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Race: Human

Age: 20

Height: 6”3

Weight: Lean


Physical Attributes

Strength: Scales to opponent

Agility: Scales to opponent

Constitution: Scales to opponent

Other Abilities:

Tracing aura:  The main function of this ability is to match the power level of his opponent.  By tapping into himself and the environment, Marcus can generate a spiritual aura that strengthens his body to the level of his opponent.  This power is absolute and can even mimic changes that occur because of magic or any other form of mystical powers.

In addition, if an opponent's powers are spiritually based, he can mimic them with his aura.  These are perfect imitations with the full potency of their original user.

Master of hand to hand combat:  Thanks to many battles and a lot of natural talent, Marcus has developed a powerful street fighting style unique to his own personality.  In theory, he should be able to defeat masters of martial arts with relative ease, even if it never works out that way.

Equipment: None right now.

Origin: Marcus’s story is a familiar one.  He was sent by a powerful organization to kill the hero of his world.  After an epic battle, he joined that hero, fighting alongside him as his greatest rival, ally and friend. 

Time flew by quickly after he joined the hero.  Battles were fought, new friends were made and he even got romantically involved with a cute girl  (Of course, it never actually went anywhere).  With every battle that was fought, his feeling of competence diminished.  It didn’t matter how many training arcs he went through, how much he grew physically and mentally.  He would always be number 2.

After the final battle was fought, Marcus challenged the hero to one final duel, hoping to prove his strength.  In the final moments their energies clashed, causing a bright light to envelop all of their world.  Now Marcus finds himself in a new world, stranded for all time.


Ultimate Jobber:  Marcus has only won a fight once in his life and will never do so again.  No matter how good his odds, he will always lose.

Limitations of spirit aura:  The aura allows him to keep up with any opponent, but it will never surpass them.  In addition, his aura has a strange habit of malfunctioning in the most pivotal moments, leading to an almost godly amount of strange failures and situations.

Learning curve: Marcus does not learn the abilities of his opponent instinctively.  He must consciously become aware of his opponent's abilities in order to use them.  This means that even if he is capable of replicating any ability, he cannot preform them until he learns of said abilities.

Really bad luck:  There is no being with worse luck than Marcus.  Everything that can go wrong will go wrong, almost to an over the top degree.

Likes: Abstract concept of victory, fighting, people with FIGHTING SPIRIT, sex

Dislikes: Losing
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 06:37:10 PM by yinsukin »

Arch-Magos Winter

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Name: Trivek, “Triv” for short

Race: Human Wizard

Age: 23


Weight: 186lb


Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Human

Constitution: Human

-Magical Ability: High (Theoretical Divine)

Theoretically, his abilities could reach divine levels over time, or with access to a large enough source of mana.

As a planeswalker and as a wizard of the Izzet League, Trivek possesses a wide array of tricks and spells, though most notably he has an affinity for the creation of weirds (two opposing elementals bound together in a plasmodermic bubble which creates a new magically created entity) and elemental summoning and control. When tapping into his external sources of mana however, he can overload various otherwise simple Izzet League spells - like a simple bolt of electricity, a blast of ice or fire, or countering other spells - into more powerful forms, along with (if he knew how to do so) casting even more complex and powerful spells such as altering the flow of time, summoning massive elemental servants, and other such feats.

Trivek's magic works by harnessing the mana of the land around him, with certain spells requiring certain types of mana, and mana is roughly divided into six categories, Red, Blue, Green, Black, White, and colorless. Trivek, along with most other Izzet League mages, specialize in Red and Blue magic. Red magic is focused on destruction, creativity, freedom, and chaos. Red magic is also associated primarily with fire, an engine of destruction and creation as well as earth. Blue magic is focused on the mind, perception, perfection, logic, and illusion. Blue magic is often associated with air and water, both substances that are rather ephemeral.

With the Nexus cutting Trivek off from what would otherwise be his primary source of mana, his home plane of Ravnica, Trivek currently does not possess the capacity to cast his most impactful spells. While he has his own backup sources of Mana, in the meantime he is restricted to casting lightning bolts, minor illusions, summoning low level elementals, small fireballs, and his ability to counter hostile spells consistently or effectively. With access to a large enough source of mana he can tap, such as a massive spiritual entity, or the focal point of several massive leylines, his ability to spellcast drastically increases. In addition, over time as he develops more connections to the land itself his ability to spellcast will increase accordingly. This process will take years at least however.

Other Abilities:
Trivek is a planeswalker, capable of transporting himself across various ‘planes’ of reality at will, although this is his first conscious trip since he acquired the ability. This also allows him to harness the magical power of the various places he’s been, although currently that connection is somewhat restricted in the Nexus, along with his ability to get out - at least for the time being.

Equipment: Other than a few gelectrode capacitor batteries, and his guild clothing, Trivek is pretty much stuck with his wits and a few Izzet gadgets used for measuring various magical phenomena. These gelectrode capacitors and his guild robes suck up electricity in contact with him, a rather useful thing to have on you when you’re around a lot of loony wizards with no sense of right or wrong. The alchemically reinforced guild robes are also fire retardant, water resistant, and extremely hard to rip or tear due to the mizzium fibers woven into it.

Origin: One of Ravnica’s many street children, Trivek ended up in the protection of the Izzet League at a young age. With this, he embarked on the path usually followed by young Izzet members, learning as an apprentice to some of the most brilliant minds and spellcasters in Ravnica, and pursuing his own magical talents. Inducted as a full fledged member of the guild upon reaching adulthood, Triv dove into his research with gusto, until an unintentional mishap with an attempt to fuse a new Weird from a theoretical element he’d theorized existed awakened his Planeswalker Spark. Jumping to Dominaria, he spent a confused few days there on a deserted volcanic island before stumbling back into his proper reality. Documenting his experience in his research notes, Triv true to Izzet fashion, attempted to travel once again - and this time ended up in the Nexus.

Weakness: He’s not particularly better off physically than the average human. He’s easily distracted with a new theory or idea that he has, or the prospect of really anything particularly new or inventive

Likes: Experimentation, libraries, his elementals,

Dislikes: Wanton destruction from experiments gone awry, interference in his own experiments, closets
« Last Edit: October 31, 2017, 09:52:47 PM by Arch-Magos Winter »


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Name: Molly

Race: Human

Age: 27

Height: 154 cm

Weight: 48 kg


Physical Attributes

Strength: Fantastic (Fantastic, Heroic if focusing her entire aura into one limb but only for that limb)

Agility: Fantastic (Fantastic)

Constitution: Fantastic (Fantastic, Heroic if focusing her entire aura into one limb but only for that limb)

Other Abilities:


A supernatural ability mostly used by Hunters in the world she’s from. Nen is the life force inherent in all humans and a user can project this in what’s known as “aura”. There are 4 basics techniques known as: Ten, Zetsu, Ren and Hatsu. Furthermore there are several categories among Nen users which reflect the nature of their. Molly is a Specialist, the rarest kind. No specialist is alike, their only similarity is that their Hatsu can’t be defined in the normal categories.

Aura is by default invisible to mundane people. Furthermore a Hunter surrounded by Aura is harder to harm by mundane means. While possible, it is much harder than if the opponent were to be empowered by Nen or something equivalent. Finally a user of Nen will have an oppressive, almost crushing presence on mundanes who are really close when actively using their abilities. Prolonged exposures are lethal.

Ten is the basics of all basics, it revolves around controlling the flow of your aura and finding your Nen. It also has a passive effect of slowing the rate of aging among practitioners

Zetsu is a state in which you draw all aura inside yourself, effectively becoming a blank to anyone trying to sense you, however this is not an invisibility technique, people can still see you.

Ren is an active reinforcement of your aura which in turn enhances your strength and your defense. However this state is draining to maintain for long periods of time and even more so in combat. She can also envelop objects with her aura, making them more durable and giving them the slicing property of a sword if they have an edge. She can maintain her Ren for several hours provided she takes no strenous actions.

Hatsu the final part of the basic techniques and is most simply explained as the expression of a person’s individuality through their Nen. It’s special techniques that are in most cases unique to their creator. The nature of these techniques highly depend on the category of the Nen user.

Advanced techniques:

En is an expansion of the users aura to cover a large area in which the user can intimately feel every moment of every being within it. It’s usually only usable when the user is standing still and concentrating. Molly is capable of covering an area of up to 50 m.

In, which is the advanced version of Zetsu allows you to mask your aura, rendering it invisible even to supernatural beings. It can however be countered by Gyo or something similar to it.

Gyo is a technique in which the Hunter focuses their aura into their eyes, reinforcing their overall vision and also allowing them to see through the invisibility of In. Can also be used to individually reinforce a single limb at the cost of pouring all her aura into that, it only works for a short while as concetrating aura into one spot is hard and takes a short bit of time.

