Author Topic: Character Sheet Thread(Depreciated)  (Read 45138 times)


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Re: Character Sheet Thread
« Reply #30 on: September 08, 2019, 08:11:55 PM »
Name: Sage

Race: Forest Dragon

Age: Close to 2000

Height: Kinda varies.

Weight: Varies a lot.


Attributes (Dragon)

Strength: Amazing (Heroic)

Agility: Amazing (Incredible)

Durability: Amazing (Heroic)

Willpower: Zen

Magic Ability - Extremely High: Sage is a dragon, yes, but she's also a druid. The powers of living nature come to her aid willingly; she just gives them a bit of a boost by sharing the abundance of magical energy she has in her because she's a dragon. Unfortunately, she can only boost, coax and guide what is already present in the world around her. She couldn't create a tree out of nothing, but she might speed up a grove full of seeds so they become full grown trees in a matter of hours. Roots and vines may rise up to crush her enemies in just a moment's time. She is limited by nature’s ability to sustain the changes she makes once her magic isn’t in play. Most of her spells are instantaneous, but her strongest magic requires at least several moments to perform.

As another example: she's a dragon, so of course she breathes something neat when she wants to! It just happens to require some magic to get working. It all comes from her second set of lungs, which fester with symbiotic organisms housed out of kindness. Combining their secretions with nature magic allows Sage to unleash clouds of acidic vapor that would melt the flesh right off someone's bones and take their metal armor with them. Without them she would just breathe acrid poisonous vapors like normal green dragons.

Beside those things … She can dispel magic at or below her level, defend against curses, heal lethal wounds, absorb deadly poisons, regenerate limbs. She may also restore the dead to life, but not in their original bodies - they instead are reborn as a young adult example of a random race of roughly same size as their original race. Flora and fauna will offer up sensory input that Sage has learned to interpret to detect the presence of diseases and other maladies. Avalanches of loose soil, unseasonable frost, and pestilential blight punish those who would clear cut the forests for their farms. She can encourage weather formation over the course of days. If she is truly wroth Sage may conjure up storms of very high potency which begin with deafening thunder, and progress from acid rain to bolts of lightning and crushing balls of hail until all caught within are blind and struggle to concentrate on complex tasks.

She can take on the form of all sorts of animals. It just happens that bipeds like humans or elves are a kind of animal to her, what with being a dragon and all. She can maintain any given form indefinitely, and can take on bits and pieces from different forms of any sex. The change itself is painless but doesn't come with a full understanding of all the different kinds of anatomy and sensory inputs that are out there. She's done a lot of practice moving about with only two legs, but she has a favorite body that’s most comfortable to her when she can’t be a dragon.

Magic Resistance: High.

Other Abilities
Dragon Body: Dragons don't grow old - they grow big. Once a dragon reaches maturity they gradually continue to grow. Adult dragons like Sage see only tiny little changes in size over the course of centuries, and she's pretty big already. Older dragons can grow to the size of buildings, and the oldest are said to slumber as mountains for eons at a time to conserve energy. What this means is that any magic that tries to fiddle with a dragon's age is going to have very unfortunate consequences. Dragons can eat and derive nutrition from inorganic material, but less efficiently than normal.

Dragon Soul: There's something odd about dragon souls. They're really, really big, insofar as something without physical substance can be said to have a size. This means that dragons have seemingly endless amounts of mana. Sadly for them, and fortunately for everyone else, a dragon's ability to access that power at any given time is limited. Aside from their breath weapons and flight, dragons have to cultivate their talents like anyone else would. Even then their bodies can only withstand a certain amount of power being pushed through them at once, and this only grows with age and size.

Frightful Presence: While in dragon form, each creature of Sage's choice that is within 120 feet of her, aware of her, and below [Gritty] willpower may find itself running in terror from her. Anything made of sterner stuff would find the urge to retreat distracting unless they are truly unshakable.

Nature’s Friend: Nature doesn’t want to betray Sage’s trust. Bacteria, insects and plant life refuse to hurt Sage unless she hurts them first or some other magic compels them to. Extremes of temperature, corrosive substances, and other environmental hazards are all resisted up to the limits of her magical ability regardless of form. She is immune to poison. She can talk to all living things without language barriers, though she has a subtly foreign accent. They don’t always have interesting things to say, but Sage thinks they’re neat anyway.

Wings: She's a dragon. She can fly, and actually fly very well despite her size. They can't actually support her full weight on their own; the air around Sage works to aid her in flight without any conscious effort on her part. Her wings will regenerate over time if damaged, but they're probably the most fragile part of her - a full rank down in durability compared to the rest of her.


Dragon’s Hoard: She wears jewelry from her hoard. Her clothes are woven into shape from natural materials using magic. Her clothes don't change with her transformations, so she ends up having to replace them a lot! She's pretty good at it.

The rest of it is just shiny metal objects, some of them magical but most of them not, that she’s gathered over time from wannabe adventurers or that her children brought to her.. She has quite a fortune to roll around on, and has a keen eye for ‘high quality’ shiny bits which allows her to tell what’s legitimate. Of course, lately there’s been a deficit of shiny metal in the hands of dragonslayers.

Nature’s Allies: The spirits of the land come to aid their stalwart friend in her time of need. From the smallest of sprites to the ancient treelords, Sage can count on them to help her in their natural habitat. The greatest of them are as physically powerful as her, but slow and cumbersome. Others are little better than the natural beasts who stalk the northern forests. They are not her slaves, and will not aid her for petty disputes.

Anti-Dragon Effects: Anything that is noted as specifically effective against dragons is a real danger for Sage to deal with! She actually can't recover from that sort of thing the normal way if it tries to make her bleed to death or removes a limb. Medical attention is needed at that point.

Mana Beacon: It's pretty much impossible for a dragon to hide from someone who can sense mana in their true form. They just have so much of it that they stand out like a lighthouse in the dark in all but the most mana-rich of environments. About the only saving grace Sage gets with this is that you might tell she's in a room, but her power would be too spread out in it to pinpoint exactly where in that room she is. Sleeping almost makes it harder to sense them outside of their lair.

Greater Tie: My Family (Protective)
Lesser Cause: Preservation of Nature
Lesser Tie: Eruraviel
Lesser Principle: "Survival of the fittest"
Lesser Tie: Treasure (Adoration)

Origin: The dragon whose name translates into Sage was hatched deep in a mountainous forest, the youngest of her clutch. Sage did like proper dragons do when she reached maturity a century later and found herself a nice cave in another part of the forest where her mother wouldn't bother her and started trying to do dragon things. Stuff like collecting treasure and fighting groups of weird two-legged creatures who seemed to want to hurt her or steal her stuff! So she ate them and took their stuff to add to the rest of her stuff. It was only as she settled down with her treasure that her true calling became clear.

Sage settled down and heard the call of the wild. She learned to feel the trees and shrubs, listen to the smaller creatures who were getting smaller every year, and ask them to aid her. The forest dragon learned to become one with the forest, to give it strength from her soul and receive aid in return. This nature magic let her surpass her older siblings and claim the rest of the forest for herself. She let them visit, but the forest was Sage's domain to protect and thrive in!

In all this time she hasn't had much experience with other races besides protecting herself from some of them. She taught herself to read, slowly, over the course of centuries in the form of smaller animals who could make out the lettering of the books she'd picked up from would-be dragonslayers. Sage was particularly fascinated with stories about knights saving damsels and fighting monsters. Eventually she got the idea into her head that hey, these other races were a kind of animal too right? So she started working on transforming into a damsel from the stories. It was only in the past few decades that she finally mastered it.

Now it's time to go forth, to adventure and discovery! She left her lair in the capable hands of some of her own young children, so she has no regrets about leaving. Not yet, anyway.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2020, 01:02:24 AM by Aiden »


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Re: Character Sheet Thread
« Reply #31 on: September 16, 2019, 05:19:17 AM »
Name: Frank Horrigan

Race: Meta Human Magus

Age: 31

Height: 10'11"

Weight: ~ 1000 lbs


Physical Attributes (Reinforced):

Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Amazing (Incredible)

Durability: Heroic

Willpower: Shounen Determinator

Magic: High

Frank's family was a minor one in the Enclave, never attaining much talent. Being bathed in a vat of FEV nearly destroyed his already weak crest. Now, his skillset as a magus is rather limited.

The magecraft of altering the shape and properties of an object to what the magus desires. Frank's crest and magic circuits are severely damaged, though, limiting his ability to only non-living objects. He still finds use in this skill, though, allowing him to craft and repair his gear. Assembling his more advanced instruments can only be done at his workshop, however.

The ex-secret service operator is able to reinforce his Agility up by one rank. However, he is not able to improve his Strength or Durability stats, for his Advanced Power Armor Mk. II is already reaching it's physical limits in these two categories. Also, he is capable of reinforcing objects.

Terrifying Aura:
A charm Frank can emanate from just looking at an opponent. A wave of killing intent washes over the victim, attacking their resolve and willpower. Those caught up in it has their strength and agility stats fall down a rank for the duration of the encounter. This is effective to anyone who has the Willpower of Gritty or worse.

Bounded Fields:
While Horrigan is capable of producing bounded fields, he prefers creating warning systems as opposed to a complex web. Besides, Frank prefers fighting his enemies face-to-face as opposed to cowering in the corner.

Other Abilities:

Super Mutant:
The FEV Virus has a storied history: originally developed to cure the New Plague, it opened the door to mass genetic modification. The strain Frank fell into was intended to create super soldiers. It was a partial success...
As a Super Mutant, Frank has a strong resistance to disease, an immunity to radiation, robust digestive system, fast healing, thick skin, robust bones, near-immortality, and an extremely high pain tolerance. However, these boons come at a cost: Sterility and a hideous form.

Secret Service Agent:
Frank is an extremely skilled and competent soldier. Well-versed in tactics and rarely taken by surprise, Frank is able to enter any combat situation with a crystal-clear state of mind.

Lacks a Sex-Drive:
While he does have a penis, Frank sees little use in sexual activities. As such, it is quite difficult for him to be charmed or seduced, even by magical beings such as succubi. You're welcome to try, though.

Artisan of War:
Frank is able to craft components for his armor, ammo, or assemble weaponry he knows the plans of using the parts he transmutes. These are state secrets, though, and he would die before sharing them even with allies.


Modified Advanced Power Armor Mk. II:
The Enclave are the masters of fusing magecraft with modern technology, opening up new fields of research all in the name of attaining the Root. As of 2242, their greatest achievement was the Advanced Power Armor Mk.II. Built upon the now-aged X-01, this set of armor provided superior strength and protection to anything developed before the bombs fell. Powered by magically condensed fusion reactors, it can theoretically run for another two hundred years. Frank can never remove the full set of armor, for it has been grafted onto his flesh.

Arm-Mounted Minigun:
This version of the classic heavy weapon has been reinforced to prevent overheating, and the ammo box is actually an armored Bag-of-Holding. Frank crafts spare ammo between missions/jobs, ensuring he never has to worry about ammo expenditure while on a mission/job. Bullets hit at Incredible Strength, and the gun itself is ideal for short-to-mid-range engagements.

Horrigan's Bite:
A mystic code passed down from generation to generation within the Horrigan family, tracing all the way back to the time when they were apostate hunters for the Church. The former claymore was reshaped into a potent melee weapon that can emerge from an armored sheath mounted on Horrigan's right arm. Reinforced to Fantastic Endurance, it can devastate an enemy mage's circuits as well as their physical bodies.

