Author Topic: Character Sheet Thread(Depreciated)  (Read 45145 times)


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Character Sheet Thread(Depreciated)
« on: April 02, 2018, 08:17:38 PM »
Name: Tsumiko

Race: Lesser Grail

Age: Nine years old, although her body looks to be that of a young teenager's.

Height: 1.67 meters

Weight: normal


Her left arm is darker and longer than the rest of her body, and is also brown, as if it were grafted onto her form from another person. She usually keeps it wrapped up in an attempt to minimize the strangeness of its presence.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional(Incredible)

Agility: Exceptional(Incredible)

Durabilty: Exceptional(Incredible)

Magic: Extremely High

As the lesser holy grail, Tsumiko has seemingly limitless magical reserves. Although it is by no means anywhere close to the levels she possessed during the grail war, it remains quite formidable nonetheless. She possesses two sets of top tier magic circuits, allowing her to craft spells of a highly destructive nature. Furthermore, due to her fusion with Shirou and Rin, Tsumiko has access to all spells in the tohsaka crest as well as Unlimited Blade Works. She can also do many various other bounded fields using both Rin's and Sakura's knowledge, as well as many other miscellaneous spells.
Sakura’s Magic
Shadow Magic
Sakura’s innate magical talent is an incredibly rare one, possessing the affinity to manipulate the Imaginary Abyss. This allows her to access a parallel world known as the imaginary numbers space and manipulate it at a whim, only limited by the output of her magical energy.

Using this, she can consume all mana in an area by creating a fetid mist, or nearly instantly drain a powerful mage with a touch of the shadow. Furthermore, Tsumiko can travel between two shadows, using them as portals, and even plan ambushes from inside of it in order to plan her next move. She can allow other people inside of it, and controls the point of entry, location, essentially everything while inside of it. Furthermore, she can use this affinity to fight more effectively against spiritual entities. Her shadows can act as portals, absorbing physical objects and only being destroyable by supernatural means. Most objects and attacks simply pass through the portal and/or are instantly decomposed by the voracious nature of her absorption magecraft, or pass through it and come one from a different direction.

Tsumiko can generate shadows anywhere within her line of sight, or the line of sight of her shadow, which she can retract and expand freely, limited only by the nearly infinite font of mana she is connected to. She can manipulate the shadows freely, some examples of manipulation being creating shadowy, otherworldly shadow giants whom share the properties of her magic, filling her shadow with mana until it explodes with extreme force capable of breaking through even an nearly impenetrable defense(although charging it up to that degree would require too much focus and time on creating it for it to be a viable attack in combat), creating small beads within her line of sight which can explode into a hail of spikes capable of driving through human flesh, among many other manipulations.

Her shadow moves at otherworldly speeds(fantastic), and she can generate it anywhere in her line of sight, making it an extraordinarily powerful tool. Its main limitation is mana usage. While her source of magic is infinite, her control is not, and she can only manipulate a certain amount of mana at one time.

Matou Magic
When Zouken infested her with the crest worms, it not only gave him a way to control her, but also burned the Matou crest into her, giving her access to the full repertoire of the Matou bloodline’s spells. Because of this, she has a great deal of knowledge about the art of binding,absorption, and familarcraft. She can also send out a bolt of magic that will, assuming it connects, drain the target of a decent amount of their mana. Furthermore, Sakura possesses a myriad of other spells as well that have various effects.

Another big feature of their brand of magecraft is the usage of familiars, specifically bugs in particular. She has a legion of small bugs, ants, bees, hornets, spiders, and many others, at her command, which she can replace by growing them using nothing but her own prana.

Rin’s Magic
Rin’s family, the Tohsakas, specialized in the transfer of energy and gem magecraft. She can transfer her own mana from herself and store it in a suitable outside vessel for later use, usually an expensive gem. The spells stored in these gems can be extremely powerful and can be any spell she can cast, making this a very powerful ability. Because of her myriad of spells she has access to from both crests, alongside her tremendous amount of mana, she possesses several very high strength gems at all times and can create them without much effort. Using Rin’s magic, she can also heal herself and others, even being capable of recreating organs from scratch provided she uses enough mana. Furthermore, she can reinforce herself and strengthen herself to straight incredibly through rin and shirou’s natural talent at reinforcement.

Rin possessed a fair few attack spells as someone with the average one affinity, which means she can use spells from all  five of the great elements. However, her favored attack spell in her previous life was the gandr, a finnish curse which makes people sick usually. At the levels of mana concentration, it possesses power akin to a machine gun and she can fire them as fast as one as well. Tsumiko still seems to favor this spell above her other options, perhaps unconsciously.

Shirou’s Magic

Projection: Also known as "Gradation Air", projection is the ability to materialize objects using prana, according to the user's imagination. However, Tsumiko can use a version unique to Shirou that he calls "Tracing". Tracing differs from Gradation Air in that it is used to create copies of items that already exist, however the items also have their entire history reproduced, including the skills of those who wielded them, along with the shape and substance. All items that are reproduced using Tracing are not perfect copies of the original and suffer a rank down. The items that Tsumiko can trace the most efficiently are swords; while capable of tracing other items, the cost in prana makes it considerably less efficient. Of course, that’s not always her greatest concern, and her definition of sword is loose enough to include many different bladed weapons. When Sakura is wielding a sword, she gains the skills and techniques the hero in life possessed, and is able to fight as if she’s a master of the blade. This also means that her strength and speed can match that of a hero whom she’s copying, allowing her to briefly demonstrate a strength and speed that she would not normally be able to dream of. Finally, she is capable of overcharging her noble phantasms with mana. This process takes a while, but it doubles their destructive power by turning the magical artifact into a magical bomb. This is one use for each overcharge.

Reinforcement: Magecraft designed to push something’s basis for existence to the utmost. It is the same as adding something to an object that is already complete, therefore failure will cause the target to receive it as a poison and be destroyed. Success requires a good grasp of the inner structure to fill openings with Prana. Reinforcing the purpose of existence would be increasing the sharpness of a knife, the nourishment of food, or the physical strength and durability of muscles. It is impossible to reinforce something vague.

Unlimited Blade Works: Shirou’s reality marble, a world containing infinite swords. Copies of every weapon she has seen are stored there. Due to the influence of Archer’s arm, this includes copies of every weapon Archer has seen as well. Invoking Unlimited Blade Works is a lengthy process that requires several lines of chanting, making it difficult to activate the reality marble in a melee. While she remains tethered to the whims of Rin and Sakura, she will remain unable to harness the full power of her reality marble.

With access to this much mana, regeneration is child’s play to her. She can recreate limbs, internal organs, anything except her brain. Larger or more complex objects require prohibitive amounts of mana, however, requiring her to completely drain her reserves dry.

Other Abilities:

Unholy Abomination: Tsumiko is an impossible existence made possible. A statistical anomaly made certain. A wish gone wrong made horrifyingly real by an omnipotent wish granting device.

Tsumiko is a mistake. She firmly believes in this undeniable truth. The circumstances in which she was born serve as undeniable proof of such. An abomination of nature that should not be. In her home world, she has been attacked many times for "Sakura's" actions, and she has managed to kill everyone who came for her.

Her body looks fairly normal, except for her left arm being far more masculine and muscular(fan/fan/fan) than her right as well as being slightly longer and, well, darker. She usually keeps her left arm wrapped in bandages to hide it. She’s unaging and eternally youthful, destined to simply continue existing forever more, living out her sinful existence. Still connected to the eternal font of mana known as the other side, her mana reserves are constantly refilled almost immediately, like a tap that never turns off and never seems to run dry.

Furthermore, Tsumiko’s soul is a mess. It’s the result of three spirits being forcibly glued together and merged, smelted together by an overwhelming amount of mana. To anyone sensitive to this, she would look like a frankenstein’s monster, revolting and wrong, utterly impossible. It would seem like a chaotic mix held just barely in equilibrium by a nearly omnipotent force of the universe, but would also seem equally immutable and solid if somebody tried to interfere from the outside with said equilibrium. Her mind is a self contained world, immutable from the outside, and to interfere with her soul, one would need the divine power of an omnipotent wish granting device.

Ghosts of the Past:
Inside Tsumiko’s head dwell two people other than herself, Sakura Matou and Rin Tohsaka. These two girls sometimes work together, sometimes fight, and often pull strings to manipulate Tsumiko in ways Tsumiko herself might not approve of.

Because of her nature as a lurid combination of several people, reading her mind is difficult if not impossible for all but the most skilled. While Sakura and Rin often fight, they agree on one thing:

They do not like intruders. The two exist solely within Tsumiko’s unconscious mind, and have nearly unlimited power within it to manipulate as they wish. They can erect mental walls, block off mental intrusions with a wall of cacaphonic mental noise, and attack back against more determined intrusions, damaging their mind in return dearly as punishment for misbehavior within their domain. One would need exceptionally potent mental powers capable of breaking through their blockade, or to turn the sisters against each other in order to gain unrestricted entry. A weaker telepath may be able to force their way in to a point while the sisters are in conflict, but only exists within her mind at their lesure, seeing what they wish for them to see.

Sword Regeneration
Shirou's soul was made of swords, and his body stitched itself back together with swords multiple times. Tsumiko is much the same and given an injury being relatively minor, she'll automatically stitch herself back up passively. However, swords stitching a body back together can lead to unfortunate mishaps. If she suffers a severe enough injury, she's liable to literally explode into a mass of swords, instantly killing her. It would need to be a truely catastrophic strike, however.

Tsumiko is an absolutely perfect shot. She has a hawkeye that can see over a kilometer away when reinforced. With her near perfect accuracy, she can hit the bullseye of a target 1000/1000 times. Of course, it’s possible to dodge her shots but one can never let their guard down in a range battle with her.


Rin Tohsaka
Lesser Tie: Alcohol(Addiction)
Lesser Tie: Archer(Infatuation)
Greater Tie: Sakura(Regret)
Lesser Tie: Sakura(Anger)
Lesser Tie: Tsumiko(???)

Lesser Cause: To right the wrongs which we created
Lesser Cause: I must find my own body so I may live my own life

Greater Tie: Shirou(Love)
Greater Tie: Rin(Love and Pity)
Lesser Tie: Rin(Unrestrained Fury)

Lesser Principle: I am a monster who tried to destroy the world.
Lesser Principle: I am no longer human, and that is fine. I am still me, which is all that matters.

Lesser Tie: Thea (Love)
Lesser Tie: Archer (Parental Affection)
Lesser Tie: Swords (Abject infatuation)
Lesser Tie: Cute things (Adoration)

Greater Cause: To fix the wrongs which I created

The weakness of Tsumiko's body is her main weakness, as in the end, the girl’s body is ultimately that of a human. She would have difficulty keeping up with truly powerful superhumans such as servants, and the overwhelming strength of many high tier pcs.

Crippling Agony: Usually, her souls are in harmony and everything is great. However,  occasionally, the three constituent parts of her soul come into conflict for some reason, and, for the lack of a better word, fight it out. Sakura’s soul will generally regain dominance after a period of time due to the fact of it being the least damaged out of the three, and Shirou’s nearly never wins control due to his soul’s extreme degradation. However, while they’re fighting, Sakura is utterly immobilized from the spiritual agony grating at her existence as the very core of her being goes to war with itself. If this were to happen in a fight she’d be reduced to a straight exceptional girl screaming in utter agony upon the ground until it either passed or she blacked out from the pain.

Alone. Forgotten. Abandoned. Betrayed. Hatred. Jealousy. Lust. Fear. Loneliness.

These emotions led to the events that created Sakura as she exists today. Betrayed by everyone, her love stolen by her sister and her body sullied by her adoptive family, Sakura snapped. She embraced the powers of the grail, and although her sister and lover attempted to stop her, they ultimately failed. And, upon her victory, Sakura spared them. She decided to reconcile with them, and wished upon the grail to be together forever in harmony.

The events before her rebirth are fuzzy and confusing. She possesses three sets of memories and has trouble differentiating between whose they originally were. She's logically aware of the fact that she's a fusion of three different people, but emotionally can't really comprehend being anything except she was now. Thinking back and remembering the past is like reading a book that fell into the river and was fished out. The words are smudged, some are damaged beyond repair, and they're most certainly not her memories. As far as she's concerned, her new life began that fateful day when hell poured forth from the sky and swallowed japan whole.

« Last Edit: December 21, 2020, 08:31:27 AM by Umbra of Chaos »

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Re: Character Sheet Submission Thread
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2018, 11:02:38 PM »
Name: Lily, Blazing Demon Girl Of The West: The Heavenly Ascendant Of Embers

Race: Nature Spirit/ Succubus

 Age: 423

Height 144 cm

Weight: 42  kg


Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Heroic (Incredible when weakened)

Agility: Fantastic  (Amazing when weakened)

Durability: Legendary  (Fantastic when weakened)

Willpower: Shounen Determinator

Magic: High

She’s aligned with the element of fire and therefore boasts the ability to create as well as shape it out of nothing. However she’s never been particularly skilled in comparison with most of her kind, meaning her fire isn’t very potent in comparison with the other non magical things she can do. Cool things she can do include wrapping herself in a cloak of fire that doesn't damage her own clothes and setting her blade on fire as well as make wings of fire. Her fire has fantastic potency at maximum output.

After making a contract with Elizabeth, her magical capabilities have risen significantly. Her flames are more potent than ever as well as mildly radioactive and have changed in color to a pale blue. However this sudden growth has caused her to lose the once fine tuned control she had and can therefore not used any of her more advanced techniques anymore. There's also unholy nature to her magic now.

Other Abilities:

Unnatural Body:

Lily has no actual weak spots. This is due to her body merely mimicking that of a human, therefore none of her “internal organs” need to be completely whole to keep functioning, not even the brain or the heart. Cutting off her limbs doesn't pose much of a problem for her as they still function independently from her body and she may still control their motor functions even when severed, so long as most of the limb is intact. Furthermore her body heals much faster compared to ordinary humans, minor wounds will close in the span of seconds, broken ones heal in minutes and even entire limbs can regrow over the course of hours. To actually kill her you would have to cut her body into several pieces. Her nature as a Fire Elemental also grants her a fairly high resistance to fire based attacks.

Since being adopted by Elizabeth, she's turned into an Elemental/Succubus hybrid. and she's gained resistance to both Lightning and Cold as result.


Devilish Delights: Even without the explicit use of supernatural powers, all succubi are incredibly attractive. They can elicit responses of arousal from others regardless of their orientation. Only the most extreme of circumstances can undermine their basic beauty - being covered in blood splatter after a fight or getting covered in mud will not hinder them, but only enhance their appeal. On the other hand, getting covered in excrement would be a meaningful hindrance.

Fiendish Charms: Succubi are in many ways selfish desire incarnate, and their dark powers allow them to share this desire with others whether they want it or not. An ordinary, average person stands little chance against the seductive wiles of such a devil, and so with a simple intimate touch they find themselves doing anything short of blatant suicide for the sake of hopefully receiving more of that attention. Stronger wills can resist this terrible allure, but even they are not entirely safe from it. Allowing a succubus to engage in intimate or prolonged contact will over time erode the subject’s resistance to the effects of that specific fiend’s powers. In time only the strongest of wills can resist becoming completely enamored with their wicked paramour.

Lily's charm, as the daughter of a demonic overlord, is fairly powerful. If she truly desires someone, and focuses her charm on them, then someone with Gritty willpower would be hard pressed to be able to resist her compulsions. For those with weaker wills, a few honeyed words can be enough to break down any mental defenses and enslave them to her will, giving them a lesser or greater intimacy for her, depending on their personal character and strength of will.

Shapeshifting: Succubi are capable of taking on the shape of any humanoid creature up to or down to the more extreme ends of the humanoid size scale. This takes several moments to do if they have a specific appearance in mind, and if they are killed they are forced to assume their natural appearance in their final moments. It is much simpler to assume partial features such as taking on different sexual characteristics, for obvious reasons.

Soul Eater: The natural desire of succubi is to consume their victims to their blackened hearts’ content. Through kissing and other explicitly intimate actions a succubus can begin to drain the life force of others, reducing their stamina and provoking them to increasingly debilitating levels of fatigue. While this is awkward and difficult to leverage in a fight against some opponents, such as armored ones, it means that succubi are dangerous to take on in a bare handed grapple and that if they don’t like you they make for lethal bed partners.

Telepathy: All succubi have an inherent ability with telepathic communication. They can freely project their thoughts to any intelligent creature within 60 feet, and be understood despite any language barriers that might exist between them. If a succubus places a creature under their fiendish charms the range restriction disappears as their besotted victim experiences the joy of being at their beck and call no matter where they are.

Unfathomable Skill:

What truly makes her stand out among her kind is none other than her skill with a bladed weapon. To say she loves sword would be an understatement. The greatest of the great are but pale imitations next to her sublime form. Calling it a form would be nothing but a misnomer however, as there is no form to speak of. Attack, defense, such terms are meaningless before her, everything she does is both yet neither. Her movements are as fluid as water, often shattering physics itself as she makes impossible twists and turns that defy her own momentum.

