Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm Character Sheets POST SHEETS HERE  (Read 49536 times)


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Name: Rafalia Tredecim
Race: Excrucian/Faerie
Height: 188~ cms
Weight: Lighter than she seems


As above, though she does not always wear her uniform of the Bleak Academy. More than bearing a commanding presence, she is undeniably beautiful. This is somewhat more than physical appearance, because when you look upon her there is something bigger and grander behind her visage.

Physical Attributes
Strength: Fantastic
Agility: Heroic
Endurance: Fantastic

Magic Power: High
Rafalia's magic draws on the power of the Outside to let her cheat the rules of the world and do things that aren't supposed to be possible. Her alien skills with it produce unreal results.

Changeling: The magic otherfolk use to slip into places. They use it to conceal their night-eyes and other small things like scars, to seem more normal. With appropriate care and work, Rafalia can conceal wounds and sickness too, or mimic a particular person's mannerisms and appearance. Regular use can make the effects quasi-permanent.

Night-Craft: The art to build nightmarish minions and other vile things from bodily fluids, shadows, dreams and soil. Rafalia may mold unusually sturdy things out of dirt and sand, spin her nightmares into bronze thread, and distill darkness and dirt into poisons. More relevantly, she can make servants sympathetically connected to her and empower them to perform simple tasks. With sufficient time, she can construct elaborate creatures and frightening monsters from the soil, blood and her nightmares, though they have at most Amazing to Incredible attributes, though lasting minions take several days of work to create.

Other Abilities:

Heartless: Rafalia has no heart. Her body is unnaturally alive, so blood loss and deprivation don't mean much, and her wounds close easily. In addition, she can't truly be moved by sympathy, wounded by empathy, or touched by compassion. She still has genuine emotions, but her soul is hollow.

This curse is so intimate with her being that she can temporarily afflict others with it. When she does, they become unshackled of sentiment and their feelings numb. All it requires is her presence and intent, but she can't effectively extend this to more than one person, and it will only linger for a little while if she doesn't keep her attention on the victim.

Impossible Dexterity: Rafalia moves with inhuman grace and precision, making even comparable beings seem clumsy by comparison. Her borderline perfect balance and implausible nimbleness are an axiomatic quality. Against direct opposition, her reaction speed and deftness increase to match it in the Agility rank.

Supernal Sight: Rafalia's unearthly eyes grant her night vision sharper than an owl's and sight keener than an eagle's, attuned to the slightest details and hints of motion, and the ability to see intangible things. She can discern the strength of people's resolve as a colored mist and focus to perceive immaterial or invisible beings.

Look Into The Void: Rafalia's gaze can fill you with paralyzing fear, bearing down with suffocating vastness. Anyone with less than superhuman physique or notable supernatural power is completely frozen, while others still feel the pressure though it doesn't physically constrain them, and may be progressively exhausted if it lingers. You don't actually need to look her in the eyes for this to work, as she can affect even people turned away, but you can break free immediately if you have some powerful form of resistance. If she leaves or stops it will go away on its own even if you don't do anything.

Seize The Untouchable: Rafalia has the unearthly ability to grab or strike intangible things and forcefully drag them into material form for a short time. She can grasp insubstantial objects and physically interact with them as well, allowing her to yank a gust of wind from the air or hold and choke a bonfire in her hands.

Rider of the Outside: Rafalia is a exceptional hunter. She is greatly skilled at riding and tracking, swordplay and archery. If she calls, her pale horse will generally come riding over from the night or a shadowed corner like it was waiting for her.

Iconic: Rafalia is a symbolic, evocative creature, and her ability to be recognized cannot be impaired. No matter how tattered she ought to be she can always fix her standard appearance, or barring the believable limits of that she can instantly restore the way that she is supposed to look.

In flip side to being recognized, Rafalia can become unremarkable and difficult to notice. She can seem just another face in the crowd in her casual clothes, difficult to spot and more difficult to realize she's important.

Storyteller: Rafalia is a living story, and her miraculous existence in the boundary between ideas and life allows her to change and make true the kind of narratives she belongs in. When she becomes involved with a mystery, Rafalia can obtain convenient ominous clues, or otherwise find hooks that can serve to guide others forward. She can appear when something interesting is happening, preceded by rumors and omens, or manifest herself in places where she's not, ingratiated into the location or someone's life. She can transform other's lives in often slight, barely magical ways by acting as a cathartic influence.

She's also really good at interior design.


Soul Carving Blade:
This is Rafalia's abhorrent weapon, a night-colored sword with the power to sever miracles and the cut the soul as easily as it does flesh. It can nullify or break supernatural powers and strip away all immortality, but greater wonders can only be weakened or twisted. The sword is inseparable from her, and she can conjure or dismiss it at will.

Bow and Arrows: A ebon bow that looses arrows of solid starlight; these do not falter in power before they have crossed truly prodigious distances. She can conjure and dismiss it at will.

Pale Horse:
An exceptional hunting steed that is unhindered by obstacles in thorny and forested environments or the dark, and has the power to cross planes of reality (this is probably useless in the Nexus, unless someone literally creates an otherworldly dimension between her and her destination, or something). Effectively it's just convenient transportation or a means to handle a chase while allowing her to focus on something else, as it won't act independently. Its Physical Attributes are the same as Rafalia's base attributes.

At the end of the world where the true thing beyond things is, lies the Bleak Academy. Rafalia came there, or from there, where she learned the arts of waging war and crafting horrors by which to put the world through ordeals. She swore to the Cant of the Warmains, like a doctor swears the Hippocratic Oath, and set out to put Creation to the trial of her blade.

Before the Bleak Academy, she murdered gods and tempered herself with the deaths of heroes, giving worth to the things that were deserving of it. Before that, she walked the lands without life where she lost her heart and danced with the mad and fair people.

Once she met a flower of evil who charmed her by his apathy, who in turn fell into the trap of her test. Who despite himself, swore he would overcome her tribulation and then her. She grew to love him for it, and he offered his hand to kill the darkest and evilest god so that he could return that love. For persisting in the face of the unfathomable and succeeding, she tried to take his life; he defeated her even then, and made her his bride in chains. Her soul was swayed by his devotion, but she did not abandon her mission and he did not forsake his role. Their treason did not change them, but made them more than themselves.

When the Headmaster of the Bleak Academy shot down the Sun, and all of creation and the lands beyond drowned in the outside, she waded through the waves of oblivion, carrying her spouse on her steed until they found the only place that was still unequivocally real. They arrived at Town, and she saw that in that oasis surrounded by nothingness there was worth which had nothing to prove, that there was meaning, and there they stayed.

Rafalia is a test of ideals. She will seldom lay her hand on a strand of hair from your head, or turn her sword against your flesh. Instead, she will push you forward and make you destroy yourself. She'll curse your efforts with misfortune, make no good deed go unpunished, and condemn your decisions to turn on you. She will answer your wish with betrayal and turn the world against you. She will make you pick up the pieces of your rusted heart. And in the end, if you still have not regretted, if you still believe and walk forward no matter how thankless and hellish your path, she will take your life herself and keep your selfish mistake, your life's work, in her heart.

That is what she used to do. She's mellowed out a bit in Town, in Fortitude, where there is no world ash to burn down and no desperate war against reality to win.

And then she tripped through the world and crashed into the Nexus.


Cold Iron: In her essence runs the blood of the terrible lords of shadow and thorns, so all the same does the grudge of iron extend to her. It causes her pain to the touch, and wounds it opens will be slow to heal.
Tentacles: These are very bad. They'll make her all relaxed and helpless cause she'll be expecting massages out of them.   
Dark Handsome Gods: More precisely, the dark and handsome god of all evil, who has claimed her as his fiancé despite the impossibility of it.

Likes: Chips, heroes, netflix marathons, interior design, stories of struggling
Dislikes: Community slackers, anti-heroes, Deceivers, pain
« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 03:23:01 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Name: Jeanne D’Arc (Alter)

Race: Avenger Class Servant

Age: 19

Height: 159 cm

Weight: 44 kg


Physical Attributes

Strength: Heroic

Agility: Heroic

Constitution: Fantastic

Magic: None

As a servant, Jeanne possess an immense amount of prana in her body. During the singularity at Orleans, she was even in possession of a holy grail, which she used to summon dragons and servants en mass. Unfortunately for her, she no longer possesses such a convenient object anymore and can no longer summon anything of note.

Additionally, because Jeanne is a servant, she can’t be harmed by mundane attacks. In order to harm her, one needs to attack her with something that has spiritual presence, such as magic, an attack from a supernatural, or anything another servant throws at her. For instance, while a person crashing a car into her would deal her absolutely no damage and only inconvenience her, a servant doing the same might be able to deal some real damage to her, depending on the mass and speed. She can also go incorporeal in order to turn invisible and phase through walls, however, while she is in this form, she cannot meaningfully harm anything herself, either.

Finally, servants require somebody to form a contract with them in order to provide them with the mana they need to survive and to anchor them to the world.

Self Replenishment(Mana): A class skill of the Avenger class, this serves to grant her effectively limitless amounts of prana, to the point she would effectively be able to support herself without any issues, provided she had somebody anchoring her.

Other Abilities:

Dragon Witch: As a result of being produced artificially by Giles’ wish upon the holy grail, Jeanne possesses the power of dragon-kind within her. This grants her a unique form of charisma which makes dragons obey her and allows her to bolster her allies morale, which has the effect of inciting her allies to fight harder and better. Average humans might be roused to compete with trained soldiers, but the difference is not as noticeable for stronger characters. Her words also seem far more convincing, if she so chooses to make them so, and this effect is especially noticeable with dragons.