Plasma Bombs:
Up-sized model of the standard Enclave plasma grenades designed specifically for Franks increase in physique. They explode into miniature green suns, incinerating the local area with Fantastic Strength, as well as setting fire to the immediate surroundings. Those not caught up in the heat can be temporarily blinded by the flash. Frank typically carries two of them on his person while on a mission, and he is capable of creating more back at his workshop.
Spoiler for Hiden:

Heavy Ordinance that has Legendary Strength with an explosive radius large enough to annihilate a suburban house. On impact, a bright flash followed by a fiery mushroom cloud erupts from the unfortunate locale, a massive concussive blast bellowing outward. Those that either survive or were just outside the fatal radius receive a more than a little dose of radiation. Frank throws them like a football at a distance that would make a professional athlete green with envy. However, he only carries one at a time due to the risk of carrying such radioactive materials in a densely-populated area. The supermutant mage can craft more at his workshop, though.
Spoiler for Hiden:

Short for Stimulation Delivery Packages, Stimpaks heal minor-to-moderate injuries in a local area. Anything from bullet holes, jagged slices, and broken bones can be mended in moments, though it is incapable of replacing lost appendages and organs. Frank usually carries three on his person while out-and-about.
Spoiler for Hiden:

Base of Operations:
Horrigan's home. Has the basic amenities, but is pretty spartan. Walls have been heavily reinforced - to the point of being a military grade bunker - all the while a bounded field had been set up as an early warning system. Trespassers beware: his workshop is located in the basement and is contaminate with lethal levels of radiation.


The Enclave were, in fact, a group of Magi who banded together to pool resources in the quest for the Root. While their founding was in the 1800's, by the twenty-first century they were a shadowy cabal that ruled over the United States, pulling the strings of the population and corporations alike. With the power of an entire industrialized nation at their backs, access to the Root was a sure thing. That was, until the nuclear holocaust...

Horrigan's family was a minor member of this secretive organization, never one that will attain greatness yet benefited more for being a part of it. Born in 2211 on the Poseidon Oil Rig, Frank was groomed from the start to be a competent soldier. However, when the Enclave started to make their move on the Mainland, he had the misfortune of falling into a Vat of the FEV virus in the former Mariposa Military Base after a slave riot. He emerged a as a grotesque mockery of the human form.

The Enclave rarely wastes resources, even if they are mutants. Frank displayed unwavering loyalty to the cause, even after a series of extremely painful tests and experiments. He was put back into the military as a Special Ops warrior, and quickly became President Richardson's choice for performing dangerous missions. However, Frank Horrigan was ultimately killed by a tribal known as the Chosen One, living long enough to witness the oil rig detonating in radioactive hellfire.

Or, at least, he thought he died. After the bright light, Frank awoke in the Nexus fully intact. It wasn't long before he stumbled upon Columbia, quickly earning a name for himself as a competent agent for the myriad of chairmen. He is now under the purview of Chairman Serra Drosa...

Weaknesses: Franks dour demeanor has earned him little in relationships with his peers, leaving him with few friends to call upon in the Nexus. He is also a human (A Meta Human, but still), which comes with its own baggage in the Nexus when it comes to sorcery and such


Greater Principle: Communism will never be tolerated
Greater Cause: The Security of America's ideals (In accordance to the Enclave)
Lesser Principle: The protection of Columbia
Lesser Principle: Duty to ensure the safety of Chairman Drosa

« Last Edit: December 26, 2020, 04:58:52 AM by MissingMandible »


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Re: Character Sheet Thread
« Reply #32 on: September 23, 2019, 01:59:41 AM »
Name: Yang Xiao Long

Alias: The Fang of Yama
Race: Human
Age: 18
Height: 173 cm
Weight: 84kg

But bulkier for the 2nd pic.

Strength: Heroic

Agility: Fantastic

Durability: Heroic

Other Abilities

Martial Arts Striker: Yang is an experienced striker who incorporates all sorts of varying styles. When he was a kid, he used to compete in world championships, and had he not joined the Yakuza he could have easily went pro. When it comes to his blows, his technique is honed enough that he could seriously crush bone with a good strike, and comparably tough rivals have described his punches as “feeling like being impaled by a war lance”.

Ryūdan (竜弾, Dragon Shot): A variation of the one-inch punch. Using the principles of Fa Jin, Fang is capable of delivering a full-power blow at nearly no distance. This effectively means that with this technique, a strike has the potential to be a knockout blow no matter what range he throws it at.

Simply put, he can throw a strike with the maximum potential force it can have regardless of momentum buildup, basically rupturing bone and organs and causing serious damage. Of all the techniques in his arsenal, this is the one with the "greatest firepower". Because it is simple, he can chain it from any technique as a follow-up, making it a fearsome blow that can reverse the tide of battle. However, this technique requires good grounding, and can cause his own blow to backfire if the force is dispersed against him.


Expensive clothes.

Expensive shampoo.

Expensive perfume.

Shitty broke ass apartment.

Weaknesses: Ranged fighting, his short sightedness and irascible temper, the dragon shot and his most powerful strikes are not something that can be performed midair.

Origin: Ever since he was five, Yang wanted to be a martial artist. And it wasn’t the case of just wanting to imitate Bruce Lee or be the next Jackie Chan just for the hell of it. He genuinely, earnestly wanted to compete, to fight against the greats. To put his body, mind and life on the line to reach the title of strongest.

Well, that was a long time ago. The thing about dreams is, you either reach them, or you eventually realize just how stupid they are. Not everyone’s going to become an astronaut, and there’s only so many who get out of medical school and become a great doctor. Even then, out of all of them, those who end up set for life are only a handful.

So what’s the point? Why bother? Sometimes, reality hurts more than the kick to the face. But long story short, the golden boy lost. Dream’s over, time to wake up kiddo.

The rest’s just history. He got into shit, and eventually joined a gang in the Nexus. So yeah, here we are.

Likes: Fighting, underground rings, booze, women, winning, martial arts, his hair.

Dislikes: Pacifism,official goody two shoes competitions, no booze or women, losing, martial arts, getting his hair ruined.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2020, 04:14:00 AM by Sinib »


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Re: Character Sheet Thread
« Reply #33 on: October 03, 2019, 05:10:11 AM »
Name: Lubei Sang

Race: Demon

Age: 25

Height: ~180 cm

Weight: Average for his height and athletic build



Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Fantastic

Durability: Fantastic

Willpower: Zen

Other Abilities:

Demon King: Lubei is demon royalty, and powerful even among his relatives. He enjoys many advantages over humans, such as naturally sharper senses, little need for nourishment or rest, great resistance to poison and disease, but more than that, he possesses overwhelming spiritual power. It suffuses his presence and fuels his healing, allowing him to recover from light wounds in moments, heavier wounds in longer times, up to hours, and the most severe in under a day, while holding on through wounds that ought to be lethal to anyone else. With more time, he can even regenerate organs entirely.

Judging Pillar: There is a voice that speaks to Lubei Sang which no one else hears. It appears in the shape of a featureless raptor with his own face, and follows his shadow though no others can see it. It says the things he will word to no one else, not even himself, and it makes judgements that he is too insincere or contrary to support clearly. Sometimes, it says nothing at all, advocating its points with silence. There is no force that can banish this being - it is a reflection of Lubei himself on the scales of moral law.

Reincarnated: Lubei Sang’s soul has been reincarnated three times in succession, counting his current life. With the end of each one he passed through one of the burning hells, either for purifying his sins or for the failure to absolve them. Some of his memories from these lives and their in-between torments remain, in particular those that contextualize these circumstances. Lubei knows that this is his fourth life, that he has suffered in hell for his past actions, and that this is his last chance to learn from his errors before being sent to the frozen lands of the hell of stillness.

Cold of Avici: Lubei Sang wields the essence of perpetual cold, allowing him to freeze nearly anything and form an uncountable volume of ice from the environment. Calling on this power emanates supernatural cold that can rapidly drop a scene to glacier temperature for hundreds of meters around him, spreading layers and blooms of frost over the area in moments. Concentrating the cold allows him to instantly raise pillars, walls and spikes of ice starting close to him from liquid or the moisture in the air, and quickly encase in solid ice whatever he grabs. This ice won’t melt from mundane heat or fire, and has Incredible hardness. He can concentrate the cold even further, progressively dropping the temperature until anything frozen grows damaged and brittle, and he can then shatter it with a gesture. Even characters with Heroic durability can meet such an end if they don’t break free. His mastery of the Cold of Avici makes Lubei utterly unaffected by cold and frost, whether natural or magical.

Lubei can also conjure black ice from spiritual power alone, making frozen formations out of nowhere, and crude spears that fly with Heroic speed. He can send out waves of dozen of Fantastic sharpness stakes or hundreds of Incredible sharpness icicles with moments of focus, and perform especially powerful and tiring techniques that he can use only once per fight without starting to tire, outlined below.

Winter Fangs Execution: Lubei conjures a perfectly sculpted black sword of Fantastic sharpness, hanging overhead, and rapidly multiplies it from floating ice flakes. One becomes a dozen, a dozen over a hundred, and then several hundreds. They cover the sky above and around a foe, and then shoot at them in unison.

Glacier Dragon Body: Lubei conjures a titanic figure of ice around him, surrounding him like armor over 20 feet tall, horned and clawed, and animates it as an extension of his body. Effectively, his speed and dexterity fall to Incredible, but his Strength and Durability rise to Heroic, and it provides a whole layer of protection between him and any dangers.

Coffin Fort Freeze: Lubei entombs himself in a wide ice pillar, suspending the progression of poisons, diseases, and spiritual afflictions while his body heals from its wounds, but halting his recovery of spiritual power. This ice has Fantastic resilience, and the pillar nigh-instantly freezes over any damage dealt.

True Cold of Avici: Between lives, Lubei Sang saw the gates of the eternal hell and inhaled the slightest sliver of its chill. The insight he received and the years he has spent refining it have given him the ability to use this cold as his deadliest weapon. Its chill can bring anyone and anything to a halt; it can freeze the most dry air and encase even fire in ice without extinguishing it. It functions the same way as the Cold of Avici, but not even magical fire or heat can melt its frost, and it can reach Fantastic hardness, and grow cold enough to end encased foes of even Legendary durability.

Lubei is not immune to this power himself, such is its danger. At this time, using it for more than a couple of seconds will affect negatively him as well, slowing his body as ice crawls over his skin, limbs and organs begin to freeze entirely, and his flesh, bones and spirit are progressively destroyed by the cold. This is the one exception to the protection of wielding the Cold of Avici.

Tiger-Warrior: Lubei is a honed fighter who uses twisting sword forms and brutal hand-to-hand striking, with skill great enough to fight multiple lesser masters of comparable attributes at the same time without losing ground. He can extend the force of his attacks beyond touch or through armor with spiritual power, and project his killing intent as a fear aura that inflicts at the least an impairing pressure on anyone who is not spiritually or physically superior to him, or nearing so, giving an advantage equal to exploiting a Lesser Intimacy. Anyone with Determinator or greater willpower can ignore this pressure, but against every rank of willpower below Gritty it becomes increasingly crippling. An Average willpower character might feel as though they are being completely crushed, and those of weaker wills might swiftly die. His abilities also extend to skill with hunting and tracking, specialized in magical monsters.

