Author Topic: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]  (Read 17515 times)


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #45 on: February 14, 2017, 07:01:31 PM »
Director Olgamally Animusphere

When she heard the calming words from her servant, her shoulders slumped, and she nodded. "Ok." She said. She didn't know much about her servant yet, but the tall blond just felt really dependable to her. Unfortunately, before things could finish defusing, a swarm of skeletons appeared out of the blue, presumably intent on destroying them. As soon as she saw them, she immediately lifted her finger in a gun shape, and began firing off a rapid fire volley of powerful gandr shots. If they were tougher than they looked, she'd just increase her firepower to match.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #46 on: February 14, 2017, 07:02:17 PM »
Appearing from the school is a horde of monsters, Skeleton Warriors that each wield different kinds of weapons.  Luckily they do not have guns.

Behind the horde came a Berserker, wearing dark color skin tight suit, black hair, and yellow stoical eye.

She also have a huge bust size.

"Kill them." She commanded the skeletons, who proceed to charge at them.

"Oh my god!" Hideaki - who's thankfully snapped out of his funk - yelled before taking a stance.

Richenda Smith, Homurahara Academy
A new arrival appears, she has an even more lustful body than Rider wearing a Skintight costume, long black hair, glowing pale gold eyes, and pale skin. She is armed with a myriad of weapons and allied with a large group of skeletons.

"Look at those boobs! They're even larger than Rider's!" Richenda Exclaims.

"Kill them" the Milf commanded

Hearing this Richenda quickly drew out her sword, a gold and red ornate Broad sword.ready to fight.

Rider licked her lips at the sight of the newcomer, hoping that she might be able to have a little fun with her after she was defeated. Her thoughts soon turned to the fight, though, as the skeletons began to rush towards them.

Leaping up into the air, Rider attacked, using her chains to catch hold of one of the approaching skeletons and fling it into the others, before striking at others whilst skilfully remaining out of range of their attacks. At the same time, Sakura began to summon up her shadow tendrils, attacking the skeletons as best as she could whilst remaining safely behind the servants.
Richenda Smith, Homurahara Academy

Let your instincts guide you

Groups of Skeleton warriors charge at her, once they are near her,

"EX!" Golden Flames start radiating the Blade of her Sword. She then horizontally slashes with her sword, destroying the skeletons. She slashes whatever enemy comes near her. She notices Rider and Sakura dealing with the skeletons in their own way.

'better not leave Sakura alone' she thought, noticing Sakura staying behind Rider, Hideaki and her.


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #47 on: February 14, 2017, 07:15:10 PM »
Ritsuka Fujimaru - Pseudo-Servant
First Singularity - The City of Contaminated Flames, Fuyuki

Spoiler for Hiden:
Drake McRemitz

Drake raise his eyebrows in curious.

"'we'? Who are you with?"

He then turned toward Olga and rose his hand. "I mean you no harm here, miss." Drake spoke to her.

Meanwhile, a hordes of Skeletons Warriors move toward the group unsuspectingly.

She relaxed at her master's command and turned her attention back at the mercenary who was now rasing his hand in a gesture of peace. "I don't think he's an enemy, master. He would have done something by now if that was the case, and he does raise a good point. That boy is alone as far as I can see." She sounded much more calm now as she observed Drake with her amber eyes.
Director Olgamally Animusphere

When she heard the calming words from her servant, her shoulders slumped, and she nodded. "Ok." She said. She didn't know much about her servant yet, but the tall blond just felt really dependable to her. Unfortunately, before things could finish defusing, a swarm of skeletons appeared out of the blue, presumably intent on destroying them. As soon as she saw them, she immediately lifted her finger in a gun shape, and began firing off a rapid fire volley of powerful gandr shots. If they were tougher than they looked, she'd just increase her firepower to match.

Ritsuka tilted his head lightly to the side confused and said, "We don't understand. What are you talking about?"

When the skeleton's appeared Ritsuka's eyes widened as his body moved hands quickly drawing two knives from their sheathes before darting forward at the skeletons.

With inhuman agility the knives flashed through the air in Ritsuka's hands, the currently D rank Noble Phantasm cutting through bone with ease that would not be found in mundane steel.


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #48 on: February 14, 2017, 08:56:28 PM »
The Bone Dudes

The shot coming from Olga kill one of them in a single hit, making most of the undeads to stop in their tracks.  Those who didn't were destroyed by Ritsuka and his daggers.

The one who stopped weren't so lucky neither.

Drake stood up and sprinted toward them, pulling out his spear along the way as it glowed red and spike spouted out of it.

"GaƩ Bolg!"

And then he thrust.

But instead of hitting a single Undeads, the spikes that were near at the head of the spear sprouted out more, becoming a red colored beam, and hit the rest of the undeads.  The skeletons dies as they explode into a shards of crystal, falling into the ground.

However that wasn't the end of them, as more of them came out from nowhere.

