Author Topic: NPC Idea Thread  (Read 10875 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2015, 03:28:18 PM »
Name: Acacia

Race: Human

Affiliation: Nexus Elites

Age: 26

Height: 6’ 2

Weight: 165 lbs.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional (Incredible)

Agility: Exceptional (Incredible)

Constitution: Exceptional (Incredible)

Magic Ability - Low: Acacia’s knowledge of magic is incredibly limited but she is capable of reinforcing her body with mana to make herself faster, stronger, and more durable. This is her only magical skill but it is an extremely useful one that she can keep up constantly with almost no effort.

Other Abilities:

Soulsmith: An inborn ability considered to be one of the most heinous acts of heresy. Those capable of soulsmithing can perceive and interact with the souls of the dead. then they can bring those dead back into the world as powerful weapons with unique abilities. They are all unique weapons and are all incredibly durable as well. However this can only be used on a soul once. They cannot be continuously brought back again and again. Once their weapon form is completely destroyed they depart this world for the next one once more.

Police Database: The Nexus Police keep records on the more dangerous or strange supernaturals that roam the streets of the Nexus. Acacia can utilize these to find more information about any particular groups or individuals that have made themselves well known to the Nexus.

Swordsmanship: While Acacia is extremely skilled in the art of the sword by mortal standards but with her spirit weapons she attains an entirely new level of ability that surpasses mere human limitations. Both of the blades are aware and share a mental link with her that grants Acacia greater awareness with her weapons and allows her to use them better than anyone else.


Sarlic: Sarlic is an angry looking blade with red engravings with the rest of it appearing a dark grey color. It is a one handed blade that is slightly longer than Hauke. The blade devours pain like a man does food, and no enemy of Acacia will feel pain at its kiss. However this can be rectified if she asks Sarlic to sting and manages to hit her enemy with the sword. If Acacia does this then the enemy will instantly feel all the pain that Sarlic has devoured at once. This is incredibly surprising considering that the enemy would be feeling no pain right before the blade hits, and Sarlic needs only a scratch to sting its opponent. Once the sting has been made Sarlic must then refill its reserves to perform this attack again.

Sarlic also has the ability to communicate with Acacia and if the situation demands it the sword can move in her hands to counter blows she doesn’t expect or can't react to.

Hauke: In contrast to its sibling blade Hauke is covered in graceful blue script and is almost a white color. It is a little shorter than Sarlic but it for the most part it is the same shape and weight as its sibling. Hauke is a blade that causes no physical wounds. It will bounce off armor and can parry attacks but it passes through flesh like a spectral sword, but the effect it has makes it just as dangerous as its sibling. The blade tricks the mind into believing that the wounds are there which creates numerous phantom pains for the enemy. They see that there is nothing there but they still feel the agony all the same. If Hauke strikes the head and brain, the seat of the mind, then the mind is cut off from the rest of the body. It is put into a state of total sensory deprivations and cannot feel anything. At any time she wills Acacia can remove this pain or the separation of mind and body. This makes her extremely suited for missions that require the target to be captured.

Like Sarlic, Hauke is also capable of communing with Acacia and can manipulate itself if the need arises.

Origin: Almost nothing is known of this particular Elite’s history and even her reasons for joining the force are hidden from others. What is known is that she regards her weapons as her sons and is primarily sent out with a group to capture targets for interrogation but on occasion has crafted spirit weapons for members of the police force. The most anyone has managed to pry from her thoughts on the Nexus is that she dislikes fighting but her sons love it so much that she has an obligation to do so.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 04:09:34 PM by YOLF »

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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2015, 01:27:34 AM »
“I think that you and I can help each other quite a bit, officers.”

Name: Murk

Race: Human

Affiliation: Nexus Elites (Independent contact with a strained partnership at best)

Age: Unknown exact age. At least 1000+

Height: 6’ 1

Weight: 170 lbs.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Incredible

Magic Ability - High: Murk is extremely old and has been made privy to many secret and forbidden magical rituals. They are not very direct and mostly help him in less overt ways. Devouring someone’s heart in order to wear their body and go unnoticed, binding someone’s lifeforce to a seal in order to make their death a necessity to unlock an opening, or creating arrays that concentrate mana and distill it into the form of a liquid are types of magic that he is proficient with.

Other Abilities:

Soul Manipulation: Murk was the first human to ever have this ability, and while all of his progeny such as the Soulsmiths carry a shard of this ability he is the only one to have such masterful control over spiritual entities. While he has the ability to forge them into weapons and observe the souls of any creature his eyes see he can also create new entities out of the souls of the deceased. By fusing the soul of men with the souls of beasts he can create beings with intellect and wisdom along with the physical attributes of monsters. Through his own experience and sheer force of will he imbues these creations with a Purpose that is their sole reason for existence. They will persistently pursue this purpose and once it is completed they simply dissolve into a puddle. While they can be made with longer lasting and more vague Purposes that allows them more free will and Murk dislikes the idea of his tools having the ability to act in any way against him.

If given proper time Murk can also influence a soul while it is still within a living body. Benign effects such as healing it or more malign effects including tearing a soul to shreds or warping it. Entities without the safety of a physical shell to hide them are much more vulnerable to these abilities and it only take Murk a moment and a single touch to do to them what would take hours with a soul bound to a physical being.

The culmination of his skills is the ability to throw his soul from his body and possess another one. His previous host rapidly dissolves into ash as he devours the soul of his newest victim. Those with powerful enough willpower can resist the process and even throw him out of their body and if that is the case then Murk has some time before his soul begins to fray due to its sheer power and the lack of a container to hold it.

Powerful Soul: Murk possessed an exceptionally powerful soul that allowed him to manipulate other spiritual entities when he was still normal but his cannibalization of the souls of other has only led to furthering his power. Because of this his soul actually affects the body of his host and can empower even ordinary humans to the point where he retains the strength he had in his youth. Of course, this also has the side effect of his soul altering his physical shape and ultimately changing it to his normal appearance. This is why he requires the use of rituals to sneak around.

Master of Many Skills: To call Murk experienced is the understatement of the century. He has walked the world through countless hosts and has mastered many techniques and abilities. Casual things like cooking, sewing, or smithing and more combat oriented skills. The ability to craft any weapon out of a soul allows for years of practice with countless weapons. Staves, multiple types of swords, bows, axes, clubs, and daggers are all types of weapons that he has attained mastery with. Even with his pitiful hosts Murk is more than capable of fighting beings with far greater physical prowess due to experience and skill.



“Neither grim nor valorous, great villains and great heroes alike have wielded it so that it holds allegiance to neither. Only great power to be used by the Great.”

Transcendence can barely be called a sword at this point. It does not cut anything, but it does release devastating red energy that annihilates mundane materials as if they were made of tissue paper. It also has the effect of boosting the strength of whoever wields it by an entire stat level. Current and for the foreseeable future Murk is no longer capable of wielding Transcendence due to his own weakness and it will attack him along with anyone else who attempts to wield it. Ge keeps it hidden away deep within the forest on the outskirts of the city and has it locked away with dozens of protective rituals.

