Author Topic: Garo RP [OOC]  (Read 28826 times)


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Re: Garo RP [OOC]
« Reply #45 on: April 01, 2015, 04:24:04 PM »

A little something I found while searching for a different GARO topic, and I think everyone familiar w/ the series here would appreciate. This and the next page (being more recent) are interspersed translations of a sidestory novel that also featured setting lore appendices, which are the real treasure.

Clicking on the 'garo' tag will expand the set to about 14 pages; among them are translations from other official sources that relate to scenes or mechanics from the toku series that actually showed up on-screen, but may not have been explicitly explained before.

As an example:
Random GARO Fact: As you know, in Soukoku no Maryu it’s shown that Kakashi’s original form was a wooden machine that young aspirants to Makai Knights use to train. These training tools are called Bokujin. As the young boys get stronger, the Bokujin with which they fight become gradually wrecked. When the kids complete their training, they are suposed to pay a visit to the worn out Bokujin to put on them some item they owned, such as a toy, as a way to express their gratitude. Rei follows this tradition when he puts his trophy from the Sabak on the Bokujin Kouga is standing in front of. This practice was also taken into account for the design of Kakashi’s costume. The young trainees become legit Makai Knights rather soon, but in the process a lot of them forget about the Bokujin that served as a training tool for them. This is reflected in the scene in which Kouga leaves the Blue Mansion after Kakashi proposed an alliance between them, as Kakashi shows signs of being about to cry. Kuromaru notice his sadness and asks about it, but Kakashi denies it with resentment saying, among other things, that “people are cold-hearted.” That was a line director Amemiya thought early while he was writing the script. He really wanted Kakashi (aka Scarecrow) to say it.

Give it a read!


Thanks man. I'll be sure to do so.

Also, any of you guys who are familiar with Garo live-action and the anime, what do you think about the difference in physics between them? I'm mostly fine with the summoning actions in Yami Wo Terasu Mono, but that's still tenuous. Admittedly enough. The rest seems to need some discussion really. From GAIA-Alfonso rocketing himself at the Horror with Madou Flames to that telekinetic "sword fight" when Kouga and Rei fought against each other?

I generally would be against those being in the RP. Since Madou Flames should be mostly be used for an attack buff or as an attack itself as those wave-motion attacks and the flamethrower. The one with Kouga vs Rei? I'm against that too since we don't ever see anything like that ever again. And I don't see any point in it.


And some of you may mention about that air-splitting wave thing like Soldat did. But I'm probably going to only allow that at the highest levels of Martial Arts or Soul Metal Manipulation. Depending. So don't worry about that.

Edit: I discussed with Yolf a bit. I think I'm going on the "somewhere in-between the baseline" as far as the physics goes between the anime and the live-action. That armor summoning we see in Yami wo Terasu Mono? Probably not going to be a thing here. Best to keep it "simple".
« Last Edit: April 01, 2015, 06:57:13 PM by Puck-Chan »

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.

Soldat der Trauer

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Re: Garo RP [OOC]
« Reply #46 on: April 02, 2015, 01:43:02 AM »
Random GARO Fact: Have you noticed that Takeru’s Makai Sword has words engraved on it? These words written using Madou characters read “love is stronger than death”. Incidentally, that’s the meaning in Japanese flower language for the gamazumi or linden viburnum, a common Asian shrub with small white flowers.

...Well, that just tore up my heart, again. Thanks, season 3! ;;w;;

Random GARO Fact: In the final episode of the first GARO series, Kouga cries when he sees the drawing Kaoru made on the blank last page of “Black Flames and Golden Wind”, the picture book her father made long ago. The drawing wasn’t shown at that time as it didn’t even exist, but the last page wasn’t blank either. What the actual book they used had on its last page were written messages for Konishi from the rest of the people that worked on the series.

"Ryosei Konishi walked along with GARO for eight years. Those were the days of his youth in which sometimes he cried out of frustration and sometimes he cried out of happiness. The bonds that he formed with the companions he met here, with his best actor friends, surely are invaluable treasures to him. ‘Kouga Saejima would be glad that he was played by Ryosei Konishi’, that’s what everyone of the staff, the perfomers, and the fans think. Once again, thanks."
« Last Edit: April 02, 2015, 02:06:34 AM by Soldat der Trauer »


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Re: Garo RP [OOC]
« Reply #47 on: April 02, 2015, 03:10:53 AM »
Random GARO Fact: Have you noticed that Takeru’s Makai Sword has words engraved on it? These words written using Madou characters read “love is stronger than death”. Incidentally, that’s the meaning in Japanese flower language for the gamazumi or linden viburnum, a common Asian shrub with small white flowers.

...Well, that just tore up my heart, again. Thanks, season 3! ;;w;;

Random GARO Fact: In the final episode of the first GARO series, Kouga cries when he sees the drawing Kaoru made on the blank last page of “Black Flames and Golden Wind”, the picture book her father made long ago. The drawing wasn’t shown at that time as it didn’t even exist, but the last page wasn’t blank either. What the actual book they used had on its last page were written messages for Konishi from the rest of the people that worked on the series.

