Name: Raikou "Ray" Calleung
Race: Angel-Vampire Hybrid
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height: 184 centimeters
Weight: Little over 90 and something kilos.
Appearance: Vaguely Filipino and Japanese features set in an untamed handsome face, with coal-blazing eyes and a perfect fanged smile. Subtle tattoos are scribed over his neck and shoulders.

Strength: Incredible
Agility: Incredible
Constitution: Incredible
Magic Ability: None
Other AbilitiesAll goes in the streets: Raikou is an expert at navigating the streets and using the urban environment. He's damn good at fighting with whatever he gets on hand, from bare fists to steel pipes and pieces of rebar, but unarmed he's a match for a martial arts expert by brute pragmatism alone.
Hybrid Physiology: Raikou is a hybrid, an impossible mixture of two vastly different supernatural lineages that miraculously produced something more powerful than either. Being half-Angel and half-Vampire means he has a unique constitution sustained by divine light and a transformed vampiric pseudovirus. This holy-powered near-undead nature makes Raikou immune to disease, poison, thirst and hunger, untouched by the consequences of aging, and unaffected by suffocation, as well as impervious to fear so long as his angelic wings remain.
The exceptional confluence of wildly divergent powers within his body makes him a walking cocktail of supernatural energies, able to make those disparate wavelengths work together.
Unkillable: Though he sustains damage, Raikou cannot be killed by so long as his wings are not severed and he has either been decapitated, staked through the heart, or completely burned. Anything that satisfies those conditions and then some also works, but otherwise no amount of injury can make his body cease animation. If he's beheaded while he still has his wings he can just pick his head back up or stick the parts of his torn body together.
He heals with incredible alacrity, recovering from lesser harm easily if he has a chance to rest and more extreme injury over minutes or hours. The more accumulated damage and lingering pain the more effort it demands, but he can afford to focus on healing then he can even regenerate limbs in little time.
Blood Reactor: The hearts of vampires are essentially alchemical reactors that derive power from blood. By expending and rapidly processing this vital force, Raikou can momentarily pump his inhuman speed and strength even further, allowing him to perform animal-like acrobatics at even Heroic levels. Making up for a feat like that, however, requires him to significantly feed from a person.
Fangs: Raikou has sharp hollow fangs that can drain a pint of blood in less than a minute. Briefly drinking from a person will only fill about a fifth of his reserves, while taking the time to wallow and lethally drain them will replenish more than half of it.
His bite carries a very small chance of infection by the vampire pseudovirus, which rises exponentially the longer he feeds (but cannot take effect if feeding kills the host). However, by infusing his fangs with divine energy they become a holy weapon and gain the ability to cleanse ills from a person or purify unholy influences.
Vampire Senses: Raikou has powerful predatory senses, granting him acute night vision and superhuman hearing.
Wings: Raikou can unfurl hallow wings of red light from his back. These allow him to freely float and fly at great speeds, and are essentially massive receivers for divine power, enabling the use of his remaining angelic abilities and more. The more supernatural might currently flowing through his system the greater their span, up to forty feet. If sufficient energy is suffused into Raikou's body, the equivalent of at least his full blood reserves, the wings will expand on their own, but this point is also the required power to regrow them if they have been severed. Doing so only takes a moment without interruption, but he can recover his wings in no other way.
Even with his wings retracted or severed, Raikou accumulates divine energy when he acts selflessly in the service of others and directly saves a life. And if he allows his vampiric nature to act through his wings, then they begin to absorb spilled blood in Raikou's proximity, telekinetically siphoning it as though he was feeding.
Heavenly Light: Raikou can emit divine light as beams, blasts, or auras, and form it into archaic weapons. Exposure to the light heals the good and the innocent, and burns the wicked and evil. To anyone that is the least bit susceptible, direct hits will sear flesh and spirit like flames hot enough to scorch near-on any living creature.
Sanctify: Taking a few seconds, Raikou can consecrate an object or small space, bestowing it with holy essence and protection for some time.