Origin: Ages ago there was once a man named Roirr who was a wise man that people consulted about wounds that went beyond the physical world. That man no longer exists. Now there is Murk the merchant or even Murk the infiltrator. He has on occasion supplied weaponry and other supplies to the police force and on occasion even offers his services to them, but there is always a cost beyond that of mere funds when they purchase items from him. His spiritual weaponry is twisted and few can even stand holding their purchases and those that can ultimately find themselves changed and whether it is for good or ill is something no one can say. He also comes for personal visits to visit his ‘granddaughter’ Acacia and his ‘grandchildren’ to see how life in the elites has been treating them.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 04:10:04 PM by YOLF »

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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2015, 03:59:46 AM »
“He who never makes a mistake never makes anything. It's part of learning the job.”

Name: The Spook

Race: Human

Affiliation: Nexus Elites

Age: Approximately 50

Height: 6’ 3

Weight: 180 lbs.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Exceptional

Magic Ability - None: The Spook is incapable of magic but he has imprisoned or killed enough magi and witches to know a thing or two about spells but his focus is on more subtle magic. Users of magic from his world rarely do something as obvious as hurly fireballs at each other. Mental compulsions, wards, illusions, and protective spells are things that he has experience with.

Other Abilities:

Discipline: The first lesson taught to all spooks is discipline in the face of all things. This is generally taught by fasting and brutal training from a master. With his age and experience the Spook has become an exemplary hunter and is both able to fast for long periods of time and hold firm in the face of problems and fear.

Monster Hunter: The Spook spent his days hunting the countless and varied servants of the Dark. Magic users, wild beasts, vampires, undead, werewolves, monsters of flame, and a myriad of other supernatural creatures. Because of this he is capable of analysing and countering the tactics of supernatural creatures with ease. Those who rely on their instincts and normal advantages find themselves easily outmatched. The best way to counter this is to use your head and keep changing the game on the Spook.

Seventh Son of a Seventh Son: All Spooks are the seventh son of a seventh son. This makes them incredibly rare but they do have multiple advantages over the average human that makes their job much easier. The Spook can see and talk with spiritual entities and can also pick out supernaturals from normal humans. This is generally distinguished by a shiver whenever he sees a nonhuman but this doesn’t tell him how strong the supernatural is. Only that they aren’t what they appear..

Blessings of the Light: During his prime the Spook was blessed by the Church and filled with the power of the Light in order to perform his duties more effectively, and while he didn’t believe in what they preached he was never one to turn down useful things. So he was Blessed and his body was enhanced by it and while age may have weakened him he is still more than capable of fighting monsters.

Dodge Specialist: If there was one way to sum up the main focus of the Spook’s fighting style it’s not getting hit. Considering what he faced a single strike or offensive spell could end him. If he wanted to live and win he would have to excel at dodging attacks. So he trained and trained and was hit and nearly killed many times but he survived and has continued to do so. Now with the addition of the blessing and experience on his side he is a master at avoiding an enemy’s attacks.

Police Database: The Nexus Police keep records on the more dangerous or strange supernaturals that roam the streets of the Nexus. The Spook can utilize these to find more information about any particular groups or individuals that have made themselves well known to the Nexus.

Miscellaneous Skills: Several types of more mundane skills are things that the Spook needed to learn during his time hunting the supernatural. Making candles, tracking, digging pits, and cooking are kinds of things that he’s needed to learn during his time.


Sunstone: An orange stone the size of a baseball that contains a bright, white light. This is the Spook’s best way of dealing with vampires and other types of supernaturals that thrive in the shadows. It takes in sunlight during the day and when given the command to shine it releases the light to destroy any vampires or other solar sensitive creatures.

Staff: An especially hardy staff carved from a tree and blessed by the Church to harm spiritual entities and the undead. A long blade with a good bit of silver mixed in to deal with a myriad of supernatural creatures has been attached to the top end of the staff.

White Candles: Large, ordinary candles that are rather unnecessary considering the advancement in technology that the Nexus has compared to his own home the Spook mostly keeps them with him out of nostalgia and in case someone decides to sabotage the power of the city.

The Chain: Seemingly a simple and thick chain that appears to be made of iron, the Chain is quite possibly the most powerful weapon of the Light. When thrown it will wrap around any supernatural near it and begin its next effect. If the creature attempts to use an ability or power the energy used to utilize the ability will be converted into a purifying energy by the Chain and turned back against them with the damage correlating with the amount of damage done. What little is know about it shows that it was used in the imprisonment of the Fiend, the avatar of the Dark itself, and the creature for all its power was neither capable of breaking it through strength or its myriad of powers. The Chain seems to have no limit on the amount of energy it can reflect against its captive.

Origin: The Spook was one of many. Like others he was the seventh son of a seventh son and his natural proclivity towards interacting with the supernatural eventually had him shipped to the local spook by his family. He eventually graduated and became a spook himself. His work and adventures continued for so long, especially for people like him, that the title ‘The Spook’ practically became his name. It’s something that he took some pride in and what he has used as his name in the Nexus.

Considering what he had done for most of his life and his own skills the Elites was an obvious choice for someone like him. His experience and works has helped given the Elites knowledge on potential threats and he regularly visits the recruits and helps train them.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 04:10:29 PM by YOLF »

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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #18 on: March 10, 2015, 12:31:59 AM »
Name: The Blades of the North

Races: Humans exclusively

Affiliation: Anyone with the coin to buy their services.

Appearance: The official outfit of The Blades.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional - Incredible

Agility: Exceptional - Incredible

Constitution: Exceptional - Incredible

Magic Ability - Medium: The simplest lessons of The Blades involves telekinesis to move their weapons. Initiates require the focus and internal mana capacity to use one in their hands and maneuver one with their magic while retaining approximately the same skill. Older members can manipulate up to twelve at once.

 In order to make use of all these weapons effectively some Blades are capable of expending their mana to assume control of the mana in the air. It isn’t a very costly technique but it requires a lot of focus to keep all that mana in check, but if it succeeds the mana in the air acts like a field of awareness for the person using the ability. They can sense things within it and react accordingly which allows them to battle multiple combatants. Most users of this ability close their eyes to aid their focus. Many members learned how to engage in banter with their opponents since a good enough insult or a clever enough remark can disrupt their enemy’s focus.

True masters of the art have their own private collection of weapons to use against worthy foes and generally battle people with more mundane weapons or spectral tools generated from mana. While it is useful the mana cost is generally has the ability considered too wasteful, however it is a very useful ability against spiritual entities.

Other Abilities:

Weapon Skill: While their magical skill with weapons is impressive it is a reflection of their own personal abilities. All members of the Blades are very skilled with their primary weapon and most have a second one that they are proficient with. This leads to powerful combinations that give tThe Blades an advantage over most fighters.

