Author Topic: NPC Idea Thread  (Read 10874 times)


  • Sir Bonesington
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NPC Idea Thread
« on: January 15, 2015, 05:23:57 AM »

"Who's laughing now!"

Races: Human, Orc, Troll (small minority)

Appearance: The gang apes the look of a slasher out of an old, outdated flick, with black leathers, orange cloth, creepy accessories, and masks that range from hockey masks to cheap rubber halloween ones.

Strength: Human
Agility: Human
Endurance: Human

Note: A few members may have one attribute at Exceptional, in some cases as many as two, due to their inherent natural physique as orcs or trolls, or maybe superior training.

Magic Ability: Mundane

Other Abilities:

Shooting and beating and stabbing: At least average knowledge of firearms, blades, and using their fists.
Vandals: Very good at vandalizing stuff.
Cybernetics: The occasional member of the Halloweeners may have a minor and cheap piece of cyberware like an artificial arm, or enhanced muscles.

- Kevlar Vest
- Molotovs
- Enhancing Drugs
- Small Caliber Handgun
- Cheap Assault Rifle or SMG
- Knife of some sort

Origin: The Halloweeners are a gang that scares even some gangs. Their fascination with macabre, over-the-top Halloween imagery seems to sometimes go to some pretty nasty places. Originally from the Seattle of the Sixth World, the gang is a constant presence there; no matter how many times they're cracked down or destroyed, they always reform, sometimes bigger and better. Since some members ended up in Nexus City, they've done what they tend to do. Spread their mania and increase their numbers. They make their living with a mixture of dealing, arson, petty theft, and violence-for-hire.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2017, 06:46:28 PM by Sinib »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2015, 06:17:32 AM »

Spoiler for Hiden:

*incoherent screaming*

Agility: Incredible
Endurance: Incredible-Fantastic

Magic Ability: None

Other Abilities:

Cybernetics: Cyberzombies are pumped full of cyber and bioware, providing them with inhuman reflexes, pain numbing, an internal power source, chemical resistance, in-built drug dispensers, sensors, and electronic eyes. Often, near their whole body is replaced with heavily armored cyberlimbs - even the torso and skull. They also tend to have several retractable blades and hidden guns.

Astral Hazing: Cyberzombies are screaming, tortured souls, shackled by force with magic to a body that should be dead, kept moving only by constant injections and electrical pulses. They are a gross violation of the natural order, and an extremely powerful source of astral taint. This actively manifests around them as a presence that shears mana in the proximity and hazes spells, dissipating them or reducing their power at least slightly.

Fearless: These walking hazards and monsters know no fear, and will not retreat, no matter what stands in their way.

Notes: Cyberzombies with a degree of self-awareness tend towards the extremely psychotic, unhealthily obsessed, jittery, and suicidal. The vanishingly few that are "free" don't even realize their state and single mindedly pursue their continued existence (by acquiring drugs and materials required for maintenance). They also tend to be drawn to similar beings.

Origin: These pitiful and dangerous beings only come from places of one kind: those where people have the moral looseness to not only play with life using technology, but also dabble in the blood magics required to bind a soul to its body even past its proper point of death.

To the fortune of its citizens, the underbelly of the city has hidden less cyberzombies than you could count in one hand, and likely will never host that many. Yet its poorly supervised shadows provide a relatively prosperous setting for their creation.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2017, 06:27:15 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2015, 03:52:34 AM »
Name: James Smith

Race: Human

Age: 30

Height: 5’9”

Weight: 59 Kg

He looks like an average man in his early 30s, wears a suit to work, t-shirt when it’s warm, sweater while it’s cold, etc.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Human

Constitution: Human

Other Abilities:
Plot Armor: James has functionally perfect plot armor: he cannot die of anything but old age. Something will happen that miraculously prevents him from dying every time. For example, if he walked into Gil and Karna having a dick measuring contest and Gil fired a sword at him, he would just happen to duck down and tie his shoe, the sword missing completely. Stuff like this. He is completely unaware of this ability; as far as he knows he’s a perfectly normal average guy.

Equipment: He carries a briefcase to work, and owns a smartphone.

Origin: James is an average guy just trying to survive in the Nexus. He goes to work five days a week pushing paper at an average insurance firm. He went to an average community college, and is just trying to live his life in the nexus peacefully.

Weakness: None, literally perfect plot armor

Likes: Movies, reading, taking walks

Dislikes: Werewolves, the supernatural, vampires.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2015, 04:46:13 AM »
Name: The Mailed Fist

Race: Leman Russ Battle Tank


Physical Attributes:

Strength: High Supernatural

Agility: Low Supernatural

Constitution: Low Superhuman (Front Armor), High Supernatural (Side Armor), Low Supernatural (Rear Armor)

Magic: None


Leman Russ Battle Cannon: A large cannon that fires high explosive rounds. These large shells are powerful enough to quickly kill Space Marines, destroy tanks, and level reinforced structures. There are sixty shells for this gun.

Hull-Mounted Lascannon: Lascannons are the premier anti-tank weapon of the Imperium of Man. They fire large, high powered laser beams capable of piercing most vehicles and slaying heavy infantry in one blast. However, it is a poor anti-crowd weapon due to its low rate of fire. This weapon draws from the tank's energy supply, and therefore doesn't require a separate battery pack.

2x Sponson Heavy Bolters: These two guns flank the sides of the tank, providing firing support for nearby infantry as well as security for the tank itself. Here's the following profile of the rounds it uses:

Spoiler for Hiden:
The Heavy Bolt Round is standardised at 1.00 calibre. As well as the rocket propellant, a tiny amount of conventional charge is also utilised. This charge is just strong enough to force the bolt out of the barrel and ignite the bolt's propellant. The rocket-propellant is carefully fused to ignite just after leaving the barrel, alleviating any possibility of pressure build-up. The bolt then accelerates away towards the target under its own power. The standard boltgun ammunition is designed to penetrate the target and then detonate, causing immense damage to the target and leaving little opportunity for survival.

The standard Bolt Round consists of:
1.A solid-fuel rocket propellant base
2.An outer casing containing conventional charge
4.Mass-reactive fuse. Has a split-second timer to delay detonation upon impact until after the shot penetrates the target.
5.Hardened diamantine penetrating tip. This allows for the bolt to penetrate most armour before detonation.
6.Main Explosive Charge
7.Depleted uranium core. This is a very dense material, adding weight and thus momentum to the round when in flight. This aids in the bolt's penetration of the target.
There are 300 rounds per sponson ready for use.