Gritting his teeth, Drake turned toward them and spoke; "we don't have time to stay here, we must run now!" Drake sprinted into a direction, while turning his head towards them. "Follow me!"


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #49 on: February 14, 2017, 09:04:41 PM »
Milfserker's Bones

While the rest are handling the monster, Hideaki - who decided to handle the bulk - skillfully use his Monohoshizao to deflect many blow without letting any of them touch him.  Then he counterattack them by either a flipping around the air while slashing them, doing some low sweeps, or a spin attack like they are nothing but papers.

And throughout all this, Hideaki didn't show any emotions, any mercy on these creatures of the dead, and his chest feel... Unsatisfied, as if they didn't give him any challenges at all.

It's at this point, after handling the mooks, that Hideaki noticed it.

"What's... Just happened to me?" Hideaki wondered as the skeletons defended themselves from the attack, with some being dragged from their feet by Sakura.  Rider use her long chain to grab one of them and thrown into the rest, with impact being enough to shatter them.

However, then came another wave of monsters...

But instead of Skeletons, there's a bunch of Undeads wearing heavier armors, a large swords, and a greatshield.  They all move in front of Berserker and cover themselves and the corrupted Servants with their shields.  Then, from behind them, jumped out a odd group of Undeads that wore a lighter armor with capes going from the waist.  Landing on the ground, they levitate their spears before charging toward them.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2017, 10:51:51 PM by BlackThief12 »


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #50 on: February 14, 2017, 10:50:18 PM »

"And there he goes."

The blonde Roman had been watching the others fight the skeletons for a while now, not seeing a reason to join as they appeared to be having an easy time. It was somewhat surprising to see what they indecently clothed boy did. He dispatched the skeletons with a smooth ease that only a servant would be capable of. However that wasn't what truly suprised her.

It was that the mercenary had a Noble Phantasm, but that wasn't even the most shocking. He had used it... on a group of utter weaklings. Does he have no common sense? A Noble Phantasm isn't something to be squandered on something like this. It was almost infuriating to look at.

Therefore the blond chose to ignore him completely as he fled from the battle and instead turned on the new horde of skeletons that were quickly approaching them. She calmly stepped forward into their midst, tearing droves of them apart with simple swipes of her blade as she methodically mowed her way through them. Their remains went flying in all directions with every blow she made.


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #51 on: February 14, 2017, 10:56:55 PM »

Marie ignored the stupid man's command and focused on destroying the last of the other swarm, blasting the stragglers apart with a practiced ease, annihilating them with a combination of simple rune magic and gandr shots. As she did, she noted the fact that the failure of a master candidate seemed to have the powers of a servant. She was definitely going to interrogate him now.

Still, she was a little impressed with him. Maybe she'd misjudged him. Just a little.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #52 on: February 14, 2017, 11:08:11 PM »
Ritsuka Fujimaru - Pseudo Servent
First Singularity - The City of Contaminated Flames, Fuyuki

Ritsuka carved into the skeleton's with ease cutting, the knives in his hands meeting zero resistance as they cleaved bone.

His body was moving entirely on instinct through undead, dodging attacks through vastly superior speed and unleashing a frenzy to shred them to the point of uselessness.

While retreating to a more easily defended area would be nice, he also couldn't leave the Director. Sure she seemed like she had some reliable help...maybe, but she might also know how to get in contact with any others. After all if the two of them are here, what about others, like the Mages in the coffin's or Mashu, Fou, and Dr. Roman.

Thus he'll stick with the Director/Mother.


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #53 on: February 14, 2017, 11:12:02 PM »
Drake McRemitz and the Monsters

Though while the groups of Skeletons are easier to kill... That wasn't why Drake run away from.

It's what came next that he's running away from.

Another wave came, but not small.  It is many, many of them, more than a hundreds of these that could overflow the city...

But instead of Skeletons, it's something else... Something bizarre...

The creatures look like a corrupted robots that seemingly came from a sci-fi movie, moving toward them while holding a sword.  Then there's a small group of giants amongst them, some using a large axe that look too big to be carrying it.  Behind them is a group of strange Undeads wearing heavier armors along with a large shields.

The undeads stopped as they used their shields to covered themselves and their lesser brethren.  The reason for that is because, standing in the air is a Servant, corrupted by the evilness.  Though her clothes are tattered, she gaze at the enemies with her cold red eyes, her long hair being flowed freely and her tails are glowing with darkness, she spoke with a single command.

"Destroy those mortals."

And the monsters roared as they charged forward, the undeads only stay behind to protect her master.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2017, 11:17:11 PM by BlackThief12 »


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #54 on: February 15, 2017, 12:12:11 AM »
The Betrayer

So this is what he ran from, how pathetic and he called himself a monster hunter. These odds were nothing, in fact she relished them. It had finally become entertaining. Especially so when she noticed the final guest to appear, the servant shrouded in darkness.

