Author Topic: Cross Effects Character Page  (Read 88449 times)


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Re: Cross Effects Character Page
« Reply #75 on: February 05, 2014, 10:39:42 PM »
(Disclaimer: Comedy character, not meant for serious conflicts against non-divine beings... I mean unless you want to. I'm sure there are Touhou or anime characters who can do it)

The Tremendously Tiny Tyrant of Time
Kiyoura Chiyo [清浦千代]
Race: Goddess
Age: ??? [Appears around 10-12 years old]
Date of Birth: A very strange aeon.
Height: 135.8 cm
Hair: Long and black, down to the middle of her back. Usually in a ponytail with an oversized ribbon.
Eyes: Black on black on black. Usually wears a blindfold.
Three Sizes: [Get the fuck out, you lolicon]

Usual Clothing: Short kimonos, bike shorts, sneakers and fingerless gloves.

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Charisma: C
Strength: E
Agility: D
Speed: D (but, see other abilities)
Endurance: EX (she doesn't get tired, period. Her actual physical durability isn't that great)
Magic Resistance: A+
Magical Skill: None

Other Abilities
Gift of Tongues: As a goddess, one of the Nobilis, Chiyo can communicate with and understand every language, anywhere, ever. This is not exactly a good thing due to the nature of one of her passive traits.

Aspect: She has a basic knowledge of pretty much every field of human endeavor that isn't explicitly magical. It comes with being a goddess, you know.

[Chiyo is the Goddess of Time where she comes from, a position she inherited from her 'father' after ten years of life as a mortal. Most of her powers revolve around her natural command of time. Most effects of her powers that might automatically count as 'I win' can have the worst of their results partially resisted by a sustained magical barrier of rank B or higher due to the unique properties of the Nexus. On a whim she has given her most common tricks the collective label 'Inimical Scion of Eternity Style']

Aegis of Eternity: Most minor undesired effects are instantly reversed by her passive mastery of time. This requirse no awareness or effort on her part. Total physical annihilation, psychological domination, or supposedly-eternal imprisonment in the darkness outside the universe (or other, similar fates) takes her approximately a day to recover from. Less strenuous but still severe afflictions like being subjected to an artillery barrage or incineration might take her a few hours.

However, she can be incapacitated with the sensation of agony; her powers do nothing to prevent her from feeling the pain of her misfortunes, and she has very little physical pain tolerance.

Revelation of Unfathomed Eras: Chiyo can divine pretty much anything from the stream of time, given enough time and effort. Of course, she has to know what to look for; it only tells her exactly what she asks of it, and she isn't exactly iron clad in wording her requests for knowledge. The greatest secrets of the cosmos, and secret weaknesses of her enemies, are usually beyond her grasp with this. The former is an inherent limitation, while the latter is one imposed on her by the Nexus.

Time Seal - Foul Inheritance of the Gate: Chiyo is charged with maintaining the integrity of time. She has the power to actively reinforce the stability of time, ensuring that the infinite timelines will not intersect inappropriately, that unauthorized time travelers will be prevented from making their trip, and that various forms of sorcery and super science will not rewrite history without the permission of the gods (or, more specifically, herself).

Imposition of an Infinite Aeon: As the Queen of Time, Chiyo can make a single moment in time last longer. This is actually a lot less useful than you might think, except for the purpose of trapping someone in an unnaturally long moment. Without effort she can make a moment last up to a month. With a more exhausting effort she can fulfill the name of the technique properly and punish someone by trapping them in a moment that lasts anywhere up to a billion years.

To the outside world, the victim was only gone for a moment; most victims wind up irreparably insane after if they don't collapse into dust, though appropriate levels of shounen grit are enough to resist both side effects.

Malleable Motion of the Moment - The Flow: Chiyo can control the speed of the flow of time in a local area (approximately the size of a baseball stadium) without effort. She can do the same thing for time as a whole if she wants, but this requires an exhausting effort on her part to do more than once or twice a day. To outside observers this appears to be super speed on her part, or unnatural slowness of motion and perception compared to the rest of the world on their part, as appropriate to how she is altering time's flow.

Illimitable Architect of Instants: Chiyo can create new moments in time, usually limited to 'yeah, you ate a sandwich this morning' when you didn't eat anything this morning or 'you'll be mugged later today' when you might not otherwise be mugged today. She avoids creating anything lethal for ethical reasons, and she has to be very careful to avoid explicit contradiction of existing moments in time; the alternative is that she'll damage her own domain, and that will cause a complete mess.

Timeless Summoning: From the infinite depths of time itself she can call forth beings intimately tied to it. At the casual use level this means things like the Hounds of Tindalos or minor forms of Chronovore. At the 'utterly exhausting, use only in emergencies' level she can trigger a localized apocalypse by calling her father; she refrains from using this option because her father is a pain in the ass to deal with.

Through the Gates of the Silver Key - the World: She can stop time, like Sakuya Izakyoi or Homura Akemi. She stole the name for the move from H.P. Lovecraft and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Yes, really.

Ominous Odyssey: Time travel. It isn't easy, it isn't free, and it risks dangerous paradoxes if she causes two things from two different points in the same timeline to meet. She normally only uses it to visit other timelines entirely, or to frivolously abuse her cosmic power to acquire things like future video games or manga.

Spawn of the Lurker at the Threshold: Chiyo cannot age no matter what applications of her power she throws at the problem. She is also occasionally haunted by blasphemous omens portending the inevitable emptiness and silence of the cosmos in the distant future, which she does her best to take with good humor and to convince other people to ignore. She's the one of the only ones who will have to actually witness it, so why burden others?

Utterances of Malice: Any subject that Chiyo refers to with speech, including herself, suffers painful but non-lethal misfortune. The universe will spontaneously generate implausibly unfortunate events if it cannot arrange for existing factors to result in misfortune for the victim. She cannot control this except by refraining from speech. Does not apply to writing or sign language.

Malignant Awareness of... oh fuck it, Time's Just an Unholy Fucking Gossip: If Chiyo's eyes witness something she will immediately be bombarded with uncontrollable visions of every possible outcome that this something (or someone) can result in. 99/100 times this means she sees an infinite variety of ways that something could be destroyed. This lasts until she can close her eyes, and persists fifteen seconds after.

My Writer is a Sadistic Bastard: Poor Chiyo, I only hurt you because you're an adorable figment of my imagination! If some bad stuff happening to her is particularly funny, I'm almost certain to let it happen to this girl. She's an immortal goddess, she can take it.

Origin: Kiyoura Chiyo is from the RPG setting 'Nobilis', where the universe is contained within a single world tree floating in a conceptually barren void. At the top of the tree are the holy lands of Heaven, inhabited by angels with no God in sight. At the bottom, around the roots of the tree, is a Hell full of native demons and fallen angels who rebelled against Heaven. Its worlds are flat and contained in sky spheres, where all things are capable of emotion and intelligence, and the modern universe defined by human science is equivalent to a computer simulation maintained by the titan, the Imperator, whose flesh that Earth is made from.

Imperators are the original existences. They are Angels and Devils, Magisters of human Light and Darkness, simplistic True Gods from the time of the amoeba, and solipsistic alien creatures of the Wild that have been 'trapped in the universe' according to their own accounts. All of them formed spontaneously from the void or from the substance of Creation, and the light of Cneph-the-Maker shines through them to refract upon the empty tableau of the void to form the universe as we know it. Each of them contains multiple Estates, such things as Existence, Meaning, Love, Hope, Despair, Gorillas, Desecration or Time, and these things only exist because their corresponding Imperator does.

They often invest one of these Estates into creatures or objects, creating beings known as Nobles or Powers, who are quite simply put gods in their own right. They command divine prowess, the substance and/or essence of their Estate, and miraculous treasures or armies of followers. These are the standard player characters, and Chiyo is a starting build.

Chiyo is the daughter of the Wild Imperatrix of Time, Space and Love, known as Attaris Ebrôt Appekā. She was sired by her in the dreams of her human mother on the plateau of Leng, and raised from birth to be one of the Nobilis when she grew up.

Sometime after she ascended to the position she kinda fell through a plot hole in the void and ended up in the Nexus; she's kinda cool with this since it gives her a chance to mess around and slack off. She would like to find her way home eventually, though.

Likes: Flowers, tea, manga, video games, cute things, the Cthulhu Mythos, action sequences in slow motion, and the dying memory of her human mother.
Dislikes: Her 'father', arrogant people, big boobs, having the ending spoiled for her, and people who insist that shoggoths and Hounds of Tindalos are uncute.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects Character Page
« Reply #76 on: February 07, 2014, 06:10:37 AM »
Name: Tywin Hemsfield
Race: Scion (Human)
Age: 31
Height: 6'4
Weight: 240 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black, smattered with patches of grey, despite his young age

Appearance: Tywin is rather similar to his father in most matters, except his eyes, and his facial structure; he follows his mother in that regard. From a distance though, he'd be hard to distinguish from his father. His right arm from a bit above the wrist down is a custom prosthetic.

Alignment: Lawful Good

Charisma: B- , his charisma isn't his best feature, but he's got the strength of personality above the average of humanity

Strength: A++, like his father, second strongest of the Aesir, Tywin is capable of incredible feats of strength.

Agility: C, he's around the average level for Scions without epic dexterity, in otherwords, he's at the level of an average human.

Speed: D, he's more of a distance runner than a sprinter though

Magic Resistance: D

Magic Ability: N/A

Spoiler for Hiden:
Son of Tyr, and one of his Scions, Tywin was always destined to be a lawman. He would always be the cop in cops and robbers, was the type of hall monitor that teachers loved, and posessed an innate sense of right and wrong. Going right out of highschool straight into the local sheriff's department, he reached the US Marshals in a surprisingly short period, passing the induction trials and training with flying colors. He served in their narcotics taskforce, using his wits, and knowledge of small town America to hunt down cocaine transport routes, and meth labs. It was during a raid on the former where his true nature was finally revealed to him.

This lab was one that was relatively unguarded, and in a slight bit of hubris, he continued into the lab itself, without waiting for backup. It was a choice he'd soon regret. The drug lab owner was a massive man, fed Jotun Blood, and possessing a minor Titanspawn, a descendent of Garmr and itself had some of the blood of Fenrir within it. For Tywin it was his natural enemy, blood of his father's likely doom in Ragnarok and of the source of Tyr's title - 'The Leavings of the Wolf' - that he held in honor alongside the name The Lawgiver. The man himself went down with half a magazine of .40 S&W pumped into his chest, but the titanspawn itself would not go down like that. Biting the hand holding the pistol off, Tywin killed it by strangling it, a feat of strength worthy of the Lawgiver himself. Afterwords, while recovering from his wounds, he met with a strange man in the hospital. He looked similar enough to Tywin in a way, yet different enough to be a stranger, noticeably with hair that looked almost like feathers. The man passed him a package, without a word, disappeared.

Inside was a prosthetic hand, and a letter. The letter itself introduced him to his own heritage, penned in the odd scrawl of his father (Tyr's writing hand had been his right), and with an additional post script by his grandfather - "Use this hand better than you used your last."

Tywin has been using the Marshals to help track down Titanspawn and locate Scions of multiple pantheons for his Grandfather ever since, bringing justice to those who violate the laws with a now divine agenda.
Other Abilities:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Tywin's intuition and sense of justice are both beyond measure. His blood gives him access to the strength and wisdom known of Tyr, and some of his endurance as well - though Tywin's is more mental than his father's combination of emotional, mental, and physical resilience.  Tywin's grip - in both his hands - is immensely strong. He's more than capable of crushing bone and flesh alike with just a comparatively light squeeze if he wishes. This is something several titanspawn - and fugitives - who thought they had the drop on him can attest to. His training as a US Marshal has taught him basic firearms skills, and how to use his fists and baton in a fight as deadly weapon. He's far better at tracking fugitives though, and practically immune to ingested poisons, and can eat just about anything that could provide a measure of sustenance and survive just on that indefenately. He can also heal extremely rapidly. Tywin's also capable of deciphering a crime scene with a single glance.