Pintle and Co-Axial Heavy Stubbers: Essentially .50 cal heavy machine guns. Pintle is mounted on a swivel around the top hatch, Co-Axial is mounted just to the left of the main cannon. There are 120 rounds per box magazine for the Pintle (with five more boxes tucked away), and three hundred rounds for Co-Axial.



Smoke Launchers

Recovery Gear

Origin: Leman Russes are the standard Main Battle Tank currently used by the Astra Militarum for the last ten thousand years. Its armor and weaponry has stood the test of time, capable of combatting nearly everything: Vehicles, the Traitor Legions, Xenos, and Daemons. There is a variant for every job possible, but the most well-rounded is standard battle tank.

This particular Leman Russ Tank popped up in the Nexus without a crew. It is unknown how it got here, but surely it being here is the will of the God-Emperor...
« Last Edit: January 27, 2015, 05:02:46 AM by MissingMandible »


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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2015, 12:20:49 AM »

Race: Demon

Appearance: Pestbringers are sickly looking, twisted humanoid creatures that carry no stench and move silently.

Strength: Human
Agility: Human
Endurance: Exceptional

Magic Ability:
None (power High)

Other Abilities:

Corruption: Demons' very presences corrupt mystic energy and taint astral space. The greater the corruption, the more desecrated the mystic energy (mana) and the greater the backlash to any who use magic or mystic abilities in the affected area. This taint makes it more difficult and taxing to form spells or channel power, and may cause extremely severe or strange wounds and long term mystical scars. Extreme or constant concentrations of negative feelings are the easiest way for a location to be corrupted over time, but Demons can severely taint the astral space just by being there and using their abilities. It is also possible for them to corrupt living beings over time and twist their nature into Demonspawn. Additionally, some demons can consciously mark living beings, objects and even locations, inflicting mystical scars that bind these to their power.

Primal Horror: Supernatural. Demons can cause extreme, draining terror on others simply by focusing their attention on them. Their commanding, otherworldly presence can also drive lesser minds to madness with prolonged exposure.

Mystic Predator:
Demons can be summoned and are able to sustain themselves with significantly less mystic energy in the air than would normally be required for their power. They feed on mana, pain and misery and are easily drawn to these things, upon the which they will then proceed to corrupt the atmosphere until not a single untainted breath of it is left.

Demons exist naturally in the astral plane and can manifest in the physical world to affect it. While manifested, Demons perceive the astral and physical planes simultaneously.

Claws: Pestbringers possess deadly retractable claws.

Manifest Monstrosity:
A pestbringer demon may alter its shape, changing its appearance or physical traits. But no matter the form it has, it cannot disguise its pestilence and obvious air of illness.

Crucible Of Sickness: Wounds caused by a pestbringer infect their victims with terrible, virulent disease. This illness cripples natural healing immensely and causes significant sluggishness, aside from having unpredictable infectiousness through all vectors. The ailment is difficult to cure even with advanced medicine, and a certain degree of power is required to heal it magically. Pestbringers may also make a conscious effort to spread the disease by simple touch.

Despite their human level physique and ill appearance, pestbringers have very tough bodies without any sort of actual natural armor, being able to survive a direct hit to the head from most heavy firearms.

Mystic Resistance: High. The Pestbringer has considerably strong resistance against the negative effects of spells and mystic powers.

Other Skills: Pestbringers have a composure of steel, cruel intellects, and are extremely perceptive beings. They are also very naturally stealthy, have great knowledge of medicine (particularly in the area of diseases), and as most Demons, are skilled torturers.

Pestbringers are a general class of Demon, extradimensional Horrors from deep within the Astral Realms that cross over to worlds with high mana (otherwise known as mystic energy) levels to consume and corrupt all they can lay their hands on. They delight on pain, suffering, and death, and their dark appetites know no end. The Nexus is one of the most magic-rich environments you could think of. In other words, a perfect nest for Demons. Now that some have found it by chance and crossed over, there is little hope they will ever wish to leave.

Notes: Demons, despite often having great intelligence and other impressive faculties, lack imagination. They are creatively sterile in nearly every way, and do not tend to change their methods.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2015, 11:45:15 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2015, 02:42:32 AM »
“This city has done a good thing in reminding me how much I hate vampires. And fae. And other werewolves. And humans. Everyone is a fucking idiot.”

Name: Lord Silverback

Race: Werewolf

Age: Approximately 1500

Height: 6’ 3 feet

Weight: around 180 pounds

Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible (Fantastic)

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Incredible

Magic Ability - None: Silverback lacks any magical capabilities himself however he is knowledgeable on the four elemental magics and magic that involves spirits.

Other Abilities:

Wolf Form:
Spoiler for Hiden:

Silverback’s wolf form is actually notoriously weak in comparison to other werewolves from his world. The only boost it gives to his physical prowess is strength however he does have the regeneration factor intrinsic to all of his kind. He’s also gifted with better senses and the normal advantages of increased height and size.

The Boon of Silver: This was the first and only Boon that Silverback was given freely. A gift from the spirit of the Moon for his tactics in the Great Wars. Nothing of silver may ever bring harm to him. Weapons made of it bounce off of him and even objects coated with the substance will fail to do anything despite their properties without the silver.

Miscellaneous Boons: Silverback would eventually find and kill the rest of his siblings along with ripping their blessings from their corpses. He would uses these to strengthen his human form and make it equal to that of any werewolf. This worked well with the slight boost in strength he gets in wolf form.

Cane: A cane made of cold iron with the top being capped off with a wolf’s head and the bottom ending with a very sharp point. Silverback primarily uses it to whack fae with extreme prejudice.

Hunting Horn: An ancient looking horn made of wood and covered with numerous arcane symbols. The sound emanating from this instrument can be heard by any other werewolf and he generally uses it to call meetings or for aid.

Origin: Silverback was the most clever and intelligent out of all his siblings. He would mostly remain unimportant until the Great War came. The Paladin Orders had finally gone at each others throats and gods walked the land for the first time since The Beginning. Seas boiled and froze, valleys were formed and mountains were torn asunder, and the sky was broken and made anew. He marshalled his kind and prepared them for conflict unlike anything they had seen before. Through cunning and strategy (although some would be correct to say cruelty and savagery) his people survived. As a result he was allowed to ask a single thing from the moon spirit. He took the Boon of Silver although he would tell no one of the encounter. Utilizing his new advantage he would eventually go out and slaughter the others that managed to win a gift such as his. Several of those happened to be his own siblings. He would, throughout the course of his life, search out and slaughter them for their gifts. Of course, even for him that was a long time ago. He has mellowed out throughout the years, however age only seems to have made him more grumpy.