Multitasking: As expected from people with skills such as them The Blades are proficient at doing multiple things at the same time. Fighting multiple enemies with their floating weaponry is a classic for them and some even manage to fight with their own two hands while using their magical abilities.

Alterations: Liquid mana is one of the most volatile substances known to man. Concentrating mana in the air to the point of taking physical form is something only the spirits learned how to do. A bargain was struck with one of these spirits by the first leader of The Blades of the North. They would swear loyalty to the Great North and in return the spirit would bless them with changes brought on by this liquid mana. Few of The Blades have ever been affected by it but those that were have physical prowess that far surpasses that of normal humans.

Collector: The older and more experienced Blades often have their own set of magical artifacts or weaponry. This is not very common but sometimes those with enough coin can purchase the services of one of these elite members. Swords that spit flame, maces that phase through flesh to smash the skeleton, and daggers that thirst for the blood of men are the types of weapons you would see from Blades of this stature.

Origins: A tribe of battlemages in the Great North originally founded the type of magic that The blades use today. While the tribe is long gone its teaching were revitalized by The Blades following their bargain with a spirit. They do still guard and protect the Great North but also serve as a mercenary group.

Now in the Nexus they lack a Great north to defend and have defaulted to being mercenaries once more. If you have the coin to purchase them then they’re yours for the time being. They don’t put much stock in loyalty to previous customers. You could have hired them one day and the next day they could be hired by someone else to kill you. At least they keep customer confidentiality sacred.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 04:10:55 PM by YOLF »


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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2015, 02:17:09 AM »
Name: Seto Kaiba

Race: Human

Age: He’s in his 30s

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 65 kg


Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: High Human

Constitution: High Human

Other Abilities:

He’s a Genius!: Kaiba is a genius, scoring over 200 on the IQ test. He has used his vast intelligence to perfect the art of hacking, economics, among other disciplines.

Card Fu: Kaiba is highly proficient in the art of attacking people by throwing trading cards. He can accurately and rapidly throw cards at people; he can even disarm people utilizing his mad skills.

Master Duelist: Seto Kaiba is a master of the card game Duel Monsters. His skill is legendary, he is one of the best duelists in the entire world. His deck is strong and generally tries to summon his his most powerful monsters quickly to get to a quick conclusion.

Ego the Size of the Universe: Kaiba’s ego is unreal, he oozes confidence and assuredness in everything he does. His ego is justified, he is a genius, physically fit, and has absurd skills, to say the least.

Ridiculously Rich: Kaiba is unbelievably rich. He is the majority shareholder in the megacorp Kaiba Corporation, an enormous megalith in the corporate world dominating the entertainment and gaming industry. Kaibacorp has followed Kaiba into Nexus city, and retains all its strength and economic might. Rumor has it that Kaiba is going to unroll a new trading card game soon...


Trading Cards. Kaiba carries around his signature Duel Monsters deck wherever he goes. He also often carries around a briefcase filled with cards.

Blue Eye’s White Dragon Jet: Kaiba has a large custom jet plane built in the shape of a Blue Eye’s White Dragon.


 KaibaCorp is an enormous conglomerate, dominating the arms dealing industry, the gaming industry, and has a monopoly on tacky card game themed motorcycles. It has made popular the card game “Duel Monsters” in Nexus City, complete with the highly advanced duel discs.


Kaibaland is a Seto Kaiba themed amusement park that Kaiba has been rebuilt to exactly the same specs as in his original world. The security system is controlled by advanced AIs programed to win in duel monsters every time, making it nigh-unhackable. There are Blue Eyes trams that arrive at regular intervals that cart visitors around the park in style.

Blue-Eyes Arcade
Future KaibaCorp building
Duel Stadium
Water closet
Kaiba Land Hotel
Blue-Eyes Monorail depot
Kaibaman show
Battle City the Movie
Death-T virtual theater
Blue-Eyes Ultimate World
Kaiba Castle
Blue-Eyes Burst Stream
Water closet
Blue-Eyes Adventure
CapMon Mokuba building
Monster Horror building
Water closet
Blue-Eyes Jet Coaster

Origin: Seto Kaiba is the CEO and founder of the powerful KaibaCorp, and through hard work he has built himself up to become one of the most powerful men in the Nexus.

Weakness: His pride.

Likes: Money, himself, winning

Dislikes: losing, being mocked, people kidnapping his brother Mokuba

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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #20 on: December 04, 2015, 11:28:42 PM »
Name: Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro Chan

Race: Angel, obviously. (from the future)

Age: 12

Height: 153 cm

Weight: 40lbs 9oz

Literally the most waifu thing possible.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Legendary

Agility: Human

Constitution: Incredible

Other Abilities:

Angel Powers: As an angel, Dokuro Chan can do...stuff... by chanting pipirupiru pi pirupiru pi. One example is changing a person's head into that of a baboon's or a doge, or pull objects out of thin air, such as a book. She claims she's also a cupid and can make two people fall in love by using Excalibolg but in reality all she can do is help them out.

Another use of her angel powers is the ability to run on water, just like Jesus.

To use any of her angel powers, she needs to hold Excalibolg and spin it around.

Flight: As an Angel, she obviously has wings and can fly. However, they're not always visible.

Unbelievable Strength: Dokuro is ridiculously strong. By lightly tapping Sakura on the head, she managed to create a shockwave that cut through a water faucet, and by splashing a bit of water, annihilate a sturdy bridge, boulders, and trees. She doesn't consider her strength to be insane though, and is apt to hurting other people as a result with it.



A super powerful magical spiked club that Dokuro uses to annihilate her friends. If it is used to kill someone, it will kill them in the most comically overblown way possible. Dokuro Chan keeps it hidden perfectly behind her back, nobody can see it when she has it stowed.

The Excalibolg has an underwater mode, in which Dokuro throws it underwater and it acts as a torpedo, honing in on it's target and causing them to explode into gorey bits.

Tear Gas Bombs: Dokuro chan carries around tear gas bombs and enjoys using them on passersbyes.

Dokuro is a seemingly innocent 12 year old angel from the future. Despite the fact that she is 12-years old, her body is fully developed, the most notable feature of this being her well-endowed bust. Dokuro is easily insulted by Sakura, often got him killed in the process. Though Dokuro constantly kills (and then revives) Sakura when he ends up in compromising positions with her, Dokuro often uses her body to entice Sakura into doings things for her, though she never lets him get too far. To distract Sakura from finding the solution to immortality she once again uses her body pulling up her skirt making Sakura forget about his studies. She is often coveted by most of the boys, getting Sakura either beat up or yelled at, and she doesn't seem to have any female rivals.

Dokuro Mitsukai is an angel assassin sent from the future to kidnap Sakura Kusakabe and to kill him so that he may never in the future discover immortality. Not much else is known about her past.

