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Name: Eshana
Race: Faerie
Alignment: Lawful Neutral (faerie style)
Titles: The Duchess of Seven-Thousand Thistles; The Knight of Regal Capras; Ire's Wretched Reach; The King in Rags

Origin: Eshana is a contract with the world. Its terms and clauses are kept secret to all but itself, but its basic preciples are deceptively simple and easy to explain.

I exist.

I create and destroy. I control and change. I am devourer and devoured. I bring you gifts. I bring you joy, if you will accept. I bring you misery, if you accept. You want to accept.

One day I may die.

At its heart, Eshana is a name. It exists within its own name, in the signature of the contract that allows it to exist. It manifests such things as form by sheathing its imaginings in one of its Titles, claimed by right of conquest as agreed upon by the terms of the feuds between others like itself.

At times its Titles are people. Sometimes this means many people: elite retinues of faerie cataphracts who guard anything it so wills, or horned goblin armies that breathlessly chant in imaginary tongues and gorge themselves on the dreams of their fallen foes. Sometimes its Titles are but a single person, a terrible knight or baron or queen of Arcadia who strides the lands of chaos from which they were born seeking challenges and adventures.

At other times its Titles are objects: a demon blade that whispers ruin and cuts through the hearts of kings. A hammer that forges perfect tools for any occasion. Armor that denies all injuries not from iron.

And at other times, its Titles are places that answer to its will: Kingdoms of verdant plenty fertilized with children's blood. Ramshackle mansions filled with wraiths and razors. Cities whose architectures are archaic, or bend at impossible angles to form wrathful archways over terrified streets.

All of these things that its Titles are, it is in turn. It is the blade and the kingdom it sunders, the queen and the knights who court her, the Hell conquered by the greatest villain of all.

There is nothing human in Eshana, but it has learned to fake it. Sometimes it even convinces itself and the rest of the world that the lie is real, and refuses to

Only two of its Titles can be found in the Nexus, but unlike most immigrants to the city it is not so difficult for Eshana's components to get back home. Thing is, they don't particularly want to go back right now...

(shared by all Titles)
Pledge-crafting (EX): Faeries are capable of forging contracts between themselves and others, themselves and the world, or any combination of the three. In Arcadia this is the fundamental basis of interaction; fae cannot interact with each other or their environment in any meaningful way except to negotiate until the terms of other interactions have been agreed upon. Without contracts agreeing upon their effects such things as air and ground, blade and fire, food and drink etc. are all pointless fancies without purpose or meaning.

They can, however, interact with non-fae without permission. There are still benefits to opening negotiations with these creatures, because the art of pledge-crafting forges the strands of fate to generate all sorts of effects that enable or reward adherence to oaths. A knight swearing themselves to a faerie lady is granted superior skill at arms. The lone wanderer finds wealth and friends wherever they go, but makes a promise to the world upon the car that they use to travel that they will never sleep in one place for more than a single night. The duration of such oaths is agreed upon ahead of time, but can be anywhere from a single night to an eternity (carrying over to any ghosts left behind or even subsequent incarnations at great cost).

Pledge-crafting also automatically sanctions those who violate their oaths, withdrawing the benefits of adherence and actively punishing the oathbreaker: the knight who betrays his lady is struck dead for his disloyalty in a week's time if he cannot earn her forgiveness. The lone wanderer's car breaks down irreparably and they are cursed with misfortune.

Harvesting: The wonders of the faerie are fueled by the stuff of human emotions and dreams; they feast on strong emotions and dreams to fuel their magic, though a little bit goes a long way.

Dreamcrafting: All faeries are perfect lucid dreamers, nearly omnipotent gods within the realm of their own dreams against those rare forces that can infiltrate them. They can also readily access the dreams of others and shape them to their will by touching them as they sleep; this allows for such things as giving a better or worse night's sleep, or teaching someone new knowledge and skills.

