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Name: Mordred, the motherfuckin' homunculus and incestuous bastard betraying her own blood because childish tantrum. (look at meh, daddy pl0x).
Race: (Not really)Heroic Spirit
Age: N/A
Height: 154cm
Weight: 42kg
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Spoiler for Hiden:

Alignement: Find out yourself.
Charisma: C- (She will insult you, boo!!)
Strength: B+ (It increases with some lunar phases, just kidding, not really, well, perhaps not.)
Endurance: A (She never forgot to eat her vegetables)
Agility: B
Speed: C
Magical Energy: B
Luck: E (It's alright to point and laugh)
Magic Resistance: B
Magical Ability: -
Other abilities:

Riding: B
With this level of skill she's able to ride even monocycles, backwards!

Instinct: B
An obvious disgusting cheating skill people possessing it claim to not be.

Prana Burst: A
Allows prana to, well, burst. ...You expected something else?

Noble Phantasm: Clarent Blood Arthur - A+
A super powered sword that can beam just like her daddy's, but hers is a red glow instead. (Because red is the color of blood, wooooh! Impressive, right?)

Personality: Emo with some daddy issues. (In the end, it comes down to this)

Saber was summoned in the fifth war as Shirou's Servant. This version of Shirou is different to the one appearing in FSN, because TADAAA; He is Kotomine Shirou (no, not that guy from Apocrypha, this guy looked competent).

Stuff that happened:
• An angered Gilgamesh killed Kiritsugu before he could find Shirou.(Bitch took his waifu away)
• Shirou saved and raised by Kirei. (wut a twist)
• Never developped the hero ideal. Only strived to gain Kirei's approval. (hahaha)
• Learned basic magecraft but never excelled at it. (Read here: he really sucks at it.)
• Was close friend with Rin(Not much of a choice), openly hostile to Shinji(but never managed to win in a fight anyway) and friendly to Sakura. ('cuz puppy eyes)
• Summoned Mordred, the motherfuckin' homunculus and incestuous bastard betraying her own blood because childish tantrum. (It's her full name, deal with it)
• Fought alongside Rin in the 5th war. (More like watched her doing most of the job)
• Died, betrayed by Archer. (Couldn't tolerate such a lazy ass)
• His death triggered Dark Sakura.
• Sakura swallows Archer in her shadow as payback. (and proceeds to remove his pubic hair one by one)
• Rider is ordered to have non-stop sexual intercourse with Rin as payback. Saber vanishes in tears, realizing her Master never reached his objective in being approved by his father, just like herself is an utter failure.
•  AM incarnated fully shortly after. (FUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCK YOOOOOOUUUUUU KIRITSUGU!!!)
• Save one person, Humanity is extinct. (Tentacle rape for everyone)
• Kotomine drinks some wine in his space shuttle. (Yuetsu Mofos)

Weakness: Daddy, Shirou.
Likes: Dadddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddyyyyyyyyyyy!!! Shirou(was at least decent when it came to cooking)
Dislikes: DON'T LOOK DOWN ON MEH, I'M THE SHIT. I'M IMPORTANT. EMIYA(make me a sandwich). Can't beam with the helmet. :(

Name: “Lucas Klein”

Race: Unknown, though it resembles a human body. Some kind of Faerie or Elemental is the best guess.

Age: Approximately 3,000 – he is immortal, after all. Physically in the range of 23-25.

Height: 5’7”, 170cm

Weight: 150lbs, 68kg

Eyes: Gold

Hair: Reddish-Brown   

Appearance: He has unkempt hair, with pale skin and golden eyes. Lucas looks like someone who doesn’t go outside much, but his slitted pupils betray that he isn’t human. He wears a newly acquired black coat, shirt, pants and shoes (he stole them from some random thrift shop). 

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Charisma: E

Strength: A+

Agility: B

Speed: A-

Magic Resistance: C, any spells three-count or lower will slide off of Lucas. Also, illusion-based magic doesn't work on him very well.

Magic Ability: A, but in regards to all other forms of magecraft it’s below E.

Special Ability: “Beast of the World” – Something that grants the passive conceptual ability of “This person cannot be killed while they are touching the Earth”. Grants Lucas high-speed regeneration and immortality while touching any part of the Earth. As long as biological matter from his body exists, and is touching the earth, Lucas will regenerate.

When activated, the surrounding area will begin to become infested with greenery – any plants in the area will grow quickly to monstrous proportions. During this time, Lucas is almost unstoppable, able of going far beyond the limits of his body in order to crush the opposing area and his opponents… something that comes at a price. Drawing upon so much energy is highly taxing, even with his immortality.

Other Magical/Special Abilities: In heavily forested areas, Lucas gains boosts to his abilities, depending on the level of greenery present. Correspondingly, he isn’t at his strongest in areas with less greenery. In areas with lots of greenery, Lucas also gains something comparable to the “Presence Concealment” skill of Servant Assassin.

Lucas is also capable of channeling energy from the Earth through his body, increasing his abilities to around 4 times beyond his normal output in forested areas. In areas with little greenery, though, this ability is not as effective, and at the very most 2 times Lucas’s normal output can be achieved, depending on how little greenery there is.

Lucas’s fighting style doesn’t have any real rhyme or reason – it’s just what he's found to best work against the things he has fought over the years. Taking full advantage of Lucas’s immortality, this style keeps Lucas on the ground and out of the air as much as possible while taking advantage of his strength.

Origin/Personality: “Lucas Klein” woke up one day, in the middle of a clearing, with nothing more than the clothes on his back and the name “Lucas Klein”. He got up, slowly, and started walking, unaware of anything else except the desire to move forward. After walking for a full year, knowing nothing but his name, he came upon the ruins of a great city.

Lucas had already found out he couldn't die at that point – after falling off a cliff and getting back up to continue walking, death didn’t really worry him anymore. After coming upon the ruins, a place of metal and glass infested by the surrounding forest, Lucas found a convenience store. Shortly thereafter, he proceeded to eat everything he could find – he had been hungry the whole time he was walking, but had learned to ignore it after the first month and a half of stomach pains and weakness.

Lucas had come across the ruins of New York City, after many, many years of desertion and neglect. Little did he know that –

[OK, long and short of it: Lucas isn’t his real name, lives on a version of Earth that was basically overtaken by Gaia, is basically some kind of super-Elemental-thingy, and fights zombies. That’s right. Zombies. The remnants of humanity and different animals/mythological creatures constantly plague him as he wanders through the world. Basically, he’s been walking and fighting for about 3,000 years – so he feels he deserves a break when he finds himself in the City. Of course, after seeing the way things are, Lucas can’t really relax, after millennia without human contact. He has no social skills, at all, and prefers being a shut-in in this place. He holes up in abandoned bookstores, if he can find them, where the plants quickly overrun the space due to his presence. Someone who doesn't like the world but is (very) slowly becoming accustomed to it. Also is trying to find more about what, exactly, he is/why he has his abilities.]

Weakness: As long as he is not touching the ground, Lucas is not immortal. The key to defeating him lies in getting him into the air and keeping him there. After using his full power, he is rendered temporarily helpless until he regenerates. Lucas also isn't as strong as he normally is in areas with little greenery… so basically most places in the City.

Likes: Forests, Plants, Dogs, Ruins, Really Big Trees, Writing With Capital Letters At The Beginning Of Every Word For No Reason, Abandoned Bookstores

Dislikes: Iron, Pollution, Cities, Humans, Supernatural Beings, People In General, Destruction Of Forests

Name: Kenna
Race: Human
Age: 33
Height: 6'
Hair: Brunette
Eyes: Blue

Appearance: Tall, athletic and built for power, Kenna strikes an intimidating figure even outside of her armor. She keeps her hair cut short to avoid giving enemies something to grab onto, wears blood-stained steel armor assembled from pieces taken as trophies from her fallen foes in the southern lands, and rejects ornamentation that is just going to be ruined in battle anyway.

Everything about her is cut for utility in battle, and she's never really felt like she was missing out on anything because of this.  Most people never see the face beneath her helmet anyway.

(values after the slash are while wielding Tabar)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Charisma: C
Strength: C/B
Agility: D+/B
Speed: D+/B+
Endurance: C/A
Magic Resistance: D+/C+
Magic Ability: None

Weapon: Tabar (B): An unadorned Persian-style battle ax perpetually stained with the blood of its victims, but otherwise kept in perfect care. It is a demonic weapon with a vicious intelligence of its own, insatiably lusting after battle and warrior deaths. It grants its wielder inhuman physical capability, minor regeneration, and a powerful resistance to magic in exchange for compelling them to seek out conflicts to use it in. It also renders them immune to things that would slow the wielder down such as disease, poison, hunger, thirst or exhaustion, at the expense of perpetual insomnia. It refuses to leave the company of its wielder by any circumstance other than its own will.

Origin: Born on an alternate medieval Earth where the Chaos Gods exist, to a tribe whose name has been forgotten with its death at her hands, Kenna is a wandering champion of Khorne. She began this lifestyle when she was seventeen, after a vision from the old and discarded gods of her people was sent to guide her to the axe Tabar. The demon within quickly revealed itself as the legendary ancestor her people had renounced during their conversion in her parents' generation, and that it was here to show her how to redeem her generation in the eyes of their true and rightful god.

So she took up the axe, slew anyone who had been of age to recognize the blasphemy committed a generation ago, and led the survivors as her personal warband. They did not last long; they could not keep up with her, and she had no patience for their weakness. She now wanders and fights alone, unhindered by the feeble resolve of lesser warriors.

She does not care for alliances or causes, and will gladly aid the losing side of a battle just to get a better fight out of it. In her homeland she is considered too dangerous to be trusted, and only fools actively approach her for assistance in war.

She does not care about collateral damage due to battle, though she does not actively seek to cause it. Kenna only fights those who fight back when she provokes them, however feebly, because non-combatants are worthless in her mind. Such creatures remind her too much of the degenerate and cowardly behavior of her former people, soft and comfortable and incapable of fending for themselves.

Likes: Fighting, Tabar, fighting, roast beef, fighting, cool weather, fighting, mythology, and most of all fighting.
Dislikes: Non-combatants, the infirm, ranged weapons, laziness, subterfuge, and bitter food.

Name: Monarch
Race: Changeling (Class III SURGE, Elf Metahuman)
Age: 46
Height: 7 feet
Weight: around 200 pounds
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Charisma: B- (He has an intimidating presence and despite his appearance (or maybe because of it), a strong commanding air about him.)
Strength: D (Stronger than the average metahuman.)
Endurance: D+
Agility: B (Several times more agile than regular metahumans and even trained combatants.)
Speed: B (Incredibly fast movements)
Magic Resistance: C (Natural resistance against any magic. Unfortunately, this goes for friendly effects as well.)
Magic Ability: None.

Other Abilities:
Combat Expertise And Shadowrunning Skills: Monarch is a firearms expert, able to confidently use any weapon from pistols to heavy arms. Particularly, he has mastered the use of automatics, and is of those, most skilled at using submachine guns. He is also familiar with the use of explosives and close quarters combat techniques. Finally, he is skilled at evasive maneuvers and piloting military grade ground vehicles, besides knowing basic first aid, escape artist, and disguise skills.

Miscellaneous: Although his main language is English, he is highly knowledgeable of Japanese, and is conversational in Russian and Sperethiel, the language of the elves. He has know-how about the gangs of Chicago of the Earth of the Sixth Age, as well as knowledge on smuggling and arm dealing throughout North America. He also knows quite a bit about wines.

Armored Skin: An energy-diffusing material is weaved just beneath Monarch's insect skin, providing protection equivalent to personal armor.

Lightning Reflexes and Accelerated Nervous System: Thanks to an enhanced spinal cord and lengthened, improved nerve cells along it, Monarch's nerve impulses are strengthened and accelerated. This translates as heightened reflexes and incredibly quickened actions. He can react extremely fast and perform around three times as many actions as a not similarly augmented human in the same short timespan.

Increased Platelet Production: The ability of Monarch's body to handle physical damage is improved by its fast production of platelets within bone marrow, lessening trauma from large wounds and quickly stopping bleeding.

Low Light Vision: He can see normally in light levels as low as starlight. However, total darkness still renders him blind.

Quick Healing: Monarch has a healing rate noticeably faster than a regular human's, and also recovers more quickly through any sort of treatment.

Smell Sensitivity: The antennas on Monarch's head contain strong olfactory sensors that grant him a powerful sense of smell which is especially sensitive to hormone release. Not only does this allow him to identify individuals and animals by scent, he can detect basic emotional cues from smells and recognize clues to a person's emotional state.

- Commlink (universal Matrix access device and all around media and communications gadget)
- Auctioneer Business Clothes (Armored "power suit" providing protection almost equivalent to an armor vest while looking no different from a regular formal suit set. The fedora provides the same protection. Also features a concealed holster inside the jacket)
- Colt Manhunter (Heavy pistol with penetrating power, modified with a an extended clip bringing its stored ammo to 20 bullets, and a firing selection change mod. Capable of semi-automatic and single-shot fire)
- 2x HK 227-X (Powerful but relatively compact SMG with a retractable stock, an integral sound suppressor, and a smartgun system. Modified with a larger clip for ammo capacity of 35 bullets and a heavier barrel for added recoil compensation. Capable of semi-automatic, burst fire, and full auto)
- Vibro Blade Knife (Well crafted all-purpose knife with a blade that vibrates over 20 times per second once activated, massively increasing its cutting power and allowing it to easily slice or saw through people and objects. The vibro blade has a battery life of two hours, and takes one hour to recharge)
- 2x Flash-Bang Grenades
- 1x Fragmentation Grenade
- Combat Visor (A reinforced visor placed over the eyes with visual interface aid and integrated smartlink, designed to offer efficient bullet protection)
- 6 additional HK clips
- 2 additional Colt clips
- Instrument Case (Reinforced instrument case with room for both HKs, spare ammo, and grenades. Includes a strap to carry over the shoulder. Has a genetic lock configured to Monarch that can be shut off for rapid access during missions on multiple occasions)

Origin: Little is really known of the person known as The Monarch, except that he was a Shadowrunner long before he became a Chicago mobster in the late 2070s. With his charisma, quick trigger fingers, and ruthless enforcing (some say applied by a liberal employment of Runners) he cleaned up most of the other uncontrollable criminal factions and established a strict syndicate that let him stay out of the aim of peacekeeping forces and seize power in the older parts of town. His motto is "Clean crime, clean streets, clean running".

Monarch is an extreme example of a class III Changeling, an image he cultivates for a unique style and intimidation purposes. His years of activity as a Shadowrunner supposedly go back before the main explosion of the SURGE phenomena, so suspicions abound in regards to his actual age and past. He simply claims he was once part of a super soldier program that purposely awakened Changelings and enhanced them. To most people, his true metahuman heritage is likewise unknown.

As the most outstanding crime lord in Chicago, he has a policy of liberally hiring Runners to deal with problems in pragmatic fashions, and mercilessly crushes any magic using groups that might cause anarchy or disturb the underground order in his territory, keeping a close watch on the precarious balance of the astral space in town. His forces also make all efforts to remain uninvolved with megacorp business unless ignoring it would do more harm than good.

Currently, he had decided to personally investigate a magical disturbance located in the barrens in person, after several missing scouts and the disappearance of a runner team he had sent. What he found was a growing spacial distortion that promptly exploded on his face after a stray shot from one of his men hit one of the artifacts supporting it.

When he awoke, he found himself in Nexus City.

Cursed Luck: Monarch is plagued with bouts of extreme misfortune which have caused him a great many deal of trouble and put him in very dangerous positions over the years. Despite this however, he managed to get through over ten years of shadowrunning without grievous permanent harm to himself, even pulling through many mishaps from sheer chance. Needless to say his luck is extremely unreliable.

Likes: Wine, a good firefight, smoking, Jazz
Dislikes: Megacorps, dragons, shifty deals, mage cabals

The Man With All The Cute Boats:
Name: Giantdad

Race: Undead

Age: The Legend Never Dies

Height: Intimidatingly tall

Weight: Like a ton or something

Eyes: Mask of the father’s eyes

Hair: Mask of the Father’s hair

Spoiler for Hiden: HE'S BACK
Alignment: Chaotic fukc you

Charisma: This stat is dumb, charisma should be apparent in the posts

Vitality: 48/99 (higher stat brings diminutive returns though)
Attunement: 12/99
Endurance: 66/99
Strength: 16/99
Dexterity: 10/99 (He ain’t tellin anyone he leveled that up)

Magic Resistance: Fukken high, he got da best armr

Magic Ability: Black flame: A fire that is black and super heavy for shield breaking. He stacked it twice, so he can use black flame sixteen times before having to sit down for a minute and can use it again after doing so

Other Abilities:
Flippy flip, bithc: He dodges super fast

Chaos Zweihander: It’s a big fucknig sword, and it’s on fire, so it's not even dependent on his str/dex

Grass crest shield: Recovers his stamina faster, for more Zweihander wielding

Mask of the Father: Just look at that fucikng face, looks traumatized as shit but it’s also the last thing you’ll ever see

Ring of favor and protection: More health, more stamina, can carry more weight, it’s everything you could ever need

Invading spirit: Since he’s invading he can’t see or interact with any NPC. Basically everyone who isn’t native to the universe Nexus belongs to looks like a helping spirit/sunbro to him, or like his "target". If killed, he is sent back to his world and can freely attempt invasion again.

Stack of 99 humanities/Twin humanities: Give him a sec to crush a black humanity sprite, and he'll be fully healed up

Origin: The chosen undead of dark souls, possessed by momentary wisdom and madness, comes up with a giantdad build. The rest is history.
Literally. NG+, Bicthes

Weakness: None, he’s giantdad, he’ll get back up and pwn u (You can wreck him though, he’ll just go home and invade again)

Likes: Humanities, Indictments (He finds them funny), souls

Dislikes: Sunbros, not getting humanities, alt+f4


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