Her most frightening ability is to appear to be made of nothing but openings. Even to a master she would appear as nothing but an amateur who has never even held a sword before. Thus adapting to her style is nigh impossible and even people who specialize in such things will find themselves thinking they’re doing right only for 'something' to be wrong about it. Yet that 'something' will appear illusive even upon reflection on it. That's because the mere act of observing her motions is unsettling on something much deeper than a mere physical level, there's something strange and perverted about it, and trying to imitate it causes a degree of internal damage as the body revolts from the experience. Your internal rhythm will be completely upended and even a master will find themselves performing mistakes not even an amateur would.   

It is equally unwise to read her mind for the sake of ascertaining what she'll do in the next moment, as you'll find her surface will not match up to what she will be doing next. Even divining the future itself would prove fruitless as all one would see are infinite possibilities in place of her, each detailing an outcome, all of them invariably wrong.

Absolute Freedom

Lily has even broken the shackles of fate, meaning that outside interventions into her actions are no longer possible, whether this is through manipulation of likelihood or tugs at the strings of fate. She has already surpassed such trivial things long ago in her endless pursuit of the ultimate blade.

Supreme Will:

Call it sword autism or whatever you may, but her single minded pursuit of the perfection of her art has rendered her mind an absolute fortress that can stand any siege, a fortress guarded by a fierce dragon ready for its next meal, you. All kinds of metal persuasions are doomed to fail, and even a God would find it hard to breach into her mind.

When focusing her will on a single objective, the dragon roars out, devouring your existence whole. Only Determinators can completely resist this effect. Those with Zen willpower can resist this, although it might take Zen a moment longer than Determinator to snap out of it. At Gritty levels however you're stricken with massive fear akin to a Lesser Phobia, and your combat abilities take a hit unless you flee. People with Average or less willpower will fade away before her unless they leave as fast as they can, their lives will be extinguished by the overwhelming pressure that drains their will to live or outright makes their body give up.

Heavenly Administrator

As one of the Four Heavenly Kings, Lily was in charge of one of the four provinces of the Empire, more specifically the western part. It was a very large temperate area with over a billion citizens and several sprawling metropolises. Even though she was the youngest of the Four Heavenly Kings, she's still ruled this place for several decades and as such has become an excellent administrator. While never having liked the political game she's more than competent enough to carry herself in such a setting.


Contract With Liz

Lily has accepted Elizabeth as her her lord, and agreed to serve her loyally as a vassal. She has been given temporary discretion over foreign affairs as a test by Elizabeth, and can draw upon the large reserves of Elizabeth. In exchange, she must serve as Elizabeth's bodyguard, teach Coconut, and protect her from immediate harm. It's not pretty redundant since Elizabeth has adopted her.

Nanotech Katana

She carries with her a nameless katana wherever she goes. It cannot be seen usually as the sword is bound to her soul and only appears when she wishes to wield. At first glance it looks like a regular sword, but appearances can be deceiving. It’s actually made from an extremely rare material known for being nigh unbreakable, and it’s said only a god could ever hope to break it. Unlike most materials though it conducts electricity very poorly and it’s not magnetic.

The sword actually has a bit of a will of it’s own and refuses to be drawn unless it’s with the intent to kill but on the other hand it won’t ever leave her side. Even if someone were to take it, it would mysteriously find it’s way back to her if it’s needed. 

But when wielded with intent to kill, a faint red glow covers the blade, and when swung, all that killing intent is released as a transparent wave of destruction that’s fueled by her strength. This wave goes outwards from the edge and grows in size without loosing any potency until it reaches its maximum range of 10 meters.


Long range combat: Her long range capabilities are bad in comparison to her close range, someone who’s quick on their feet might take advantage of this.

Holy: Lily has gained a slight weakness to holy stuff as a result of her contract to Liz.

Tail: The tail she's grown recently is very sensitive to touch and if it's tugged or pulled by someone else, she'll find herself losing up to two ranks in all stats. This feature can however be trained away over time but Lily is not aware of it yet. If it were to be cut of, it would regrow and the sensitivity would remain. The longer the tail is pulled, the longer the weakening feeling will persist.


Greater Tie: Elizabeth (loyalty to her lord)
Lesser Tie: Her sword (Property)
Lesser Tie: Coconut (contract, sister)
Lesser Tie: Vanilla (Mother)

Lesser Cause: Find a worthy opponent
Lesser Cause: Restoring the glory of the empire


A lonesome spirit who traversed every corner of the world in search of treasures. She found many but there always seemed to be something lacking, something she could never find. While working on her technique could stave off this feeling it could not remove it completely, only after she joined the empire and rose in the ranks did this feeling abate.

Eventually through her contributions she ascended to the to the rank of Heavenly King, the third highest rank in the Empire, only beneath the Great Guardian General of Heaven's Providence, and His Holiness: The Supreme Emperor Of All That Is On Heaven And Earth.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2020, 04:00:45 PM by Bern »

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Re: Character Sheet Submission Thread
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2018, 06:07:29 PM »
Name: Sakura Emiya

Race: Human (Magus)

Age: 22

Height: 158 cm

Weight: 55 kg


Eyes: Purple
Hair: Purple

Physical Attributes:

Strength: Incredible
Agility: Incredible
Durability: Incredible

Willpower: Gritty

Magic: Very High

Since obtaining freedom from the Matou family, Sakura has trained herself in the use of her magic. However, despite this, her ability is still somewhat limited. Additionally, whilst most of the worms inside her are gone, a few still remain, draining her prana slightly and causing her minor discomfort.

She possesses an affinity with her birth attribute, Imaginary Numbers, as well as a limited affinity for the Matou element, water. She also possesses the Matou family trait, binding, along with her natural Tohsaka affinity, transfer of energy, although she has limited training in the use of the latter.

Jewel Magic
Due to her Tohsaka family heritage, Sakura possesses the ability to use jewel magic. Prior to arriving in the Nexus, her ability to utilise this was limited to the point of uselessness, due to her limited training and Rin’s deficiencies as a teacher. However, since she has arrived, she has begun to receive training from an expert in mineralogy who lives locally. Whilst her ability is still fairly limited, she does now possess a few jewels and can fill new ones with prana, albeit inefficiently.

Due to her inexperience, they are mostly saved for emergency situations, where she can use them somewhat like a grenade to get out of a tight situation by casting a spell at Very High rank. She is also able to extract energy from them in a non-destructive manner, albeit inefficiently, and she can in principle store lower-ranked spells in them for immediate use.

Insect Magic
Due to her training as a Matou, Sakura has some capability with the production and use of bugs. However, due to the nature of her training, she has a strong dislike of many types of bugs, especially worms and, as such, she tends to avoid using this ability.

Even so, there are some situations in which they are clearly the best option, so she has learned to put aside her distaste and make use of them. She has developed an extremely poisonous spider familiar that can kill a person inside a few minutes, which she uses for assassination missions on dangerous targets. She also has developed a swarm of hornets which will attack and sting opponents. These stings can be fatal or, if she chooses, instead they can simply knock the target unconscious, allowing them to be captured if necessary, or simply disabled if they are not a target but are potentially compromising the mission. Each individual hornet moves with incredible speed, and possesses amazing strength and exceptional durability.

Imaginary Numbers
A magical affinity unique to Sakura, Imaginary Numbers gives her access to a conceptual space known as the Imaginary Abyss. The Imaginary Abyss is a dangerous place for anyone, but is particularly dangerous for spiritual entities. Normally, Sakura's use of this magic is at High Rank. However, beings of a spirutual nature will suffer effects equivalent to an increase of one rank when attacked with a spell using power drawn from the Imaginary Abyss.

Shadow dimension: Sakura's shadow magic allows her to absorb people and items into a shadow dimension. Whilst inside, the person or item is completely subject to Sakura's whims. She can control the environment they are in, project an avatar of herself into their mind and convert anything inside into mana. Sakura can absorb a willing participant into her dimension almost instantaneously, with minimal prana expenditure, using any of her shadow entities as portals. However, it takes considerably more time and prana to absorb an unwilling victim.

Shadow control: Using her body as a base, Sakura can extend her shadow in any direction, propagating at fantastic speeds. She can also create various shadow-based entities from the base, which can then move and act independently. Each of these entities possesses a base durability of incredible, although direct attacks by spiritual entities will increase this to fantastic and, if mobile, they will move with incredible speed and, generally, strike with incredible strength.

Shadow portals: For self-defence, Sakura is able to use her shadow as a barrier, generating shadow portals which will completely absorb any physical attack, regardless of strength. Magical attacks up to Very High Rank will also be completely absorbed, whilst attacks of Extremely High rank will be severely weakened. However, these portals are essentially two-dimensional and, if struck from the edge rather than front-on, will suffer damage consistent with their durability.

Shadow tentacles: Using her natural affinity, Sakura is able to produce rudimentary magical tentacles, which she can use to attack and bind enemies. Additionally, her Matou magecraft allows her to use the tentacles to drain prana from anything they touch, rapidly depleting a person of the energy necessary to use magic – or live, for that matter. They are also capable of restraining beings up to incredible strength (fantastic for spiritual entities), resisting any efforts by said beings to break their bonds.

Shadow familiars: Using her shadow magic, Sakura can create semi-autonomous shadow familiars from anywhere on her body, or from her shadow or other familiars. These familiars will follow her basic intentions, but are capable of acting on their own to achieve those intentions, and have a rudimentary level of independent thought in this respect. To create them requires an initial prana input, followed by a small constant prana input to maintain them.

The shadows are of variable size, from very small shadows used for spying to far larger combat familiars. Their size depends on how much prana Sakura puts into them, and they can grow or shrink depending on this. However, producing a shadow giant of the size of the ones seen in HF requires her entire prana supply and, since she lacks her HF counterpart’s mana regeneration, doing so would be extremely painful and also exhausting. Tstrength can vary from amazing to fantastic depending on their size, although it is rare for Sakura to be able to spare the magical energy necessary to create one large enough to reach fantastic strength.

These shadows are also all connected to her main shadow dimension, and can absorb things into it. As such, they can be used as walls, to direct or entrap enemies, or as defensive objects that function in much the same way as the portals, with the same strengths and weaknesses.

Shadow transportation: Using her shadow dimension, Sakura is able to travel between any two shadows, including familiars. She is also able to use this ability to transport other people or items to her location or from her location to any other familiar.

Shadow blobs: Sakura can generate small blobs of shadow anywhere within her line of sight. These can be triggered at will by Sakura to fire out spikes of shadow, travelling at incredible speeds, which are capable of piercing the skin of normal humans and inflicting serious damage on them. These spikes can also be made to detach from the blob, firing out like bullets to hit anyone hiding behind a barrier. Additionally, by pumping magical energy into them beyond their limit, Sakura is able to make the blobs explode, much like a grenade.

Shadow traps: Sakura can generate almost-invisible shadow traps on the floor or walls. These function like a combination of her shadow familiars and shadow blobs, remaining in existence indefinitely, provided she is able to supply the small mana cost to sustain them, and they can be programmed to ignore certain people or to activate only under certain circumstances or in certain ways.

There are two different types of trap Sakura can create. One is an explosive trap, which acts like a remote version of her shadow blobs. Depending on the settings, these can be set to simply fire out spikes, they can be set to explode, or they can be set to do both, first creating spikes and then exploding, sending the spikes flying in all directions. The other is an immobilisation trap, which will suck in the foot or anyone who stands on it, trapping them in place. Shadow tendrils can also be created to aid in this process.

Other Abilities:

Cooking: Sakura is an outstanding chef.

Archery: Sakura is a talented archer.

Gun training: Sakura is trained in the usage of many different types of gun. Unlike Shirou, who excels at long-distance sniping, Sakura prefers to use more powerful, shorter-range weaponry, although she is still a good marksman thanks to her archery training. She also often acts as a spotter and short-range protector for Shirou when he is attempting to snipe an enemy.

Knife training: For short-range fighting, Sakura is trained in the use of knives for combat. She also carries several combat knives on her person whenever possible, in order to defend against any unexpected attack.


Body Armour: Sakura wears reinforced state-of-the-art body armour into battle, designed to protect against being shot, as well as other damage. With the application of reinforcement, it is essentially impossible for a person of normal strength to pierce it, and even armour-piercing bullets are not sufficient to do so. However, a shot to the head is still capable of killing her, although self-reinforcement or dodging may protect her to a limited extent if she is aware of the attack.

Gems: Whilst Sakura is not as prolific a gem user as her sister, she does carry several prana-filled gems on her person for use in emergencies.

Weaponry: Sakura owns several different guns, which she switches between as necessary for the mission. This includes a longer-range rifle, a shorter-ranged sub-machine gun for protection against large groups of enemies and pistols for circumstances where she cannot openly carry weapons. In addition, she carries several concealed combat knives on her person, which are easily-accessible in the case of an unexpected close-range attack.

Weakness: Shirou. She loves him with all her heart, and would be utterly devastated if anything ever happened to him.

Greater Tie: Shirou (Love/Devotion)
Lesser Cause: To support Shirou
Lesser Tie: Illya (Regret/Grateful)
Lesser Tie: Rin (Love)
Lesser Tie: Rin (Resentment)
Lesser Tie: Zouken (Fear)

Origin: Born Tohsaka Sakura, Sakura was adopted into the Matou family at age 4. She was in the care of the family head, Zouken, who tortured her mentally and physically on a daily basis in an attempt to turn her into a second Grail. Despite his inability to use her as he intended, the Grail War continued as normal, with the Rider-class servant Sakura had summoned being given to her brother and, then, defeated by Shirou's own servant.

After the War, Sakura's life continued much as it had before. The one exception was the arrival of Shirou's new sister, Illyasviel, who Sakura quickly befriended. However, not long after, things began to change. Sakura noticed the worms inside her beginning to weaken and die and, soon enough, she was free of Zouken's control, although some residual worms still remained. After having everything explained to her by her saviour and the boy she loved, they offered to allow her to live with them, and she gladly accepted. Soon enough, she found the confidence to confess her feelings to Shirou, and the two began to date.

Unfortunately, not long after, Shirou's beloved sister's body began to fail, and she was taken ill and died. Grieving, and with his time in school nearly over, Shirou decided he wanted to become a true hero, travelling around the world and saving people. Not wanting to put Sakura in danger, he reluctantly decided to break off their relationship. Sakura, however, was utterly distraught at the idea and, remembering an old wish to become his sidekick, she offered to do exactly that, following him around the world saving people as his sidekick, lover and, eventually, wife.

During this time, Sakura made some effort, at Shirou's insistence, to get in contact with her estranged sister. She was able to patch things up to an extent, and even gain a few tips on how to use her jewel magic, but Rin's stubbornness and their busy schedules ensured that they remained somewhat distant. Nevertheless, Sakura still does love her sister, and wishes they could be closer, although she is also often infuriated by her overly magus-like behaviour.

Finally, after six years of travelling, Sakura and Shirou found theirselves in the Nexus, with no idea where they were or how they got there. Seemingly unable to return home, they now have to make a life for theirselves in this new world and, maybe, save some people here too.

Since arriving in the Nexus, Sakura and Shirou have found theirselves outmatched by some of the stronger beings, and unable to protect people as they would have liked. For a while, they were limited to bounty hunting, taking out lower-difficulty criminals, until they stumbled upon a means to improve their strength. By training in Swole City, Sakura has increased all of her parameters from Exceptional up to Incredible, making him much more able to keep up with potential opponents at close range. Additionally, she has been taking magic training, allowing her to improve the strength of her primary ability, Imaginary Numbers.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2020, 03:47:56 PM by Sinib »

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Re: Character Sheet Submission Thread
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2018, 06:08:14 PM »
Name: Emiya Shirou

Race: Human (Magus)

Age: 24

Height: 188 cm

Weight: 80 kg


Eyes: Brown
Hair: Red, beginning to fade slightly.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical attributes:

Strength: Incredible
Agility: Incredible
Durability: Incredible

Willpower Average

Magic Ability: Extremely High


Projection: Also known as "Gradation Air", projection is the ability to materialize objects using mana, according to the user's imagination. However, Shirou can use a version unique to himself that he calls "Tracing". Tracing differs from Gradation Air in that it is used to create copies of items that already exist, however the items also have their entire history reproduced, including the skills of those who wielded them, along with the shape and substance. Exceptionally powerful items reproduced using Tracing are not perfect copies of the original and suffer a rank down, however perfect copies of more mundane items can be made. The items that Shirou can trace the most efficiently are swords; while capable of tracing other items, the cost in mana makes it considerably less efficient.

Reinforcement: Magecraft designed to push something’s basis for existence to the utmost. It is the same as adding something to an object that is already complete, therefore failure will cause the target to receive it as a poison and be destroyed. Success requires a good grasp of the inner structure to fill openings with mana. Reinforcing the purpose of existence would be increasing the sharpness of a knife, the nourishment of food, or the physical strength and durability of muscles. It is impossible to reinforce something vague. This is the one area of magic in which Shirou is competent, even able to reinforce his own body.

Unlimited Blade Works: Shirou’s reality marble, a world containing infinite swords. Copies of every weapon he has seen are stored there. Shirou is not yet aware of its existence and, as such, cannot call upon it. Nevertheless, it still exists and, given knowledge and enough time, he could learn to use it.