With a little time and effort they could even use the dreamer's sleeping mind to view prophecies of the future, or make them sleepwalk and perform a series of actions. They can infiltrate dreams from afar by bottling dream-poison up in vials and having it left under pillows, but this is less reliable.

Iron: This metal destroys faerie magic and ignores any protection that relies on it. If the iron has been wrought by hand without knowing the touch of heat, and has not been manipulated or conjured in any way by magic, then striking one of the fae with it causes almost irreparable damage to them.
Oath-Breaking: If one of the fae breaks an oath sworn on one of their Titles, that Title is destroyed. If they break an oath sworn on their Name they cease to exist entirely.


Title: The Duchess of Seven-Thousand Thistles
Alias(es): Rose
Race: Faerie
Age: 10 days (technically; faerie time is not linear)

Appearance: 'Rose' has a variable appearance, but favors height ranges between 5'5" and 6'2". She is unable to be anything but biologically female, and approximately human. She has a personal preference for white skin, green eyes and red hair, but this is strictly optional. She is achingly beautiful from both sheer physical perfection and an inescapable sense of familiarity and comfort that comes from being in her presence. The combination makes her approachable and desirable in equal measure, regardless of form. She often wears the King in Rags.

In all possible forms she has a 'tell' based on the Title that defines her. In this case, that would be the seven thousand thorn-teeth that begin to appear in place of regular teeth once you look further back than her canines. The limits of space are violated to create the room necessary for these to fit.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral (faerie style)
Charisma: A++
Strength: C-
Agility:  D+
Speed: C-
Magic Resistance: B+ (applies to psychic powers, too)
Magical Ability: Pledge-craft (EX); Charms (B)

Other Abilities
Incite Emotion (C): Rose can provoke raw, undirected emotions in others. This is less helpful than you might think, since while she could provoke someone to a rage she could not select that anger's target. Still, for creating chaos there are few better options available.

Control Desire (B+): This emotion, however, is completely at Rose's command. She can make you desire her, or someone else, or even an object, and you will act upon this desire unless doing so would be blatantly suicidal (for instance, desiring an active wood chipper) or you are holding an iron object.

Shapeshifting (B): Rose can alter her body to an extent; she is limited to a humanoid female form, and cannot become shorter than 4 feet or taller than 7.  Within these boundaries she has a great deal of malleability to work with. She also cannot remove her 'tell'.

Probability Manipulation (B+): Rose can gift herself and others with supernatural levels of good luck, or make people a bit more unlucky, without much provocation. The former can extend to such levels as winning the lottery, surviving a bullet through the eye (once), or stumbling on just the right pick-up line to get a night with someone who would otherwise never take an interest. The latter is limited to making it more likely your car will slip and slide on an already icy road, or that in a contest of equals chance will conspire to see victory slip through your grasp.

Other Skills: Rose is at the pinnacle of human physical ability and athletic prowess, and is very capable in a close quarters fight. Raw intellect makes up for having only a shallow grasp of modern sciences when those somehow become relevant, and she has a working knowledge of history, mythology, the occult and human psychology. This is not necessary a good thing for the people she has an academic understanding of.

Weaknesses: As all Titles, plus the following.
1) Rose cannot eat another person's food without verbal permission.
2) Rose cannot directly harm someone who is pronouncing her Name backwards correctly.
3) Rose must allow someone who says her Name seven times in person to make use of any item in her possession for an hour, unless it is another Title like herself.
4) Rose bleeds from the ears and suffers blinding headaches if a pre-adolescent child speaks to her in person.

Origin: One of the components of Eshana, currently working as the city's most successful bartender despite having been there for only three days and hijacking the bar from its previous owner with little warning.

Likes: Giving gifts, hearing about your problems, doing things in beds other than sleeping, honey, happy dreams, thorned plants, wine
Dislikes: Children, iron, people refusing her gifts, people refusing to open up about their problems.


