Author Topic: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]  (Read 21044 times)


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2017, 12:36:36 AM »
Richenda Escardos, Miyama Shopping District

A young woman awakens in some town, in the middle of the street. The roads are heavily cracked, the buildings and shops are on fire and thick black smoke goes up in the air, the sky is black and red from the smoke and fire. She is unaware if it's day or night. There is this feeling of wrongness that plagues the air that she has never felt before.

The last thing she remembers is a blinding light consuming her vision. She was at Chaldeas with Ritsuka Fujimaru.

She looks down and notices she is in some costume, but at the same time it feels all too real. The costume, No armour, is ornate and golden, with no chain mail and red cloth underneath it with a red cape on my shoulders. There is an ornate broad sword, it's a gold blade with red between markings, the sword radiates power and majesty. She grabs it and instinctively knows it's special.

She feels powerful, much more powerful than she has ever been in life. As if she can fight against champions long past and win.

Realizing the situation she is in, the disaster that has fallen unto this town, she moves looking for others to save.

"Hello! Anybody alive?!" She yells, while running in the street towards a random direction, hoping to save others.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2017, 12:39:10 AM by Chiufan95 »


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2017, 12:55:26 AM »
The Betrayer


The blonde servant took hold of her master's small soft hand. The command seal was indeed there but that wasn't the only thing she noticed. You could tell a lot of a person from looking at their hands.

"You've taken good care of yourself Master, a Noble maybe?..."


Olga felt a bit of blood rush to her face while her Servant examined her hand. Just a little.

"Um, yes, my name is Olgamally Animusphere, and I'm the director of the Chadella Project. I just was at the base when everything suddenly exploded, and the next thing I knew I was here..."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2017, 12:56:44 AM »
Hideaki Miyamoto

"Ittai, the heck just happened..." Hideaki speak as he stood up, scratching at the back of his head.  Looking around he realized he's in a city on fire, possibly in a market district or something.  He heard someone yelling, making him go toward the voice.

He's completely unaware of the change of clothes, but he is aware of sudden gained of power.

"Hello!? I'm over here!"


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #18 on: February 21, 2017, 01:15:27 AM »
Ritsuka Fujimaru - Pseudo-Servant
First Singularity - The Contaminated City of Flames, Fuyuki

Ritsuka laid on the ground groaning. His skull and body aching.

The last thing he remembered was that an explosion happened in Chaldea. He, Dr. Roman, and Gudako had rushed to the Rayshift room where the explosion occurred and attempted to try and find anyone alive and help them.

Groaning he started to push himself up, and spoke to himself, "We wonder if the others are okay."

As Ritsuka got up he couldn't help but notice something different, mainly what he was wearing.

Originally he was wearing the standard Male Chaldea Uniform, but now instead of seeing the uniform sleeves on his arms he saw white bandages with two belts around the area of his biceps.

Once standing Ritsuka took notice of the other changes in his wardrobe. The first being the black ragged cloak around his shoulders, the second being his lack of pants.

Instead of pants he seemed to be wearing, much to his embarrassment, something barely resembling a clothe speedo that clung tightly to his frame. The garment bulging in front despite Ritsuka being flaccid right now, and only covering roughly half his bubble butt. Ritsuka was thankful for the cloak otherwise he'd be too ashamed to show himself to anyone.

After that was the knife/dagger sheathes around his waist which seemed positioned to allow his ass to be seen even as he walked if it weren't for his cloak. Following that were the boots protecting his feet instead of the shoes he'd worn with his uniform.

Finally covering his torso was a kind of thin black vest that clung to his frame.

All in all, if any cop saw him, they'd probably arrest him for indecent exposure.

Trying to shake himself free of his embarrassment, Ritsuka decided to distract himself by taking stalk of his surroundings.

Looking around, Ritsuka could barely hold back a flinch at what he saw, burning or ruined buildings as far as the eye could see. Taking a deep breath, Ritsuka choose a random direction and started walking.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2017, 03:52:14 AM by burningclaw2 »


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #19 on: February 21, 2017, 01:26:48 AM »
Hideaki Miyamoto

"Ittai, the heck just happened..." Hideaki speak as he stood up, scratching at the back of his head.  Looking around he realized he's in a city on fire, possibly in a market district or something.  He heard someone yelling, making him go toward the voice.

He's completely unaware of the change of clothes, but he is aware of sudden gained of power.

"Hello!? I'm over here!"

Hearing someone yelling, Richenda  runs towards the voice. It's a local young man, who is now wearing a samurai costume for some inexplicable reason.

"Oh a survivor," she says "do you know where am I and what happened to this town?"

"Oh and before I forget," she adds "my name is Richenda Escardos."


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #20 on: February 21, 2017, 02:58:04 AM »

She released her master's hand after confirming there was indeed command seals on it. The faint blushing suggested she was inexperienced in relationships if mere handholding by another woman caused her to blush

Now that she had moved closer and the initial shock faded away, the former impression of her tall stature fades away. She was infact just as tall as her young master if not slightly shorter. Brutae found herself needing to look upwards slightly to meet her master's expectant gaze.

"Chaldea project? What would that be? Oh sorry you can call me Saber or... Brutae if you'd like to." She fiddled on the spot, appearing a bit embarrassed before quickly changing the subject. "Hmm... There's something wrong here... I think I sense the Grail but..."


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #21 on: February 21, 2017, 03:55:20 AM »
Ritsuka Fujimaru - Pseudo-Servent
First Singularity - The City of Contaminated Flames, Fuyuki

As Ritsuka walked through the remains of the city around him, he kept his eyes open for any member's of Chaldea.

It was luck that he had eventually spotted two figures facing one another, looking as if they were talking.

One was a blond woman, while the other none other than the Director!

