Author Topic: Fate/Grand Adventure [A Fate/Grand Order Lewd RP, OOC]  (Read 17514 times)


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure [A Fate/Grand Order Lewd RP, OOC]
« Reply #30 on: February 08, 2017, 05:02:50 PM »
To sum it up on these two types:
pseudo-Servant= Split-Personality
Demi-Servant= If you like to have your personality being overwritten unless you're like Leiticia or Mashu.


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure [A Fate/Grand Order Lewd RP, OOC]
« Reply #31 on: February 08, 2017, 05:17:09 PM »
In case it didn't make sense, here's the long version:

Pseudo-Servants: A type of Servants when the Heroic Spirit possess or give their power to a human. A notable thing about pseudo-servant is that even Divine Spirits can even posses a human whenever they wanted. While humans can gain the power, knowledge, and skill of the Heroic Spirit, their body need to be adjusted to the sudden gain of power, starting them weaker than the original. Furthermore, their personality and memory are fuse together into one, with either of the two being the most dominate one; this may lead to either an eventual identical crisis or ended up doing an action that the Heroic Spirit would done. There are rare case when someone can be able to become a pseudo-servant with no trouble at all(Waver and Rin are a prime example). Human would also get some physical traits from the Heroic Spirit from the moment of possession(clothes, color change, hairstyle, etc.).

Demi-Servant: A rare kind of Servants when both the souls of Heroic Spirit and Human fuse together into one. Unlike the pseudo-servants, this one is harder to pull as it have a very high risk of dead if it was force. Furthermore, Demi-Servants will not suffer an identity crisis, as they can spiritually speak with the Heroic Spirit they have fuse with, so long as say spirit is awake. Strangely, the only side-effect is that you'll gain knowledge of the Servant's fighting style and skills but not their most of their powers, and only gain the attire of the Heroic Spirit, far contrast to the pseudo-Servant's physical traits. The only downside was that, unlike the Pseudo-Servants, they cannot use the Heroic Spirit's Noble Phantasm unless they both learned the Heroic Spirit's real name, and being able to understand the Servants power. Unlike the Pseudo-Servant who need their body to adapt their body, making them weak, Demi-Servant's power are completely seal in order to prevent their soul from being overwhelmed by the Heroic-Spirit's souls.

Does that make sense?

Cherry Lover

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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure [A Fate/Grand Order Lewd RP, OOC]
« Reply #32 on: February 08, 2017, 09:27:14 PM »
I'd like to officially sign up to play Sakura and Rider. You're still keeping basically the backstory you sent me before, right?


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure [A Fate/Grand Order Lewd RP, OOC]
« Reply #33 on: February 08, 2017, 10:03:13 PM »


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure [A Fate/Grand Order Lewd RP, OOC]
« Reply #34 on: February 08, 2017, 10:37:08 PM »
Name: Hideaki Miyamoto
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Character Type: pseudo-Servant

Spoiler for Hiden:
For appearance sake, he has blue hair and ocean blue eye, wearing a Chaldea Combat Uniform, with a white jacket, black pants and a white scarf around his neck.

pseudo-Servant form
His pseudo-Servant form is just him wearing a samurai garb, with only having the gauntlets, leggings, and shoulders pad. And the kimono is blue.

Personality: Naive but mature, friendly and honorable to people but jerk to people like Shinji Matou, Hideaki was so bad at being a Magus, that he's willing to share his knowledge to those he truly trust(someone like Shirou), never harm anyone, and generally being politely nice to people. Despite not liking killing someone, he's still follow the way of Bushidō, and he also prideful of his friends and those whom he respects, particular anyone who can match him with Kendo. Hideaki is also a fan of Heroic Spirits - especially one from Japanese Mythology - to the point that he'll be enraged if someone insult them, as he believe that they deserve to be held in high regard as they make hard work to get this far.

Background: Hideaki comes from a family of the Eastern Region, separated and independent from the Mage Association for various reasons; he doesn't know much about his family, only that they research Heroic Spirits.  He joined Chaldea because he want to research more about the Heroic Spirits and the summoning system(not Chaldea)on his own.  Didn't expected this to happen to him.
Class: Saber
Servant: Musashi Miyamoto
-- Strength: B
-- Endurance: B
-- Agility: B
-- Mana: E
-- Luck: B
-- Noble Phantasm: B

Class Skills:
Magic Resistance(B)= Is capable of resisting against even the highest form of magic.

