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Name: Tân Gwyllt
Race: Demon
Age: ??
Height: Around 6 feet 9 inches in full armor on foot

A figure completely encased in black plate, tattered cape swirling behind him. He has no head, and in its place floats an helm with an open maw of sharp teeth set in a wide grin and narrowed eyes, lit up in green fire. He bears a flaming greatsword that burns the same color as his helm, and is usually seen riding his black, armored steed whose eyes, mouth and hooves also glow green with flame.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Charisma: D
Strength: C
Endurance: C
Agility: C
Speed: D (A when riding his spectral mount)
Magic Resistance: D (Reduces magical damage)
Magic Ability: -

Other Abilities:

Fel Fire: Gwyllt commands undying green fire that animates his sword and the inside of his armor. These flames cannot be extinguished by any ordinary means, and consume anything they wash over at a much higher rate than regular fire or even plain old magical flames do.

Swordsmanship: While Tan Gwyllt doesn't have any true swordsmanship skills to speak of, his sword moves with the intent of a hunter and the purpose of punishment. His sword is alit with his fel fire, and it is backed by berserker swings that constitute its owner's style.

Spectral Steed: At any time, Gwyllt can summon his personal dread steed to ride him. A mount beyond the mortal realm, it is able to fly and race through the skies, and leaves a faint fiery trail with its passage. Even if it is wounded or taken down, it can be summoned later none worse for the wear, as it is in truth a part of Gwyllt himself rather than a simple mount.

Spectral Form: Gwyllt can shift him and his mount into a purely spiritual form which allow him to walk through the spirit world and the realm of shadows. While in this form, he cannot affect the physical world, but can phase through walls and the like and still see some of what is happening in it.

Knowing Death: Tan Gwyllt knows the presence of death, and it strikes him whenever he is close to it in any form, resounding in his mind and body. This is a purely personal sensation he is intrinsically familiar with due to the nature of his existence.

Detect Wickedness: Gwyllt can detect human wickedness due to being a form of demon.

Authority Over Ghosts: His power and unique nature lends Tan Gwyllt a high position over spirits of the other world. His conceptual authority as a greater rank of spirit commands respect from ghosts and wraiths, and almost unconditional obedience from the weaker ones.

Conceptual Immortality: Gwyllt is a being that exists on a level deeper than physical or spiritual; he is a collective of myths given form as a demon, therefore a conceptual creature who is tied to the power and spread of those stories. Though he may be completely destroyed, so long as at least one of the tales he is composed of still exists in a significant way (that is to say, it is still widely known by some part of humanity or one large group of people), he will eventually reappear in the world again, although his nature and abilities may be different due to how myths change over time.

Calling The Wyld Hunt: Tan Gwyllt's ultimate ability, which uses his full power to call the Wyld Hunt to the world. The concepts that make up Gwyllt are completely revealed and manifested, summoning an army of spectral riders and huntsmen, fiery ghosts, wailing wraiths and shadowy hounds, all under his command; and Gwyllt himself is empowered to his outmost as he truly becomes a Horseman Of The Apocalypse in all but name. While this is when Gwyllt is at his strongest, it is also when he is at his most vulnerable: since the concepts that make up the core of his being are entirely manifest, if he is wholly destroyed in this state he will not reappear again.

Origin: He is a demon born from the conjoined myths of the Headless Horseman, the Jack-o'-Lantern, the Wyld Hunt, and the Horsemen Of The Apocalypse, given a form by magic and the confusion of such stories into an amalgamation with a will of its own. Having reduced his conjurer to ash, the figure became a fiend of flame and the hunt that prowls between the spirit world and the mortal world. He grew to dislike the wicked, and regardless of his origins, he strived to deliver justice to them and protect their would-be victims with wild determination. Despite his chaotic and whimsical nature, he is no danger to humans or even supernatural denizens that do not provoke him and only shows himself purposely when he feels death encroaching, or something threatens to pass the veil between the worlds, in which case he will engage it and stop it with great haste if it has evil intentions. Only in occasions where spirits are traditionally allowed to visit the human world (like Halloween) does he venture among mortals to startle them and amuse himself, marking his passage with spectral fireworks and fel bonfires, after which he named himself. Over time he developed an habit to talk in rhymes.

Weaknesses: Being damaged while the Wyld Hunt is released, abjuration rituals, anything particularly effective against ghosts or spirits

Likes: Shakespear, pranks, fireworks
Dislikes: The wicked, malicious spirits, stoic and aloof people

This character sheet was prepared to setup one of the main characters that'd be featured in an upcoming fic of mine, but as a side idea, I thought that RPing her a bit for fun's sake, and because it'd actually maybe help me get further inspiration in writing her better, it all wouldn't be so bad of an endeavor.

Besides, I've been suffering from lack of RP at any rate. :P

--- Quote ---The basic premise here is that this Caster is Tamamo No Mae, but she's quite different from the version of hers summoned in the Moon Cell. The concept in how she is Tamamo No Mae, yet not being the same as the Fox Spirit is complicated, but if you really want to delve into the matter, you can find it in the character sheet. It's based on canon and CCC info, so it's not something that I pulled out of my arse. ( OwO)

Ask me further details if you find things not clear enough.

As for the difference between here and the planned story line, she got dragged into the Nexus alongside her Master, right as the Grail War was about to get in its more intense phases. They were to fight in the 4th Grail War - Ryuunosuke's summoning circle did not bring forth Gilles but Tamamo No Mae instead, and Uryuu wasn't the Master -- the little gagged up boy was.

Caster has been settling down into Nexus city, trying to live a relatively 'normal' life. She's been taking good care of the young kid like a mother, although she does sometimes get a bit carried by the fact that she was bound to the wish of being a good 'wife', rather than a good 'mother'.

Reverse Hikaru Genji Project?
--- End quote ---

To view the Character Sheet, click here

Name: Josip Josipowicz "JoJo" Starski
Race: Russian of Jewish ethnicity
Age: 33
Height: 195 cm
Weight: 86 kg
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black

Appearance: Tall and muscular man in his early 30s with manly beard.

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Charisma: D
Strength: D
Agility: B
Speed: A
Magic Resistance: D

Magic Ability: Josip's Hamon enables him to release prana in matter akin to Prana Burst. He can use 'Reinforcement' to an extent, but its not proper magecraft, but rather natural
byproduct of his breathing.

His primary ability though is his Stand "Back In USSR", which ability is based on the concept of 'Russian Reversal'. The Stand can reverse characteristics of physical objects
(make incoming bullets fly in opposite direction or reverse electrical polarity), or even concepts, as long as they have their polar opposite and Josip can comprehend them. The
drawback is that the change must be possible to reverse once more (for example, he cannot cause directly the death of somebody) and the change is temporal unless the target wills it to be permament. He also cannot use the Stand on himself.

Aside from its ability, the Stand is particularly fast and precise, on par with Stands like Killer Queen and nearly as fast as Star Platinium, though it does not pack much of punch compared to these two.

Other Abilities: Josip has rather extensive scientific knowledge, something useful when exploiting the powers of his Stand. In fact, he managed to put together a device that allowed him to cross dimensions and end up in Nexus City, ... but it broke after the first successful use, and repairing it is troublesome.

Origin: Reversal

Weakness: Disrupting Josip's breathing hampers both his Hamon ability and the Stand. In water he can only use it as long as he can hold his breath (up to human's highest possible capacity)

Likes: Posing, outsmarting and embarassing his opponents (as expected from AU!Joseph/Josuke in one)

Dislikes: Vampires (biased given his experience with Stone Mask vampires), people who make fun of Russian Science and any of his particularly spectacular scientific failures.

Umbra of Chaos:
Name: PARIAH (Prototype games)