"Ryosei Konishi walked along with GARO for eight years. Those were the days of his youth in which sometimes he cried out of frustration and sometimes he cried out of happiness. The bonds that he formed with the companions he met here, with his best actor friends, surely are invaluable treasures to him. ‘Kouga Saejima would be glad that he was played by Ryosei Konishi’, that’s what everyone of the staff, the perfomers, and the fans think. Once again, thanks."

I'm announcing a few more changes. I'm going to have to scrap the Trainee templates. So if you're joining the RP, go with the normal templates. I decided it's much easier that way since there's more variety that can help me set up the RP. Franco, you'll be fine as is. Same with Yolf. So just use the normal templates. I also put them under Code so that way it's easier to copy and paste onto a word document or something so you can write it out.

Lastly I'm announcing a change in the Makai Armor, an additional buff stat. That buff stat is in your Soul Metal Weapon Number Rank. Think of it as a temporary modifier as long as you're in the armor. After all, your weapon also changes appearance a bit when you do put on armor anyway. So I edited the Makai Knight Template accordingly.

Should look like this:

Strength: +3

Speed: +3

Agility:  +3

Endurance: +3

Resistance: +3

Soul Metal Weapon: +3

Should be all for today.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2015, 03:13:04 AM by Puck-Chan »

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.


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Re: Garo RP [OOC]
« Reply #48 on: April 02, 2015, 05:03:54 AM »

  • <Insert Text>


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« Last Edit: April 02, 2015, 05:07:05 AM by Puck-Chan »

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.


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Re: Garo RP [OOC]
« Reply #49 on: April 03, 2015, 06:15:05 PM »
I changed my mind. Not gonna use the map system. I feel like staying more free-form for now.

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.


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Re: Garo RP [OOC]
« Reply #50 on: April 05, 2015, 02:03:30 AM »
Forgot to also mention that Knight characters in the trainee arc are barred from having rings and the armor until the next arc. Totes not a pathetic attempt to shove this rp in other people's throatsl.

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.

Soldat der Trauer

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Re: Garo RP [OOC]
« Reply #51 on: April 05, 2015, 03:23:01 AM »
>no rings or Armor

But will they still have lighters? :V


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Re: Garo RP [OOC]
« Reply #52 on: April 05, 2015, 06:33:08 AM »
>no rings or Armor

But will they still have lighters? :V

Yeargh. Also you done with your sheet yet or what?

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.

Soldat der Trauer

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Re: Garo RP [OOC]
« Reply #53 on: April 06, 2015, 02:19:07 AM »
For Knights, how does investing in Sorcery affect their spell cap? Priests have Disciplines broken up by spell type, so they know the exact number of each; how does that apply in a Knight's case?


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Re: Garo RP [OOC]
« Reply #54 on: April 06, 2015, 03:43:08 AM »
For Knights, how does investing in Sorcery affect their spell cap? Priests have Disciplines broken up by spell type, so they know the exact number of each; how does that apply in a Knight's case?

I'm only really allowing one or two type of sorcery to specialize in at most. With only up to 2 points at most in each. Same rules when it comes to making the spells and their dot ranks. They're knights. They shouldn't have to deal with sorcery much unless there's a special circumstance. Like being an elemental knight. I'd at least let them reach the three point cap in that specific element (well flame knights would have the flame sorcery that gifts them resistance to flames and as well as an added bonus to their Madou Flames at best.), but would really restrict in allowing them in learning another separate sorcery discipline.

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.

Soldat der Trauer

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Re: Garo RP [OOC]
« Reply #55 on: April 14, 2015, 02:12:06 AM »

"I have a proposal. Let's talk business."

Name: Seta Yokoshima
Age: 18
Title:  Flame Sword Knight ZEN

Personality: Rather blunt and straightforward, Yokoshima nonetheless possesses a sympathetic soul that just happens to be more concerned with the root of a problem than the fruit. Despite his age and youthful face, he projects an air of maturity and sophistication that might appeal to certain tastes. Yokoshima is not without empathy, but he has a tendency to speak as if matters do not really concern him, and in tense situations this may cause him to come across as rather cold or ruthless. In a sense, he is: Yokoshima is no man-child obsessed with protecting people's smiles, but he is still set on a quixotic quest of his own, a crusade, even. After all, the truth will set you free, or die trying. Either you or the truth.

