Author Topic: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]  (Read 21025 times)


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #105 on: March 22, 2017, 12:24:14 AM »
Ritsuka Fujimaru
First Singularity - The City of Contaminated Flames, Fuyuki

Shaking his head Ritsuka replied, "We don't know what you are talking about, we simply know what we know."
Drake raise his eyebrows.

"Then where did you learned how to fight?" He asked the oblivious Demi-servant.


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #106 on: March 22, 2017, 01:26:48 AM »
Leo I

Just as they seemed to get into formation, another group of undead appeared before them. 

Leo let out a sigh.  "This again?" he moaned.  "Its alright little one.  We do not need strategy to dispose of this threat."

The pope walked up to the first skelleton, cocked back his arm and slammed it into the creature's skull with enough force to break it into hundreds of pieces.  Even if the remaining skelletons attack, the others should be able to back him up.


The holy man was not toying around, and clearly had not overestimated his own abilities. It hadn't been evident to him before, but now it was obfuscatingly obvious that this heroic spirit had the vigor and spirit of a warrior. Longinus wondered if they could be any more different.

But above his stray misgivings, their objective came first, and the Lancer servant rushed past the pope and brandished his spear, the quicker to clear the mass of enemies. His weapon was the certain foe of this simple constructs, but even without it, his abilities alone would have sufficed to destroy them. Darting like an arrow, he struck before bows could be sprung, breaking one skeleton apart with each powerful flick of his arm.
Yamato Okamoto

Yamato sighed as he scratched at the back of his head, before he turned toward Leo.

"Should we go and handle the rest of the skeletons?" He asked, one of his hand gripping at the katana.


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #107 on: March 22, 2017, 11:59:46 PM »
Leo I

A group of skeletons charged Leo all at once, hoping to overwhelm him with the strength of numbers.  In response, the pope slammed his foot into the ground, causing the concrete to shatter.  The rubble flew in every direction, striking the skeletons fragile bodies with the impact and precision of a bullet.

"Of course!"  he commanded as he scanned the battlefield for the next threat.  "We must uncover the source of this calamity and destroy it.  We have no time to waste on the petty ants of sin."
« Last Edit: March 23, 2017, 01:00:48 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #108 on: March 23, 2017, 12:07:33 AM »
Richenda Escardos

More undead jump up on the rooftop she is on, charging at her with their weapons raised. With her newfound Strength, Speed, and skill she makes short work of them.

Damn it, this is getting repetitive.

"Hey Hideaki!" Richenda yells from on top of the rooftop. "Stay down there, so they spread their attention between us!"


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #109 on: March 23, 2017, 03:34:17 PM »
Yamato Okamoto

Yamato shrugs in response to Leo I's words, before he dash toward the horde of Undeads, katana on  his hands​.  A few slash, and he kill five skeletons; he then backflip to evade an Undead Knight's swing and decapitate it in mid-air.  Landing on the ground, Yamato slash on the headless Undead Knight, cutting it in half.

He look around and see more Undeads attempting to assault the church, but is repel by Longinus' and Leo's might.

He smile a little before focusing on the enemies.


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #110 on: March 23, 2017, 03:38:19 PM »
Richenda Escardos

More undead jump up on the rooftop she is on, charging at her with their weapons raised. With her newfound Strength, Speed, and skill she makes short work of them.

Damn it, this is getting repetitive.

"Hey Hideaki!" Richenda yells from on top of the rooftop. "Stay down there, so they spread their attention between us!"
Hideaki Miyamoto​

"Why does my life become more difficult?" Muttered the samurai before focused on getting their attention to the Undead, forcing them to split up to take down the two.

Unfortunately for the Undead, the two continue to overwhelm them, with none of the creatures getting the advantages as the two Demi-servants continue to slaughter them.


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #111 on: March 23, 2017, 06:20:28 PM »

"Quiet." She coldly ordered Drake.

My hypothesis is that he somehow fused with some assassin servant in the commotion at the base before I got here, Saber. It's nearly unheard of, but we've been theorizing about the possibility of doing so. Still, to think it happened... It's incredible! Olga couldn't help but sound excited at the prospect of it being true by the end of her thought.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #112 on: March 25, 2017, 01:01:32 PM »

The blonde Roman let go of Ritsuka after she heard her master's confirmation of her suspicions or at least to some degree. Good job Master. But we still need to solve this. What are we gonna do with that man?" She answered back through theur link.