Blood and Guts:

An ability born from savage perversion. When killing a human, Molly experiences a euphoric rush that heightens her abilities for a while and makes her climax. She can further increase this rush of emotions and power through debasing her victim further.

Condition: the more perverse way she ends a human’s life the greater the buff. This can include things like raping them and even eating them while they are still alive. If done in a proper way and order, she can temporarily achieve a statline of Legendary/Heroic/Legendary. However this whole process takes more than an hour to complete.

Limitation: It has to be a human and nothing else.

Experienced Fighter:

Having now trained for several months under a miserable yet impossibly skilled instructor, Molly has achieved a far greater understanding of combat than she used to. Her old practical experience is now backed up by a solid thereotical base as well as experience fighting a vastly more skilled opponent out to make her life a pain. He was a cruel instructor but oh so talented and a sliver of that talent rubbed off on her.


A desperate cry for help, unheard by the world. Forgotten even by land itself. Screaming. Screaming to the moon. A howl left unanswered and time went on. always shouting without response, a response that would never come. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. The struggle was unbearable, always judged, always failing, always wrong.

Yet she kept calling out, never heard, never understood, but she kept on trying. Despite the pain, oh the never ending pain that envelops all. A hunger that had to be filled. No matter the cost. No. The cost was nil, but an illusion brought upon by societies strangling grasp. A society that would not forget nor forgive. It would not be stopped, could not be stopped. Whether or not it was right mattered not, because it was all there was, and all there ever would be. The emptiness that had to be filled. Filled, filled and filled.

Then the day finally came when the cry for help ceased, The world didn’t care so why should she?

Weakness: A lack of real range attacks. The buffed state requires intense prep and isn’t something that can be obtained on the fly and the ritual itself is interruptible.Standard human weaknesses.

Likes: People, eating, lewd acts, candy, people who are special. maids, cooking, tea. Sewing.

Dislikes: People, not getting to eat proper meals.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2018, 03:09:04 PM by Bern »


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Name: Fenghuang

Race: Human

Age: 120

Height: 188 cm (as a man) / 157 cm (as a woman)

Weight: 95 kg (as a man) / 54 kg (as a woman)

Appearance: He looks like a middle aged man with long greying hair reaching his shoulderswhose body still looks fit. His long hair reaching shoulders is grey, but his beard is black. He wears black leather trousers and a grey sleeveless shirt.

Fenghuang's female form looks like a short woman with somewhat shorter hair than the male form. As the transformation just changes the body, the fact that clothes may not fit anymore is a genuine problem. Hence he keeps some smaller clothes in the bag he is carrying around, provided by the villagers who are in the know about their savior.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Exceptional / Fantastic (the speed of hands in prayer)

Constitution: Amazing

Other Abilities:

Circling The Mountain: Fenghuang underwent a harsh physical training before reaching their state of near-enlightment. The regime included walking 84 kilometers a day for straight 1000 days while praying, and practicing a certain rhythm of running accompanied with meditation in order to increase his running speed and reflexes exponentially. This training regime combined monastic education was merely a preparation for the training that let him achieve his 12 Prayers.

12 Prayers: 12 Prayers invoke miracles associated with the Buddha whose teachings Fenghuang follows. Each is manifested through performing a specific hand movement, except for The Final Prayer. Five of them are performed with the right hand, the other five with the left hand and The Eleventh Prayer requires use of both hands. Thanks to specifically training right movements for decades, speed of those movements far surpass Fenghuang's normal speed.

Prayers of The Right Hand: A set of five miracles that affect the body. Fenghuang can affect himself or a target. Some of those miracles require the consent of the target, after all some might not want certain miracles to happen.
Spoiler for Hiden:
The First Prayer: A miracle that relieves the target of physical hunger. Those starving or dying of thirst will feel as if they just ate a full meal course or drank a bottle of water. This miracle doesn't help against any negative effects related to starvation or dehydration. The prayer doesn't affect vampires' thirst for blood and other metaphysical hungers.

The Second Prayer: Heals diseases. This prayer doesn't affect curses, which might have similar symptoms to a sickness.

The Third Prayer: Heals wounds. Any injury may be healed in such matter unless it was something that the target was born with. It cannot regenerate a limb if the character was born without the limb.

The Fourth Prayer: Removes physical disabilities, extending to those in-born ones. This miracle requires a consent of a person as they might not wish for that to happen.

The Fifth Prayer: Followers of the Buddha of Medicine may pray to the Buddha to reincarnate into another gender in their next life, but Fenghuang may perform such a miracle within the lifetime of the target, turning their body into one of opposite gender. The target must be willing in order for the change to happen. The changed body resembles the character enough that they might be mistaken for a sibling of the character by people who are unaware that such change happened. In case of Fenghuang this miracle works in a special way. His female form resembles his future reincarnation, stuck at age of 18 until his male form dies. Then he would resume his life as the woman, the reality bending itself to make him forget about the previous life (losing all his abilities and blessings in the process) and making subtle retroactive changes in order to account for the life of the reincarnation until reaching the age of 18.

Prayers of The Left Hand The five miracles of the left hand affect the soul. They can also affect Fenghuang or another person, as well as some of them require a consent.

Spoiler for Hiden:
The Sixth Prayer: Shields the target from being affected by any next curse that may be directed at the target. It does not provide resistance against curses which also deal physical damage to a person.
After a single curse gets repelled, this protection ceases.

The Seventh Prayer: Removes a curse that already affects a person. This miracle may not affect curses that are intrinsic for the nature of the person (for examples cannot make werewolves not vulnerable to silver anymore).

The Eighth Prayer: In a show of supernatural mercy, this prayer supresses effects of curses that cannot be removed by the Seventh Prayer. For an hour, such curses cease to affect negatively the target. For example, a vampire would be able to walk under the sun but wouldn't lose any positive benefits of their powers.

The Ninth Prayer: Banishes a spirit possessing a victim unless the spirit permanently merged with the host. If the victim is not controlled by the spirit and hence may refuse the miracle, it does not take an effect.

The Tenth Prayer: If the target's soul got damaged, this miracle can repair it unless a full day transpired since the event that damaged the target's soul. The prayer does not help when it comes to a loss of a soul.

The Eleventh Prayer: Vow of Twelve Heavenly Generals: The only offensive miracle that Fenghuang possesses. Twenty Heavenly Generals vowed to protect those who have been ever affected by Medicine Buddha's mercy from calamities. Thus, it can be only invoked when people who were affected by his miracles are attacked or seriously threathened.

By joining both hands in a prayer, Fenghuang summons twelve bronze like arms within the range of 10 m which can attack the target in front of Fenghuang at high speed [Fantastic Agility] and which deal more damage than Fenghuang's Strength [dealing Incredible Strength]. Those arms have joints so they can bend to attack the target in less straightforward manner. They also can serve in more defensive fashion, blocking and deflecting attacks. They can deal damage to beings that cannot be affected by mundane attacks.

The Final Prayer: The prayer that Fenghuang learned after completing his training. It does not require hands to pray, it's instead a blessing which is active as long as Fenghuang's heart still beats. Fenghuang's aging slowed down considerably so that they could act as an agent of mercy and compassion longer than normally. His body also possesses resistance to magic that tries to change their physical body or soul. This does not apply to spells which cause direct damage.

Equipment: Fenghuang took shelter in a village from which he ventures forth into Nexus, so he has a place to live. He does not have much worldly possessions as food, shelter and clothes to get by are sufficient for him. In exchange for their hospitality the villagers surely don't have to worry about diseases and curses. With time, the rumours about "The Village of Miracles" will start to spread in Nexus.

Origin: In youth, Fenghuang committed black deeds, but repented even before he underwent his training. It was an expression of gratitude for that even a sinner like him could atone and receive redemption from the Medicine Buddha. He is not willing to talk about his past and even abandoned his original name. Who he was does not matter. Hearing the details would only cause weeping or laughter, as he puts it.

Weakness: If his right arm is severed, he is unable to restore it without outside help. Hence in a fight he has a slight bias towards using his left arm in defense, a habit that didn't disappear even after decades of training.

Medicine Buddha's compassion is infinite and indiscriminate, but his agents are flawed. Fenghuang didn't quite master The Third Prayer in spite of his decades of training. Major wounds like loss of limbs or near fatal injuries can be healed once an hour, a limitation that he won't be able to overcome any soon.

Likes: Prayer, relieving suffering, protecting the innocent from opression

Dislikes: Unrepentant monsters, people who don't even try to learn anything from their experiences
« Last Edit: June 24, 2017, 09:35:04 PM by Sinib »


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Name: Ito Kizumi

Aliases: Kinslayer, “Hito Kiri”, Spider.
Race: Human
Age: 35
Height: Average/tall-ish
Weight: Well built and endowed, far from lightweight.