Furthermore, it functions as a form of the riding skill, allowing her to “mount” anything she so desires and “ride” it as if she was a master of the vehicle or animal. She can even use this to commandeer a dragon and ride them around, if she so desired.

Avenger: Avenger is a Class Skill of the Avenger class, representing the state of an Avenger as one that gathers people's hatreds and grudges onto oneself. It is easier for one to accumulate loathing and resentment. When Jeanne receives any damage, she also gains a fair amount of magical energy proportional to the damage that she received. She gets less than she used to, as her avenger rank has lessened since the events of Orleans and she no longer desires to destroy the world. Negative emotions towards an avenger immediately turn into strength.

Memory Correction: Memory Correction is a class skill of the Avenger class. While people often forget small things immediately and even large events can fade from somebody’s memory with time, there are some things an avenger will never forget. They remember the source of their resentment, down to the finest detail, and can never be caused to lose that memory. If she attacks someone related to her resentment in a sneak attack, the potency of the attack will be greatly multiplied.
           Roar, O' Rage of Mine
Le Grondement De La Haine

The Noble Phantasm of Jeanne Alter. It takes the form of the fires that consumed her at the stake, the physical manifestation of her resentment against the traitorous Frenchmen. These flames can effectively burn anything to ashes, transforming grudges from Jeanne Alter and anyone around her into mana to burn the opponents' injustices, impurities and self-righteousness to the bone.

Furthermore, the stake was stuck into her image as she was burned at the stake, and as a result, she is able to call forth a number of them alongside her flames when she attacks.


Her Flag Jeanne Alter's even now possesses the same flag that Jeanne herself normally carries, however, it is merely one of her weapons now and has lost all its defensive powers.

Sword A midnight black sword she carries around her waist. It possesses no special properties as a noble phantasm, but she can use it to fight if she so desires. As it is made of pure prana along with the rest of her armour, if it were to get destroyed she could easily recreate it.

Origin: Jeanne Alter is not a proper hero like most every other servant. She does not exist on the throne nor is she based in any historical fact nor any mythological basis. She was created when Giles de Rais cast a wish upon the holy grail to create a Jeanne who would take vengeance upon France for forsaking her. His wish was granted, and she descended down upon France as the Dragon Witch, summoning swarms of wyverns and an army of servants to lay waste and remove France from history. Luckily, she was stopped, and was subsequently summoned to Chaldea. She now has found herself in the Nexus.

Weakness: As a servant, if you kill her master, she’ll disappear very fast unless she gains another contractor. As she has renounced her role as a saint when she became the dragon witch that descended down upon france and has subsequently become an Avenger, Jeanne no longer has a shred of her absolute magic resistance. Because of this, she is vulnerable to magic and any powerful mage could capitalize on this fact to devastating effect.She ended up failing, being stopped by the true Joan of Arc and the protagonist, and faded out of existence. However, she later returned and invaded Chaldea, but was eventually defeated again, before ending up being summoned. After hanging around with the protagonist for long enough she calmed down a fair bit.

Likes: Denying the existence of god to believers, jokes, hanging around Jeanne, Giles, Fafnir

Dislikes: God, Belief, Jeanne, having faith
« Last Edit: February 27, 2018, 07:54:06 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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Name: Sakura

Race: Human

Age: 19

Height: 5’4

Weight: Average for her height


Physical Attributes:

Strength: Heroic

Agility: Heroic

Constitution: Fantastic

Magic Ability - None: Sakura has absolutely no magical skill at all. She doesn’t even know a single thing about magic. However, she does have a large amount of magical potential. She could theoretically learn but it would take a great deal of effort and time on her part.

Other Abilities:

Deep Shadow: Sakura is capable of freely manipulating her shadow. It can expand in size and twist around irrespective to the light shining on it. One of its most basic abilities is to serve as a storehouse for her.

The shadow turns exceptionally dark and anything on top of it begins to sink as if it was mud. She can stuff as many things as she wants into there and releasing them takes about as much time as sucking them in. People who are caught in it that are Exceptional or below have pretty much no chance of getting out and can only halt the pull if they manage to grab onto something not in the shadow. Anyone higher than that can pull themselves out of her shadow with strength alone. Incred or higher can break themselves out of her shadow if they somehow get sucked in entirely.

Fleeting Shadow: Sakura can detach her shadow from herself to have it go sneak around. It has Fantastic agility and can hide in the shadows of others or dark areas. Sakura can hear and see everything that it does. If both the shadow and Sakura occupy a dark space it can instantly return to her.

Shadow Men:

From her shadow Sakura can call forth forth three minions. They are Amazing in stats and are armed with dark weaponry. Usually knives or bats that they use to pummel and shank people to death. If they die she can trivially respawn them.

Connecting Shadow: Attaching her shadow to another’s allows her to make a one sided to them on a level nearly as deep as the soul, jacking into their very being to get a read on them. While this can give her near perfect teamwork with someone, she more usually uses it on enemies. This lets her anticipate her enemy’s moves even if they’re by instinct.

Shadow Arsenal: Like her minions but better, Sakura can call forth all kinds of dark and powerful melee weapons from her shadow. Usually they’re just bats, knives, and guns though. Sometimes a chainsaw. The good thing is that they’re strong enough to not shatter when exposed to the unnatural weaponry and force of most supernatural battles. However, unlike her minions all of her weapons are ‘alive’. Her bat could grow teeth and bite you or her knife could start sprouting tendrils to push itself deeper into your body.

Shadow Mimic: If you are unlucky enough to be knocked out around Sakura her shadow can get a taste for yours. This can take a few minutes, but once it’s done Sakura can take on your form through the transformation of her shadow. This does not affect her physical stats.

Omega Shadow: When she’s in a serious fight Sakura usually calls back her minions to use her shadow to its fullest extent. Like this it can be considered an extension of herself and shares the same stats. A hand could burst out to grab your leg, or a monster mouth could devour you, or a big shield can pop up to protect her. It can’t really die but it can be damaged enough to sink back into a flat state to regenerate for a few seconds. The max range on the shadow in this state is about 5 or 6 meters. She cannot use Connecting Shadow, Shadow Men, or Deep Shadow during this state.

Weaknesses: When Sakura uses Fleeting Shadow she lacks the ability to use most of her powers. This makes her reconnaissance rather dangerous for her. Her ranged options are also rather limited. Her best option usually involves pitching a shadow baseball at people’s heads.

Origin: Sakura doesn’t bother to think too much about her early childhood. She was mostly traded around from foster home to foster home for a while after being abandoned by her family. Eventually she took matters into her own hands and just left.

That nearly ended up with her getting her head smashed open by some thugs. Then her shadow ate them. Then she fed it the rest of the gang. As it grew stronger so did she until she eventually plateaued. But by that point she was basically a kind of unholy terror and made a gang around the fact that she was an unstoppable monster.

It was a pretty good time.

As a petty warlord she beat the crap out of her rivals with her bat and ruled as the mostly top dog. To her, the Nexus is just like home!

Likes: People who look like her, sucking up to her, staying up past 12 to read dumb shit on the internet, hitting things with her bat, ramen before 11 pm.

Dislikes: Getting called out on her bluffs, people breaking out of her shadows, getting called edgy, having to clean the bloodstains out of her hoodie after someone calls her edgy, ramen after 11 pm.    
« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 02:37:16 AM by Sinib »

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Name: Aurelia

Race: Human

Age: 24

Height: 5’4

Weight: Average for her height


Physical Attributes:

Strength: Exceptional (Heroic with Reinforcement)

Agility: Exceptional (Fantastic with Reinforcement)

Constitution: Exceptional (Heroic with Reinforcement)

Magic Ability - Extremely High: Aurelia has the problem of having so much mana that she can barely even control it. Shaping her mana into even the most basic spells is beyond her. Still, she is at least capable of infusing her body with mana to perfect it. This makes her extraordinarily strong, swift, and durable, and it bleeds into the weapons she uses and clothes she wears, making them far more durable and capable than normal.

However, while her practical ability is awful her theoretical knowledge is without compare. She has spent nearly the whole of her life studying magic and used the vast resources of her family to do so. She knows a variety of spells, from basics that allow one to keep a house in order to potent rituals that alter entire landscapes. The arts of healing, curses, transformation, and many others are known to her. Aurelia’s inability to use even the simplest of these still infuriates her.

Other Abilities:

Mana Font: Aurelia has been blessed with an abnormal, impossible even, amounts of mana. Her reserves don’t seem to have any end, and her production is utterly insane. She could maintain hundreds of high tier familiars or the defenses and enchantments over an entire city without even noticing they were drawing on her power. Never once in her life has she been low on mana or exhausted. Where her natural stamina fails her natural energies supplement it will enough to grant her virtually endless amounts.

The sheer amount of it makes casting enchantments and other forms of lingering magic on her incredibly difficult. They are disrupted simply by the massive surges in power she regularly goes through as she produces more mana.

Volunteer: While mages naturally repel other attempts to access their mana, Aurelia is more lax in this. She can reduce her pull to the point where a mage could draw off of her as if she was a leyline or atmospheric mana.


Staff of Fireball: The enchantments of this mystical tool would allow most others to utilize a massive amount of fire magic, merely requiring the input of their mana. However, for Aurelia it only allows her to cast the basic fireball spell. This blast flies at Fantastic speeds and explodes with enough potency to destroy whole buildings.

