(Disclaimer: Comedy character, not meant for serious conflicts against non-divine beings... I mean unless you want to. I'm sure there are Touhou or anime characters who can do it)
The Tremendously Tiny Tyrant of TimeKiyoura Chiyo [清浦千代]
Race: Goddess

[Appears around 10-12 years old]
Date of Birth: A very strange aeon.
Height: 135.8 cm
Hair: Long and black, down to the middle of her back. Usually in a ponytail with an oversized ribbon.
Eyes: Black on black on black. Usually wears a blindfold.
Three Sizes: [Get the fuck out, you lolicon]
Usual Clothing: Short kimonos, bike shorts, sneakers and fingerless gloves.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Charisma: C
Strength: E
Agility: D
Speed: D (but, see other abilities)
Endurance: EX (she doesn't get tired, period. Her actual physical durability isn't that great)
Magic Resistance: A+
Magical Skill: None
Other Abilities
Gift of Tongues: As a goddess, one of the Nobilis, Chiyo can communicate with and understand every language, anywhere, ever. This is not exactly a good thing due to the nature of one of her passive traits.
Aspect: She has a basic knowledge of pretty much every field of human endeavor that isn't explicitly magical. It comes with being a goddess, you know.
[Chiyo is the Goddess of Time where she comes from, a position she inherited from her 'father' after ten years of life as a mortal. Most of her powers revolve around her natural command of time. Most effects of her powers that might automatically count as 'I win' can have the worst of their results partially resisted by a sustained magical barrier of rank B or higher due to the unique properties of the Nexus. On a whim she has given her most common tricks the collective label 'Inimical Scion of Eternity Style']
Aegis of Eternity: Most minor undesired effects are instantly reversed by her passive mastery of time. This requirse no awareness or effort on her part. Total physical annihilation, psychological domination, or supposedly-eternal imprisonment in the darkness outside the universe (or other, similar fates) takes her approximately a day to recover from. Less strenuous but still severe afflictions like being subjected to an artillery barrage or incineration might take her a few hours.
However, she can be incapacitated with the sensation of agony; her powers do nothing to prevent her from feeling the pain of her misfortunes, and she has very little physical pain tolerance.
Revelation of Unfathomed Eras: Chiyo can divine pretty much anything from the stream of time, given enough time and effort. Of course, she has to know what to look for; it only tells her exactly what she asks of it, and she isn't exactly iron clad in wording her requests for knowledge. The greatest secrets of the cosmos, and secret weaknesses of her enemies, are usually beyond her grasp with this. The former is an inherent limitation, while the latter is one imposed on her by the Nexus.
Time Seal - Foul Inheritance of the Gate: Chiyo is charged with maintaining the integrity of time. She has the power to actively reinforce the stability of time, ensuring that the infinite timelines will not intersect inappropriately, that unauthorized time travelers will be prevented from making their trip, and that various forms of sorcery and super science will not rewrite history without the permission of the gods (or, more specifically, herself).
Imposition of an Infinite Aeon: As the Queen of Time, Chiyo can make a single moment in time last longer. This is actually a lot less useful than you might think, except for the purpose of trapping someone in an unnaturally long moment. Without effort she can make a moment last up to a month. With a more exhausting effort she can fulfill the name of the technique properly and punish someone by trapping them in a moment that lasts anywhere up to a billion years.
To the outside world, the victim was only gone for a moment; most victims wind up irreparably insane after if they don't collapse into dust, though appropriate levels of shounen grit are enough to resist both side effects.
Malleable Motion of the Moment - The Flow: Chiyo can control the speed of the flow of time in a local area (approximately the size of a baseball stadium) without effort. She can do the same thing for time as a whole if she wants, but this requires an exhausting effort on her part to do more than once or twice a day. To outside observers this appears to be super speed on her part, or unnatural slowness of motion and perception compared to the rest of the world on their part, as appropriate to how she is altering time's flow.
Illimitable Architect of Instants: Chiyo can create new moments in time, usually limited to 'yeah, you ate a sandwich this morning' when you didn't eat anything this morning or 'you'll be mugged later today' when you might not otherwise be mugged today. She avoids creating anything lethal for ethical reasons, and she has to be very careful to avoid explicit contradiction of existing moments in time; the alternative is that she'll damage her own domain, and that will cause a complete mess.