Physical Attributes
Strength: Incredible
Agility: Heroic
Constitution: Incredible
Magic Scale: None.
Other Abilities:
Shadow Step: Kizumi’s mastery enables him to move faster than any living creature could dream of without emitting any sound, his steps are as audible as an ant’s while as quick as the gale.
Ninja Mastery: Kizumi has trained in the art of assassination since his childhood, and is immensely proficient in combat and acrobatics, using stealth, speed and impossible nimbleness to slay his opponents before they can blink.
Afterimage Clones: Through a complex movement technique, Kizumi can manifest afterimages of himself to confuse opponents and have them leave potential openings. Of course, they are but an illusion, can be distinguished by superior perception after a moment, and cannot act physically.
Precise medical knowledge: Though he never used it to heal others, Kizumi possesses advanced medical knowledge and has studied extensively on the intricacies of the human body. He knows how to dismantle one as well as to heal one to the point he can keep a flayed half corpse alive and fully conscious for interrogation. He is also an expert at concocting cures or poisons as diverse as deadly, and by hitting specific pressure points through acupuncture, he can trigger certain reactions from his target’s organism, such as numbness and even paralysis, though how lasting and potent it is depends on is target’s constitution and other factors.

Presence Concealement: As an assassin, Ito exhibits an unnatural proficiency at hiding his own presence, a skill, that through training grew into something that borderlined the realm of the supernatural. He can nearly stop all signs of his presence, his perspiration, his heartbeat and even his aura (though he is unaware of that fact, it is just a subconscious thing,).

He needs to be very calm throughout this state, and those with keen senses might spot him if he’s too close, but he can hide his presence tremendously well from those around him as long as they do not search him, and even then it can be very hard to spot him if he hides.

Automail: No one knows why or how the legendary assassin lost his left arm. Perhaps the gods punished him for his cruelty and arrogance, or he had been blinded by ego and received a crippling wound. The thing about dead men is that they are silent.

Either way, he had his arm replaced with a mechanized counterpart, an expertly crafted piece of mechanic machinery that could act as precisely and strike as mightily as his original arm. It has hidden compartments for his needles, strings, smoke bombs and poison.
Smoke bombs: Self explanatory.

Poison/Medicine: Enough to cripple/kill/paralyze an ordinary men, but those with higher constitution could shake off the effects or at least suffer reduced afflictions. He also carries some medicine for different ailments and painkillers.

Metal needles: Needles Kizumi expertly uses in combat. Sharp and sturdy, they can easily pierce through bone and reach vital organs when thrown with his skill, and are small enough to remain unseen to the mundane eye.

Razor threads: Transparent razor wired threads, they boast great sturdiness and can support a man's weight with relative ease. These strings can be used in a near infinite myriad of ways, from restraining a target, creating platforms to enhance his mobility, use them in tandem with his needles for deadly traps or many other uses.

Legends speak of a ruthless ninja, Ito Kizumi, who slayed over a hundred government heads and his entire clan in his lifetime. While his tale was distorted over the ages, it goes as follows.

No one knows much of his childhood, whether he was born from a house of demons or of a clan of nobles employed by the shogunate to deal with its rivals, one thing is consistent. Kizumi was trained to be an assassin since his earliest age, chosen by his clan to become successor of the family’s secret techniques.

Training to the utmost limits reason can allow, he reached a level of skill far greater than anyone could dream of, transcending the limits of his own body through what could only be described as living hell.

However, while a sword or a weapon can hold the power to slay countries and never dare to point towards its wielder, men are of a different breed. They say that with time, the ninja grew more and more arrogant and bloodthirsty, his leash rusted and eventually fell off.

As the legends say, itching to prove his superiority, he challenged his father in a duel and won with ease, slaying him in front of his 27 sons. But Kizumi’s brothers, who swore to avenge their father, did not forgive such an act.

By the time he was 16, the assassin was wanted by the police state for countless kills, and was now the target of a massive manhunt.

But he was not one who would be caught easily, welcoming challengers with open arms, he killed, killed and killed again, destroying all those who stood in his way to the top. But sadly, all things come to an end.

After ten years of bloodshed, something changed him. After his 101th kill, Kizumi simply gave up.

No one knows why he threw away his title of assassin, but one thing was certain. The 100 demon house slayer “Hito Kiri” Kizumi simply stopped killing, never to be found again. Hundreds searched for him throughout japan, but all returned empty handed. At least, that is what the legends say.

Thus, he left the title of legendary killer empty ever since, and soon he would leave the face of the earth as well. However, that was another story for another time.


His weapons being mundane, it is possible to defend against them, projectiles thrown by him are deflectable or outright blockable by tougher opponents. That also means magic is good against him, wink wink.

Fighting him in a constricted terrain where he cannot move freely or an empty landscape in broad daylight where he cannot conceal himself puts him on a disadvantage. Because he dislikes conflict and standing out, forcing him into a fight where there are many witnesses/possible casualties will put him in a tight spot.
Likes: Valorous people, simple things, the thrill of challenge, kind hearted women, hard workers, peace and quiet, families, honing his skill.
Dislikes: Killing, dogma, cruelty, those without a shred of honor or dignity towards others (not related to combat), arrogance, those who talk too much.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 03:33:14 PM by francobull3 »


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Name: Waka

Race: Oni

Age: ???

Height: 2.4m

Weight: Heavy


Physical Attributes

Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Fantastic

Other Abilities
Eat Anything: Pretty much exactly what it says. An oni can eat anything without a problem, from marshmallow to granite, though they can still tell if it tastes good or not. Their ideas of 'good' are a little off sometimes. Bribe it with meat when in doubt. Just make sure it's more or better meat than your body.

Fortunate: Good fortune follows those who stay in an oni's presence. Accompanying an oni to a lottery drawing means you will always win at least something, even if you don't get the big prize. Minor inconveniences and twists of fate fall aside. This incidentally protects the oni from hexes that bring misfortune. It doesn't protect people from the oni.

Hell's Guardian: Not all oni guard and punish the dead, but all of them could if they wanted to. They can sense and touch ghosts and other spirits, as can anything the oni holds or wears. Dead things that try to hide from them can't, because oni can break down any door by knocking on it.

Equipment: Anything big close by that he can hit you with.

Waka doesn't know where he came from. Waka doesn't know who said he was Waka, but he is. Waka has lived apart from humans and his own kind from the start. Sometimes he drops in to take barbecue from humans, or sake, but he doesn't otherwise have much to do with them. Sometimes they try to attack him, so he knows how to fight.

Unlike most of his kind he doesn't go out of his way to hurt people, mostly because it's boring. People break too easily to be fun. He'll still eat them if they keep bugging him though. Unlike most oni he removed his own horns because they're easy to grab onto. He got made fun of for it. Also unlike most oni, he bathes regularly. Waka doesn't like to smell bad because animals notice. It's hard to catch things if they notice.

Waka probably didn't come from the Nexus to start, but if he came from some other place he never noticed the trip. One set of woods is just like any other anyway. He ran out of bears to wrestle with the other day, so he's coming down from the hills to see what the humans are up to. There's more than just humans in this place though; looks fun.

Honesty: Waka refuses to lie, and doesn't have a lot of room to twist the truth. The best he can do if he has something to hide is to not say anything or change the subject.

Too Big: Oni have trouble fitting into places humans make. They also tend to break things, not knowing their own strength. It makes taking advantage of their surroundings difficult unless they want to hit stuff with it.

Likes: Bears, challenges, cooking, eating, quiet places, sake

Dislikes: Dead stuff, delicate stuff, smelly stuff, stuff he can't fit into, tricks
« Last Edit: October 08, 2017, 06:26:44 PM by Aiden »


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Name:  “Smiley” Blackmore Fallbright

Race: Modified Human

Age:  My, my, I’m not that old you know?

Height:  305 cm

Weight:  200 kg


Physical Attributes

Strength:  Fantastic (Energy strikes hit like Legendary blows)

Agility:  Exceptional

Constitution:  Fantastic

Magic: Extremely High

Through mysterious means Blackmore claims not to understand, he can produce and control the mysterious 5th force, dark matter, which is foreign to this world and reacts violently by releasing energy he can in turn manipulate. 

For example, he can empower his strikes, charge (can take up to about 5-7 seconds, not a lot considering he can still move but he can’t use other spells while charging) and release massive beams that can blow the fuck out of a house and turn it into a molten ground zero, form slow orbs of concentrated energy that will burn the fuck out of whatever they touch before exploding and shooting its target away with a massive boom.