In the Nexus he has earned some respect from the other packs due to his age and strength outside of his wolf form. He may lack any official position within any of the myriad of packs but at the very least they will listen to what he has to say. Some have hired him to speak with unruly pack leaders and some have even paid him enough to go off and fight other werewolves himself. Most of his funds are used for paying rent and buying all the silver he can and hoarding it away.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 05:37:05 AM by Kaze »


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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2015, 07:53:17 PM »

Father Wolf

Race: Spirit (Avatar)

Appearance: A gigantic grey dire wolf more than four meters tall, with deep red eyes.

Physical Attributes
Strength: Legendary
Agility: Fantastic
Endurance: Fantastic

Magic Ability: None

Other Abilities:

Spiritual Rank: Father Wolf is a being with a very high spiritual rank, which grants him Supernatural Tolerance and sovereignty over lesser spirits. His natural weapons cause supernatural damage and count as banes to spirits of lesser rank, and he is owed respect and reverence from weaker spirits.

Supernatural Tolerance: Supernatural. Father Wolf's spiritual rank provides him with considerable resistance against all supernatural powers and influences.

Resonance: Father Wolf is a great spirit of Wolves, the Hunt, and Balance. He is intrinsically aligned to these concepts and harvests spiritual essence from them, feeling appropriately resonant conditions in the world at great distances.

Influence: Spirits can influence the concepts falling within the domain that they were born from and are aligned with. Strengthening, manipulation and control of the concepts of Wolves, Hunts and Balance are possible with an expense of essence for Father Wolf, although he is also able to create young wolves simply from his own spiritual essence.

Manifestations: Other than his natural manifestation in the spirit world, the Shadow, Father Wolf is able to easily walk through the Gauntlet to manifest in the physical world, whether in twilight form or materialized, fetter himself to a location or living being, and open gates between the realm of flesh and the Shadow.

When their body is destroyed, their entire ephemeral form being lost or irreparably damaged, spirits are not killed so long as they have essence remaining. They reform in a safe place that is aligned with their resonance and slowly reform their corpus until they awaken. Of course, being drained of essence completely in this state can kill them for good.

Ephemeral Defense: Even extremely high speed, pinpoint attacks like hails of bullets have a chance of not hitting Father Wolf; as a spirit, his ephemeral form is shifting and brims with power, which means that many attacks phase closely through him or are diverted from even reaching him.

Great Hunter: Father Wolf is the ultimate spirit predator, adept at following all sorts of tracks, whether they be spiritual or physical, is an extremely vicious fighter, and a silent and efficient hunter.

Awe: When activated, the sight of the spiritual entity causes momentary paralyzing terror in any who can see it. Can be resisted with strong willpower.

Essence Feast: Father Wolf can steal essence from any other class of ephemeral being, ripping it from their spiritual bodies, and is even able to obtain it from living beings, either by consuming their flesh or by ripping it out of their spirit. In this way he is also able to drain the willpower of corporeal beings to replenish the vigor of his own mind.

Innocuous: Passive spiritual inclination to being overlooked, making it harder for others to notice Father Wolf than it should be despite his great size.

Pathfinder: Spiritual power that allows a spirit to know the fastest route to any given destination.

Regenerate: By expending essence, Father Wolf can heal wounds on his corpus - all except the most severe, caused by a spiritual bane.

Speed: Spiritual power that accelerates the entity into a blur of movement, temporarily doubling or tripling its speed depending on the essence spent.

Primal Howl: The echoing howl of Father Wolf extends for miles and can inflict passing lunacy on all but werewolves, force ghosts back into twilight, push all but the most powerful spirits back to the Shadow, prevent all other ephemeral entities from manifesting, demolishing spiritual conditions on the physical world, and both massively weaken or strengthen the border between worlds at any given location, although all these effects require significant use of essence. This bestial call can also be used to call his younger wolf spirit brethren to aid him.

Natural Weapons: The fangs and claws of Father Wolf, as well as his powerful body, are dangerous weapons that can cause massive destruction and tear flesh and spirit asunder. By spending essence he can temporarily empower them even further, that every claw and bite attack inflicts terrible, searing damage that is near impossible to restore.

Language: Father Wolf speaks the ancient First Tongue (the natural language of spirits), is able to communicate with all wolves, and understands most major human languages.

In ancient times, Father Wolf, a being from the Shadow Realm, was the greatest predator that walked the world. In that era, the borders between the worlds of flesh and spirit were thinner, and both realms clashed and colluded far more easily. The balance between the two was kept by Father Wolf, who incessantly patrolled their borders. With Luna, the celestial spirit of the Moon, he gave birth to the ancestors of the Uratha, the part-wolf part-spirit Firstborn. According to Uratha legends, he was eventually killed by the Firstborn, who feared his aging would leave him too weak to perform his duties and planned to replace him. But in the last moments of Father Wolf, his howl sundered the spirit and physical realms, erecting the barrier known as the Gauntlet between them. His duties have since been taken over by the descendants of those Uratha who swore penance for their mistake, the Forsaken. The same legends recount the possibility that he arose to become a true spirit and still watches over werewolves to this day.

This is not entirely wrong. His spirit avatar has indeed appeared in the Shadow and in-between worlds, and his figure has been spotted, albeit with rarity, hunting malignant spirits in the physical world, in the Nexus.


Essence Bleed: Spending too long outside of a condition that supports him as a spirit will cause Father Wolf to start bleeding essence.

Kuruth: If damaged to the point or near death, or heavily insulted as a warrior and hunter, there is a chance Father Wolf will fall to the throes of the Death Rage. In this state, he is no better than a rabid beast, consumed by bloodlust against any it recognizes as foes. The Red Mist is not permanent, but it can last as long as several hours.

Bane: A piece of moonrock fashioned in the shape of a fang will cause incurable wounds to Father Wolf when used as a weapon, actively repels him, and will instantly kill him if struck into his chest by one who is at least part wolf. Being damaged by one such weapon will also cause him to bleed essence.