The Right Hand of Tyr - Tywin's Birthright; a masterfully crafted prosthetic hand. It functions practically identically to the one that Tywin lost, though the sense of touch is dulled, and has several runes on it, namely those signifying Tyr, as decoration. Originally intended for Tyr, but when the wound of Fenrir proved impossible to mitigate, put in storage. Odin's ravens see all in regard to his Sons and Grandsons, and he could see the strands of fate that would lead it into the hands of others. The hands old guardian, a lawgiver from the ancient nation of Geatland, is also fond and protective of  the hand, serving as an advisor to Tywin in times of need. The Hand itself has several interesting properties, giving him an access to some of the abilities demanded of Tyr, - namely that as the guard of of Fenrir, to keep the great wolf from escaping his bonds for a third and final time.

-Justice: The Justice purview is one that is explicitly held by Tyr, as the lawgiver. As such, his scions share in this power, to extents. Tywin's affinity for Justice grant him several powers.
The first boon of Justice aids a Scion immensely in determining guilt, one of the foundations of meting out justice. When she confronts someone she suspects committed an injustice and accuses that person of having done so  the Scion can intuitively tell whether the suspect is guilty as charged, regardless of any supernatural attempts to avoid this. When a Scion knows that someone is guilty of an injustice but she lacks either the evidence to prove it or the leverage to make him admit it, she can rely on this second Boon instead. To use it, she accuses the guilty party of the injustice (be it in person, in a letter, over the phone, via skywriting…). The accusation causes the victim to periodically hallucinate like Macbeth or his wife. These hallucinations occur randomly, torturing the guilty party with the knowledge that justice hasn’t been served. They also render him unable to regain Willpower. The effect lasts for a number of days, or until the offender makes fair amends, or until the offender confesses his crime to someone who can force him to make fair amends— whichever occurs first. The third Boon can protect an innocent victim from suffering someone else’s due punishment. The Scion cries out against the injustice—a simple “He didn’t do it!” will suffice and spends the Legend and Willpower point. Doing so, she renders the next action that would inflict harm on the innocent victim completely impotent, obviating any damage that action should inflict. Whether the victim is being stabbed by a jealous wife, shot by a firing squad, lynched by a mob, hurled off a cliff by a duped Scion vigilante or whatever, he suffers no damage from that action. For the Boon to work, the Scion must be present at the site of the unjust punishment, and the victim must actually be innocent.

The first Boon is simple - the Scion touches a person, an object or the entrance to a location and lays a mystical brand there that marks that subject as being under her protection. Thereafter, whenever that subject is in physical danger, the Scion receives a reflexive intuition to that effect. The Mark also allows the Scion to keep track of the status of the marked. The second Boon activates by touching a mortal or an object, the Scion if they so wish can grant it a measure of divine physical protection. The third boon is setting up a Ward against some form of threat, but only one. It has to be specific, like Mary Sue's, or Titanspawn. While it can be pierced, it will also fade away about seven days.

Of course, use of these boons leads to a risk of fate binding, the chance of attaching another being to the legend of the Scion - for good or ill in regards to both parties.
Weakness: Attack dogs, pretty much anything that would harm a human, really spicy food (Despite his love for it... or perhaps because of it), Fatebinding an exceptionally dangerous foe by mistake.

Likes: Spicy foods, his father, justice, being a Scion, the wilderness, law

Dislikes: Those who pretend to uphold good, boasters, lawbreakers, oathbreakers, those who aid titanspawn, titanspawn
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 07:16:31 AM by Arch-Magos Winter »


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Re: Cross Effects Character Page
« Reply #77 on: February 08, 2014, 06:03:57 PM »
Name: Fuu Dawnstrider
Race: Tauren
Age: 32
Height: 8 feet 1 inch
Weight: around 750 pounds
Eyes: Sky blue
Fur/Hair: White fading to dark grey, dark grey mane and braids
Appearance: As a tauren, Fuu is a large and muscular bovine humanoid with hooves and horns, bearing an immense body covered in fine short fur and a mane that goes down from his skull to his back as hair. His fur fades from white to dark grey from the front of his torso and the back of his legs and arms, as well as his face, and his mane and braids are also of dark grey color. He wears a set of scaled mail armor of earthen and crimson tones, and carries two regular sized shaman totems on his back. He usually has a strong, amicable expression on his face.
Spoiler for Reference pics:

Alignment: Lawful Good

Charisma: D
Strength: B
Endurance: C+
Agility: B
Speed: D (B in Ghost Wolf form)
Magic Resistance: - (E against effects originating from or related to nature)

Magic Ability: B
Shamanism B: Shamans are practitioners and mystics who have a deep bond with nature and the spirits. They worship their ancestors and the elements in equal measure, acting as harmonizing agents between the physical and the ephemeral, and strive to maintain balance among the elements and mediate their eternal struggle. Shamans often act as spiritual guides and diviners. They can communicate with the spirits, and they borrow their power with respect when they need it. Unlike other practitioners of magic, shamans do not bend the powers they wield to their will. They call upon the spirits and ask for their wisdom and strength, and so receive their aid.
This grants shamans access to many and varied abilities, most of which Fuu is able to use. The elements know much, as do the souls of those that have passed away and returned to the Earthmother, and a shaman can acquire knowledge of the future and faint events from them, or even see visions of what is yet to come. They can influence the weather and see far into the distance or into time, see the spirit world, and with the adequate preparations, some can even astrally project themselves.
Fuu can also forcefully purge an enemy of beneficial magical effects; transform into the form of a ghost wolf for increased speed; and finally he can call upon two strong spirit wolves, bringing them to the world to aid him in combat for a short time.

Elemental Magic B: Shamans commune with the elements themselves, and borrow their power to keep balance in the world and hold back their primal fury against one another. Fuu harnesses the might of earth, fire, water and air to strengthen himself and directly calls upon their destructive force to tear his enemies asunder. Although not as powerful as some of his fellow shamans that directly attack with the wrath of the elements, he can do so as well, casting bolts of lightning, and producing shocks and blasts from the power of the earth, fire, cold, and the wind. His true strength, however, consists in imbuing his weapons with the nature of the elements. He can strike with the power of the storm and of molten lava, infusing his attacks themselves with their exploding force.
He may also shield himself from natural impediment by the elements, walk on water, and protect himself with a reactive lightning barrier that strikes those who deal harm to him. Additionally, he can converse with elemental spirits and summon them to his service with the help of the adequate totem. Forcefully subduing hostile elementals and binding them is also possible for a short time.

Healing Magic C: Shamans healers call upon ancestral spirits and the cleansing power of water (predominantly, although other elements can be similarly helpful) to mend wounds and cure ailments. Even though healing is not Fuu's specialty, he is still able to channel sufficient power to heal even grievous wounds; it is however, more tiring and less efficient than for a specialized shaman healer. He uses waves of healing power that can cure harm even from a distance and cycle through multiple people, and can with some effort, call down restorative rains in a small area.
Shamans are also able to heal damage to the spirit. Fuu can easily cleanse curses from one's spirit, although different kinds of negative magic effects or more complex ones are not not things he can easily purify. In the same vein, he can cleanse the body of simple poisons or diseases. And finally, in the case someone dies or is about to die from their wounds, Fuu can forcefully pull back their spirit to the body, keeping them barely alive but in a critical state for a few moments. This however, is an extremely exhausting procedure that drains the shaman to the utmost.

Totems D: Shamans are also able to channel the power of the elements through specially carved totems. These totems are the primary shaman tools used as ceremonial pieces and instruments of war, and are aligned by the primary elements of Fire, Water, Earth and Air. The totems provide the shaman with additional power, reinforcing him or helping him in some way in accordance to their aligned element. A totem of earth might shield the shaman from harm with the fortitude of rock, and one of water might heal the shaman, as one of wind might grant swiftness and speed and a fire one can spew out flames and burn his enemies. Totems are also used to summon elementals to the world to help the shaman.
Most shamans carry several of these totems, which can be of many and various sizes. Tauren spiritwalkers and ancient warriors often carried large totems which could be used as blunt weapons in addition to their other purpose. However, some totems can be as small as amulets, although most of them need to be fixed on the ground to activate.
Fuu usually carries a totem of each element on him. His fire and earth totem he carries strapped to his back and are of the customary size that must be fixed upon the ground to activate, while his air and water totem are amulet sized.

Other Abilities:

Survival Skills: As all tauren, Fuu is a huntsman and has enough survival knowledge to be considered dependable. He has above average ability at fishing, cooking with even the barest of tools, and first aid. He is also quite the master of anatomy due to being an experienced skinner.

Professions: Fuu is a master craftsman skilled in the making of armor from leathers, hides and scales. Taking advantage of what he obtains from animals and other materials, he is able to make powerful armor that provides strong defenses and also increases several attributes of the wearer. He is also mildly experienced in archeology and lore.

Miscellaneous: Fuu can speak Taurahe and Orcish, and in his travels has also picked up Common, and some Thalassian and Darnassian.

- Earthen Scale Armor: his personally crafted set of armor which increases his power, agility and resilience, aside from offering strong defenses.
- Stormforged Axe and Twilight Smasher: a sharp one handed axe and one-handed barbed mace respectively, of distinct designs and extremely sturdy construction, made especially for him. They are weapons forged with primal elementium, solidified vestiges of the elements, and chaotic essence, attuned to channel natural forces and increase the user's power.
- Adventurer's Bag: A magic traveling satchel that can store much more than it should be able to in accordance with its actual size. A must for every adventurer.

Origin: Fuu Dawnstrider was a tauren born in one of the tribes united under the banner of Cairne Bloodhoof. A skilled shaman since young, he had already experience battle on numerous occasions even before the tauren joined the Horde. Some years after the Third War, he set out to fight for the Horde and make a name for himself as an adventurer. He participated in several conflicts across Azeroth under the service of the Horde and even fought on the other side of the Dark Portal, in the shattered Outland, although he was not among those that brought down Illidan or fought at the Sunwell against the Burning Legion. Afterwards, however, he was a major participant in marking events in history: he fought against the Lich King and his forces around Northrend as open war against the Scourge broke out, was a part of the adventurers that conquered Naxxramas and defeated Yogg-Saron, and participated in the final defeat of the Lich King himself; after the Cataclysm erupted, he helped drive back the Twilight's Hammer and Deathwing's forces in Deepholm and Azeroth, and was among the forces that raided the lair of Cho'Gall, and brought final defeat to the Elemental Lords Al'Akir and Ragnaros, and finally, he participated in the defeat of the Destroyer, Deathwing.

Along the years he also was an engaged explorer, mapping every known region of Azeroth and Outland by himself, and helped many neutral factions, becoming well respected among organizations such as the Argent Crusade, the Wyrmrest Accord, the Earthen Ring, the Cenarion Circle, and the Steamwheedle Cartel. After the cataclysm had ended, he distanced himself from fighting and cooperated with the Earthen Ring on healing the damage it had caused to the world.

By coincidence or a whim of the spirits, an elemental rift brought him to Nexus City.