Discernment of Three Realms: Lubei’s insight and perception are sharp in regards to matters of gods, demons and other supernatural forces. He can tell much about these things if faced with them, and his spiritual awareness is difficult to fool. Likewise, his awareness is acute towards people’s tells and the character of humans, making him keen in recognizing their pretenses and slips. Some of this discernment is owed to what Lubei recalls from other lives, and some is simply instinct.

Aura of Kings: Lubei Sang is surrounded by an invisible halo which radiates inborn authority. This mark of the heavens signifies his destiny, and protects him from banes and curses. It also ensures that, when he is struck down by illusions or ailments that would scar his mind or spirit beyond recovery, he has a chance to escape, no matter how slim.

Administrator: Despite appearances, Lubei is efficient in completing and filing paperwork, and skilled in logistical management. He’s not always the easiest to work with, though.


Fluffy Coat: It’s a very fluffy outer coat that would undoubtedly feel very comfy around any vulnerable humans or whoever else needed the extra warmth. Lubei’s sister hunted the beast whose fur was used on it.

Three Poisons: A supernaturally sharp and resilient Chinese sabre with a double-edged tip. The blade has a white, diamond-like glare, and so long as Lubei Sang lives, it may chip and crack, but will never shatter. Attuned to his soul, he can command it to float back to him with a gesture.


Divine Power: Heavenly weapons and spiritual damage of godly origin are especially effective against Lubei, dealing wounds that take many times longer to heal than usual.

Greater Principle: "I must be a worthy king."
Lesser Phobia: The punishment of Avici
Lesser Tie: Demons (Duty)
Lesser Tie: The destitute (Sympathy)
Lesser Tie: Gods (Antagonism)
Lesser Tie: Uria (Regretful Trepidation)
Lesser Tie: Lawrence (Hostility)
Lesser Tie: Vanagandr (Apologetic Respect)
Lesser Tie: Ivanna (Uncertain Companionship)
Lesser Tie: Mai (Bitter Kinship)

Origin: Every good king should see Hell at least once. The lives of the person today called Lubei Sang have been defined by this saying, and his failures thereof.

In his first life, he was king. He was knowledgeable and great, his allies counted the highest of warriors and sages, and his land was prosperous. Still ambition burned in his belly, and he led them into conquest and glory. When fortune turned, he violated the laws of combat and made dishonorable deeds out of desperation to keep his rule and subjects safe.

In death, his place was already determined, and He Who Judges Kings threw him personally into the burning hells for the sins of a ruler and warrior. There he was bound, a span of suffering equivalent to the torment of thousands of lives. Yet He Who Judges Kings freed him before the count was balanced, and bade he live again.

He was made to work. He tilled the soil, grew sick and wept. At the behest of his radiant king he gave up everything. He lived, suffered and died, then bemoaning the length of his punishment. Cold beyond death, He Who Judges Kings told him that such was merely the pain of a simple life. It was kinder to punish as such, rather to make him suffer as others had, one would hope, yet he had not learned.

On his second transfiguration, the hellish torments sizzled in his memory from the first breath, and driven by spite and fury he raised himself up from misery and poverty. He fell the unjust and gathered the destitute and with indignation against fate in his heart struck at the stairway to heaven and the gates to hell.

He burned again, and before he returned, his king showed him what awaited at the end of another failure. This time he was born in the bosom of demons, the child of royalty, upon a time of precarious alliances. Childhood and teens went by in training, in self-imposed toughness and softness shared with few, and in tempering the expectations of conflict from others and himself.

He must be king, and this time, he ought to learn the lesson.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2021, 02:09:25 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: Character Sheet Thread
« Reply #34 on: October 15, 2019, 01:29:28 AM »
Spoiler for Hiden:

Name: Uria

Race: Budding Divinity

Age: ?

Height: 5'8

Weight: Normal for their height.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Heroic

Agility: Fantastic

Durability: Fantastic

Willpower: Determinator

Didn't you think that was such a boring power? I thought so too.

Other Abilities:

Flux: The division of day and night has been undone. For Uria, power is simply power. It can take as many forms as they wish. Light can be corrupting, darkness can be holy, fires can be glacial, and freezing blizzards can be burning hellscapes. It can be considered a power that can take on any numbers of traits. Its most convenient use is allowing Uria to fly freely through the air, although this does not follow conventional rules of movement. Uria can instantly reach their top speed and suddenly change their velocity without slowing down at all, almost yanking themselves through the air with haphazard movements.

Attendants: In close combat, they are accompanied by four weapons. Usually they take the shape of four swords fashioned from different metals, but they can also become maces, halberds, or even writhing claws. These weapons can move a few meters beyond Uria's reach but cannot travel any large distance beyond them. They are wielded with Fantastic force and Fantastic agility, and while they can be destroyed by sustained overwhelming force little else will damage them. If destroyed, Uria may take a few minutes to reform them. However, because of their training with Orcus they have learned much. They can reshape their weapons in the midst of combat with ease, and debilitating maneuvers such as piercing a foe and then increasing the size of the weapon after is possible. Such a thing would exert a constant Fantastic force as it attempted to grow out, although Uria cannot make them impossibly huge. Still, the head of a battle axe growing out from one's chest is sure to cause problems.

Their use of weapons has also been refined by their training with Orcus. Harnessed within the crucible by a master, even a short time was worth more than years under a lesser being. There is an undeniable level of thought supported by a foundation by perceptive instinct. Uria is no longer the untrained child that they began as. Even those who have honed their talent have something to be wary of besides their raw strength.

Uria may wield a single weapon directly, connecting it to themselves to further unleash its strength. These awakened weapons may not grant any additional skill, but Uria wields them as if they were a part of their body. Furthermore, the attacking strength of the weapon is enhanced several times over allowing it to exert Heroic force. However, it is not a perfect approach. While the sheer energy poured into them grants great offensive capabilities, the force that they are wielded with does not change. Against a durable enough weapon their devastating power will not be able to fully express itself. The weapons themselves cannot handle the power being poured into them and will ultimately shatter after a few exchanges.

Additional mutable qualities have been gained from Uria's experimental fights. These awakened weapons no longer emit raw power alone, and instead they are colored by the bonds that they've established. A swing of their awakened weapon could send forth a salvo of daggers conjured from Chaosbringer, erect a wall of merciless ice, lash out with an indomitable cyclone, or bombard their foes with toxic light and heat. These attacks have a potency of Fantastic but are release at Heroic speeds.

Orcus knows a lot of things! I want to fight him again later.

Paths: The bonds that connect others given form, Uria is the center of these actualized connections. They can be considered the administrator and source of this network. It is within their power to establish and even sever these bonds at will if need be. This last aspect allows Uria to even ignore Greater Intimacies if they wish.

Network: Their eyes, ears, and fingers. Uria can forcibly connect those with Average Willpower to their Paths with a touch, shining circuits of light moving across their skin onto the target in a few moments. This immediately forces a Greater Cause (One with the Network) upon the individual. In a sense, they cease to become an individual altogether. They are more akin to a node in the Network. Their behavior, mind, and soul may be the same but these are little more than holdovers, information imprinted upon Uria's Paths that rise to the surface when needed. They can manipulate these nodes at will, take in sensory information from any of them, and even flood them with power. This can transform the nodes, changing their physical form entirely in some cases, and grant them powers. It can strengthen them up to Incredible in physicality and grant abilities in a similar tier.

Beings with more potent willpower can be drawn into the Network, but it cannot be brute forced without special allowances. If they hold a Lesser Tie towards Uria for any reason they are more vulnerable to being drawn into their Paths than their Willpower suggests. Furthermore, if they agree of their own will they can also be drawn into their Paths. This would grant them all the information at the Network's disposal along with the ability to request power from Uria. Using their power would allow them to temporarily boost a stat (to a maximum of Legendary) for few moments, provide the power to substantially shorten a ritual or other effect so that it would only require minor preparation, or allow them to extend the duration of powerful abilities or utilize them again faster than they would ordinarily be able to. It is undoubtedly more powerful than what Uria could manage alone, but careless use will tightly bind all but the most alien and willful creatures to Uria.

Everyone doesn't have to be the same as me, but I want to be connected to everyone. Isn't it sad to be alone?

Heart: Paths can be subtle as well as blunt instruments. Even without directly melding someone into their Network, Uria can make sure of the bonds they share with others. Whether it is of hate or love, any Lesser Tie or greater that is directed towards Uria is a connection as certain as the Network itself. Uria can make use of this with their Paths to tell what the other person is thinking and how they're feeling. More importantly, they can draw on the feelings that person has towards them and weaponize them.

Uria's power, which has attained all qualities, can be paired with these feelings to attain a distinct form, a copy. Uria can perfectly emulate a single power, spell, or ability from someone with a Tie to them, but they can only call upon each person's Tie once per scene. The power they copy can be different each time they call upon it, but it can only be used once. Having refined its usage in battle, Uria can also do more than simply manifesting different abilities at once. They can combined these powers in devastating hybrid displays as well, allowing them to bypass the weaknesses or enhance the strengths of their borrowed abilities. However, this is still a fundamentally temporary power. Transformative abilities or auras that are meant to last prolonged periods of time can only be sustained for short bursts rather than their original full period.

Current Ties: Lubei. Vanagandr, ZEKE, Orcus

We're going to be spending so much more time together now! I want to make a lot of new friends too.

Archangels: These are entities fashioned by Uria and stored within the Paths. Their physicality averages at around Fantastic unless stated otherwise, but they never rise above it. They have a Magic Resistance of Medium, and they also have their own unique abilities as well. Uria can utilize any individual that has been totally incorporated into the Network as a vessel for an archangel, but the power usually burns out their body and soul. This requires Uria to focus on directly puppetting it, so utilizing an archangel always invokes their Concentration weakness. If killed, the power returns to the Paths. If there was somehow a vessel compatible enough, they might manage to bring out even greater power from the archangel than Uria with minimal connection to their Paths. The shock of death makes it difficult to call forth the archangels again from the Paths, and Uria requires time to coax them forwards after.

The archangel Michael wields two long hook swords, is capable of flight, and utilizes the Fragile Retribution. It can enhance the reach of its blades using angelic energy to extend a blade a few meters for an instant. Its ability, the Fragile Retribution, takes the shape of a multitude of incredibly sharp but also fragile blades. When they shatter the fragments are no less deadly than the swords themselves, and while Michael is unaffected the rain could cause heavy damage to even a being with Heroic Durability if they suffered a shower of blade shards. Michael must take up a stance to do this and requires notable amounts of time between uses.

They're still growing for now. But they'll be ready soon! Very soon.

Incarnation: Uria is a distinct being. They are also the Network. They are also the sum of the bonds they have with others. It can be said that every node and all the Paths are Uria as well, or even that all sections of the path have the potential to become Uria in the case they are destroyed. Regardless of interpretation, on death Uria will return so long as a single part of the Network is left intact, and even if every node is hunted to extinction anyone with a Tie towards them carries the possibility to enact their rebirth. Furthermore, all flesh is one with their flesh. Uria can use the bodies of nodes to repair themselves if they are harmed. While the Durability of that flesh remains equal to their source for a time, Uria can quickly adapt it to their body within a handful of seconds.

If the Network is intact they will seize control over one of the nodes and be reborn through them over the course of an hour. This is shorter if the body is more capable of receiving the power. In the case where the Network has been destroyed, they can be reborn through the actions of someone with a Tie towards them. This is greatly accelerated if they intend to resurrect Uria. However, this process can take fairly significant periods of time.