The contents of Shirou's UBW are limited, containing only the few weapons Gilgamesh chose to use in his sight, plus anything he has otherwise seen since. He does, however, go out of his way to find new swords whenever possible, to increase his ability to protect people.

Other Abilities:

Lack of Preservation Instinct: Shirou is unusually willing to put himself at great risk of bodily injury in order to protect others, especially his loved ones. He is easily willing to sacrifice an arm, take a lethal blow to the gut, or even throw away his own life to protect others.

Archery: Shirou is an exceptional Archer, and can also trace a bow and arrow with little difficulty. He uses this in conjunction with his magic to trace and fire swords as arrows, using their properties against the enemy.

Sword fighting: Shirou has mastered the art of fighting with the twin blades Kanshou and Bakuya. Whilst he’s not on the same level as Archer, he has significant experience in their use, although rarely against extremely powerful enemies. He also possesses the ability to create and fight with other kinds of swords and knives.

Shirou has agreed to a geas with Rin Tohsaka, agreeing to never reveal her name and reasonably attempt to prevent his wife from harming her charge in exchange for a non-aggression pact between them and Tsumiko.


Rifle: Shirou possesses a high quality, accurate hunting rifle with a high bullet velocity and an attached scope, enhanced using magecraft to make it even more accurate. With that combined with his ability to reinforce his sight, he is capable of shooting things from a very long distance.

Body armour: Shirou wears reinforced state-of-the-art body armour into battle, designed to protect against being shot, as well as other damage. With the application of reinforcement, it is essentially impossible for a person of normal strength to pierce it, and even armour-piercing bullets are not sufficient to do so. However, a shot to the head is still capable of killing him, although self-reinforcement or dodging may protect him to a limited extent if he is aware of the attack.

Explosives: Shirou has a significant stock of explosives, useful for situations which need more precision than a broken phantasm to the side of the building.

Shadow Familiar: Shirou has one of Sakura’s shadow familiars on him at all times, in various forms depending on the circumstances (for instance, a scarf). This allows Sakura to use her magic to protect him, such as forming the familiar into a portal to block incoming attacks. It also allows her to teleport him away in an emergency, and to teleport herself to his location.

Weakness: Limited sense of self-preservation, meaning that he's likely to put himself in danger to protect others, particularly Sakura. Finds it difficult to ignore those in need of help.

Greater Cause: To be a hero of justice.
Greater Cause: Protect his loved ones.
Greater Tie: Sakura (Love)
Lesser Tie: Saber (Love)
Lesser Tie: Illya (Regret)


Shirou doesn't remember his original life before the fire. To him, his father has always been Kiritsugu Emiya, and he has always been Shirou Emiya. For years, he wanted to grow up to become a superhero, for nearly as long as he can remember. Then, his life changed forever when he was chosen to be a master by the Holy Grail.

After the events of the Fate route, Shirou was living with his sister Illyasviel, who realized something was wrong with their friend, Sakura Matou. Realising that she was being tortured by Zouken, she informed Shirou of her plight and, then, using her wishcraft, she gradually removed the worms from Sakura's body and killed Zouken. No longer desiring to live in the house where she had been tormented for so long, Sakura moved in with Shirou and, with her oppressor gone, she soon confessed her feelings to him, and the two started to date.

Unfortunately, not long after, his beloved sister's body began to fail, and she was taken ill and died. Grieving, and with his time in school nearly over, Shirou decided he wanted to become a true hero, travelling around the world and saving people. Not wanting to put Sakura in danger, he reluctantly decided to break off their relationship. However, the distraught girl pressed him until he told her the truth and, then, persuaded him to allow her to come with him, as his sidekick and lover. That was 6 years ago. Since that time, they have travelled the world saving people, as well as finding time to get married. Now, they've found themselves mysteriously in the Nexus.

Since arriving in the Nexus, Sakura and Shirou have found theirselves outmatched by some of the stronger beings, and unable to protect people as they would have liked. For a while, they were limited to bounty hunting, taking out lower-difficulty criminals, until they stumbled upon a means to improve their strength. By training in Swole City, Shirou has increased all of his parameters from Exceptional up to Incredible, making him much more able to keep up with potential opponents at close range.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2020, 07:54:32 PM by Jacktheinfinite »


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Re: Dropped Character Thread
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2018, 06:39:30 AM »
Name: Seraph Lulu

Race: 1st Rank Angel

Age: Pre Genesis, older than Creation itself (Not really, but it's fun to brag)

Height: 156 cm

Weight: Surprisingly light


Spoiler for Hiden:


Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Fantastic

Durability: Fantastic

Willpower: Shounen Determinator

Magical Ability: None. Magic is a but a pale imitation desperately trying to reach the light that was granted her and her brethren at the dawn of time. The light that interacts with reality on a fundamental level, one which the humans in all their squalor can never hope to reach.

While she intimately familiar with a wide variety of crafts due to her abnormally long life she’d never lower herself to actually take use of such filth personally.

Magic Resistance: Extremely High. Due to her the amount of divine essence she possess as an Archangel, any supernatural power that isn't of the highest order will falter before her.

Other Abilities:

Divine Grace: Being Seraph and an Archangel at that, she was blessed by the Divine Light of Creation brought forth by the big guy himself.

This Divine nature is where all of her abilities stem from and it’s impossible to truly hide from entities with high spiritual awareness, they will recognize her for what she is. The immense soul she possess is truly without equal, even if you were to take all the souls of humanity and stack them together hers would still dwarf it, and the same can be said for the vastness of her mind. When fully released her presence can be felt by every spiritually aware being in the Nexus and everyone in her immediate vicinity will feel as if an ocean was crashing down on them. Furthermore, all attempts at interfering with either her mind or her soul is an exercise in futility and the one attempting it will see their abilities turn on themselves.

Her divine essence also has a slight healing effect on others, the greater the quantity she bathes someone in, the more pronounced the effects are. She can in theory cure almost any disease as well as heal most wounds. However, it only affects others. Over time even limbs can regrow, although this requires her to focus it on a single person over the course of several minutes. When not directly trying to heal someone people will merely feel refreshed in her presence and tire more slowly, on the other hand directed focus prevents her from doing anything else.

Angel Wings: Not actually wings, It’s the ability to travel between worlds that was granted to all the Angels by The Immaculate One. It’s restricted within the trap box of the Nexus and until she figures out a way around this she can't move with as much ease as she's used to, this however doesn't mean it's lost any of its potency. Pocket dimensions and magical lock boxes are nothing more than speed bumps to her. She can bring along anyone she's touching, the movement itself is instantaneous, however it has a cool down period of a few seconds. She can also float in mid air as well as fly.

Due to the expectations of mortals that Angels are supposed to be winged beings, they long ago developed the ability to shape their essence into ethereal wings. The wings are just for show however and not really connected to their ability to fly or traverse between worlds.

Telepathy: Angels can’t just appear anywhere and everywhere, that would would just leave a bad taste. This is the true source of heavenly voices as described in the most holy scripture. She can talk directly to someone’s mind as long as she’s aware of them and can picture them in her mind regardless of distance. Any deeper thought reading or even mind altering suggestions require eye contact although she’s incapable of doing anything more than planting subtle ideas, her father was really big on the free will of Humanity

Blades of Reckoning: These are blades of divine light made from her own Divine Essence, numbering 7 in total. Since they’re infused with her essence they’ll cleave through spiritual beings and magic alike. Due to the fact that they're made of pure divine essence, the first spark, they’re naturally capable of breaking immortality as well as sundering magical forces equal to the force she's swinging with. 

These blades may be either be wielded as regular weapons but she is also capable of controlling them with a mere thought and can move them in any pattern she so desires, but only when controlling a single blade. The more blades she tries to command with her mind at the same time the harder it gets, and with all seven only simple movements are achievable. The blades strike with Fantastic force and move at Fantastic speed. They can also be employed in a defensive manner if she so chooses as the blades can easily be remade if one were to break, a single blade can be remade nigh instantly but the more she has to do at the same time the longer it takes.

These blades can’t move further than 10 meters away from her at any time or they will disappear as she will be unable to manifest their form, this does  mean that forcibly moving her away from them will result in them disappearing, neither do they follow her when she teleports to any location. Remaking new ones is a fairly fast process however a really fast opponent may be able to take advantage of that.

She can also combine the seven blades into a single one much larger than herself, this raises the strength and durability of that single blade by a full rank compared to the smaller ones.

Resurrection: Her body is a mere shell, an avatar of a greater whole that can't fully manifest in this place and destroying it will not amount to more than a temporary inconvenience. After a while she can construct a new one and return to deliver judgement. This takes some time however, usually up to a full day, so it can't be used to recover in a fight per say. The form you perceive is nothing more than a mere vessel for her divine grace and she can alter her appearance freely with just a bit of concentration.

Angel Creation: Much like her Father could produce Angels, Lulu can produce lower rank Angels. She does this by imbuing beings with her own modified version of the original Angel blueprint. This raises them above the shackles of creation and imparts true freedom. The various powers gained from this vary based on how much time and effort she spends on it, but truly phenomenal results would take exorbitant amount of time and resources.

It would take her several hours to make an Angel with Fantastic stats and any abilities on top of that further increases the time proportional to how advanced it is.  These angels however will gain all the weaknesses associated with the status of being one, meaning her own weaknesses. She can also turn any Human or other creature into an angel if they are willing to enter into a contract with her, they would gain a highly diminished version of her Divine Grace along with all the abilities related to it with the exception of Resurrection and her immense telepathic resistance.

Assets: Nothing notable at the moment.


She is weak towards anything that with anti-divinity properties, the effects does scale with the degree of mystery behind said power in question, for example some low level Buddhist monk would hardly amount to much.

Aruna: After infusing her vessel with his essence through the Haze spell, her own Grace have become in tune with the metaphysical frequency of his magic rendering her supernatural resistance null against anything performed by him.

Lesser Cause: Enlightening Humans
Greater Cause: Protecting the freedom that He bestowed upon them.

Greater Tie: God (Father)
Lesser tier: Aruna ("Master")

Origin: Nothing to see here folks, just a traveling lowly Angel spreading the word and love of her creator, one believer at a time. The supreme Deity is a real slave driver which is why she decided to take a nice long vacation to this place.

That's totally why she came here.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2020, 07:01:35 AM by Bern »


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Re: Character Sheet Submission Thread
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2018, 06:38:01 AM »
Name: Shinji

Race: Undead

Age: ? ? ?

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 80 kg


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Fantastic

Durability: Incredible


Magic Scale: Very High

Thief's call: Allows the user to attract something the user is aware of within a 20 meter radius, or alternatively attract himself to said object. He can snatch people’s purses, snatch a weapon and drag it to his hand and pretty much grab anything he sets his sights on with up to heroic speed and strength. Of course, you can try to keep em, but you're gonna be dragged along as well. He has a liking and good affinity for metallic objects, so his thievery focuses on that. It doesn't mean he can't snatch, well, pretty much any other kind of object, more than it just won't feel the same to him. Once he grabs it, its not like he can use some stolen trinket like he's the original owner. But that shouldn't stop him from whacking you in the face with your own sword. He can also interrupt the grab, which will cause whatever he's stealing to lose momentum and drop.

Other Abilities:

Immortality: Due to a curse, Shinji is incapable of dying or aging. As he puts it, it’s a real pain in the ass, but it does let him regenerate from wounds that should finish him off in seconds, recover limbs in a minute(or instantly reattach), and survive virtually anything as long as he has body parts left. Even if he does get turned into cinders, his body will still reform, though it’ll probably take a long while in cases like that, maybe days. Of course, if there was absolutely nothing left, that’d be a different story…

Wounds to the brain will still knock him out for a bit, depending on the severity it can be at least until it heals off.

Killer Fist: Shinji throws a mean fucking punch. He isn't a graceful kung fu master or anything, but he’s picked up more than one share of fighting, and relies on his honed instinct to beat the shit out of scumbags that look for trouble.

Death Blow: By flexing his muscles, they bulge and pump around his limb to the point his arm nearly breaks, tighten like a vice and release with fantastic power for  up to a couple of blows. When charging this "powerup", a red aura envelops him.

Sneaky: He can also be surprisingly stealthy, to the point even those with supernatural senses would have a hard time noticing his sleigh of hands or detecting him as long as he didn't take aggressive action. He ain't a killer or anything though. The reason for that is that the curse literally tore the soul away from him. He basically has no presence, not even a shadow or a reflection.


Sinner's hatchet: A demonic short axe as black as the night. He doesn't like to use it though, cause it makes him look like a bad guy. It carries the weight of his crime, since its the axe he used to cut the dark flower. Because of that, its tied to him in a way no other weapon could, and he can have it come flying back to him at bullet speeds from the other side of the city.

Magnum Shotgun: It's a big gun. Custom made with piercing shots that punch and lodge into steel plate before exploding with shrapnel. Taking a shot from that thing at point blank is like getting hit by 12 incredible blows at once, and that is BEFORE they explode again.

Twin desert eagles: Exactly what's advertised.

Grenades and bombs: Urgh, does someone really have to spell this stuff out? Cut the crap. It's just the generic grenade, incendiary and flashbang combo you'd expect.

Ramen Cart - Shinji’s Delights: His mobile shop, which has gained quite a reputation for serving delicious ramen dirt cheap.

A cheap apartment.

A dog.

A lot of spare change.


Greater Tie: His Dog (Companion)
Greater Cause: Destroying evil before him
Greater Cause: Doing the right thing
Lesser Cause: A meaningful death


“I can clearly remember that moment. The dark lily was as beautiful as to give me shivers. I’m still regretting it even now, even if I had been asked to… I regret ever picking that flower. I should’ve realized, if only I gave it some thought. Something this beautiful… couldn’t possibly be of this world.

...That was a cursed flower.

And so the dark lily placed me on a curse worse than death.”

-Excerpt from a mysterious diary.

Weakness: Blows to the head are a hassle and harder to shrug off, and while he’s immortal and ridiculously resilient he’s not invincible, and severe damage does knock him down a peg or outright knocks him out. Locking him in a metal box is a valid option. He’s also a noble soul and easily swayed by his emotions, despite appearances.

Likes: Wine, a good scuffle, books, flowers, loud music, cooking for others, seeing others happy, treasure, the easy life.

Dislikes: Relying on others, his curse, cruel bastards, people who nag him too much, being alone, being annoyed.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2020, 03:47:21 AM by francobull3 »


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Re: Character Sheet Submission Thread
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2018, 02:04:24 AM »
Name: Forest
Spoiler for Hiden:

Race: Vampire
Age: Like really freaking old.  Ancient.  Over 1,000 years old.  Looks in her late teens though.
Height: 5'10
Weight: 125-ish
Physical Attributes:
Strength: Incredible / Fantastic at Night
Agility: Fantastic / Heroic at Night
Durability: Incredible / Fantastic at Night

Willpower: Zen
Magic Ability: Low
Forest does know one spell- it’s a small fire spell that she can use to light small fires such as pilot lights or candles.  She also has a good idea of how magic works, but isn't concerned with learning it herself.
Other Abilities:


The power to mentally receive information, transmit information, and/or manipulate information in others’ minds.

It’s a talent that all vampires in her world have, and even though she has changed into a Living Vampire by Valerie’s hand, she has not lost any of her telepathic ability since it was hers since she was alive.

Mind Reading: Forest can read the minds of others. It is, in some ways, an almost passive ability like hearing or seeing.  She can concentrate on thoughts to get a better “listen” or “see” it better, but the thoughts of everyone around her (with some exceptions) are always being projected towards her.

She can also “download”, store, and process thoughts from others this way.  IE: If she needed a combination to a lock or to help learn a language.  The harder the task is, the longer it takes to absorb and gain.  Because of this, she generally uses this for simple things like learning the layout of a building if she’s never been there before and needs to get around fast.
The more intense the thought, the “louder” it seems to Forest.  Also people who are particularly intelligent project their thoughts more than say someone of below average intelligence.

She can also use this ability to see beyond just surface thoughts to actual memories, even long “forgotten” to their owner.

Only Absolute Chads can keep her from reading their minds unless the person in question has their own mental immunities and defenses.

However, those with abnormal mental states can have a screen of sorts to keep her from reading surface thoughts.

Master of Puppets: This is perhaps her “desperation move” when it comes to telepathy.  It’s something she hates to do, but will have to as no other choice.  Forest can enforce her Will upon others.  In this case she turns them into a literal meat puppet that she controls to their movements.  Depending on how much effort she needs to exert to do this, or depending on how cornered or pissed off she is when she does, the target can be fully aware of what is going on.  Most of the time they are in a comatose state with no memory of what she has done when she relinquishes control.

She may take over the minds of those with Average willpower or less, and by exploiting intimacies, dominate those of Gritty or even Zen in certain circumstances.

Mental Hacker: Forest can manipulate other’s short term memories.  It’s a valuable power for a vampire to have.  She can make them forget she was even there or even craft fake memories. “No, this cute blonde vampire didn’t bite you and drink your blood, causing you to JIZZ IN YOUR PANTS.”

Long Term Memories are something she generally shies away from manipulating.  There are many reasons for doing so.  One can be potential trauma to the person getting their memories wiped or changed.  Two is that long term memories are just more difficult to change.  There’s also a good chance that her revision can break or be “erased” at any random time, restoring the actual memory to the person in question.