Ban: Father Wolf cannot defend himself from any werewolf, wolf-blooded, or wolf (spirit or living) who was born as one of a group of exactly five siblings. Since he cannot dodge attacks from those that fulfill these conditions and his defenses are null against them, his only options are to run, or kill them first.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 05:37:37 AM by Kaze »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2015, 01:46:59 AM »
“Do not test my patience, canine. I walked these lands long before your pitiful race was even spawned.”

-Queen Safiria to Lord Silverback during the last years of The Great War

Name: Safiria

Race: Vampire

Age: approximately 5000

Height: 6’ 3

Weight: 170 lbs.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Fantastic

Constitution: Fantastic

Magic Ability: Medium - Safiria is relatively skilled in the art of illusions. She mostly uses them to hide her home from others and to give herself the features of the living. The vampire has also learned a few spells in order to compensate for the weaknesses that plague her race. During the day she can wrap herself in a cloak of darkness that even keeps the sun itself at bay and allows her to ignore the usual pain of its light. Fire will break apart any part of the darkness it touches and it must be reapplied.

Other Abilities:

Draining: Safiria has gone beyond the need for her kind to drink blood. All blood does is provide them an easy way to take in lifeforce which vampires need. She simply skips the middle man and can directly siphon lifeforce from her opponents with physical contact.

The Cold: A psychic ability that Safiria has had all her life. It allows her to intensify emotions within an entity whether they be positive or negative. This is accompanied by the person feeling a freezing cold which was the basis of the name. Those with enough willpower can resist the more overt attempts but it is much more difficult if she’s already using a powerful emotion you’re feeling right then.

Regeneration: Safiria can expend her stolen lifeforce in order to make her body reform and come together. As long as she has enough spare lifeforce she can theoretically recover from anything as long as enough of her body is intact. Wounds caused by fire and sunlight cannot be recovered as easily and take time to heal.


The Hungerer: A one handed sword fashioned by the gods during the end of their reign on the world before Safiria was even born. The Hungerer is made of a black, alien metal and blessed by multiple gods to be incredibly durable.  It is a sword that craves flesh, bone, and spirit. It passes through all other materials as if it wasn’t even there. Only against flesh will it act as a blade and cut into them. It greedily drains blood and upon the death of its victims it will devour the soul as well which further strengthens it.

Origin: Safiria was born long after the end of the gods. Her induction into the fledgling society of the vampires was rather simple. One of their kind who simply didn’t know when enough was enough and desired what she didn’t have. But this was much more a blessing than a curse for Safiria. Her potential, survivability, and cunning allowed her to excel and live where others died. So for centuries she lived and garnered power until she was powerful both physically, mentally, and financially. Her involvement in the Great War was overall minimal except for the occasional defense of her lands and the unforgiving beatdown handed to the werewolves during a border dispute near the end of it.

Now she is in the Nexus primarily working on building connections and gathering influence and followers. She still needs to go out herself on occasion to gather lifeforce but for the most part she has made herself comfortable waiting and watching as she uses others to get what she wants.

Weakness: Fire is an incredibly useful tool against her and if you manage to destroy her cloak or surprise her with it sunlight is also devastating.

Safiria also needs to drain lifeforce equivalent to that of fifty fully matured humans every night in order to stay active. She doesn’t need to drain people dry but it is still a hassle and can weaken her if she doesn't get enough.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 05:39:04 AM by Kaze »

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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2015, 06:07:21 PM »
“Judgement has been passed.”

Name: The Imprisoned

Race: Bound Spirits

Age: Approximately 200

Height:  About 3 meters

Weight: Extremely heavy


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Exceptional

Constitution: Fantastic (The inside of The Imprisoned is Legendary)

Magic Ability - None: The Imprisoned lack any magical capabilities themselves however their combined experience gives them much knowledge about magic.

Magic Resistance - Medium: The Imprisoned is made out of an unnatural metal that is somewhat resistant to magecraft.

Other Abilities:

Collective Experience: The Imprisoned is a group of countless souls bound to a suit of armor. They share their knowledge and because of this The Imprisoned is capable of multiple combat styles and tactics.

The Eyes of Retribution: The Imprisoned is capable of perceiving how many humans someone has killed due to its nature. This is perceived as a red aura that varies in intensity depending on the amount of blood the person has killed.

Self Repair: Damage done to The Imprisoned is slowly repaired as metal reforms. This is useful for resting after battle but in the midst of combat it is too slow to have much of an effect.

Judgement: This is an ability that only victims already trapped within The Imprisoned can be affected by. The countless souls of The Imprisoned tear the soul of the trapped person to shreds and slowly fuse it back together while altering it to become an entity whose views fit their own

Spirit Sword: A blade that is incredibly durable and can strike spirits as well as normal beings. It also has a self repair ability that is identical to The Imprisoned’s own.

Spirit Shield: A shield that is incredibly durable and can block spiritual attacks as well as normal attacks. It also has a self repair ability that is identical to The Imprisoned’s own.It is made of the same material as The Imprisoned and has the same magic resistance.

Phantasmal Chains: The Imprisoned’s chest can open up to reveal countless ethereal chains that they use to trap and pull victims into the armor. They work on physical and spiritual entities.

The Imprisoned is incapable of moving while the chains are active so it generally uses it against weak or incapacitated foes. Healing runs are carved on the inside of the armor and are used to prolong the life of The Imprisoned’s captives.

Origin: The Imprisoned was one of many entities created to defend a kingdom from internal and external threats. An abomination made of a spirit of Justice stitched to hundreds of other souls. With the ability to identify and kill murderers along with being able to incorporate the skills and knowledge of their victims into their work they became exceptionally efficient at what they did.

Like everyone else The Imprisoned was teleported to the Nexus and has kept itself busy with killing supernaturals. Occasionally it has issues with the police who don’t like The Imprisoned’s methods very much however there hasn’t been conflict. Yet.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 05:40:08 AM by Kaze »

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2015, 07:15:22 PM »
“I am the Song of the World.”

Name: Daggoth

Race: Nature Spirit

Age: Ancient. Numbers are nothing to it so it doesn’t count.

Height:  About 5’ 6 with the manifestation

Weight: Not much heavier than the average human as the manifestation.


Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes

Strength: N/A (Incredible)

Agility: N/A (Fantastic)

Constitution: Legendary (Exceptional)

Magic Ability - None: Daggoth cannot use magic but its knowledge of elemental magic surpasses that of all but the greatest masters of the art.

Magic Resistance - High: Over time Daggoth has attained a resistance to magic due to being affected by massive amounts of arcane energy during its lifetime. This only applies to the forest itself. The manifestation can still be harmed by magic.