Weakness: Removing an Angel's halo gives them crippling Diarrhea. However, be warned, they slice and dice like a japanese samurai sword, but only when you take them off an angel. If you put it back on it doesn't cut. Sitting in the overhead bin on a bus makes her carsick. Wet towels

Likes: Bludgeoning, Red Sausage, Mayo, playing games, making people explode and turn a river red with gore, being a giant self centered asshole, fun people, bullying, getting her way, woodworking glue

Dislikes:stupid people, boring people, being groped

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #21 on: December 05, 2015, 07:46:36 PM »
Name: Orso

Race: Lazer bear

Age: Unknown

Height:  5 feet on all fours.  8 feet standing

Weight: 860Ib


Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Exceptional

Other Abilities:

Heat vision:  Duh.  He's a freaking lazer bear.  He has heat vision.

Magical summoning:  Any being of decent magical power can learn the magical chant: O Canada!  If someone knows this chant, they can summon Orso to their location.  Normal lazer bears would be forced to fight for that being but Orso can pick and choose.

Bear fighting skills:   He can use his claws to match any weapons user in a fight and has plenty of experience fighting in the age of mythology.  In particular, he has perfected a technique for obliterating large shields in a single strike and can break down concrete walls with sheer skill.  As a tactical fighter, he is not opposed to fighting dirty when he is outclassed and will make every attempt to do so.  He has survived multiple bouts with Titans thanks to his quick wits.


Bear to english translator:  Orso has a voice box strapped to his chest that can translate his genius bear thoughts into human speech.  It has every language recorded in the modulator, including dead languages such as babylonian and Greek.

Canadian cape:  As a self respecting patriotic bear, Orso wears the Canadian cape.  He never takes it off, even when he sleeps.

Orso is the alpha of the lazer bears, thanks to his superior build, leadership skills, and tactical ability.  He presides over all the other lazer bears, ensuring that when the gods cry out for their name, they are prepared for battle.  In a sense he is their drill sergeant, their housekeeper and their father all at once.

One day, one of the bears vanished, a cub disappeared into the void.  Orso chased after the cub, arriving in the Nexus.

Weakness: The chant is something that can be easily abused.  Misinformation about the cub can be used to manipulate Orso.  Also, while he is a smart bear, he is still a bear.  He is not particularly intelligent aside from some tactical ability and basic bear wisdom.  As such, he can be outsmarted.

Likes: Fish, Honey, Bears, Conquest, A good fight, The cub he is looking for.

Dislikes: Zoo’s, Trolly gods, idiot gods
« Last Edit: August 16, 2016, 06:51:14 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #22 on: January 25, 2016, 02:18:54 PM »
Name: Archer

Race: Magical Familiar (Servant)

Age: Really old from a certain point of view.

Height: 187 cm

Weight: 78 kg


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible
Agility: Incredible
Constitution: Incredible

Magic : Low

Archer is only capable of one type of magic known Unlimited Blade Works, a Reality Marble that grants him three abilities; Projection and Reinforcement and the deployment of the reality marble itself. A Reality Marble is an inner world created by having a twisted view on reality and a single minded pursuit of  a single ability relentlessly.

Projection allows him to materialize any melee weapon whether it's magical or mundane that he has stored in his reality marble at a slightly reduced quality compared to the original. Swords however are the easiest and generally of the highest quality, he's also capable of materializing shields but the cost is much higher. The weapons themselves are stored in there after Archer has “analyzed” them, this process is near instantaneous and happens whenever he he sees something that could be classified as a melee weapon. A copy of said weapon will be created inside his Reality Marble, however he cannot analyze certain weapons of divine nature. He's also capable of altering the structure and form of the weapons in his Reality Marble changing the ways it can be used.

Reinforcement is a degraded version of what he can do to weapons, he's capable of enhancing the properties of an object or his own body making them tougher and better at what their supposed to do, like a knife gets sharper or a light bulb shines brighter.

The final application of it is the deploying of it, where he and whomever is in the immediate vicinity is “pulled into” the Reality Marble. Unlimited Blade Works look like an endless plain with a few hills, there are innumerable swords stuck into the ground as far as the eye can see, these blades ranges from ordinary to the greatest blades of legend. The sky is red an filled with large spinning cogwheels.

Magic resistance : low

Archer possess a  low level of magic resistance capable of deflecting the weakest of spells and slightly mitigating greater ones.

Other Abilities:

Servant :

A servant is a high level magical familiar, a kind of  spiritual being that can dematerialize becoming intangible to the physical world. However they are vulnerable to spiritual based attacks.

Archery :

His archery talent is among the greatest to ever exist, the only time he ever missed a shot he did it on purpose.

Cooking :

He can cook like the owner of a 3 star restaurant.


Red Coat : A fashionable red coat given to him by a past acquaintance.

Origin: Archer was known as Shirou Emiya when he was alive. He wanted to become a hero a of justice. One day he encountered a disaster he couldn't solve by his own power and sold his soul to the world in exchange for the power to solve, that's how he became a Counter Guardian. Counter Guardians are the world's clean up team who solve disasters, the only problem being is that they “clean up” everything. Poor Shirou did not like this and grew to hate his former ideals that forced him into this position.

He was later summoned into the 5th  Holy Grail War as the servant of Rin Tohsaka. He was struck down towards the end of it but instead of dying he got sucked into the Nexus.


Running out of Prana will kill him, He likes fighting with swords despite being more skilled at archery.


Cooking, being smug to everyone, showing off.


Heroes of justice, Shirou Emiya. People with “fake” ideals.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2016, 07:40:46 PM by Thedoctor »


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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #23 on: February 12, 2016, 04:38:20 PM »
Crazed Ones
Race: Half Blooded Beings or those with Tainted Souls/Blood
Numbers: Vary Greatly
Spoiler for Examples:


Strength: Exceptional-Fantastic
Agility: Exceptional-Incredible
Constitution: Exceptional-Fantastic

Magical Ability: Depends on the type, however very uncommon as most prefer their natural abilities. But Half spirits, such as those that are half land god or Chinese river dragons often have great magical powers.

While the powers of the Crazed Ones varies greatly on the type of being they are, there are general traits one should be aware of. They will almost always be more durable and have higher physical abilities then normal humans. In addition, most seem to be vortexes of Malice and Curses, being that are fueled by Fear and disgust, it is a harrowing for the being, who experiences their uncontrolled actions as if it was a dream they cannot awake from. In general it is possible to return them to a human form with an exorcism of some type; however the chance of them being too far gone always remains. At that point, the only mercy is to free them from their suffering though death.

Inugami: The Half-Inugami is a major example of crazed ones. It is rare in of itself that an Inugami can move beyond the hate and curses that make it up, but ones that do, and adopt a human form, sadly pass on their hatred that they have long controlled to their children. These children normally are physical strong, and are sensitive to negative emotions, with the exact nature of their powers involving curses. However, should they demonize, or fall, they become beings fueled by guideless hate and hunger, seeking to kill everything, gaining abnormally high strength, speed, and the ability leak curses. They take the form of detached heads which drip bloody shadows, however, their shriveled up human body can be seen in the fur that flows behind them.