In the mean time she tipped over to Olga and jumped on her giving her an equally big hug as she had just given the young man. "Don't think I forget about you my dear Master!" She happily exclaimed.


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #113 on: March 25, 2017, 02:04:27 PM »
Ritsuka Fujimaru
First Singularity - The City of Contaminated Flames, Fuyuki

Ritsuka narrowed his eyes and repeated his words from earlier, "We do not know, just that we know what we know."


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #114 on: March 25, 2017, 02:38:01 PM »
Olgamally Animusphere

Well, that should be obvious, we're going to—um!?! Her tone was cool and collected right up until the end of the phrase.

"Um!" She exclaimed suddenly as her servant embraced her, exclaiming it both in their telepathic conversation and out loud. Her face suddenly turned beet red as she felt the exotic feeling of her servant pressing herself against her, and felt another tightening in her loins.

Well, um, you see, we just need to use him, and then take him out afterwords. We've got to— make sure to confiscate his noble phantasm, so we can use it in our experiments. She finished her explanation nervously and unprofessionally, clearly heavily affected by her servant's forwardness. She glanced furtively at her servant's amazingly close face and down at her not insubstantial breasts a few times, before she forced herself to squirm away and get some more distance.

Jeez, she's ridiculous... Olga thought to herself before continuing once more in a far calmer tone. And as for Ritsuka, be careful with him right now. He's clearly fused with a servant that has a high rank of mental pollution, and needs to be handled with care. He's an extremely valuable asset to my organization.

With that, Olga walked over to him and patted him on the head. "Don't get so upset, ok?" She told him kindly, attempting to speak with a motherly tone.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #115 on: March 25, 2017, 07:29:44 PM »
Drake McRemitz

Drake keep his stone face as Saber hug Olga.

"Thought while we could go and finish this mission quickly​.  The enemy servant might be expecting us, probably have powerful enemies as a bodyguards." Drake spoke as he looked​ around the street to make sure there aren't any Undeads around here. "It would be best we can find anyone who is capable of fighting them." He suggested.


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #116 on: March 26, 2017, 10:46:18 PM »
Hideaki Miyamoto

Eventually, the two has gotten rid of the Undeads​ as the last one died.

Panting heavily, Hideaki sit down as he turn to look at Richenda.

"Are you okay Richenda-san?"


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #117 on: March 27, 2017, 01:18:26 AM »
Hideaki Miyamoto

Eventually, the two has gotten rid of the Undeads​ as the last one died.

Panting heavily, Hideaki sit down as he turn to look at Richenda.

"Are you okay Richenda-san?"
Richenda Escardos

"Yep!" She says from the rooftop. "Honestly, it was getting kinda boring mowing these mooks down."

she jumps down to the street level and walks to Hideaki.

"These new powers we have are awesome." She says looking at Hideaki "If we didn't have them we would have been killed."

She extends her hand towards Hideaki "let's get out of here before more show up."


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #118 on: March 27, 2017, 02:35:18 AM »
Hideaki Miyamoto

Eventually, the two has gotten rid of the Undeads​ as the last one died.

Panting heavily, Hideaki sit down as he turn to look at Richenda.

"Are you okay Richenda-san?"
Richenda Escardos

"Yep!" She says from the rooftop. "Honestly, it was getting kinda boring mowing these mooks down."

she jumps down to the street level and walks to Hideaki.

"These new powers we have are awesome." She says looking at Hideaki "If we didn't have them we would have been killed."

She extends her hand towards Hideaki "let's get out of here before more show up."
Hideaki Miyamoto

Hideaki turn to look at Richenda, letting out a smile as he return the gesture.

"I guess you're right about that.  Hehe." The boy said as he gotten up by Richenda. "Seriously​ thought, I wonder how tiring it would have been had I was a human."

Meanwhile, Drake sneeze.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2017, 07:03:16 PM by BlackThief12 »


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Re: Fate/Grand Adventure!2.0 [A Fate Grand Order Lewd RP, IC]
« Reply #119 on: March 27, 2017, 11:03:41 PM »
Hideaki Miyamoto

Hideaki turn to look at Richenda, letting out a smile as he return the gesture.

"I guess you're right about that.  Hehe." The boy said as he gotten up by Richenda. "Seriously​ thought, I wonder how tiring it would have been had I was a human."

Meanwhile, Drake sneeze.
"Well," she says happily "You'd probably be dead and would have joined their undead legion."

She leaves the area heading Northwards.