Garb of the Magi: Designed as a type of restraining grab, these clothes drastically reduces the power of most mages by draining them of mana. While it is only totally crippling with the whole outfit, putting on pieces of it can limit a mage's output by constantly devouring a sizable portion of their mana. It isn't enough to render them helpless but it can easily limit the amount or power of the spells they can cast. Aurelia often forgets its powers because of how much it doesn’t affect her.

Origin: Born to a notable family of mages, Aurelia’s hopes of following in the steps of her parents and older brother were increasingly less likely as time passed. Her reserves of mana were great, but her complete lack of control made her an abject failure as a mage. It didn’t stop her from studying, from researching, from serving as an aid to her siblings. But it did keep her from fulfilling her only real desire. Still, it would be wrong to say that she was always unhappy. It simply wasn’t what she wanted. When she wasn’t serving as an oversized mana battery or studying fruitlessly Aurelia learned to pick up other habits such as a few sports and reading.

Weaknesses: Her control is in fact so shoddy that Aurelia can’t channel power into her staff while she fights with magical reinforcement. She has to choose between bombardment or punching your face off, and her favoritism for the former can put her in a predicament against fast or stealthy opponents.

Her sheer quantity of mana also serves as a beacon to any who can sense such energy, making it nearly impossible for her to hide herself away.

Likes: Sleeping in, researching, reading for fun, getting to help with magic.

Dislikes: Being reminded she’s a terrible mage, losing, being called a warrior.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2018, 10:07:03 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Name: Blake

Race: Healing Mage

Age: 35

Height: 165 cm

Weight: Abnormally light for her size


Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Amazing

Agility: Amazing

Constitution: Amazing

Magic Scale: Very High

Healing magic: Blake is an amazing healer, and can use powerful magic in order to heal most afflictions and repair the most grievous wounds with moderate effort. She can operate on bodies beyond what a mundane master surgeon can accomplish, such as rejuvenating bodies, modifying them, preserving them and even keeping them alive despite fatal injury with her magic. Coupled with her skill, she truly shines on an operating table, and can practically patch anyone up as long as she has the right raw materials and the brain is intact.

Watercraft: Blake can control masses of water to the limits of her imagination, manipulate their density to form “hard” masses of water and wield them like an extension of herself. She focuses on small, subtle, but powerful applications of her magic. For example, she can pressurize and rotate water around her fingertips to turn her hand into an hydraulic cutting scalpel that can perform surgical incisions and surgically cut through bodies as hard as metal, or fire them as bullet-like projectiles that can pierce incredibly hard substances, though she gets nervous and has allegedly terrible aim.

Bubble Power: If it must come to defending herself, she’d rather imbue a small amount of water with her mana and focus it in order to animate it autonomously. While it's no more than a handful, by manipulating its pressure it can reach power, hardness and speed comparable to fantastic, quickly moving and changing shape from a shield to a hand or a blade. While she can’t control a large quantity, her speed, range and power more than make up for it.

Bloodcraft: A skill unique to her clan allows her to bend and control another’s blood in a myriad of ways. She doesn't like talking about her clan. With a touch, she can perform a myriad of surgically precise feats like keeping blood from reaching an area about to be amputated, separate poison from the bloodstream, reopen arteries that were once clogged and circulate blood once more.

While less precise, she can also focus all her magic through bodily movements from a moderate distance to seize control of an (incredible strength) individual’s body through their blood. Doing that, she can do various things, like stop someone in their tracks and immobilize him/her or control a body like a puppet on strings if it must come to that. Sufficient strength and the ability to expunge foreign mana can counter this, but the former will still strain the body.

This craft is a taboo and considered heretical by most due to its gruesome and deadly applications in the past. As she describes it, it’s as if someone yanked the bone under your skin and began to puppet your body outside your control. It can be useful for medical purposes, but still doesn’t see it as a source of pride and tries to hide it in order not to be shunned.

Shift: Blake can access her workshop and connect it to bodies of water, or connect said bodies to her workshop. It takes a short while, enough for it to be non viable in combat against a close to equal foe, but inside, she can access other pools like portals. It is incredibly useful for quick travel, surprizes or even infiltration, but whatever is transported needs to fit the entrance and the exit.

Scryer’s eye: Through means Blakes refers to as unpleasant, she can create an extension of her eyes and project it anywhere she can visualize in order to survey and scout, or even just to guard a location.

Other Abilities:

In depth medical knowledge: Blake studied medicine for an unspecified amount of time, and knows the intricacies of the human body and how to maintain it with utmost efficacy.

Pokerface: Blake participated at her local school’s card game championships. She never won any prize, but her losing streaks taught her a thing or two about how to play. When it comes to games like these, the most important thing is to pretend you are a worse cheater than your opponent.


A fairly expensive house fully furnished with entertainment rooms, a well equipped kitchen, a bar and even a workshop where she perfects her techniques.

Nice clothes.

Her positivity!

And the most adorable pet cat.

Origin: Blake is a not so ordinary girl trying to make a bright career in the Nexus. She enjoys drinks, ladies, and performing her craft. She enjoys being around people and listening to them, and hopes the lucky star of love might befall her one day so he may find a significant other.

But there are landlords to pay and cats to feed, sadly her medical prospects and dreams will have to wait. Playing nice is really hard sometimes, but it’s well worth the price.

Weakness: She must either get close or stand still and gesticulate in order to manipulate an individual’s blood, and while the reward is very great both also opens her to great risks. She is also very unlikely to use this ability unless forced to or in very specific circumstances.

She dislikes combat, but while she can be devastating against singular foes, those who might not rely on their body, possess blood or have numbers on their side can deal with her much more easily. She also has no real combat skill whatsoever aside general wits and her abilities, and her instinct is mostly to run away.

Also cute girls. She just can’t say no to them!

Likes: Unique people, girls, animals, fun things, lewd things, helping others, lazing about.

Dislikes: Danger, slasher movies, germs.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2017, 10:33:20 PM by francobull3 »


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Name: Sigurd

Race: Human

Age: 70

Height: 6 feet

Weight: Ripped old guy weight


Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Heroic

Agility: Fantastic

Constitution: Fantastic

Power of the spirit:  Sigurd’s power is derived from years of meditation.  The main principle of his power is a mindfulness of himself and the world.  It allows him to make a mental connection with the world around him, melding it with his body and mind.  It allows him to achieve superhuman feats of sensory capabilities and interact with the world in ways that go beyond the imagination.

Spirit manipulation:  Sigurd’s spiritual mastery gives him the ability to mold his ki into various objects, including spears, blades and even chainsaws.  These objects are heroic in durability.  However, the limit to his item creation is confined to what he can hold in his hand.  Despite the versatility of his powers, he prefers to use barriers as weapons, combining them with his martial arts prowess.

Third eye: A figurative title for a sixth sense.  By entering a meditative state, Sigurd can gain a greater sense of his surroundings far surpassing his 5 senses.  This is done by tapping into the senses of the world around him.  He can hear the steps of someone through the concrete, feel the pressure of a person's boot through the grass and see the world through a literal bird’s eye perspective.  If he wanted to, he could look at himself through his opponents perspective.

This ability is limited by concentration however.  This ability cannot be used when Sigurd is mentally exhausted.  Furthermore, it is far more limited when he is in combat, restricted to only a few blocks.

Astral projection:  Typically used more for scouting, Sigurd is capable of projecting his form into a ghost like state.  In this form, he cannot interact with the real world aside from possing those with weak spirits and animals.  When possessed, they gain increased strength and speed, imbued with the same powers that make Sigurd so powerful.

Empath:  Sigurd is capable of sensing the emotions of others by reaching out to them with his mind.  By doing this, he can enhance or suppress emotions.  He is not limited to one person either.  He can influence several people at once as well as monitor the emotional state of entire cities, though with little precision.

Nature’s cohesion:  This ability allows Sigurd to change how his body interacts with the basic elements of the world.  For example, through meditative concentration, he is capable of stepping on air or walking on water.  He can also use this ability to defy gravity, walking on walls or ceilings.  However, it also allows him to interact with spiritual phenomena, such as ghosts or deities.

Other Abilities:

Experienced super soldier:  In his peak, Sigurd was capable of fighting beings capable of punching through mountains, mages capable of unleashing city destroying spells and brilliant strategists who could defeat either with only an army at their disposal.  While he is nowhere near as strong now physically, that experience is invaluable, allowing him to keep up with those close to or even slightly above his level of power.

Shield specialist:  The reason Sigurd chooses to manifest barriers with his ki is that when he was a soldier, he specialized in shield combat, using them as an offensive weapon despite convention.  Think of him as a Captain America with ki, defying physics with his weapon and using his connection to the environment to make unconventional assaults.

Pressure point:  Even before he learned to control his ki, his hand to hand combat skills were nothing to sneeze at.  However, once he learned the third eye ability, his abilities in hand to hand combat were increased dramatically. He is capable of locating pressure points by sensing them.  Using this method, he is able to strike them without even needing any of his 5 senses to identify them.  Pressure point strikes do cause an insane amount of pain, and in many cases make that muscle or joint unusable. 

Equipment: None.  Hobos have nothing.


Sigurd started as any other, a normal boy born to an average family.  Through hard work and natural curiosity, he grew into a proud warrior, respected and renowned in his world.  The only rivals to him in combat were those possessing immense talent.  Even then, none could match his sheer determination.  He fought tooth and nail for his people, respected for his vast intelligence and tactical ability, eventually climbing the ranks into his nations top general.  From there, his success only grew, until one day he ran into a problem.