There was no hesitation in her body, as soon the mysterious servant began speaking she charged. Like a train she slammed into the army, every puny skeleton that got in her way was blown away but the force of her charge. But she didn't stop there, she kept going until she was close enough. Then the Roman undertook a mighty leap, kicking off the ground like a missile and with all the force of her charge backing her she slammed into this new mysterious servant.


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #55 on: February 15, 2017, 12:26:00 AM »
Drake McRemitz

Just before she can even reach the Servant, a giant golem-like robot appeared right in front of her with the speed that goes against their size and swing it's axe with a single hand.

"Damn it, I told you run!" A male voice yelled as Drake sprinted toward them, before he used his runes to get between her and the golem quickly.

As the golem swing it's axe, Drake cast multiple defense runes on himself as he use his spear the block the impact....

... And the impact is enough to flinched him as the Golem continue to slam it's axe on the hunter, with each blows pushing him back.

Drake then move his arm and pointed at the street, where there's something blinking on the ground.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2017, 04:57:23 PM by BlackThief12 »

Cherry Lover

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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #56 on: February 15, 2017, 03:16:42 AM »
Rider and Sakura

Rider made short work of the extremely-weak skeletons, smashing them to pieces with the help of Sakura and their two companions. However, before she could approach the corrupted servant, more enemies appeared, this time some kind of zombie-like creatures carrying shields, a large sword and wearing armour. Then, several more less-well-armoured undead jumped out, these carring spears rather than swords. Immediately, the lighter-armed undead charged towards the group.

"Sakura, get back!" Rider shouted, before leaping onto the wall at the side of the corridor. These circumstances were far from ideal for her to fight in, but she nevertheless attacked, keeping her distance from the approaching undead as she used her nails to attempt to slice the lance-armoured zombies to pieces, moving around to get the best angle of attack.

Sakura, meanwhile, did as her servant asked, keeping out of the way whilst once again sending in her shadow tendrils to distract and, if possible, bind the creatures.


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #57 on: February 15, 2017, 06:16:08 PM »
Olgamally Animusphere

Olga silently watched her amazing servant blast through the skeletons as if they were nothing at all, and was about to pounce on the interloping enemy servant leading the horde when suddenly, a large golem about twice the size of her servant appeared, seemingly intent on fighting her servant, knocking the idiotic man away.

Can you handle it on your own Olga asked her servant, testing out the supposed telepathic link between herself and them. She hoped it worked the same as she'd heard it did.

Simultaneously, she turned to Ritska, and addressed him quickly, unlike how she normally spoke otherwise.

"You're a demiservant now right? Please go back up Saber. Provide as much support as you can."
« Last Edit: February 15, 2017, 06:29:06 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #58 on: February 15, 2017, 06:46:23 PM »
Ritsuka Fujimaru - Pseudo Servant
First Singularity - The City of Contaminated Flames, Fuyuki

'Demi-Servant?' Ritsuka thought before shaking his head, that didn't matter right now.

The Director/Mother gave an order to help 'Saber' as much as possible, Ritsuka can guess that Saber is the woman considering how they were acting earlier and the fact she stuck around with the Director.

Ritsuka jumped back away from the horde so he an prepare his next move.

Sheathing his knives Ritsuka pulled out an old European lantern from behind him and opened the cage containing a single unlit candle. With his free hand he gently touched the candle and intoned, "The Mist: Darkened Misty Metropolis"

What happened next was instantaneous, the candle lit aflame and from the bottom of the lantern a thick mist swiftly engulfed the battlefield.

To regular humans this mist was a thick smog that choked life from them and continuously stung at the eyes while eliminating all sense of direction. Things like Servants however simply lost their sense of direction and a rank in Agility. The only way to escape is to possess Instinct at B or higher or to use Magecraft to teleport out. Flight was useless here as the flier was more likely to crash into the ground without knowing they turned around.

Ritsuka can control who is affected by his Mist, in this case the Director, that man with the spear, and Saber were the only ones within the mist not being targeted.

The Mist set up and its job done for now, the Lantern vanished candle still lit. As the Lantern vanished Ritsuka once more drew his knives and went forward to carve the Director's/Mother's enemies, under London's Old Smoke.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2017, 12:21:15 AM by burningclaw2 »


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #59 on: February 15, 2017, 07:11:28 PM »

She was about to attack to launch an attack on the big golem when she heard her Master's voice in her mind. "With you here Master there is nothing I can't handle. Or so I'd like to say, this golem is as strong as a servant." Mist suddenly came crawling forth and covered the area, the boy had used a Noble Phantasm. This was the kind of Noble Phantasm you would expect an Assassin to possess.

"What are you pointing at?" She asked Drake as she took advantage of the fog and darted around the golem in order to strike it as hard as she could from behind, hopefully this would knock it off balance and make it end it's assault on the man.