Oni: Common and numerous are the Half-oni. Oni are perhaps the most well-known, but most varied. From general shapeshifters, to those that have animal components, to simply hulking being, they take a variety of shapes.  They generally simple gain strength, speed, and toughness, while obtaining some of the abilities of their parents, depending on the type of Oni they are. They are the least susceptible to exorcisms and holy abilities, but they are the easiest to revert due to Oni having a mostly human mind in many ways.

Cursed Beings: While not strictly an example of halfblooded beings, there are also those being that can become victim to powerful curses, which have the side effects often on the children of those that were afflicted, even if they were cured or the curse suppressed it is still possible. These children can have their forms and spirits corrupted, as they are driven to insanity by the power of the curse that was passed on. It is more difficult to resolve, requiring large amounts of purifying power, or to have the curse lifted.

Nue: The rarest of the rare, Half Nue is almost unheard of. Beings of destruction and omens cannot touch others, and so when one can maintain a human form for long enough to give birth to a half blood it is a once in a millennium occurrence. When a Half Nue falls, they become a loose cloud of destruction, in which the elements run rampant. Especially vulnerable to holy arts and exorcisms, but it takes containment methods combined with those for them to return.

Crimson Red Vermilion: A rare type of half breed which have descended from Oni. Their powers vary wildly among they numbers, and there exists the possibility of them never being tempted to fall. Their numbers are extraordinarily small, even within the Nexus.  They are also not normally capable of reverting, and they use a special name for their fall, the Inversion Impulse.

Others: Many others exist, but these are simply some examples. Many are those that most have never heard of, as the nature of the nexus draws from many worlds.

Bio: The blood of the inhuman is strong, but at times it can be mixed with a human, and from there produce life. But the blood will remain strong, and the darkness it holds within can make the new life become something else, something darker. It is a fear all half-bloods have to some degree, and something which can be trained against. But the risk is always there, and so, you must always be vigilant.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2016, 07:48:13 PM by Knick »

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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #24 on: February 20, 2016, 07:11:42 PM »
Name: Yavana

Race: Vampire (Kindred of Clan Mekhet)

Age: 1000+

Height: 6 feet

Weight: Around 160 pounds


Physical Attributes:

Strength: Human

Agility: Exceptional/Incredible (see Celerity)

Constitution: Exceptional

Magic Ability - High: Blood Sorcery is an art that has been cultivated by the Circle of the Crone for a multitude of years. While there are a multitude of rites that have been created and learned by other Kindred, it is not uncommon for Acolytes of the Circle to improvise their own rituals for better or for worse. Using a personal item of the target or something such as their hair Yavana can cast her rites from vast ranges. All rites require a sacrifice of blood to utilize and can take place over a few seconds under normal circumstances but usually last longer to make sure of the quality of the rite. More potent ones certainly require a bit more time and some materials to help perfect them. While wounds can distract the Methuselah must be completely interrupted to stop the ritual. No form of Blood Sorcery lasts forever and any effect will ultimately end although some can last more than a month. Yavana is an incredibly proficient user of Blood Sorcery due to her age and has access to the Themes of Creation, Transmutation, and Destruction.

Creation: Creation is one of the core Themes of Cruac Sorcery and as its name implies it involves the creation of organisms, objects, or phenomena. At its most basic Creation allows one to create various kinds of liquid in large amounts depending on the skill of the caster, form dead matter, or create sensory phenomena such as sounds where nothing is moving or smells. As it becomes more complex one can begin creating organisms such as insects, arachnids, amphibians, plants, or more predatory beings such as foxes, wolves, owls, and cats. At Yavana’s level of skill there are few creatures on the planet that she cannot form with Creation magic. These creatures can be brought into existence as ghouls as well. Yavana can also create a small homunculus that is capable of emulating her mental and physical Disciplines perfectly. Inanimate objects that can even be complex in nature may also be formed with Creation. It is possible to create precious metals or gems but they lack the luster they are usually found with. One of the most flashy forms of Cruac Sorcery allows environmental manipulation such as altering temperature, utilizing existing weather such as clouds to call down rain, blood, or frogs, summoning a mystical darkness that while blinding is still pierced by sunlight, or creating weather from nothing such as clouds or even a small tornado.

Transmutation: Transmutation is used to alter the physical, mental, or supernatural properties of the rite’s subject. At its most basic it can store vitae in inanimate objects, animate liquids, inflict daysleep onto other Kindred, or inflict ravenous pangs of hunger on mortals. As it progresses Yavana becomes capable of completely changing the looks of an individual, animating plantlife and animals, totally transforming dead matter or altering the appearance of inorganic matter, and granting other beings the physical properties or abilities of different organisms. Transmutation can also be used with other themes to enchant objects.

Destruction: Despite its name Destruction is not always a direct Theme in blood sorcery. While it is possible for Yavana to inflict direct, if light damage onto someone she has many more indirect ways of using this form of magic. She can create powerful poisons or make the blood of a target toxic to feeding vampires. She may increase the damage of an attack by conceptually making the strikes stronger, wounds deeper, and injuries a degree of severity higher albeit a limited degree of severity. Objects can be made impossible to touch without burning one’s self or Yavana can reduce the durability of objects or potency of armor. On the other hand she can give strong enough attacks the ability to pierce armor or weaken a body to make it easier to harm. Flesh tears more easily and bone break with less force. She can mystically inflict wounds from a distance or turn preexisting wounds into deadly injuries that can be very difficult to heal. It is even possible for Yavana to destroy blood. The lethality of the action is variable and much more useful against other Kindred rather than mortals.

Other Abilities:

The Blush of Life: While normally little better than a corpse the use of some vitae allows Yavana to create the facade of humanity. For all intents and purposes she will pass as a living human being for a little while. She will bleed normally (although she will not lose vitae), produce other bodily fluids, have a heartbeat, and has any other traits you would associate with an average person. She is even capable of enjoying and keeping down food for the time much to her delight.

Supernatural Tolerance: Medium (The thickness of her blood, a reduction of her original blood potency due to many years in torpor), offers her some resistance against all manner of supernatural powers)

Innate Durability: Kindred are inhumanly resilient. Most mundane weapons are no more effective against Yavana than an unaided punch, and even then she can take a greater amount of punishment than any regular human.

Healing: So long as she has life force from human or vampire blood in her, there are few injuries that Yavana cannot heal. With time and effort, it is possible to even regrow limbs.

Kindred Senses
: Yavana possesses very keen senses, twice as accurate and capable as the average healthy human being. She can easily see in perfect darkness without even the slightest effort. Her sense of taste for blood is incredible. She can see even the smallest traces of blood anywhere within line of sight, and smell blood clearly at up to 60 yards away. She can hear heartbeats at up to 9 yards away without issue. While her sensitivity to blood can prove incredibly useful, it can also be very distracting when hungry.