She can also force people to relive memories as if they’re happening again, bringing up old traumas defensively or wonderful things that had been long lost.

She can also make others see and feel things that aren’t actually there by projecting into their minds.  She can manipulate perception, make others see things that aren’t there (making people see chickens randomly is hilarious), or not see things that are there (“What absurdly large gun?”).  She can also give suggestions this way as well, to focus on some minor detail, something that actually isn’t there, or to ignore something that is there.

She can also radiate emotional suggestions as well such as calmness, fear, or the comfort of being reunited with an old friend.

She has also been known to throw others’ senses into the wind, giving them experiences such as severe confusion and vertigo at the same time.  Which is generally detrimental to someone with keen senses.

Hacking the minds of those with Average Willpower or less is easy.  Those with Gritty or Zen take a bit more effort, and with enough concentration and finding out and then exploiting Intimacies, she can even make a Determinator hallucinate.

Mental Bonding: Forest can form a mental bond with a person.  This bond can be temporary or permanent, as it is with friends and family back home.  This bond allows the other participant to communicate with her over great distances as well as share thoughts and feelings to her and vice versa.

If Forest does not shield herself, the other party in the bond can witness her thoughts and feelings as easily as she can theirs.
She can choose to share what she is physically and emotionally feeling with the partner as well.

People who have bonds with Forest cannot read each thoughts or communicate that way unless she decides to open up a communication channel.  Example: Character A cannot have telepathic communication with Character B just because they both have a bond with Forest.

If the participant is willing, she can create the bond with ease even if it’s an Absolute Chad.  However the Chad can cut off the bond at any time they please.

Telepathic Shield: Forest can hide her thoughts from others.  She can also shield her mental presence from someone else if needed.
She can also protect multiple targets at once with this ability and shield them for mental attacks against those Zen or lower.  However, the more people she shields the more toll it takes on her, weakening her, and she can only shield people within a city block radius from her location.  Four or more people it becomes taxing and the shielding is weaker.  One person shielded almost has the same protection as she does.  Two or Three is still strong shielding, but they need to be in close proximity for it to work.

She can also block one being from influencing a group of people if they are in range if they are a Gritty or lower.

Telepathic Relay: Forest has the ability to act as a mental relay station for a group of minds, allowing said minds to "speak" to one another through the user.
Remote Telepathic Communication: She has the ability to use telepathy to communicate over great distances.  However, it’s easier for her to do so if she has familiarity over the subject in question.  (Like if she already has an established bond.)

Inner World:  If she chooses, Forest can take a willing participate into her Mindscape.  She chooses the location within her mind and both the participant and her can feel, taste, and touch just as if they were in their own bodies.

However, she only does this if she absolutely trusts someone because she is allowing them into her mind and seeing her at her potentially most vulnerable.

And psychic sex is a thing, and feels a lot better than actual physical sex to her.

Telepathic Combat: An ability that Forest picked up when she was alive was that she would read an opponent’s thoughts to see how they would move next in a fight.  The more cornered she becomes in a fight, the faster she’ll start to rely on this so she can attempt to turn combat to her favor or to survive against someone who is much stronger than her.

In willpowers of Gritty or less she can project the feeling of any wounds she’s suffering from in the fight into her opponent.  If severely injured to the point of debilitation she gets the boost to project her physical pain physically to Determinators.

Mental Immunity: Because of her strong telepathic ability and skills, Forest herself is pretty much immune to mind control, psychic attacks, and mental manipulation.  If someone attempts such a thing on her, they would see imposing black crystal walls and hear the caws of a murder of crows growing increasingly louder.

However, she can be emotionally manipulated without any psychic powers by exploiting her intimacies.

Regeneration: Forest can heal rapidly from any physical injury as long as it isn’t fatal (see weaknesses).  Bullet wounds, cuts, and stabbing can heal in mere moments after the damage has dealt.  Since being changed by Valerie, she can regenerate whole limbs within hours.  Fresh blood can even speedy this process up, making her seem almost invulnerable.

It’s In the Blood: Different supernatural blood can affect Forest in different ways. 

Werewolf blood can energize her: intensifying her senses and giving her a slight boost in strength and speed.

Fae blood (or any other highly magical being) has an intoxicating effect on her.  It can run the gauntlet from a loss of inhibition and giddiness to an almost aphrodisiac effect.

Blood can also help her heal even faster. 

Art of Fighting: Forest has studied unarmed combat for most of her existence.  Part of it is because she gets a thrill on trading blows with an equal, but another part is, in her world, a lot of supernaturals don’t really have skill to go along with her supernatural ability.  Because of this, and for a love it as well, Forest has mastered multiple forms of martial arts in her lengthy existence.   

At this point in time, she’s the one that masters come to learn from if they knew what she had learned over the ages.

Axe To Grind: While Forest is more than proficient at most melee weapons, she is best with an axe.  This is a skill that came from when Brónach was alive.  She knows how to best use it against other weapons, even when at a disadvantage.

Lilith’s Lineage: Forest has kept her abilities since being transformed into a Living Vampire.

The first of those is she can actually use semen as a limited form of feeding.

The second is that she has a subconscious Lure that she’s not even really aware that she has. 

This Lure causes her to appear more attractive and desirable to people who’s “type” she wouldn’t normally be.  It also makes her appear far less of a threat than she is, much to her chagrin.   It also causes people to notice and approach her that normally wouldn’t as well.

Orgasmic Bite: Part of the Lineage of Lilith.  Forest, whenever she bites someone, causes them to orgasm.  She cannot stop this and she doesn’t get off while doing it much to her chagrin. 

And even people who have been castrated will still feel an orgasmic effect mentally even if they cannot have the physical reaction. 

Genre Savvy: Being a giant nerd who reads a lot, watches a lot of TV and movies, and has been around a really long time she generally has a “basic” idea of how things work. 

“Never, ever say you have a bad feeling about this.”

Linguist: Through her travels, and with the use of telepathy, Forest can speak a number of languages.

Has trouble speaking and understanding Spanish though.

Pony Car Enthusiast: Due to her love of muscle cars, Forest is an extremely talented driver.  She can coax things out of cars that even professional race car drivers (normal mortal ones mind you) would have trouble believing until they saw it.  She’s also learned basic upkeep over the years such as oil changes, how to perform a tune-up, tire changing, fuse replacement and maintenance and upkeep.

Of course, she can drive a stick shift.

An Ear For Music: A sort of random talent, but because of her love of music, Forest studied up somewhat on music theory and how to play the violin.

PARKOUR WANKERS! Dance Dance Revolution: Forest knows how to parkour.  She’s also an accomplished gymnast and knows how to ballet dance.  It helped build speed and precision with her martial arts back in the day.

Heightened Senses: All of her senses are heightened: sight, scent, hearing, taste and touch.  Sight, scent, and hearing far beyond a human into animal territory to make her a better hunter. 

She also has a sixth sense that alerts of her danger and supernatural otherness within her near vicinity.

Because her sense of touch is heightened it makes pain and pleasure that much more intense for her . . .

Ain’t Got Time to Feel: Forest became well acquainted with pain a long time ago.  She’s learned to either ignore it or to keep working despite it while she heals.  Things that might down someone else in agony, Forest would keep going out of sheer stubbornness.


1967 RS Z/28 Camaro: The Forestmobile itself, the infamous muscle car.  It still has most of the original factory specs, save for a modern radio so she could better listen to music.  V8 Engine and 4 speed manual.

The .44 AutoMag: The semiautomatic version of the .44 Magnum. Clip holds 7 rounds and Forest generally keeps a round chambered, giving her 8 shots before she has to switch magazines. Currently her primary gun because she doesn’t have to reload as often (8 shots vs the Revolver’s 6).

The .44 Magnum Revolver: Forest actually prefers the revolver to the AutoMag because it’s she can have custom bullets made/make for it, it’s more accurate, and it’s actually a bit more powerful than the AutoMag.  Plus she just more comfortable with a revolver than the automag.

She generally only has one of those guns on her person at one time.

Daylight Ring: A rainbow moonstone surrounded by black tourmaline set in sterling silver rests on her right hand.  It’s a magical artifact that can allow her to walk in the daylight.  If it is removed from her person, she regains the weakness to daylight inherited by all vampires.

It was a gift from a friend, and it was made for her and her alone.


Sunlight.  It takes a few minutes for sunlight to completely immolate her.

Fire.  She can burn to death/ashes.  However, she really doesn’t burn any faster than a human.


Lesser Tie: 1967 RS Z/28 Camaro - Prized Possession and her only thing from home.
Lesser Principle: “I try to save the ones that fall through the cracks, like I did. Because needing to be saved without anyone to save you is one of the worse things in the world.” 
Lesser Cause: Fighting the Forces of Evil, Slaying Monsters, and making the occasional dollar.
Lesser Phobia: Zombies
Lesser Phobia: People touching her without her consent (unless she has a positive emotional attachment to them, and even then . . .)

Greater Tie: Gabriel Umbra (“My Poppet.”)
Greater Principle: “Nemain give me the might to win, Macha grant me the clarity to keep my loved ones safe, and I give their death to you, Badb.” - She would kill to keep an innocent safe, but would not stand to take an innocent's life. 
Greater Cause: Protecting those who have become her found family.
Greater Phobia: Being made a victim again.
Greater Phobia: Being unloved.

Likes: Edgy makeup.  Gothic clothing. Fruit! Orange juice.  Oranges.  Citrus.   Good heavy metal.  80’s horror and action movies.  Bruce Campbell.  The Evil Dead series.  Really porny paranormal romance novels. Pop culture.  Comic books.  Mythology.  Pony Cars.  Crows.  Ruggedly handsome men who are taller than her, super bonus if they’re also redheads.  Fingernail polish. Kids. Electric Blankets. The Morrigan. The color purple/violet.  Lavender (the plant). Leather dusters and steel toed boots.
Dislikes: When strangers touch her without permission.  That Roman Bastard.  CGI laden movies with bad plots. Most modern music.  Cloying sweets.  People who mistake over use of body spray as an alternative to bathing. Being told she can’t do something because she’s a girl or some other reason.  Being judged by what she is instead of who she is.  Being cold. Jukeboxes that don’t have Iron Maiden or any heavy metal on them.  Being alone. 

Origin: A long time ago there was this lost tall blond dude with an axe who shacked up with a Pict clan.  He fell in love with one of their priestesses and she reciprocated.  She got knocked up.

She died giving birth.

Distraught, this warrior/pirate dude named the surviving Brónach, which meant “Sorrow” and then . . . Died suicide via battle, leaving Brónach orphaned and in the care of her mother’s family.

Things kind of sucked for young Brónach.  When puberty was starting to hit, she started to be able to read people’s thoughts. She was crushed to find out that her uncle wished that she had been a boy because that would have been easier to deal with because he already had one daughter.

Almost in defiance of this, Brónach took up her dad’s axe and became one hell of a fighter. She used those mind reading skills to make her virtually unbeatable in the skirmishes that a Scottish barbarian culture used to have way back in the day.  She grew up, learning what she could of her dead father and the crow goddess he held in reverence.

Until one night she met a Roman Bastard who’s mind she couldn’t read and who she couldn’t beat back with her axe.

He was a monster, and even though Brónach was a bit of an outcast amongst her people, there were still people she loved and wanted to protect.

Like her cousin and her comrades in arms.

So when this Roman Bastard gave her an ultimatum: come with him and let him make her like him or see her people slaughtered before her, she chose to go with him.

Which really sucked, literally, because the Roman Bastard was a vampire. He made Brónach’s turning as unpleasant as possible because he wanted to see if he could break her.  Even though bloodied, beaten, and defiled, Brónach was anything but compliant. 

Becoming a vampire intensified her mental abilities to the point that she could shrug off his control over her.  So she bashed his head from a rock and ran.  She ran to find her father’s people on the island to the south and lived with them for a time.  When it became apparent that she wasn’t aging, Brónach left, drifting from place to place, lost, alone and learning to control her abilities and hunger.

Until one night years and years later, standing on the bow of a ship shaped like a monster, was someone who offered to actually teach her how to be a vampire.  She spent years with them, learning from the jovial warrior vampire as she found somewhat of a family with him and the men and women he traveled with.

During their travels, she renamed herself Forest, putting Brónach at rest.

Eventually, she parted ways with the Vikings.

Forest eventually became one of the most sought after mercenaries for the supernatural until she built up enough wealth and reputation to strike out on her own, where she eventually earned the title Law Unto Herself given to her by a vampire bard with a serious crush. Of course, she made plenty of friends and enemies on her rise of power. Had her heart broken by an unusual Faerie that she loved but he didn't love her as much in return. Found her beloved cousin reborn several times, befriended one Lady Wynn Noreen Umbra of the Unseelie court and became godmother to her "abomination" son.

Flash forward to modern times where Forest is a bit of a vampire vigilante with a good deal of money and freedom due to her hard work, saving, and when the stock market became a thing, good investing. These things gave Forest the luxury to do things that most vampires would never due to fear of the Vampiric Council and the Circle.

Since coming to the Nexus she has met Valerie the Vampire King and has been transformed into a Living Vampire.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2020, 02:29:05 AM by Bern »


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Re: Character Sheet Submission Thread
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2018, 05:39:59 AM »
Name: Heroic Spirit EMIYA.  Emiya Shirou.  Goes by “Archer”. 

Other Alias: The Red Ranger
Race: Incarnated Servant 
Age: Physically, late twenties.  Mentally . . . Time is not a concept for a former Counter Guardian.
Height: 6’2
Weight: Fairly heavy.

Physical Attributes:
Strength: Incredible
Agility: Fantastic
Durability: Fantastic

Willpower: Gritty
Magic Ability: Extremely High

Projection: Also known as "Gradation Air", projection is the ability to materialize objects using prana, according to the user's imagination. However, Archer can use a version unique to himself that he calls "Tracing". Tracing differs from Gradation Air in that it is used to create copies of items that already exist, however the items also have their entire history reproduced, including the skills of those who wielded them, along with the shape and substance. All items that are reproduced using Tracing are not perfect copies of the original and suffer a rank down. The items that Archer can trace the most efficiently are swords; while capable of tracing other items, the cost in prana makes it considerably less efficient.

Reinforcement: Magecraft designed to push something’s basis for existence to the utmost. It is the same as adding something to an object that is already complete, therefore failure will cause the target to receive it as a poison and be destroyed. Success requires a good grasp of the inner structure to fill openings with Prana. Reinforcing the purpose of existence would be increasing the sharpness of a knife, the nourishment of food, or the physical strength and durability of muscles. It is impossible to reinforce something vague. This is the one area of magic in which Archer excels at, even able to reinforce his own body.

This also allows him to analyze the complete construction of an object including its flaws and strengths. 

Unlimited Blade Works: The closest thing that Archer has to a Noble Phantasm, a Reality Marble. Archer has the rare ability to have his own “inner world” materialized and projected into reality. 

It is his one true specialization of magecraft, the result of "Sword" being both his Origin and his Elemental Affinity, and the basis of his projection and reinforcement skills. It is the definite answer obtained by someone whose life was saved by a sword, actually merged and lived with a sword, and acted as a sword all of his life. A magus who specialized in forging swords over one's entire lifetime while struggling to arrive at this one land very far to them.

The Reality Marble's purpose is a steel manufacturing factory that produces the countless famous swords that are without their owners, extending into the horizon. It contains all of the raw materials and sorcery needed for the formation of the weapons, and it records and analyzes all weapons and defensive armaments encountered by the user. The number of unique weapons encountered and recorded by Archer exceeds numerous thousands, most of which are Noble Phantasms each possessing deadly powers. Their entire histories, compositions, and designs are all perfectly recorded, allowing for instant proficiency with the weapons by inheriting all combat skills and techniques utilized by their original owners. This allows for the reproduction of Noble Phantasms, which would generally be impossible for a faker. They can also be modified to the user's taste with reinforcement as shown by Archer's Caladbolg II and Kanshou and Bakuya. During his lifetime, Archer would customize his weapons from their usual states, projecting Noble Phantasms that appears to have been arranged with designs that are easier to use.

Shields and defensive armaments can be reproduced with a much greater struggle as the cost in magical energy is high, two or three times greater than a sword, and the effects are merely transient compared to the originals. Weapons encountered are immediately analyzed with a single glance, enabling them to be projected immediately afterwards, and once projected, they are stored within the Reality Marble for later use. The analysis of weapons is limited only to the direct use of human senses, meaning that blueprints and materials will be unable to provide the necessary information for a proper analysis. Shared memories, such as dreams shared with a Servant, can allow for weapons to be analyzed and projected, even if they have been lost like Caliburn. The quality of projected weapons will always be degraded by one rank due to humans being unable to fully conceptualize the existence of an object through only one sense, and they will never equal the originals without a technique such as detonating them as Broken Phantasms.

Without being deployed, the Reality Marble allows for projection and reinforcement in the real world. Weapons are produced within Unlimited Blade Works and then brought into the world, greatly lowering the cost of reproducing them and allowing for numerous weapons to be prepared at once to be projected. Weapons can be summoned directly to the user's hands, or they can be summoned to levitate within the air and fire upon the enemy as arrows. Once the Reality Marble is deployed, all of the weapons are available for use without the need to project them from scratch as they are physically there in the Reality Marble, and any weapon can immediately be called to the user's hands, pulled from out of the ground, or levitated even while the user is in direct combat. 