Other Abilities:

The Manifestation: Daggoth is a nature spirit but while some are singular trees or groves Daggoth is an entire forest. The very first forest to be exact. Its body is not only the trees but the very earth that the plants are rooted into. Daggoth is capable of manifesting in the world in order to affect things outside of the forest. It takes a few hours to create a manifestation but it is capable of leaving the forest and can go into the city even though it dislikes this. The manifestation is incapable of healing in modern places such as the city and will only resume healing in forests or other overgrown areas.

Elemental Manipulation - Extremely high: Daggoth is an impossibly old elemental and it shows in every action it takes. The earth shatters and is reformed with a mere thought, the wind becomes thousands of blades, a spark of fire becomes an inferno, and water forcibly drowns its victims. This is incredibly dangerous when you are inside of the forest since its control is strongest there.

This is limited by the amount of element in question which is not much of a problem for something like earth but it cannot create fire out of nothing. Only the manifestation is capable of using this power outside of the forest and is less powerful outside of it. Nevertheless it is still adept at it and more than a match for most enemies.

Elemental Immunity: Daggoth cannot be damaged by any of the four elements in their basic forms. Fire, water, wind, and earth will not harm the forest or the manifestation. Things like metal and ice can still hurt the forest and the manifestation.

Origin: Daggoth was the nature spirit of the first forest of his world. His very being is made up of wood and earth. Over time this knowledge would become forgotten considering his inactivity. Things outside of the forest were not his concern and as long as no one destroyed the exotic plants and ancient trees of the forest it was content sleeping.

The Nexus changed things by uprooting the entirety of the forest and dumping it on the outskirts of the city. Daggoth was given a rude awakening but has continued to stay relatively quiet except for sending the manifestation to take a look at things every once in a while. It is not a being that desires combat and is more than willing to allow other beings to explore the forest as long as they aren’t too greedy. There is the occasional mishap where someone is crushed under dozens of boulders but for the most part it has become a place where many people have come too. The abundance of food, plants that serve as powerful reagents, exotic beasts, and its powerful connection to the natural world make it an interesting place.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 05:40:47 AM by Kaze »


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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2015, 12:47:11 AM »
The Ninja Shadowkhan

Race: Oni

Age: Unknown, clan potentially thousands of years old


Strength: Human

Agility: Human

Constitution: Human

Magic Ability: None

Other Abilities:

Shadow Walking: The Shadowkhan travel through shadows, and can spawn in great numbers from them.

Stealth: This oni clan is the one who is most proficient with stealth. They are very adept at moving silently, and under the cover of shadows are able to go as good as unnoticed.

Acrobatics: Despite their overall agility not being terribly impressive, the Shadowkhan are capable of implausible athletic feats like great jumps and moving on walls without much difficulty.

Skills: The Shadowkhan are superior to average humans physically and make use of great deal of archaic weapons like katanas and throwing stars.

Endless: The numbers of the Shadowkhan are effectively limitless. Though with enough damage they will disappear in puffs of smoke, there is no discernable point when more stop coming.

Origin: The Shadowkhan are a clan of oni, shadow demons from Japan who in ancient times served Tarakudo, the lord of all Oni. Since he was sealed away and the oni generals as well, the Shadowkhan dispersed and have been called to serve from the darkness by a number of people.


Cowardice: Despite easily overwhelming most humans even in small numbers, beating up enough of them will make them inclined to retreat despite their advantage of quantity, unless they are following absolute directions otherwise.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2015, 01:08:26 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2015, 12:52:54 AM »
Name: The Network


"Creation's greatest enemy and the source of its ultimate demise cannot be underestimated. Creation's greatest enemy is the Created. "

The many races that form The Network:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Name: Shishin Hamar(also nicknamed Brain Spiders)

Appearance: The Shishin Hamar are enormous spiders the size of a wolf. Their legs have been warped and changed into white natural weapons capable of piercing through flesh and bone with ease. Their abdomens are a green color while the rest of their bodies are a dark shade of brown.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Supernatural

Agility: Exceptional

Constitution: Supernatural

Other Abilities:

Mind Eater: The Shishin Hamar grow in intellect by devouring the memories of their victims. This is a long and painful process that requires the target to be immobilized and absolute concentration from the spider. Young Shishin Hamar are little more than average beasts before their first meal but elder ones possess an intelligence that is frighteningly human.

Silk: The Shishin Hamar care capable of creating a strong and durable silk that it usually uses to immobilize its enemies so they can perform a Mind Eater.

Origin: One of the many twisted experiments of Robert Ryuusei, the Shishin Hamar were quickly brought into the fold of The Network and used to incredible effect in multiple battles.

Name: Brilhado

Appearance: The Brilhado are human-like in appearance and share the diversity of skin, hair, and eye colors that humans do. The only way to distinguish A Brilhado from a human are the fact that they have wings that allow them to fly. These wings are almost completely purple except for the ends that are tinged with red.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Supernatural

Agility: Supernatural(when flying Superhuman)

Constitution: Supernatural

Magical Ability - Medium to High: The Brilhado have capable necromancers within their ranks that are capable of animating the dead in masses and manipulating the elements of darkness and ice proficiently. Brilhado necromancers also have the curious ability to link their magic which can end in a group of necromancers casting a single spell much more powerful than any could produce on their own.

Other Abilities:

Weaponry: The soldiers of the Brilhado army are both experienced and powerful. Most can use a ranged weapon along with a melee weapon and are remarkably skilled with both. Even their vaunted necromancers are capable of defending themselves adequately in CQC.

Equipment: The Brilhado use swords, spears, shields, maces, mauls, and lately guns to fight their enemies.

Origin: The Brilhado were once great spirits that served the Elemental Lord of Light, but an agent of the Devourer who misinterpreted his Lord's instructions engineered a plan of deceit so great that it forever changed the world. The elements warred, worlds clashed, and the Brilhado fell from grace. Most ended up joining the Devourer for one reason or another and are now one of his most widely recognized servants.

Name: Tytoa

Appearance: The Tytoa mostly look human except for the sickly green tint to their skin and the fact that every part of their eyes are black.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Superhuman

Agility: Supernatural

Constitution: Exceptional

Other Abilities:

Poisoners: The Tytoa produce biologic poisons that are primarily used to paralyze their targets. They can both secrete this poison from their skin and breath it out as a gas. However even ignoring their own ability to produce poison they are also skilled at creating poisons from other sources. They are also immune to many poisons.