Personal Skills:
Fifth Form(A)= The arts of duel wielding two weapons, made by the legendary Musashi Miyamoto.  Hideaki has been given knowledge of this technique as a side effect of becoming a pseudo-Servant.

Noble Phantasm:
-- Name: Rikudou Gorin, Kurikara Tenshou
--Fancy Title: Five Planes of the Six Realms, The Divine Figure of Kurikara
-- Type: Anti-Unit/Anti-Fortress
-- Rank: B
-- Description: A Noble Phantasm that fuse the two swords and turn it into a purple colored beam of light before using it on the enemy.  That Noble Phantasm should be classified as an Anti-Fortress or Anti-Army because of the sheer destructive power it have.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2017, 10:23:07 PM by Sinib »


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure [A Fate/Grand Order Lewd RP, OOC]
« Reply #35 on: February 10, 2017, 01:51:09 PM »
I'm interested in running a Demiservant or Pseudo-Servant Lancer, possessing a Shinto priestess.


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure [A Fate/Grand Order Lewd RP, OOC]
« Reply #36 on: February 10, 2017, 01:53:57 PM »
Hmm... I approve.

Tell me more...

Cherry Lover

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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure [A Fate/Grand Order Lewd RP, OOC]
« Reply #37 on: February 11, 2017, 02:15:03 AM »
Name: Medusa
Class: Rider
Master Sakura Matou

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Strength: B
Mana: B
Agility: A
Endurance: D
Luck: E

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance: B

Cancel spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for them to be affected.

Riding: A+

Rider can ride any animal or machine aside from a Dragon, including Phantasmal and Divine beasts. In addition, she has the ability to summon a Pegasus as a mount. Pegasus is normally docile, however, and will not fight unless compelled to do so by Bellerophon.

Personal Skills:

Cybele, Mystic eyes of Petrification: A+

Unconditionally petrifies those with Rank C Mana or lower and even those with B Rank Mana can be petrified if they are negligent. Those with Rank A or higher won’t be petrified, but will sustain 'pressure' from the Eyes and receive one Rank-Down to all parameters

Rider cannot control the activity of these eyes, and they will unavoidably petrify anyone in her sight, unless she wears Breaker Gorgon or Mystic-eye-killer glasses of some kind.

Monstrous Strength: B

Rider can temporarily boost her Strength by one rank, but at the cost of eventually turning into the Gorgon Medusa.

Independent action: C

Can remain in the world for around a day without an anchor or prana source.

Divinity: E-

Heavily-degraded as a result of her monstrous nature, Rider's divinity is nevertheless still present.

Noble Phantasms:

Bellerophon: A+

A golden bridle which allows Rider to fully control any mount. When attached to a mount (for example, Rider's Pegasus), this bridle increases all of it's stats by one rank, and allows the mount to perform a powerful charge which will destroy any target.

Blood Fort Andromeda: B

A bounded field which encloses the area in which it is set and cuts it off from the world. Everyone inside (aside from magi and the like) will be dissolved and turned into prana for Rider. However, this field takes around 10 days to set up, and thus is of little use to Rider in most circumstances, particularly since her master does not approve of her harming innocents.

Breaker Gorgon: C-

Bounded field that seals the target inside the mind of the user. Mainly used as a blindfold to seal Rider's mystic eyes, but can also be used by Rider to give other people erotic dreams and the like.


Rider was summoned by Sakura to fight in the Grail War. Initially, she was given to Shinji, but, after being freed from his control, she served Sakura loyally, managing to have a foursome with Shirou, the demi-servanted Rin and Sakura before they were, unfortunately, seperated from Shirou in the final battle. Sakura is now desperately hunting her beloved Senpai, wondering where he has disappeared to.