Due to his nature as a Counter Guardian and Servant, Archer has countless Noble Phantasms stored within the Reality Marble.  However there are some he cannot use fully, like Excalibur without killing himself in the process.  He is only able to project a very downgraded version of it it called “Excalibur Image”.

Archer has no penalties from the World while utilizing his version of Unlimited Blade Works.

Magical Resistance: Medium - Archer can resist really shitty magic.  However high ranking spells will fuck him up, unless he’s wielding Kanshou and Bakuya, which offer some mystical protection as well.

Other Abilities:

Eye of the Mind: This “danger avoidance” ability is one learned through combat experience.  It is the sort of the intellectual version of “instinct”.  Through observation, Archer can “read” on-coming attacks and counter attacks ahead of time and constantly thinks steps ahead to prolong his survival against opponents that should by all rights obliterate him.

Clairvoyance: Archer’s vision is so keen that it allows him to perform long range sniping even against targets moving at high speeds.   

Combat Master: Archer is a master at long range combat.  However, he seems to prefer melee combat with Kanshou and Bakuya.  Because he was not a “prodigy” with fighting like say Saber and Lancer was, he had to learn and adapt his own style of fighting based on his abilities. 

He uses his Reinforcement and access to Unlimited Blade Works in a style that is very dance like with sweeping spins and circular motions. 

The Perfect “Wife”: Archer excels at domestic abilities such as cooking and cleaning.  He also makes the best cup of Western tea.

Cat Magnetism: For some reason, felines, even those who aren’t generally people oriented, favor him. 

Mr. Fix It: Due to his reinforcement abilities, he is aware of flaws and damage that items have taken and how to correct such flaws and damage. 


Tohsaka: A male black alley cat that has seemingly adopted Archer.  Hedonistic and demanding, Archer was reminded of his former master despite the cat’s gender.

The Frankenbike: A Ninja motorcycle pretty much crafted out of salvaged parts and reinforcement.  The only reason it works is Archer’s mechanical skill.  If anyone else attempted to ride this motorcycle it would probably fall apart in a moan of black smoke.

Avalon Repairs: Archer’s repair shop and day job.  He has a lease on the building and his apartment is located above the shop.  Technically, Tohsaka is letting him live there.

Origin: There was a guy named Emiya Shirou who wanted to become a hero of justice and save everyone.  He worked his hardest with what little he had to accomplish that dream.  He saved everyone he could, but ended up having to kill people in order to save others.

It really sucked.  He even made a deal with the World which turned out to be the worst sort of Faustian Pact.  He was cool with it though!

Until he died and became a Counter Guardian, a sort of cleaner and kill bot for when people were about to make themselves extinct.

It kind of really broke him.  Broke him enough where he was going to take a desperate gamble.  Even though the chance was less than 1% that it would actually, Archer was going to pull the most James Cameron time travel suicide ever to erase his record off the Throne of Heroes.  So he gets his snarky ass summoned by his former high school crush and partner and well, it doesn’t work.

Struggles with his past self, seeing his long dead sister alive again, and plot twists with personal realizations pretty much always detter him on this retroactive suicide pact.

He ends up going back to the Throne every so often with a record that he probably would never get to “read” about he was right and to keep going.

Then one day he finds himself summoned by a young magus named Gudako to fight for her in various conflicts to save humanity from dying out in 2018.  He befriends Gudako’s demi-servant named Mash as they Rayshift to different time periods to fight and save the future.  He finds himself enjoying this new mission even though he finds himself partnered with other Servants he rather not. 

(For some reason, much to his dismay, Gudako liked using him and the Lancer Cú Chulainn in combat together.)

During one mission, he found himself fighting the dragon Fanir alongside Saber class servant Siegfried.  During the battle, he’s knocked unconscious.  Instead of waking up back at headquarters, he awakes to find himself alive and corporeal in Nexus City. 

So he’s taken to keeping his head down and working as a repairman to make ends meet.  However, every once and awhile, a figure known as the “Red Ranger” will appear to fight the forces of evil.


Prana Drain:  Even though his Prana stores are much more robust than his previous life as Emiya Shirou, Archer’s Prana stores are finite.  They slowly replenish, but doing things like casting Unlimited Blade Works or spamming multiple Broken Phantasms will drain him.

Damsels in Distress: If someone just appears to be in trouble, despite his better judgement, Archer will always try to help them.


Lesser Tie: Illyasviel and Saber (Guilt) Tsumiko
Lesser Tie: Tsumiko (Protective Affection) 
Lesser Principle: Cooking and Cleaning 
Lesser Cause: Self-loathing and trying to find purpose in his new existence.
Lesser Phobia: Being made part of the Counter Force again.

Greater Tie: Sakura and Rin
Greater Principle: "Hero of Justice"
Greater Cause: Protecting those dear to him.
Greater Phobia: Failing to protect  (save) those dear to him again, like with Ilya and Saber.
Likes: Cooking, cleaning, cats, strong willed women (especially tsunderes), femme fatales, swords, fixing things, and coffee.
Dislikes: Cú Chulainn, Gilgamesh, people needlessly dying, selfless heroism, badly prepared food, and those who aspire to be “heroes of justice”. 
« Last Edit: February 02, 2020, 02:40:55 AM by Elf »


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Re: Character Sheet Submission Thread
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2018, 05:43:13 AM »
Name: Hannah Longway

Race: Demon/Human Hybrid

Age: 23

Height: 5'7" (Original Forms)

Weight: Proportionate to height.


Spoiler for Hiden:

Attributes (Shapeshifting)

Strength: Amazing (Incredible)

Agility: Amazing (Incredible)

Durability: Amazing (Incredible)

Willpower: Gritty

Magic Ability: (Extremely High)
Every world functions in a certain way, with its own set of laws and standards that define How Things Are. The foundation of Hannah’s sorcery is the Denial of Obligation, the act of rejecting one reality’s laws in favor of another more preferable one. To use this magic is to become anathema to the natural order, and to all who would defend it. Most who would seek to master this power must do so with the assistance of an otherworldly being, taking in a sliver of their vast power as part of themselves and learning through discipline and knowledge how to turn this into a conduit to its home by which its alien laws might displace our own. Hannah has an unfair advantage in this regard - the blood of a demonic noble burned in her veins and turned her soul into a natural channel for the infernal laws of Hell.

Through the teachings of her human mother and the castigations of her devilish father she has learned how to draw on that power using dead languages as a crutch to focus herself. The simplest spells require little more than a syllable or two, but high spells require whole words describing their effects, with sentences for higher level spells. She hasn’t figured out how to shorten the length of her incantations yet. Hannah also has to be able to perceive her target if she wants to be specific in application - indiscriminate destruction isn't so limited. She can inscribe runes onto things to hold more persistent effects in place such as enchantments and wards.

The effects of her sorcery are divided into four categories based on which laws of reality are being defiled by it at the time: Creation, Knowledge, Faith, and Truth. Defilements of Creation affect the material world, allow Hannah to sense and alter the composition of substances and living things. She may transform transform lead into tarnished gold, or give unnatural properties to objects. She can alter living creatures in uncanny ways as well by giving them features from other creatures they normally would not possess, or taking those they naturally possess away. More durable subjects take longer to change commensurate with that durability.

Defilements of Knowledge affect information, allowing Hannah to acquire it via scrying of distant places, draw it out of objects, or by temporarily seizing it from those below zen willpower during conversation. She also uses it to comprehend other languages she hasn’t learned yet, to preserve knowledge in unnaturally resilient forms, and to share it across great distances.

Defilements of Faith manipulate the inhabitants of Hell and draw upon its energies directly. Hannah uses them to conjure radioactive hellfire, form magical barriers, manipulate spiritual phenomenon much as Creation does matter, and to summon servants from the legions of hell. Unnatural meteorological phenomenon follow in the wake of large scale examples of such spells as reality struggles to correct itself.

Defilements of Truth manipulate lies, allowing Hannah to identify them and shroud things in illusions and deception. Through this the young cambion can disguise her demonic nature from the holy as long as she isn’t too obvious about it, and defend her possessions with secrecy.

A few particular uses of magic combine categories for unique effects. Examples include teleporting over distances to known locations through Creation and Knowledge, or give someone an illusion of the appearance they always wanted with Knowledge and Truth. Hannah has used the Defilement of Creation and Faith to alter her wardrobe so each piece of clothing is as tough as she is, and so that they are each woven with a trio of overlapping magical barriers. There are three magical barriers of High level magic being projected from different parts of her outfit, each one triggering automatically and lasting for a few seconds when the enchantment registers an attack to give her a chance to escape.

Magic Resistance (Medium): Hell denies the laws of all other worlds. Hannah’s blood carries an echo of that denial, and it shows in the failure of the most basic forms of magic to affect her.

Other Abilities
Ancient Tongue Understanding: Part of Hannah’s early education involved being taught dead languages by a historical linguistics professor with tutoring by an ancient Babylonian devil. There are very few Semitic languages she isn’t reasonably fluent in. She also knows a little Spanish and more Japanese than she has any practical use for what with having never been to Japan. She may comprehend all other languages through magic, but can only communicate in the ones she knows ‘for real.’

Demonic Constitution: There are many benefits to stealing the body of a demon, all of which ordinary sorcerers need to waste magic on. Among them is immunity to mundane diseases and infections, a resistance to most forms of poison, and ridiculous stamina. She does not require food, sustained entirely by the fulfillment of her demonic urges. She can keep going for days at a time without sleep doing heavy labor and the only problem she’d have is with memory formation. She has absolute control over her own capacity to reproduce.

Shapeshifting: Part of her demonic heritage is an instinctive facility with shapeshifting. Hannah’s true form is a classically demonic appearance with horns, wings, tail, and cloven feet. She can add or remove these features from any of her forms instantly. Other appearances require a few moments of concentration so she can get an image of them in her head. Once she does change the form is permanent until she tries to look like someone else.

The Bag of Holding: Hannah never goes anywhere without her trusty bag of holding. This container can store ridiculous quantities of objects in another dimension without adding any weight to the bag. This makes it an unfortunately poor bludgeoning weapon, but is otherwise a benefit. She currently has her entire wardrobe, her cosplay costume selection, a laptop with an external hard drive, and her DVD collection inside of it. Oh, and a bunch of junk food and boxed wine.

The Infinite Codex: This innocuous book contains the sum total of every book Hannah has ever read. It has an automatic indexing and search function based on runes engraved on the inside of the cover so that she can think of a certain book while holding it and have its pages impose themselves on the Codex’s otherwise blank pages. It also contains comprehensive notes on various dead languages, runic alphabets, and demonic hierarchies. It can work for any other magic user who knows the Babylonian word for ‘open.’

The Legions of Hell: Through the Defilement of Faith, Hannah may call forth members of the legions of hell. She must prepare a ritual space for their arrival, and bind them to her will with hideous incantations. They remain for as long as she desires to retain their services. The number she may summon at one time is inversely related to their potency.

The majority of demons are bestial horrors that mock and ‘improve upon’ the natural forms of whichever world they intrude upon - hellhounds with bones as strong as concrete and teeth as sharp as blades, “gorillas” who gorge themselves on blood after tearing people in half, and goat-like imps who spit fire that melts iron. These are simple enough for Hannah to conjure by the bundle.

More complex fiends take on forms reminiscent of the dominant species on whichever world they invade. The most common is the succubus, a shapeshifting seducer with a talent for illusions and charming the undergarments off whoever takes their fancy to better drain the life out of them through intimate contact. If worse comes to worst they’re as physically capable as Hannah at her best - fitting, given the connection. Other examples vary tremendously, but hover around roughly the same level of potency and versatility. She can only summon such demons one at a time.

Demonic nobility is theoretically within Hannah’s means to conjure up, terrible beings with potential power equal to her own - or greater. She does not do so because these are beyond her ability to bind at her level of skill. She is no Solomon, who could turn the entire parliament of Hell into his obedient harem on demand. Perhaps someday...

The Seal of Elisheva: A symbol of Hannah's newly sworn pact with a certain demon lord. It allows for telepathic communication between the two subjects of the contract, obligates the demon to treat her “properly, like a parent should”, and gives it the means to temporarily channel and direct its senses and sorcery through her up to Hannah’s magic level in extremis. On a minor note, it means her soul is spoken for with regard to any abilities that care about such things, and anyone who seeks to violate the sanctity of her mind has to overcome the willpower of her owner.

Demonic Urges: Hannah is filled with the dark desires of Hell. She instinctively finds wicked acts alluring and the people who perform them almost equally so. If she goes for more than a day or two without being around someone’s iniquity, be it her own or another’s, she will begin to feel withdrawal symptoms as severe as any IV drug user without their fix. Worse still, she requires it to live - the withdrawal could kill her over time. She is willing to put up with being the victim if it means getting what she needs.

Faith: Hannah counts her magic as a rank lower against people who invoke strong and genuine devotion as part of using their powers. Hypocrites and zealots who embody the worst of their faith cannot avail themselves of this benefit for themselves, fortunately, because such cruelties resonate with the Laws of Hell. Thou shalt not kill, indeed.

Holy Ground: Hannah can’t use any of her demon magic on ground hallowed by a popularly recognized religious figure - it reinforces the laws of reality. Fortunately the real deal isn’t as common as it used to be. The only way to escape this limitation if she can’t walk out is to trick someone into defiling the space with their actions in her presence. As a last resort she could spill dizzying amounts of her own blood to achieve the same effect.

The Seal of Elisheva: A symbol of Hannah's newly sworn pact with a certain demon lord. For all its benefits it also has drawbacks. Using more than the telepathic connection exhausts Hannah and makes using her own magical abilities more difficult for a few hours after as her spirit adjusts to the experience. The seal also binds her soul to the demon lord - she cannot escape it, and her soul is free for it to do as it pleases with if she dies. Her soul's owner may bypass Hannah's willpower, or allow anyone else she chooses to, without any effort as long as doing so doesn't contravene the terms of their pact.


Greater Tie: My Father (Terrified Awe)
Lesser Tie: Elizabeth (Lustful Admiration)
Lesser Cause: Collecting Otaku Goods
Lesser Principle: "I don't want to hurt other people."

Origin: Demons are beings of great and terrible power. Born from the uttermost depths of sin, every demon seeks to spread its influence like great slithering tendrils into the hearts of mortals so that it might be stronger still. The acquisition of power is all that can fill the loathsome void where their hearts should be, and then only briefly.

One way they do this is to share a piece of their power with mortals in the hopes of receiving a return on their investment. Another is to have children with them. Hannah had the misfortune of being the product of both. Her mother sought the power of sorcery to escape her humdrum professorial life, and her father sought to preserve her own infernal existence in an accursed bloodline.

Hannah grew up in as loving a household as one could get when your parents were a hedonistic sorceress and a smothering succubus, which isn’t all that much, but she considered it normal. She started to show signs of great magical potential early on. Certain applications natural to her father came instinctively, but her mother taught her from shortly after she could read to expand and harness her demonic power through dead languages and ancient runes.

She proceeded to do nothing of importance with her vast power. Her parents never really pushed her to do more than learn and survive, and so she’s just gone with the flow to secure her own comfort. Oh, and to facilitate her various hobbies and fetishes too - that part’s important. Now that Hannah is fresh out of college she’s hoping to do some translation work for easy money and maybe find a ritual to summon a familiar for herself. She could just ask her father, but she’d rather not owe a demon that kind of debt. Probably shouldn’t be messing with portals, all things considered.


Sometime into her adventures in the Nexus, Hannah made a pact with a greater demon on the level of her father who provided a solution to her greatest woe - her status as her father’s replacement body. She abandoned the body given to her at birth and stole that of a full-blooded demon, further distancing herself from her human origins. She doesn’t realize it yet, but by solving one problem she has opened herself up to a whole host of new ones...
« Last Edit: April 19, 2020, 07:46:58 PM by Aiden »


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Re: Character Sheet Submission Thread
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2018, 12:40:23 AM »
Name: Eruraviel Lavinnia

Race: Wood Elf

Age: 666

Height: 150cm

Weight: 55kg


Eruraviel is a supple elven woman with flowing blond hair as fine as silk, a shapely figure, and a melodic singsong voice. Her lavender eyes have a crystalline pattern in them and seem to gaze into your soul, occasionally seeming to flash red for a moment and making her serene smile seem downright frightening. A purple crystal is implanted in her forehead, surrounded by a magical pattern embedded in her skin like a tattoo.

A small gemlike sphere is embedded on the backs of her hands, shimmering ruby red and positively full of life, as if they contain the very essence of what makes someone truly alive. She has a similar, larger one that looks like an enormous lapis lazuli embedded just above her heart about the size of a balled fist, perfectly level with her skin.

She has two batlike wings which she keeps folded against her back, as well as a small tail.
Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Fantastic

Durability: Fantastic

Willpower: Gritty

Magic: Extremely High(Divine Soul Manipulation)

Eruraviel is an archmage. A supreme manipulator of the fabric of the universe. Magic is classified into eight distinct schools, with a few spells of note being unclassified. An archmage is a practitioner of the arcane arts who has reached such profound heights in their pursuit of knowledge and power that they have pierced through the veil and gained insights into the very origins of the languages of magic. Consequently, Eru does not only have a vast repertoire of spells but can transform their effects and expression.