Growing old.

Seeking a way to maintain his power, he sought abilities to replace that which was leaving his physical body.  That is when he found a new master, someone who could train him in the spiritual arts.  As his body grew older, his mind became more open, allowing him to tap into the hidden power residing within himself and the world around him.  He returned to his people, only to find the nation he worked so hard to protect destroyed.

So he took it back.

Unfortunately, the nation that was regained was far different from the one he once knew.  All of the great warriors he knew were rounded up and killed and the royal family exterminated.  The nation that he had built was gone, along with the culture that he had strived so hard to join. With his warrior like days gone, he started a family, spending most of his free time with them.  He managed to maintain his skill and power by training his children and even his wife in his warrior like ways.  However, even despite his teachings, they died, taken not by a blade but a simple disease.  The vary world that had granted him power took away his happiness without a hint of remorse or even hostility, leaving him with nothing.  The title of hero king meant nothing next to the cruel way in which his happiness was stolen.

It was only suitable that he would one day wake up in a strange world, a homeless man with nothing but the clothes on his back.


Emotional manipulation: Emotional stability is the key to unlocking and controlling his powers.  As such, any form of emotional manipulation can weaken or downright nullify any abilities deprived from his meditative abilities.  In his world, this often took the form of empaths or telepaths.  However, anyone cunning enough to toy with his emotions can achieve the same effect.

Astral projection:  As is typical of this ability, the body is frozen in place, completely unable to move.  While he can technically find a new body to inhibit, killing his body is a good way to weaken him.

Likes: Food, Shelter, Warm Baths, Freshwater, Memories of his past life

Dislikes: Drug addicts, People drunk with power, Starving, Dehydration, Memories of his past life
« Last Edit: March 20, 2018, 09:06:27 PM by yinsukin »


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Name: Parvati, Sakura

Race: Pseudo Servant

Age: Unknown(16)

Height: 156 cm

Weight: lighter than she looks


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible (Godly with Ashes of Kama)

Agility: Incredible (Heroic with Ashes of Kama)

Constitution: Fantastic (Godly with Ashes of Kama)

Magic: Extremely High

Parvati, as she has merely possessed the girl known as Sakura Matou, possesses all of her magecraft knowledge. Being a servant and goddess has only strengthened her innate powers.

Shadow Magic
Parvati’s shadow is a type of magic innate to Sakura that she can control(she can manipulate its features but not change its properties except for deciding what it digests) as easily as breathing. She can create infinitesimally thin ribbons that move amazingly fast(incredible) and can cut people in half with a single swipe(incredible cutting power), or create familiars that at their largest size are gigantic, about ten meters tall, and to fire off beams that can oneshot spirits with Incredible constitution. Against non spiritual beings it is far far less effective.

Furthermore, she also has access to her own pocket dimension she can use to travel in between any of her shadows instantly. She has control over the dimension, and unless used against someone with supernatural means of escape, including throwing a great deal of mana around inside or someone who is extremely strong(incredible strength or higher), she would have no issues containing somebody inside for an indefinite period of time, digesting them with her magic until there was nothing left at all. Even a stronger person(Fantastic) would have to struggle a bit with it, although they’d be able to escape after about ten minutes of struggling, tops.

Finally, because of her imaginary numbers affinity, she has an innate advantage against spirits. All her shadow attacks are much more effective against anything with a spiritual nature.

Matou Magic
When Zouken infested her with the crest worms, it not only gave him a way to control her, but also burned the Matou crest into her, giving her access to the full repertoire of the Matou bloodline’s spells. Because of this, she has a great deal of knowledge about the art of binding,absorption, and familarcraft. Using this magic, she is, for example, able to hide any leakage of prana from her body, essentially rendering her indistinguishable from a normal human. She can also send out a bolt of magic that will, assuming it connects, drain the target of a decent amount of their mana.

Parvati also has access to other forms of magic, such as a basic knowledge of how to build a workshop, and any other thing Sakura might be able to do.

Magic Resistance: Extremely High

Other Abilities:


She can hover for short periods of time while attacking.

Pseudo Sevant
A pseudo servant is a fusion of a servant and a human vessel. As a result, they have the powers of both. Additionally, because Parvati is a servant, she can’t be harmed by mundane attacks. In order to harm her, one needs to attack her with something that has spiritual presence, such as magic, an attack from a supernatural, or anything another servant throws at her. For instance, while a person crashing a car into her would deal her absolutely no damage and only inconvenience her, a servant doing the same might be able to deal some real damage to her, depending on the mass and speed.

Finally, servants require somebody to form a contract with them in order to provide them with the mana they need to survive and to anchor them to the world.

Goddess’s Essence A skill that denotes being a perfected goddess from birth. It is endowed with an effect that preserves the absoluteness from the mind and the body. Mental interferences are mostly mitigated, the body does not grow and the figure does not change no matter how much calories are absorbed. Because she is a pseudo servant, the strength of this skill is mitigated.

Ashes of Kama
Parvati is a gentle goddess who is weak in battle.That being said, it is not like even her heart is weak. Her heart which regards her beloved person is stronger, and deeper, than that of any other deity. For the sake of her beloved, she will burn her divinity even at the cost of destroying her own body, turning it into power to fight. Though a momentary flame, it is comparable to that of the Goddess of Destruction Kali - one of Shiva’s wives. This skill has the effect of allowing her to drastically strengthen herself in a pinch, but it also drastically increases her mana consumption, and can only use this ability for about a minute, before she burns herself out entirely and disappears.

Blessing of the Goddess
With this ability, Parvati can, for only a relatively small cost of mana, greatly heal an ally and regenerate some of their mana.

Knowing What is Love, and Refusing to Love; That is Antipathy
Trishula Shakti.

A limited release of the Trishula, the trident she borrowed from Shiva. It allows her to release swathes of lightning in battle(dealing heroic levels of damage) and when she incants its true name, it bathes a large area in magical lightning of Godly strength. Normally, it would be vastly more powerful, but because she is merely borrowing the noble phantasm, Parvati can only use a very limited amount of its true potential.

! No longer available

Parvati is a goddess from Hindu mythology, the wife of Shiva. She has merged with the human Sakura Matou in order to help Chaldea protect the foundation of humanity as a pseudo servant. She has since been pulled into the Nexus and found herself incarnated.

Parvati is a housewife first and foremost, and is relatively unskilled in fighting. She only becomes good when she takes on the aspect of Kali. Without it she only has the baseline of knowledge any servant might have.. Anyone skilled would be able to beat her. Magic Resistance. She’s a gentle woman and dislikes fighting, and as a result may hold back against someone to her detriment.

Likes: Supporting her master, if she has one. Cooking. Feeding her loved ones.

Dislikes: Seaweed. Bad people.

« Last Edit: March 21, 2018, 07:25:33 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Name: Valerie von Vincke

Race: Vampire Lord

Age: 347

Height: 5'6"

Weight: "Excuse me?"


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Amazing (Incredible in Wolf Form)

Constitution: Incredible

Magic Ability - Very High: Valerie is not just a vampire, but also a necromancer. The two often go hand in hand, for the undead are held together by dark magic drawn from blood, death and decay, and the imperfect passing of souls who met violent ends. Valerie has taken her natural talent for such sorcery and mastered it to a level with few peers and even fewer superiors. Her magic is split into two categories, one more cumbersome than the other in how it is used, and most of it focused on corrupting the living, creating the dead and undead, and supporting and empowering her lifeless slaves.

In the midst of battle Valerie may among other things send forth shrouds of dark magic that will heal a score of the corrupt and the undead over a minute or so, or harm the living to the same degree. It can restore or slay anything up to the durability of a bear reliably in that time, more if other things harm them too in the meantime. She can bolster the speed of and give ferocity to the undead, making shambling zombies move like men, fleshless skeletons keep up with wolves, and dire wolves keep up with cheetahs for a moment. In her presence her slaves regenerate damage over time as long as her own regeneration would still apply.

On a less immediate level, Valerie may reanimate corpses and bind the ghosts of the dead to her will. Within mere hours she could turn a battlefield of unhallowed dead into a battalion of zombies and skeletons armed with their old equipment left behind. Within days her forces would grow into a legion of spectres and walking dead limited only in its inability to stray more than a few miles from her presence without beginning to fall apart. This is a costly endeavor that requires large amounts of dark magic. This requires time and effort to accumulate. It's expended in large quantities at once to create her forces, and in smaller amounts over time to sustain them.

Over time Valerie can corrupt the land by drawing dark magic to it through ritual sacrifices of blood and souls upon braziers of ghostly flame, turning her residences into haunted places shrouded in darkness and fog to protect her from the light of life and replenish her reserves. Her undead minions benefit from this in faster recovery rates, and it expands her dark majesty to anyone living in her tainted borders so they might be more easily subjugated. Raising the dead is more efficient in these places, and they respond more readily to her will. The living suffer for its presence unless a necromancer or vampire provides permission to reside there; their morale is lowered and they begin to suffer withering illnesses.

Controlling a single castle and its town (or a city block) under these conditions would be enough to sustain a modest army, or a larger one if the whole province (or section, like Brooklyn or Staten Island) were corrupted and controlled. Over the course of weeks she could gather enough dark magic to raise that modest army, or the larger one if given months. Or you know, she could go around attacking and killing large numbers of people and reap a quick harvest at the expense of sustainability; battlefields are brief but bountiful sources of dark magic.