Weakness: Running out of mana, being stripped of his armor (its enchantments increase his power), being weaponless.
Likes: Fighting, dwarven beer, flying on his proto-drake mount, storms
Dislikes: Excessive bloodshed, innocent and civilian brutality, overly obstinate people, Garrosh Hellscream's policies
« Last Edit: April 07, 2014, 07:39:26 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: Cross Effects Character Page
« Reply #78 on: February 09, 2014, 07:58:12 PM »
Name: Lycodrake Aptera
Race: Dragon
Age: equivalent to 25 in human years
Height/Weight: varies, see abilities
Eyes: Greyish Blue

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Appearance: “Wolf-sized, wingless dragon” is the simplest way to describe him. Off-white-grey scales that look outlined in brown, often mistaken for a gargoyle. He has one large, raptor-like talon on each foot.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Charisma: D - it isn’t that he can’t lead, it’s just that he prefers to follow and support his allies and friends.

Strength: C+ -> A

Agility/Speed: A -> C+

Magic Resistance: C. Dragon hide is very good at resisting fire, heat, and explosive magic. Most elemental magic does halved damage. Except against Ice magic - he really, really, really isn’t good at defending against ice.

Magic Ability: Size-shifting from the size of a dire wolf/warg to size of a bus. This trades off his agility/speed for more strength but does not reduce his intelligence. However, it makes him a larger target.

He can’t breathe fire like most dragons, but he can cast simple heat magic (Ranked C ) upon his body to enhance his attacks to the point of slicing and smashing through unenchanted weapons and armor.

Aegis”, a blessing and magic granted to him by Athena, that acts as a limited defense against weapons, magic, and abilities that would normally wound him greatly. It passively protects against paralysis and petrifying at all times.

Other Abilities: Offense-oriented fighting style “Harpe” which focuses on quickly slashing at joints and arteries close to the skin with his talons. The intention is to temporarily cripple and immobilize the target(s) in the least amount of time.

Origin: In Lycodrake’s home world, humans lived beside elementals, creatures, and monsters. In some ways, the “Age of gods” and “Age of mankind” intertwined there.

A wingless dragon in the service of Athena and her lesser form Nike, he hatched at a shrine devoted to Nike and was essentially raised there. It is theorized that he is a lesser child of Typhon and Echidna, making him a possible threat to villages, towns, and small cities should the instinct to destroy take hold of him.

He was raised at the shrine of [Athena] Nike as a surrogate son and given messenger duty across the region, mainly keeping to areas near Athens. He visited the Arena to see different sentient species compete with and against one another. He befriended djinn merchants from across the sea and often learned about the outside world from them.

He knew Nike was Athena’s “lesser aspect” but saw little difference between the two when he met with Athena. To him, the only difference was that Nike was less strict and Athena was a better fighter.

Years passed as he transitioned from childhood, adolescence and into young adulthood. News of Ares’ growing power to the west depressed Nike greatly. The change in Athena was even greater. Then the news came that Ares had gained a seat of power as “Mars” among the Roman lands, igniting the flames of war. Athena sought to protect those under her care through the least bloodshed, while Mars only wanted to destroy and paint the world in blood.

Tragedy struck when Athena faded and only Nike remained. Lycodrake had a new, two-part mission: find the source of the disturbance and locate a hero - preferably Herakles or Perseus - to help against Mars’ forces.

With the help of Marie Al-miraj, Lycodrake’s best friend, merchant, and a dual fire-and-water mage, they took the first steps in journeying out into the world.

Until, that is, Lycodrake took a golden apple to the knee and found himself in Nexus City.

Weaknesses: Ice, cold, anti-dragon anything (including thimbles), magical metals, and heights.

Likes: He likes Athena Nike, monster girls, nice dragons, nice humans and humanoids, glomping to say hello, reading and hording books.
Dislikes: He dislikes Ares/Mars, being addressed as or called a lizard, and book-burning, and losing to cheating.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 01:53:01 PM by Lycodrake »
Spoiler for Best -monogatari:


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Re: Cross Effects Character Page
« Reply #79 on: February 11, 2014, 03:33:29 AM »
Name: Satoshi Alexander Emiya Pendragon
Race: Human/Dragon
Height: 5'10
Weight: 220lb
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Appearance: Satoshi mostly resembles his mother in appearance. However, he is quite a bit taller than her and possesses a firmer jawline. His clothes vary from time to time but he is most often in an old hand-me-down shirt of his father's and a pair of jeans or sweats.

Charisma: A
Strength: B
Endurance: A
Speed: B
Magic Ability: A
Magic Resistance: A

Background:As a baby, Satoshi was bonded with a dragon by Merlin, granting him immense power. After being attacked by Gilgamesh as a child he was brought back to life by Avalon which remains inside him, granting him nigh immortality and the ability to heal others. He later discovered, after death, that his body was a construct of the fairies, thus allowing him to draw magic infinitely from the source of magic, the Island of Avalon. This cemented his nigh immortality, but also caused him to become brash and, after learning both the dangers of reckless action and the feeling of powerlessness from losing his abilities for a time, he put a block in place to limit his prana to its normal 3200 units.

After becoming a berserker upon learning the truth about his adventures, he sought out inner peace. He mastered over a dozen martial arts as well as learning to commune with the elemental spirits, before grasping his own reality marble, The Sacred Court. With his reality marble he continued his adventures, meeting many versions of the Type Moon characters due to Avalon sending him to and from those worlds. He had a final showdown with a monstrous creature and, despite dying several times in the process, returned home alive. While only six months had passed in his own world since his apparent death at the age of eighteen, for him two thousand years had passed.


As Satoshi is over 2000 he has lived long enough to do basically every job conceivable. While not a master of many professions, he is skilled enough to manage almost any occupation.

His major job skills, however, are in construction, smithing, entertaining, farming, vending, artistry and as a doctor.

Construction/Smithing: Satoshi particularly excels in construction and the production of items. In particular, he is an accomplished blacksmith and, because the Dragon's breath allows him to apply his innate magical state as a dragon to steel, he is capable of creating magic weapons. He is, however, against creating weapons for the purposes of war.

He is also skilled in the creation of constructs and, as the only "heir" to the Einzbern family, he has also been taught to how to produce Homunculi. However, whilst he has created the bodies numerous times he has never activated them, and the process of activation would take much longer than normal since he is not innately skilled in that part of the process.

Dragon: His soul is merged with that of a dragon, as per a deal made by Merlin. The Dragon eventually tested him and Satoshi was given full control over the innate power of fire that he possessed. Later, upon the dragon's passing, he gained the full extent of its power, granting him stronger flames and flight, as well as the ability to speak the dragon's tongue, the dragon's presence as the strongest phantasmal creature (this mainly causes animals to be docile around Satoshi but as with alldDragons it is a strong presence when active) and a stronger defense. However, the power of the dragon channeled through a human body puts an immense stress of the user, and even with Avalon Satoshi cannot sustain the power for a terribly long time. As such, he doesn't often use the flames at full force unless absolutely required.

Magic Spells: He has high grade magic spells on par with those of Merlin. Most of these spells are written down in a note book Satoshi carries with him, as he has never been able to read in Merlin's library for long periods. He has memorized only the curatives and passive assist spells such as the creation of temporary dwellings, sleep spells and barriers.

Healing: Possession of Avalon provides Satoshi with a constant healing factor. As a result, he is effectively immortal, since he will regenerate no matter the wound. His origin (Unification and restoration and, now, "self" (which is simply a lateral move that doesn't change the effect of his abilities)) interacts with Avalon to allow him to heal perfectly the wounds of others. However, as this ability is channeled it is reduced in power, leaving gaps in the range it can heal. It cannot heal others after brain death occurs, and whilst it can heal diseases like vampirism in others it takes a long time to do so, and will only succeed if the person wishes to be cured.

Fighting styles and magic weapons: Satoshi has practiced the martial arts for centuries, and learned numerous styles during his journey to silence the madness which afflicted him. However, since these skills were learnt in an attempt to find inner peace, he prefers to avoid using them in combat where possible.

Immunity to the elements: Satoshi is immune to all the elements, such as fire, water etcetera. However, this is due to a spiritual tie of communion with nature and should he anger the spirits he will have the immunity revoked until compensation is made. He is not immune to sneak attacks and the like, but his connection makes him more aware of the area around him and makes it harder to succeed in sneak attacking him.

Divine protection: The Lady of the Lake has bestowed Satoshi with her divine protection. As with Saber, this has a two-fold effect. Firstly, she bestowed upon him ability to breathe water and, secondly, he has gained heavy resistance to the common tricks fairies are known for, such as illusions.

The Sacred Court: Satoshi's reality marble, it works to create an "even" or "fair" fight. At the beginning of the fight, both parties choose a penalty to be enforced on the opposition if they lose. This penality is enforced on the losers by the RM using self-hypnosis, and therefore can be avoided, with mental effort, provided the loser is aware of this implementation. Satoshi, however, is unable to avoid the penalty due to the nature of his own internal world.

Whilst in the RM, Satoshi can create five rules by which everyone must abide, including himself. amd the environment will attack any violators, including Satoshi. These rules can be as simple as "no swords", or as complex as Satoshi is capable of creating.

The RM has two significant weaknesses. Firstly, the exact same rule cannot be used more than once in a twenty-four-hour period (rephrasing of the exact same rule is forbidden, but using alternate rules which have the same practical effect is not). Secondly, the penalty is sustained by the RM and therefore cannot last for a lengthy period after the battle concludes. for example, a rule telling someone to do something immediately is viable, however a rule like "never speak again" is not, and would only silence the loser for a limited time.


Sword of Darkness:  Crafted to kill Gilgamesh, it induces madness in anyone who tries to hold it from the sealed negativity in the blade. It was crafted by Satoshi using his blacksmith powers in a fit of raging madness, and exists only to slaughter the king of heroes.

Clarent: Originally Mordred's sword, Satoshi defeated her in combat and took the blade as a prize so that the sword could be purified and once again used for its intended purpose.

The Dragon's Tail: A massive whip sword made to withstand the dragon's breath used as Satoshi's main weapon in serious conflicts. Possessing three modes (sword, whip and shield), it is mostly used for battlefield control, as well as against larger foes.

The Rider Arm: Devised by Rin Tohsaka as a result of backwards engineering the Kaldostick, it causes the user to henshin (transform) into a Kamen Rider.

It can, in principle, be used by anyone with a magic circuit. However, in order to be used it must be calibrated to a specific user, and the calibration process is complex, and since it has been in Satoshi's possession for two millennia, it is well-calibrated for his usage. By default, the armament takes the form of the classic and inconspicuous belt.

Each person who changes will gain different abilities from it but they will always transform into an armored warrior with martial arts skill and a sense of justice (this sense is not always pure, it's taken from the user's own sense of what is just). Additionally, every user gains two full ranks in their stats when transformed. However, in return, the user will lose many of their original skills.

In Satoshi's case, when using the Rider Arm he becomes Rider Crimson, with a dual mode, several weapons and, as with all Riders, an awesome matching bike. However, whilst he retains his healing factor, his dragon flame and his martial arts skills, he loses his other skills.

Rider Crimson has two modes. The first is a large armoured form which makes Satoshi's (already strong) defense five times stronger than normal whilst allowing him to move at normal speed. The second is a smaller, sleeker, form which increases his speed by five times but does not affect his defence.

The armoured mode is equipped with two blasters as its weapons. Whilst it is by no means slow, it is founded on the idea of using turret fire to defeat enemies.

The speed mode, on the other hand, is a close combat, single attacker based mode. It possesses a dual-bladed sword (both on the same side of the hilt) which can split into two seperate swords.

Special attacks:

Justice blazer: This move uses the twin blasters to strike every point on the body of a single target simultaneously, destroying them.

Noonday justice: This attack uses both blasters to strike a single point, creating a massive, often fatal wound.

Justice hurricane: An attack using the dual swords at high speed to obliterate the target

Justice division: An attack using the dual sword's single form to destroy an opponent.