Steadfast: The Tytoa are the chosen guard of the manifested Devourer for a reason. They have discipline unknown even to the Brilhado and are one of the few races that can stand in Omega's presence without scattering like leaves. This also makes them incredibly loyal due to being so close to their master and any soldier would take their life eagerly before revealing his plans.

Origin: The Tytoa were one of the first races to join the Devourer. Many of them simply wished to follow what seemed to be an all powerful destroyer, but a few understood the Uncreator's purpose and followed him due to that. They are usually paired with groups of Shishin Hamar due to the synergy between the two races.

"What I must be has become clear and I do not desire it. The Elemental Lords will do nothing in complacency removed from that which they wrought. They are transcendent, I must be imminent. I must become the enemy of Creation to preserve it. The mirror shall show the image true."

The Agents of the Devourer
Spoiler for Hiden:
"I have a sacred duty, which I have followed for centuries, and I will stop at nothing to succeed. I do not know you, and I do not know your allegiance-- but I promise you this: If you do not do as I say-- if you challenge me-- I will have no choice but to flay the flesh from your bones.”

Name: The Huntress(Celestra)

Race: Elf

Age: 1000+

Height: 5’11

Weight: about 135 lbs.

Appearance: The Huntress is a tall woman with waist-length dark red hair and green eyes. Although she is about a thousand years old, she looks as if she was on her mid-twenties. Her outfit consists of a pair of dark grey trousers, a midriff-baring tank top, gloves and a dark red cloth hanging from her waist. She is always seen bare-footed.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Legendary

Constitution: Exceptional

Other Abilities:

Immortality: The energies of the Devourer had a strange effect upon the Huntress as she traveled with it. Her aging ceased completely and with this boon she has followed the deity for a longer time than many have lived.

Legend of the Transient: The Huntress had become the host to a being that is even more illusive than her even throughout all her travels. It has greatly enhanced her speed to levels far beyond human levels but it cannot do anything for her other attributes. It also has a connection with the element of wind that the Huntress makes use of.

Elemental Manipulation - High: Due to her status as a host The Huntress is capable of firing shredding blades of air and create powerful barriers with the element. She lacks variety but makes up for it with sheer strength in manipulating her element.

Communicant: Due to her unquestionable loyalty and work within the Network the Huntress is capable of hearing and speaking directly to the Devourer himself. She is also capable of making his voice heard to others that are near her.


The Nameless Sword: A blade forged from the bones of a long forgotten god. Throughout the years it has been influenced by the Devourer's power and has gained a powerful affinity against beings that have a powerful connection to Creation. elementals, certain deities, and spirits with a connection to the World have an adverse reaction to the blade as it annihilates parts of their body with brutal force.

The Gauntlet of The Devourer: A black gauntlet with what seems to be a red crystal that covers the fingers. The Huntress wears it on her right hand and is usually used to make escapes and hunt down enemies. This is because of that gauntlet's ability to sunder reality and basically create portals. She can go to any places she has seen before but it requires her to stay completely still and charge the gauntlet for a few moments before she makes a cut.

Origin: The Huntress follows the Devourer due to being one of the few members of the Network that actually understands the god's purpose and motives. She has walked by his side for ages and has become attuned with his wishes. Ultimately ending in her earning the title of Communicant before The Network began its sacred duty within the Nexus.

"The Devourer's work is never done."

Name: Mark Ryuusei

Race: Human

Age: 36

Height: 6'1

Weight: about 165 lbs.

Appearance: Dark-haired with hazel eyes, Ryuusei appeared tall and slender with bony, narrow fingers, and yet, a well-muscled torso and legs. One of his most distinctive features was that of his facial hair—a Fu Manchu mustache, a goatee-like chin puff and a designer stubble.

A snappy dresser, he wears a distinctive two-pieced red suit, consisting of single-breasted jacket with a notched lapel with golden embroidery in the left sleeve, and trousers with a similar golden pattern in the right leg. Under the jacket, he wore a white shirt with a red gem adorning his neck, and an extravagant golden ring with an orange stone on his right hand. Unlike many others characters, he carried no weapons; instead, he was always seen holding a golden dragon head-topped cane.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Supernatural

Agility: Supernatural

Constitution: Supernatural

Magical Ability - Extremely High: Ryuusei is quite possibly one of the most powerful magic users to ever follow the Devourer. He is extremely adept with the elements of cold and darkness. Freezing blizzards and tendrils of darkness often accompany each other when he takes his place on the battlefield. He is also capable of using darkness in order to turn his body into a natural weapon. His arms coated in shadows that cut through bone and consume flesh.

More than once proved himself to be a necromancer far ahead of the abilities of the Brilhado. He has gone far beyond simply animating the body and usually binds the souls of powerful warriors back into their dead husks so they can retain all their skill and capabilities. There are also many undead that he has altered in order to make them superior to their former selves.

He has also proved himself remarkably knowledgeable on the topic of dimensions and dimensional magic. Because of this he is capable of sensing disturbances in reality without any supplemental equipment. This also allows him to make use of the Nexus' unstable nature to create gateways. It might not let him leave the Nexus but with enough mana he can weaken what is already there and create an opening in the world.

Finally, he has also delved into the realm of Uncreation that his master holds dominion over. He can't use it in combat but he is extremely knowledgeable on the subject and can recognize its effects even when he shouldn't remember them.

Other Abilities:

Communicant: Due to his loyalty, overall usefulness, and work within the Network Ryuusei is capable of hearing and speaking directly to the Devourer himself. He is also capable of making his voice heard to others that are near her.


Cane: A black cane topped off with the golden head of a dragon.This cane serves the purpose of enhancing his already powerful magical capabilities.

Origin: Ryuusei's origins have remained unknown to most of the members of the Network. All that is certain is that he came from a world that was uncreated and had apparently murdered his father before that. He followed the Devourer across worlds before joining the Network.

"Your kind may have ideas about what my legacy entails, but you have no clue whatsoever the true purpose behind my actions."

Name: Xilar

Race: Primal Dragon

Age: 10,000+

Height: 6 meters

Weight: Really heavy


Physical Attributes

Strength: Legendary

Agility: Supernatural

Constitution: Superhuman

Magical Ability - None: Xilar is incapable of performing magic but is very knowledgeable in multiple fields of arcane study. In the field of Uncreation he is considered one of the few to completely understand the process.