Title: The King in Rags
Race: (Mostly) Inanimate Object
Age: Indeterminate

Appearance: A mantle of shredded brown leather, patched with cloth, that covers down to the ankles and has a mostly-intact hood for the wearer to draw over their head. It feels warm and comfortable despite its appearance, as if it were a loving parent wrapping its arms around its wearer ... unless the would-be wearer is a pre-adolescent child.

Abilities: Provides perfect defense against any attack that doesn't hit the face or feet. It also makes dropping from extreme heights harmless. It cannot be destroyed except by its unique weakness.

Weaknesses: As faeries in general (which means yes, iron ignores its protection). Also, it will unravel and cease to function if a pre-adolescent child chants Hindu mantras in the original language. It is compelled to strangle children that get too close to it.

Dislikes: Children.

- "Do you not understand the beauty of a cold, unmoving, shredded, bloated, CORPSE?!"

- "Happy families are all alike. Unhappy families each are unhappy in their own miserable, entertaining ways."

Name: Ketsumoto Uchiten [血本内天]
Race: Evil Spirit
Age: Something close to 900 years, current form looks to be in his early 20s.
Height: 5 feet 8 inches
Weight: Around 110 pounds
Eyes: Black outer iris ring, inner iris white, and pupil is a black circle with a white center.
Hair: Black
Appearance: As a spirit, Uchiten can change his appearance at will, although it is much easier for him to assume humanoid shapes. His current main form is that of a handsome young man in his twenties, with slick, short black hair combed back, and unnatural looking eyes. He always wears discrete, rectangular shaped glasses with a thin metallic frame and dark red lenses. His clothes vary depending on his mood, although he always wears dark clothes. His two most common garbs are the black hakama and kimono combination with an inverted pentagram on its back, and sandals; and simple grey pants, shoes, tie-less black shirt, and a grey suit. Otherwise he tends to wear dark pants, a black t-shirt, boots and a simple jacket.
Something to note about his current physical appearance however, is that despite him seeming fair and completely normal, looking at him in person gives one an impression like staring at a corpse.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Charisma: E- (His countenance is repulsive to most of those who can sense his true nature and purely Good aligned beings. To Evil aligned beings however, it has the opposite effect and Charisma acts as though it were rank A. His presence has the least sway over those of Neutral alignment, thought it may still subconsciously influence them depending on the sort of person they are.)
Strength: D (Physically stronger than regular humans, but nothing that can compare to an Oni)
Endurance: C
Agility: D (Inhumanly agile, but not anything special among other supernaturals)
Speed: D
Magic Resistance: D (By virtue of sheer spiritual power, his magic resistance should be much higher than this, but due to the rotten nature of his soul, it is greatly diminished. Additionally, effects with a purifying, exorcising, or anti-evil nature completely ignore his magical resistance.)

Magic Ability: A++
Uchiten is an undisputed master of Onmyodo that can be said to almost stand at the level of Abe No Seimei himself. Onmyodo is a school of magic and traditional esoteric cosmology based on the principles of Yin and Yang and the Five Phases, a system which also incorporates practices from Taoism, Buddhism and Shintoism. It deals with divination, spirits, exorcism, warding, curses, and Shikigami.

Spoiler for Hiden: Five Phases and Five Elements: A
The Five Phases (Wu Xing) are a fivefold conceptual scheme that the explains the flow of phenomena and the elements on a cosmic scale, based on the cycles of mutual overcoming and mutual generation . The five phases, represented by elements, are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water in the order of mutual generation. The Five Elements (Godai) are a hierarchy of power that divides what makes up the world and classifies them into the domains of Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Void, in crescent order of power.
Having mastered the principles of the Wu Xing and the Godai, Uchiten has a great deal of control over the elements and their transmutations. Using the power of the Wu Xing, it becomes possible to overcome an opposing element through the one that conquers it, and elemental transmutation allows one to access the domains of all five even without the power necessary to channel all of them directly. On the other hand, accessing the power of the Godai permits using the various types of energy that exist in the world in accordance to their root element. Both concepts are closely associated with the pentagram, the Wu Xing as a cycle of renewal and destruction that represents perfection, and the Godai as a hierarchy of power that represents the whole of creation. With the power of the inverted pentagram, Uchiten is also able to destroy these connections - the ability to undo creation and to reverse the flow of the universe. He also knows many spells that call directly on the elements of either principle.