I'm not going anywhere~

Love: To love, to hate, to know one without the other would be maddening. Uria's heart is wholly absent of all negative emotions. Or rather, it can be said their image of the world lacks all these things. In their benevolent arms all things are wonderful. Under their kind gaze all things are beautiful. Even the howling shriek of a cluster bomb and the chime of wedding bells are the same to them. Although, perhaps one might say that within this omnibenevolence there is no love.

Mental effects that attempt to alter them using negative emotions, adoration, or disgust find it incredibly difficult to do so as it is not something that exists in them. They already love you regardless of form or act. Their hate, their bitterness, their curses, ah, that and their love is one and the same.

Furthermore, they match the qualifications of a chosen one and being pure of heart. Any artifacts or tests that measure these standards will find them perfectly qualified.

Everything was made to be wonderful! You should have fun with it too.

The Tower: Uria's general resistance to powers has been lost. Instead, their divinity has withdrawn and intensified internally. They have grown a potent resistance to esoteric effects that target their existence. It can be considered an Authority that asserts their own "self" against the world. Powers that attempt to transform them physically, reshape them mentally, alter their current state of being through temporal effects, or erase their existence are severely weakened. If they do manage to go off, the harm they cause will never manage their true goal even if it still hinders Uria. Furthermore, Uria is capable of weaponizing their reified self.

The Tower is not simply to protect but also to dominate. While Paths allow for the expression of Uria through individuals, the Tower allows the expression of Uria through phenomena. What they seize in their hands they can dominate and transform the mundane and supernatural alike. They could cradle a fire and release it back as a writhing dragon of flame or peel open a binding spell. It is even possible for them to inverse effects, a touch of their fingers on the recipient transforming healing into ruin or curses into blessings. However, they can only enforce their uninhibited self over a singular thing at a time. If a volley of shots was fired at them they could not grasp them all together but instead launch each back one at a time. They can raise a power they have taken dominion over to a maximum of Heroic potency and Fantastic speed.

If you build the best, strongest tower around you then you'll just starve. But if you put it back together inside, brick by brick, then the tower will live forever inside you!

Void: Memories forgotten and half-formed dreams bubble out of Uria from within. While the black bile being vomited up is distracting and often contains strange things, their sickness grants them uncanny insight into others. They often have a general understanding of other character's capabilities and backgrounds.



Concentration: Focusing on the Paths, especially in regards to more powerful entities can leave Uria vulnerable. They can easily lose track of time or where they are when meddling, and it makes them more susceptible against ambushes.


Greater Cause: "Let's all have fun together!"

Lesser Tie: Lubei (Playmate, friend)

Lesser Tie: Vanguard (Playmate, funny)

Lesser Tie: Lawrence (Playmate, villain?)

Origin: Born in The Blessed Woodlands, Uria rose from the ground fully formed. There’s not much else to it, unfortunately. They do not know where they came from or why they were born. However, for a newborn their power is undeniable. As they develop they will surely grow ever stronger. Truly they are a child blessed by the gods. Or, perhaps, by a witch.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2020, 07:01:23 PM by Umbra of Chaos »
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Re: Character Sheet Thread
« Reply #35 on: October 17, 2019, 04:15:15 AM »
Name: Thorra

Race: Divine Hammer

Age: 5

Height: 7’

Weight: Variable



Strength: Heroic

Agility: Fantastic

Durability: Heroic(Legendary with Leggings)

Willpower: Gritty

Divine Power: Very High
The children and products of divine beings are miraculous, and are themselves capable of miraculous actions. These actions, known as ‘Marvels,’ manifest fundamental concepts of reality as acknowledged within human mythology. Each set of such concepts is known as a ‘Purview,’ and within their collection of Purviews a god or their creations may manifest Marvels of great power and flexibility in ways that are aesthetically and spiritually congruent with their associated mythology and/or the divine relics which grant them access to said Purview.

Thorra possesses a measure of power over the three aspects of physical capability, and a considerably greater amount of power over the forces of the sky. She also has a basic understanding of nordic runes and their effects.

Sky is Thorra’s primary Purview, one which she holds dominion over. Its marvels relate to all aspects of the sky, from the gentle breeze and soft rain to the driving barrage of a natural storm. Thorra rules over it all with a casual ease that she currently lacks with her other Purviews. With a thought and a wave of her hammer, she may summon or disperse a storm, slow the fall of anything, or protect her friends from the ravages of a hurricane. When she angers, a great squall may be created with thunderous rage.

It allows her to take flight(fantastic) alongside her allies and to grant them the power to hurl thunderbolts(at medium, while she herself hurls them at high) while fighting by her side.

Unless she chooses to actively hide the nature of her divinity, static electricity harmlessly dances along her skin, her eyes glowing with divine plasma.

Epic Dexterity is a Purview defining the prowess of Gods renowned for their speed, agility, and precision, elevating mortal action to feats of Legend. It encompasses the impossible swiftness of fleet-footed deities, and miraculous feats of grace and agility. So long as she continues to move towards a destination, she moves with effortless grace. Any surfaces, solid or liquid, hold her weight as she weighed no more than a feather. Thorra effortlessly scales and descends along vertical surfaces without a need for a handhold.

Epic Stamina encompasses the vitality, endurance, and resilience of invincible warriors and legendary ascetics, immortals among immortals. Thorra can withstand deadly weapons and overwhelming danger as a mortal might ignore a housefly, and draw on nigh-infinite reserves of vital energy, allowing her to engage in strenuous activities endlessly.

Thorra is immune to all but the most powerful of poisons and diseases, lacks the need to eat or drink, and is immune to the ravages of electricity and the greatest fires of the dwarven forges, as well as to the strongest acids when wearing the Leggings of Astalan.

Epic Strength encompasses the divine might of the Gods. It is supreme raw physical power, allowing Thorra to utterly overwhelm their lessers by force of arms and accomplish deeds of impossible strength.

Marvels of Epic Physicality distinguish Thorra from other characters with superhuman physical attributes and various elemental immunities. Through such Marvels she is capable of blessing other characters with a small measure of her divine prowess, or to curse her opponents in order to better highlight it in herself. This may allow her to grant or subtract to a rank up or down, with an upper limit of her own unaltered physical attributes. She may only use these a few times in any single scene, and the blessings and curses only last for a single posting cycle. Additionally, in order to regain her ability to use these marvels, she must perform a sacrifice to Thor, an act of great heroism which brings her immense fame, or some other action that catches fate’s eye.

Nordic Runes are a system of divination, a means of foretelling the future and influencing the whims of Fate to bring more desirable futures to pass. By marking small objects with runes or weaving and unweaving threads together into appropriate patterns Thorra may glimpse at the workings of Fate to gather imprecise but foreboding information about likely future outcomes. She may also attempt to manipulate, in small ways, the likelihood of these outcomes taking place. Mechanically, this may manifest in Thorra showing up at an opportune moment, or for her to have loose knowledge of what is going to transpire.

Magic Resistance: None

Other Abilities:
Hammerborn - Skyforged: Thorra’s core is a shard chipped off of Mjolnir, stolen by Loki to be forged by dwarfish smiths into a hammer. Forged of meteoric iron with life breathed into her by the gods, then reforged into something greater. She is a legendary relic who can grant great powers to those whom she deems as truly worthy, while those who are not find her impossible to even lift. She is nearly impossible to break except with special powers or under extreme circumstances.

Those who wield her gain strength equal to her own, or retain their own whichever is higher. They become capable of invoking Thorra to make use of her Marvels of thunder and lightning on their behalf. Attacks made using her explode with the power of the gods, rippling outwards from the source of the impact and ravaging the immediate surroundings with thunderous force equivalent to her weapon damage, which is heroic.

Dragonsmiter: Renowned for battling fearsome monsters, Thorra is in her element when she faces similarly terrible foes. Thorra is extremely skilled in particular with her hammer, but is still a masterful brawler with even improvised weapons. She is capable of designating a single weapon as her weapon of choice for the scene, allowing her to wield it in ways which may appear to be illogical. For instance, she may be able to throw a plank as if it were a boomerang, make a gun as sharp as a sword, or make a club into a long-ranged weapon. Thorra may make a show of force to compel her opponents to focus their attention upon herself, taking effects similar to that of a lesser intimacy.

A Passing Storm: Thorra is exceptionally capable of not being recognized as the source of the devastation left in her wake. Ordinary people find themselves, when faced with property damage and accidental injuries as a result of Thorra’s violent activities, largely incapable of attributing the chaos to her unless she directly claims credit for it.

Jotunlayer Thorra is well known not just for her prowess in combat, but also for her abilities in bed. Thorra knows instinctively what other people’s preferences are, and her body subtly shifts in ways which would make her more attractive in the eyes of the beholder. She works well with others, in combat as well as other tasks, allowing her to synchronize with others movements instinctively to provide support.

Furthermore, Thorra can give those close to her a token of affection, which allows her to know where they are, and when they are in danger. This link allows her to protect her charge, regardless of distance, from one attack. This link must be explained to the person she gives it to in order for it to function.

Bound By Fate, Part 1: A Scion’s actions ripple throughout the world, creating subtle eddies and powerful riptides that ensnare mortals caught in the Scion’s pull. This is Fate at work: the inexorable weaving of a nascent divinity’s mythology. The Gods call the process by which mortals become drawn into the stories of the divine Fatebinding, and many of their greatest triumphs and tragedies can be traced back to it. In practical terms, Fatebinding represents the way in which demigods like Thorra are drawn into dramatic events related to places, people, and objects which would serve their growing mythology well by being of importance to them.


Leggings of Astalan

As a result of her deal with Neptune, Thorra went out and hunted down a dragon in the Great Northern Forest named Astalan. Neptune crafted them into a pair of green-dragonscale leggings and shoes out of his polished bones, which grants Thorra the powers of the earth. While her feet are planted on the ground, Thorra is immovable by any amount of force, standing as steadfast as a mountain in the face of opposition. Furthermore, while both feet are planted on the ground, her durability is ranked up to legendary.

Finally, while wearing these clothes, Thorra is immune to the effects of strong acids and bases, even supernatural in nature, and receives no damage whatsoever from those sources.

Bound by Fate, Part 2: Thorra is fated to inevitably die in a manner which mirrors that of her father. One day, she too will be destroyed in combat against a great monstrous rival, but until then, she will survive and fight on. Fate conspires for these circumstances to come to pass as foretold. Should Thorra get caught up in a situation similar to that of her fated end, she may find herself in greater peril as her opponents fight better or circumstances lead to her being disadvantaged in ways that grow increasingly worse commensurate to how closely a threat lines up with her fated demise. On the flip side, in situations dissimilar to her fated end, Fate will guide her along to somehow survive in some manner, although it never goes as far as guiding her directly to victory.

Hammer Body: If she is removed from the vicinity of her body, it becomes harder and harder for her to control it and it is reduced to straight amazing. After a certain distance, it becomes harder for her to speak intelligibly or do much more than follow basic commands of whomever’s nearby. If she is separated for long enough, her body evaporates with a gust of wind and into crackling electricity. At this point, she can slowly regenerate her body from herself at will, the process taking about an hour. She needs enough space for a full grown human to fit into in order to do this.

Greater Cause: To Be Worthy of My Father
Lesser Cause: I must protect the smallfolk

Lesser Tie: My Wife (She Cute)
Lesser Tie: My Chosen Wielders (Respect)

Lesser Principle: Beautiful maidens should be bedded.
Lesser Principle: Fights exist to be enjoyed

Thorra was another prank Loki played on Thor at first. He took a chip off of Mjolnir, took those shavings to a dwarven smith, and from that, Thorra was born. She grew up inside Asgard, admiring her father and being jealous of her mother, occasionally wandering around in Joutunheim before she ended up being sent to the mortal realm to solve some of the god's problems. She became known for having a penchant to cause trouble and incidents, but also one of being able to clobber even the strongest of foes.