Eruraviel can freely alter certain properties of all of her spells innately. She can change their shape, range, or element at will up until the point the spell has actually been cast. She can even make certain magical effects or constructs permanent. However, by sacrificing the energy within souls she can further change and empower her spells. The simplest use for souls is to use souls in place of the normal components for a particular spell, with more esoteric components requiring more or higher quality souls. Other uses include: Increasing the range or duration of spells beyond their normal limits. Increasing the potency of the spell by one rank, up to the limit of her magical rank. While she can substitute souls for mana, it is far more costly and can easily exhaust her if she is forced to do so repeatedly.

Wizards draw upon their own internal mana reserves to cast most of their spells. Ritual magic is an exception, drawing upon both a mage’s own reserves and the ambient mana around them but also requiring substantially more time and effort to perform. Eruraviel’s mana reserves are potent enough to sustain her spells for hours on end, at their baseline.

Muto Animus
Eruraviel’s primary focus of her thousand odd years of magical research is delving into the study of the soul, and her mastery of this magic is unparalleled in her world. She has delved into deep, forbidden fields of magic, where any sane person would be unwilling to go any further. In her pursuit of magic and power, Eru has even muddled her own soul, modifying it and tweaking it in order to strengthen herself.

Eru can dig into the depths of somebody’s soul, tear it out, piecewise or whole, graft another soul onto it, merge them, melt them down into a pure refined form, and rebind them to a new body.

Tearing a soul out of its host body is far more difficult, requiring them to be immobilized somehow in order for her to set up a ritual to tear it asunder from the body, which can take up to half an hour to set up, depending on the strength of the soul. Of course, she can simply stab them in the gut and watch them bleed out instead. After tearing it out, the body enters into a catatonic state and will die shortly thereafter unless immediate action is taken in order to preserve it.

If she so desires, she can use a ritual to put a soul back into a soulless husk. She can also bind a soul to an object or a point of interest, causing it to instantly return upon the body being slain. She has bound her soul to various objects that serve to anchor her to the material realm in death, where she can continue existence as a powerful ghost. She can possess anybody and bind herself to it in order to reincarnate, regaining full access to her powers after doing so. Permanently killing her would require one to find her bindpoints and to destroy each and every one of them. If the subject is not already deceased, then she must engage in a contest of willpower with the target. Failing it forces her out, and while she is fighting both parties are immobilized.

A less immediate use for souls is the creation of magical items, golems, and homunculi. The stronger or more numerous the souls packed into a single container, and the higher quality materials used, the stronger the creation ends up being. Assuming all the requirements are fulfilled, qualities such as being near indestructible, inherently resilient to magic, or even being able to shoot magic beams are possible. Even the very elements themselves can be bound to the material. The more unnatural the effect, the harder it is to forge and the longer it takes. An average one created from souls of normal humans have a basic ability to use magical items and sense magic, and a smattering of stats in the exceptional to incredible range.

Dispelling medium-level or below spells are trivial to her. High level spells and below can even be dispelled with a bit of effort, and counterspelling very high and above magic is more difficult, dealing a moderate amount of blowback damage from the strength of the arcane running through her body. She can also create fields where no other magic can be cast,the only exception being magics channeled through divine power. These fields can be shaped to her liking, up to the size of a ten meter circle with her as the midpoint, or focused in a cone out to twenty feet. Summoned creatures caught inside her antimagic field wink out of existence, reappearing after the effect leaves the area.

Abjurations are protective spells. These can be simple spells that help deflect incoming attacks, powerful walls of earth, fire, or even magical force, as well as wards and alarm spells. More complex effects such as locking down an area to prevent dimensional travel or teleportation are possible, but require more effort to create on her part.

Conjuration spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster's side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. When the object is in the possession of another living being, or is another living being, their strength of will contests itself against the spell’s power. This process can be bypassed through bargaining with intelligent subjects for their services.

The caster can also open portals between locations with no specific target, allowing those at either end of the portals to enter one end and come out the other. Eru is advanced enough to bypass the need for actual portals and just directly move herself and a handful of companions to another known location.

Some conjurations create objects or effects out of raw magical energy, defining their parameters through the language of magic. Examples include walls of swinging blades, pools of slippery grease, or walls of steel and force. Eru can also create a field of grasping rubbery black tentacles, each ten feet long with Incredible Strength. She can also conjure walls of iron, stone, or thorn bushes out of thin air. She can also conjure elemental attacks, such as throwing powerful acid at somebody.

Divination magic allows the user to ascertain long forgotten information, detect secrets, read a person’s thoughts, to see far away distances, or to see a creature for what it truly is.

Divination is not Eruraviel’s strongest point. She has a basic knowledge of the easier spells, but she has never had a reason to delve truly deep into the secrets of this school of knowledge. She has the capacity to detect magic and secret doors, as well as other lesser effects, but she generally otherwise ignores magic of this field. If she needs to use a scrying spell, she instead resorts to using her crystal ball or enlists the abilities of another person more specialized in the field than her.

Enchantment spells affect the minds of others in some way. The simplest effects improve the disposition of their victims, more powerful effects can make a subject fall in love with the caster or even utterly override their will. The most powerful effects can force the target to abandon all other actions and start dancing. The more complete the control the spell gives over the subject, the harder it is to make it stick and the shorter its duration. Those with average and below are helpless, and gritty and above can fight against the controlling effects.

Evocation spells manipulate energy or tap an unseen source of power to produce a desired end. In effect, they create something out of nothing. Many of these spells produce spectacular effects such as creating fire or ice, throwing a lightning bolt, or bolts of kinetic energy. All of these effects fall under evocation. Other spells manipulate objects by creating constructs of invisible force to constrict or forcibly move them in some fashion. These hands crush opponents at heroic strength, and can push them back at heroic speeds. Each hand is ten feet long and is as durable as she is.

Illusion spells deceive the senses or minds of others. At her current level, she can disguise herself in minor ways. Eru can make herself or others appear slightly different, blur her image and make herself harder to attack effectively, or make herself invisible(breaks if she uses an attack). Those with mental resistances higher than gritty are completely immune to illusions which affect their senses, and those with gritty are able to disbelieve her illusions under the correct circumstances. Effects such as a hologram or a phantom noise will become known to be false, but still persist.

Necromancy involves the manipulation, creation of, and destruction of life or life forces. Necromancy is Eruraviel’s specialization. With a wave of her hand and a single, practiced word, she can turn the bones and bodies of the deceased into puppets that are slaves to her will. With another, she can wrest control of another’s undead creations and commander them for herself. With a touch, she can drain the very life from your flesh, necrotizing a localized area and rapidly destroy a limb. A glare from her can make a person feel violently ill. She may curse people with unluckiness, make normal humans flee from her in abject terror, and inscribe runic traps upon the ground which create similar effects.

With a wave of her hand, she can call forth a horde of undead zombies and skeletons (exceptional and amazing stats). With stronger corpses, she can create stronger forms of undead. She can fire a green ray from her palm which drains away the very essence which creates life. It saps away life-force and energy. Those with durabilities above fantastic are highly resistant to it, requiring a great deal of effort to appreciably harm, but those with fantastic will rank down after a few hits. Incredible drops a rank with a single attack, and those with amazing stats get reduced to that of a normal human. Below that, they instantly die.

A scream from her can instantly slay incredible durability or below as well as those with willpower below gritty. She can grow spare bodies in vats. Overall, Eru is supreme in this field of magic, considering herself second to none. She knows many spells, both major and minor.

Transmutation spells involve changing the innate properties of one thing into something else. This can include making something larger, or it can completely rewrite the base functions of the object. Turning petrified objects back to life or vice versa, turning a stone wall into a pulsating mass of bleeding flesh would be easy for her, as well as other effects that modify structures such as turning lead to platinum. Transforming herself, allowing herself to fly at her agility rank, objects or other willing creature temporarily into another form, altering or enlarging herself, turning herself into gas, turn herself into living iron, which makes her far more durable and physically strong (fantastic), but reduces her agility by a rank and causes her spells to fail half the time. She may also weaponize this, firing a ray of greenish energy that reduces matter to fine dust, dealing damage up to her magic rank.

Wish is a unique spell that allows her to recreate spells which use different magical systems, as well as spells she would not be able to use herself, by sacrificing her own life-force to brute-force the effect. She may choose to get around this by using the souls she has captured instead.

Magic Resistance: High
Eruraviel is difficult to harm with subtler magical effects, such as those which would affect her mind or body, as well as those which might inflict her with a curse.

Other Abilities:

Divine Immunities and Traits
As a fledgling demigoddess, Eruraviel has transcended her mortal limitations. She has gained incredible senses, and is able to see something a mile out as well as she could at arm’s length, in darkness or light. She does not age anymore, cannot die from natural causes, and lacks the base needs to sleep, eat, or even to breathe. The only way for her to die is to be slain in combat. She is immune to the effects of electricity, cold, and acid, as well as to having her attributes reduced. Furthermore, she does not catch diseases of any kind, poison runs through her system as if it were water, and she cannot be put to sleep or stunned, paralized, instantly killed, or reduced to dust. Her form cannot be transformed or magically altered without her consent in any manner. Furthermore, Eruraviel is immune to all effects which would artificially alter her state of mind. She is also capable of understanding all forms of speech and language, including nonverbal and secret ones. She may speak directly to any being within one mile of herself which she is aware of.

Eruraviel has transcended the need to chant or take any actions to effectuate her spells, allowing her to effortlessly create powerful magic effects at a whim.

Finally, Eruraviel possesses the ability to teleport herself, and objects up to 100kg which she is touching to anywhere within the Nexus which she is aware of.

As an ascended wood elf, Eruraviel retains many of her elven traits. Her body is naturally extremely nimble and dextrous, giving her seemingly superhuman levels of hand-eye coordination and allowing her to complete incredibly minute actions with ease. She has a special connection with all woodland creatures and plants and is able to understand and communicate with them. Both mundane and supernatural animals are partial to her words, and unless she takes a hostile action, are content to leave her well enough alone unless otherwise compelled to.

Divine Portfolio
Eruraviel’s divine specialization is the domain of magecraft. She may choose to grant her devotees magical power (The powers of which are to be determined upon a sheet edit of the devotee). She may grant them basic healing magics as well as blessings which they can use to bolster themselves or allies in minor ways, as well as magical abilities from just one field: the manipulation of the threads of magic. Through worship of Eruraviel, her devotees are able to gain insights into magic, as well as the ability to defend themselves from magical attack. A fraction of her knowledge is passed on, allowing her to teach people the ways of wizardry far more effectively and with much less intensive study than would otherwise be possible.

Eruraviel 's inborn talent is extremely unusual and rare, allowing her to "see" the souls of anything that possesses one, appearing as what she describes as a glowing object within their heart. A normal human's soul is scarcely bigger than the heart itself, while more powerful creatures have larger souls. While using this ability, her eyes turn a glowing red colour, shining with an eerie and unnatural light that gives people a creeping, itchy feeling which makes it obvious that she is probing them.

When soul sight is active, she is able to intuitively read their intent: whether they’re friendly, if they’re planning on attacking her, and if so, where and in what manner. Furthermore, she can get a rough estimate of what sorts of powers they have, and can ascertain the basics of what they’re thinking, their current emotions, and any surface thoughts they may be having with just a glance. The more time she spends staring at someone, the more information she can glean from their soul, peeling back layer after layer in her search for the unknown. More complicated souls naturally take much longer for her to unravel useful information from, and may even warrant deeper investigation with her magic. While using Soul Sight, Eruraviel is able to see what actions her opponents are going to take before they do so, allowing her to plan her actions around those movements with alarming clarity.

In addition to her old powers, Eruraviel has gained the ability to see the currents of magic itself with her eyes active. They allow her to instantly identify any magical effect which happens within her line of sight. If she concentrates on a specific creature for a few seconds, she is able to intuit what sorts of magic they are capable of utilizing, as well as the most powerful spells they have in their possession.

Soulwoven Clothes: Eruraviel’s clothes appear to be made of the finest and most expensive silks imaginable. They’re softer than clouds, yet keep her perfectly comfortable at all times, regardless of temperature. As fine as the dress is, however, it actually is nearly indestructible. Any attacks upon her dress wear bounce off as if they had hit a reflective barrier, repelling all but the absolute strongest of attacks. As it was the soul of a great red dragon, it grants her immunity to fire. It’s a masterwork that would fetch indescribable prices upon the market, and would bring great enmity upon her from anyone with morals were they to find out the method through which it was created.

Portable Hole: A portable hole Eruraviel grafted to her current body in her chest, she uses it to carry a whole bunch of various magical and mundane items inside that she's picked up over the centuries. It is a circle of cloth spun from the webs of a phase spider interwoven with strands of ether and beams of starlight. When opened fully, her portable hole is 10 feet in diameter, but it can be folded up to be as small as a pocket handkerchief. When spread upon any surface, it causes an extradimensional space 20 feet deep to come into being. This hole can be picked up from inside or out by simply taking hold of the edges of the cloth and folding it up. Either way, the entrance disappears, but anything inside the hole remains.

Soul Gems
Eruraviel has four such gems, one large blue one in her chest, just underneath the skin, one in her forehead, and one on each of the backs of her hands. When they're full, they gleam with an otherworldly brilliance, while when they're empty, they're as colorless as a black hole, seeming like they're voids waiting to be filled, hungry.

They act as storage containers for the souls she collects, and each of them can hold quite a number. Each of their values is immeasurable, and she went on many quests to even obtain information about them. She can withdraw the souls with a thought, using them to empower her magic beyond her normal limits as noted in Muto Animus. Were she to empty them, her combat potential would be lowered greatly until such a time she had a chance to insert more essence.


None in particular.

Lesser Tie: Her 'children'(Affection)
Lesser Tie: Amanda(Love)
Lesser Tie: Sage(Love)
Lesser Tie: Herself(Pride)

Lesser Cause: Apotheosis
Lesser Cause: Collect interesting souls
Lesser Cause: Create a proper kingdom with her beloved
Greater Cause: Orcs Shall Perish
Greater Cause: Freedom(I shall never be bound again)

Greater Phobia: Death. Not the sort of temporary death that she suffers occasionally, only to return to a clone body. Permanent Death.
Greater Phobia: Orcs

Eruraviel was born a princess, but was always different. She was fated to marry her sister and bear her children, but then, she was taken away-and, well, eventually grew up. Her kingdom collapsed, she joined an adventuring party. They went on many glorious adventures, killing dragons and demons and shit like that. One day, however, very very mysteriously, they died! Nobody but her survived, and she refused to tell the story. Many other things happened after that, but suffice it to say that she eventually ended up in the Nexus.

, but suffice it to say that she eventually ended up in the Nexus.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2020, 08:31:57 PM by SINIB »

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Re: Character Sheet Submission Thread
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2018, 08:47:30 PM »
Name: Amanda Harrington

Race: Human

Age: 21

Height: 1.68 m

Weight: Slightly above average for her height



Strength: Exceptional/ Incredible with strengthening magic

Agility: Exceptional/ Incredible with strengthening magic

Durability: Exceptional/ Incredible with strengthening magic (Fantastic Auto barrier)

Willpower: Gritty

Magical Ability: Extremely High

Heavenly Eyes of True Sight

She was born with a rare gift said to only make appearance once every thousand years. Born with eyes that pierces the veil and reveals the truth of the world. It’s impossible to hide from these eyes whether it’s through mundane skill or supernatural interference, if she’s looking in your direction she will know you’re there. Not even hiding within a pocket dimension or something of that nature will mask your presence. The world will simply realign itself in a way to show the truth of any given situation, This effect only takes place if someone is intentionally trying to deceive her or possesses a wild unstable form.

Amanda can also directly see the flow of magic and how it’s weaved, allowing her to pick apart the functions of runic arrays and barriers with a mere glance as well as being able to replicate them herself. In fact, any magical display in her vicinity will be picked apart and processed, all underlying factors recorded as the eyes makes her capable of performing it. Even if it's magic that's unique to an individual, her merciless eyes will eventually uncover the secret. However, the time it takes is directly proportional to the scope and complexity of any mystical phenomena she's uncovering. It also isn't as efficient with other types of supernatural abilities, but it still allows her to grasp the fundamentals of what she’s seeing, she wouldn’t know how to do it herself but she’d understand how it works.

Offensive Spells

It's not really something she’s interested in but a necessity in a place as violent as the Nexus. Due to her inherent ability to absorb knowledge she does know well over a hundred unique spells with the sole purpose of destroying others. Ranging from your average fireball to frost magic and even wind manipulation, if she had to choose a favourite it would have to be the lightning stream spell, there’s just something appealing about electrocuting people and laughing madly. They all vary in potency from low to Extremely High, although a single Extremely High use will undoubtedly overload her system, rendering her incapable to cast magic again for a few second. This is why she usually performs at a level below that, seeing as she can actually keep that up for a while.