Shikigami: A++
The familiars of Onmyoji. Generally simple spirits contracted to the user and made to perform tasks for their masters. However, they are wildly versatile. While the most common shikigami are spirits conjured and bound to servitude, and those that are created by the caster and animated with a talisman, usually for a single task, animals may also become shikigami, and may be empowered by the caster to become stronger familiars. And of course, humans and yokai may also become shikigami, given the master is powerful enough to control them and supply them with energy. Uchiten is prodigious at shikigami use, being able to create and control a great amount of constructed talisman shikigami all at once. Even these have considerable power, and usually appear in the forms of dark specters or inky animal shades when he requires them for anything other than menial tasks. But what is most impressive is the several high-ranking yokai and spirits he has under his command. Uchiten has contracted to him two Oni named Zan and Shi, a Tsuchigumo, a group of Kamaitachi, a Gashadokuro, several Kitsune, and multiple evil spirits. While they are all many times stronger than his talisman shikigami, using several of them simultaneously is straining.

Curses: A
The practice of curses is the expression of a wish that some form of misfortune or adversity will befall a certain entity that is the target of the curse. In Onmyo magic, a Curse is embodied by spiritual power and empowered through negative feelings to bring about calamity to its destined target. Curses can take many forms, and the stronger the intent, the more malicious the curse. Feelings by themselves can be dangerous depending on what shape they assume, so Onmyo curses can bring about truly terrifying effects: controlling a person's mind, poison their body and thoughts, or even kill them. Eliminating a curse is a process called removal or breaking, which expels the feelings behind it from the sufferer of the ailment, often resulting in the reversal of the curse back to its master, or someone else.
Uchiten is greatly skilled at this type of ritual, even being a master of Kodoku. Kodoku is a kind of poisonous magic to artificially create a noxious curse through sacrifice of living beings - to create Kodoku, the sorcerer mixes a number of insects in a sealed jar and lets them kill each other only one survives. The remaining insect then becomes the core of a living curse used to poison an individual and control them, cause them misfortune, or kill them. The term 'kodoku' also applies to the insect spirit itself, which can be considered a kind of shikigami.
Lacing harmless gestures and words themselves with curses is the mark of a skilled hexer, and doing so is a simple matter to Uchiten, even when dispensing particularly powerful ones. Just communication, whether verbal or not, can become a curse in and of itself, and strong intent can birth similar hexes. When used purposefully, these can be the equivalent of high grade curses. Uchiten has the ability to exploit these idiosyncrasies to great effect and strongly affect others through them. This particular use of curses is closely related to the matters of sympathetic connections and true names, and the name "Ketsumoto Uchiten" can in fact be considered a curse as well under the power of its owner.

Barriers: B-
Wards and barriers are one of core principles of Onmyodo as a supernatural discipline of protection, placing great importance on the power of gestures and chants, as well as symbols and geometrical perfection, to restrain the undesired and keep away enemies. Traditionally, this practice was focused on warding off evil spirits and yokai, but it evolved to defend from other uses of magic and stop even mundane harm.
Despite not being his strongest area of magic, Uchiten can still create powerful barriers and boundary fields. He can deploy potent personal barriers in an instant and create strong boundary fields of both defensive and entrapment purposes within seconds with the use of talismans. When given time to do so, he can also create intricate boundary fields that warp space to create endless mazes and disorienting labyrinths.