Additionally, he can form constructs such as an energy blade with his hand, barriers of pure energy that can withstand artillery, a makeshift platform or create a shitty energy hologram of himself that cannot fight or even punch things but whose memories will be downloaded back into him once the projection is dispelled or destroyed (can't use his other abilities while doing that, so if he has to fight he needs to immediately dispel the projection)

This magic-like ability is an anomaly, an aberration that generates energy out of foreign matter from another universe through his stolen flesh and blood. Someone might imitate his power, the effects can certainly reproduced, but only one person in the whole world could ever master dark matter. It's not a power you can learn conventionally.

As he likes to put it, you might be able to get an identical license plate, but only he can drive a troublesome car as his. At least, not without understanding the process.

Other Abilities: 

Stigmata: When exerting his magic over a certain degree, a symbol of power will appear on his chest. It is the stigmata, the mark of a king whose veins course with royal blood.

Demonheart: Through mysterious means, Blackmore managed to get his hands on a noble's heart and grafted it in his body, replacing his own old one. This greatly diminished his aging process among giving his body more power than it could have ever hoped for. Of course, it's only a fragment of the power of a royal, a pale imitation, but over time he managed to master his new blood and use its abilities.

Fighter: Blackmore isn’t ignorant when it comes to handling himself in close quarters, though he is far from a master. He mostly uses his massive strength freely, striking and stomping in a crude but effective style closer to street fighting than any conventional martial art.


His clothes, a good couple thousand dollars and an apartment with basic furniture, wifi and a computer.

Origin:  No one really knows where Smiley came from or who he was. A veteran soldier gone bad, a former demon, the son of an executed noble, a by product of a failed experiment. There are so many hypothesis and spun tales about him he made up that if he’d have to choose an origin, he’d rather it be multiple choice.

What mattered is that, in his district, his own little world, that man was a king. But one day, he fought a noble whom he just couldn’t defeat, a mere boy with so much power it made his own look like a pebble in the middle of a road. Blackmore was simply and utterly defeated, and for the first time in his life he learned of fear, the sort that chills your bones and makes your muscles unwilling to obey you.

And yet, he was spared and given the choice to follow him, to change the world. That noble was a revolutionary, and he saw not only a mere tool in Blackmore but also a friend.

Eventually, his one friend succumbed, but not before the kingdom was reshaped into a great and peaceful country. Even then, he still couldn’t understand that man, nor why he had chosen to follow him, but the peaceful look in the dead man’s face only raised more questions. Eventually, he came to the Nexus and began to work as an information broker/informant, biding his time...

God-like power. That man who got his hands on it had simply turned compassionate. Would the same thing happen even to garbage like him? He wants to know... What's it feel like? What does it look like from up there?

Weakness: Magic resistance. While his offensive output is terrifying, his size gives him an innate disadvantage even against people with the same stats as he does. Picking him from afar, flanking him or blitzing him in a restricted environment are valid tactics, though being hit by him will hurt like an energized truck so watch out man. Finally, he is pretty restricted when fighting indoors due to his size, so really just throw him in a building.

Likes:  Exerting his superiority, crushing his foes, plain cute girls, power, wealth, people who know what they want, those loyal to him and his comrades, useful fools, himself.

Dislikes: Being betrayed, being owned, people who somehow talk more than he does.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 03:32:44 PM by francobull3 »


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Name: Swims-With-Salmons (her tribal name), Ellie Warren (her human name)

Race: Werewolf

Age: 11 (apparent age: 23)

Height: 145 cm (human) / 159 cm (near-human) / 232 cm (war form)

Weight: 43 kg (human) / 59 kg (near-human) / 172 kg (war form)

Appearance: She is a kind of werewolf with five form, all of which are natural to them after undergoing the First Change. While Swims-With-Salmons originally used to be a wolf, she got accustomed over time to use all her forms.

Swims-With-Salmons is well adjusted to human society after 9 years of living among human-born werewolves. She looks like a person in her early twenties, with the maturity to match her appearance, as wolf-born werewolves develop mentally faster in order to catch up with their human-born comrades.

Swims-With-Salmons' human form is a light brown haired girl with blue eyes. She wears sturdy, practical clothes and sometimes wears a jacket to conceal her firearm. Staring into the barrel of a gun is sometimes enough to ward off less determined hoodlums.


Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Human (Exceptional while tapping into Rage)

Constitution: Exceptional


Due to a combination of her short stature and a quirk in her spiritual make up her near-human form is not as feral looking as one displayed by majority of werewolves, so she can still pass as somebody normal. Her hair is longer, reaching now below shoulders, her muscles bulk up to the extent of a female Olympic athlete and she is now just around average height instead of being quite short. If not for the fact that it's easier to keep Rage in check in the human form, this would be her preferred form. If she switches from human to near-human form she can probably still spin a story that she uses magical means to bulk up like that unless someone who is familiar with werewolves in general figures out that she is a shapeshifter.

Strength: Amazing

Agility: Human (Amazing while tapping into Rage)

Constitution: Amazing

War Form

A large and over seven feet tall form that resembles a hulking bipedal wolf creature. "Scrawny" by werewolf standards, but more than capable of ripping and tearing guts of mundanes and some of the weaker supernaturals. This is also the form to which she defaults under a thrall of a frenzy. Not something to cuddle with.

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Exceptional (Amazing while tapping into Rage, Incredible in frenzy)

Constitution: Incredible

Dire Wolf

A sort of happy medium between the warform and the wolf form, this is referred to by some as "dire wolf". It's essentially a wolf of a size of a pony with unusually strong jaws that are not inferior to the warform when it comes to tearing apart her foes. Again, proceed with caution.

Strength: Amazing

Agility: Exceptional (Amazing while tapping into Rage)

Constitution: Incredible


The wolf form is her birth form in which she spent her first two years of life (though by now it's hard to recall those years. Just like it's hard for humans to remember their early childhood). It looks scrawnier than it should in spite of her capabilities in that form, but still cannot be mistaken for a dog.

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Exceptional (Amazing while tapping into Rage)

Constitution: Amazing

Magical Abilities: Medium

Rites: She can enact a variety of rituals for specific purposes. Swims-With-Salmons is no longer an apprentice of spirit magic, but has not reached mastery either, so she is unable of creating her own Rites. She has learned Rites that allow her to cleanse a place, object or a person from spiritual influences, apologize to offended spirits, summon spirits of any kind and nearly any level of strength to communicate with them, bind weaker spirits into one use fetishes called talens, and grow plants in any soil.

She can also dedicate objects to herself so that her clothes and belongings merge with her while she shapeshifts to a form that no longer can accommodate them.

Other Abilities:

Delirium: Mundanes who witness a werewolf in her warform or dire wolf form experience a bout of supernatural terror, a fight or flight response. Some are paralyzed by the fear, some try to get away from the source of Delirium and some lash out against the werewolf. The response depends solely on the personality. People who experienced Delirium tend to forget about the encounter or try to rationalize it unless they have high enough willpower to not forget those events.

Gifts: Gifts are blessings and abilities bestowed on a werewolf by spirits. Swims-With-Salmons can talk with spirits, leaps three times higher and further than normally she should, possesses the senses of a wolf even in her human form (and further sharpens them in the wolf form), may sharpen her sight further to see from miles away and may substitute her sense of sight with sense of smell to perceive in pitch black darkness.

She can also detect supernatural beings and influences (she can also determine roughly how strong a spirit is) and pierce through the veil that separates the spirit world from material world to observe spirits without travelling to the spirit world.

Gnosis: As a half spirit a werewolf has an innate connection to the spirit world. She can shift back and forth to the spirit world and use Gifts and Rites. She has to concentrate to do it, so it's not something that can be used to escape in the middle of combat. Silver objects that she carries around impact her link with the spirit world making it more difficult to slip sideways there the more silver objects she carries around.

While most werewolves are half-spirits, she is more so than an average werewolf because one of her ancestors is a spirit of a river. Due to her heritage spirits in general are attracted to her out of curiosity and she finds it easier to communicate with spirits that dwell in waters (like salmons after whom she takes her tribal name) or whose existence is interconnected with rivers (like grizzly bears).

Rage: The supernatural anger boiling inside any werewolf of her kind is the price of the patronage of the Lambent Lady Luna. The mercurial moon spirit's gift is both a boon and a curse. On one hand werewolves can supercharge their regenerative abilities, move with superhuman speed (her Agility increases by one rank)and stay conscious no matter what while tapping into Rage, but the risk associated with that is a frenzy. A werewolf who taps too deep into Rage (or one who is sufficiently provoked) enters a warform and lashes out, endangering friends and foes alike. Even a patient and docile werewolf has its limits. In frenzy, her war form's Agility can reach Incredible instead of Amazing.