Burning crimson fist, the fist that destroys all evil: A Rider punch finisher which obliterates the opponent so long as they are evil. However, it does nothing to the innocent.

Fire wheel strike: A Rider-kick-style full roundhouse which destroys the target.

Twin mask: A special finisher which uses every single attack previously mentioned by manifesting both modes as separate fighters. It is extremely powerful., but causes an overload, causing the belt to lock up after the attack finishes. This causes Satoshi to lose his transformed state and be unable to re-transform until the belt is unlocked.

Weaknesses: His family. Temporal anomalies cause his body to expose his true age, thus weakening him significantly, beast masters such as Enkidu can quiet the dragon's flame, also severely weakening him, and his spells can all be countered.

As a Knight of Pendragon, the King's word (if invoked in the form "I, as king command you") is law and Satoshi cannot go against any order given by Saber in this way. As a knight, Satoshi is also required to grant mercy to enemies who request it, no matter how he feels, although this does not apply to completely remorseless monsters such as Zouken. Additionally, his past actions cause him to be forcibly cycled through the states in which he lived (child, adult, depowered adult and old man, although not always in that order) once a certain threshold has been reached for mana expenditure and injury.

Likes: His family, Doctor Who, Kamen Rider, Gundam.

Dislikes: Evil


Whilst his immortality keeps him looking like a young man, Satoshi is actually two thousand years old. As such, he is no mere child and, while certainly the sum of Shirou and Saber and their views, he has lived his own life that is no-less balanced. In youth, he was a rash, selfish child setting out as a hero for entirely selfish reasons. After his first death at the hand of Angra Manyu he merely changed his attention to amassing strength, rather than regretting his actions.

Slowly, he continued to adventure and learn his weaknesses and how to accept or defeat them. With his final adventure he learned his final lesson. Heroes must exist for a time, and only a time, lest heroes become less special and hope diminish in the world at large.

To put it simply, while he is a hero to be a hero, he doesn't solve problems the way you might think. Defending the defenseless, sure, but he's not a charity worker. For the most part, he won't get involved unless asked.

Whilst Satoshi has his own beliefs and will act on them, he will not condemn others for the time they live in. He is, however, a jovial, playful, very honest and forgiving person.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2014, 04:58:25 AM by Alice »


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Re: Cross Effects Character Page
« Reply #80 on: February 19, 2014, 04:55:14 PM »
Name: Tân Gwyllt
Race: Demon
Age: ??
Height: Around 6 feet 9 inches in full armor on foot

A figure completely encased in black plate, tattered cape swirling behind him. He has no head, and in its place floats an helm with an open maw of sharp teeth set in a wide grin and narrowed eyes, lit up in green fire. He bears a flaming greatsword that burns the same color as his helm, and is usually seen riding his black, armored steed whose eyes, mouth and hooves also glow green with flame.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Charisma: D
Strength: C
Endurance: C
Agility: C
Speed: D (A when riding his spectral mount)
Magic Resistance: D (Reduces magical damage)
Magic Ability: -

Other Abilities:

Fel Fire: Gwyllt commands undying green fire that animates his sword and the inside of his armor. These flames cannot be extinguished by any ordinary means, and consume anything they wash over at a much higher rate than regular fire or even plain old magical flames do.

Swordsmanship: While Tan Gwyllt doesn't have any true swordsmanship skills to speak of, his sword moves with the intent of a hunter and the purpose of punishment. His sword is alit with his fel fire, and it is backed by berserker swings that constitute its owner's style.

Spectral Steed: At any time, Gwyllt can summon his personal dread steed to ride him. A mount beyond the mortal realm, it is able to fly and race through the skies, and leaves a faint fiery trail with its passage. Even if it is wounded or taken down, it can be summoned later none worse for the wear, as it is in truth a part of Gwyllt himself rather than a simple mount.

Spectral Form: Gwyllt can shift him and his mount into a purely spiritual form which allow him to walk through the spirit world and the realm of shadows. While in this form, he cannot affect the physical world, but can phase through walls and the like and still see some of what is happening in it.

Knowing Death: Tan Gwyllt knows the presence of death, and it strikes him whenever he is close to it in any form, resounding in his mind and body. This is a purely personal sensation he is intrinsically familiar with due to the nature of his existence.

Detect Wickedness: Gwyllt can detect human wickedness due to being a form of demon.

Authority Over Ghosts:
His power and unique nature lends Tan Gwyllt a high position over spirits of the other world. His conceptual authority as a greater rank of spirit commands respect from ghosts and wraiths, and almost unconditional obedience from the weaker ones.

Conceptual Immortality: Gwyllt is a being that exists on a level deeper than physical or spiritual; he is a collective of myths given form as a demon, therefore a conceptual creature who is tied to the power and spread of those stories. Though he may be completely destroyed, so long as at least one of the tales he is composed of still exists in a significant way (that is to say, it is still widely known by some part of humanity or one large group of people), he will eventually reappear in the world again, although his nature and abilities may be different due to how myths change over time.

Calling The Wyld Hunt: Tan Gwyllt's ultimate ability, which uses his full power to call the Wyld Hunt to the world. The concepts that make up Gwyllt are completely revealed and manifested, summoning an army of spectral riders and huntsmen, fiery ghosts, wailing wraiths and shadowy hounds, all under his command; and Gwyllt himself is empowered to his outmost as he truly becomes a Horseman Of The Apocalypse in all but name. While this is when Gwyllt is at his strongest, it is also when he is at his most vulnerable: since the concepts that make up the core of his being are entirely manifest, if he is wholly destroyed in this state he will not reappear again.

Origin: He is a demon born from the conjoined myths of the Headless Horseman, the Jack-o'-Lantern, the Wyld Hunt, and the Horsemen Of The Apocalypse, given a form by magic and the confusion of such stories into an amalgamation with a will of its own. Having reduced his conjurer to ash, the figure became a fiend of flame and the hunt that prowls between the spirit world and the mortal world. He grew to dislike the wicked, and regardless of his origins, he strived to deliver justice to them and protect their would-be victims with wild determination. Despite his chaotic and whimsical nature, he is no danger to humans or even supernatural denizens that do not provoke him and only shows himself purposely when he feels death encroaching, or something threatens to pass the veil between the worlds, in which case he will engage it and stop it with great haste if it has evil intentions. Only in occasions where spirits are traditionally allowed to visit the human world (like Halloween) does he venture among mortals to startle them and amuse himself, marking his passage with spectral fireworks and fel bonfires, after which he named himself. Over time he developed an habit to talk in rhymes.

Weaknesses: Being damaged while the Wyld Hunt is released, abjuration rituals, anything particularly effective against ghosts or spirits

Likes: Shakespear, pranks, fireworks
Dislikes: The wicked, malicious spirits, stoic and aloof people
« Last Edit: February 19, 2014, 04:57:36 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: Cross Effects Character Page
« Reply #81 on: February 25, 2014, 12:38:01 AM »
This character sheet was prepared to setup one of the main characters that'd be featured in an upcoming fic of mine, but as a side idea, I thought that RPing her a bit for fun's sake, and because it'd actually maybe help me get further inspiration in writing her better, it all wouldn't be so bad of an endeavor.

Besides, I've been suffering from lack of RP at any rate. :P

The basic premise here is that this Caster is Tamamo No Mae, but she's quite different from the version of hers summoned in the Moon Cell. The concept in how she is Tamamo No Mae, yet not being the same as the Fox Spirit is complicated, but if you really want to delve into the matter, you can find it in the character sheet. It's based on canon and CCC info, so it's not something that I pulled out of my arse. ( OwO)

Ask me further details if you find things not clear enough.

As for the difference between here and the planned story line, she got dragged into the Nexus alongside her Master, right as the Grail War was about to get in its more intense phases. They were to fight in the 4th Grail War - Ryuunosuke's summoning circle did not bring forth Gilles but Tamamo No Mae instead, and Uryuu wasn't the Master -- the little gagged up boy was.

Caster has been settling down into Nexus city, trying to live a relatively 'normal' life. She's been taking good care of the young kid like a mother, although she does sometimes get a bit carried by the fact that she was bound to the wish of being a good 'wife', rather than a good 'mother'.

Reverse Hikaru Genji Project?

To view the Character Sheet, click here


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Re: Cross Effects Character Page
« Reply #82 on: April 20, 2014, 03:58:52 PM »
Name: Josip Josipowicz "JoJo" Starski
Race: Russian of Jewish ethnicity
Age: 33
Height: 195 cm
Weight: 86 kg
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black

Appearance: Tall and muscular man in his early 30s with manly beard.

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Charisma: D
Strength: D
Agility: B
Speed: A
Magic Resistance: D

Magic Ability: Josip's Hamon enables him to release prana in matter akin to Prana Burst. He can use 'Reinforcement' to an extent, but its not proper magecraft, but rather natural
byproduct of his breathing.

His primary ability though is his Stand "Back In USSR", which ability is based on the concept of 'Russian Reversal'. The Stand can reverse characteristics of physical objects
(make incoming bullets fly in opposite direction or reverse electrical polarity), or even concepts, as long as they have their polar opposite and Josip can comprehend them. The
drawback is that the change must be possible to reverse once more (for example, he cannot cause directly the death of somebody) and the change is temporal unless the target wills it to be permament. He also cannot use the Stand on himself.

Aside from its ability, the Stand is particularly fast and precise, on par with Stands like Killer Queen and nearly as fast as Star Platinium, though it does not pack much of punch compared to these two.

Other Abilities: Josip has rather extensive scientific knowledge, something useful when exploiting the powers of his Stand. In fact, he managed to put together a device that allowed him to cross dimensions and end up in Nexus City, ... but it broke after the first successful use, and repairing it is troublesome.

Origin: Reversal

Weakness: Disrupting Josip's breathing hampers both his Hamon ability and the Stand. In water he can only use it as long as he can hold his breath (up to human's highest possible capacity)

Likes: Posing, outsmarting and embarassing his opponents (as expected from AU!Joseph/Josuke in one)

Dislikes: Vampires (biased given his experience with Stone Mask vampires), people who make fun of Russian Science and any of his particularly spectacular scientific failures.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2014, 04:02:21 PM by MysteriousHeroineX »

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Re: Cross Effects Character Page
« Reply #83 on: April 20, 2014, 04:26:13 PM »
Name: PARIAH (Prototype games)