Physical Intensity: By expending the life force of their cursed blood, Kindred can briefly achieve great bursts of physical prowess. Yavana can temporarily become sturdier, stronger or more agile, by empowering herself  in this manner. By expending large amounts of vitae she can reach incredible feats of physical ability.

The Beast: As much a weakness as a strength, the Beast is the source of all vampiric power in Yavana’s world, the personification of all primal instinct and desire that lurks within each and every Kindred. It provides them with the drive to continue surviving from night to night, pushing them to feed, flee from their banes, and destroy perceived insults.

It allows them to detect others like itself lurking within, making identification between vampires a simple matter barring certain powers, and can lash out to provoke people to wanton desire or primal fear. When allowed to be in the driver's seat it sends the body into a frenzy, its power pushing the vampire beyond its limitations in proportion to the thickness of their blood. The thicker the blood, the stronger the Beast.

Thanks to one of the natural powers of her clan, Yavana can make himself impossible to sense as kin by other vampires.

The Kiss: Also known as 'orgasmic bite', if you're not using the popular slang. It's a hunting aid, and it does pretty much what you would expect.

The Blood: Vampire blood is addictive, and drinking it will bind your heart in love for the one who fed you. Drink three times and it will become almost unbreakable, deep and obsessive as it roots into your heart. It lasts a year without reinforcement. On the other hand, mortals who are fed like this can be gifted a portion of the power belonging to the vampire including a cessation of aging.

Auspex: Even more than other kindred, the Mekhet live in the shadows, and they feed on what is hidden. Letting loose the Beast on secrets, Yavana can obtain visions and flashes of insight that reveal precious information that she can exploit. The Beast can pinpoint danger and weakness, perceiving things others cannot, and provide awareness of what is not apparent in people; and focus on a single person to peel back the shroud of misdirection over her mind and sniff out her secrets, exposing the truth she is hiding to Yavana. She can use these powers often and without cost, but employing them repeatedly takes effort.

Obfuscate: A series of psychic sensory tricks that allow Yavana to perfectly blend into crowds or groups of people despite her appearance, going unnoticed by anyone as long as she does nothing attention-grabbing; she can extend this benefit to objects or other beings that she comes in contact with. She can also, with some effort, vanish completely to all five senses. If she does this no amount of activity will alert anyone to her presence. While it is impossible to directly notice her one can tell that someone is there if there are signs. Tracks in the snow will not disappear and objects that have been moved around leaves a trail. Yavana is also capable of altering how people perceive her. She can make others see her as a specific category or person and their minds will fill in the blanks. They will see and hear what they expect to from the altered perception but it is very possible for two people to have varying views on what they exactly see.

Protean: Protean is perhaps the Discipline closest to the Beast and users of it go hand in hand with the primal mysticism of Cruac sorcery. At its most basic Kindred can hide deep within the earth and absorb vitae poured onto the area above her. As one progresses in skill the Discipline becomes animalistic. Yavana can take on the traits of animals to swim easily in water, grow a tail, or alter the length of her limbs to move faster and jump farther on all fours. She is also capable of assuming the form of the three animals that she has consumed and can use her Disciplines while in that form, but Yavana is also capable of dissolving into a swarm of her smallest form. Her two normal forms are a rather large specimen of a saltwater crocodile and a screech owl. For her swarm form she took great care in acquiring the Asian giant hornet. It required a fair bit of maneuvering to actually acquire these animals and insects but she saw it as an fun and relatively useful investment. The saltwater crocodile particularly resonates with her beast although transforming into giant hornets is pleasing to her.

Domination: The Beast is not only predatory but authoritative and controlling. It fills the tone of the Kindred with a power that demands obedience from lesser beings. With simple eye contact Yavana is capable of mesmerizing people of lesser willpower and give them simple commands. With a bit of vitae she is capable of going more in-depth. Giving them specific instructions that they must follow until the directive is completed or the sun rises.

Celerity: Unholy speed achieved by channeling the power of the Beast, which gives Yavana some ability to dodge bullets through increased reflexes; and by expending life force, allows for bursts of speed faster than the eye can perceive.

Subsume the Lesser Beast: Yavana locks eyes with an animal and forces her mind into its body. She may only command a predator, a parasite, plague-bearer, or scavenger. While her physical body falls into torpor she is capable of seeing and utilizing the body of the animal like a puppet. She uses this to provide greater command over her mosquitos when hunting down specific targets to drain.

Quicken Sight: With the preternatural awareness of Auspex and the remarkable speed of Celerity, Yavana gains an exceptional sense of time and the space around her. For a brief moment,
she sees everything at a slow crawl, and can react thusly.


Trinkets: Even when gathered by her mosquitos blood will soon lose its potency. Because of this Yavana has them constantly coming to provide a steady degree of vitae growth. When she has reached around her limit she then stores the vitae in inanimate objects and keeps them on her for an emergency fund of vitae since the mosquitos are not incredibly quick to make it to her. It also allows her to not waste vitae by taking in any over her limit.

Origin: Torpor weighs heavily on the mind of ancients. The Fog clouds memory and makes it so very hard to remember life and youth. Regardless, there are still threads she can still hold onto. She recalls a life of spirituality. Perhaps not quite gods but forces. Creation, Change, and Destruction. This was what led to her development with Cruac Sorcery and the Themes she picked out. Her early time after being Embraced is hazy. Memories of manipulation and pushing. Arranging false gods and miracles along with engineering plagues and disease. When this no longer became an option the ability to integrate back into society was not impossible. She developed magic and social structures alike. A dizzying dance of favors and debts balanced out with maintaining the guise of humanity. In the end she proved superior. Her mosquitos had eliminated the need for feeding and allowed her a terrifyingly simple way for cowing lesser Kindred into submission. She vaguely recalls ending her Sire. A final game to play before falling into torpor for quite a while. As time passed Yavana became even more enamored with these principles that governed her mortal life. There is Creation in the Destruction in every inch of the world around her, and that which does not Change is ultimately destroyed. Even the Kindred with their vaunted agelessness are still a subject of change. They still grow in more subtle ways. They learn to manipulate the Curse more adeptly and more shrewdly utilize their Beasts. The issue is that this growth slows down. If the Kindred ever cease to grow they will most certainly be wiped out by any of the myriad of threats. Change is necessary. This is why every time she awakens Yavana involves herself in their games. She shatters delicate plans and forces them to change or die. She takes small pieces for herself and makes them her own to push the boundaries and threaten everything. She encourages dissent and the formation of factions. They must not grow complacent. But this is not simply done because of any pride or hope she has for the Kindred as a whole to succeed. Yavana finds this conflict utterly delightful and much more intense than mortal issues. Centuries of planning destroyed by a single blunder. Carefully consolidated power sundered. These games are the most fun against all the Kindred for it is infinitely more satisfying teaching them that although the dance has not changed for ages that doesn’t mean it cannot do so.