History: Yokoshima is blood kin to a Makai lineage, but his case is unusual in that he was adopted out to live a 'normal' life among mundanes, only to make his way back into the Order's scheme of reality at an early age. Still, he possesses a perspective heavily tinted by the mundane condition, and it has granted him a skewed vision as to the nature of his duty somewhat at odds with the traditional archaic-ness of the Order as a whole. Yokoshima sees the problem of human suffering in the context of ongoing modernization; money is more than what makes the world go round, it is the promoter of a great many ills that give rise to Karmic Gates for Horrors to cross. Thus, if people's monetary woes could somehow be addressed, then the situations that give rise to such Gates can be affected as well; to this end, rather than a knight errant proper like some would initially suspect, Yokoshima has crafted a persona as a wandering 'accountant' or lawyer, educating himself in the ways of the green and how it leads people astray so that he might accomplish more than the “mere elimination” of some dozen or so Horrors. Ultimately, Yokoshima's goal is not to protect the world, but to save it from itself; just because it's still to big for him to manhandle now, doesn't mean he can't lay groundwork and form contacts for the future when his crusade will truly begin.

Strength: 4+2=6
Speed: 4
Agility: 4+2=6
Endurance: 4+2=6
Willpower: 4
Inga: 7


Soul Metal Weapon (Wodao):
Number Rank: (3)
Description: A heavy single-edge sword with a curved blade reminiscent of Japanese design, it is actually meant to be used instead with Chinese broadsword techniques. Despite being slender, it is akin to a long machete and so can be swung in ways that a proper Japanese sword (not made of Soul metal) would simply shatter from. Attached by lanyard to the sheath is a tuft of pelt typically used in Madou Brushes.

Makai Armor: (
Strength: +5 (+2)
Speed: +3
Agility:  +4 (+1)
Endurance: +4 (+1)
Resistance: +3 (+Title, conditional)

Madou Lighter (Grey)
Description: The Victorian-styled lighter that lights up with magical fire. At most has a minimal number of charges. Can be used to set Horrors on fire, set weapons and Makai Armor on fire for additional damage, to discern Horrors from humans by holding it near their eyes, and even used for healing with the Time-Reverter Potion.

Charges: 3+2(Armor leftover)=5.

A rather simple business longcoat, colored a uniform shade of black aside from a gray dotted line stitch pattern framing the edges, arm seams, and a rectangular waist-height band. When the collar is popped up, the coat's crest is visible: a gold flower-wheel underscored by two chevrons. The inner lining is a deep burgandy color with a number of concealed pockets, lackluster aside from the inner collar region, which has an out-of-place checkered pattern. Though technically unnecessary, Yokoshima always keeps at least two ties on his person to complement the coat's aesthetic and his choice of cover identity.

Resistance: 1.

Madouga: Nagi
Appears as a stylized tie clip in the form of a square-horned silver mask made of overlying plates. Its eyes are yellow insets. When it speaks, no recognizable mouth to shape the sounds is visible; framing the region on either side are a pair of silhouetted wraparound bands ending in struck-through boxes.


Madou Fire: (+Title bonus)
Number Rank: 3
Description: See the OP

Soul Metal Manipulation:
Number Rank: 2
Description: See the OP

Martial Arts:
Number Rank: 4
Description: See the OP

Number Rank: 0
Description: See the OP

Gouryuu “Basilisk” ( +3
Number Rank: 3
Description: An artificial Makai Beast in the shape of a skeletal canine, this construct familiar is built to aid Yokoshima in corralling prey to come right at him. To that end, it features a high affinity towards the generation and deployment of Madou Flame, which fits Yokoshima's role as the Flame Sword Knight ZEN; the Gouryuu acts as a mobile Lighter in a “catch-n-receive” strategy so that Yokoshima can repeatedly utilize Blazing Armament on his sword, in or out of Armor. The Gouryuu sets itself aflame, and proceeds to launch its “head” as a mortar-like projectile; unlike with older Gouryuu models, the lack of higher-end combat abilities is not such an issue here since Yokoshima just needs something to ensure the target does not break and run or go into hiding so easily. Like said older models, Basilisk folds neatly into a disguised briefcase disguise, which again adds to Yokoshima's particular choice in cover identity.

Special “Yin-Yang Cycling”: +2
Number Rank: 2
Description: A trained capacity to consciously direct the flow of chi in one's own body to achieve certain effects. Here, that effect is to simulate “drawing moths to a flame”; Horrors are creatures fundamentally composed of Yin in the absence of Yang, but the Tao always seeks completion regardless, attributing to a Horror's unending hunger for life. By taking advantage of that lack of Yang in themselves, the user is able to temporarily mimic the allure of a mundane victim of the Blood Dolce, turning themselves into a tasty lure for Horrors to detect and approach.

Welp, pretty sure what I wanted to do w/ YAIBA wouldn't fly, so time for something "simpler" to better match the system. Brace for criticism of not really being archaic enough, where it concerns two certain Disciplines?

The main idea here is to just take ZEN's theme and buff it a bit, spamming Madou Flame like it's going out of style after making sure the Horror takes the bait of even bothering to show up. JQR's GARO Quest gave the playable Knight an up-scaled "falcon" due to the motif of Knights being pseudo-nobility in canon; here, I went instead with the oft-dramatized image of rich people going hunting with trained hounds. It's kinda cute.