(This is the clearest picture there is of PARIAH)
Race: Sentient Virus
Age: 40 (only appears to be 7).
Height: About 3’8.
Weight: Varies depending on the amount of biomass consumed.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Strength: A
Agility: B
Speed: A -
Intelligence: General: B(would be lower but PARIAH has consumed a few of the Blackwatch scientists)
Personality: PARIAH can only look upon all life and see them as food. A thing that he has to consume to grow stronger. The only other beings he views as “alive” are those who can withstand his assault and hurt him in return. PARIAH will not rest until he considers himself perfect. Which means absorbing as much biomass from people as he needs to achieve this goal.
Body Modification: PARIAH is the perfect release of the non-coded regions of the Redlight virus’s genome. As a result of this he is capable of shifting his form. He can turn his hands into claws, cover his body in armor and much more. He is also capable of “consuming” other humans. This allows him to add their biomass to his own which allows him to make greater modifications. He also absorbs the victims memories. All of their knowledge is added to his own.
Shapeshifting: After consuming another human being PARIAH is capable of replicating their form and voice. He is even capable of drawing on their memories to replicate small details about them such as quirks. All of his clothes are also made of biomass so he can even replicate what they were wearing at the time.
Magic Resistance: PARIAH comes from a world without magic. As a result he is vulnerable to magecraft.
Other Abilities: Regeneration, speed and strength that easily surpass an average human, and the ability to release and control the Redlight virus. PARIAH can increase regeneration speed by consuming biomass while injured.
Origin: After testing a biological weapon on the town of Hope, Idaho the virus found a perfect host in the body of Elizabeth Greene. When the military organization Blackwatch killed all the infected civilians they found Greene inside and in the process of giving birth. Both the mother and child were taken as military resources. Greene was codenamed MOTHER while the child was called PARIAH. Most of the scientists in Blackwatch believe that PARIAH is the culmination of the Redlight virus and some even call him the final purpose of all life on earth.
Weakness: Fire, the cold, most magecraft.
Likes: Becoming faster, stronger, or smarter. Basically progress.
Dislikes: The cold, being imprisoned.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2014, 04:58:29 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Cross Effects Character Page
« Reply #84 on: April 22, 2014, 10:29:41 PM »
Race: Human Demigod
Age: 96 (Counting the years after his death, somewhere between 2800 and 7300)
Height: 178cm
Weight: 65kg
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White
Charisma: E-
Strength: A
Agility: A+
Speed: A+
Endurance: A
Magic Resistance: C
Magical Ability: B
Weakness: Curses, Anti-divinity weaponry, attacks from the inside of his body, will refrain from using Astras upon anyone that do not have a chance of stopping them.
Likes: Friendship, Effort, Reconciliation, Positive Thinking.
Dislikes: The words “Communication skills”.
Alignment: Lawful Good

Other Abilities:

Kalaripayattu: (∞) An ancient Indian martial art. Without bearing upon strength and talent, it is the ancestor of all martial arts founded on the basis of rational thought. As a student of Parashurama, the sixth Avatar of Vishnu and the founder of the art who Karna surpassed in skill decades before his death, Karna is a master beyond compare at it and the use of the weapons involved with the art; swords, shields, bows, spears, daggers, katars, coil swords, sheats of cloth and sticks amongst others.

>>>>Loose Joints: Before a student can begin practicing Kalaripayattu, they are given extensive oil massages by their Guru for a full month to help loosen their joints and relieve all tension, and are frequently given more massages down the path of the Art. As a king, Karna had free access to some of the greatest masseurs to have ever lived. His body is free of all tension and by extension, it is much more difficult to break his bones than with another warrior with a body as tough as his.

>>>>Masseur: The first and most key principle of the art of Kalaripayattu is that one must be able to heal all the damage one does with the art. This manifests in the use of oil massage to relieve joint stress and muscle pressure. During the Age of Gods, where mere words could become spells, masters of the art were able to draw mana in the air into the person they were massaging, rapidly closing their wounds.

Discernment of the Poor: The ability to see through and understand a person’s character and thoughts. It expresses the power to grasp the true nature of the opponent possessed by Karna, who was blessed with the opportunity to inquire about the life and value of the weak due to being someone without a single relative. Thus, Karna cannot be deceived by words or actions.

Saint: An inborn ability to greatly influence the lives of people around the Saint through simple actions such as speech. Karna is the Hindu "Saint of Generosity".

Prana Burst (Flames): A version of Prana Burst that infuses weapons with prana that imparts a fiery effect. In Karna's case, blazing flames can erupt from Karna’s weaponry and armor at will.

Chariot: Karna’s war chariot, a beautiful piece decorated with gold drawn by two fiery stallions granted to him by his father, Surya. Karna can summon this Chariot at will, and can drive it with just his mind, allowing him to spend all of his attention on using his bow.

Mahamaharathi: The title of a warrior capable of fighting 24 Atimaharathi (A warrior capable of fighting 12 Maharathi (A warrior capable of fighting 60,000 warriors simultaneously) warriors simultaneously) warriors simultaneously. Karna also holds the title as the greatest archer since Lord Rama himself.

Warrior’s Instincts: Instincts developed from almost a century of non-stop training and combat, Karna’s senses are far beyond those of a normal human. His eyes can track high-speed objects at a range of 10 kilometers, and his reflexes border on precognition.

Praise The Sun: Karna can refill his mana and heal his wounds faster by praying to his father, The Sun God Surya, at noon.

Brahmastra: A powerful mantra acquirable only by the grandest masters of the arts of war by meditating on the god Brahma. It manifests as any kind of weapon the wielder can imagine and can then be wielded as a tool of war of peerless quality. By invoking it’s name and chanting the mantra out loud, the mantra’s true purpose, that of a weapon of mass destruction, can be deployed. It’s destructive power is comparable to a high-yield nuclear warhead, and causes horrific environment damage in the affected area, killing plantlife as well as causing aftereffects like sterility for both genders if they come within proximity of the area. The Brahmastra cannot be avoided once it is launched.

Brahmashira: The ultimate mantra, only ever possessed by Arjuna, Ashwatthama, Drona and Karna himself. An ungodly weapon possessing four times the firepower of the Brahmastra.


Kavacha and Kundala: Karna’s golden armor and earrings, fused to his body at birth by his father Surya to protect him from all harm and leave him a single connection to his true kin. Made from solidified sunlight, it is virtually unbreakable and will restore itself rapidly if damaged. So long as Karna is clad in it, 9/10ths of all damage dealt to him will be nullified, physical, magical, conceptual or otherwise.

Brahmastra: See above.

Vijaya: Karna’s bow, given to him by his master Parashurama as a gift of pardon after he cursed Karna in a fit of rage. The bow automatically creates arrows as he draws the string.

Vasavi Shakti: A spear of lightning that belongs to the Thunder God Indra, a javelin that inflicts a concept of mortality upon anything it hits, allowing it to kill and destroy otherwise invincible, immortal or unkillable targets. Similarly to the Brahmastra, it has the condition of "will never miss". While Karna was originally only allowed one use of the weapon, as Indra does not exist in Nexus City, It is until Karna can return it a “indefinitely long borrow”.

Nagastra: A powerful Astra that Karna can use as an arrow. Inflicts massive damage upon anyone hit by it, and causes thousands of poisonous snakes to fall down from the sky and attack anyone nearby.

Bhargavastra: Parashurama gave this astra to Karna. It caused great damage to Pandava's army. This astra possesses Parashurama's skill in archery. It could bring a shower of much more powerful weapons than the Indrastra (Indrastra; Would bring about a 'shower' of arrows from the sky.) and could smash any military formation and cut through all enemy defenses.

Mohini: Dispels any form of illusion or magic in the vicinity.

Vayvayastra: Brings about a gale capable of lifting armies off the ground.

Suryastra: Creates a dazzling light that would dispel any darkness and dry up water bodies.

Parvatastra: Would cause a mountain to fall on the target from the skies.

Agneyastra: Would summon a building-sized stream of fire inextinguishable by ordinary means.

Varunastra: Would summon a tsunami-sized wall of water. This weapon is commonly referred to as the countermeasure to the Agneyastra.

Bhaumastra: This Astra could create massive tunnels in the earth and cause invaluable jewels to fall from the sky.

Karna (कर्ण) is one of the central characters in the Hindu epic Mahābhārata, from ancient India. He was the King of Anga (present day Bhagalpur and Munger). Karna was one of the greatest warriors whose martial exploits are recorded in the Mahābhārata, an admiration expressed by Krishna and Bhishma within the body of this work.
Karna was the son of Surya (a solar deity) and Kunti. He was born to Kunti before her marriage with Pandu. Karna was the closest friend of Duryodhana and fought on his behalf against the Pandavas (his brothers) in the famous Kurukshetra war. Karna fought against misfortune throughout his life and kept his word under all circumstances. Many admire him for his courage and generosity.

“Hear in brief, O son of Pandu! I regard the mighty car-warrior Karna as thy equal, or perhaps, thy superior! With the greatest care and resolution shouldst thou slay him in great battle. In energy he is equal to Agni. As regards speed, he is equal to the impetuosity of the wind. In wrath, he resembles the Destroyer himself. Endued with might, he resembles a lion in the formation of his body. He is eight ratnis in stature. His arms are large. His chest is broad. He is invincible. He is sensitive. He is a hero. He is, again, the foremost of heroes. He is exceedingly handsome. Possessed of every accomplishment of a warrior, he is a dispeller of the fears of friends. Engaged in the good of Dhritarashtra's son, he always hates the sons of Pandu. No one, not even the gods with Vasava at their head, can slay the son of Radha, save thee, as I think. Slay, therefore, the Suta's son today. No one possessed of flesh and blood, not even the gods fighting with great care, not all the warriors (of the three worlds) fighting together can vanquish that car-warrior.” -Krishna
« Last Edit: May 15, 2014, 03:32:04 PM by Brahmastra »


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Re: Cross Effects Character Page
« Reply #85 on: April 23, 2014, 06:33:04 PM »
Race: Gilgamesh
Age: 128 (~5,000 years)
Height: 182 cm
Weight: 68 kg
Eyes: Red
Hair: Gold
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Charisma: Gilgamesh
Strength: A++
Agility: B+
Speed: A+
Endurance: A+
Mana: A
Luck: A
Magic Resistance: C (with armor, B+)
Weakness: Never takes his opponents seriously. Careless. Vain to the point of leaving his opponents alive so as to not dirty his clothes. Unlimited Blade Works is said to be his natural counter, when Gilgamesh is not serious (as always).
Likes: Himself, Enkidu, Humanity
Dislikes: The gods, modern humans, snakes

Other Abilities:

Surpassing All Other Kings: Gilgamesh is the Original Hero, the only one in the world deserving of and bearing the title - King of Heroes. As such, his legend has inspired the legends of all others who followed after. Even though they may not know his name, Gilgamesh is a commanding presence that draws their attention and respect, though they may not know why. Enemies of Gilgamesh, though they may know a different version, are struck by a sense of fear, while normal citizens stand in awe of his magnificence. Gilgamesh is an existence unlike any other that cannot be denied. With minimal information, he is capable of divining the name of a Heroic Spirit.

Golden Rule: To Gilgamesh, who has amassed "all the treasures of the world", money problems are completely unknown. He will never live without the finest luxuries for a single day of his life.

Divinity: As an existence that is two-thirds god, Gilgamesh possesses abilities and power beyond what any other man could dream of. Allows for protection against mental influence, as an existence that is more god than human.

To The Bottom Of The Sea: Gilgamesh, in pursuit of the Herb of Immortality, walked to the deepest parts of the oceans to search for it. His endurance is without equal, and he can breathe underwater with ease. By enduring the great pressure of the deeps, his body is truly unmatched.

The Road Of the Sun: During Gilgamesh's pursuit of the Herb of Immortality, he came across a tunnel that no man has ever entered, guarded by two scorpion-men. After questioning him and recognizing his divine nature, they allowed him to enter, and he passed under the mountains along the Road of the Sun. In complete darkness, he followed the road for 24 hours, completing the trip before the Sun caught up to him. The King of Heroes, who outran the Sun itself, has speed unmatched by any mortal being.

Builder Of The Walls: Gilgamesh, who built the walls of his city with his bare hands and defeated Enkidu, the creation of the Gods, has strength that simply does not exist in the mortal era. The strength that wrestled the Bull of Heaven to the ground, a strength that could lift mountains, has been unmatched by any hero since.

The Will of the King: Gilgamesh is immune to any form of mental interference because of his great willpower and an ego that proclaims the belief that he is beyond all others. To him, any statement that the King makes is truth, and as such he cannot be overturned.