Her supernatural rage also affects weaker willed people in more subtle ways. They cross a street, claim they do not serve her kind here and react as if she was someone suspicious. She got used to cops sometimes trying to interrogate her when there are no immediately obvious suspects around.

Regeneration: Her regenerative capabilities are quite potent. She will fully heal nearly any injuries in just over a minute, and regrow even lost limbs over time. However, she regenerates several times slower in combat situations, and it takes her at least a day to recover from wounds caused by silver, severe radiation and attacks which target her soul directly if there is no supernatural intervention. At the cost of entering frenzy, she can supercharge her regeneration and immediately heal half of these injuries.

Totem: Only tribeless outcasts do not enjoy a patronage of a personal or a pack totem. Her totem spirit is an avatar of Dog, a spirit whose wisdom lies in the ability to adapt to the humanity. Swims-With-Salmons has it easier to look for prey in urban environment but in exchange the Dog enforces a stricture on her to follow: she needs to aid feral and stray dogs she comes into contact with, for example sharing her food with them. Dog's patronage may extend to other shapeshifters who can interact with the spirit world if they are willing to accept its conditions.

Equipment: Swims-With-Salmons rents an apartment. She keeps the gun she carried when she was transported to Nexus, a Desert Eagle and she owns two Fetishes, items imbued with spirit magic, as well.

She has learned to make some talens, like spirit infused moonshine (normal alcohol doesn't really work on Garou anymore. She has to keep those special batches away from normal people or they go blind or worse), bullets that can hurt ephemeral creatures and matches that can be lit even if soaked in water.

She owns a Fetish called Magpie's Swag which counts as dedicated to her body and thus merges with her every time she shapeshifts into a war form or another wolf like form. It takes a form of a bag and can contain three times more items than its apparent size. It cannot carry technological devices like firearms and laptops. She also owns mirrored sunglasses that make it easier to step sideways where the veil between the spiritual world and the material world is strong.

Origin: She was born as a wolf running around in forests of Appalachia, with more affinity for water and fish that dwelled there than other wolves. Her parents were just regular wolves, but down in her family line she had a Garou ancestor whose blood she inherited. In the end, she was one of those 'lost cubs' adopted by shapeshifters who were not related to her. She was raised by human-born rural werewolves and their human kin who managed to explain a sudden arrival of a teenager, claiming that she was one of relatives they had to take care of because of her parents dying. Swims-With-Salmons helped with the farmwork and was homeschooled by her new relatives while she was expected to take on duties of a local Keeper of the Land. She grew enough comfortable with the idea of living a second life as a human. Then she ended up in Nexus in because of a freak accident involving travel through the spirit world.

Now she works in the field of landscaping. She has experience when it comes to creating and cultivating aesthetically pleasing gardens. She prides herself on the fact that gardens she cares for not only look good, but also subtly attract beneficial spirits.

Weakness: Silver deals damage that cannot be easily regenerated. She needs a day of full of rest to start regenerating silver inflicted wounds or supernatural intervention. Severe radioactivity, wolfsbane and attacks that target a soul also deal the same degree of damage as silver. Fire also deals damage which is difficult to regenerate because of its metaphysical association with destruction in her world.

Likes: Swimming, working, helping out people in need

Dislikes: Cannibalistic monsters, evil spirits, people who push her too far
« Last Edit: June 26, 2017, 03:17:22 PM by YOLF »


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Name: Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (pre-adoption: Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus)

Race: Human/Servant

Age: 31

Height: 150 cm

Weight: 42 kg

Appearance:   Nero is a short, buxom woman of bright blonde hair, light green eyes and decently toned muscle, always emanating a charme like that of the sun. She usually wears red or white attire that underlines her beauty and regal nature.

Strength:  Incredible

Agility: Heroic

Constitution: Incredible

Other Abilities:

Incarnated Servant :
A servant is a high level magical familiar, a kind of  spiritual being that can dematerialize becoming intangible to the physical world. However they are vulnerable to spiritual based attacks.
After being incarnated, A servant loses it's ability to turn into spirit form, while also eliminating the need for a steady supply of mana via contract to a master, essentialy turning them into humans again.

Magic Resistance (Medium):
While summoned in the Servant Class Saber, Nero has a heightened resistance to the effects of magic, weakening the damage done by offensive spells and similar enchantments.

Imperial Privilege:
Even skills that could not originally be held can be acquired for a short time through the insistence of the person. As it is only “natural” for the emperor to be supreme. Corresponding Skills are riding, swordsmanship, arts, charisma, military tactics etc. At the level of it Nero possesses, even physical burdens (such as divinity) can be acquired. However, no skills can be acquired without basis; due to Nero’s curious nature, she possesses rudimentary experience in most skills.

The result of a lifelong poisoning, Nero suffers from chronic headaches and psychotic episodes. This, paired with her short attention span, can easily make her forget a skill acquired through imperial privilege. Furthermore she is easily susceptible to mental attacks due to her difficulty to concentrate.

As a result of being a master of the chariot during life, Nero has acquired vast proficiency in the art of riding both vehicles and beasts.

Mastery of unarmed combat: Pankration:
Due to her idolization of the great Hero, Herakles, Nero endeavoured to imitate him, including the study and deployment of techniques of pankration and wrestling. While the motivation was viewed as arrogance and folly, the results are nevertheless real.

Noble Phantasm:
Aestus Domus Aurea:
The crystallization of a life lived to it’s fullest, a flame burning out so brightly, Aestus Domus Aureus is a deployment of high magecraft very similar in method to that of a reality marble, however it is not a projection of Nero’s inner world, rather it’s makeup follows Nero’s own will. In practice, it is a perfect recreation of the Domus Aurea she had built and constructed during her lifetime. Nero has complete control over the makeup of the building itself at the time of creation, however will usually defer to faithfully recreating the Domus Aurea. It is the manifestation of her declaring “Listen to my Song!” and locking everyone in the theater to listen to her singing. Hence, despite its limited dimensions, escape is impossible unless Nero allows it or it is dispelled entirely. Inside, her blade will be shrouded in the flames of Mount Vesuvius and rose petals will follow her dance’s every step.
Unlike a reality marble, instead of covering the current World with an alternate world, it simply puts itself on top of the current world, so it can be maintained for long periods of time.

Aestus Estus:
A handcrafted crimson sword inscribed with “regnum caelorum et gehenna” (the kingdom of heaven and hell), which Nero herself describes as the ultimate instrument. According to her, the muses would bow before the sound it makes. Nero can channel the flames of Vesuvius through the blade, shrouding it in intense heat to a lesser extent even without deploying the Golden Theater.

Origin: Born as the daughter of Agrippina, Nero was never meant to sit on the throne of Rome; growing up wholly dedicated to the arts, aside from several times acting as a judge, she was never exposed to the machinations of the political world- that is, until her mother’s designs resulted in her taking the place as Rome’s emperor at the age of seventeen.

Due to her illegitimate birthright, she was looked unfavourably upon by her relatives and the Senate, her own mother simply trying to use her as a political figurehead, she felt more connected to the faceless masses than her own family; as a result of this, she decided upon several reforms, tax-abolishments and privileges toward the proletariat, actions that made her beloved among the masses but even more hated among the high-born.

Having lost her first wife, Octavia, and sole mentor, Seneca, to suicide, and beeing thrown deeper and deeper into the spiral of intrigue and poison of Agrippina’s design, Nero grew more and more mad, culminating in the assassination of Agrippina at her command, cementing her role as tyrant in the year 59 AD.

Her feverish delirium only grew worse after the death of her mother, as she was not administered the antidote to the poison she had been administered to keep her under control any more; her pure yet perverted love not being reciprocated further dragging her toward the edge.

As the Senate’s rebellion against her was finally unavoidable, she committed suicide by stabbing her throat with a knife while on the run from her enemies. Her last words, in response to a faithful soldier delicately wrapping a coat around her body where “Too late. This is fidelity.”

Summoned as a Servant through the Holy Grail War, Nero has been given a chance at a second life.
Nero accepts her past and present as Tyrant and failed emperor as part of her; may she regret it, it is all her. With her love burning bright as the sun, she prizes enjoyment of life above all else, be it the happiness of others or her own self-indulgence, it is as such that she can be seen as the purest celebration of Humanity.

From her name Nero Caesar pronounced as NRVN QSR equating with the “number of the beast”, the beast of revelation equating to Rome under her reign and her opression of christians and religion as a whole, she is also put on par with the “Whore of Babylon”, but..?

