Author Topic: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]  (Read 17594 times)


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #15 on: February 13, 2017, 08:49:29 PM »
Hideaki stared at Richenda.

"That woman isn't normal." He spoke. "She's look like... Well some sort of ghost!" His arms waving wildly in the air, yet despite this the katana in his hands not slipping from his grip.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2017, 08:58:15 PM by BlackThief12 »

Cherry Lover

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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2017, 09:07:21 PM »
Sakura and Rider

Hideaki Miyamoto

"Huh?" Hideaki turned toward the voice, noticing Sakura standing and asking them question.  He was about to answer... When he notices something behind her...

A floating... Blue glowing... Woman?...

The heck?

Whoever she is, it give him a sudden instinct to hold his guard up.  Much more he felt something strange.

"Who the heck is that!?" Hideaki asked as he unsheathed a very long katana (Monohoshizao, not katana, wait what?)and pointed at the floating thingy.

As the man pulled out the Katana, Rider immediately materialised, moving in front of her master protectivrly and drawing her own weapons in response to the apparent threat, glaring at the man and tensing herself for a fight.

Richenda Smith, Homurahara academy
Sakura and Rider

It had been a hectic and stressful few hours for Sakura. First, weird things had started happening all over the city, fires breaking out and monsters appearing, attacking everything in sight. Then, she had found her brother dead, before being forced to run from a servant who seemed to be somehow tainted by darkness. Now, she was wandering the school, fighting monsters and protecting people. But, worst of all, her Senpai was missing. She was worried that he might be in real danger.

Master, came a voice over her mental link. That girl mentioned Shirou.

Immediately, Sakura's interest was piqued. She turned her head to look at the two people stood there talking, one dressed as a Samurai, the other in armour. They seemed to know one another, but also be somewhat confused.

"Excuse me?" Sakura asked, approaching them with Rider still in spirit form, wearing her usual school uniform, only dirtied from all the combat and running around. "Do you happen to know where Sen.. Emiya-Senpai is?"
A Young woman wearing the Homurahara uniform, she has a body many would have lusted after, medium length purple hair with a red bow on the side, and purple eyes. It's Sakura Matou, she's a first year.

"Hello Matou-San, I'm Richenda Smith and I'm in the year above you." Richenda greets the new arrival, and than says with a hint of sadness. "I'm sorry, I don't know where Shirou is. I hope he's okay."

She notices the woman floating by Sakura, she has an even more lustful body, much longer purple hair, and wearing a short bondage outfit.

"Matou-San," she says "who's the chick in the BDSM getup?"

Hideaki Miyamoto
"Who the heck is that!?" Hideaki asked as he unsheathed a very long katana (Monohoshizao, not katana, wait what?)and pointed at the floating thingy.
"Hideaki, what are you doing?" She notices him readying a long kantana.

Hideaki stared at Richenda.

"That woman isn't normal." He spoke. "She's look like... Well some sort of ghost!" His arms waving wildly in the air, yet despite this the katana in his hands not slipping from his grip.

Rider, it's fine, Sakura said. I'm sure they don't mean any harm.

With that, Rider's demenour changed. Dematerialising her weapon, she relaxed and pulled back slightly, nevertheless keeping on alert and remaining in front of her master.

Sakura smiled from behind her servant and bowed politely. If these people could see Rider in her spiritual form, that meant they were magi or servants theirselves, so there was no need to hide. Besides, their outfit was clearly not normal.

"This is Rider, my servant and protector", she said. "She is strong, but don't worry, she will not attack you unless you attempt to harm us."


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2017, 09:30:40 PM »
Hideaki turned toward the two and blinked at the woman's clothes.

And then blinked even harder when Sakura introduce Rider.

"Servant? Why do you call her that?" Hideaki asked as he tilted his head, looking adorable.


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #18 on: February 13, 2017, 09:44:24 PM »
Richenda Smith, Homurahara academy
Sakura and Rider

"This is Rider, my servant and protector", she said. "She is strong, but don't worry, she will not attack you unless you attempt to harm us."
Be careful! This woman is dangerous, she has the stench of spilled blood.

"Well hello Rider-San," Richenda greets the new woman. "My name is Richenda Smith, and I have no idea what is going on? Can you please explain."
« Last Edit: February 13, 2017, 11:00:21 PM by Cherry Lover »

Cherry Lover

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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #19 on: February 13, 2017, 11:37:43 PM »
Hideaki turned toward the two and blinked at the woman's clothes.

And then blinked even harder when Sakura introduce Rider.

"Servant? Why do you call her that?" Hideaki asked as he tilted his head, looking adorable.

"Erm..., well, she is my familiar. She willingly serves and obeys me", Sakura replied, hoping she wouldn't give the wrong impression.

Richenda Smith, Homurahara academy
Be careful! This woman is dangerous, she has the stench of spilled blood.

"Well hello Rider-San," Richenda greets the new woman. "My name is Richenda Smith, and I have no idea what is going on? Can you please explain."

Rider smiled at the rather-attractive blonde woman.

"Hello Richenda, nice to meet you", she said.

Then, Sakura spoke up.

"We're not entirely sure", Sakura replied, obviously uncertain. "I was at school when things suddenly started going wrong. Fires broke out everywhere, monsters appeared out of nowhere. So, I called Rider to me and we went off with Senpai to help save people, but things went wrong. We got seperated, then I found my brother dead at the hands of some corrupted servant. We had to run back here, and we've been here since, fighting monsters and looking for Senpai."


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #20 on: February 13, 2017, 11:49:23 PM »
"Okay, first of all, why calling her a familiar?" Hideaki asked Sakura confusedly.  He'll deal with the rest later.


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #21 on: February 14, 2017, 12:35:33 AM »
Richenda Smith, Homurahara Academy

Rider smiled at the rather-attractive blonde woman.

"Hello Richenda, nice to meet you", she said.

what a beautiful woman.

"Thank you rider." Richenda replied "so do you ride wooden horses or what?"

Then, Sakura spoke up.

"We're not entirely sure", Sakura replied, obviously uncertain. "I was at school when things suddenly started going wrong. Fires broke out everywhere, monsters appeared out of nowhere. So, I called Rider to me and we went off with Senpai to help save people, but things went wrong. We got seperated, then I found my brother dead at the hands of some corrupted servant. We had to run back here, and we've been here since, fighting monsters and looking for Senpai."

"Oh my, that's horrible." Richenda says, scared, but at the same time excited. "And what do you mean by servants? You obviously know more than you let on."


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #22 on: February 14, 2017, 12:58:40 AM »
Hideaki Miyamoto
Richenda Smith, Homurahara Academy
Rider smiled at the rather-attractive blonde woman.

"Hello Richenda, nice to meet you", she said.

what a beautiful woman.

"Thank you rider." Richenda replied "so do you ride wooden horses or what?"
"What?" Hideaki stared at her confusedly.

Quote from:  Chiufan95
Then, Sakura spoke up.

"We're not entirely sure", Sakura replied, obviously uncertain. "I was at school when things suddenly started going wrong. Fires broke out everywhere, monsters appeared out of nowhere. So, I called Rider to me and we went off with Senpai to help save people, but things went wrong. We got seperated, then I found my brother dead at the hands of some corrupted servant. We had to run back here, and we've been here since, fighting monsters and looking for Senpai."

"Oh my, that's horrible." Richenda says, scared, but at the same time excited. "And what do you mean by servants? You obviously know more than you let on."
"W-w-w-what? Monster?" Hideaki gulped nervously, wondering how did that happened.  It's is one thing about ghost lady, but a monster attacking town? Not good.

Cherry Lover

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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #23 on: February 14, 2017, 01:58:09 AM »
"Okay, first of all, why calling her a familiar?" Hideaki asked Sakura confusedly.  He'll deal with the rest later.

"Erm, well, because she is a magical familiar", Sakura responded, unsure how to explain it better. "I provide her with the magical energy she needs to exist, and in turn she protects me."

Richenda Smith, Homurahara Academy

Rider smiled at the rather-attractive blonde woman.

"Hello Richenda, nice to meet you", she said.

what a beautiful woman.

"Thank you rider." Richenda replied "so do you ride wooden horses or what?"

Rider blushed for a moment, before giving her a sultry smile.

"Well, normally I ride other things, but I'm sure you could persuade me to give it a try...", she said with a smirk, watching closely to gauge the girl's reaction.

"Oh my, that's horrible." Richenda says, scared, but at the same time excited. "And what do you mean by servants? You obviously know more than you let on."

"W-w-w-what? Monster?" Hideaki gulped nervously, wondering how did that happened.  It's is one thing about ghost lady, but a monster attacking town? Not good.

Sakura rolled her eyes momentarily at her servant's flirting, before addressing the two of them herself.

"Aren't you servants?" Sakura responded, obviously confused.

She could clearly sense the mana coming off them, and their outfits indicated they were not ordinary people. So, how could they not know what a servant was?

Sighing, she decided she had better explain things in more detail.

"As I said, servants are magical familiars bound to a human master. Rider was summoned by me under my Grandfather's orders to fight in the Holy Grail War, and she chose to remain after the war ended and protect me for as long as she is able."
« Last Edit: February 14, 2017, 01:59:16 AM by Cherry Lover »


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #24 on: February 14, 2017, 02:24:43 AM »
Richenda Smith, Homurahara Academy
what a beautiful woman.
Rider blushed for a moment, before giving her a sultry smile.