Gate of Babylon: The Treasury of the King. All the treasures of the world are stored here, for here lies the original of all things. Upon Gilgamesh's death, his possessions were scattered amongst the places of the Earth, where they would become the basis of weapons and items for the legends of heroes to come. As such, Gilgamesh does not own, for instance, Gae Bolg, but he owns the spear that later became Gae Bolg. In a match between the original and the copy of Gilgamesh's weapon, the original will always win. Inside the Gate are contained numerous things, from ancient ships and weapons without equal, to the finest clothes and luxuries imaginable. Anything that is inside can be fired at will, from any distance, direction, and in any amount. This is a Noble Phantasm ranked  E~A+++, one that surpasses all others. Truly, it is the mark of the King of Heroes.

Enuma Elish - The Star of Creation that Splits Heaven and Earth: The state reached when Ea's power is maximized. The three conical sections of Ea spin in different directions as Gilgamesh commands it to "wake up", pulling in air and compressing it into a fearsome storm of wind and light. It is released as a torrent of energy capable of crushing anything in its way. It can be used at varying levels depending on how serious Gilgamesh is. An Anti-World attack capable of shattering Reality Marbles, the output of the sword alone exceeds Excalibur, but the energy contained inside and the winds escaping from the sword are on a completely different level. The true nature of this attack is capable of returning the Earth to the primordial state of Genesis; this is, indeed, an attack that could destroy all life on Earth.

Sha Nagba Imuru: The all-knowing, all-powerful star: Gilgamesh, a man born two-thirds god, has a perspective that allows him to view the world in a completely different state than both god and man. He can read the thoughts of others before they are expressed in words and can see magecraft before it is put into effect.

Armor of the King: Gilgamesh’s golden armor. Protects him against all but the strongest attacks and improves his Magic Resistance, as well as granting protection against petrification.

Vimana: An ancient flying chariot of Hindu origin, each Deva commanding their own Vimana. The blueprints for the Vimana were inherited by mortal men, and for that reason, they have a place in Gilgamesh’s treasury. As the gold and emerald ark that moves at the speed of thought, it allows for Gilgamesh to use the Gate of Babylon without having to operate it manually. Aboard the Vimana, ancient machine guns and nuclear warheads were once stored, but Gilgamesh removed them himself and stored them within his treasury.

Ea - The Sword of Rupture:  It is the primordial sword, born at the beginning of the world, a weapon unique to Gilgamesh alone. This sword contains within it the power to reduce the Earth to the state of Genesis, the form it held before Heaven and Earth were split apart. Its full power strike was given the name Enuma Elish by Gilgamesh, a reference to the Sumerian creation myth. This sword cannot be analyzed be Unlimited Blade Works, or comprehended by Shirou in any way. This weapon is deemed Anti-World.

Enkidu - The Chains of Heaven: A Noble Phantasm that takes the form of a length of chains, named after Gilgamesh's best and only friend, Enkidu. It is a Noble Phantasm that carries with it the concept of "reigning over the gods". The higher the divinity of the target, the stronger the binding inflicted by the chain becomes. Fully divine targets are completely immobilized by the chains that bound the Bull of Heaven. When used as a Noble Phantasm, multiple sections of Enkidu are shot from the Gate of Babylon to bind the target without fail. Against targets with no divinity, it is merely a very tough chain.

Gilgamesh is the Original Hero, the first to have his tale recorded in the annals of history. He ruled over the city of Uruk, the capital of ancient Mesopotamia. Born with a body that bound together both god and human, he was meant to be a neutral party between the two that could mediate between them. But, as a union of both god and man, his vision extended beyond what either race could see. He grew disillusioned of the gods, and ruled over his people as a despot. In response, the gods created Enkidu, the wild man, who stated that he would reprimand the King for his transgressions. Gilgamesh grew angry, and a battle commenced that spanned several days. Enduring Enkidu’s meteor-like fists, Gilgamesh finally won, after emptying the Gate of Babylon and exhausting himself completely. From that day onward, they had become friends. They pursued and killed Humbaba, the beast of the gods, defeated the Bull of Heaven, and accomplished many great feats. After defeating the Bull of Heaven, the goddess Ishtar, who had originally unleashed the Bull, became enraged. She ordered the deaths of those who had defeated a being belonging to the gods with the bodies of humans, and Enkidu, the creation of the gods, could not refuse.

His death began Gilgamesh’s quest for immortality that led him to the deepest oceans and the highest peaks in search of a way to cheat death. This quest led him to the Road of the Sun, Paradise, and into the Underworld, where he learned of the Herb of Immortality, a magic herb that would make him young again. By strapping great stones to his feet, Gilgamesh was able to walk all the way to the bottom of the sea in order to obtain it. On his way back to Uruk, he stopped to bath, and the Herb was taken by a snake that shed its skin as it departed. Struck by the sheer futility of his quest, Gilgamesh could not help but laugh at the theft. Returning to Uruk, Gilgamesh governed it as its king once again, with a just but severe rule. Later in life, he returned to the deep once again merely to add the Herb to his collection. He quietly entrusted Uruk to its next ruler, before going to his final sleep without revealing the location of the Herb of Immortality to anyone.

Currently, in Nexus City, he is the rarely-appearing CEO of the company Golden Rule, the richest and most profitable company in the entire city.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 12:58:46 AM by Mooncake »
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Re: Cross Effects Character Page
« Reply #86 on: April 28, 2014, 11:14:09 PM »
Name: Arisato Minato

Race: Human?

Age: 17 (Physically)

Height: 170 cm
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Blue

Alignment: Variable Neutral

Stats (Before Equipment or Persona Boost)
Strength:D (25)
Agility: C (30)
Speed: C (30)
Endurance: C (30)
Mana: B (40)
Luck: B (40)

Magic Resistance:
The equipment grants strong resistances to everything, further enhanced by the persona though the effect Varies according to the one currently equipped.

Magic Ability:
Fire, Ice, Wind, Electric, Light, Dark, Almighty, Powerful fusion Spells, and other spells of various types are made available through persona.

Special Ability:

A Persona is a manifestation of a person's personality, referred to as a "mask" for an individual to use to face hardship. A Persona is similar to a Shadow. Shadows are malevolent manifestations of ones inner thoughts, while a Persona is a manifestation of the same feelings but tamed and trained. A Persona grants numerous benefits to it's user, a few of which are actually useful outside of battle.

The shown stats of the equipped persona acts as a passive bonus. The effects of skills take precedence over innate resistances. The Inherent attribute is a unique trait particular to a single Persona granted to it's user while equipped.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Arcana: Judgement

Str: 63
Mgi: 62
End: 60
Agi: 62
Lck: 63



Inherent Attribute:

Messianic Presence
The presence held by all those who can be called Messiah. Those of evil alignment will feel illogical fear, and those of good alignment feel comforted. Those seeking redemption and those who wish for salvation are drawn to him. Those of Judeo-Christian faith or origin will recognise the holder of this skill as a messiah immediately.

Passive Skills:

Regenerate 3
Heals a bit of HP every turn.

Invigorate 3
Restores a bit of SP every turn

Absorb Pierce
Absorb Pierce Attacks

Enduring Soul
Restores all HP upon death once per battle

Active Skills:

Inflicts Severe Almighty Damage upon a wide area.

God's Hand
Inflict Severe Strike Damage upon one enemy.

Removes Status ailments and fully restores party HP.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Arcana: Death

Str: 48
Mgi: 51
End: 44
Agi: 44
Lck: 39


Resist: Slash/Strike
Block: None
Absorb: None
Reflect: Dark
Weak: Light

Inherent Attribute:

Passive Skills:

1hd Sword Master
Increases Damage inflicted with one handed swords

Active Skills:

Inflicts heavy Almighty Damage over a wide area.

Tempest Slash
Inflicts heavy multiple slash damage upon one enemy.

Ghastly Wail
Instantly destroys all enemies with Fear mental ailment

Banishes all enemies with the power of light (Med)

Brave Blade
Inflict heavy slash damage upon one enemy.

Orpheus Telos
Spoiler for Hiden:
Arcana: Fool

Str: 75
Mgi: 72
End: 72
Agi: 72
Lck: 72


Resist: All
Block: None
Absorb: None
Reflect: None
Weak: None

Inherent Attribute:

Passive Skills:

Victory Cry
Fully restores HP and SP after battle.

Active Skills:

Wild Card- The Universe
The power to wield many Persona, even changing between them mid battle. Unlike the three Persona Orpheus Telos, Thanatos, and Messiah, which are fixed, wild card Persona can be gained, lost, combined, and replaced depending on the circumstances. Normally The Universe would allow the user to use any Persona they wished, but the unusual nature of the nexus has limited his available Persona to thirteen in total, Ten minus the three fixed Persona.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Arcana: Magician

Str: 40
Mgi: 49
End: 35
Agi: 26
Lck: 32


Resist: None
Block: None
Absorb: Fire
Reflect: None
Weak: Ice

Inherent Attribute:

Passive Skills:

Fire Boost
Strengthens Fire attacks by 25%

Fire Amp
Strengthens Fire attacks by 50%

Active Skills:

Inflicts heavy Fire damage to one foe

Deals heavy Slash damage to enemies in a wide area

Deals heavy Fire damage over a wide area

Deals severe Fire damage to one foe

Spoiler for Hiden:
Arcana: Empress

Str: 48
Mgi: 57
End: 47
Agi: 45
Lck: 50


Resist: None
Block: None
Absorb: Ice
Reflect: None
Weak: Fire

Inherent Attribute:

Passive Skills:

Ice Amp
Greatly Strengthens Ice attacks.

Absorb Fire

Absorbs Fire damage

Active Skills:

Deals heavy Ice Damage/Freezes a wide area

Physical Damage Reflection Barrier

Akasha Arts
Deals Heavy Strike damage to all foes in range

Deals severe Ice damage to one foe

Spoiler for Hiden:
Arcana: Emperor

Str: 39
Mgi: 52
End: 33
Agi: 36
Lck: 39


Resist: None
Block: None
Absorb: Elec
Reflect: None
Weak: Wind

Inherent Attribute:

Passive Skills:

Elec Amp
Greatly increases damage output of Elec spells

Spell Master
Halves SP consumption for magic skills

Active Skills:

Inflicts a large amount of Electricity damage/stuns one enemy

Vile Assault
Inflicts a large amount of Pierce damage with even greater power if the target is knocked down

Inflicts a large amount of Electricity damage/shocks a wide area

Thunder Reign
Inflicts severe Elec damage on one enemy always inflicts stun

Spoiler for Hiden:
Arcana: Fortune

Str: 40
Mgi: 54
End: 32
Agi: 46
Lck: 44


Resist: None
Block: None
Absorb: Wind
Reflect: None
Weak: Elec

Inherent Attribute:

Passive Skills:

Wind Amp
Greatly increases Wind damage

Regenerate 3
Restores 15% HP at the start of each turn

Invigorate 3
Restores 7 SP at the start of each turn

Absorb Elec
Absorb Elec attacks

Active Skills:

Inflicts a large amount of Wind damage over a wide area

Panta Rhei
Inflicts a massive amount of Wind damage to one enemy

Spoiler for Hiden:
Arcana: Death

Str: 31
Mgi: 50
End: 27
Agi: 42
Lck: 39


Resist: None
Block: None
Absorb: None
Reflect: Dark
Weak: Light

Inherent Attribute:

Passive Skills:

Repel Dark
Able to repel Dark attacks

Mudo Boost
Dark spells become more effective

Active Skills:

Evil Touch
25% chance to inflict Fear ailment to one target

Spirit Drain
Syphons 20 SP from one foe

Die for Me!
80% chance of death by Dark for foes in a wide area

Lowers defence of enemies in a wide area

Spoiler for Hiden:
Arcana: Hierophant

Str: 32
Mgi: 44
End: 36
Agi: 29
Lck: 38


Resist: Strike
Block: Light
Absorb: None
Reflect: None
Weak: Dark

Inherent Attribute:

Passive Skills:

Growth 3
Gain full experience while inactive

Null Dark
Immune to Dark attacks

Hama Boost
Greatly increases effectiveness of Light skills

Active Skills:

50% chance of instant death by light to one foe

Recover all HP to one ally

80% chance of instant death by Light to all foes

Spoiler for Hiden:
Arcana: Judgement

Str: 51
Mgi: 47
End: 46
Agi: 50
Lck: 51


Resist: Ice/Elec
Block: None
Absorb: None
Reflect: Light
Weak: Dark

Inherent Attribute:

Passive Skills:

Repel Dark
Able to repel Dark attacks

Active Skills:

Inflicts a large amount of Electricity damage over a wide area

Recovers all HP to allies in range

Inflicts a large amount of Ice damage over a wide area

Heaven's Blade
Inflicts a massive amount of Slash damage with very high odds of critical to one enemy

Spoiler for Hiden:
Arcana: Judgement

Str: 51
Mgi: 60
End: 52
Agi: 47
Lck: 58


Resist: None
Block: None
Absorb: None
Reflect: Fire/Dark
Weak: Wind

Inherent Attribute:

Passive Skills:

Regenerate 3
Restores a bit of HP every turn

Invigorate 3
Restores a bit of SP every turn

Repel Light
Repel Light skills

Active Skills:

Inflicts heavy Almighty damage over a wide area

Inflicts heavy Fire damage over a wide area

Black Viper
Inflicts massive Almighty damage upon one enemy

Spoiler for Hiden:
Arcana: Judgement

Str: 65
Mgi: 68
End: 64
Agi: 52
Lck: 52


Resist: Slash/Strike/Pierce
Block: Electricity
Absorb: None
Reflect: Dark
Weak: Ice

Inherent Attribute:

Passive Skills:

Spell Master
Halves cost of all Magic skills

Victory Cry
Fully recovers HP and SP after battle

Active Skills:

Inflicts heavy Thunder damage over a wide area

Brave Blade
Inflicts heavy Slash damage upon one enemy

Repel one Fire/Ice/Wind/Thunder/Light/Dark attack

Inflicts heavy Almighty damage over a wide area

Spoiler for Hiden:
Arcana: Star

Str: 64
Mgi: 63
End: 61
Agi: 57
Lck: 58


Resist: Slash/Strike/Pierce
Block: Light
Absorb: None
Reflect: None
Weak: Ice

Inherent Attribute:

Passive Skills:

Absorb Slash
Absorb Slash attacks

Active Skills:

Primal Force
Inflicts severe Pierce damage on one enemy

Inflict heavy Fire damage over a wide area

Mind Charge
Charges power for next spell, damage x2.5

Morning Star
Inflicts severe Almighty damage over a wide area

Recovers all HP and status for allies in a large area

Fusion Spells
The highest form of power, attained by unleashing two compatible Persona at once.

The End, ultimate power which obliterates all in it's path. The form it takes varies according to the user's will. Armageddon reveals the last Truth, that in the end all things will become as nothing one more. The true form of this spell is an unstoppable wave of destruction which leaves only the azure star of mourning to witness what remains.

Other Abilities:

Charisma- A+
The attractiveness of ones personality and appearance; Or more accurately, the effects these factors have on others. At sufficient levels one can become the ruler of a country and at higher levels things like love at first sight and people pledging undying loyalty start to happen.
At this point it is something closer to a curse than any sort of natural charm.

Courage- A+
The measure of ones ability to overcome fear and face dangers to ones life.
At this level the impossible is made possible through sheer force of will, one can only be called a badass; Even the eldritch horror that is Fuuka's cooking can be faced without flinching.

Intelligence- A+
The measure not of the knowledge one possesses, but ones ability to acquire, process and put to use knowledge.
At this level one can be called a genius who stands above the peak of humanity, all available information can be used to it's fullest. Unknown factors can be deduced with sufficient effort.

Mind of the Universe
The presence of a vast number of Persona has the side effect of rendering mental intrusion by beings with minds less vast than an elder god unwise...


Lucifer's Blade
A Blade without equal in all of creation, unsurpassed even by Excalibur. This Blade grants it's user the passive benefit of a Rank up to all stats. The Blade is able to cut whatever the user wishes it to.

Armor of Light
A set of pentacle engraved armor made from divine light. Provides a large bonus to both physical and magic resistance as well as boosting END.

Shoes of Light
A pair of pentacle engraved shoes made from divine light. Provides a large bonus to evasion as well as boosting SPD and AGI.

Mp3 Player
A supreme divine relic that grants the user an authority - changing the BGM...
But really, it's just an mp3 player.

The Evoker is a gun-esque item that functions as a summoning medium for Minato to invoke and control his Persona. While it is not strictly necessary in the nexus, he still uses it.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Persona 3

The Protagonist in Persona 3 is first seen departing for the Dorm in Port Island. During that time, he experiences the Dark Hour, and is confused upon the sudden change of the surroundings and the sudden halt of his earphones functioning, though he takes the hour in stride, seemingly unaffected. Upon reaching the dorm, he encounters a child, who promptly gives him a contract to sign, providing players the opportunity to name him. The protagonist transfers to Gekkoukan High School on the next day. His invitation to study as a transfer student is later revealed that due to his capability to adapt to the Dark Hour, he was moved to the co-ed dorm so his potential can be monitored.

During a full moon, one of the Shadows attacks, causing the protagonist to awaken his initial Persona, Orpheus. The summoning sequence, however, was interrupted as Thanatos bursts forth from Orpheus' head, tearing apart Orpheus and slaying the Shadows. After dispatching the remaining Shadows, the protagonist fainted and was taken to the hospital. While unconscious, he awakens in the Velvet Room, where he learns about his abilities. The protagonist later learns about the nature of the Shadows and the existence of SEES, and eventually joins SEES. Out of all characters to appear Persona 3, the protagonist is the only character throughout the game with access to the Wild Card ability.

The protagonist's past is later revealed after Aigis' memories are restored. In the year 1999, when Death escaped the Kirijo group, Aigis was dispatched and was in hot pursuit of the Shadow. It is during Aigis' confrontation with Death, during the Dark Hour, that the protagonist's parents died. Presumably, the protagonist survives due to his potential allowing him to be active during the Dark Hour. Aigis, knowing that she cannot defeat Death, seals a portion of Death inside the protagonist, thus amplifying the protagonist's capabilities of summoning multiple Persona.

In SEES' final confrontation with Nyx, the bonds he has forged with SEES and his other friends give him the power to fight the sorrow, depression, and apathy of humankind, which were what drew Nyx to Earth, by letting him create the final arcana, the Universe Arcana with the help of Igor. With the power of the The Universe, and the cheering on of his comrades he ascends to Nyx' true body, the moon, to combat Nyx itself in a one-on-one battle. After being downed and uplifted multiple times by the SEES members' prayers and Nyx's attacks, he eventually reaches his full potential and performs the Great Seal to miraculously seal Nyx.

The protagonist clings to life for one month after fighting Nyx. He, unlike the others, retains his memories regarding the Dark Hour and Nyx in order to keep the promise he made to meet his friends on Graduation Day. Once his oath was fulfilled, he "falls asleep" in Aigis' lap, smiling.

Persona 3 FES
The Answer

In the playable epilogue of Persona 3 FES, titled "Episode Aegis" in Japan and "The Answer" in the localization, it is revealed that the Protagonist died the day after his sleep, leading to the members of SEES' confusion regarding his cause of death, as the doctor cannot find any unusual symptoms before his death.

After the defeat of Nyx and the death of the Protagonist, Aigis was the one who kept his Evoker, upon witnessing the Abyss of Time, the remaining members of SEES encounter a recurring silhouette resembling the Protagonist. However, whenever they come into contact, the silhouette flees.

It is not until venturing into the deepest area of the Abyss of Time, that the silhouette is revealed to be a shadow resembling the protagonist's appearance. It manifests through the negative emotion and urge of seeing the protagonist one more time deep within the members of SEES. Making its entrance, the shadow challenges SEES, copying their Persona (all of which are colored with a grayish tint) except Psyche and Juno, retaining the Wild Card ability, and several attacks of the protagonist.

Protagonist becomes the Great Seal

The "real" protagonist is later seen in the past, where he seals Nyx. In order to seal Nyx, the protagonist sacrificed his life to become the Great Seal. He was, however, capable of retaining his consciousness long enough to fulfill his oath between the members of SEES to meet again on Graduation Day. The protagonist is shown as a statue, crucified and bound to the door between Nyx and humanity. It is later revealed that Nyx was only awakened because Erebus, a grand being manifested from humanity's grief and negative emotions, was reaching out to Nyx to bring the Fall. The protagonist wasn't trying to seal Nyx, he was acting as a barrier between Nyx and Erebus. After defeating Erebus and realizing the protagonist's purpose, the remaining members of SEES swore to help him bear the burden by making the most out of their own lives.
In Nexus city he lives in the dorm that came with him for some reason, and has a reputation for being able to fulfill any request.

Weakness:Public Speaking, Elevator Attendants, Megidolaon

Likes:Social links, Music, Pharos, Coffee with hot sauce, The Dorm

Dislikes:Erebus, Reversals, Nihilism

Spoiler for Hiden:
This is not god mode, I did not give him the Omnipotent orb.
I will be editing this as I play to add better descriptions for attacks, indicate changes in the Persona lineup ECT.
This profile took five days to make.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2014, 12:31:14 AM by Kurogami »

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Re: Cross Effects Character Page
« Reply #87 on: April 29, 2014, 05:36:00 AM »
Probably won't use him, but consider him a possible candidate for a replacement character if things go tits up.

Garret Jordan AKA Featherstep AKA Jonathan Red-Eagle AKA AMERICA-SAN AKA Dervish
Race: Ork (Metahuman)
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'3
Weight: Easily over 300 pounds of pure muscle, bone, and cyberware
Eyes: Cybereyes. Whatever he had originally, they aren't there anymore
Hair: Shaved
Appearance: Generic white ork street samurai, with lower legs that contain skimmer disks. Cybereyes. Usually found with an american flag bandanna around his head.
Alignment: AMERICAN
Charisma: A (He has a bimonthly doujin series about him, is a virtual legend among shadowrunners, and also wears an american flag. Maximum charisma.)
Strength: B- (There's stronger stuff in the sixth world, but Dervish is among the strongest.)
Agility: A+ (Synaptic boosters turned up to maximum. There's only a few others in the world with that sort of reaction speed. Besides, he basically fights with rocket legs at high speed with implanted blades. Dude's agile as fuck.)
Speed: A+ (Dervish is capable, in a flat out sprint, of topping 90 miles an hour, due to augmentations. He's bloody fast. There is probably nothing in the Sixth World that can beat him in a flat out sprint.)
Magic Resistance: E (While he can't directly resist magic, he can sure as hell take whatever it throws at him)

Magic Ability: N/A

Other Abilities: Let's start with the basics shall we? He's got high grade Synaptic Boosters, muscle toner, muscle augmentation, platelet factories (basically something that makes wounds clot super fast), a super-thyroid gland, synthetic lower legs with skimmer disks, cybereyes heavily tweaked out to let him see in thermal vision and low light environments, along with increasing his vision distance and clarity. He also has orthoskin (basically a system of armor woven in between skin layers) and a skeleton bonded with titanium alloy to make it nearly indestructible. And then he had that torn out and made his skeleton hyper dense. And even more indestructible.

Dervish is basically a bunch of dudes stitched together to make one super dude. And it doesn't stop there.

He's a master of Krav Maga, and Sangre Del Aero, the storied mexican art of brutal prison shankings. He possesses a highly advanced suit of military spec armor painted red white and blue that has taken heavy machinegun rounds without nary a dent.

Did I mention this armor contains enhancements to make him even stronger and faster? 

Dervish also has multiple cyberblades implanted throughout his body, basically making him able to become a human hedgehog in under a millisecond. He has at least three in each limb.

Origin: Nobody knows where Dervish came from. Hell, he isn't sure. But one thing is clear - the masked shadowrunner AMERICA-SAN will not be stopped even in an environment like the Nexus.

Weakness: ...He's Dervish. Dude took a .308 to the brain pan, a punch from a cyberzombie, and sexing up a succubus and coming out barely worse for wear. He's a metahuman wreckingball that can and will ruin your day, and pretty much anything physical is going to be ignored as he rips you a new one with his many many implanted blades. If you're lucky, you might be able to kill him with magic. That is if he doesn't simply keep on trucking.


Dislikes: Trout
« Last Edit: April 29, 2014, 06:00:50 AM by Arch-Magos Winter »


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Re: Cross Effects Character Page
« Reply #88 on: April 29, 2014, 02:08:48 PM »
Dmitrie Vatler
Race: Vampire
Age: 1500+
Height: 180cm
Weight: 60kg
Eyes: Azure (Blood-red when using his magic and/or Familiars)
Hair: Blond
Charisma: A
Strength: C
Speed: B
Agility: C
Endurance: B
Magical Ability: A++
Magic Resistance: C
Weakness: Holy weaponry, Anti-immortality weaponry, Deliberately holding back to enjoy fights more.
Likes: The Fourth Primogenitor, Strong and interesting opponents, Violence.
Dislikes: Weak opponents, Others stealing his prey
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Other Abilities:

Immortality: Vatler’s vampiric nature grants him the Curse of Immortality, the ability to rapidly regenerate from any wound and never die, even if temporarily reduced to a pile of dust or being entirely disembodied.

Superhuman Physique: Due to his superior vampiric genes, Vatler’s physical capabilities far exceed those of a normal human, and he is fast enough to catch a bullet with his teeth while blindfolded. However, due to his focus on the use of magic over physical combat, he possesses no martial art skills or honed reflexes.

Magical Prowess: Vatler is one of the greatest magicians of the world, and at the apex of his power he boasts to be able to destroy the entire Itogami archipelago in less than a day with the help of his Familiars.

Infinite Wealth: Vatler is so rich that money problems are entirely unknown to him. Not only does he have a multitude of yatchs with things like a ballroom-sized hand carved marble bath, he also has princesses from nations belonging to the Warlord’s dominion as his call girls (even though he is bisexual, swinging heavily in the direction of men).


The Eight Great Dragon Kings of Buddhism: Vatler’s  8 Familiars, 8 celestial snake-Dragons from the Lotus Sutra, one of the most influentual Mahāyāna sūtras. All Familiars are immune to attacks that do not possess a Spiritual Rank, and can never die. If their physical threshhold when brought forth by Vatler is destroyed, they simply reform inside him within seconds

1st Familiar: Manasvin: A black Dragon with a neon-green pattern on running all across it’s body. It allows Vatler to turn himself into spiritual sand and become immaterial, effectively letting him teleport.

2nd Familiar: Utpalaka: A blue and purple Dragon who’s roars carry a sonic load that can launch a human for dozens of meters. Also allows Vatler to use a black shade of magical energy blasts, as well as using them itself.

3rd Familiar: Sagara: A dark purple and black Dragon with a green pattern running across it’s body. It gives Vatler and itself control over all water.

4th Familiar: Anavatapta: A giant mass of thousands of snakes that rapidly devour anything they come into contact with. It also latently gives Vatler the ability to control frost.

5th Familiar: Upananda: A grey and black Dragon with a white pattern running all across it’s body. This Dragon is a master of poison and healing, and can release a cloud of noxious gas from it’s mouth.

6th Familiar: Nanda: A gold and yellow Dragon that allows Vatler to conjure a purple shade of magical energy.

7th Familiar: Vasuki: A dark red Dragon that gives Vatler the ability to control fire. The Dragon itself can also shoot massive bursts of fire from it’s mouth.

8th Familiar: Takshaka: A Dragon with six eyes similar in appearance to Upananda. It’s breath weapon  is a multitude of grey energy beams. It also has the ability to conjure any metal out of thin air to use as projectiles.

Familiar Fusion: Vatler possesses not only the raw power to be able to, but also the trust of his Familiars to let him temporarily fuse them together to form different and far more powerful Familiars.

1st Fusion Familiar: Shakara: A fusion of Utpalaka and Manasvin with a dark green color. This Familiar can fire extremely high-yield blasts of purple magic from it’s maw, powerful enough to level an entire Itogamian sub-float.

Origin: Dmitrie Vatler is the Duke of Ardeal, one of the monarch vampires of the Warlord's Dominion, the realm of the First Primogenitor, from whom Vatler directly descends. He is a second-generation vampire who has devoured another two second-generation vampires, giving him power almost equal to that of a Primogenitor. He's a stereotypical vampire lord; indefinitely wealthy, a lover of fine wine and food, swings both ways... And also a born sociopath who, having experienced almost any other pleasure in life, lives for nothing more than to fight strong and interesting opponents.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 08:54:27 AM by Brahmastra »

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Cross Effects Character Page
« Reply #89 on: April 30, 2014, 01:05:07 AM »
Name: Grigori 
Race: Semi-Divine Human
Age: 635(only appears to be 23).
Gender: Male, however he does change gender as the female aspect.
Height: 6’4.
Weight: 180 pounds
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Strength: C
Agility: B-
Speed: C (B+) Although he is ordinarily slow Grigori can use bursts of mana to provide extreme speed boosts.
Intelligence: General: B+
Possessions: A handcrafted cloak that he personally weaved enchantments into during its creation. It provides decent defence towards physical assaults but proves exceptional when confronted with enemy magic.
Personality: Grigori seeks only entertainment for himself.He cares not for “good” or “evil”. Anything that amuses him enough is worth pursuing in his eyes. Healing the sick or convincing innocents to slaughter each other are both equal types of entertainment for him. Although he is an extraordinarily powerful sorcerer he rarely uses his powers to the fullest extent. Grigori is incapable of resisting the need to play with his food unless it is too powerful for him to not take seriously. He prefers more indirect approaches such as subterfuge or manipulation and rarely gets involved personally. Grigori usually looks for entertainment in massive battles and wars. However, like some gods Grigori has a female and male aspect. The female aspect prefers more personal forms of entertainment. Usually involving challenging and harming individuals rather than many people.
Magic Ability: EX - Grigori spent the first 200 years of his immortal life studying the arcane arts. He didn't require sleep or food which allowed him to focus completely on his studies. This also allowed him to focus even more on his magic in combat situations. While other mortal sorcerers can be distracted by tiredness or hunger Grigori cannot be. He is a master with the four basic elements, but he is more skilled with water and earth than fire and air. After consuming the Death God he also became incredibly skilled with entropic magics, however his skill in healing has degraded as a result. His ability to use light spells is decent while his control over the shadows is much more powerful however, anyone with natural talent can easily wrench control of the darkness away from him. He is also a master of enchantments and capable of using a magical version of telekinesis. He is also very skilled with barrier magic and exceptional with necromancy. The creation of golems is also possible for him. Whether they are flesh, stone, or dust. Softer materials are created by using a core to gather the substance around them. They are unable to be killed unless the core is damaged, but they are weaker then their solid cousins. While the solid golems are more powerful they can be defeated by destroying their limbs unlike their weaker cousins. In his world he was regarded as the greatest magic user to ever live. In almost every single aspect he reigned supreme. What others called "mastery" he scoffed at. He was known for calling down blizzards in an instant, creating winds that would strip flesh from bone, summoning blue fire, reanimating entire armies, and creating barriers that could withstand the worst of disasters.
Mana: EX - While his mana pool is only at A++ it functions as an EX rank. This is because he has learned how to utilize mana more efficiently over the years than any normal magic user.
Magic Resistance: B+- His cloak elevates his already existing magic resistance to an even higher amount.
Other Abilities:
Divinity: B+
Item Creation: B - At this level Grigori is capable of creating a "wand". It is little more than a rod with numerous sigils magically carved into it however these signs make all the difference. They allow the user to use the spell that the wand was designed to use. All the user needs to do is supply prana. For example, if Grigori were to fashion the rod with the sigil for a fireball spell the user could supply prana, aim, and fire. However the wand can only perform that single function, which means that you cannot simply add less prana to create a flame small enough to light a cigar if you had a fireball wand. These wands can be created out of any material, but the quality of the material also determines the amount of uses. If it is a strong material or a good conductor you can use it much more frequently than wands made of lesser materials. After a set amount of uses the wand disintegrates.
Memories Of An Elder God: A+ - After trapping the God of Death in the Promethean Cage he attacked it with dozens of light spells. He continued this until it’s essence was so thin it could barely be called sentient. Then he proceeded to consume what was left of the deity. Through this process he was granted his semi-divine nature. He was also granted the near infinite knowledge of the god. However, he cannot utilize this knowledge too often or the deity’s personality will override his own. Therefore he can only use it sparingly, but it is still an incredible amount of knowledge.
Psychic Abilities: C - Grigori is capable of looking through the memories of others and sharing his own, but he requires prolonged physical contact to do this.
Willpower: A - Grigori was capable of controlling millions of undead during his assault against the kingdom. He was also capable of keeping his soul from being overwritten by the Death God’s. At this level mental interference is nearly impossible to cause.
Origin: A dedicated mage who wanted to further his studies by discovering the process of resurrection. Unfortunately Grigori was a bit too obsessed with finding the answer. After 10 years of no progress he lost patience and searched for the quickest and easiest way to find his answer. He summoned the God of Death. After several long years of waiting he could finally have his answer. However, the deity was not pleased to be summoned by a puny mage with questions about the nature of reviving the dead. With a word he cursed Grigori. Rotting his soul in a process not unlike Matou Zouken’ s, except it was accelerated.He had aged years in seconds and had left his body as fragile as that of an old man. However Grigori was not a kind man and believed in vengeance. No matter how high the cost may grow he continued to search for a way to defeat the Death God. Over the course of several years he discovered that the Promethean Cage(legendary for imprisoning the god of fire Prometheus) was currently held by one of the high ranking demon lords of the lower planes. In exchange for 100,000,000 souls they would give him the cage. His response was to slaughter the most populated kingdom at the time. Fire rained down on their heads and ice froze them from the inside out. Necromancy was his most potent tool at this time. With a word the dead became his armies. Towns that he laid waste too soon became additional resources in his quest for vengeance. After several years the kingdom fell and Grigori was given the cage. He summoned the Death God within the cage and proceeded to blast it with holy magic. After several days nothing was left of the deity but his essence. The quintessence of divinity, and Grigori devoured it all. Only his immense willpower kept the Death God from overwriting his soul and completely destroying him. This act came with several benefits. First was the rejuvenation of Grigori’s body and soul, second was an even greater grasp over entropy and necromancy, and the inability to age. Grigori spent hundreds of years resourcing magic with his new found magic and power but he eventually grew bored. He abandoned his studies and began to seek entertainment in the world. Throughout the years he raised kingdoms, advanced science and magic, combated ancient beings, started revolutions, created wars, crushed man and beast beneath his feet, and created the vampires of his world. (They were only physically superior to humans and lacked any special abilities other than improved night vision. He deemed them failures and engineered their destruction through indirect means.)
Weakness: Close quarters combat, anti magic weaponry.
Likes: ambition, arrogance when it’s deserved, conflict, irony.
Dislikes: unearned arrogance., simple people, people content with their lot in life.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2014, 04:00:18 PM by Umbra of Chaos »