Soul Magic

Souls are an interesting topic and one very intrinsic to her very being, or rather an apparent lack of it is. She can transfer souls between different bodies and even objects. This requires an extended ritual that takes quite a bit of time. More recently her soul no longer inhibits her body as she has sealed it away in an extra dimensional space, rendering her effectively immortal.

Puppetry Magic

Amanda can create nigh invisible strings of magic to take control of other people by restraining their limbs with amazing force. These strings however aren’t very strong and are only guaranteed to work on regular humans.

It’s also used to control her puppet bodies and lets her experience all feeling as if it was a real puppet, it’s part of her masterpiece and she’s immensely proud over it. Locked away in the basement are several reserve bodies and she has the ability to create more if needed, but that can only be done using a puppet body.

Runic Arrays

Runes is her true passion, to the point she’s turned her mansion into a fortress more secure than a certain school for Witchcraft and Wizardry. Almost every inch of every wall is inscribed with something that either enhances the durability of the place or acts out against intruders, ranging from locking the entire mansion away in a pocket dimension to making statues come alive and attack people (Incredible Stats), to blasts of fire and ice of very high potency.

These runes are invisible to the normal eye when not active and would require someone to be both proficient in said field and be actively looking to spot them, or have have some other supernatural visual aid.

She can also create extra dimensional spaces with the use of her runes and store objects in there, even such immaterial things as the soul. This takes time to do and isn’t usable in battle. 

However the most intricate runes of them all are the ones on her own body. They are much more complex and Amanda spent weeks working on them alone, To ensure that they could withstand outside interference.

The first one generates an automatic barrier to protect her from harm. It operates entirely independently from her, only requiring her to feed it a constant stream of mana. To disrupt it one would have to strike it repeatedly with Fantastic force.

The second one is far more vain in nature. It’s only natural for a girl of her lineage to be the prettiest, and that would hold true even if she had to make it so. This array makes anyone who’s capable of feeling attraction, perceive her as being incredibly beautiful, it’s so effective in fact even people not normally attracted to her gender are affected.

The final one maintains contact between her puppet body and her true soul, it is equally as hard to interfere with as the other two if not more so as this is the most important one and her masterpiece, and consequently had far more effort put into it. It's sheer scope and complexity goes far beyond what she can normally achieve and bridges the truly divine aspects of her craft.

Strengthening Magic

Amanda has a wide array of strengthening spells, which she can use to boost her physical capabilities far higher than they usually are at, but this comes at a price. Her body can only handle this for so long before it starts breaking down, more than 20 minutes at a time is rather detrimental, the effects also don't fully manifest until several seconds has passed. It also creates yet another drain on her along with the barriers on her already somewhat limited output capabilty.

This can be partially circumvented by utilizing her magic to strengthen others in times of need. Contrary to what you might expect this puts less strain on her as her own body won't have to deal with the double blow back of both channeling it as well as the increase in physical capabilities beyond her norm. When used on someone else it's mostly limited by the natural capabilities of the person she's casting it, she cannot increase them far beyond their normal limits (maximum 2 ranks every stat up to Heroic) nor can she do it to more than one person at a time effectively.

Charm Magic

An area she once devoted extensive research into. Now she just sees it as a phase she grew out of but there still a fair bit gained from it. She can easily cast charms that ensnare people in a trance which affects people up to Gritty willpower, with more preparations she can make even more powerful ones that can only truly be resisted by Absolute Chads. Although ranks above Gritty would still be mostly resilient and wouldn't lose themselves in it. Those with Gritty would be greatly infatuated with her and those below would lose most of their ability to resist her.

Miscellaneous Utility Spells

She also knows several different healing spells capable of curing broken bones and even making limbs regrow, but she’s yet to come across resurrection spells. Creating teleportation circles between points she has already visited is also within her ability, as is the ability to open magic locks, repair items, and detect hidden things. She can also scry into far away places.


Enchanted Clothes

Her clothes are supernaturally durable and an ordinary human would be hard pressed to harm them much less destroy them. They also repel dirt and rain by themselves, making sure that she always looks fashionable no matter the circumstance. They also protect her from telepathic assault.

Incredibly Rich

Amanda owns several billions worth of assets, including her mansion, her liquid capital is far from that though as the old family business has run into a bit of a bad place ever since she took over.


Super Squishy

Just look at her stats.

Bodily Limitations

She extremely talented, almost too talented for her own good. Her body can’t quite keep up, and the more potent magic she uses the faster she risks burning out. In effect she can only maintain Extremely High spells for a few minutes at a time anything below that is much easier to use however.


Lesser Cause: Seeking knowledge
Lesser Phobia: Permanent Death
Lesser Tie: Her eyes (possession)
Lesser Tie: Eruraviel (love)
Lesser Tie: Lord Russell (hate)


Born to the Noble line of Harrington mages, Amanda inherited the entire family fortune a mere two years ago when her Father got viciously mauled by a werewolf and died minutes later, alone and bleeding out in a back alley.

Suffice to say she wasn’t in the best of mood. It’s understandable that the old business partners didn’t want to deal with a bratty teenager suffering from depression, and that took a toll, one she haven’t quite recovered from yet economically.

A lot happened in those two years though. She eventually got over her depression, but not before finding the mutt responsible and dispensing justice on him. That action caught the attention of the elderly Police Chief who took her under his wing not long after.

He stepped down a few months ago leaving her in charge of one of the wealthiest districts in the Nexus, and probably one of the safest too. At least that’s how it looked on the surface.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2020, 05:48:42 PM by Bern »


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Re: Character Sheet Submission Thread
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2018, 03:00:55 AM »
Name: Yusho, Fervent Gale
Race: Human (Dragon-Blooded)
Age: 78
Height:~175 cm
Weight: Heavier than average for his frame from muscle

Attributes (Exhausted)

Strength: Incredible (Exceptional)
Agility: Incredible (Amazing)
Durability: Incredible (Amazing)
Willpower: Zen

Other Abilities:

Chosen of the Dragons: Humans may only reach so far on their own; their bodies were not designed to channel the Essence of Creation. Thanks to the blessing of the Five Elemental Dragons, inherited through his blood, Yusho has no such limits on him. He may live for hundreds of years around his prime, and reach heights that surpass gods. Most of his skills below are either granted or enhanced by this trait.

Air Aspect:
The element that Yusho's nature is closest to colors his temperament and instinctive manifestations of magic. He can perform minor manipulations of his element (such as conjuring a breeze to cool himself) at will, lighten himself to easily make great bounds horizontally or vertically and remove any danger from falls, and create gusts of wind around himself that divert the course of projetiles. And, more subtly, his mind buffets like a tempest around his principles, lending him internal strength in their protection.

Elemental Aura: It is impossible for Yusho to hide his divine power so long as he has to meaningfully exert himself in combat. At first a dim outline of pale blue light surrounds him, then his hair gleams like ice as sparks crackle from his skin. The outline grows until it lights up an entire room, and then up to the sky, momentarily unleashing the image of a blinding white dragon surrounded by a storm. When Yusho's aura flares to its full intensity, it manifests as destructive elemental force called anima flux, progressively damaging any non-Dragon-Blooded in a handful of meters with ravaging winds and vicious electrical arcs, and tearing into scenery. Anyone with Incredible durability or similarly resilient defenses is resistant to flux, but even Amazing durability can falter against it.

But his aura has an internal side as well. By mostly channelling power from one element for a short time, Yusho can center the totality of his essence around that same element, allowing him to empower certain expressions of his Dragon-blooded prowess aligned with it. In particular, this allows him to increase the efficiency of several Elemental Dragon Style techniques while in the matching state and a handful of Golden Janissary moves with wood and air essence. In anima flux his aura can only align itself to air essence.

Exalted Healing: A Chosen's wounds heal quickly and perfectly, with no risk of lingering complications. Only the most grievous of injuries leave any hint of scarring, and the character’s healing is like a slow form of regeneration, flawlessly mending severed muscles and nerves, torn ligaments, and shattered bones. Unless a body part is completely severed or destroyed, it is restored to perfect working condition once healed.

Immaculate Martial Artist: Yusho has learned the supernatural martial arts practiced by the monks of the Immaculate Order and cultivated a deep expertise with these philosophies of combat. He has mastered the mortal principles and movements of all the styles in his repertoire and possesses the understanding of most of their supernatural techniques, expressing their overall martial power through superhuman proficiency (already holistically reflected in Attributes) and knacks. He can freely combine and flow between the techniques of styles with common foundations.

  • Golden Janissary is a devil-hunting style that employs spear and staff katas, dance-like footwork, and sweeping unarmed and armed strikes. The martial artist is as an advancing blaze, attacking alongside fiery golden light and with irrefutable knockdown blows. Against creatures of darkness such as foes of the world that prowl in the dark, demons and the undead, its power is even more vicious and the defensive efficiency of its essential stance much greater (one Rank higher).

    The style can cause bursts of light to erupt from within a foe's body with the sound of ringing bells, enhancing the pain of their injuries with each use until they are unable to retreat from close combat unless they completely reverse the momentum of the fight. Creatures of darkness are continuously burned by this light from the inside. The ultimate, demanding technique of the style is a brilliant attack against a light-imbued foe that leaves a white-hot afterimage seared upon those see it; if it damages a creature of darkness, then the emanating light flares out and wreathes all others in a radius of dozens of yards around within ghostly bonfires and ringing light.
  • Wood Dragon is an esoteric style that targets pressure points and nerve clusters with precise finger jabs and staff blows, and additionally practices the use of the long bow as a staff. The martial artist manipulates essence flows to heal or cripple, and strengthen his vitality. With a moment of focus the fighter can heal lesser injuries upon his body, or bring his chakras into an alignment that greately increases his tolerance for lethal wounds. Precise strikes can go through armor and deep into the body, chastising blows deal increased (one Rank higher) harm to spirit, and damaging a foe may mark their soul for the duration of the fight, guiding Wood Dragon attacks and foretelling their own to the martial artist. These techniques also crippling pain to spirits, making them vulnerable to essence-rending harm that must be naturally healed.

    The user can perform an entrancing kata that momentarily prevents foes of Gritty and below willpower from retreating or attacking, and immediately follow with a sweeping blow that sends all those who were affected reeling and suffering from the same supernatural fascination until they can catch their breath. The martial artist can also lay hands on another person, letting verdant energy flow from his hands to instantly heal a majority of their wounds at a proportional cost in lesser harm to the user, though someone can only benefit from this once per day.
  • Air Dragon is a flighty style that fights from afar or up close with flying chakrams and unarmed with spinning kicks and swift chops. To practice it is to be like the wind, and users master breath control to greatly lighten the body and move in preternatural silence. The martial artist can read foes' movements to dodge even blindfolded, switch between movement and offense instantly, and taking in air essence allows the user to shroud himself and become concealed, even vanishing in plain sight if necessary. He can also perform a Fantastic power attack wreathed in fivefold winds that blows victims away up to hundreds of meters and extend the range of his blows with a stroke of lightning that passes through metal.

    With the style's more overt techniques, he can slam his palms together to create a deafening thunderclap that can be heard for miles and hits everyone nearby with an Amazing strength shockwave, turn an attack into a scything whirlwind that strikes all foes in its circular range with equal force, and produce a wrathful roar like a gale-force blast that knocks everything pver a dozen meters in front of him down with Incredible concussive pressure. The former and latter of these can strike even dematerialized spirits and affect their ilk with superior potency (one Rank higher)

Elemental Sheath: Yusho can shape and ready weapons for his martial arts from overt elemental manifestations, such as drawing the flames of a bonfire into a burning spear or the cold winds of his aura into razor-sharp icy chakrams. These weapons retain the qualities of the chosen element and benefit from them.

Encompassing Earth Sense: Yusho's senses and mental resilience are heightened by the balanced serenity of earth. In addition, he can displace his sense of hearing through solid barriers, and detect hidden threats through the vibrations that move through surfaces close to the earth or the air motion in enclosed spaces.

Dragon Exorcist: Yusho is attuned to the subtle winds of the spiritual world. His occult sensitivity can discern the presence of close by dematerialized spirits, and when they approach his vicinity he can hear and pinpoint their location. Touching a reflective surface also allows him to outright hear and see the reflections of dematerialized beings.

His powers allow him to strike such entities and drag them halfway into the material world to see and touch; and when he slays a spirit that might reform after death, his attack may disperse its essence, ensuring it will be greatedly diminished. Sufficiently weakened spirits will simply perish. He can also stir the winds of the spirit world into a mystical vortex dozens of meters wide what repels or draws in spirits (whether material or not) and other dematerialized beings. They are blown back in the chosen direction, and fighting against it slows down their movement drastically so long as the whirlwind remains (which might be as much as an hour); if they possess a sanctum or a master it also makes it impossible to magically recall their way there.

Elemental Scholar:
Yusho is learned in a great deal about the world of Creation, and in particular possesses extensive knowledge on the lore of the Immaculate Philosophy. Most of this is of limited relevance to the Nexus, but by meditating upon an expression of the elements he can gleam knowledge from the natural world and its symbolic connections. Lightning flashes of superhuman inspiration also allow him to grasp facts beyond his immediate kenning.

His supernatural understanding allows him to channel essence into deadly elemental blasts of Incredible power and swiftness against nearby targets. He can fire crackling lightning that passes partially though metal armor (even magical armor), bolts of barbed numbing poison, and consuming bursts of fire. By feeding these attacks his flaring aura he can extend their optimal range from a handful of meters to some dozens of yards. His expert aim is heighted by the trait of his killing intent to stir up currents of wind that guide these attacks to their victims and allow them to change course mid-air.

Nurturing Physician: Yusho has a basic grasp of medicine heightened by an understanding of the flow of living essence through the body, and upon treating a disease he can strengthen the patient's resistance to it while they recover.

Impassioned Cookery: Yusho is an excellent cook who labors with hands as solid as stone that can create pieces of culinary art, given the chance. Meals can also be suffused with the passionate essence of fire to inspire emotions with supernatural potency. He could make a bowl of noodles flavored with sorrow that brings tears to the eyes of anyone who eats it, or a curry tempered with courage that ignites the valor of those who partake; with this intensity lingering for days.


Essence: Most of the time Yusho can do all of the feats shown in his Physical Attributes reliably by enhancing his peak physical performance with the essence of creation. If he's forced to sustain his maximum abilities for notable periods of time then he’ll wear herself out. Examples include having to fight mortal armies for a few hours, or a half dozen powerful enemies below his own level or a single opponent at or above his level for several minutes. Exhaustion leaves him with merely his natural Attributes until he has some time to catch his breath. Some of his feats are more draining than others; repeatedly firing elemental bolts, combining the stronger techniques of multiple martial arts, or notable elemental or martial arts powers, are more exhausting either mentally or to his essence.

The Great Curse: Unbeknownst to Yusho, or any other Chosen for that matter, he labors under the death curse of the creators of his world. Though it fell the lightest upon his ancestors when they took part in the murder, it pushes him toward ruin by the spiteful will of dead titans. The Curse manifests himself by pushing his elemental temperament to extremes; it can lead him to react with excessive negativity when the world fails to live up to his ideals, or become so caught up in his vision and purpose that he ignores consequences or allows no slight to it.

Greater Tie: The Common People (Protective Duty)
Greater Principle: "Evildoers will receive JUSTICE!!"
Lesser Tie: The Immaculate Philosophy (Crooked Belief)
Lesser Principle: "No matter how high, you can still do wrong."

Origin: Origin: Yusho was born in the northern provinces of the Blessed Isle, the continental island at the center of the world, where lies the seat of the greatest empire of this age. This is the Realm of the Scarlet Empress and her dynasty of elemental demigods, which stretches past the inland sea and out into every direction through that threshold, gobbling up the world's wealth and consolidating its power and order.

A fearless child of farmers, he had all the gumption to challenge a monstrous bird that assaulted plantations, and be carried off for his troubles. Luckily, it was at this time that the blood of the dragons awakened in him. This saved his life, and soon enough the news spread. As customary for lost eggs of the Dynasty, he was taken into their care to receive a formal education along its scions - an awkward effort for someone who idolized the calling of heroics as much as his respect was distant from luxury. Between the coin of the legions and the razor of monastic life, he chose the latter.

Yusho began a hardy and disciplined path for his life as a Chosen, first with the postulant name Raven, then his monk name Fervent Gale. In the name of the Immaculate Order, he fought rogue gods, challenged fair folk marauders, and spilled his blood to preserve Creation. When his duties took him to travel beyond the heart of the Realm, he aided in quelling rebellions, hunted Anathema, and faced heretics in honor duels. When he returned home, he raised his fist against the failings of the Dragon-blooded, struggled against the preconceptions of the Realm, and quarreled with the lines of his sworn kin and the secrets of his religion.