Universal Language: Instinctive knowledge of the ancient celestial language allows Raikou to understand any spoken (but not written) earthly tongue and to be understood by anyone who hears him, speaking in a "wordless" tone that echoes in his voice.
Phoenix: All hybrids carry a destiny of utmost adversity. Their lives are fraught with risk and forged in obstacles, and it is through this that they grow stronger. So sometimes, when they have been driven to the ends of their strength and are faced with lethal danger, they return from the brink like a phoenix emerges from the ashes. Infrequently (and only when dramatically appropriate), in such extreme circumstances Raikou swells with power, replenishing his reserves or making an instant physical recovery, and gains new supernatural strength or sheds the innate weakness that would have killed him.
GearAstral Sensor Sunglasses: While they mostly serve to make his yellow eyes less conspicuous, these sunglasses allow the user to see immaterial beings.
Silverskin Gladius: An ancient magical gladius with a silvered blade, which instantly restores itself by stealing material from other common blades and silver implements with a touch.
Ebon Branch: A simple wooden sword with a carved edge, made from the branch of a great ash, blackened and hardened by the blood and death curses of a dragon. A weapon that causes wounds to heal slower and crack with blackness.
Origin: The life of every Hybrid begins as an exception. Raikou's birth was no different, the consequence of a torrid affair that tangled together a human, an angel and a vampire and intertwined two lineages that should never have crossed.
His mother, the daughter of immigrants to the USA, was none the wiser to the shaking of the hidden supernatural community when she was a burgeoning nurse, but an unwillingness to close her eyes made her involved with its denizens in troubled times. Her spirit brought a lost angel out of his mire of melancholy and earned her the friendship of an ambitious vampiress. Any of them should have known better, but eventually the once-aimless angel surprised her with his affection, and they became romantically involved.
It was only when Raikou's mother became pregnant with him that things took a turn for the worse. A conflict erupted in the shadows and nearly took her life, and in a decisive moment, the vampire who had once been close to her attempted to turn her into kin. She was too weakened to survive, and instead the virus passed on to Raikou, transforming him into an unforeseen hybrid at the moment of his quiet birth. His father disappeared that day, his mother died, and his sire hid herself away after leaving him with his grandparents.
Raikou's childhood was uneasy for his guardians most of all, and left him steaming with questions about what made him different that he couldn't answer for himself. But danger didn't stay away forever, and he got answers soon enough. Fury against the endless monsters antagonistic to him and common people set him on path to fight back without mercy. That anger drove him through his teenage years before he was ready, and it took nearly dying from a demon's fire alongside a friend to make him reconsider. Meeting the vampire that claimed to be as good as his parent and learning of his aloof angelic progenitor stoked his indignation, but the encounter set his priorities anew.
He looked for allies, met other hybrids, fought hunters who saw him as a threat, and clashed with the schemes of his supernatural lineages. After all but taking over the hoodlums of his town, he organized the gangs to fight against the monsters who dared toy with mortals.
Between divinity and vampirism, no lineage would say there was anything human to him, and hardly would anything who knew his origins recognize him so. But that was his decision to make. And regardless of what he was, no other could determine where he stood and who he cared for.
Likes: Pop music, beating down people, cars, road trips, scrap yards, strong food
Dislikes: Angels, vampires, waiting on people he doesn't know, beating up girls, being used, others deciding things for him, swimming, feeling hungry
WeaknessesUnholy Weapons: Unholy weapons and sources of harm can lethally injure Raikou, countering his immortality, as well as causing extreme pain. Remaining in contact with these weapons suppresses his hybrid resistances, making him susceptible to ailments.
Sigils and blood of the innocent: Raikou's angelic descent afflicts him with certain soul-deep compulsions. He cannot enter or exist especially prepared occult sigils without great effort and excruciating pain, and direct contact with the blood of innocents causes the same reaction.
Bloodthirst: Every sunrise a sliver of his power seeps from Raikou's body, evaporating to sustain him, and he grows a little hungrier inside. While the congealed divine energy coursing through his veins can vanish first in this way, if his system ever runs dry on blood, whether for this or other reasons, Raikou becomes overtaken by savage thirst and will be compelled to feed.