Sakura is now searching for Shirou. Other than him, she has no interest in sexual activity. Rider, conversely, is highly interested, particularly in any form of BDSM. Other than that, they are both their normal selves, although Sakura has gained confidence from Shirou accepting her.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2017, 04:20:31 PM by Cherry Lover »


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure [A Fate/Grand Order Lewd RP, OOC]
« Reply #38 on: February 11, 2017, 02:22:02 AM »


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure [A Fate/Grand Order Lewd RP, OOC]
« Reply #39 on: February 11, 2017, 05:19:48 PM »
Name: Ritsuka Fujimaru
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Character Type: Pseudo-Servant
Servant: Jack the Ripper

Spoiler for Hiden:
-Due to becoming a Psuedo-Servant, Ritsuka's clothes have changed. Now he wears a black vest, 'speedo', boots, and cloak with white bandages adorning his forarms. Around his waist are sheathes for his daggers/knifes.
Personality: A young man who is currently out of his depth, however he will do his utmost to help save humanity. Ritsuka's personality could be considered a mix of brutally honest, kind, and straight up jerkass depending on the situation. Yet despite this all he's able to get along with Servants with ease. As started to refer to himself as 'We' due to the nature of Jack the Ripper.
Background:They are simply "someone who just happened to see a recruitment flyer at a station, applied and got accepted into the job, and somehow ended up getting taken into the Chaldea Security Organization. Due to an accident in the Ray-shift, he became a pseudo-servant with a Servant prepared by Chaldea.

Class: Assassin
-- Strength: C
-- Endurance: C
-- Agility: A
-- Mana: C
-- Luck: E
-- Noble Phantasm: C

Class Skills(Demi-Servant only): Presence Concealment Rank A+ (Current Effective Rank C)

Personal Skills:
-Murderer of the Misty Night Rank A; Characteristic of a serial killer not an assassin. In regards to the victim the assailant always took the first move. However, this first move can only be taken at night.

Spoiler for Not Available until permission is granted:
-Informaton Erasure Rank B; The very second battle is finished, eye witnesses and opponents' memories about information concerning abilities, true name, appearance etc disappear.

-Surgical Procedure Rank E; Using a blood-stained scalpel can medically treat Master and self. Visually does not look sound, however, for the time being, it'll manage.

Noble Phantasm:
-- Name: The Mist
-- Fancy Title: Blackened Misty Metropolis
-- Rank: C
-- Type: Bounded Field, Maximum effected 50 people.
-- Description/Legend: Mist Bounded Field producing Bounded Field Noble Phantasm. The Noble Phantasm is the sulfuric mist created from magical energy. Servants do not take damage. Agility is one Rank-Down. The user is able to decide who suffers the effects. Because the mist causes one to lose their sense of direction, to escape, B rank or higher "Instinct," or the use of magecraft is required.

-- Name: Maria the Ripper
-- Fancy Title: Holy Mother of Dismembering
-- Rank: D-B
-- Type: Anti-Unit
-- Description/Legend: Jack the Ripper's murder reproducing Noble Phantasm.
When the conditions, "it is night-time," "opponent is a woman (female)," "misty," are met and the Noble Phantasm is used the contents of the body are expelled and they turn into a dismembered corpse.
In the case that not all conditions are met only simple damage is dealt, however, as each condition is met the power rises. This Noble Phantasm is not a knife attack but a kind of curse which makes long range use available.
To defend against this Noble Phantasm, rather than physical defense resistance against curses is necessary.

Um, am I allowed to also have Maria the Ripper in the NP section? Or will they simply be knives for right now?
« Last Edit: February 11, 2017, 07:02:42 PM by burningclaw2 »


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure [A Fate/Grand Order Lewd RP, OOC]
« Reply #40 on: February 11, 2017, 05:36:23 PM »

Also, approved!


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure [A Fate/Grand Order Lewd RP, OOC]
« Reply #41 on: February 11, 2017, 05:39:17 PM »

Also, approved!
Yep to NP or Yep to Knives?


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure [A Fate/Grand Order Lewd RP, OOC]
« Reply #42 on: February 11, 2017, 05:51:10 PM »

Also, this may ended up be having a Strange Fake level.

So I removed the limits.  Go wild.


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure [A Fate/Grand Order Lewd RP, OOC]
« Reply #43 on: February 11, 2017, 05:58:03 PM »

Also, this may ended up be having a Strange Fake level.

So I removed the limits.  Go wild.
So I can have my Presence Concealment be the actual A+ and such?


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure [A Fate/Grand Order Lewd RP, OOC]
« Reply #44 on: February 11, 2017, 06:08:01 PM »