When he could no longer be complicit in the reserved stance of the Immaculate Order, Fervent Gale abandoned the ranks. Judgement from high was withheld, but the Dynasty and Immaculates alike did not take cleanly to his apostasy. Though he struggled to find allies, he spoke and acted loudly against the cracked principles of the Realm. Only following the recent disappearance of the Empress did his chances change, but destiny seemed to have other plans for him...
« Last Edit: February 13, 2020, 10:37:13 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: Character Sheet Submission Thread
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2018, 12:20:01 AM »
Name: Valerie, King of the Vampires and First Lady of the Night

Race: Vampire

Age: Over 2000

Height: 1.62 m

Weight: 32 kg


Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes


Strength: Heroic

Agility: Heroic

Durabilty: Heroic

Willpower: Shounen Determinator


Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Fantastic

Durabilty: Fantastic

Other Abilities:

True Vampire:
An immortal dark creature of the night, the light of day is their natural enemy and will inevitably vanquish one if they come in contact with it for too long. Merely being active during daytime is draining for them and they can’t operate at full power. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t any benefits to this state of being.

A vampire possesses enhanced senses allowing them to hear a pin be dropped in another room or even overhear conversations from across a town square. Unfortunately for those who may wish to exploit this sensitive hearing for their own benefit, it’s a selective thing, where annoying loud sounds and frequencies will be naturally filtered out for the benefit of the vampire. They can also see perfectly in the dark and at even further distances than a normal human can see during the day.

The most important aspect to them however is blood. Blood defines who and what they are as their entire lifestyle deals in the acquisition of this. Some vampires hold humans as livestock, feeding on them whenever they so desire and others abstain from the blood of sentients entirely, instead going after animals. They all however have one thing in common, their insatiable thirst for blood, the essence of life that sustains their unlife.

Blood is essential to them as without it that can’t sustain their own existence, however this does not mean a constant supply is required as some have been known to go for weeks without feeding. What it does entail is a gradual weakening of their bodies until they’re forced into a state of torpor, a preternatural state of sleep, one they can only be woken from by the sweet intake of the most prized essence. when bitten by a vampire, the victim will experience a euphoric sense of pleasure not dissimilar to sexual indulgences.

While in optimal shape a vampire possesses an unnatural healing factor, minor wounds closes in mere moments and even more major ones such as the loss of limbs can be recovered from in mere hours. Fresh intake of blood can speed this process up significantly giving the illusion of invincibility to them, for fledglings this mostly takes the form of a few uses of instantaneous limb regeneration. However, the older they get, the more efficiently their blood reserves will be used. A vampire like Valerie can pull her body back from small pieces a couple of times while in prime shape. When feasting on the blood of another, their most recent memories will be revealed to the vampire, as well as their current mood and thoughts. If gifted to another being willingly, it can temporarily grant them the healing properties that a vampire normally enjoys.

Other beings can also be turned into a vampire through a ritual where the vampire first drains the other person dry and then grants them their own blood. Being turned however is a process that many humans can’t endure and they turn into ghouls instead, loyal but feral servants of their sire. A new personality is formed in place of the one who perished, some of them regain their ability to speak over time but they never fully develop out of this stage, except in very rare circumstances. Ghouls are only as powerful as the victim was originally, in most cases normal humans.

When someone have been turned they will form a bond with the person who turned them, their sire. They will both be able to feel each other’s presence and general whereabouts as well as the emotional state of each other. The fledgling will also form a bond of loyalty with their sire and will be subconsciously compelled to always listen to what they say and try to do as they say. If they became aware of it, it’s possible for them to try fight these instincts, however that will usually lead to cases of depression because serving dutifully will fill them with a sense of euphoria. Any being who's successfully turned will obtain all the powers of a vampire, but it's a gradual thing, and they will grow stronger over time.

Experienced Fighter:
Life for someone like her is really rough and she’s had to go through countless fights in her nights, which lends an amazing breadth of tactical knowledge as well as insight into how and why different people fight the way they do. Her practical skills are nothing to scoff at either as she has mastered the use of pretty much every martial fighting style as well as all mundane weapons, although she does have a preference for scythes.


Essence Reaver:
A scythe forged many moons ago with dark magic. It’s Valerie’s weapon of choice for it’s deadliness but also for the aesthetic. Swipes from this cursed scythe will rend your very soul and bleed you of your essence, which is then absorbed by the wielder. It can also break the shackles of immortality and free you from your mortal coil, not even ghosts and spirits can escape this weapon of untold terror.

It might as well be indestructible, to shatter it would be to shatter the darkness of the unending night itself, a preposterous notion. When not in use the Essence Reaver remains de-materialized, ready to be brought into the material realm at its master's whim. During night time she may dispel it back into her realm at any time no matter how far away from her it is, due to the fact the night itself is in a sense part of her realm.

Daylight Ring:
A magical ring she obtained centuries ago, it allows her to move during the day without fear of getting burned to death. It was enchanted by a master runesmith and would be exceedingly hard to try and break. It also grants immunity to magic that conjures sunlight. While the normal Daylight Rings don’t protect against the weakening nature of sunlight, the most elite of vampires are entrusted a ring that does just that. These special rings are extremely valuable though and only a handful exist, all in the hands of either the Vampire King or the original creator.


Sunlight: She has a deadly weakness to sunlight, so removing her daylight ring puts her risk of being exposed.

Fire: Vampires like her are incredibly vulnerable to fire and it does a whole rank up in damage against them.


Lesser Tie: her Kingdom (duty)
Lesser Tie: Her Children (domineering affection)
Lesser Tie: Ivanna (rival)
Lesser Tie: Yamada (uncle and mentor)
Lesser Tie: Sex (addiction)

Lesser Cause: Stopping Little Russia
Lesser Cause: To defeat evil 

Lesser Prinicple: "Treat everyone with the respect they are due."

Lesser Phobia: Final Death

A snake trails through the underbrush, tailing it’s prey in an inevitable dance which always yield the same result. Round and round the ball spins, and lands on the number you’ve chosen, kicked out and beaten for cheating, you stumble upon it. A rose blooms only once per year, is it the work of God or?

Once a great vampire united all the vampires in the land under a common banner. They sought understanding with the other races and after a long and arduous journey peace was attained.

That vampire wasn’t her.

Lady Valerie is a highly respected vampire and one of the oldest inhabitants of the Nexus. She could easily become a police chief if she so desired, in fact she was one in the past but retired a long long time. She doesn’t hold as much interest in the grander affairs of mortal as she used to, and prefers to have more fun with individuals instead. It’s always such fun when there’s guests to entertain at her castle, Death’s Cradle.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2020, 08:16:41 PM by Bern »


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Re: Character Sheet Submission Thread
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2018, 05:50:27 PM »
Name: Suerte

Race: Human

Age: 25

Height: 166cm

Weight: Girl with big boobs with muscles weight


Her arms are a bit more muscular than in this picture, with a washboard stomach thanks to her time at Elizabeth's strip club.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Fantastic

Durability: Incredible

Magic: High

Willpower: Gritty

Enchantment:  Suerte is not the most educated mage in the world, but she does have the very specific ability to enhance the guns and bullets she has, giving them special properties, which will be outlined in the equipment magic.

Reinforcement:  Suerte is capable of reinforcing any object, making it several times stronger than it was before.  For example, she can make a piece of paper as strong as steel and a door as powerful as several thick walls stacked together.  The only downside is that she cannot use this ability on living creatures or complex machinery, with the exception of guns.

Sex Magic:  Suerte is capable of stimulating the pleasure center in someone's brain by discharging mana in a person's body through touch.  This power makes sex with her addicting.  However, she is not very good at this yet and can only use it effectively on those with willpower of wimpy or lower.

Other Abilities:

Naturally lucky:  This goes without saying hopefully, but Suerte is a lucky gal.  She can go to the lottery and win every time.  When playing russian roulette, she will never lose a game.  The point is, she is a walking phenomenon of supernatural luck.  If she is attempting to do something with a 5% chance of happening or even less, it will happen just because she wants it to occur.  Suerte's luck aids in whatever goal she is trying to achieve in the moment.  Although it is limited by her perspective.  For example, she may want to eat, so someone may offer her their leftover food, but maybe what she truly needs is water.  If she thinks she needs water, fate will not necessarily guide her to that unless it is a matter of life or death.  Luck will unconsciously protect her from injury or death, but luck assistance based on goals are more centered around her intent or desires.

Luck of the draw:  This ability allows the user to strike a target with perfect accuracy.  Reality will be altered on a small scale to make the shot possible.  For example, if the user wishes to shoot a man who is on the other side of a door in a building, the bullet will ricochete across various conveniently placed objects to hit the target.

Small scale probability manipulation:  Through physical contact, the user can alter the target’s probability, making them susceptible to random acts of violence and disaster.  With a lot of physical contact, it can result in a large scale draining of their luck.  Genetic accidents, random improbable injuries and even the unfortunate ire of someone very powerful.  While draining each person is quick, achieving a higher level of luck takes effort. When draining one or two, she increases her “luck reserves” thus allowing her to achieve greater feats of luck than she already can.  For example, after draining several normally lucky people or an exceptionally lucky one, she is capable of doing things like affecting future events with her luck.  After draining dozens, large scale events fit her needs, such as the wheather or something that borders on strange.  For example, a person may act for her benefit (Although this does not need to apply to PCs if you don't want it to).  With hundreds of people, her luck borders on logic defying without actually overcoming it.  For example, she could be in a  historically peaceful neighborhood, but all the sudden terrorists decide to blow the place up, all because it would be lucky for Suerte to escape.

However, this effect is temporary and can dissipate over time.  Moreover, it is impossible to drain large amounts of people and achieve unstoppable levels of luck as there is a passive loss of luck without the blessing of the goddess.  She can either share her own luck, or gather “reserves” of luck to give to a person.  With enough people, they can actually rival her level of luck.

Marksmen:  Despite her powers assuring her 100% accuracy, she is actually a pretty good shot even without them.  If someone somehow managed to take away her powers, she would still hit with the accuracy of history’s greatest marksmen.  With her natural skill and luck combined, she can perform inhuman feats of marksmanship.  As long as the shot is physically possible, Suerte can make it.

Hand to hand combat skill:  While not a master, Suerte can hold her own in a fight.  She knows basic throws and can disable an inexperienced fighter with ease.  Somehow, she can even block blades with the trunk of her guns.

Gunsmith:  Suerte is a capable gunsmith.  Moreover, she is the only one capable of creating the weapons she uses.  If given the right materials, a facility and plenty of time, she could create more weapons with similar properties.  She is capable of making weapons with other properties, but she prefers making the ones she has.


Twin pistols:  It is a pair of magical pistols that create their own bullets after sensing the user’s intent.  The gun will often physically transform to fit the bullet type as well.  In addition, the bullets never run out of ammo, as they are enchanted with a property that allows unlimited bullets.  Moreover, the bullets are enhanced with enough piercing power to blast through multiple walls while still striking the target with enough force to rip through bone (Fantastic).  Although, this weapon can only be enchanted with one bullet property type at a time.

All the ammo:   By enchanting the weapon with a property that allows it to reproduce anything within it, the gun can respawn any bullet within it, as well as heal any damage to the gun itself, so long as it has not been disintegrated.  In addition, Suerte often programs her weapons to sense her intent, allowing them to spawn the appropriate bullet type for the situation.  For example, her when fighting someone she wants to subdue but not kill, her twin pistols are capable of creating and firing rubber bullets.

Bouncing bullets:  Suerte’s bullets have unique properties in that they have a small chance of bouncing off of any object.  For example, it is possible for the bullets to bounce off of water, even if it hits it at a strange angle.  With her domain over luck, that means it can effectively be bounced whenever she wants it to, as whatever is lucky to her will happen.

Sniper rifle:  Its a sniper rifle.  It works the same as the magic pistols although much more powerful (heroic).  Naturally, the bullets can be enchanted as well.  What is particular about this gun is the way the scope is enchanted.  Each bullet can be enchanted with up to three properties.  It has a sort of magic X ray vision that allows the user to see through buildings, clothes, anything with the proper adjustment.


In an alternate universe covered in desert and hills, a familiar story plays out.  A lone criminal hunts down a young couple, delivering a wave of bullets to their bodies.  In revenge, a young pinkish purple haired girl dedicates her entire life to getting revenge.  As it turns out, killing a guy who killed some of the most skilled gunslingers on the planet isn’t easy, so it took quite a while to train to get that good.  After a lifetime of blood, sweat and patience, the young girl finally had her shot.

Even with all of that training, it wasn’t enough.  So, the girl learned magic and sought artifacts that she could use to drastically increase her power.  In contrast to her earlier quest, which ended it failure, this one yielded a surplus of success.  However, rather than an artifact, she found a goddess.  The ancient maiden quickly grew fond of the girl and blessed her with the power of luck, the ability to transcend probability, as well as physical enhancements to her body necessary to keep up with the man.

And so, she took her revenge.

But what do you do after you complete your life’s work?  For Suerte, it meant cutting loose and having fun.  Taking down bad guys, hitting bars with her new friends, or her new addiction to gambling: all of these things have filled the void where the man had left her.  But even so, one's life cannot only be pleasure, at least not forever.  Perhaps it is fate she ended up in a city far different from the world she knew.


Close combat:  While she is capable of dispatching mooks and those around her skill level in hand to hand combat, a master of martial arts will certainly be able to best her, provided it is a straight fight.

Disarmed:  While again, Suerte is capable with her close combat skills, she is nowhere near as threatening without her weapons.  If you manage to take her weapons away, her combat capabilities are reduced greatly. 


Lesser tie: Lily (First friend).
Lesser tie: Justice (Partner)
Lesser tie: Nanako (Threat to relationship with Justice)
Lesser tie: The memory of her parents (Daddy issues)
Greater cause: Suerte's concept of freedom.
Lesser phobia: Becoming like her parent's killer.

« Last Edit: November 17, 2020, 04:51:24 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: Character Sheet Submission Thread
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2018, 01:25:34 AM »
Name: Nanako Nanaya

Race: Squirrel-Human

Age: 23

Height: 5’5

Weight: Heavy. She insists it’s because of the muscles.


Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Heroic

Agility: Heroic

Durabilty: Heroic

Magic: None, but a magical acorn gave her a number of squirrel powers.

Willpower: Average

Magic Resistance: High

Other Abilities:

Unbound, Unchained, Untamed: Nanako had a brush with the void early on in her life, though she doesn't remember it. Though she survived the experience, it left its mark on her. She cannot be affected by powers manipulating probability or fate, as they crumble from the abyssal entropy in her soul.

Squirrel Senses: Nanako's senses are far sharper than human ones, in some ways. She has excellent peripheral vision and pick out even the slightest movements. She can pick up on sounds miles away and in frequencies that can't normally be heard. Her sense of smell is such that she can pick up on scent trails or smell things that may have been otherwise concealed by non-magical means. She sense her surroundings and nearby motions precisely enough that, even without sight or hearing, she can still fight as if she were unhindered. Her senses tone down automatically to avoid sensory overload.

Roadkill no more: Nanako has risen above the weaknesses of her fellow squirrels and reduces damage from being run over by vehicles by two ranks.

General squirrel powers: With her link to squirrels, Nanako can summon groups of squirrels and communicate with them. Additionally, her cheeks can stretch several times more than normal human cheeks, and she’s exceptionally fast when it comes to climbing trees, and notably faster when climbing in general.

Enhanced self-healing: Nanako heals many times faster than a normal human, with injuries that would put someone else out for months or years healing in mere minutes or hours for her, not even leaving scars behind. Even injuries that wouldn't normally heal can be undone in a matter of hours.

Aside from that, she's extremely resistant to poisons and diseases alike, to the point that even the most potent ones, even of supernatural origin, barely register to her.

Harder Daddy: Nanako's masochism and experience allows her to take pain that would incapacitate someone else at her level and keep fighting.

Expert Brawler: Nanako’s dedication to her training makes her a force to be reckoned with. She's a masterfully skilled brawler and grappler, but she's still inexperienced and can slip up in the heat of the moment.

Scraps of Grace: Though the battle with the Morningstar left it's mark on Nanako's mind, some part of its grace latched on to her body as well. At will, Nanako can call on the pieces that cling to her to manifest wings to double-jump. However, after doing this, the wings need a moment to recuperate before she can do it again.


Not much aside from the clothes on her back, some cash, and a phone

Lesser Tie: Justice (The cowboy, not the court)
Lesser Tie: Carin (Cute helpful goddess)
Lesser Tie: Suerte (Thieving bitch. Hot though.)
Lesser Cause: Pain (Preferably mine)

Weaknesses: Nanako lacks much in the way of ranged approaches.

Origin: Nanako’s lot in life wasn’t a pleasant one starting out. Perhaps that’s how she ended up desperate enough to try her luck with a cursed acorn tree. Whether good luck or bad, the powers she developed after the incident gave her the idea to try her luck with a local prize-fighting ring. Her first fight went better than expected, Nanako managing to score a win, followed by advancing up the ranks of the tourney, right up to the finals. Though the reigning champion ended up beating the tar out of her all the same, the payout for her performance was still significant.

Seizing upon an opportunity practically handed to them, the managers brought Nanako on as a more permanent fixture, promising steady pay so long as she stayed on with them. Seeing the best opportunity she’d found in a while without resorting to theft, Nanako agreed. With how far she'd gotten last time, Nanako resolved herself to improve as much as she could. She’d even started to gather something of a fan following. At first, the fights were just something to pay the bills, but eventually she got used to them, and after a longer time still started enjoying them, even when she was being beaten down.

Then, on the day of another fight, the door that should’ve lead to the arena instead brought her to some strange new land.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 05:38:53 AM by Panda »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses