettering Kindred society, while serving as an enforcer and aid of the Sheriff of Berlin, as well as a freelancer for miscellaneous jobs requested by the remaining covenants and the kindred in power.

Until the day he fell into a ditch after feeding from a drunk thug on the streets and woke up in Nexus City.
Sunlight: Burns him on contact every minute of exposure. Seeing it can provoke him to uncontrollable fear in some cases.
Fire: Burns badly, defying easy regeneration, and provokes the same fear as sunlight when seen. One of the few things that can leave scars on Kindred.
Staking: Does not destroy him outright, but it renders him completely paralyzed if his heart is penetrated with wood. On the other hand, the ribs are pretty good at protecting the heart from threats like that to begin with; most humans can't manage enough force to pull it off without assistance even without his enhanced reflexes.
Running Water: Most kinds of running water such as rivers and rain water flowing downhill on a sidewalk strongly repel Maximillian and deny his unlife, searing existing wounds on contact. He can cross over bridges and such, but otherwise, he cannot draw closer than 4 yards from his bane without some difficulty. Much to his dismay, he also finds water taps and showers uncomfortable. And rain. Luckily, smaller volumes of vertical running water don't outright drive him away.

Likes: Animals, hiking, parties, jigsaw puzzles, jogging, democracy, driving
Dislikes: Discrimination, abuse of power, autocratic figures, unnecessary killing, families being torn apart

Notes: Although he still has no problems relating to humanity, Max is not as emphatic to people as he used to be. As a consequence of his waning ability to relate, he has acquired Banes and become completely emotionally disconnected from intentional murder, which bothers him greatly (to the point that he used to scorn it but simultaneously think it a relief). Due to his banes, running water repels him, and he is despised by animals, which go out of their way to avoid him or express their dislike by hissing, growling, or behaving defensively regardless of his actions.

Name:Rei Blackwell
Race: Human
Age: 20 (but looks about 15 or 16)
Height: 5'3"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Appearance: Far more cute than pretty, but with an expressive face with lips more often than not that are turned up into a smile. Her base clothing is rather simple, a shirt and either some overalls or work pants. The length of the sleeves all depends on the weather. Her choice of footwear is almost always a sturdy pair of boots. However, she often never leaves home without wearing some form of tool belt and her work gloves, and either her trusty aviator hat with goggles or just plain goggles. The goggles are virtually indestructible, but have perscription style lenses just in case she has to wear them in place of her large, round glasses, which she has to wear constantly because she has trouble seeing otherwise.

She often brings a great deal of equipment with her, and the end result often ends up looking something like, to use the terms of our world, somewhat steampunk. 
Alignment: Chaotic Good (she does acknowledge that the law is a thing that exists, but often is too preoccupied with her work to consider it too much)
Charisma: B (can be quite charming, but her sunny attitude and her zest for life can be rather grating on some people)
Strength:C+ (she can't really defend herself by kicking and punching, but she's surprisingly strong at carrying around all the heavy equipment she often lugs all over the place. Not even heavy things will stand in the way of her experiments)
Agility:B- (can be pretty dodgy, but is often slowed down by the weight of her equipment)
Speed:B- (same with her speed- she can move quickly, but is often weighed down)
Magic Resistance:C (EX if one of her anti-magic devices is activated, but only within a certain radius)
Magic Ability:D (just enough to pull off her alchemy and transmutations, which she excels at. She also has some magical knowledge. She cannot really cast actual spells that require magical ability beyond what's within the domain of alchemy, however.)
Other Abilities:
Transmutation: So long as equivalent materials are present and there is sufficient energy to achieve it, she can convert one thing or a group of things into another, so long as it is made up of the same ingredients. It must be somewhat in reason. Some more difficult transmutations require a source of energy as well. This is why homunculi are quite difficult to create. But give her sufficient ingredients, and she can often supply herself with what she needs just from what's sitting around her.

Oblivious to Love: Rei is so spectacularly dense when it comes to sexual liaisons that she is actually somewhat resistant to spells that influence sexual feeling. Instead of feeling sexually attracted to that person, she'd just be even friendlier to them instead. Instead of getting completely turned on, she'd just feel really happy, more so than usual. This also means when she is hit on, she will spectacularly miss the point. Good luck trying to get this girl to realize your feelings for her, boys and girls!

Machinist's Revelry: Rei has a knack for working with machines and mechanical objects. So much so she could be called a genius in that field. She can fix broken machinery that few others can fix just from fiddling around with it for awhile, or build new devices wholesale with ease. This does not guarantee success in all cases, but she does have a high rate of it.   

Chemist: As an alchemist, she's also quite familiar with chemistry. This combined with her previously described ability makes it possible for her to create more than a fair few devices and inventions. She's rather fond of creating explosive chemicals, it turns out.

Workaholic: When she starts on one of her projects, she works with a single-minded obsession, and can work without stopping or tiring. However, even if she can't feel the effects of her exhaustion, it will catch up to her eventually and she will faint or similar.

She also has a variety of weaponry, a lot of it self made. Notable among them are her anti-magic items, used to help defend herself against some of the more unscrupulous mages. These are:

Anti-magic field: A small device that projects an antimagic field a meter in size around itself. It can be made into a belt buckle or integrated into a bracelet or something similar. The device is powered by a solar battery- while it has a long lasting charge, the amount of energy it can hold is not indefinite. As such, if it was not recharged, and it's night or too dark to recharge it, the device will not turn on. It is turned on by an on and off switch, easy to reach, but placed where it can't just be bumped and thus cause problems.

AMG (Anti Magic Grenade): When it explodes, instead of exploding into a mass of fire, it explodes into a mass of anti-magic energy. Unless those caught into its radius are made of magical energy, any caught within the blast radius are unharmed, but any magic in the area will be nullified. The range is not much greater than your normal grenade, hence the name. 
Origin: An orphan from an alternate universe version of Chicago who was adopted by a tinkerer and friend of the family. Her adoptive father, being a member of the recently merged Machinist and Alchemist guilds, quickly immersed her in both worlds, and to his pleasant surprise, she took to it like a fish in water. So much so that they quickly realized that they had a genius on their hands.

As gifted as she is, Rei has an often single minded and even somewhat childish mindset, often focusing on her experiments above all else. She does have an immense respect for life, and does value the lives of others, and will do what she can to preserve both, but more often than not, she will tend to let herself get obsessed with her tinkering and experimenting. She regards life with a childish sense of wonder, and tends to tackle most tasks with both immense enthusiasm and a smile on her face. She loves what she does, and life loves her for doing it.

She does care about her friends, family and allies even if her attentions often get distracted. She'll happy protect them at all costs, and she has a sizable arsenal to protect them with. She also doesn't mind harming people that she considers Bad Guys. However, her natural curiosity and her single minded drive to find out more and build more often can get her into trouble...
Weakness: Any normal human weaknesses, her over-exuberance. Also her penchant for unintentional destruction.
Likes: Machines, explosions, inventing, life itself.
Dislikes: Being interrupted in the middle of her work, her inventions being used to hurt people that aren't Bad Guys.

Name: James "scissors" Macaroy
Race: human/paper master
Age: 23
Height: 5'9
Weight: 170lb
Eyes: blue
Hair: black
Appearance: James wears a long coat over a utility uniform similar to army issue featuring a massive ton of pockets. In addition James wears a bulletproof vest, a pair of cargo pants and steel toed boots and in straight black.
Alignment: true neutral
Charisma: C
Strength: C
Agility: B
Speed: A
Magic Resistance: D
Magic Ability: E
Other Abilities: psychic control and manipulation of paper, firearms expertise, forgery and pickpocketing skills, double 0 designation as a member of the British library.
Origin: James is an artificially created paper master designed to be an anti operative to the the paper sisters and the paper herself he possesses all the skills the four others do but all of their weaknesses making James highly obsessive compulsive regarding books.
Weakness: books, James often ignores or is distracted from situations due to finding a new book
Likes: books, reading tea
Dislikes: people stopping him from reading, people who destroy books, digital books

Name: Kassadin
Race: Human(?)
Age: Unknown
Height: 6 feet 1 inch
Weight: Around 170 pounds
Eyes: Purple, in the past
Hair: Black, in the past
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Charisma: C- (He successfully gathered a group of loyal followers to help him defend Runeterra, but other than that he is remarkably quiet and antisocial)
Strength: C (Kassadin has inhuman strength, but not on the level of the greater warriors of his world)
Endurance: D+
Agility: B (Superhuman reflexes and dexterity afforded by the power running through his body)
Speed: B
Magic Resistance: C+ (Kassadin's nature as a being changed by the Void affords him strong magic resistance, and will independently of his intent absorb magical damage and temporarily increase his speed and agility with that power.)

Magic Ability: A
Kassadin's abilities are not magic strictly speaking, but rather powers that draw on the energies of the Void itself - both the Void that is a part of him, and the greater eldritch dimension. Although he still fuels most of these abilities using mana, he has means of not running dry. Due to its chaotic, ravenous nature, the power of the Void opposes and devours magic, and many of Kassadin's abilities inherit that same characteristic.

Nether Blade: A searing blade of void energy that can easily cut through most solid matter without effort and shred through spells that it is lifted against, to some extent. It also constantly drains mana from the environment and plunders it from any source that it cuts.

Null Sphere: Kassadin can fire ethereal bolts of void energy with varying destructive power at his enemies. As the power of the Void is a natural enemy of magic, these disrupt it, and damaging someone with them will cause a short, temporary "silencing" effect that disturbs the flow of mana and prevents them from using magic and most abilities that require a conscious directing of power.

Force Pulse: He can also emit powerful pulses of void energy that become stronger the more magic is being used in the vicinity, which also lets them be used to their full destructive kinetic force more often. Kassadin draws energy from spells that are cast around him to use these pulses, taking advantage of his enemies and his environment to power them as opposed to doing so himself. As with his bolts, the pulses disrupt magic; due to being a more spread blast they do not inflict the "silencing" effect, but since they are a 'heavier' wave of power, they place that same weight on who they hit, dulling reflexes and causing the body to slow.

Riftwalk: Using his powers, Kassadin can blink to a nearby location by opening a rift in space and passing through it, in what is effectively teleportation. Every time he does this, he creates a rift through reality that he instantly drags himself through and closes behind him, using the Void as a medium and a shortcut - essentially, he steps through the brink of the Void itself, an alternate dimension, to move from one place to another. Doing this also creates a violent backlash of void energy at the arrival point usable for offensive purposes, but the general force of which Kassadin can contain and control if he so wishes. While restrained by the Fields Of Justice, he could only riftwalk relatively short distances, but with his full power unlocked he is able to open rifts to a much greater range.

He is also capable of subtler manipulation of the powers of the Void, and creating arcs or sparks of its energy to attack or defend against magic. Finally, while moving he hovers - his feet do not seem to touch the ground under his robe, and he leaves small ripples in the air over the ground he walks.

Other Abilities:

Magic Knowledge: Although he refuses to use it, Kassadin was once a mage that sought prohibited knowledge and power. He retains this understanding even know, knowing much of the taboos of magic and other occult powers, their workings, and more importantly, how to stop them. Some of his memories have been corroded away by his experiences, but he can be said to know even more, from what he learned upon touching the Void.

Single-Minded Willpower: Kassadin is one who fought against being consumed by the Void, and when he saw no other means available to him, took it into himself, and resisted the mad, alien urges that came with it as his very existence was altered. Such is a testament to his strength of mind, which holds steadfast to this day, lest his soul be truly devoured by the Void in a moment of weakness.

Combat Experience: Kassadin has fought all manner of beings of Runeterra and other worlds innumerous times in the Fields Of Justice since he joined the League Of Legends, and has quite literally experienced the sensation of death many times. Naturally, he has obtained a great deal of combat experience, and greatly sharpened his instincts.
He also has survival skills.

Origin: There is a place between dimensions and between worlds. To some it is known as the Outside, to others it is the Unknown. To most, however, it is called the Void. Despite its name, the Void is not an empty place, but rather the home of unspeakable things, horrors not meant for minds of men. Though such knowledge is lost in modern times, there are those who have unwittingly discovered what lies beyond, and they have been unable to turn away. Kassadin is such a creature. He was once a man forced to look upon the face of the Void and forever changed by what he saw. Once a seeker of forbidden knowledge, he discovered that what he sought was something else entirely. He is one of the few that has found his way to forgotten Icathia and lived to tell the tale, following the scant breadcrumbs hidden in ancient texts.

Within a decaying cyclopean city, Kassadin found secrets of the kind that he will never share - secrets that made him quake with fear at the visions of things to come that were thrust upon him. The power of the place threatened to consume him forever, but Kassadin took the only route available to him in order to survive - he let the Void inside him. Miraculously, he was able to overcome the alien urges that went with it, and he emerged as something more than human. Though a part of him died that day, he knew that he must protect Valoran from the things scratching at the door, waiting to get in and visit their torments upon the world of Runeterra. They are only one step away... something to which the appearance of abominations such as Cho'Gath attests.

Kassadin joined the League Of Legends as a Champion to help them mediate various struggles across the continent of Valoran, and to keep a close eye on the Voidborn creatures imprisoned within the institute and used by the League to settle disputes. And with the advent of the mad prophet Malzahar and his void cult, he created the Preservers to help him safeguard Runeterra.

After a faulty summon to the Fields Of Justice, he found himself in Nexus City, free of the limits on his power usually placed during the matches of the League.

Weaknesses: Abusing his rifts in quick succession will tire him quickly despite how fast he recovers. In addition, just using his powers increases the strain on his mind from the taint of the Void and risks drawing it closer to him.

Likes: Peace, reading.
Dislikes: Careless magic users, the Void, creatures of other worlds, those who refuse to listen to the dire truth, madmen.


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