Others: A
Other than the aforementioned abilities, Uchiten is knowledgeable in many other techniques of Onmyodo. He can activate many spells using only basic mantras (chants) and mudras (signs), surpassing the need for larger rituals and preparations. His use of paper talismans, made by hand, also increases his abilities as far as this is concerned, allowing for quick focusing of energy and fast spellcasting. Crafting paper talismans is a long and arduous process that requires concentration, but Uchiten has mastered it already, and always has a great number on him. Many are also inscribed in blood, which lends them much increased power.
When alive, Uchiten was a powerful diviner as well, and he maintains this ability today. As a spirit and powerful mage, he can also effortlessly levitate and fly if he so wishes. Complementing his power of the Five Phases and Five Elements, he uses the mystical power of the Four Directions and the Four Guardian Beasts, closely associated with the former two principles. Use of Kotodama is another skill he is powerful in, but one he is limited at - kotodama causes others, whether human or spirit, to abide by the words of the caster by speaking directly to the soul. As his own soul has become twisted, Uchiten can only use kotodama very irregularly. The same as most magic of this type, its effect is stronger if the caster has some sort of dominion or pull over the target (such as having heard their name from their own mouth in response to his question).
Thanks to no longer being a human and dabbling in forbidden sorcery, he is extremely hard to kill by normal means. If damaged, he can disperse his body into black mist and recreate it elsewhere, and he can feed on the spiritual energy and souls of others to restore his own power. His patron god is Amatsu-Mikaboshi, the Japanese Star God of Evil, and he can beseech its aid if he so requires, but at a hefty price. And finally, he can travel large distances in moments using the pulses of the Dragon Veins (ley lines).
Other Abilities:
He is trained in kenjutsu and bajiquan, and has extensive astronomical and medicinal knowledge. He has also picked up several languages over the centuries, and has a talent for reading the expressions of others.
Since becoming an evil spirit, he has also attained evil eyes that inflict an overpowering sensation of fear on whomever he turns that power towards.

Origin: Ketsumoto Uchiten was once a son of a noble family and a student of Onmyodo who became an Onmyoji of the Imperial Court during the late Heian Period. Since he was young he had been praised for his talent at divination and been greatly inspired by the fame and prestige of Abe No Seimei, of whom he was a contemporary and one-time student. His quest for success led him down the path of power, and he grew stronger and stronger in Onmyo magic over time. Unfortunately, his indulgence over power led him to engage in dark passions and evil desires, and over time he turned to the forbidden arts and the taboos of Onmyodo, seeking to increase his own power even further.

His dealings were discovered, and he openly turned on the Onmyo Bureau and the Imperial Court rather than let himself be taken in, starting a brief campaign of spiritual terror on the capital that was quickly subdued. Making enemies of the remaining Onmyoji at the peak of their forces, he was eventually caught and killed despite his great power, and the dark sorcery he employed was cleansed from the capital.

However, his death did not mean his end. His spirit lingered on as a wraith, bound to the world by resentment. Over many decades, his hate festered and his desire to cause even greater chaos and death as revenge grew. Uchiten's spirit was slowly driven mad and his soul corrupted. After almost two centuries of nurturing himself with curses and twisted desires, devouring lesser spirits and yokai to sustain himself, and feeding off the evil of the capital, he ascended to the ranks of the yokai and regained proper use of his mind.

During the centuries that followed, he accumulated power and slowly tormented Japan from the shadows, facing off again and again versus the Onmyo Bureau and its successors all that time as a constant enemy. Eternally locked in a dance of despair and strife, torturing his foes - there was nothing more than Uchiten wanted.

Weaknesses: He is much more vulnerable to magic than he should be considering his power. This is because of his nature as an evil spirit, which also makes anti-evil attacks, as well as rituals of exorcism and purification, extremely effective against him if they connect.
Although skilled at hand to hand combat and the katana, Uchiten is much weaker at melee than most of his Shikigami, and notably less resilient than them, if harder to kill overall.
And finally - despite being strong enough at Onmyodo to cast powerful spells almost instantly and bypass certain incantations, as well as perform rituals that usually require many practitioners by himself, Uchiten is heavily reliant on his paper talismans for this. He always has a vast number of them on him, but forcing him to use them up will limit his power.