"Well, normally I ride other things, but I'm sure you could persuade me to give it a try...", she said with a smirk, watching closely to gauge the girl's reaction.
"I am afraid I have to decline your offer." Richenda replied with a smile. "I'm sure you or I can do something else when we're alone and safe"

Sakura rolled her eyes momentarily at her servant's flirting, before addressing the two of them herself.

"Aren't you servants?" Sakura responded, obviously confused.

She could clearly sense the mana coming off them, and their outfits indicated they were not ordinary people. So, how could they not know what a servant was?

"I just woke up with this armour and sword on me." Richenda replied to Sakura. "Now that you mentioned it, I feel a lot stronger than before."

Sighing, she decided she had better explain things in more detail.

"As I said, servants are magical familiars bound to a human master. Rider was summoned by me under my Grandfather's orders to fight in the Holy Grail War, and she chose to remain after the war ended and protect me for as long as she is able."
"If this holy grail war is over,?" Richenda says. "Then where did the other servants come from?"
« Last Edit: February 14, 2017, 02:26:57 AM by Chiufan95 »


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #25 on: February 14, 2017, 02:25:15 AM »
"Okay, first of all, why calling her a familiar?" Hideaki asked Sakura confusedly.  He'll deal with the rest later.

"Erm, well, because she is a magical familiar", Sakura responded, unsure how to explain it better. "I provide her with the magical energy she needs to exist, and in turn she protects me."

So this Rider isn't a human? Then what is she?

Quote from:  Cherry Lover
Richenda Smith, Homurahara Academy

Rider smiled at the rather-attractive blonde woman.

"Hello Richenda, nice to meet you", she said.

what a beautiful woman.

"Thank you rider." Richenda replied "so do you ride wooden horses or what?"

Rider blushed for a moment, before giving her a sultry smile.

"Well, normally I ride other things, but I'm sure you could persuade me to give it a try...", she said with a smirk, watching closely to gauge the girl's reaction.
Hideaki's face is slowly turning crimson.

Quote from:  Cherry Lover
Quote from:  Chiufan95
"Oh my, that's horrible." Richenda says, scared, but at the same time excited. "And what do you mean by servants? You obviously know more than you let on."

"W-w-w-what? Monster?" Hideaki gulped nervously, wondering how did that happened.  It's is one thing about ghost lady, but a monster attacking town? Not good.

Sakura rolled her eyes momentarily at her servant's flirting, before addressing the two of them herself.

"Aren't you servants?" Sakura responded, obviously confused.

She could clearly sense the mana coming off them, and their outfits indicated they were not ordinary people. So, how could they not know what a servant was?

Sighing, she decided she had better explain things in more detail.

"As I said, servants are magical familiars bound to a human master. Rider was summoned by me under my Grandfather's orders to fight in the Holy Grail War, and she chose to remain after the war ended and protect me for as long as she is able."
"Holy Grail War?" Hideaki tilted his head confusedly, before what she said before make him stared at her. "What do you mean that we're a Servant? I remember being human on all of my life and all." He spoke before turning toward the blonde girl. "What about you Richenda, you're not a Servant either right?"


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #26 on: February 14, 2017, 03:05:41 AM »
"Holy Grail War?" Hideaki tilted his head confusedly, before what she said before make him stared at her. "What do you mean that we're a Servant? I remember being human on all of my life and all." He spoke before turning toward the blonde girl. "What about you Richenda, you're not a Servant either right?"
"No, at least I don't think so?" Richenda replied with a confused tone. "I awaken in this get up, and I feel so much more powerful. Before that, I was just a regular human."


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #27 on: February 14, 2017, 09:35:34 AM »
Hideaki Miyamoto

Now that Richenda mentioned it, Hideaki feel stronger than before.  It's confusing really, maybe he should find out later?

He suddenly felt something overwhelming heading straight toward where they stood, making him turning toward the direction.

"Does... Anyone felt that?"


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #28 on: February 14, 2017, 09:40:18 AM »
? ? ?

As Olga and the mysterious Saber conversate, they didn't notice that a man sat near them, pouring tea after handling the monsters heading straight toward the chief.  Said man has black hair and onyx eye, wearing a black formal clothes that's missing a sleeves and a white scarf.  Sheathed on his back is a red spear.

"So, are you done getting excited now?" The man asked to Olga as he sip his tea.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2017, 12:12:21 PM by BlackThief12 »


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure![A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #29 on: February 14, 2017, 02:20:52 PM »

As soon as the unknown servant appeared, she reacted, almost as fast as her servant had. She instantly drew up several large runes in the air in front of her, creating a large barrier thrumming with magical energy with apparently no effort. She stayed silently on guard, looking around and waiting for any hostile movements.

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