By herself the spread of corruption is limited to a single castle and its grounds, but by setting up more braziers and having her minions care for them it would spread to the adjoining township. More of them could be set up across a county and similarly spread it, as long as the inhabitants obediently fed the pyres. In her homeland this process has long since been completed. Vas and the surrounding province is a land of eternal darkness where the living survive by the will of the dead, and where blasphemous sacrifices performed by the wise women of every village are an open secret politely ignored from behind closed doors.

Other Abilities
Beast Master: A countess rules all aspects of her demense, not just the people in it. In wilderness that has been engulfed by her corrupting sorcery she can draw predators to join the ranks of her undead armies. They can gather in packs of a score or two at most before they just start losing interest, but even that is enough to support her forces with unconventional skirmishers. Also she just plain likes them.

Dark Majesty: Valerie can, by her very presence and some eye contact, place feelings and thoughts into someone's mind portraying herself as a figure of dark and respectable nobility, worthy of admiration and fear. The weak-minded will follow these thoughts and be more likely to do as she pleases, but her abilities in this regard are not so great as to make them mind control. Still, the feelings will seem every bit real to those who experience them and inspire her mortal subjects to submit even without the many other wise reasons to obey her.

Dead Body: As one of the undead, vampires do not have biological needs of any sort. They do not tire, worry about ambient temperature to a degree, or hunger for anything but blood. They do not need any body parts to survive except their dead and unbeating hearts, and of course their heads. As long as they remain well fed they will look mostly normal, albiet pale and predatory in ways normal men are not, but if they hunger for long they start to show how dead they really are.

Regeneration: Simple slashing and smashing strikes can only slow a vampire lord down, not slay them. In mere minutes such injuries pass, and they will fight on through them in the meantime. Dismemberment or complete pulverization is much more effective as a means of fighting one, and it takes days for one to recover from that unless they can reattach the missing part before it decays. This can be reduced to hours if they find someone to drink blood from first. If actually slain by means such as decapitation or destroying their heart, a vampire can still recover if their remains are fed the blood of a virgin.

Transformation: As a vampire lord it is Valerie's privilege to have the gift of animal transformations. Like all vampires she can grow fangs and turn her nails into long claws. At her age she can also change into a flying swarm of bats that must remain clustered together to remain coherent, or into a monstrous wolf with all the attendant benefits of being one. Her clothes disappear and reappear as appropriate for some unknown but welcome reason.

Crown of Vas: Valerie's crown is a symbol of her rule over her home province of Vas, forged of a wicked mineral that acts as an attractor and stabilizer for dark magic. As long as the vampire wears her crown she can maintain enough power to use her battlefield magic without risk. Without the crown she needs to concentrate to manage the risk of her magic running out of her control, for it is a naturally chaotic thing.

Origin: In the fetid Barony of Vas loomed a castle, and in that castle lived the ancient and noble Vincke family. They ruled that fortress and its adjoining township for more generations than any alive could remember, enduring through plague and raids by pirate marauders from the south without interruption. They kept to tradition no matter how harsh it was, and in doing so outlived all dynasties that sought to rule them. Valerie was the second of three children born to that generation's baron, and the only daughter.

Valerie learned all the proper manners, and how to manage a household with a grip of iron. She learned to protect herself from assassins from her older brother Victor, and how to interrogate traitors from her mother Valeria. Her father Vasile provided her with every book and tutor she ever asked for, not wishing for his daughter to appear unlettered. Being a woman she of course did not stand to inherit control of the lands, and her role was to be married off to some ill-mannered foreigner to better her family. It was important that she make a good impression, for the lands of Vas had a poor reputation. She would have accepted that decision had her father not passed from a wasting illness first before choosing, or her brother had he not fallen in defense of their land while suppressing an unruly peasant rebellion.

She wasn't going to marry some dunderhead picked by her little bastard brother Boris. Even his name wasn't proper enough for him to be making those decisions! So she stuck a knife in the boy in his sleep, hid the weapon in a chambermaid's quarters, and weeped profusely at his funeral. It was there that she drew the attention of something with flesh older than her blood, and a hunger never sated. This lifeless lord sought not a bride, but a vassal, and came to her offering eternity in exchange. After taking a quick look at how little of her family was left alive, and how little she wanted to waste her time raising spawn to replace them, she took him up on that.

That is the tale of how Valerie von Vincke brought her family into the embrace of undeath, and shrouded the land of Vas in blasphemous eternal night as its baroness. The peasants live in fear of her, but wouldn't dare rebel lest someone come along and impose harsher taxes than blasphemy and blood - what if a lord asked for food or coin? No, they toil and sacrifice in her name and are spared such hardship in exchange. If their dead serve her as slaves, well, they've been safer from raiders and invaders than ever before. Better to love the fearful than fear that which is worthy of hatred.

Bloodthirst: As a vampire, Valerie needs blood to sustain herself. She needs at least enough blood per week that if taken from one adult human it would kill them. It must be fresh blood or it just doesn't do anything unless she wants to eat corpse-flesh. If she goes a week without blood then she'll begin to deteriorate. For the first week or so it's merely cosmetic, her human beauty withering away to reveal the true undead abomination that she really is. Eventually it would get to the point that she goes mad from the bloodthirst and seek to fulfill it at any cost.

Other Vampire Weaknesses: Vampires simply don't have reflections, which is a clear giveaway even when they're fully fed. It also makes doing their hair in the evenings a pain in the arse. They also can't cross natural bodies of running water at least a foot or so deep without something to carry them across. The scent of garlic doesn't force them away, but does do awful things to their senses so they try to stay away from it. Valerie in particular has to count things presented to her; she won't bend down to count spilled rice or grains of sand or stop in the middle of a fight, but otherwise she can get distracted compulsively counting and categorizing everything around her.

Sunlight: While the sun won't instantly destroy a vampire, it still has all sorts of detrimental effects. Over hours and days it will erode the stability of the dark magic that maintains her body and holds together any minions she has. It weakens her ability to command those minions with precision, and prevents her from regenerating. This means she cannot maintain her minions for long without either corrupting the land and shrouding it in unnatural fog and shadow, or feasting daily on the blood and souls of the living to make up the difference.

Likes: Attractive people, blood, darkness, organization, scheming, spooky places, sorcery, tradition

Dislikes: Aging, asymmetry, bright light, clutter, incompetence, smelly people, uppity peasants
« Last Edit: December 28, 2017, 06:09:42 AM by Aiden »


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Name: Adrienne

Race: Dream-Infused Human

Age: 19

Height: 1.76 m

Weight: 71 kg


(Adrienne is biologically male, identifies as female, and really doesn't go out of the way in terms of appearance to make either of those more apparent than the other)

Physical Attributes:

Strength: Human

Agility: Godly

Constitution: Exceptional

Magic: Low; including some very basic elemental control techniques, short ranged telekinesis-like spells, and minor repair cantrips

Other Abilities: Her body doesn't really follow the laws of physics to the letter. She can't fly, per se, but she could walk up the side of a building without using her super speed. This is because she is attracted to the nearest solid surface rather than obeying gravity.  She also does not generate any extra force from her speed or have any friction with fluids while moving at high speeds. She can also effectively teleport short distances (about a meter or two at most) by taking a few steps on the Dreaming Roads. She can take objects smaller than herself with her on the Dreaming Roads, and can take people that could fit through a space the size of her body. She can also open her inner gate without stepping through it, creating an imperfect sensory copy of herself on the other side as well as allowing herself to perceive the other side of the bridge. The sensory connection is static-ridden and unstable, so she can't trick people into thinking that her illusory copy is the real deal, nor is it useful when trying to spot details from the safety of another dimension, but she doesn't have to be completely cut off from the goings-on of the other side if she doesn't want to be.

The effects that the Gate of Horn has on Adrienne's body that enhances her Agility is twofold. For one, the Dreaming Roads is a plane of travel, and by being connected to it, each step she takes occurs partially in the Dreaming Roads as well as wherever her body may be. The Dreaming Roads bends distance to favor faster travel, and this accelerates Adrienne's body. Secondly, being partially thoughtform means being infused with not only Dreams themselves, but the essence of what dreaming means to you. To Adrienne, dreaming was to be free, and this compounded with the Gate of Horn magically transformed Adrienne's body into a vessel for dreams and filled her with dreams of flight and freedom, of no longer being earthbound and always having time to act.

Equipment: She keeps the dagger that was used to put the shard of the Gate of Horn in her heart as a reminder. Otherwise, she came with just the clothes on her back.

Origin: In her home realm, Adrienne discovered a passion for magic after exploring it for the first time several years ago. She found a small magical Academy and began to learn the basics of magic there. However, rather early in her education one of her fellow students attempted to murder her with an experimental enchanted dagger tipped with a shard of the Gate of Horn. The tip broke off in her heart and turned her body into a bridge between reality and the Dreaming Roads. The Dreaming Roads are the ephemeral passages constructed from mortal Dreams and inhabited by thoughtforms that connect various planes of existence both fantastical and mundane. This gave her the ability to move at a speed akin to thought itself as her body became partially thought-form, among other things. Her first time trying to walk the Dreaming Roads ended up dumping her in another dimension, and she wandered many more dimensions futilely trying to return, shortening the journey each time until in the Nexus she finally discovered the threshold of distance that she could travel in the Dreaming Roads before it tossed her into another dimension. So she stayed there, finding a new, more stable life.