Likes: Chaos, death, destruction, corpses, despair, watching the struggles of those beneath him
Dislikes: Necromancy, happy families, having his fun disrupted

"As if your life depended on it... that's not enough. If you want to face me, then resist as if your death depends on it!

Race: Human/Ghost
Age: Unknown, appears to be in his mid 20s to early 30s.
Alignment: Neutral Evil, formally True Neutral

Charisma: E (nothing particularly special, although he looks snazzy in a good suit)
Strength: E (ordinary human)
Agility: E (human form)
Speed: E (human form), A (ghost form)
Magic Resistance: E (none whatsoever)

Magical Ability: None, although as a spirit he possesses powerful supernatural abilities.

As a ghost who has acquired a means of remaining in the world after death, SPOILER possesses several supernatural abilities. First and foremost is the ability to move between objects and beings as a spirit, possessing them. As he lacks a body when moving as a spirit, his movements are extremely fast, at the cost of losing any corporeal form and being invisible to the naked eye, though he can be detected by those with powerful enough supernatural senses. He also possesses the power to do Ghost Tricks, manifestations of SPOILER's poltergeist abilities.

Possession: SPOILER can possess objects and living beings alike, both living and dead. His range to jump from object to object is about ten meters. He is also shown to possess multiple objects at the same time, using them to form a temporary body.

Manipulation: SPOILER is able to possess and completely take over humans and animals. Like this, he can force them to do something they would otherwise never do, such as killing someone they've never seen before, for no reason at all. People with a very strong will can partially resist the possession.

Trick: Like SPOILER, he can manipulate some objects after being possessed, such as making a bicycle move on its own, activating a lever or switch, or causing a fire to suddenly flare up for a moment.

Phone line transportation: In spirit form, SPOILER is able to move to other locations almost instantly via phone lines.

Time Stop: Less of a ceasing of time and more of an acceleration to unimaginable levels of speed, this is one of SPOILER's most useful and least useful abilities. It can be held for up to a minute, allowing him to move freely within the stopped world as a spirit, whether for escape or transferring quickly to another object, but prevents any actions from being taken using possessed items or beings, as they too are stopped in time. It cannot be used in rapid succession, with about a second between stops. Other similar spirits possess the ability to go back in time and change the future by changing the past, but SPOILER lacks this ability.

Immortality: Technically not immortality, but a form of extremely rapid regeneration granted to his dead body by a special meteorite shard embedded in it. He will instantly heal from all injuries (though objects can be stuck in his body to prevent it) and his body cannot be destroyed without first removing the meteorite shard. The regeneration is similar to that of a Dead Apostle, and also prevents ageing or decay.

Origin: He's from Ghost Trick. That's all I can say without spoilers, since he's an integral character and the story is too good to ruin over an RP.

Weaknesses: Extremely vulnerable to any phenomena that affect the spiritual realm. Cannot influence the world in any way while time is stopped. Has no experience with magecraft, and cannot initially force possessed magi to use their abilities with any success. Can't go back in time at all. Needs to be possessing an object at all times, and only certain objects can be manipulated. No actual fighting ability on his own. Removing the meteorite shard from his body will turn it into an ordinary corpse. If someone dies near his body, they'll become a spirit and gain ghost powers similar to his own.

Likes: Cats, Technology, Life, Death, Revenge
Hates: Loneliness, Irony, Betrayal, Eternity

Name: Zhou Tong
Title: Xian; Immortal Sage
Race: Purified Human
Date of Birth: 1531 CE
Age: 482 years; inactive for 43 of these years non-consecutively
Height: 5'4"
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Black

Appearance: A compactly built young Chinese man whose shape is like a carved statue of lean muscle when at rest. His face is somewhat rounded, creating an (accurate) impression of friendliness and approachability that serves him well in making friends. It also compensates for his tendency to duck his head and metaphorically stumble over himself when speaking about areas outside his expertise.

He usually wears tight clothing that gives opponents little to grab onto during a fight, often sleeveless tops and pairs of shorts. If he is expecting heavier opposition then he might have thicker and more thoroughly covering outfits reinforced to be protective, but he wasn't wearing that when he fell into the Nexus.

Alignment: Neutral Good
Charisma: C- (he is youthful looking and attractive, but not the world's best speaker)
Strength: D (conditioning and training, nothing more)
Agility: C- (natural flexibility, heavy training, and spiritual conditioning)
Speed: D+ (still bound by human limitations, but unbound by most external obstacles)
Intellect: C+
Magic Resistance: C+
Magic Ability: C (basic summoning and binding rites that any skilled occultist could perform; however, see Spiritual Defense and Warding below)
Weapons: None. He does not need them, because his body is a lethal weapon in its own right. He can use them if the occasion calls for it, though.

Other Abilities

Celestial Mastery (B): During his long immortal life Zhou has mastered most weapons, modern parkour and a number of forms of Eastern martial arts both for defense and as a complement to his Taoist spiritual practices. His body has been conditioned to endure great pain due to multiple deaths, and to resist damage in general through hardship.

Furthermore, he is highly proficient in traditional Chinese medicine from a brief apprenticeship with the physician Li Shizhen in his youth during the Ming Dynasty, and a thorough study of all  53 volumes of Shizhen's Compendium of Materia Medica. He combines this with an understanding of feng shui and the ability to punch spirits of illness in the face so as to attend to a holistic vision of human physical and spiritual health.

Immortality (EX): Zhou Tong is one of the Purified, known to students of the Tao as the Xian, and as such he has surpassed most of the limitations of earthly existence. His body always remains in its early 20s and constantly strives to maintain itself in a pristine state. This passive effect means that most greivous wounds will heal in a matter of hours, and simpler ones will disappear in dozens of minutes at most; no scarring will take place. With an expenditure of precious spiritual energy he can speed this process up dramatically; the rate is similar to a vampire of the Kindred variety. He is highly resistant to poisons, completely immune to disease, and capable of sustaining himself on almost no food and drink.

Most significantly, the death of his physical form is only a temporary inconvenience. Even reducing it to ashes or completely annihilating it in some other way merely turns a simple use of energy to repossess it and restore it to life into a more intensive one of reconstituting his entire form before reclamation.

The only way to destroy him is to catch him in the spirit world and destroy his soul there. Even then, this is usually just a temporary measure that will keep him from reforming for anywhere from weeks to years. Only if he is completely bereft of Qi when destroyed in this way is death permanent to him. Of course, some forms of binding magic are readily up to the task of capturing him in this state and preventing him from reaching his body.

Light Tread: With nothing more than a moment's concentration Zhou can displace his weight into the spirit realm for an hour at a time. While this is in effect he can survive falls from great heights with little more than bruises, tread any surfaces (water, tissue paper, thin panes of glass, etc.) without disturbing them, climb what would otherwise not support his weight, and move through any substance without getting his feet damp or leaving tracks to follow.

Unseen Senses: As an immortal sage Zhou is constantly aware of spiritual activity within the range of his otherwise ordinary senses. He sees and hears spirits, living or dead, at all times; most such spirits are aware that they are being witnessed unless he is hiding from them in some way. He can sense non-spiritual phenomena as well, but this is much less reliable.

Spiritual Projection: Zhou may freely leave his body behind with a few moments of meditation, unmooring his soul so that he may dwell and travel in the spiritual realm that mirrors our own. He cannot recognize the state of his body from afar while deached from it, which leaves it vulnerable to destruction and disruption. He must travel back to his body manually to reclaim corporeal form. He usually enters the spirit realm to interact more closely with its inhabitants and its emotionally charged take on locales, often to gather precious Qi from them.

He may also bring other people with him into this state, and help them return.

Spiritual Defense (B): By touching any single spiritual being he can banish them from material existence, forcing them to return to an ephemeral state from which they cannot interact with mortals or their surroundings. He can, with a minor expenditure of energy, harm or heal immaterial spirits of any sort that he can touch to use as a means of repelling them further or initiating negotiations.

Warding (B): Zhou has mastered the art of making static wards against pretty much anything, from spirits to magical effects and even living beings. Unless their strength can be overcome then nothing barred by them may pass. Temporary ones that last an hour require him only to do the proper ritual and circumnavigate the boundaries of the warded area. Lasting wards require several hours of work and the establishment of physical markers around the perimeter; he usually uses calligraphy-covered posts or tags for this.

Linguistics: Zhou Tong is fluent in several Chinese dialects and the language of the spirit world. He is conversationally capable in English, Japanese, Korean and Hindi, and can read their modern forms at a basic level.

Origin: Zhou Tong, almost certainly not his original name, was born in the 16th Century during the Ming Dynasty. The fine details of his history beyond that have slipped through his fingers, and he often has to remind himself of them by reading textbooks and old journals. Nevertheless, there are certain waypoints in his memory that have stood the test of time and will be recorded here.

He was born to a mother and father of middling station; the former managed their modest estate, while the latter fought in the Imperial Army and then sat (and failed) the examinations to acquire a position in the bureaucracy. Still, they worked hard so that Zhou would have better opportunities than they did. He passed his examinations, but left Beijing after only three years to pursue the master physician Li Shizhen and learn from him. It was only a short apprenticeship, but he learned a great deal and maintained an occasional dialogue with his mentor during the man's quest to 'fix' the mess that was contemporary Chinese medicine at the time.

Zhou went from there to provide his services as a doctor to farmers and small towns, receiving what little silver for his time they could afford to spare in exchange for cures and preventative medicines. During this period he spent time at a number of monasteries and learned much of the Tao as a complement to his practice and to better his own personal health.

It was only then that he began to realize that the spiritual aspects of the traditional methods his mentor had discarded were more accurate than they originally believed. He put them to practice, and after decades of rigorous training, regimens of meditation and dieting all according to the practices set forth in ancient manuals he died quite intentionally, with all the proper proper preparations performed.

And then he came back.

It has been four hundred years since then and he has never stopped wandering. He heals the sick and fights against injustice across the land even if it kills him. After all, he'll just come back for another round.

Weakness: As a spiritual being Zhou has a single compulsion that he is obligated to uphold. He must stop what he is doing and non-violently assist anyone who offers him a pill made from primate spleen (associated with the intellect in Chinese medicine), shaped with a binder of organic honey. Great strength of will allows him to resist this at times while inside his body, but he cannot try to resist while in spirit form.

Likes: Tea, sherbet, helping people in need, bikes, martial arts films, and pretty much anything by Bruce Lee.
Dislikes: Rampant spirits, vengeful ghosts, murderers, corrupt officials, irresponsible people, grain-based foods, and modern hospitals.

Other Notes: Incidentally, vampires acquire no sustenance from his blood; it tastes utterly alien to their palate. He also has no real skill with firearms, yet.

Name: Medea (Caster)
Race: Human/Servant
Age: ???
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 51 kg
Eyes: Purple
Hair: Purple
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Charisma: D+ (Can supplement with magic)
Strength: E
Agility: C
Speed: C
Magic Resistance: A (No innate MR but supplements it with her own Magical Capabilities)
Magic Ability: A (Master of Item Creation, Territory Creation, and High Speed Divine Words)
Other Abilities: Argon Coin: Ex (Though it is useless with her own power it would become usable if someone who had the ability to summon Dragons aided her.)
Origin: The princess of Colchis, later known as the Witch of Greece she is the granddaughter of Helios the sun god and a participant of the 5th Holy Grail War, though you do not know which one and she's not likely to tell you how her fate ended but it was definitely a bad one, for her at least.
Weakness: Magic Resistance of a Rank of B or higher though lower can still annoy her, Saber, Berserker,  Unexpected Surprises.
Likes: Men of few words and sincerity, girls in cute clothes
Dislikes: Muscles


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