Father WolfRace: Spirit (Avatar)
Appearance: A gigantic grey dire wolf more than four meters tall, with deep red eyes.

Physical Attributes
Strength: Legendary
Agility: Fantastic
Endurance: Fantastic
Magic Ability: None
Other Abilities:Spiritual Rank: Father Wolf is a being with a very high spiritual rank, which grants him Supernatural Tolerance and sovereignty over lesser spirits. His natural weapons cause supernatural damage and count as banes to spirits of lesser rank, and he is owed respect and reverence from weaker spirits.
Supernatural Tolerance: Supernatural. Father Wolf's spiritual rank provides him with considerable resistance against all supernatural powers and influences.
Resonance: Father Wolf is a great spirit of Wolves, the Hunt, and Balance. He is intrinsically aligned to these concepts and harvests spiritual essence from them, feeling appropriately resonant conditions in the world at great distances.
Influence: Spirits can influence the concepts falling within the domain that they were born from and are aligned with. Strengthening, manipulation and control of the concepts of Wolves, Hunts and Balance are possible with an expense of essence for Father Wolf, although he is also able to create young wolves simply from his own spiritual essence.
Manifestations: Other than his natural manifestation in the spirit world, the Shadow, Father Wolf is able to easily walk through the Gauntlet to manifest in the physical world, whether in twilight form or materialized, fetter himself to a location or living being, and open gates between the realm of flesh and the Shadow.
Hibernation: When their body is destroyed, their entire ephemeral form being lost or irreparably damaged, spirits are not killed so long as they have essence remaining. They reform in a safe place that is aligned with their resonance and slowly reform their corpus until they awaken. Of course, being drained of essence completely in this state can kill them for good.
Ephemeral Defense: Even extremely high speed, pinpoint attacks like hails of bullets have a chance of not hitting Father Wolf; as a spirit, his ephemeral form is shifting and brims with power, which means that many attacks phase closely through him or are diverted from even reaching him.
Great Hunter: Father Wolf is the ultimate spirit predator, adept at following all sorts of tracks, whether they be spiritual or physical, is an extremely vicious fighter, and a silent and efficient hunter.
Awe: When activated, the sight of the spiritual entity causes momentary paralyzing terror in any who can see it. Can be resisted with strong willpower.
Essence Feast: Father Wolf can steal essence from any other class of ephemeral being, ripping it from their spiritual bodies, and is even able to obtain it from living beings, either by consuming their flesh or by ripping it out of their spirit. In this way he is also able to drain the willpower of corporeal beings to replenish the vigor of his own mind.
Innocuous: Passive spiritual inclination to being overlooked, making it harder for others to notice Father Wolf than it should be despite his great size.
Pathfinder: Spiritual power that allows a spirit to know the fastest route to any given destination.
Regenerate: By expending essence, Father Wolf can heal wounds on his corpus - all except the most severe, caused by a spiritual bane.
Speed: Spiritual power that accelerates the entity into a blur of movement, temporarily doubling or tripling its speed depending on the essence spent.
Primal Howl: The echoing howl of Father Wolf extends for miles and can inflict passing lunacy on all but werewolves, force ghosts back into twilight, push all but the most powerful spirits back to the Shadow, prevent all other ephemeral entities from manifesting, demolishing spiritual conditions on the physical world, and both massively weaken or strengthen the border between worlds at any given location, although all these effects require significant use of essence. This bestial call can also be used to call his younger wolf spirit brethren to aid him.
Natural Weapons: The fangs and claws of Father Wolf, as well as his powerful body, are dangerous weapons that can cause massive destruction and tear flesh and spirit asunder. By spending essence he can temporarily empower them even further, that every claw and bite attack inflicts terrible, searing damage that is near impossible to restore.
Language: Father Wolf speaks the ancient First Tongue (the natural language of spirits), is able to communicate with all wolves, and understands most major human languages.
Origin: In ancient times, Father Wolf, a being from the Shadow Realm, was the greatest predator that walked the world. In that era, the borders between the worlds of flesh and spirit were thinner, and both realms clashed and colluded far more easily. The balance between the two was kept by Father Wolf, who incessantly patrolled their borders. With Luna, the celestial spirit of the Moon, he gave birth to the ancestors of the Uratha, the part-wolf part-spirit Firstborn. According to Uratha legends, he was eventually killed by the Firstborn, who feared his aging would leave him too weak to perform his duties and planned to replace him. But in the last moments of Father Wolf, his howl sundered the spirit and physical realms, erecting the barrier known as the Gauntlet between them. His duties have since been taken over by the descendants of those Uratha who swore penance for their mistake, the Forsaken. The same legends recount the possibility that he arose to become a true spirit and still watches over werewolves to this day.
This is not entirely wrong. His spirit avatar has indeed appeared in the Shadow and in-between worlds, and his figure has been spotted, albeit with rarity, hunting malignant spirits in the physical world, in the Nexus.
Weaknesses:Essence Bleed: Spending too long outside of a condition that supports him as a spirit will cause Father Wolf to start bleeding essence.
Kuruth: If damaged to the point or near death, or heavily insulted as a warrior and hunter, there is a chance Father Wolf will fall to the throes of the Death Rage. In this state, he is no better than a rabid beast, consumed by bloodlust against any it recognizes as foes. The Red Mist is not permanent, but it can last as long as several hours.
Bane: A piece of moonrock fashioned in the shape of a fang will cause incurable wounds to Father Wolf when used as a weapon, actively repels him, and will instantly kill him if struck into his chest by one who is at least part wolf. Being damaged by one such weapon will also cause him to bleed essence.
Ban: Father Wolf cannot
defend himself from any werewolf, wolf-blooded, or wolf (spirit or living) who was born as one of a group of exactly five siblings. Since he cannot dodge attacks from those that fulfill these conditions and his defenses are null against them, his only options are to run, or kill them first.