Weakness: Adrienne's experience with magic is very limited, and while she is aware of the existence of more complicated spells than the basic cantrips she learned, she is unfamiliar with counteracting them.

Likes: Finding out more about magic, exploring the Nexus's extreme variety of geography and culture.

Dislikes: Being pent up inside, being inactive
« Last Edit: January 14, 2018, 09:09:01 PM by EmbreFrosste »
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:58 PM
I kid you not
I type "tumblr the ancient magus bride" on google
click the first result
And the second image on the page
Is the image you were looking for
YOLF - Today at 7:59 PM
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:59 PM
That is
The hardest oof
I have ever witnessed

FAITH - Today at 6:05 PM
fucking haru
can't quit haru
haruing all around

EmbreFrosste- Today at 5:35 PM
It’s a damn shame that I closed all those tabs I had of rule 63 Bakugo


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Name: Fran

Race: Human Chickencow (Bacon Elemental, really)

Age: 13

Height: 4’6

Weight: 102 lbs

Spoiler for Hiden:
Spoiler for her armor:

Ignore the body structure and everything but the armor
Fran can materialize and dematerialize her armor at will with only a thought. It doesn't have any effect on her fighting strength, but it's a badge of honor to wear her armor.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Heroic

Agility: Fantastic

Constitution: Heroic

Magic: None, but she has great potential as a mage were she ever to be taught. She could learn it from any mage without problems, but she'd infuse any spells she learned with the power of bacon, making them more powerful and shifting their elemental affinity to match her own or at least have a duel elemental affinity. This would allow a fire spell to work to its full effect even against an element it would normally have bad affinity against, such as water, because the bacon element has no positive or negative affinities against any other element.

Other Abilities:
Beloved of Zeuster
Fran was not raised by humans and doesn’t consider herself to be a human, but rather to be a chickencowlet. She is a priest in training blessed by Zeuster himself, in all of his great bacony glory, and as a result is able to infuse herself and their attacks with the holiest of elements, Bacon. By using the power of bacon, Fran is able to move at inhuman speeds and fight even moderately powerful enemies.

However, Fran can do more than just infuse her blows with bacon. She can also perform various other mystical attacks. She can create a tidal wave of milk that hits with the force of three attacks at half strength and heals her for a small amount, blast bacony fire out of her hands out about three meters away that hits at heroic levels and inflicts a burning effect on the enemies, and create blueberry pie bombs that spawn on an enemy and explodes after a moment for heroix levels of damage and blinds them with the juices for a bit.

Furthermore, she can create bacon and fried egg elementals out of their respective elements given enough time, about an hour of work for each. It takes a lot of eggs and bacon to make one. They have straight incredible stats, and with more time, a span of days, or weeks for the strongest, can creat a gigantic one as physically powerful as her. The strength depends on how long she spends on it. Her ultimate attack is calling down an eggetor from the sky, crushing her enemies under the overwhelming weight of a gigantic flaming egg. She calls them down by doing the chicken dance, and they are large enough to crush a house under their weight. Finally, and most importantly, she has one final trump card. If a battle becomes truly insurmountable, she possesses the power to flee successfully from it infallibly. However, this leaves her critically weakened and highly vulnerable.

It also has another more mundane use, which allows her to create bacon and fried eggs out of thin air. It also causes her saliva and sweat and other bodily fluids to taste and smell like breakfast. When she starts sweating from exertion, such as in a battle, she becomes very slippery and as a result almost impossible to grab. She hates it because it means she has to bathe constantly.

Naturally Skilled
Fran was noted to be a naturally talented warrior and began the training to become an ascended chickencow lord at a notably young age. While she still has much to learn and can be a bit rough around the edges at times, she is still a highly talented warrior who has an innate knack for taking advantage of an enemy's moment of weakness and utilizing it to gain the upper hand in battle. She is trained equally in both battle with her spear and unarmed combat.

Impervious to Pain
Fran, as an ascended chickencow lord in training, is nearly impervious to any sort of pain. She can ignore it utterly and fight to the bitter end in order to protect her brethren.

Baconated Lance of Doom

Fran’s lance functions as both a mystical focus and a spear she can use to fight. As is everything she uses, it is infused with the power of bacon. Without her lance, using her various extra powers would become more difficult for her and greatly decrease her efficacy.

Origin: Fran was found at a young age by the esteemed Archimoodes and taken in as a fully fledged chickencow into the community. They taught her in the noble art of running away, and she greatly enjoyed her time with them. Later on, she was found to have great potential as a warrior of her people, and began to train as a chickencow lord.Her training was going well, however, partway through it, she’s found her way into the Nexus. She would greatly like to go back, but has settled in fairly well and makes a decent living for herself as hired muscle for the police and other people as well, as long as they don't have obviously dubious intentions.

Weakness: While bacon is not weak against any element, and indeed works on all of them, it is by no means an ultimate defense or attack. While she is highly resistant to fire of any sort, water and ice based attacks will deal substantially more damage to her and someone skilled in water magic would be able to fairly easily beat her. She is also only a child, and as a result could be easily manipulated by her elders were they to gain her trust.

Likes: Bacon, fried eggs, Zeuster, Archimoodes, Arester, Moocluckles, other chickencows, bathing, training, people who assume she's a girl, people who accept her for who she is

Dislikes: People making fun of her smell, people who think she’s a guy, people assuming things, people who make fun of people who work hard.

« Last Edit: March 21, 2018, 05:35:20 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Name: Wilhelm Ehrenburg, but people usually call him by his alias, "Kaziklu Bey"

Race: Human

Age: Exact age unknown; likely within his seventies

Height: 182cm

Weight: 73kg

Spoiler for Yetzirah:
Spoiler for Be'riah:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Heroic (Legendary)

Agility: Heroic (Legendary)

Constitution: Godly Incredible

Magic: None. However, Bey is infused by the sorcery of a certain mercurial being, called Ewigkeit.

Other Abilities:

Ewigkeit: The source of Bey's powers. By utilizing souls as fuel, one can ascend to heights unimaginable. There is a detail to Ewigkeit's function, however: One must constantly consume souls to serve as literal fuel. While using their supernatural abilities and powers, taking hits, and many other functions related to Ewigkeit, the souls will be burned and the user's power will wane. Once their stock of souls runs out, one may use their own souls as fuel to maintain their power, but that would come at the price of their life after constant use. There also is a limit of souls a physical body can hold, which varies per person, but Bey's limit is capped at eight thousand souls.

Ewigkeit is manifested by absorbing an Ahnenerbe, a relic that was used for murder.

Ewigkeit is a sorcery of four stages: Assiah, Yetzirah, Be'riah and Atziluth, and there are many more functions related to it unrelated to the absorption of souls. Bey, however, only has been able to reach Be'riah. His stages and other powers will be described below.

Immortality: As both a vampire AND Ewigkeit user, Bey is immortal, and cannot die from mundane means. Age, poison, alcohol, oxygen and many other things are of no concern to him. He can still die in combat when enough damage is taken, and past the age of three hundred, his soul will simply give out and cease existing, and thus, so would he.

Regeneration: Ewigkeit can consume souls to heal the user's wounds. Depending on the wielder, it functions as fast-speed regeneration, and Bey possesses an extremely high affinity with this thanks to the nature of his Ahnenerbe. He can regenerate lost limbs mid-battle in the blink of an eye, but it is not an instantaneous -- it's actually possible to outspeed his regeneration with fast enough attacks. He could regenerate from almost anything as long, as a limb remained intact and he had enough souls to burn, but that is extremely tiring and consuming. In fact, regenerating in the middle of the battle with an opponent who could break through his armor could be counter-intuitive, as he would get gradually weaker as he consumed his stock of souls.

Enchanced Physical Attributes: Bey's amazing physical properties are related to using souls for Ewigkeit. Suppressing his power is possible to save souls, but it stills put him beyond the reach of any normal human. Thanks the unique properties of his Ahnenerbe, he also gains heightened senses during the night.

Ahnenerbe: The Blood of Qliphoth: Bey's Ahnenerbe is the dark blood of Vlad the Impaler. By itself, it doesn't really possess any special properties, but Ewigkeit draws out its true nature as a consumer of souls. It turns Bey into a pseudo-vampire, and, despite being a human, he gains all the weaknesses and qualities of a stereotypical vampire, from none at base state to all of them during his Be'riah. Things such as Stakes, Crosses, Silver Bullets, and many other things could pierce through his Ewigkeit's defense and harm him in a way that would be much harder to regenerate from, potentially being lethal.

Assiah: Within this stage, Bey can activate the properties of his Ewigkeit without truly manifesting it. He gains heightened instincts and strength during the night.

Yetzirah: Bey manifests The Blood of Qliphoth physically, which alters his appearance, as it is fused with him. His sclera turns pitch black and his pupils become a darker shade of red, his fangs become more pronounced, he protrudes blood thorns from his body and acquires the ability to shoot out dozens of stakes of blood. By this stage, he acquires some, but not all, of your stereotypical vampire weaknesses; a stake still can't affect him and neither can you turn him away with crosses, but fire and other holy relics can cause alot of damage.