Magic Resistance - High: Dragons naturally have a resistance against magical attacks and Xilar is no different.
Other Abilities:

Communicant: Due to his absolute loyalty, overall usefulness, and work within the Network Xilar is capable of hearing and speaking directly to the Devourer himself. He is also capable of making his voice heard to others that are near her.

Strategist: Xilar has led the forces of the Devourer against countless worlds. With his leadership races were rendered extinct and civilizations were utterly annihilated. Over the years his battlefield tactics and strategy have evolved and has made him a terrifyingly capable opponent.

Master of Deceit: It's already difficult to tell exactly what a dragon is thinking or feeling due to how different they seem but Xilar takes this to an entirely different level. He is capable of faking emotions to the point where it is nearly impossible to tell whether or not he is being genuine or not. With this skill he was the one to put the elements of the world in conflict with one another and orchestrated the Brilhado's fall from grace.

Origin: Xilar was the first Communicant of the Devourer. While the other temples to the Elemental Lords refused him he was eventually taken in by the Devourer, and while his misinterpretation of his god's intentions caused many issues he has become the most trusted servant of the Devourer.

"I am Creation's greatest enemy. It is I who speak it. Creation’s greatest enemy is I for Creation's greatest enemy is itself. I come to test and to destroy and hope only to fail utterly as I failed in life. For in failing I shall succeed. Those who know this and understand may come to understand me. Be ready, I am coming for you and I shall not be merciful. "

Origin: The only thing that these races and individuals share is allegiance to the Devourer. He is the Uncreator and upholds the delicate balance of the universe. He travels to chaotic worlds and sends the Network to test them and challenge them. If they cannot unify under this threat then his judgement will be rendered and he will remove the entirety of that world from the annals of time and space. The world and the entities that live on it will have never existed at all.


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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2015, 12:05:52 PM »
Puppet Master

Race: Demon

Appearance: A Puppet Master resembles a large jelly-like ball with a dozen or more tentacles. Its body is transparent, revealing an enormous brain-like structure inside.

Strength: Human
Agility: Human
Endurance: Human

Magic Ability:
None (power High)

Other Abilities:

Corruption: Demons' very presences corrupt mystic energy and taint astral space. The greater the corruption, the more desecrated the mystic energy (mana) and the greater the backlash to any who use magic or mystic abilities in the affected area. This taint makes it more difficult and taxing to form spells or channel power, and may cause extremely severe or strange wounds and long term mystical scars. Extreme or constant concentrations of negative feelings are the easiest way for a location to be corrupted over time, but Demons can severely taint the astral space just by being there and using their abilities. It is also possible for them to corrupt living beings over time and twist their nature into Demonspawn. Additionally, some demons can consciously mark living beings, objects and even locations, inflicting mystical scars that bind these to their power.

Mystic Predator:
Demons can be summoned and are able to sustain themselves with significantly less mystic energy in the air than would normally be required for their power. They feed on mana, pain and misery and are easily drawn to these things, upon the which they will then proceed to corrupt the atmosphere until not a single untainted breath of it is left.

Primal Horror: Supernatural. Demons can cause extreme, draining terror on others simply by focusing their attention on them. Their commanding, otherworldly presence can also drive lesser minds to madness with prolonged exposure.

Manifestation: Demons exist naturally in the astral plane and can manifest in the physical world to affect it. While manifested, Demons perceive the astral and physical planes simultaneously.

Mystic Resistance: Medium. The Puppet Master has considerable resistance against the negative effects of spells and mystic powers.

Imbue With The Demon: Supernatural. The Puppet Master can take control of any living creature native to the physical plane by imbuing them with its power, turning them into its complete minion for several days. Since this is a mystic power, resistance to such effects and levels of supernatural power can shield against it, and very strong willpower can help shake it off. Those controlled in such a way have greatly empowered physical abilities, but their mental capabilities and will are suppressed just as much under the demon's power. Knocking out a puppet minion by brute force is enough to release them of this control, but the effect still leaves a mystical scar through which the demon may influence them further.

Pulling Strings: The demon can telekinetically control the bodies of its puppet minions, gaining direct control of all their actions until it is defeated or they are freed of its power one way or another. And any minion, even ones it is not actively controlling, can and will be compelled to throw themselves in the way of attacks directed at the puppet master, as if flung by some invisible force.

Tentacles: Puppet Masters possess tentacles that can serve as deadly weapons.

Other Skills: Puppet Master demons have very strong, sharp minds and great ability to influence and dominate others. Despite their general abilities, they are good at going unnoticed. Like most demons, they know how to torture mortals. It is difficult to catch one of these demons unaware.

Origin: Puppet Masters are a general class of Demon, extradimensional Horrors from deep within the Astral Realms that cross over to worlds with high mana (otherwise known as mystic energy) levels to consume and corrupt all they can lay their hands on. They delight on pain, suffering, and death, and their dark appetites know no end. The Nexus is one of the most magic-rich environments you could think of. In other words, a perfect nest for Demons. Now that some have found it by chance and crossed over, there is little hope they will ever wish to leave.

Notes: Demons, despite often having great intelligence and other impressive faculties, lack imagination. They are creatively sterile in nearly every way, and do not tend to change their methods. Puppet Masters are also less agile than most humans.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2015, 03:50:07 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #13 on: February 13, 2015, 12:45:33 PM »

Race: Demon

In the closest approximate to its "true" form, Cultus is a massive humanoid of sleek inhuman features, around 15 feet tall. As a human, it frequently presents itself as a prophet of ill bearings or the messenger of a higher purpose.

Strength: Incredible
Agility: Exceptional
Endurance: Incredible

Magic Ability: None (power High)

Other Abilities:

Corruption: Demons' very presences corrupt mystic energy and taint astral space. The greater the corruption, the more desecrated the mystic energy (mana) and the greater the backlash to any who use magic or mystic abilities in the affected area. This taint makes it more difficult and taxing to form spells or channel power, and may cause extremely severe or strange wounds and long term mystical scars. Extreme or constant concentrations of negative feelings are the easiest way for a location to be corrupted over time, but Demons can severely taint the astral space just by being there and using their abilities. It is also possible for them to corrupt living beings over time and twist their nature into Demonspawn. Additionally, some demons can consciously mark living beings, objects and even locations, inflicting mystical scars that bind these to their power.
Mystic Predator: Demons can be summoned and are able to sustain themselves with significantly less mystic energy in the air than would normally be required for their power. They feed on mana, pain and misery and are easily drawn to these things, upon the which they will then proceed to corrupt the atmosphere until not a single untainted breath of it is left.