Weakness: Her migraines, attacks on her ego, deprivation of mana

Likes: Herself, beautiful boys and girls, roses, decadency, Heracles, all manner of art

Dislikes: Rebellion, abstinence, lying to oneself
« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 05:32:35 PM by Bern »


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Name: Raikou "Ray" Calleung

Race: Angel-Vampire Hybrid

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Height: 184 centimeters

Weight: Little over 90 and something kilos.

Appearance: Vaguely Filipino and Japanese features set in an untamed handsome face, with coal-blazing eyes and a perfect fanged smile. Subtle tattoos are scribed over his neck and shoulders.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Strength: Incredible
Agility: Incredible
Constitution: Incredible

Magic Ability: None

Other Abilities
All goes in the streets: Raikou is an expert at navigating the streets and using the urban environment. He's damn good at fighting with whatever he gets on hand, from bare fists to steel pipes and pieces of rebar, but unarmed he's a match for a martial arts expert by brute pragmatism alone.

Hybrid Physiology: Raikou is a hybrid, an impossible mixture of two vastly different supernatural lineages that miraculously produced something more powerful than either. Being half-Angel and half-Vampire means he has a unique constitution sustained by divine light and a transformed vampiric pseudovirus. This holy-powered near-undead nature makes Raikou immune to disease, poison, thirst and hunger, untouched by the consequences of aging, and unaffected by suffocation, as well as impervious to fear so long as his angelic wings remain.

The exceptional confluence of wildly divergent powers within his body makes him a walking cocktail of supernatural energies, able to make those disparate wavelengths work together.

Unkillable: Though he sustains damage, Raikou cannot be killed by so long as his wings are not severed and he has either been decapitated, staked through the heart, or completely burned. Anything that satisfies those conditions and then some also works, but otherwise no amount of injury can make his body cease animation. If he's beheaded while he still has his wings he can just pick his head back up or stick the parts of his torn body together.

He heals with incredible alacrity, recovering from lesser harm easily if he has a chance to rest and more extreme injury over minutes or hours. The more accumulated damage and lingering pain the more effort it demands, but he can afford to focus on healing then he can even regenerate limbs in little time.

Blood Reactor: The hearts of vampires are essentially alchemical reactors that derive power from blood. By expending and rapidly processing this vital force, Raikou can momentarily pump his inhuman speed and strength even further, allowing him to perform animal-like acrobatics at even Heroic levels. Making up for a feat like that, however, requires him to significantly feed from a person.

Fangs: Raikou has sharp hollow fangs that can drain a pint of blood in less than a minute. Briefly drinking from a person will only fill about a fifth of his reserves, while taking the time to wallow and lethally drain them will replenish more than half of it.

His bite carries a very small chance of infection by the vampire pseudovirus, which rises exponentially the longer he feeds (but cannot take effect if feeding kills the host). However, by infusing his fangs with divine energy they become a holy weapon and gain the ability to cleanse ills from a person or purify unholy influences.

Vampire Senses: Raikou has powerful predatory senses, granting him acute night vision and superhuman hearing.

Wings: Raikou can unfurl hallow wings of red light from his back. These allow him to freely float and fly at great speeds, and are essentially massive receivers for divine power, enabling the use of his remaining angelic abilities and more. The more supernatural might currently flowing through his system the greater their span, up to forty feet. If sufficient energy is suffused into Raikou's body, the equivalent of at least his full blood reserves, the wings will expand on their own, but this point is also the required power to regrow them if they have been severed. Doing so only takes a moment without interruption, but he can recover his wings in no other way.

Even with his wings retracted or severed, Raikou accumulates divine energy when he acts selflessly in the service of others and directly saves a life. And if he allows his vampiric nature to act through his wings, then they begin to absorb spilled blood in Raikou's proximity, telekinetically siphoning it as though he was feeding.

Heavenly Light: Raikou can emit divine light as beams, blasts, or auras, and form it into archaic weapons. Exposure to the light heals the good and the innocent, and burns the wicked and evil. To anyone that is the least bit susceptible, direct hits will sear flesh and spirit like flames hot enough to scorch near-on any living creature.

Sanctify: Taking a few seconds, Raikou can consecrate an object or small space, bestowing it with holy essence and protection for some time.

Universal Language: Instinctive knowledge of the ancient celestial language allows Raikou to understand any spoken (but not written) earthly tongue and to be understood by anyone who hears him, speaking in a "wordless" tone that echoes in his voice.
Phoenix: All hybrids carry a destiny of utmost adversity. Their lives are fraught with risk and forged in obstacles, and it is through this that they grow stronger. So sometimes, when they have been driven to the ends of their strength and are faced with lethal danger, they return from the brink like a phoenix emerges from the ashes. Infrequently (and only when dramatically appropriate), in such extreme circumstances Raikou swells with power, replenishing his reserves or making an instant physical recovery, and gains new supernatural strength or sheds the innate weakness that would have killed him.

Astral Sensor Sunglasses: While they mostly serve to make his yellow eyes less conspicuous, these sunglasses allow the user to see immaterial beings.

Silverskin Gladius: An ancient magical gladius with a silvered blade, which instantly restores itself by stealing material from other common blades and silver implements with a touch.

Ebon Branch: A simple wooden sword with a carved edge, made from the branch of a great ash, blackened and hardened by the blood and death curses of a dragon. A weapon that causes wounds to heal slower and crack with blackness.

Origin: The life of every Hybrid begins as an exception. Raikou's birth was no different, the consequence of a torrid affair that tangled together a human, an angel and a vampire and intertwined two lineages that should never have crossed.

His mother, the daughter of immigrants to the USA, was none the wiser to the shaking of the hidden supernatural community when she was a burgeoning nurse, but an unwillingness to close her eyes made her involved with its denizens in troubled times. Her spirit brought a lost angel out of his mire of melancholy and earned her the friendship of an ambitious vampiress. Any of them should have known better, but eventually the once-aimless angel surprised her with his affection, and they became romantically involved.

It was only when Raikou's mother became pregnant with him that things took a turn for the worse. A conflict erupted in the shadows and nearly took her life, and in a decisive moment, the vampire who had once been close to her attempted to turn her into kin. She was too weakened to survive, and instead the virus passed on to Raikou, transforming him into an unforeseen hybrid at the moment of his quiet birth. His father disappeared that day, his mother died, and his sire hid herself away after leaving him with his grandparents.

Raikou's childhood was uneasy for his guardians most of all, and left him steaming with questions about what made him different that he couldn't answer for himself. But danger didn't stay away forever, and he got answers soon enough. Fury against the endless monsters antagonistic to him and common people set him on path to fight back without mercy. That anger drove him through his teenage years before he was ready, and it took nearly dying from a demon's fire alongside a friend to make him reconsider. Meeting the vampire that claimed to be as good as his parent and learning of his aloof angelic progenitor stoked his indignation, but the encounter set his priorities anew.

He looked for allies, met other hybrids, fought hunters who saw him as a threat, and clashed with the schemes of his supernatural lineages. After all but taking over the hoodlums of his town, he organized the gangs to fight against the monsters who dared toy with mortals.

Between divinity and vampirism, no lineage would say there was anything human to him, and hardly would anything who knew his origins recognize him so. But that was his decision to make. And regardless of what he was, no other could determine where he stood and who he cared for.

Likes: Pop music, beating down people, cars, road trips, scrap yards, strong food
Dislikes: Angels, vampires, waiting on people he doesn't know, beating up girls, being used, others deciding things for him, swimming, feeling hungry

Unholy Weapons: Unholy weapons and sources of harm can lethally injure Raikou, countering his immortality, as well as causing extreme pain. Remaining in contact with these weapons suppresses his hybrid resistances, making him susceptible to ailments.

Sigils and blood of the innocent:
Raikou's angelic descent afflicts him with certain soul-deep compulsions. He cannot enter or exist especially prepared occult sigils without great effort and excruciating pain, and direct contact with the blood of innocents causes the same reaction.

Bloodthirst: Every sunrise a sliver of his power seeps from Raikou's body, evaporating to sustain him, and he grows a little hungrier inside. While the congealed divine energy coursing through his veins can vanish first in this way, if his system ever runs dry on blood, whether for this or other reasons, Raikou becomes overtaken by savage thirst and will be compelled to feed.

« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 10:18:43 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts

Umbra of Chaos

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Name: Rebecca

Race: Human

Age: 22

Height: 5’9

Weight: Average for her height


Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Human

Constitution: Human

Other Abilities:

Art of the Deal: With nothing more than a few spoken or written words and a contract Rebecca can enable nearly any kind of exchange. She can deal with the physical such as a man paying a certain amount of money for a car. He’ll find the car in his driveway or garage while the seller will find a sudden increase in his bank account. Or a man can give away his arm for a sum which finds itself suddenly and seamlessly attached to the buyer while all he has is a little nub.

However, she can deal in less direct things. She can trade things such as physical might, speed, or durability. Even skills, memories, knowledge, emotions, lifespan, supernatural abilities and other such things can be given or taken away in a deal.

With a handshake or signature the contract is sealed. While Rebecca usually does one time transactions she can also establish longer term ones such as a work contract. However, those who agree to such things should be wary. Even the most minor and mundane of contracts that Rebecca makes are binding. Most people would be forced to complete the terms of the contract even if they changed their mind, and while those of great will and rebellious spirit can ignore the directives the act inflicts incredible agony on them so long as they resist the compulsion.

Origin: Rebecca was born after her mother took the still developing child of another woman through a deal. And then once she was old enough she started her lessons. All the world was framed within the lens of transactions. Give and take. Everything at a cost.

But while she loved her power the same could not be said for her feelings towards her mother. Rebecca understood her restrictions and rules, and she tried her hardest to not take too much, to refrain from being too cruel when she could ask for so much. Her mother didn’t understand that at all, and they saw things too differently to stay together. So they made a deal. They would stay away from each other and only seek the other out once they managed to understand the other’s point of view.

So Rebecca made use of her talents as a sort of overseer in contracts and similar agreements. It’s hard to pull a trick on someone when the money or artifact just vanishes from your home and into their care. She made good money, she didn’t try and get into anything too sketchy, and things were alright.

Likes: Getting a good deal through, making money, a little bit of hard work, popsicles

Dislikes: Melting ice cream, her mom, cruel deals

Weakness: Rebecca cannot use things that were exchanged in a deal for herself. For example, while she can take someone’s physical strength away using a deal she doesn’t gain said strength; she can only trade it away using another deal. The same goes for funds or skills she acquires using these.

All deals must also be done of both participant's free will. Attempts at coercion through the use of mind altering powers or threats cause the exchange to automatically fail.

« Last Edit: September 20, 2017, 06:15:23 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Name: Rosa Victoria

Race: Living Nuclear Reactor

Age: 16(Physically)

Height: 6’5

Weight: 500 kg

Except without all of the lightning.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Amazing

Agility: Fantastic

Constitution: Legendary

Magic Ability: None

Other Abilities:
While she may look and act like a human girl, in reality, Rosa is something entirely alien. If one was to cut her, she would bleed a searingly hot(Hot enough to melt metals) glowing liquid that with prolonged contact, would prove poisonous and potentially even lethal. Instead of a heart, she possesses a core that provides her body with vital nutrients, breaking down matter into pure energy for her to use. Her core is the true seat of her soul and mind, and as long as it doesn’t get destroyed or damaged, she would be able to fight through even the most grievous of injuries.

Were her core end up being breached or damaged, she could enter into a meltdown, which, unless she receives the proper care(cool her off by dumping loads and loads of water onto her), will almost certainly end in a catastrophic explosion that could vaporize a city block, with a total radius of about 500 meters, depending on how dense the cityscape is.

As a reactor, she is immune to her own internal heat and fire, and heavily resistant to her own explosions. However if one was to heat her up too much, she could end up overheating and being forced to shut down temporarily in order to prevent a meltdown.

Nuclear Sword of Justice
A sword that is an extension of her soul that she can materialize and dematerialize at will. An extension of her soul, she is capable of channeling immense amounts of her internal energy into the sword and then release it all at once upon impact with another object. That is to say, if she hits something hard enough, it explodes. The harder she whacks something, the bigger the explosion will end up being, limited by her relatively weak strength. With a full force swing, she can create an explosion as big as a dump truck, although hitting anything that’s moving with this attack would be hard, because it requires her to put every ounce of her strength into her swing and knocks her off balance. A more normal explosion would be the size of a car. As it is an extension of herself, nobody else would be able to use this power even were she to give it to them. If she gets more than 500 meters away from the sword, it dissipates on its own.

Rosa isn’t like most people. In fact, she isn’t a person at all. She was created in a labby some scientists trying to create some sort of ultimate weapon. Apparently she was considered to be an abject failure by them because they tossed her aside as soon as the limits of her capabilities became known. This and that happened after that and she ended up in the Nexus.

Weakness: She doesn’t naturally heal any faster than a normal human. If her core gets damaged she’s pretty much fucked. As a reactor, she is immune to her own internal heat and fire, and heavily resistant to her own explosions. However if one was to heat her up too much, she could end up overheating and being forced to shut down temporarily in order to prevent a meltdown. In order to desummon her sword, she needs to have a firm grip on the handle. As such, if you disarm her, her combat potential is neutered.

Likes: Explosions, Water, being cold(but not too cold), being outside,

Dislikes: bugs, the color white, labcoats, tight and enclosed spaces, America
« Last Edit: October 14, 2017, 07:43:18 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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Name: Alicia

Race: Abhuman

Age: 23

Height: 5’6

Weight: Average for her height


Physical Attributes:

Strength: Amazing

Agility: Amazing

Constitution: Amazing

Other Abilities:

Ideal Form: Alicia’s shape and powers are directly tied to her own perception of herself. Currently she is as close to a human as she has ever been. Her powers and physical prowess have waned, and while her need is greatly diminished she still does require food and water every few years and months respectively. Even breathing is a necessity to her, requiring a few breaths every few hours. If her self image changes drastically enough she could become a far stranger being once more.

Healer: With her most destructive abilities forever lost, Alicia’s powers have also shifted with her mindset. She can restore limbs, remove diseases and toxins, salve the spirit, and close even the most deadly of wounds within moments of skin contact so long as the person is not yet dead (including herself). Despite her best intentions it is always a bit disconcerting to watch.   

Guardian Angel:

Strength: Incredible
Agility: Incredible
Constitution: Heroic

A protector of the finest order formed from the remnants of Alicia’s former servants, the guardian angel is incapable of making an offensive action. Leashed to another being with a radius of about 10 meters, it stalwartly defends them from any attack. It is without any fear and driven by absolute will. While it will use its blades to protect its charge it would throw its body in the way in an instant if needed.

The guardian angel is selectively corporeal. As a spirit it materializes at will to block material attacks before instantly returning to an intangible state. If its charge is slain or its blades inflict a wound upon an opponent the angel is immediately destroyed. Alicia can also dismiss it whenever she wishes. While a powerful ability, she can only summon one at a time and the death of one places a time limit of about an hour before another can be called forth. 

Delving: Sometimes unnatural corruption or a spirit has entrenched itself into the soul of some hapless victim. By grasping someone Alicia is capable of sending her own soul into their body to directly combat such a thing. In such a state she wields immense power to purge and expunge even the strongest of spirits; however, the potency is ultimately tied to her own will. No matter how gentle she tries the process is always described as intrusive and violating to some extent.

Empathy: This is Alicia’s oldest and most secret ability. With touch she can gain unique insight into a person’s state of being. She can feel a wound as if she had been cut, wet her face with tears as if the sorrows of others were her own, and drown in tiredness and exhaustion with a heavy spirit. It helps her understand others more than anything else can, and there is always something real and sweet about the experiences that make up a human’s soul.

Origin: Once Alicia was not herself. In fact, who she was is as divorced from her current self as the earth is from the sky. She remembers hunger, and ruin and life. Sweet life flowing from small little things she can hardly make out at all.

But what she really remembers is a church. Lit by candles, smelling of incense, filled with singing voices like hammer blows upon her body. Yet, there were softer voices as well. Gentle things that lured her to slumber, and touched her form, and she drank deeply of fulfillment, and sacrifice, and faith. Faith and doubt.

Time passed. She remembers thinking a thought, perhaps her first. That she wanted to know what made these creatures tremble in elation and fear alike. In time, she would have many more. She would think that she’d like smaller hands to hold the ones that touched hers, and a more complex mouth to speak to them with, and a softer face so as not to scare them. And she thought of being smaller, and gentler, and nothing to fear. So she could learn more about these creatures-- humans.

The incense grew lighter, the loud voices grew smaller, the candles a bit dimmer yet kinder, She remembers reaching with hands like theirs, with a smile like theirs, and a heart not quite like theirs. She remembers stepping into the light.

Now Alicia is older. She has her prayers and recitations, and she holds to her beliefs of righteousness and justice. Of good. Because she is blessed. For what could she ever do for God that would equal the soul he gave to her?

Weaknesses: While not quite a pacifist it is true that Alicia generally shies away from physical violence.

Likes: Using her Empathy, providing healing, prayer, cherries.

Dislikes: Blasphemy, soul shenanigans, false empathy, absolute interpretations
« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 02:23:39 AM by Umbra of Chaos »

Umbra of Chaos

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Name: Orianna

Race: Combat Doll

Age: 10

Height: 5’5

Weight: About 200 pounds


Physical Attributes:

Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Heroic

Other Abilities:

Artificial Body: As a doll Orianna is devoid of most of the weaknesses that other living beings have. She does not need to breathe, eat, sleep, or other such things, and she can endure temperatures hot enough to turn metal into slag or cold enough to freeze people solid with ease.

As she is made of detachable parts Orianna can trivially remove parts of her body. Doing this to her entire form does leave her rather helpless as she does need to manually attach whatever she has lost. It also allows her an unnerving amount of control over her own body as she can twist and shift segments of her body independently of each other nearly any way she wishes.

Orianna also has a core, a cube about the size of a human heart, that sits inside her chest. This is the only truly necessary part of her as it is the source of her consciousness. It can be extracted from her body and exposed to the air without any negative consequences.

Perforating Blows: Through a skill she has copied, Orianna's limbs behave like supernatural weapons in combat, puncturing and severing her foes with every blow.

Emulation: As a close range combat doll Orianna was built to emulate Perforating Blows, the main skill of a powerful fighter before her creation. However, while she was made specifically to copy that ability she can extend her replicating to other abilities. Things such as high speed movement techniques or the skill to deflect the force of tremendous blows without effort are what she attempts to mimic. These things can take days if not weeks to master but she can see progress much sooner if she witnesses the ability in person several times. The results may be imperfect but undoubtedly have impact.

Predictive Analysis: An ability that branches from Emulation, Orianna can use data gathered about personality and combat style to predict what someone will do next. Over the course of a fight Orianna's observations can figure out the exact movements her opponents will make in order to flawlessly counter them. Pure mechanical precision and the ability to simulate any action her opponent could take substitute for pure skill and can easily lead to her gaining in advantage so long as her opponent has even a single flaw in their technique.

Advanced Learning Protocols: Orianna's capacity to process information is nearly without equal. She can learn most knowledge based pursuits incredibly quickly. Memorization is instant for her and she will never forget a single detail. To her, the idea of information overload is a foreign concept.

Origin: Orianna was created to model and defeat the current champion fighter. In appearance, personality, and soon skill she was identical. Physically she was superior. Once she had learned all that she needed to it was merely a matter of sending her out to do her missions. There was a bit of a struggle at first; she was under the delusion that she was a ‘person’ and not a doll for quite some time. Ordinary growing pains.

Now Orianna is very nearly a model doll. So long as she has her master everything is right. And if she ever loses her master then all that is required is to acquire another and obey. No matter what she does it can be washed clean in purpose and service.

Weaknesses: As a specialized model it is incredibly difficult for Orianna to repair herself without the aid of a specialist. Otherwise any damage she sustains can't be healed.

Likes: Obedience, battle, soft things, hard working machines

Dislikes: Disrespect towards the master, dolls pretending to be free, discourse about dolls since there’s nothing to talk about
« Last Edit: March 24, 2018, 02:53:29 AM by Umbra of Chaos »

Umbra of Chaos

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Name: Set

Race: Altered Human

Age: 90~

Height: 5’4

Weight: Proportional to her height


Physical Attributes:

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Incredible

Magic Ability - Divine: Through empathy with her god, Set is capable of using calling forth diluted drops of his own divine power for her magic. She wields devastating sandstorms and hungering lightning with consummate ease. With a mere gesture she can slay massive creatures and unleash gales of sand and wind potent enough to send cars flying and shred them to pulp. Her variety is without question as well. She can form swirling vortexes of sand and air to fly upon at Heroic speeds, have a bolt of lightning fork into a dozen lesser ones in an instant, and unleash numerous variations and combinations of her magic.

Taint: But destruction is not her only forte. It is in Set’s nature to taint and defile. When she reaches out she can influence the workings of others.

With a mere touch she can inject into her opponents with a spark of chaos. At her will, it can be released to ruin their own powers. The fire of a mage could turn against them, a priest’s healing light could incite gruesome tumors to burst from the flesh, or a shapeshifter be caught in some terrible half form.

However, such a thing is easily noticed. The sliver of wailing chaos within one’s spirit is difficult to miss. It can be purged through a focus of one’s own energies, but it can be sustained or reapplied just as easily by another touch.

Corruption: There are those who draw their power from external sources, taking in strength from the energies in the world around them or from other entities. Not only is Set sensitive to such things, but she is easily capable of offering up her own power. Her chaotic energies can flow down a leyline, or gets dragged into the pull of a ritual, or feed into a barrier that takes energy from around it. The result is as catastrophic as when she taints an individual with her own two hands.

Malfunction: Structures and constructs are the most vulnerable of things against Set’s powers. Indeed, while she lacks the pure destructive potential to level a building, it is easily within her power to upset the foundations and supports to bring a massive one crumbling down within minutes. Such a thing wouldn’t even require her full attention. In the same vein, with naught but a small surge of power she can destroy most mechanical constructs, feeding off of their complexity to induce near immediate destruction. This power can be applied by touch or through streams of chaotic red energy that Set can release.

The same goes for mystical objects as well. Complex barriers, enchantments, and artifacts can be torn to shred by her abilities in mere moments, and even more simple defenses can be sundered as easily as buildings. Even if she didn’t want to foul it up massive rituals can be ruined by her with pitiable effort. Golems and mystically created creatures also have poor affinity with her. While the use of something such as an internal core can help, a complex mystical form is in serious danger and with sufficient power reaching such a thing would not be impossible either. She would simply need to know where the core is. This ability scales with the complexity of the magic. Simple spells are more difficult to twist and break than ones that perform multiple functions or have conditions for their usage. But so long as they are things that necessitate a degree of permanence and stability they are at a distinct and unenviable disadvantage against her power, for it works to crush them naturally.

Other Abilities:

Unwoven: Touched by chaos, Set exists outside the boundaries of fate. Precognition utterly fails when it is used on her. No one can see a thread that has been cut from the tapestry.

Transformed: The magic that Set wields is hardly contained enough to leave her unscathed. While the additions sprouting from her back are hardly developed enough to be called wings or anything of the sort, they do have some utility. They are sensitive to supernatural energies of all sorts, often moving about and shifting of their own accord to get a better read on an area. In a fight Set can anticipate many powers before they’re unleashed so long as they draw upon some form of unnatural energy. Further and more invasive changes are possible for her in time.

This is the source of her youthfulness and physical power as well. Most drugs, toxic substances, and poisons also have no effect on her. They are warped into something harmless the moment they enter her body in earnest.


Lawkeeper’s Staff: A weapon used by guardian mages to uphold the law, its primary use was to contain and redirect spells. Filled to the brim with chaos it is a tool that Set uses freely. It is durable enough for her to have not even the slightest bit of worry in destroying it, even with the full force of her magic, and it allows her to catch and twist spells of Extremely High potency before firing them back.

Origin: Once a girl asked, “Lord, why was I born a slave?” The answer she received was one of purpose, of divinities, of a greater good. This answer was made up of a thousand, thousand, thousand hands. All working together. Yet, she was unfit for her role. In time, that would become increasingly clear. And what did that make her but a vagrant? A detriment. Worse than useless. For she was not extraneous, merely defective.

Rather than leaving, she was abandoned and rendered purposeless. She would wander the dry lands, certain of death. But somehow, impossibly, she discovered a holy site. There was none who had been there before, but she knew was as sure of it as anything else. And so she fell to her knees and offered herself to whatever power would take her.

They came to her then. Perhaps it was a god, or many gods, or merely a spirit. But it was a thing undoubtedly of this world. A pillar of order that upheld all of creation. It was beautiful, so beautiful she weeped, and she reached out to it. Yet, it stopped. Even now she can’t say why. Did it see some darkness in her, did it notice the underlying selfishness in her heart, or were the gods merely as cruel as mortals? When it stopped she reached out to grasp it by herself. Out of desperation, out of ambition, out of selfishness, out of need. And then it was gone.

For a moment, she thought she would die. But she was saved. And her savior did not demand that she kneel or that she obey. He gave her power, with no strings attached. And they spoke for a long time about this prison, about the chains that binded them, and what could be done about it. And in exchange for power and knowledge all He asked was that she would return the favor and set Him free. It was not an order, but such a thing was stronger than even that. Liberation was her passion. To reveal the chains that subjugated and tear them down, there could be no greater joy for her than that. So she would free her god... and with Him all the world.


Overt: It’s incredibly hard for Set to hide her presence. The taint of chaos is unmistakeable. Even a blind and deaf man could tell there was something off about the area in which she used her power. Anyone remotely sensitive to the supernatural could track and find her the moment she began using her magic. It also makes it rather difficult for her to launch a sneak attack.

Likes: Herself, her benefactor, humans

Dislikes: Rigidity, peace, slavery

« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 02:21:36 AM by Umbra of Chaos »