Sunlight: Burns her on contact every minute of exposure. Seeing it can provoke uncontrollable fear in some cases.

Fire: Burns badly, defying easy regeneration, and provokes the same fear as sunlight when seen. One of the few things that can leave scars on Kindred.

Staking: Does not destroy Yavana outright, but it renders her completely paralyzed if her heart is penetrated with wood. On the other hand, the ribs at protecting the heart from threats like that to begin with; most humans can't manage enough force to pull it off without assistance even without her enhanced reflexes.

Invitation: Yavana is capable of entering a home uninvited but she does suffer from a good amount of nonlethal but still painful damage if she does. This cannot be healed as long as she remains within the household and can be fixed with usual blood healing afterwards. If she is given permission to enter then this no longer applies.

Face of Hunger: When low on vitae Yavana’s true nature becomes quite apparent. Her eyes grow red, and her skin pulls tight over his visage. She looks every bit the corpse. It wouldn’t take a genius for one to deduce what she is and her basic weaknesses from this alone.

Silver: A history of being attacked by people thinking that silver would work ultimately did result in the formation of a bane of silver. She despises being around it and has to force herself to get near anything made of silver. If it touches her the damage isn’t lethal but it can certainly become so if it maintains contact.

Likes: Mosquitos, her vitae program, having fun, working on new organisms, blood sorcery, eating

Dislikes: Stuffy Kindred, being overly serious, wasting vitae, losing mosquitos, stagnancy


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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #25 on: February 22, 2016, 10:03:25 PM »
Name: Virosu

Race: Cursed Human

Affiliation: Crime Groups (Himself)

Age: ??? He is so old he is considered a legend in his old world

Height: 6’1

Appearance: An incredibly handsome man. He speaks with elegance and grace, never showing the boiling rage underneath.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Exceptional

Constitution: Fantastic

Other Abilities:

Curse of the Bloody Seas: A curse which grants him abnormally high supernatural powers, capable of bending the air around him into blades of red light. The powers pour like a plague, eroding and eating at things, as well as increases his destructive power, making his strength appear greater than it is. Because of this he has massive endurance, able of taking even seemingly lethal attacks, like a breaking of his neck, as well as the ability to reconstitute himself from someone who has been ‘touched’, turning them into him completely and utterly.

Touch of Rage: Able to confer an illness to others which is tied to his curse. It can subjugate the weak of will, making them extensions of him, as well as cause incredible bouts of anger and frustration in those that can resist subjugation. Protection from curses completely defends against it, and it can be cured though bathing with sea water mixed with basil, as well as other curse removal methods.

Deep Vengeance:
A manifestation of his wrath and rage, it causes those that attack him to feel great fear, as well as increasing is power the greater the direct damage to his body he takes. However, his speed will never increase.

Cutthroat: Skilled with a knife, blade and pistol. He is a dirty fighter, throwing dirt, abusing terrain, hitting below the belt, coating his weapons in poison, you name it, and he does it. But this does not mean a lack of ability; his is still a terrifying swashbuckler in his own right.

Lucky: Not a skill perhaps, but to last as a pirate for so long, one must be lucky. Certainly lady luck shines upon him and he always seems to win games of chance. But who knows, perhaps he is just a skilled cheater.

Flintlock: A magically enhanced flintlock pistol he had made to channel the power of his curse, leading to damaging explosive shots.

Sea Sword Veronica: A magical blade capable of dominating the seas. It controls water that exists not as part of a sentient being. He named it Veronica after his lost love, and he used its powers to become feared and great, leading to him being cursed. Capable of summoning torrents of water, rain and storms, shifting the tides, he even uses it to control the poison he coats his blade in.

"You should always carry a knife."

Poison: A variety of poisons, from quick acting lethal ones, to ones that cause excruciating pain. But he would never waste the good stuff on such rabble.

Origin: A man feared is a man hunted. But what happens when a man is so feared that only spirits and gods hunt him down.

This was the story of Virosu. He was a man who found an ancient treasure, and used its might to command the sea, leading to great wealth and power. His power drew the ire of mages, of spirits, of men, and of gods. The freest man, with power great, his was a story enviable.

Until one day he was stricken with a curse, it drove him to madness and rage, but not for long. Against all odds he took command and claimed the curse with his own two hands. And from there he became something more, and truly something to be feared.

When he arrived in the nexus he made his home in the docks, where he has created a sizable group for himself, filled with cutthroats, thieves and liars, supernatural and not. He searches the sea of the nexus for salvage and wealth, all while increasing his own power upon the land.

Weakness: Open to negotiation and talks, so is more than willing to find a bargain, you simply need the right price. Powers which disrupt curses can disrupt his powers, and even his ability to reform, but nothing can truly break it, so it would be best to chain him away so he cannot die or kill himself, for he will not die, but be trapped forever. His powers are also straightforward, and he can be overwhelmed by powerful attacks, as he prefers prolonged battles. 

Likes: Woman, Freedom, the Sea, Money, Drugs, Games, the breeze

Dislikes: Governments, gods, spirits, mages, places away from the sea, charity
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 10:10:41 PM by Knick »

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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #26 on: February 28, 2016, 09:23:19 PM »
Name: Preservers, High Preservers

Race: Autonomous magitech golem

Height: 2 meters

Weight: Heavy

Appearance: The Preservers are twisted beings of metal, flesh, and magic. Bits of steampunk machinery are either fused onto or sticking out of their almost black skin and occasionally release a bit of smoke or steam. They have no fingers and instead their hands end with syringes and needles to inject the black fluid inside them. If they speak the sounds of clicking and machinery are easily heard as if there was something in their lungs as well. Generally they hide this under dark cloaks as they move about in day to day operations.

Physical Attributes

() = the traits of High Preservers

Strength: Incredible (Fantastic)

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Exceptional (Incredible)

Magic Resistance: The magical core within every preserver projects an anti magic field to protect the Preservers from magical attacks. This weakens or outright nullifies certain kinds of magic. Preservers have Low resistance while High Preservers have Medium.

Other Abilities:

Black Blood: The fluid produced by the multiple hearts within the Preservers is no ordinary blood. It has strange mystical properties and is made to be used on living and dead beings. The dead injected with the black blood of a normal Preserver will generally rise within seconds as a Proxy but if it was damaged significantly as a corpse it will simply lie reanimated on the ground in constant suffering. Preserver fluid will animate but will not repair. High Preservers on the other hand do both. If an organism is missing parts of its body it will grow strange flesh similar to the Preserver’s own and create a facsimile from which to use. This does not grant them a ‘healing’ factor and they can only be repaired by a High Preserver. When a living being is injected with any black blood an unnatural growth emerges. Not quite cancer but similar in some aspects. With a few hits you merely receive growths that will not spread but weigh you down. Constantly getting hit or not having the growths removed will result in said growths growing. Tearing at your flesh and bone to make more room for itself. As long as these growths are removed or one does not take too many hits they should be fine.