"Director Animusphere!" Ritsuka called out as he ran towards the Head of Chaldea, his cloak flowing like a wraith around him.


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2017, 06:50:17 PM »

She released her master's hand after confirming there was indeed command seals on it. The faint blushing suggested she was inexperienced in relationships if mere handholding by another woman caused her to blush

Now that she had moved closer and the initial shock faded away, the former impression of her tall stature fades away. She was infact just as tall as her young master if not slightly shorter. Brutae found herself needing to look upwards slightly to meet her master's expectant gaze.

"Chaldea project? What would that be? Oh sorry you can call me Saber or... Brutae if you'd like to." She fiddled on the spot, appearing a bit embarrassed before quickly changing the subject. "Hmm... There's something wrong here... I think I sense the Grail but..."

Olgamally Animusphere

"Oh, um, ok, Brutae." She said, flustered by the change in how she felt she was perceiving her new servant. Now that the inital awe seemed to have faded, she realized that the person she'd summoned was actually a rather short girl, slightly shorter than herself in fact, and was actually quite cute. "It's a pleasure to be working with you." She said more confidently.

"I didn't summon you for a holy grail war, so if there's one going on here..." She began to think about their circumstances. What were the fameous grail wars that had happened relatively recently. "Maybe we're in Fuyuki? It's just a guess, but I'm not really sure."

She was about to explain Chadella and rayshifting to her servant, when suddenly, one of the master candidates appeared and was wearing what seemed like basically nothing at all. She thought about who he was, but she couldn't recall his name exactly.

More importantly, what was he wearing.

"You!" She barked out at him authoritatively. "What in the world do you think you're wearing?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2017, 07:05:34 PM »

Hearing someone yelling, Richenda  runs towards the voice. It's a local young man, who is now wearing a samurai costume for some inexplicable reason.

"Oh a survivor," she says "do you know where am I and what happened to this town?"

"Oh and before I forget," she adds "my name is Richenda Escardos."
Hideaki Miyamoto

"Huh?" Hideaki stared at her weirdly. "I actually don't know it either miss... Richenda, right?" Then he realized something.

"Oh! My name is Miyamoto Hideaki, or Hideaki in the Western culture." He bowed to the girl.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2017, 07:06:42 PM by BlackThief12 »


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2017, 07:12:23 PM »
Hideaki Miyamoto

"Huh?" Hideaki stared at her weirdly. "I actually don't know it either miss... Richenda, right?" Then he realized something.

"Oh! My name is Miyamoto Hideaki, or Hideaki in the Western culture." He bowed to the girl.

"Oh," she replies "I did expect to meet another master so soon. So how did you survive the explosion at Chaldea's?"


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #25 on: February 21, 2017, 07:17:38 PM »

"Oh," she replies "I did expect to meet another master so soon. So how did you survive the explosion at Chaldea's?"
Hideaki Miyamoto

"I... Honestly have no idea actually." Hideaki replied meekly. "Well, at least it beat loneliness anyway." He then stared at what she was wearing with confusion. "Are those clothes your Mystic Code?"


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #26 on: February 21, 2017, 07:22:28 PM »
Hideaki Miyamoto

"I... Honestly have no idea actually." Hideaki replied meekly. "Well, at least it beat loneliness anyway." He then stared at what she was wearing with confusion. "Are those clothes your Mystic Code?"


"Probably," she answered back, drawing out an ornate gold and red sword. "I just woke up with this armour and sword on me. I guess we're in the same boat, judging from your attire."


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #27 on: February 21, 2017, 07:23:29 PM »

Olgamally Animusphere

"Oh, um, ok, Brutae." She said, flustered by the change in how she felt she was perceiving her new servant. Now that the inital awe seemed to have faded, she realized that the person she'd summoned was actually a rather short girl, slightly shorter than herself in fact, and was actually quite cute. "It's a pleasure to be working with you." She said more confidently.

"I didn't summon you for a holy grail war, so if there's one going on here..." She began to think about their circumstances. What were the fameous grail wars that had happened relatively recently. "Maybe we're in Fuyuki? It's just a guess, but I'm not really sure."

She was about to explain Chadella and rayshifting to her servant, when suddenly, one of the master candidates appeared and was wearing what seemed like basically nothing at all. She thought about who he was, but she couldn't recall his name exactly.

More importantly, what was he wearing.

"You!" She barked out at him authoritatively. "What in the world do you think you're wearing?"
Ritsuka Fujimaru - Pseudo Servant
First Singularity - The City of Contaminated Flames, Fuyuki

Blushing Ritsuka replied, "We just woke up like this! The last thing we remembered was an explosion occurring with Chaldea and following Dr. Roman to help any injured. We found Mashu covered under a huge chunk of debris and tried to get it off her. Now instead of the uniform we're dressed like this."


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #28 on: February 21, 2017, 08:52:46 PM »

So she wasn't summoned for a Grail War, that was strange to say the least. A director huh, so she's the inexperienced ambitous type who's taking on more than they can handle. That at least told her something of what to expect. Saber was about to ask more questions when they were interuppted by someone calling out to her Master.

It was a boy in a disguting outfit, in fact it was quite hard to even call it an outfit. However he knew her Master so she couldn't do anything about thing, thus she resigned herself to this unfortunate fate.

She turned back to her as she commented on the newcomer. "Some form of barbaric outfit for sure. At the very least we can be thankful he isn't erect Master."


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #29 on: February 21, 2017, 10:54:42 PM »

Olga blushed at her servant's brash comment about his genitalia. Now that she'd had time to think a bit more, she seemed to recall that his name was Ritsuka, and that she had thrown him out of the briefing for napping. "Mr. Fujimaru, do you know what happened back at base?" She asked, hoping that he had an idea. Even if he only had a bit of information, it'd still be useful to her.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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