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Name: Ellen Thorne

Race: White

Age: 24

Height: 171 cm

Weight: 62,5 kg

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Light brown

Appearance: A young woman in her early twenties, with long light brown hair and blue eyes, wearing whatever is fashionable and keeping up with recent trends within a reason. Currently wearing short denim shorts with black tights combined with a black T-shirt and a denim jacket.

Alignment: Neutral Good

Charisma: She is a fairly likeable person, but her charisma is still normal for a human being.

Strength/Agility/Speed: Ellen possesses ordinary physical capabilities of a woman in her age. She's not too pathetic, but she is not a strong person.

Magic Resistance: Negligible. She has some magical talent in her, but she cannot really resist magic since her talent is untapped and she is not aware of.

Magic Ability: If she were to learn magic, she could have been a practicioner with an above average talent, but she is not even aware of the supernatural, so the talent remains untapped.

Other Abilities: Average in physical department nor conscious of her potential in the field of magic, Ellen is however exceptional at computer science and technology, and fairly well educated in general. She learned to drive, and has some knock for repairing basic equipment (she can repair more complicated stuff if it is electronic in nature). She has no skill at combat.

Origin: Ellen is pretty good computer expert who just graduated college, and has started her own modest computer shop where she repairs faulty hardware and helps with other computer related issues. As a side job she is willing to work as a computer security consultant. She has only some experience as a hacker, but her services are cheaper and affordable by smaller companies. Ellen is skeptical of supernatural and in active denial of its existence.

Weakness: She is not good in physical combat nor she has really courage to confront anyone in lethal combat. She values her own life and prefer to stay away from any dangerous mess if she can.

Likes: Computer technology, computer games, learning new stuff.

Dislikes: Dangerous situations

Name:Ashylnn "Ash" O'Rourke or "The Iron Maiden"
Race: Vampire
Age: Around 600, give or take a few years.
Height: 5'4
Weight: About 130
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Dark Auburn
Appearance: Ash is well, she's a hottie.  Gorgeous, the type of woman that draws most attention in a room.  Petite, voluptuous but with some muscle tone (no where near Forest or even Wynn's), Ash has a body that looks like it's made for sex.

She has long, curly dark auburn hair, a classically beautiful face and gray eyes.  Her style focuses on both sides of her personality; biker leathers and jeans and eye catching seduction.  She also tends to wear a lot of blue. 
Alignment: Neutral
Charisma: A
Strength: B (EX in Berserker Rage)
Agility: B (A- in Berserker Rage)
Speed: C (B+ in Berserker Rage)
Magic Resistance: E
Magic Ability: E
Other Abilities: Telepathy - C.  She can read minds and communicate with people within a one block radius.  She isn't as broken as Tom or Fore in that department.
Berserker Rage- Ash has a Berserker mode.  She loses control of herself and literally goes berserk for a time.  She has only gone Berserk a handful of times in her existence, but her physical abilities increase while her mental abilities decrease until she's snapped out of it.
Due to being Forest's student, she's more than able to take care of herself in a fight.  Her preferred weapons are sawed off shot guns or maces.
Also Orgasmic Bite and a toned down version of Lure.
Origin: Ash was the bastard daughter of an English nobleman and an Irish Prostitute.  She grew up in a brothel, servicing men to earn her keep.  Luckily, she was fair of face and clever enough to rise above the brothel to become a courtesan who's main trade was nobility.  She met a vampire and he was smitten with her beauty and charm, so he turned her.

Just there was something in Ash's bloodline that neither one of them knew or could have even dreamed of.  Something that made her go berserk soon after she was turned.  She went on a small rampage until her sire eventually managed to stop her.  He locked her up, starving her to weaken her to keep her from doing the same again. 

Luckily, she was found by Law Unto Herself and became Forest's first student.

While she doesn't have Forest's moral leanings, she respects Forest for them.  Ash has no qualms killing to feed and tends to specifically go after murders, rapists, child molesters etc.  In fact, she delights in killing them in various humiliating fashions.
Weakness: Being bound in silver, sunlight, fire, beheading, and wooden stakes to the heart
Likes: Forest, Gabriel, bookish men, a good motorcycle, Earl Grey tea, finery, acting like both a proper lady and a street thug, a man who knows what a clitoris is.
Dislikes: Wynn, being called a whore, and being asked, "How much?"


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