Repairs: Do not count the machinery and flesh of a Preserver as separate things. When damaged the magitech will draw on the magical core within and begin to pour out steam and smoke as flesh binds itself and metal grows from the body. While this is done the anti magic field is deactivated for a little while due to mana expenditure from the core. Their body will also naturally cut off circulation to severed limbs. High Preservers can perform an even more proficient form of repairs for more serious damage. They can attach another person’s limb to themselves and as their fluid flows into it the flesh changes color and grows machinery as well. They can also perform this feat on any Proxy or other Preserver.

Origin: The Preservers are a mystery. Their only goal seems to be, as their namesake implies, the preservation of lifeforms. They seem entirely content with forcefully reanimating bodies and considering it as a form of preservation. Preservers have been known to fall in with powerful necromancers due to their similarities. Preservers are few in number and are more often accompanied by their Proxies rather than their own kin. They may speak but rarely do so in usual circumstance. High Preservers are even more rare and even amongst a group of Preservers there is only ever one.

Weakness: The destruction of a Preserver’s magical core is instant death. Fascinatingly enough there is no set location for the core and it can be nearly anywhere although a slight blue tint can be seen under the skin of where it is. The core functions as the brain and while removing the head won’t kill the Preserver their senses will be significantly stifled. Destroying one of the Preserver’s hearts will considerably weaken it and slow it down along with making the use of black blood as an attack or reanimation method through syringes rare as they have little to spare.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2016, 09:27:02 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #27 on: March 16, 2016, 12:43:02 AM »

Appearance: The hrímvargr are artificial wolves. Their bones are metal. Their faces are ceremonial wolf-masks with hinged jaws. Their “flesh” is a swirling wind with either the “white fur” of ice and snow in it or the “grey fur” of dank grey slush. Their torsos are huge and narrow iron bells—ceremonial, decorated, and clapper-less.

Strength: Exceptional
Agility: Exceptional
Endurance: Exceptional

Magic Ability: None

Other Abilities:

The hrímvargr are wolves, and this makes them predators - who hunt in packs. Like wolves they have fangs and claws and can chase down prey. But they're also of ice and snow, metal and sound, moved by ferocious spirit. They call on what permeates them to attack, which includes:

Gathering a hurricane of ice and snow around them, then unleashing it on a few targets;
Howling and calling down lightning or hail from the sky on their target;
“Unringing” their central bell, deafening everyone around or unleashing a wave of sonic force;
Shaping the swirls of red numbers that tend to appear when they take damage into machinery, then smashing someone with a fist of gears.

Origin: Sometimes during Winter, or when Christmas approaches—particularly if the weather is going to be harsh, or if something bad is going to happen—people will see the hrímvargr in the distance. They’ll show up on the roof of churches, on top of old buildings, or at the far end of an alley. By the time a brave soul gets close enough to interact with them, they are gone. They are seen alone, but they live and travel in packs, and do not always cross people.

Where do the hrímvargr come from? They could be church bells that did not ring for Christmas, and so turned into wolves; They could have been elementals of ice and snow that blew into the bells to prevent such ringing; Maybe a puppy left in Christmas-present boxes for seven days does not die, but transfigures into a hrímvargr and skulks off into the night; Or maybe they arose in the maze of the wooden folk from the frozen city of Nix, as an expression of the anti-Christmas sentiment in those creatures' hearts.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #28 on: December 30, 2016, 01:42:57 AM »
Race: Dogoo


Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Human

Constitution: Human-Legendary

Other Abilities:
Combination: Dogoos on their own are weak, but if a swarm of them decide to combine together into a Giant Dogoo, which are substantially more durable. They don't really get any faster or stronger though.

Regeneration: Giant Dogoos are capable of regenerating large amounts of damage even in combat. It's not really that useful for them though since they're still really weak.

Equipment: None

Origin: Dogoos are mysterious beings that appeared in the Nexus from who knows where. They appear to be some sort of gelatinous cube that moved on its own and look like teardrops. They bounce around and appear to be cute, saying "Dogoooooo," but they're actually bad so it's ok to hurt them.

Weakness: Hit them until they die, it won't take long.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2016, 05:08:46 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Re: NPC Idea Thread
« Reply #29 on: January 07, 2017, 07:27:23 PM »
Name: Sleeping Slaves

Race: Puppets.

Age: Irrelevant

Height: 175 cm

Weight: 70 kg

Appearance: White men in white uniforms wearing white masks with two slanted black eyes on top of the other on their left. Alternatively the masks's palette can be swapped for black with white eyes.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Human

Constitution: Exceptional

Other Abilities:

Automatons:The ability to be fucking stupid. Sleeping Slaves are autonomous puppets that follow basic instructions. They do not know fear, they do not know pain, the do not know anything. They are perfect. Sleeping Slaves can perform various tasks, but they are not independent outside of their specific function. You can easily walk in front of a builder and he will not even recognize you.

Core: If their body is a hollow puppet body, you could compare it to hardware or the brunt of a machine. In that case, the marble-like orbs in their chests that contain their soul data would act as the software, the brain of the machine that receives and interprets information before relaying a response. Breaking their arms and crushing their stomachs won't do any good, but you can easily destroy/replace/transfer/exchange Slaves between bodies by interacting with their core.

Teleport Link: The dolls have some magic mechanism in them that allows them to be instantly transported from point A to B. While the point A can be any variable, B is a constant that can be set with another teleport link.

Equipment: Depending on the situation, some construction/medical tools, some guns like rifles or pistols and basic apparel. All wear similar white clad uniforms and the exact same masks.

Some masks: They were made under a mask shop, so why not give them mask? They look classy and minimalistic, with a little touch of edge.

Instant coffee maker.

(only for some) Data-Link Star Network Relay: Some sleeping slaves are equipped with routers in their cores that act as hosts for networks, linking multiple dolls (usually 5-7 into one hive mind. This makes organizing team oriented tasks easier. Those who do wear black masks instead of white, to make them easier to tell from the others and so you know which ones to hit first.

Origin: Thanks to a pile of homunculi, raw materials, a bunch of dead gangsters, souls laying around, and a set up lab, fine gentleman Relius and polite citizen Vanguard worked on a little project. You see, with Vanguard's soul harvesting abilities and Relius's puppet making, one day, they asked themselves: "Hey, why don't we make some fodder to do our job for us lolol?"

And so they did.

Weakness: They are stupid fucking dolls that aren't that strong to begin with and have a pretty vulnerable cpu. They suck and you suck for even thinking you could lose against dumb machines. They don't into combat unless standing there as sentries, all they're good at is basic grunt work, construction and some patrolling/scouting.

Likes: Nothing.

Dislikes: Nothing.