Primal Horror: Supernatural. Demons can cause extreme, draining terror on others simply by focusing their attention on them. Their otherworldly existence can also drive lesser minds to madness with prolonged exposure.

Manifestation: Demons exist naturally in the astral plane and can manifest in the physical world to affect it. While manifested, Demons perceive the astral and physical planes simultaneously.

Cultus's astral and physical forms can operate independently of each other, and only if both are destroyed can Cultus truly be defeated.

Manifest Mastery: The demon is able to wildly alter its physical form when manifesting, assuming whatever type of appearance it would like. It can even duplicate specific forms and impersonate humans it has seen before.

Mystic Resistance: Medium. Cultus has considerable resistance against the negative effects of spells and mystic powers.

Worshipping Blight: Supernatural. Cultus may inspire religious fervor in a target he can see, turning them aggressively devoted to the support and defense of the demon. They do not fall directly under Cultus's control, but rather become absurdly dedicated to it. As it is a mystic power, appropriate resistance and mystic strength can defend against it, and exceptional willpower can help oppose the effect. This inflicted devotion can last for several weeks without interruption and can only be removed by knocking out one affected by it with brute force. Even then, sufferers are left with a mystic scar, the purely spiritual mark of Cultus's power. There is no limit to the amount of people that can be under the power of Worshipping Blight.

Death In Numbers: Once per week, Cultus can compel a large number of mystically devoted individuals to either mass-suicide or mass-murder. It is very difficult to resist this compulsion, and any who fail to will carry out Cultus's directive regardless of the danger to him or herself.

Claws: Cultus possesses great jagged claws that it uses with deadly skill.

Other Skills: Cultus is an extremely perceptive, tenacious and unflinching demon. Its natural presence and commanding words make many lesser mortals bow of their own will. Cultus is also a gifted torturer, and knows how power and influence flow in human society.

Origin: Cultus is a named unique Demon, an exceptionally dangerous and ancient being among those horrors that feed upon suffering and mystic energy. Having gone by many names ever since the end of the Golden Age of Mankind, it always appears to work towards the same objective: pseudo-religious mass hysteria leading to mass-murder or mass-suicide. It creates followings of thousands of susceptible people, or manipulates and takes over existing groups, and after a time guides them into mass destruction to feast upon the ensuing turmoil and death.

Notes: Demons, despite often having great intelligence and other impressive faculties, lack imagination. They are creatively sterile in nearly every way, and do not tend to change their methods. Cultus dislikes taking physical form, but will pass as a human or human subspecies when needed, and disdains taking any overly monstrous or non-humanoid features common to lesser demons.

« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 05:41:46 AM by Kaze »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2015, 03:59:26 AM »
“I need to know what you know.”

Name: Chief Intelligence Elite, Alvis

Race: Human

Affiliation: Nexus Police, Nexus Enforcers, Nexus Elites

Age: 7 (356)

Height: 4’ 3

Weight: 53 lbs.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Human (Incredible)

Agility: Human (Incredible)

Constitution: Human (Incredible)

Magic Ability: High - Alvis’ magic is mostly focused to enhance his natural capabilities as a telepath. All of these abilities require physical contact with the victim’s head to utilize them but they allow for much more freedom to look into the thoughts of others and even enter their mindscape. Within it and with the aid of mana he is able to alter and influence it himself in order to create an illusory world within someone’s mind where he retains total control. He is also capable of going through memories, creating new memories, and even removing them from someone’s mind. He can practically give them amnesia or go all the way and simply crush their mind and leave them as a vegetable. Of course, all of these things take time and constant contact with the subject’s head along with the fact that it can be resisted and fought against if your will or mind is strong enough. This is why most of his subjects are kept restrained in case of any incidents.

He is also capable of using mana to boost his physical performance tremendously and his multiple foci allow him to stay in this state for long amounts of time.

Other Abilities:

Telepath - High: Alvis was born with the natural ability to listen into the thoughts of the people around him. He honed this ability over time to look farther and farther within people until he was capable of ferreting out the deeper thoughts of other people without being noticed. He was prodigal for his age and eventually learned how to influence other people by sending his own thoughts and emotions to them masqueraded as their own. While he is certainly skilled a strong enough mind or will can force him out and people experienced with telepathy will be able to recognize his foreign influence and dismiss it.

Police Database: The Nexus Police keep records on the more dangerous or strange supernaturals that roam the streets of the Nexus. Alvis can utilize these to find more information about any particular groups or individuals that have made themselves well known to the Nexus.

Foci: The nature of magic is slightly different where Alvis comes from. He utilizes internal foci which are places within his body that he concentrates on to gather mana to perform his spells. He has a total of four which means that he is taking in four times more mana and has four times more the capacity of the average magus. With all of this surplus of mystical energy he is also capable of doing a rough transfusion to other magi who require it. Much is lost in the unwieldy process but it is possible.

Target of Interest: Due to his invaluable skill to extract information from practically anyone the police can keep restrained Alvis is considered an asset that is non expendable. He is generally accompanied by one Elite if it can be afforded and two Enforcers.


Rune Stones: A bag full of stones that have explosive runs inscribed onto them. With a single word Alvis can activate one or all of them so that they explode within the next couple of seconds. Each of these rocks explode with tremendous amount of force and can even harm the supernatural denizens of the Nexus grievously if they are uncareful.

Origin: Ages ago there was a mage who specialized in delving into the mind and exploring its secrets.
he prolonged his life as long as he could before needing to perform the culmination of his research. He took one of his own grandchildren and fused his mind with the child’s developing one. It left the elderly mage in a vegetative state for the rest of his life but the child survived and thrived with newfound intelligence and thinking that it could never have had before. This continued again and again until Alvis ended up on the receiving end of this process. His prodigal development and skill can all be ascribed to the fact that his mind is not truly his own even if he will not truly understand that fact until later. Because of this his mannerisms are quite businesslike and serious despite his appearance but his demeanor still has hints of childishness including his incessant curiosity.

Joining the Nexus police was a grueling process that was not helped by his age at all but he ultimately wormed his way into the police force. His skill in the art of delving into minds led to his ascent in the ranks of the

Weakness: He has some combat training but even with his physical enhancements he can be defeated by relatively skilled physical combatants even if they are weaker than him physically.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 04:09:08 PM by YOLF »