(This is the clearest picture there is of PARIAH)
Race: Sentient Virus
Age: 40 (only appears to be 7).
Height: About 3’8.
Weight: Varies depending on the amount of biomass consumed.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Strength: A
Agility: B
Speed: A -
Intelligence: General: B(would be lower but PARIAH has consumed a few of the Blackwatch scientists)
Personality: PARIAH can only look upon all life and see them as food. A thing that he has to consume to grow stronger. The only other beings he views as “alive” are those who can withstand his assault and hurt him in return. PARIAH will not rest until he considers himself perfect. Which means absorbing as much biomass from people as he needs to achieve this goal.
Body Modification: PARIAH is the perfect release of the non-coded regions of the Redlight virus’s genome. As a result of this he is capable of shifting his form. He can turn his hands into claws, cover his body in armor and much more. He is also capable of “consuming” other humans. This allows him to add their biomass to his own which allows him to make greater modifications. He also absorbs the victims memories. All of their knowledge is added to his own.
Shapeshifting: After consuming another human being PARIAH is capable of replicating their form and voice. He is even capable of drawing on their memories to replicate small details about them such as quirks. All of his clothes are also made of biomass so he can even replicate what they were wearing at the time.
Magic Resistance: PARIAH comes from a world without magic. As a result he is vulnerable to magecraft.
Other Abilities: Regeneration, speed and strength that easily surpass an average human, and the ability to release and control the Redlight virus. PARIAH can increase regeneration speed by consuming biomass while injured.
Origin: After testing a biological weapon on the town of Hope, Idaho the virus found a perfect host in the body of Elizabeth Greene. When the military organization Blackwatch killed all the infected civilians they found Greene inside and in the process of giving birth. Both the mother and child were taken as military resources. Greene was codenamed MOTHER while the child was called PARIAH. Most of the scientists in Blackwatch believe that PARIAH is the culmination of the Redlight virus and some even call him the final purpose of all life on earth.
Weakness: Fire, the cold, most magecraft.
Likes: Becoming faster, stronger, or smarter. Basically progress.
Dislikes: The cold, being imprisoned.

Race: Human Demigod
Age: 96 (Counting the years after his death, somewhere between 2800 and 7300)
Height: 178cm
Weight: 65kg
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White
Charisma: E-
Strength: A
Agility: A+
Speed: A+
Endurance: A
Magic Resistance: C
Magical Ability: B
Weakness: Curses, Anti-divinity weaponry, attacks from the inside of his body, will refrain from using Astras upon anyone that do not have a chance of stopping them.
Likes: Friendship, Effort, Reconciliation, Positive Thinking.
Dislikes: The words “Communication skills”.
Alignment: Lawful Good

Other Abilities:

Kalaripayattu: (∞) An ancient Indian martial art. Without bearing upon strength and talent, it is the ancestor of all martial arts founded on the basis of rational thought. As a student of Parashurama, the sixth Avatar of Vishnu and the founder of the art who Karna surpassed in skill decades before his death, Karna is a master beyond compare at it and the use of the weapons involved with the art; swords, shields, bows, spears, daggers, katars, coil swords, sheats of cloth and sticks amongst others.

>>>>Loose Joints: Before a student can begin practicing Kalaripayattu, they are given extensive oil massages by their Guru for a full month to help loosen their joints and relieve all tension, and are frequently given more massages down the path of the Art. As a king, Karna had free access to some of the greatest masseurs to have ever lived. His body is free of all tension and by extension, it is much more difficult to break his bones than with another warrior with a body as tough as his.

>>>>Masseur: The first and most key principle of the art of Kalaripayattu is that one must be able to heal all the damage one does with the art. This manifests in the use of oil massage to relieve joint stress and muscle pressure. During the Age of Gods, where mere words could become spells, masters of the art were able to draw mana in the air into the person they were massaging, rapidly closing their wounds.

Discernment of the Poor: The ability to see through and understand a person’s character and thoughts. It expresses the power to grasp the true nature of the opponent possessed by Karna, who was blessed with the opportunity to inquire about the life and value of the weak due to being someone without a single relative. Thus, Karna cannot be deceived by words or actions.

Saint: An inborn ability to greatly influence the lives of people around the Saint through simple actions such as speech. Karna is the Hindu "Saint of Generosity".

Prana Burst (Flames): A version of Prana Burst that infuses weapons with prana that imparts a fiery effect. In Karna's case, blazing flames can erupt from Karna’s weaponry and armor at will.

Chariot: Karna’s war chariot, a beautiful piece decorated with gold drawn by two fiery stallions granted to him by his father, Surya. Karna can summon this Chariot at will, and can drive it with just his mind, allowing him to spend all of his attention on using his bow.

Mahamaharathi: The title of a warrior capable of fighting 24 Atimaharathi (A warrior capable of fighting 12 Maharathi (A warrior capable of fighting 60,000 warriors simultaneously) warriors simultaneously) warriors simultaneously. Karna also holds the title as the greatest archer since Lord Rama himself.

Warrior’s Instincts: Instincts developed from almost a century of non-stop training and combat, Karna’s senses are far beyond those of a normal human. His eyes can track high-speed objects at a range of 10 kilometers, and his reflexes border on precognition.

Praise The Sun: Karna can refill his mana and heal his wounds faster by praying to his father, The Sun God Surya, at noon.

Brahmastra: A powerful mantra acquirable only by the grandest masters of the arts of war by meditating on the god Brahma. It manifests as any kind of weapon the wielder can imagine and can then be wielded as a tool of war of peerless quality. By invoking it’s name and chanting the mantra out loud, the mantra’s true purpose, that of a weapon of mass destruction, can be deployed. It’s destructive power is comparable to a high-yield nuclear warhead, and causes horrific environment damage in the affected area, killing plantlife as well as causing aftereffects like sterility for both genders if they come within proximity of the area. The Brahmastra cannot be avoided once it is launched.

Brahmashira: The ultimate mantra, only ever possessed by Arjuna, Ashwatthama, Drona and Karna himself. An ungodly weapon possessing four times the firepower of the Brahmastra.


Kavacha and Kundala: Karna’s golden armor and earrings, fused to his body at birth by his father Surya to protect him from all harm and leave him a single connection to his true kin. Made from solidified sunlight, it is virtually unbreakable and will restore itself rapidly if damaged. So long as Karna is clad in it, 9/10ths of all damage dealt to him will be nullified, physical, magical, conceptual or otherwise.

Brahmastra: See above.

Vijaya: Karna’s bow, given to him by his master Parashurama as a gift of pardon after he cursed Karna in a fit of rage. The bow automatically creates arrows as he draws the string.

Vasavi Shakti: A spear of lightning that belongs to the Thunder God Indra, a javelin that inflicts a concept of mortality upon anything it hits, allowing it to kill and destroy otherwise invincible, immortal or unkillable targets. Similarly to the Brahmastra, it has the condition of "will never miss". While Karna was originally only allowed one use of the weapon, as Indra does not exist in Nexus City, It is until Karna can return it a “indefinitely long borrow”.

Nagastra: A powerful Astra that Karna can use as an arrow. Inflicts massive damage upon anyone hit by it, and causes thousands of poisonous snakes to fall down from the sky and attack anyone nearby.

Bhargavastra: Parashurama gave this astra to Karna. It caused great damage to Pandava's army. This astra possesses Parashurama's skill in archery. It could bring a shower of much more powerful weapons than the Indrastra (Indrastra; Would bring about a 'shower' of arrows from the sky.) and could smash any military formation and cut through all enemy defenses.

Mohini: Dispels any form of illusion or magic in the vicinity.

Vayvayastra: Brings about a gale capable of lifting armies off the ground.

Suryastra: Creates a dazzling light that would dispel any darkness and dry up water bodies.

Parvatastra: Would cause a mountain to fall on the target from the skies.

Agneyastra: Would summon a building-sized stream of fire inextinguishable by ordinary means.

Varunastra: Would summon a tsunami-sized wall of water. This weapon is commonly referred to as the countermeasure to the Agneyastra.

Bhaumastra: This Astra could create massive tunnels in the earth and cause invaluable jewels to fall from the sky.

Karna (कर्ण) is one of the central characters in the Hindu epic Mahābhārata, from ancient India. He was the King of Anga (present day Bhagalpur and Munger). Karna was one of the greatest warriors whose martial exploits are recorded in the Mahābhārata, an admiration expressed by Krishna and Bhishma within the body of this work.
Karna was the son of Surya (a solar deity) and Kunti. He was born to Kunti before her marriage with Pandu. Karna was the closest friend of Duryodhana and fought on his behalf against the Pandavas (his brothers) in the famous Kurukshetra war. Karna fought against misfortune throughout his life and kept his word under all circumstances. Many admire him for his courage and generosity.

“Hear in brief, O son of Pandu! I regard the mighty car-warrior Karna as thy equal, or perhaps, thy superior! With the greatest care and resolution shouldst thou slay him in great battle. In energy he is equal to Agni. As regards speed, he is equal to the impetuosity of the wind. In wrath, he resembles the Destroyer himself. Endued with might, he resembles a lion in the formation of his body. He is eight ratnis in stature. His arms are large. His chest is broad. He is invincible. He is sensitive. He is a hero. He is, again, the foremost of heroes. He is exceedingly handsome. Possessed of every accomplishment of a warrior, he is a dispeller of the fears of friends. Engaged in the good of Dhritarashtra's son, he always hates the sons of Pandu. No one, not even the gods with Vasava at their head, can slay the son of Radha, save thee, as I think. Slay, therefore, the Suta's son today. No one possessed of flesh and blood, not even the gods fighting with great care, not all the warriors (of the three worlds) fighting together can vanquish that car-warrior.” -Krishna


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