Be'riah - Der Rosenkavalier Schwarzwald: Bey's Be'riah is of the Hegemony type, in the sense that he can create an entirely new dimension where his powers reach new heights. In this dimension, an artificial night is created, turning day into night. In fact, this can be very well considered the bowels of Bey himself: He has knowledge of all who are within that enclosed space, he can teleport within anywhere within it, his attributes grow to Legendary rank, he can create dozens of stakes at once from any point within it: within his bowels, he is king. It's true property, however, is that of draining and plundering: He absorbs the life force and power of anyone within this dimension passively and gains their power for himself, empowering his speed, strength, regeneration to unseen heights, growing stronger the stronger his opponent is. When used within a natural night, an overlapping night is created, making Bey even more powerful than before. Its true form, acquired through very specific situations, allows him to create an inescapable forest of thorns together with bolstering all other properties. However, despite all those overwhelming qualities, it comes with various drawbacks:

Within this form, Bey's weaknesses reach their apex, and anything that could be used to kill a fictional vampire works full power on Bey. Another weakness is that even the most powerful of Creation Figments could be maintained for a few hours at most. Bey's, being overwhelming even compared to his peers and superiors, can only function for about an hour and it weakness the more people is within its effective range. Not only that, exceedingly powerful beings can cause it to go dysfunctional and simply cease existing from the combination of all targets and their overwhelming presence. 
In this world, the overwhelming power of Bey's Be'riah is sealed, and he cannot access it at will.

Mental Fortitude: Bey COULD be surprisingly composed when the situation calls. He could use a concentration that could make even the best snipers bow down to him and precision that Eagles would lust after, but he thinks to fight this way is more trouble than it's worth and would never really take advantage of it. It simply doesn't sit well with him.

Military Regiment: Bey has undertaken military regiment and had even had reached the rank of First Lieutenant within the Schutzstaffel. He possesses a high knowledge of CQC fighting techniques, how to fight within battlefields and could be a surprisingly effective squad captain... That is if he had any desire to. The truth of the matter is, the same thing applies as above; it simply isn't his way of doing things. He'd rather fight with raw strength and instinct.

Vampirism: As a vampire, Bey shuns all light. He can drink blood and all other clichés, but it's not something he needs to do. Ewigkeit covers for his weaknesses, but the closer to his desire he reaches, the more pronounced they become, as noted above. Also, as a combination of being both an albino AND a vampire, sunlight is highly destructive to him; at his base form, Ewigkeit protects him, but at later stages sunlight could potentially be devastating. Thus, he prefers to avoid confrontations during the day.

Equipment: None notable

Origin: A man with a long criminal record who served as a First Lieutenant for the infamous 36th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS. He was also a member of the Longinus Dreizehn Order's Obsidian Round Table, a group of Nazi officers who dabbled in the occult, serving as Number IV, Kaziklu Bey. Somehow, while he was in America, he got himself a tad bit too drunk after suppressing his alcohol tolerance and found himself awoken within this new world, probably thanks to his magical origin. That's about as much as you'd get from him; he doesn't enjoy dabbling in his past, or any of that teary-eyed crap.

Weaknesses: Fights like an animal with no real technique or strategy, and he's also pretty arrogant. Also, he seems to dislike people with the same hair color as him. Albino pride!
Vampirism: As a vampire, Bey shuns all light. He can drink blood and all other clichés, but it's not something he needs to do. Ewigkeit covers for his weaknesses, but the closer to his desire he reaches, the more pronounced they become, as noted above. Also, as a combination of being both an albino AND a vampire, sunlight is highly destructive to him; at his base form, Ewigkeit protects him, but at later stages sunlight could potentially be devastating. Thus, he prefers to avoid confrontations during the day.
Vampire Slaying: As an additional detail to the above, Bey's regeneration ceases to function at full potency when faced against vampire-slaying tools. A wound that'd take a split second to regenerate could take hours on end to fully heal.

Likes: Getting drunk, the night, enjoying himself, blood, and other healthy habits such as eating his lovers!
« Last Edit: January 04, 2018, 02:26:04 AM by Link »


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Name: Rundas

Race: Demonic Shade

Age: died at 20

Height: 165 cm - grows to 185 when displaying her true form, which happens whenever she exerts a considerable amount of power

Weight: Normal for her size.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Fantastic

Constitution: Fantastic

Magic Scale: None

Other Abilities:

Demonic Arsenal -Fangs of the Wild Hunt:
By drawing from her connections to the underworld, Rundas can create demonic lances that she wields in combat. By lifting her arm up, she summons a row of thorns from her position that impale her foes, and by pumping her fist she forms them in the air above her foes in order to send them crashing down on them.

They are mighty, and can pierce through fantastic foes, but while her weapons are far from slow, there is a slight delay in both cases that makes it possible for characters of comparable agility to avoid the hellish spears.

Ragnarok: By channeling and focusing her demonic energy and hatred in her arm for a short delay, she can physically launch a greater spear with heroic force, and shatter a house under her devastating throws. She throws her weapons with unparalleled accuracy.

To put it simply, if one does not actively try to avoid or block them they will not miss no matter what.

Skilled fighter: Rundas fought countless battles with her spear, but while her intuition and technical knowledge is masterful she employs a wild, feral style that exhibits more raw brutality and speed than grace or technique.

Heart of vengeance: As a vengeful spirit, her mind is incredibly hard to corrupt and mold. Her grudge is strong enough that it makes bending her memories and emotions a nearly futile effort. Her will is an extraordinary thing, the fact he has kept her strength and endured the pain of being constantly burned is a testament to that. But because her heart still throbs with pain and flames, she can never be freed from them.

Heart of avarice: As a spirit of greed and hunger, she keeps whatever she takes and steals on close clutches. Whatever she may claim as possession can be moved and stored in her shade. This includes her former body and her great treasures. However, she is dead, and because of that everything she once owned is also dead. They are nothing but figments of greed and delusions, illusions of wealth and power as fake as her appearance.However, a lie can be as believable as truth, and only the most skilled in the perceptive arts can tell the true nature of her manifested treasures.

Heart of treachery: As a spirit of betrayal, she was once betrayed and will betray in turn. However, she seems to be fighting her nature ever so foolishly, as if she could escape her sin. But on that night, the witch of the wild hunt tore her liars tongue. She may never tell a lie again.

Hollow: Rundas is neither dead or alive. She is only a shade, able to feel and act in the physical world but devoid of something. To put it into perspective, she is a bucket with a pierced hole at the bottom, thus no matter how much she tries to fill herself she will always be empty.

Demonic Nature: Being a demon, she crosses the line between life and death. While she uses an illusion to appear human, her true form is an oddity devoid of flesh that does not bleed but cracks and releases its lifeforce like a miasma if shattered.


Motorcycle She has grown fond of riding such devices.

Gift for a liar: A pocket mirror that will always remind her of her sins. It can reveal any illusion for what it truly is. It was neither stolen nor taken, but gifted to her by a cursed someone.

Origin: To be filled.

Weakness: Holy artifacts and attacks of abrahamic nature act on her body as if it were human, and she is susceptible to anti-demon powers. Among other things covering her body with holy water will also utterly cripple her constitution. Her ranged pressure is powerful but she is unarmed for a moment whenever she launches her spear. Even then, she cannot strike at close and far range at once, and the slight delay makes it more manageable.

Likes: Competent people, glory and victory, hedonism, burning things, burning people, blowing people to pieces with cannons after burning them, blowing people to bits with cannons before burning them, determined women, modern society, worthy warriors to crush under her heels, herself and enjoying companions useful to her, drinking, trampling and desecrating the weak, her bike.

Dislikes: Idiots, goody two shoes, people who talk too much, weaklings, cravens, uselessness, needless carnage (a war is preferable to a massacre), those who won’t go for what they desire, witches.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2018, 07:33:42 PM by francobull3 »


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Name: Sage

Race: Forest Dragon

Age: 500 Something

Height: Kinda varies.

Weight: Varies a lot.


Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes (Human|Dragon)

Strength: Amazing|Heroic

Agility: Amazing|Fantastic

Constitution: Amazing|Heroic

Magic Ability - Very High: Sage is a dragon, yes, but she's also a druid. The powers of living nature are her's to request aid from; she just gives them a bit of a boost by sharing the abundance of magical energy she has in her because she's a dragon. Unfortunately, she can only boost, coax and guide what is already present in the world around her. She couldn't create a tree out of nothing, but she might speed up a grove full of seeds so they become full grown trees in days. She couldn't have a bunch of roots reach up and grab someone's legs if they weren't already there in some form.

As an example: she's a dragon, so of course she breathes something neat when she wants to! It just happens to require some magic to get working. It all comes from her fourth lung, which festers with symbiotic organisms contained out of kindness. Combining their secretions with nature magic allows Sage to unleash clouds of acidic vapor that would melt the flesh right off someone's bones and take their metal armor with them. She can only do this particular bit of magic while actually a dragon, sadly.

Bacteria, insects and plantlife refuse to hurt Sage unless she hurts them first or some other magic compels them to. Extremes of temperature, corrosive substances, and other environmental hazards are all resisted up to the limits of her magical ability regardless of form. She can talk to animals (including humans) without language barriers, though it's obvious she isn't a native speaker of any of them. Flora and fauna will offer up sensory input that Sage has learned to interpret to detect the presence of diseases and other maladies.

Sage is a druid, so she can take on the form of all sorts of animals. It just happens that humans are a kind of animal to her, what with being a dragon and all. She can maintain any given form indefinitely, and can take on bits and pieces from different forms of any sex. The change itself is painless but doesn't come with a full understanding of all the different kinds of anatomy and sensory inputs that are out there. She's done a lot of practice moving about as a human at least, but sticks to a favorite form because she understands it best.

