A little something I found while searching for a different GARO topic, and I think everyone familiar w/ the series here would appreciate. This and the next page (being more recent) are interspersed translations of a sidestory novel that also featured setting lore appendices, which are the real treasure.
Clicking on the 'garo' tag will expand the set to about 14 pages; among them are translations from other official sources that relate to scenes or mechanics from the toku series that actually showed up on-screen, but may not have been explicitly explained before.
As an example: Random GARO Fact: As you know, in Soukoku no Maryu it’s shown that Kakashi’s original form was a wooden machine that young aspirants to Makai Knights use to train. These training tools are called Bokujin. As the young boys get stronger, the Bokujin with which they fight become gradually wrecked. When the kids complete their training, they are suposed to pay a visit to the worn out Bokujin to put on them some item they owned, such as a toy, as a way to express their gratitude. Rei follows this tradition when he puts his trophy from the Sabak on the Bokujin Kouga is standing in front of. This practice was also taken into account for the design of Kakashi’s costume. The young trainees become legit Makai Knights rather soon, but in the process a lot of them forget about the Bokujin that served as a training tool for them. This is reflected in the scene in which Kouga leaves the Blue Mansion after Kakashi proposed an alliance between them, as Kakashi shows signs of being about to cry. Kuromaru notice his sadness and asks about it, but Kakashi denies it with resentment saying, among other things, that “people are cold-hearted.” That was a line director Amemiya thought early while he was writing the script. He really wanted Kakashi (aka Scarecrow) to say it.
Give it a read!
Thanks man. I'll be sure to do so.
Also, any of you guys who are familiar with Garo live-action and the anime, what do you think about the difference in physics between them? I'm mostly fine with the summoning actions in Yami Wo Terasu Mono, but that's still tenuous. Admittedly enough. The rest seems to need some discussion really. From GAIA-Alfonso rocketing himself at the Horror with Madou Flames to that telekinetic "sword fight" when Kouga and Rei fought against each other?
I generally would be against those being in the RP. Since Madou Flames should be mostly be used for an attack buff or as an attack itself as those wave-motion attacks and the flamethrower. The one with Kouga vs Rei? I'm against that too since we don't ever see anything like that ever again. And I don't see any point in it.
And some of you may mention about that air-splitting wave thing like Soldat did. But I'm probably going to only allow that at the highest levels of Martial Arts or Soul Metal Manipulation. Depending. So don't worry about that.
Edit: I discussed with Yolf a bit. I think I'm going on the "somewhere in-between the baseline" as far as the physics goes between the anime and the live-action. That armor summoning we see in Yami wo Terasu Mono? Probably not going to be a thing here. Best to keep it "simple".