Timeless Summoning: From the infinite depths of time itself she can call forth beings intimately tied to it. At the casual use level this means things like the Hounds of Tindalos or minor forms of Chronovore. At the 'utterly exhausting, use only in emergencies' level she can trigger a localized apocalypse by calling her father; she refrains from using this option because her father is a pain in the ass to deal with.
Through the Gates of the Silver Key - the World: She can stop time, like Sakuya Izakyoi or Homura Akemi. She stole the name for the move from H.P. Lovecraft and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Yes, really.
Ominous Odyssey: Time travel. It isn't easy, it isn't free, and it risks dangerous paradoxes if she causes two things from two different points in the same timeline to meet. She normally only uses it to visit other timelines entirely, or to frivolously abuse her cosmic power to acquire things like future video games or manga.
Spawn of the Lurker at the Threshold: Chiyo cannot age no matter what applications of her power she throws at the problem. She is also occasionally haunted by blasphemous omens portending the inevitable emptiness and silence of the cosmos in the distant future, which she does her best to take with good humor and to convince other people to ignore. She's the one of the only ones who will have to actually witness it, so why burden others?
Utterances of Malice: Any subject that Chiyo refers to with speech, including herself, suffers painful but non-lethal misfortune. The universe will spontaneously generate implausibly unfortunate events if it cannot arrange for existing factors to result in misfortune for the victim. She cannot control this except by refraining from speech. Does not apply to writing or sign language.
Malignant Awareness of... oh fuck it, Time's Just an Unholy Fucking Gossip: If Chiyo's eyes witness something she will immediately be bombarded with uncontrollable visions of every possible outcome that this something (or someone) can result in. 99/100 times this means she sees an infinite variety of ways that something could be destroyed. This lasts until she can close her eyes, and persists fifteen seconds after.
My Writer is a Sadistic Bastard: Poor Chiyo, I only hurt you because you're an adorable figment of my imagination! If some bad stuff happening to her is particularly funny, I'm almost certain to let it happen to this girl. She's an immortal goddess, she can take it.
Origin: Kiyoura Chiyo is from the RPG setting 'Nobilis', where the universe is contained within a single world tree floating in a conceptually barren void. At the top of the tree are the holy lands of Heaven, inhabited by angels with no God in sight. At the bottom, around the roots of the tree, is a Hell full of native demons and fallen angels who rebelled against Heaven. Its worlds are flat and contained in sky spheres, where all things are capable of emotion and intelligence, and the modern universe defined by human science is equivalent to a computer simulation maintained by the titan, the Imperator, whose flesh that Earth is made from.
Imperators are the original existences. They are Angels and Devils, Magisters of human Light and Darkness, simplistic True Gods from the time of the amoeba, and solipsistic alien creatures of the Wild that have been 'trapped in the universe' according to their own accounts. All of them formed spontaneously from the void or from the substance of Creation, and the light of Cneph-the-Maker shines through them to refract upon the empty tableau of the void to form the universe as we know it. Each of them contains multiple Estates, such things as Existence, Meaning, Love, Hope, Despair, Gorillas, Desecration or Time, and these things only exist because their corresponding Imperator does.
They often invest one of these Estates into creatures or objects, creating beings known as Nobles or Powers, who are quite simply put gods in their own right. They command divine prowess, the substance and/or essence of their Estate, and miraculous treasures or armies of followers. These are the standard player characters, and Chiyo is a starting build.
Chiyo is the daughter of the Wild Imperatrix of Time, Space and Love, known as Attaris Ebrôt Appekā. She was sired by her in the dreams of her human mother on the plateau of Leng, and raised from birth to be one of the Nobilis when she grew up.
Sometime after she ascended to the position she kinda fell through a plot hole in the void and ended up in the Nexus; she's kinda cool with this since it gives her a chance to mess around and slack off. She would like to find her way home eventually, though.
Likes: Flowers, tea, manga, video games, cute things, the Cthulhu Mythos, action sequences in slow motion, and the dying memory of her human mother.
Dislikes: Her 'father', arrogant people, big boobs, having the ending spoiled for her, and people who insist that shoggoths and Hounds of Tindalos are uncute.