Other Abilities
Dragon Body: Dragons don't grow old - they grow big. Once a dragon reaches maturity they gradually continue to grow. Adult dragons like Sage see only tiny little changes in size over the course of centuries, and she's pretty big already. Older dragons can grow to the size of buildings, and the oldest are said to slumber as mountains for eons at a time to conserve energy. What this means is that any magic that tries to fiddle with a dragon's age is going to have very unfortunate consequences. It also means that they'll recover from any injury that doesn't kill them outright, eventually, including regrowing limbs or redundant organs.

Dragon Soul: There's something odd about dragon souls. They're really, really big, insofar as something without physical substance can be said to have a size. This means that dragons have a lot of mana. Sadly for them, and fortunately for everyone else, a dragon's ability to access that power at any given time is limited. Aside from their breath weapons, dragons have no innate magical talents of their own and have to cultivate them like anyone else would. Even then their bodies can only withstand a certain amount of power being pushed through them at once, and this only grows with age and size.

Wings: She's a dragon. She can fly, and actually fly very well despite her size. They can't actually support her full weight on their own; the air around Sage works to aid her in flight without any conscious effort on her part. Her wings will regenerate over time if damaged, but they're probably the most fragile part of her - a full rank down in durability compared to the rest of her.

Equipment: Not much. Her clothes are plant fibers she weaves into clothing with magic. Her clothes don't change with her transformations, so she ends up having to replace them a lot! She's pretty good at it.

Origin: The dragon whose name translates into Sage was hatched deep in a mountainous forest, the youngest of her clutch. Sage did like proper dragons do when she reached maturity a century later and found herself a nice cave in another part of the forest where her mother wouldn't bother her and started trying to do dragon things. Stuff like collecting treasure and fighting groups of weird two-legged creatures who seemed to want to hurt her or steal her stuff! So she ate them and took their stuff to add to the rest of her stuff. It was only as she settled down with her treasure that her true calling became clear.

Sage settled down and heard the call of the wild. She learned to feel the trees and shrubs, listen to the smaller creatures who were getting smaller every year, and ask them to aid her. The forest dragon learned to become one with the forest, to give it strength from her soul and receive aid in return. This nature magic let her surpass her older siblings and claim the rest of the forest for herself. She let them visit, but the forest was Sage's domain to protect and thrive in!

In all this time she hasn't had much experience with humans besides protecting herself from some of them. She taught herself to read, slowly, over the course of centuries in the form of smaller animals who could make out the lettering of the books she'd picked up from would-be dragonslayers. Sage was particularly fascinated with stories about knights saving damsels and fighting monsters. She got the idea into her head that hey, humans were a kind of animal too right? So she started working on transforming into one herself. It was only in the past decades that she finally mastered it, and she still has no experience actually traveling and living among them yet.

But now it's time to go forth, to adventure and discovery! She left the forest in the capable hands of some of her own children she passed down the druidic arts to, so she has no regrets about leaving. Not yet, anyway.

Anti-Dragon Effects: Anything that is noted as specifically effective against dragons is a real danger for Sage to deal with! She actually can't recover from that sort of thing the normal way if it tries to make her bleed to death or removes a limb. Medical attention is needed at that point.

Mana Beacon: It's pretty much impossible for a dragon to hide from someone who can sense mana. They just have so much of it that they stand out like a lighthouse in the dark in all but the most mana-rich of environments. About the only saving grace Sage gets with this is that you might tell she's in a room, but her power would be too spread out in it to pinpoint exactly where in that room she is.

Likes: Animals, children, flying, friendly people, forests, hunting, meat, quiet places, treasure

Dislikes: Animal cruelty, crowds in her human form, deforestation, golems, hypocrites, thieves
« Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 05:15:01 AM by Aiden »

Umbra of Chaos

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Name: Prism

Race: Gem

Age: ???

Height: 5’6

Weight: About as much as a small car.


Her her body is a rainbow of colors, fused with countless other minerals. However, it's hidden with enchantments that alter her appearance. In a pinch she also uses specialized paints. Her upper body is a bit more masculine with broad shoulders and no breasts, but her lower body is more effeminate with shapely hips and lithe legs.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Heroic

Agility: Heroic

Constitution: Fantastic

Other Abilities:

Gem: As an inorganic being made of minerals, Prism is devoid of most of the needs that humans have. She doesn’t need to sleep, she can taste but doesn’t need to eat, and she doesn’t care too much about heat unless it is so intense her body begins melting.

Compatibility: When she has sustained cracks or breaks she can quickly fuse the pieces together in a few seconds. However, if the pieces are lost she’ll require a bit of work to fix herself. Prism can fuse jewels and other minerals to herself in order to fix that kind of damage. While normally it won’t make too much of a difference, using minerals of lower quality such salt to repair her body will lower the durability of the areas she puts them on by one rank.

Alloy: Making up her arms, compressed in her body, and flowing through her form like veins is a gold colored metallic alloy. It is malleable and fluid like a liquid,  and it responds to her will, basically acting as an extension of her own form. If she takes damage it flows from the cracks, holding her together. She can turn it into deadly swords, or whips, a dozen sharp tendrils, or a wave of restless blades. Prism has enough of it to surround herself and a few opponents in a solid sphere of the alloy. Even if her gem form is crushed, she can continue to fight so long as her head is intact by simply using the alloy as her body. The alloy also absorbs other metals and alloys. It could eat through a foot thick wall of solid steel in a second. Even if separated from her body Prism can still control it and even see and hear through it; however, fine manipulation is only possible when the alloy is directly connected to her. Furthermore, Prism can only contain and control so much alloy at once and usually needs to remove the extra mass from herself when she absorbs large amounts of metal.

Origin: Prism remembers being weak, once. With a soft form that cracked like glass and couldn’t help anyone at all. She remembers wanting to be strong.
Prism would give anything to be like that again. But she can’t, she can never go back. Even if she lost her alloy and became fragile, strength has changed her. And it has taken too much from others for her to so easily abandon. So Prism keeps moving forward. She has to, now.

Weakness: Extreme cold can force the alloy to become rigid and solidify so that she can’t manipulate it. She also has no defense against magic and sinks like a rock in water.

Likes: Gems, the sun, pretending to sleep

Dislikes: Food, drinks, eating in general, herself,
« Last Edit: January 17, 2018, 10:14:27 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Name: Haruka Nanase

Race: Human

Age: 18

Height: 1.75m

Weight: 63kg


Physical Attributes:

Strength: Human

Agility: Human

Constitution: Exceptional

Magic: Literate Haru and the Council of Nine are not capable of magic, but many Harus across the Haruverse are capable of magic at varying levels. However, the more powerful the magic, the harder the Haru is to find. It might take a few hours to find a Haru capable of Low level magic, but locating a Haru that is capable of Divine magic could take years, not including the time it would take to convince such a powerful Haru to assist.

Other Abilities:

Haruverse: Haruka's mind exists an an Astral Dimension of its own, roughly half the size of the Earth in habitable landscape. There are roughly 3 billion Harus within Haruka's mind, all living different lives of their own. All of them are indirectly aware of the things that happen in or around Haruka's physical body, but only a select few can assume direct control of the body and perform actions due to the nature of the task.

Haruka's physical body is utilized by the Harus via a sort of terminal. The only Harus that consistently have access to the Haruka Terminal are Literate Haru (a.k.a. The Brain) and the Council of Nine, but they could seek out any other Haru if the need arose.

The Harus all have the exact same appearance, voice, and name, and they largely have similar personalities. However, their skill sets and experiences vary widely, and Harus of every profession can be found given enough time. Strangely, all of the Harus know how to swim at a competitive level.

When a Haru assumes control of Haruka's body, Haruka can utilize the muscle memory of the controlling Haru and the practical knowledge of the Harus within the Haruka Terminal Building.

Occasionally, Harus may end up in other people's minds by accidentally leaving the Haruverse, but they do not know how to control this ability yet. Literate Haru found a way to establish a telepathic link with people that have had a Haru in their mind before.

Notable Harus:
The Brain: Literate Haru assumed rulership over the Haruverse after recovering from the injury given to him by Impulsive Haru.
The Council of Nine: The Council of Nine consists of Sensible Haru, Tryhard Haru, Singing Haru, Nerd Haru, Artsy Haru, Perceptive Haru, Exasperated Haru, Tall Haru, and Noob Haru. Impulsive Haru was removed from the Council after injuring Literate Haru. Impulsive Haru misses pizza night.

Equipment: A small assortment of multi-tools both magical and mundane made to help Haruka utilize the wide array of skill sets possessed by the Harus, acquired once Haruka "realized" his potential.

Origin: Haruka started out as a normal high school swim team student, but as time went on more and more Harus began to inhabit his mind until he reached his current state. At some point shortly after making it out of high school he was drawn into the Nexus.

Weaknesses: Aside from Literate Haru, the Harus aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer. Literate Haru has been the only one to demonstrate competency outside of his specialty (which, oddly enough, is psychology).

Likes: Mackerel, pizza night, video games

Dislikes: Talkative people
« Last Edit: January 22, 2018, 02:11:51 PM by Bern »
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:58 PM
I kid you not
I type "tumblr the ancient magus bride" on google
click the first result
And the second image on the page
Is the image you were looking for
YOLF - Today at 7:59 PM
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:59 PM
That is
The hardest oof
I have ever witnessed

FAITH - Today at 6:05 PM
fucking haru
can't quit haru
haruing all around

EmbreFrosste- Today at 5:35 PM
It’s a damn shame that I closed all those tabs I had of rule 63 Bakugo