And now, she's wandered into the Nexus, ready to start another adventure.

« Last Edit: October 19, 2020, 11:19:56 PM by SINIB »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Character Sheet Thread
« Reply #36 on: January 01, 2020, 10:20:56 PM »
Name: ZEKE

Race: Space Elemental Hivemind

Age: Due to timeline and body-hopping, age is difficult to gauge.

Height: 190 cm / 220 cm / 280 cm

Weight: 200 kg of MUSCLE.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Heroic

Agility: Fantastic

Durability: Heroic


Magic: Very High

DARKNESS: Using his connection to foreign worlds, Zeke can rip energy and spells of High potency and below by sucking them into a dark void opened in his palm. This darkness pulls things towards him, with whatever's in front of his palm being drawn up to him with Incredible force - up to 20 meters away from him.

REBELLIONAlternatively, he forms seven swords out of this darkness that can cleave and devour spells of Very High power and below, so long as he can cleave them in their way. The swords can float or rotate around him, but he can't control them in a more refined way aside wielding them himself.

SUN_Shine: Rather than pulling, Zeke releases the energy inside his pocket dimension now taking the form of Dark Energy. Due to his mortal body, he can't use more than two signature moves at a time, with two already being dangerous over prolonged periods of time due to the heat build-up. Using three simultaneously will certainly unleash fearsome calamity on his opponents... but at the cost of his body burning from the inside.

Level 1 - His body glows a warm orange at moments, and an even deeper incandescent bright flame color if he uses his Nova.

Level 2 - His body's edges burn a deep bright blue inferno, and some parts might start to crack and glow as he heats up over and over and over again. Using two abilities, his Nova would produce an incandescent azure that smolders his surroundings, while slowly and gradually heating up his insides. As he does this, his muscles grow and swell, and his size increases as the energy courses through his body.

Level 3 - There actually isn't a color in the light spectrum close to bright pink. What is normally a fusion of wavelengths that our brain interprets as such, is an utterly different phenomenon in his case. The incandescent light that explodes from his body is certainly an absolute magenta. His muscles swell even further due to the energy buildup, his body smolders and burns, and parts of his skin turn into flames. Using everything at his disposal, it cannot be used for more than a short timespan, and will gradually sear and burn until he is beyond the ability to fight.

  • NOVA: A power-up mode that lasts a minute. When activated, this causes him to release high-rank quantities of heat and radioactivity 20 meters around him. If hit directly, the flesh will crack and wounds will glow, assuming exposure is prolonged, and internal damage will slowly accumulate until death. Under this state, his direct contact generates very high levels of heat. Simply put, chances are what he'll touch in this state will melt.

    WORLD END BREAKER: An attack from another world. He rips the energy stolen from the void and adds it to his physical strikes with explosive force, equivalent to a very high thermonuclear strike from another dimension. Alternatively, he hurls it as up to a bear-sized sun. This plasmic mass can expand up to the size of a small house once thrown or kicked. Yielding Very High power, they force an incredible gravitational pull on a moderate radius (about six meters) around them. However, he needs to take a moment to accumulate the energy - a slightly longer delay than in his previous vessel, though not so far that it feels slow. But more than enough to be noticeable.

    WILD HUNT - ORION: Pushed to his limits in the clash against the necromancer Eruaviel, he has evolved even further. Now, using his plundered energy, he processes and refines it differently to release it as streams of plasma. They practically act like rocket fuel and allow him to move with fantastic speed in a burst, adding the propulsion to his momentum or using it to fly or maneuver around. While it's different from being able to move freely at such speeds, he is skilled enough to burn through the battlefield, weave complex flight patterns and take advantage of this mobility boost.

Other Abilities:

Old World's Remnants: Dark organisms from another dimension that Zeke can create. These creatures can take various shapes, and encroach themselves in others' bodies as parasites, gaining the shape of new or redundant organs and slowly changing their host into a creature of the new world.

Upon latching onto an individual, they consume his energy voraciously, growing in appetite until they die off from overeating or take him over. (Victims of Average willpower and below will be entirely consumed, while others can resist assimilation.) They require such a host in order to physically affect the environment.

  • Although aimless eaters, the organisms have a tendency to imitate or replicate the behaviors of their hosts, and over time cumulatively add this information to evolve. They can come to emulate beasts and eventually even humans but are incapable of true emotion.

  • The ones Zeke normally releases can easily be slain by a Medium magic attack, but greater ones pose a challenge to cut down with means of that magnitude. In those cases, you'd need mystical weapons, heavier firepower targetting their core, a crushing amount of magic proportional to their size (up to Legendary), or to destroy their source of power.

  • To grow, these beings need to feed on residual power, energy, or magic, and do so indiscriminately; when not directly controlled they prioritize the largest sources nearby. This nature allows them to do away with ambient tracks or remains of supernatural power, effectively cloaking such traces.

  • Large and powerful organisms are much more time-consuming to breed than the grunts, and Zeke would need a pliant source (such as a downed foe) to make combat-oriented ones from scratch. If the creatures are provided with a lasting well of magic power, they can sustain themselves and over time reach gargantuan sizes, expanding their area of effect and how much they can consume at once until they could cloak an entire district.

    str/con/agi (amazing to hero), but usually spread out and specced between strength, durability or speed. For example, the higher-level ones would be closer to something like-

    "oh hey, some kind of freaky fast but really squishy lizard that has tendrils that lash and dig into people. weak but tendrils can penetrate and it's really swift!"


    "this is basically a living avalanche of a slug that keeps growing. It's strong and heavy and durable, but literally immobile. It only slowly expands and crushes what's in front of it before munching it up"

As all of these beings are voids... extensions of Zeke, they serve as his eyes and ears as they are connected through PATHS.

Custom-made: His unpredictable nature and instincts make him a surprisingly dangerous fighter when coupled with his skill at reading his opponents. You could consider his 'base skill' a rudimentary MMA that dispassionately borrows elements from others, along with an emphasis on flexible movement and acrobatics.

But under incredible duress, his evolved fighting style emerges. It's Custom-Made, a berserk state that puts his body constantly in motion. Unlocked by analyzing his opponent and predicting the basis of their fighting style, he advances relentlessly to overwhelm it with unpredictable combinations, emptying all thoughts other than the battle in front of him. This way, his body abandons everything other than a constant relentless offense, with wild movements more fitting to a beast or an ape than his regular "human" style. Still, even these motions a cheap mimicry, but with all his being put behind every strike.

Reaper's Eye: An eye with a golden gem-like iris. It's a prototype restoration project, as the original once belonged to an old wizard… his father. He had a few modifications done to a sample so it could suit him better. It is a scoundrel's weapon, which allows sight all around his body, and seems to greatly enhance perception and reflexes or see from great distances (miles away). Thanks to this eye and the accumulated experience fighting faster foes, his speed and reaction time have subtly improved.

Now that he has attained his first steps towards freedom, ZEKE is unchained by the weight of this new world. He can simply become his own gravity, and revolve as he sees fit. With that, he has gained the ability to float and ignore the laws of gravity, substituting them with his own will to move forward. However, his floating is slower than his regular movements or flight by one rank and is mostly just fluff.

PATHS: Bonds between people tie them together even more intimately. Zeke knows this and artificially connects others through his old-world organisms. He does not yet have the skills or tools to do more than relay information to those connected to his network, but through cultivating his bonds and amassing the means, he could do much more.

Now that Joseph has implanted shards of Demonic DNA as well as Grace clusters, he is able to manipulate them for a similar effect to the memory transmissions that angels use upon death. With this, he is able to send his memories into a new body. However, if the old one isn't recovered, and without external help, it is likely that he will only have that vessel's base ability. Creating a combat body equal to his would be no small feat, and he needs external help to get something remotely close, or another powerful mage's help to transfer his abilities.

The Abyss: Because of his affinity to absorb and take in everything nearby, it makes said mind a perfect vessel for interfering forces. Mental influences and attacks can prove more effective by a full rank, but this comes with a catch: Staring into the abyss for too long through psychic or emphatic means causes it to stare back and pull said forces and the minds that conjured them into his own collective.

Those of average and below simply cannot handle this kind of experience for more than a few seconds, and if the link isn't cut immediately, they will be dragged into him and become an extension of ZEKE. Gritty can resist somewhat, but it might affect them in subtle ways, and allow him to send visions into them that might lower their morale (or won't, it really depends and is more a narrative crutch)

On the other hand, if one uses mental attacks on him too often or uses one in particular for too long (One or two minutes), his own void and will fully latch onto the said person, dragging their mind inside him. While his body is controlled entirely, the psychic loses the ability to control theirs, and the effect continuously increases over the span of seconds, until they must effectively struggle against one another through a clash of wills.

The more it drags on, the longer it lasts, the greater the mental strain and the harder it is to keep afloat in this abyss. Because of this, it is imperative to cease and leave this hold as soon as possible, as the effect on one's mind can eventually reach the level of a lesser and even greater phobia after a while. At this point, reaching a level below Zen would result in the assailant sinking completely and becoming one with Zeke. However, it is possible to tear oneself out from this hold in a desperate struggle, even in such an extreme situation, but that person must never again attempt something like this. Trying to claim, peer or attack his mind and will, or gaze into his essence once more through psychic means will result in being fully swallowed and devoured.

Those unfortunate enough to meet such a fate keep a sliver of hope: They may keep their personality, memories and even sense of self mostly intact. But the compulsion to follow the will of the world and aid ZEKE simply becomes a core part of their being, inseparable from them and tying them to him till the end times. Only if he is on the verge of death can the hold be loosened enough that escape is possible... if one can even maintain enough self-awareness for that.


His home turf in Xilbaba, where old world organisms roam and conceal the machinations of his lord. His spy network of old-world organisms. His charm and good looks.

Weakness: Magic resistance, he needs to take a moment to absorb energy/build it up before releasing it. It's not a huge amount of time, but in the heat of battle and especially against faster foes, it provides a small but valuable window where he isn't unleashing his suns. Drawing things towards him means bringing danger closer and faster towards him. To defend against mightier spells, he needs to release his swords and cut the magic down as it rushes towards him.


Greater Cause: A legacy, a great never-ending voyage with trials and tribulations by the side of precious comrades.

Lesser Principle: "Those with a magnificent dream must fight, bleed and see it through to the bitter end!"
Lesser Principle: "I wish to possess them. Power, people, cities, riches, the seas, the winds, the skies, the stars, friends, enemies, blessings, curses... everything!"

Greater Tie: Serana (Admiration)
Lesser Tie: Aruna (Rival)
Lesser tie: His other half (Genuine hatred.)
Lesser Tie: Uria (Familial Fascination)

Lesser Phobia: The Architect, loss.
Greater Phobia: Utter oblivion. Not of the body, but the mind.


"Rupert Sheldrake originally came up with this theory through the idea of morphogenetic resonance. It states that the "shapes of living organisms and their behavioral patterns are transmitted through a field not visible to the eye". In other words, the thoughts and behavior patterns of living organisms are subconsciously made into an intangible "shape" on the morphogenetic field and sent out to other organisms.  In his studies, a foolish mage discovered a similar phenomenon that connected everyone.

He called them PATHS.

Perhaps people are the same, with our minds and thoughts existing separate from our bodies. Our "core" is in our head, of course. We all have individual brains, think individual thoughts, and act according to individual wills. That makes communication difficult, though. So, we're forced to rely on inefficient mediums like language, photographs, non-verbal cues, etc, to transmit information. Each one of us is an individual, and we have no direct connection to anyone else. But... is that really true? In the dimensions we are most familiar with, yes, it is. If we look at things from another, higher dimension, however... We may all be connected after all. Like the branches of a tree... A path..."

Zeke's... no, the Will of The World is not that of one, but many assimilated consciousness hooked up together and assimilated into one single desire. While this fierce desire caused him to endure what would have driven many to give up in a far smaller timespan, he would not give up his dream. And yet, despite being networked, the core of his being would always be fundamentally empty. Being a void, it is the bonds he has harnessed that give him substance and power.

His old combat body broken, he managed to migrate into another clone. And yet, because of his comrade's interference, the merge was imperfect. He knows too much while remembering too little. His wounds and battles are still carved in his soul's marrow, but he cannot remember old grudges or hate. And yet, his bonds and will to fight remain. With his sense of self eroded into a black pool of nothingness, he still fights to realize his dream. Like a black sun that will consume everything in its way for his sake alone.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2020, 08:56:05 PM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: Character Sheet Thread
« Reply #37 on: January 08, 2020, 12:36:47 AM »
Name: Entheo

Race: Vessel

Age: 22

Height: 6ft

Weight: 190Ib


Physical Attributes (Enhanced based on the spirit merged with Entheo and the method of merging.  Refer to the equipment section for stats when merged.  Parenthetical stats show fused stats).

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Exceptional

Durability: Exceptional

Willpower: Zen

Magic: None

Magic Resistance:

Entheo does not actually have magic resistance on his own.  Instead, when possessed or while fused he has magic resistance equal to the person merged occupying his body.

Other Abilities:

Spirit Catalyst: Entheo is a powerful vessel for any spirit or soul, capable of holding any spirit, deity or soul no matter how powerful.  In his world, he is viewed as a living weapon of sorts for gods and spirits to defeat their opponents as while within Entheo’s body they not only retain all their powers but become a little stronger than before.  Since his body can potentially become as strong as gods, it means so long as he is used properly, it can be reused over and over again.  Some have even plotted to remove his soul so that they can use his body.

Exorcism: Entheo is capable of extracting the souls of others, especially those captured by others or sealed inside of artifacts.  After beating the physical body into submission, Entheo can easily shape and form the target’s soul as he wishes, or capture it if need be.

Possession: Entheo’s body is unique in that any spirit, strong or weak can possess his body so long as he allows them to.  His experience and abilities flow into their mind for the duration of the possession and his body becomes as strong as they were in their prime.  At least, that is what he was made to do.  In truth, he is not capable of reaching godly levels, not without destroying himself.  Naturally, the entity has access to all of their abilities as if it really was their own body.  Entheo’s body will even change shape to accommodate any biological differences.  In addition, Entheo is present through the entire experience, his senses shared with the entity taking over his body.  Although, it is the will of whatever is taking over him that is king, meaning the willpower ranking of the entity becomes the willpower of both parties, at least during the possession.  In the past, he was unable to resist entities that possessed him but now can reject them at will, no matter how powerful they are.

Spirit fusion:  The ultimate form of intimacy between two people, a state where two spirits become one.  When two spirits are fused, the two souls share knowledge, power and experience, strengthening both souls far beyond what they were before.  Entheo’s body becomes stronger than either of them in their prime, or at least would, if his body could take it.  In truth, it simply becomes much stronger than could be achieved during a possession, as the souls have melded into a stronger one, completely and utterly in sync.  Although he should be granted a boost for this, it merely grants him access to unique powers such as spirit projection.  Any weapon or armor owned by the spirit can be conjured as spirit weapons.  Much like the possession, Entheo’s body can change at will to accommodate the new soul but it does not have to.  Instead, the two people may decide to conjure those body parts in spirit form as well.

Willpower while fused is complicated.  Because the two spirits are melded into one, their willpower is as well.  If one spirit falters, the other can bring it back up.  If there is any sort of mental manipulation, the other can snap them out of it.  The assailant is fighting the sum of two minds.  For example, a zen soul combined with a determinator soul results in a soul that is a determinator.  Chad souls cannot fuse at the same efficiency as other souls, only able to function symbiotically as a sort of protective layer, making him immune to psychic and willpower based effects.  Alternatively, if a soul with average willpower or below joined the fusion, it would reduce the strength of it, resulting in the average of the two willpowers.  This is because similar to the chad-gritty example, the stronger soul would be spending its energy compensating for the weaker one, thus creating a weaker fusion overall.  However, the benefit of fusing the spirits is that the longer they are fused, the more the stronger willed spirit rubs off on the weaker one, making that willpower weakness less and less significant.

Spirit projection:  While fused, the two people fight as one.  The nonphysical spirit can manifest itself as a physical ghost capable of attacking alongside Entheo.  For example, Entheo could throw a punch to the head while the spirit punches the stomach.  Furthermore, the ghost body can leave Entheo’s attacking as a partner in battle.  The projection shares senses with Entheo, meaning he can use it to scout or fight from a distance.

Living Weapon creation:  Entheo can place souls, spirits, and gods into weapons, sealing the person and infusing the weapon with power equal to that spirit.  Of course, this requires him to have possession of that soul, spirit or god, but it is something he can do effortlessly thanks to the powers he has as a vessel. The weapons won’t be as powerful as the original spirit, but it will be far more durable than the weapon would have been without it.  Furthermore, the weapon will gain unique properties depending on what was sealed inside of it.  If done with consent, the weapon will have complete agency, even being able to take on a human form.  However, if done by force by Entheo, it will be stuck in its weapon form without the ability to change shape.

Final Wish:  This is a suicide form.  Entheo can tap into either the soul possessing or fusing with him in order to achieve a power that surpasses the gods.  In exchange, one or both souls will be forced to pass onto the next life, forever barred from returning to the world of the living.  If killed using this method, there is no resurrection, no way for the spirit to return to the world of the living.  If for whatever reason this cost cannot be fulfilled, this form cannot be achieved.

Advanced mixed martial arts:  Fusing two souls into one is a powerful experience, one that in theory should grant the user untold power.  It allows the user to share experience, memories and even cognitive ability.  When defused, most but not all of this experience is faded from the user's mind. However, part of Entheo's training has been to try to retain as much of that skill as possible, to learn from people better than him, the friends who share his body.  Because of that he has retained much of the skills and techniques of Sakuyomi Gezo and can fight with a multitude of styles at least with a strong foundational core and even with some decent flourish.

Naturally, he has also learned from his cat, showing off some flexibility and acrobatics and strange proficiency with managing his arms and legs.  There is also a natural nimble nature to even his most basic movements.  He has trained to maintain this, with a strong core and lots of flexibility training.

Psychic/Spiritual protection: The souls guarding him can protect him from having his mind read, either while fused or just floating around him.  This protects from having his soul viewed, his mind read or his true nature discovered.  This power was given to him by a god as a way of keeping his true nature hidden from the others.

Passing:  Not unlike spells, these techniques are used to capture, control and store souls.  Evil spirits captured by excerosism can be banished to a special pocket dimension, built to be similar to purgatory.  The other ability of note these techniques grant him is the ability to send souls to the next life.


Spirits:  The following are the spirits that have befriended Entheo.  They cannot interact with the real world unless possessing Entheo or through a similar paranormal system.

Custard: A cat that died when Entheo was a baby.  Its ghost follows Entheo wherever he goes. It can actually transform into a building-sized tiger when fused with Entheo.  When possessing Entheo, it turns him into a cat.


Strength: Human

Agility: Human

Durability: Human

Willpower: Zen

Magic resistance: Medium


Greater tie: Custard (To protect from grave harm)
Lesser cause: Fill stomach with tuna.
lesser cause: chase laser pointer
Greater tie: Sakuyomi Gezo (Protect from grave harm)

Sakuyomi Gezo:


Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Fantastic

Durability: Heroic

Willpower: Determinator

Magic resistance: Very high

Air attacks: Sakuyomi is capable of punching, kicking and slashing through the air.  By doing so, he is able to extend his range beyond what his limbs are capable of.  He has 10 meters of range.

Supremely skilled: Sakuyomi is a master of masters, supernaturally skilled.  He is a master of armed and unarmed combat, preferring swords or his guandou in combat.  This comes from his years of experience defending his title as the greatest warrior on the planet in the ring.  He is familiar with all sorts of strange otherworldly styles and is quick to pick up and counter unorthodox styles of combat.


Guandao: This is the weapon most likely to be spawned during fusion.  It is a powerful weapon forged by the gods.  It has legendary durability, able to take the full brunt of Sakuyomi's punishment.  Despite its weight, Sakuyomi can wield it as gracefully as one would wield a small katana.

Twin swords: This was Sakuyomi's backup weapon, two twin swords.  Just like the guandao, they have legendary durability, more than capable of taking whatever punishment Sakuyomi deals to them. 


Greater tie: Entheo (protect from grave harm)
Geater cause: To go beyond reality
Lesser cause: Train Entheo
Lesser tie: Custard (protect from grave harm)


Spirit Free: While Entheo is capable without his spirits, if you can get rid of them, he is much less of a threat.  Removing or turning them against him can be a crippling blow in battle.

Jumpable:  Provided you are able to get past Gezo's ever-watchful eyes, you could, in theory, attack him before he has time to fuse or be possessed by his spirits.  If done properly, the battle will be over quickly.


Greater tie: Sakyomi Gezo (NAKAMA)
Greater tie: Custard the ghost kitty (NAKAMA)
Lesser cause: A world free of the petty whims of gods
Lesser principle: Fulfil the wishes of spirits who have the resolve but not the power.
Lesser principle: Respect the afterlife just as one respects life.


What does it mean to be alive?

A tall hill overlooks a grand skyline.  Within the cover of twilight rests a graveyard where the fallen rest.  This graveyard titled “the resting place of broken dreams” holds the greatest warriors.  To Entheo, it is simply his home, the place he was born and raised.  Death is nothing but an event that allows Entheo to make friends, as these were the only people who talked to him, at least before that one fateful day.  A meeting of fate occurred at the graveyard that night and Entheo’s life was thrust into chaos.

For years humans fought one another, all without realizing they were mere puppets in the petty squabbles of the gods until one day a hero rose to forever change the flow of history.

“Why should living decide who lives and who dies?  Why not those who already passed, those who have fought and bleed clinging to life, those who know what it means to die?”

And thus, the purgatory tournament was born.  In the space between the living and the dead, people fought for the gods directly.  Each team represented a god, with the winner granted a wish by said, god.  Humans became mediums in which ghosts and spirits could channel their power.  Through blood, sweat, and tears, the combatants would grow their spiritual powers battle after battle, until the semifinals where their god of choice would join forces with the strongest of their team.  The final was said to be so great, it shook the very foundation of the living and dead realms.

And thus, all conflict on earth seemed to stabilize.  There was no large scale violence, but instead subterfuge and hacking.  Each time there was a victor in the purgatory tournament, the very foundation of the world seemed to change.  Eventually, humans figured out they could achieve power in the world by affecting these tournaments.

Of course, ordinary citizens were not privy to this world beyond.  Ordinary people still lived their lives, as usual, trying to make the most of their limited time.  Naturally, once Entheo had become strong enough, he entered this tournament.  No one knows who really won the final tournament.  All that is known is the place that held the competition exploded, forever destroyed and no one knows why.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2020, 01:31:50 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Character Sheet Thread
« Reply #38 on: January 19, 2020, 01:15:11 AM »
Names: Serrulata Syn, Sith Lord

Aliases: Serra Drosa

Race: Force-Sensitive Human

Age: 26

Height: 5’9”

Weight: Proportionate to Height + Muscle


Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes (With the Force)

Strength: Amazing (Fantastic)

Agility: Amazing (Fantastic)

Durability: Amazing (Fantastic)

Willpower: Zen

Force Power: Extremely High
The Force is an energy field created by all living things, binding all that lives together into one unified whole. It concentrates strongly in certain creatures more strongly than others, and this ‘sensitivity’ passes on through their bloodlines. These fortunate individuals and their families possess the potential to harness the Force to perform amazing feats and acquire incredible abilities beyond those otherwise found in nature. The defeat of death, the destruction of worlds, these are feats just beyond the grasp of the galaxy’s inhabitants through the power of the Force.

But not all ways of using the Force are equal to one another, in power or in character. Those who cleave to the Light seek a selfless harmony with the Force, to become its ally and be guided as its instrument. They use their powers to defend themselves and others, and to maintain the very life which the Force depends on for its existence. They limit themselves and their ambitions for the sake of the many.

But the Dark Side offers a power that can come only from within. The Force may draw fuel by powerful emotions - fear, anger, hatred and love - to achieve heights of power and advanced techniques that those standing in the Light would require years to achieve if ever they could. It is ever eager to provide its aid in the fulfillment of a wielder’s desires, even when those desires are unwise. Through the fulfillment of personal desires, and the infliction of death and suffering, the Dark Side serves as an endless temptation to every generation of Force Sensitive to ever be trained. It is the only pathway that Serrulata Syn, Sith Lord, has ever known.

Any effects of the Force that Lord Syn uses which affect the minds of others rather than herself or the world around her may work freely on those with average willpower or less, with increasing amounts of concentrated and uninterrupted effort against those of gritty or zen, and under certain circumstances by exploiting the psychological weaknesses of determinators.

Control is the art of bringing one’s own self under control through the Force. All properly trained Force Users are taught how to maintain their body’s functionality and their mind’s focus in the face of adversity, allowing for fantastic feats of concentration and endurance. They could draw upon immense reserves of energy to move faster, strike harder, and leap great distances in a single bound. Lord Syn has enough control over her body to purge it of most poisons and diseases, arrest the effects of the others long enough to seek treatment, and to push on through any injury that isn’t immediately incapacitating through the power of her rage.

One’s presence in the Force is also brought under control with time. Lord Syn may protect herself from being directly affected by many of the abilities of sorcerers and other Force users, deflecting them away or absorbing them to fuel their own abilities. To a lesser extent this also applies to other forms of energy, such as plasma - she could catch and hold a lightsaber blade at bay for a few seconds. Masking her presence in the Force to occlude the sense that she is anything more than an ordinary individual is becoming almost second nature since coming to the Nexus.

Sense is perhaps the most instinctive of the Force’s capabilities. Even those without training can feel the presence of powerful manifestations of the Force, and experience discomfort around the unnatural energies of magic. Many also have a sense for the emotions and desires of those around them, with the most talented picking up on surface thoughts through protracted interaction.

With experience and study a Force Sensitive such as Lord Syn learns to direct these abilities deliberately to achieve preternatural senses of empathy, read the deeper thoughts and memories of others, communicate across great distances and past language barriers, and see without sight. The most immediately useful of these abilities in a fight is a form of precognition. Short-term foresight allows Lord Syn to predict the actions of her foes to avoid ambushes, respond to attacks faster than her own capabilities would normally allow, and overcome the risk of simple ambushes.

Seeing further into the future is something Lord Syn has not been taught in great detail, and her own efforts to piece the technique together are still a work in progress which current leaves it incredibly vague and unreliable.

Alter encompasses the most iconic set of Force Powers: those which directly affect the world around the wielder. Serrulata is capable of moving objects and people with her mind, producing bursts of kinetic force in various directions outward from her body. Such kinetic abilities require noteworthy amounts of concentration and effort to use above a High rank, scaling up as she attempts to constrict or move up to Very High and then Extremely High. She can also generate enormous storms of electrical energy from her fingertips with which to torture and murder her enemies. Against weaker foes, inanimate objects, and projectiles such as blaster bolts and bullets the Force can even be used to temporarily halt them in place with no loss of forward momentum with but a wave of the hand.

It is not merely the physical that is within a Sith’s grasp. She can reach into the minds of those who see and hear her and increase their susceptibility to her statements and suggestions, an old ‘mind trick’ known and feared by many. False sensory inputs are entirely plausible to produce, such as sounds and flickers of imagery that only exist in the mind of the subject. With effort Lord Syn may even occlude the senses of those nearby to exclude her presence entirely, allowing for a form of cloaking. The spiritual is not off limits either - the spirits of the ancient sith are ripe for exploitation, and by shrouding herself in the Force this Sith Lord can take the first step toward this by becoming able to interact with them physically. Greater masters of this art may exorcise spirits outright, or bind them to their will.

Serrulata’s most terrible talent is in the consumption of the Force, and of the life dependent upon it. It is a technique that is almost as old as the Sith themselves - a means of severing connections between life, the Force, and feeding upon the death it causes. It cannot be taught - only gained through instinct, through experiencing its effects, first-hand. In doing so they may sustain their own Force abilities beyond their normal limits, and restore her own vitality to the point of extending her life.

A special technique combining all three techniques is known as Battle Meditation. It is the ability to use the Force to coordinate allies, allowing them to perform at maximum efficiency, acting as a single entity with the ability to counter every enemy move quickly and effectively. At Lord Syn's adequate level of competency it provides benefits for the group in question roughly equivalent to the benefits of being affected by a lesser intimacy. She may also simultaneously sap the will of her foes, inflicting a similar amount of discord and disrupting their morale.

Sorcery is the ancient birthright of the Sith, the product of a culture immersed for thousands of years in the Dark Side. Performed through the medium of spells and rituals, it is a pathway to abilities many would consider to be… unnatural. They require more time, concentration, and sometimes preparation to perform than other expressions of the Force, but are all the greater for this when permitted. The simplest applications are but refinements of the Force’s other destructive abilities, allowing for the caster to crush the spirits and sear the flesh of their foes with bolts of concentrated malice. Lord Syn’s signature spell along these lines is to condense their hatred into a seething black mist from which serpentine tentacles rise up to swarm their victims, sharing the caster’s suffering and rapidly annihilating matter they come in contact with.

More advanced techniques draw the Dark Side across the senses and into the minds of the sorcerer’s victims. Serrulata can cast spells which draw out the greatest fears and insecurities of their foes to haunt them as a series of hallucinations affecting all five senses. Less individually tailored illusions are within their capabilities to create, but can be overcome by pinpointing inconsistencies in their presentation when they are created with haste. Other rituals can tamper with the memories of their victims, allowing Lord Syn to rewrite periods of time in their lives. She uses this to create operatives - or cover up her own indiscretions.

One minor spell which Lord Syn uses frequently enshrouds their face in a perpetual shadow beneath their hood, and endows their voice with a haunting reverb. The combination prevents others from pinpointing their precise identity during interpersonal interactions even if someone were to get cheeky and shine a flashlight in their face.

Finally, the Force may be infused through the sorcerous sub-discipline of Alchemy into objects and locations, or used to twist life to according to the wielder’s design. Places where sith magic is performed with frequency become suffused with the Dark Side, and serve as reservoirs of power allowing for Force users to go beyond their limits of endurance as long as they are willing to surrender to it. Amulets that provided unique skills or amplified the power of the Dark Side for their user are common creations, as are blades and armor resistant to energy and capable of withstanding a higher form of battle than otherwise mundane items. Other examples include scepters that drain vital energies and reproduce them into blasts of destructive power, masks that hold the spirits of the dead so they might possess their wearers, and blasphemous texts which corrupt the spirits of their readers with the Dark Side.

The multitude of monstrosities the Sith have created over the millennia are too varied to describe in detail here. Existing species may be altered in ways that last for generations, given greater base attributes while enhancing their aggression and obedience. The corpses of the dead may be restored to a malicious mockery of motion, temporarily. Terrible poisons the like of which natural science cannot synthesize weaken their victims’ connection to all but the darkest sources of power.

However, the greater the powers invoked, the more terrible the costs involved. A simple bauble is but an afternoon’s desecration of nature. A grand artifact or terrible monster with power capable of changing the tide of a battle exacts a toll in suffering and souls no creature of conscience could abide. Serrulata Syn is not an expert at the art of Sith Alchemy at this time, recognizing that achieving more than acceptable results in small test groups, or crafting generic objects of power, is the limit of her expertise at this time. She seeks to change this by drawing upon whatever resources and subjects they may get her hands on.

Other Abilities
Bioenhanced: Serrulata has undergone extensive genetic modification through a combination of advanced technology and Sith Alchemy. These modifications, when combined with a series of cybernetic implants buried into their deep tissue, provide them with increased strength, agility, and durability compared to an ordinary human being. These alterations cause Lord Syn a consistent amount of low level pain under stress which fuels their strength in the Dark Side, while also increasing their resistance to that same power’s long-term withering effects. It is estimated that Serrulata will be less affected by aging than other Force Sensitive humans.

Combat Skills: Basic skills with firearms and blasters, ground vehicle and starship operation, these were expected of every Sith so that their inferiors could hold nothing over them on the battlefield. Despite how useful these are they are secondary to Lord Syn’s skills with a lightsaber. There is no particular area of lightsaber combat where Lord Syn is deficient, but neither are there areas of particular excellence. She is capable of handling multiple opponents at a time in a defensive battle, deflecting blaster and bullet fire in active combat, and maneuvering enemies into the optimal position to destroy them with the Force.

Political Acumen: The Sith are the ruling class of a galactic empire, and endowed with both military and political authority that stands adjacent to and above the normal hierarchy. This did not make any of them immune to knives in the dark customary to any imperial enterprise, and so Lord Syn has become intimately familiar with how to measure and manipulate power throughout their young life. She may enter nearly any power structure and comprehend its intricacies in a very short amount of time. Politicians and military officers are open books for Serrulata to read at their leisure even before the Force comes into the picture.

Resilience: Sith training is an exercise in torture, built on deprivation, cruelty, and trials of fortitude. What Serrulata Syn went through makes the average Sith’s training look like a warm up, and lesser horrors have little impact on their state of mind. Hours spent trapped in nightmare landscapes made of their worst fears and insecurities taught them to see through falsehood, and multiple invasive surgical procedures performed without anesthetic have increased their pain tolerance to inhuman levels. It takes a truly wretched soul to conceive of something that could overcome the pain resistance of Lord Syn... or someone with far too much knowledge of what makes her tick.

Chair of the Columbian House Committee on Armed Services: In the handful of years Serrulata Syn has been active in the Nexus she has created an identity which has achieved a position of prominence within the Republic of the District of Columbia. Through independent wealth, youthful enthusiasm, and Force of personality, they are in the running for youngest congressman to ever be elected to the House, and most certainly the youngest to become a committee chair. Through this position Lord Syn has influence over budgetary issues for the Columbian Armed Forces, and has oversight authority regarding newly developed technologies with military applications.

Citizen’s Arsenal: As a citizen of the District of Columbia, Lord Syn’s cover identity owns a considerable arsenal of slugthrowers such as hunting rifles and pistols, as well as a month’s worth of ammunition for the collection were it to be used in active combat at any given time. She also keeps a functioning military surplus M41 Walker Bulldog light tank at the center of the main courtyard. It serves as an adequate smokescreen for visitors to her well appointed mansion, so that they do not think to look further for the real treasures.

Congressional Custodians: As a congressman, Lord Syn has been assigned a detachment of the Congressional Custodians - a unit of the national guard devoted to the defense of the persons of those actively serving in Congress. They are as well equipped as any professional military group, and in times of trouble escort Lord Syn to and from official business in APCs or transport helicopters as appropriate.

The Diary of Sorzus Syn: A copy of a much older text, this diary is a fragment of the writings of the Dark Lord Sorzus Syn, Serrulata’s ancestor by genetic modification if not by birth. It contains an overview of the ancient Dark Lord’s experiments with the alchemical and sorcerous lore of the Sith Race. Lord Syn is still deciphering this text, but every paragraph is a treasure trove of historical knowledge and Dark Side lore.

Fixers: Lord Syn maintains a small network of covert operatives for use by her true self, not her public identity as Serra. Consisting entirely of non-Columbian Nexus natives and modeled loosely after Imperial Intelligence, her 'Fixers' perform black ops work that cannot be associated with anyone reputable. Their numbers are few, but their dedication is strong and some of them have been 'improved' through dark rituals to overcome other human covert operators.

Syn’s Lightsaber: A small yet durable metal cylinder that Syn carries around hidden in her robes, or elsewhere on her person if in disguise. It produces a crimson blade of energy of great power. A lightsaber blade is a mass-less form that neither radiated heat nor expended energy, other than that emitted as visible light, until it came into contact with something solid. The power of the energy blade is sufficient that it can cut through most things up to Legendary rank, although the speed through which it cut depended on the density of the subject. Only certain energy-resistant or magically enchanted materials can avoid being seared through by the lightsaber’s blade below that rank.

Hunger: The Dark Side is a dangerous weapon to wield. Serrulata is more resilient to its hardships than most creatures, but even they must be cautious not to overuse the most terrible techniques it makes available. Consuming too much power, too fast, is a pathway to overload and self-harm that can take Lord Syn out of the fight at an inopportune moment. More experience and knowledge is required for this Sith to exceed their current limits for long.

Malevolence: The greatest of dark rituals disrupt the balance of the cosmos in ways that are visible to the senses. Without proper precautions such as isolation and warding rituals the disruption can reach the point of causing unnatural weather phenomenon and instilling a chilling cold in the surrounding area. This makes the creation of sorcerous relics and alchemical abominations more complicated.

Greater Phobia: Losing Control

Lesser Cause: The Corruption of Columbia

Lesser Principle: “Through victory, my chains are broken.”

Lesser Tie: The Dark Side (Addiction)
Lesser Tie: My Family (Bitter Hatred)
Lesser Tie: Myself (Vengeful Pride)
Lesser Tie: Columbia (Poisonous Loyalty)

Origin: Serrulata Syn does not have a history worth speaking of. She was nobody, a helpless child taken by a monster to be his heir. For decades the Dark Councilor has labored to transform Serrulata into vessel for the legacy of Syn, filling her with its hunger for power, twisting them into a creature of loathing and rage. He succeeded, only to find his creation slipping free of his grasp to a place far, far away.

Now Lord Syn seeks to build her own base of power in this new world, and had sunk her tendrils into one of the largest military and economic powers around. It is only a matter of time before they twist it into her instrument, as her creator once did to them… assuming it doesn’t get to her first.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2020, 02:16:26 PM by Aiden »


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Re: Character Sheet Thread
« Reply #39 on: February 11, 2020, 02:11:29 AM »
Name: Mael, Samael, Satan, The Accuser, The Seducer, The Destroyer, The Dawn
Race: Artificial Nephelim
Age: Indeterminable
Height: 188 cm
Weight: 115 kg

Spoiler for Hiden:

Strength: Heroic

Agility: Fantastic

Durability: Fantastic

Willpower: (Uri) Zen

Divine/Demonic Power: Very High

Having accepted his demonic memories and his holy nature, Mael now wields both light and darkness in order to protect humanity. He has some rudimentary control over light and dark but has only kept a few of his abilities.

Be Well: A powerful holy healing technique. If he touches someone with as much as a finger, he can heal them from anything short of death. However, he needs to suffer the full pain of the damage they suffered. That aside, it will not work on himself.

Return to Reincarnation: A demonic technique that makes a deceased soul reincarnate in a new life, conserving the memories of their past life.

Arrow of Salvation (False): A remnant of his holy powers. Removing his eyepatch, he releases a beam from a fell eye. This thick blast of heat scours the earth and skies like a comet, burning everything in its path in a moment with Heroic power and speed. As it focuses on what he is looking at, its precision is truly terrifying, making it somethign that is best faced head on rather than evaded. It can also bounce off surfaces without harming them in order to reach its target, and even split into up to seven beams, weakened proportionately according to how many times they're split.

Qliphoth: Using light and darkness, yet unleashing neither, this power is closer to that of YHWH than he'd like to admit. Drawing from the void of creation, he has the innate ability to connect, to strengthen, and to grasp. As weapons are the only thing he sees himself worthy of holding it is through that lens that this ability manifest. HOWEVER, if this mindset were to change so would this power. So long as it can be used and expressed through violence, the object becomes one with him and gains Heroic cutting power and durability. This allows them to strike the phantasmical, light, darkness, and even that which cannot be touched. Against weapons that bear a strong will and individuality, this becomes a clash of wills, or a dialogue. Without that consent, the weapons take a more horrifying appearance as they are filled with the manifestation of evil.

With every swing, the energy inside them reverbrates and slowly corrdes the weapon, until it blackens with rust and shatters into oblivion after 100 or so strikes, becoming part of Mael but incapable of manifesting physically again for now. Powerful weapons will not change from this effect, but will still be connected to him. Finally, through his bond he doesn't just share power, but a deeper link that allows him to make use of what he is holding as optimally as a master could. His forgotten experience wielding weaponry once he lived as the Demon Lord is also a factor in this, as it allows him to draw from that pool as well, at the cost of losing himself in the battle. It also allows feelings, emotions and even memories to be exchanged through clashes, and it isn't impossible for him to communicate that way.

Other Abilities

Demonic Arts: It is strange. Though he did wield swords, weaponry and even his own body in his demonic life, as the leader of the Demon World, that life has long since past. Now that he is liberated, there is a slight tugging at his heart once more. The joy of feeling the grip of a hilt in his hand, the feeling of flesh being cut apart. It was a joy he found too easy to lose himself into in the past. But now, he is different. It’s been too long, his regular movements are too sluggish in compare. While he is good, he will need to work much harder if he wants to reach the level of a master swordsman once more, let alone the ruthless blade he once was. HOWEVER, as described in Qliphoth, he can tap into that well within him, granting him a boost in technique and ability. But this turns all his negative emotions, be it sorrow or pain... into an unquenchable rage. It is easy to lose oneself in the battlefield, all too easy. But surpassing oneself and the battlefield, and to accept it all without ignoring it. That is true strength. And be it closing his eyes to the swirling rage or closing them as one fires arrows of sorrow from above, he will never achieve his full potential so long as he remains blind.

Fell Aura: An aura of abhorrent evil stains his beautiful form. Perhaps its because of this contrast that his presence is so striking. Under normal circumstances, this manifests as a sort of lure that grasps the hearts of those who carry evil in their souls. The more one falls into depravity, the more one finds his appearance beautiful, with the truly evil feeling some sort of forbidden pleasure just gazing at him. On the other hand of the spectrum, those with an inherently good heart find his presence truly frightening and disturbing. When the Beast roars, evil is judged, and it is those who once found his presence so comforting that find his retribution the harshest. Once he focuses his presence and intent, those who unrepentantly indulge and fall into villainy feel fear and anguish as he stares down into your soul. Sinners who hurt and abuse their fellow man or truly evil beings with Zen or less will feel a pressure grip their heart. This pressure calls for them to flee or suffer the consequences, causing them pain and discomfort in his presence. At Gritty levels this disadvantage is more pronounced and akin to a Lesser Phobia. Evil with Average or less willpower would simply have their life snuffed out unless they leave as fast as they can, as they wouldn't even be able to breathe in his presence and eventually foam up and pass out.

Satan, Fell Angel of Death: Originally a demon at birth, Mael was forced to take in the powers of an angel and mutated. Now, he is a bit of both, and yet also neither. All that remains in his form, the true form of his original body untainted by external vessels, is the sliver of strength and power that remained in his spirit. Still, even with his powers weakened to this extent, he retains the properties of his former selves. His body does not age, is not affected by sickness or poison, and recovers at a fairly accelerated rate. Wounds that would take months to recover, deep cuts, even broken bones will heal off after a good night's rest, if not a meal (he has a certain distaste for the latter though). He is covered by a jet black metal that bears no earthy shine, an armor that is in fact none other than demonic scale taken form. His visage on the other hand is pristine and pure, the very image of a holy knight taken form.

Wounds that should be fatal will not slay this body, as the only way to kill a demon is to destroy his seven hearts. However, in his fight against Aruna, Justice, Piece, Nanako, and Lucy, he lost six of them. They cannot be healed conventionally, as they are relics equivalent to greater miracles. Even a true master among masters of healing would be incapable of performing such an act, it is simply too difficult. But that aside, he has no will for such a thing. One heart is more than enough. Finally, with his true eyes, he can now see souls and pierce within their veneer. All evils others have committed are laid bare before the Accuser, giving him the ability to read the negative feelings, emotions and actions of those he's looking within. This makes lying to him ill advised.

Soul Eating: A forbidden taboo technique used by demons. Now, most people associate it with the fact demons became a ravenous species, which devours the souls of humans. But it was not always so... in fact, had the angels not betrayed the truce, such techniques would have never seen the light of day again. Now, Mael uses it, but with a different purpose. Unlike his former kin, he does not even look at the soul of man. His only prey, his only sustenance... are naught but the souls of angels and demons. Upon slaying a heavenly or demonic being, no matter their power or will, he destroys them with the sliver of his former authority as the Archangel of Death and devours their essence. Their soul! With them, he can heal himself, and even gain more power. This would potentially transform him, make his body more imposing, mutate his light and dark abilities... and if he eats an especially potent soul be it angelic or demonic, he would become an existence closer to those at the peak of this city. But he can never reach the throne of God that way.


Nothing for now.

Weaknesses: No weaknesses.


Greater Cause:
Destroy YHWH, the Demiurge of Dominance
Lesser Cause: Create a peaceful world for humans.

Greater Principle: “There is no need for angels, demons... not even gods. So let us end it. I will shatter the eternal cycle of balance, no matter what!"
Lesser Principle: “A family... no, such happiness would be a forbidden taboo for me. But still... why does my heart ache so?"

Greater Tie: God's System of Control (Hate)
Lesser Tie: Humanity (Admiration)

Origin:  This is a story from a long, long time ago. In an age where heaven and hell, good and evil, were in a state of incessant war. A world of bloodshed engineered by YHWH.

In his youth, Samael was rejected by his Demonic kin because he was a pacifist incapable of harming even an insect. During this time, Mael greatly admired his older brothers, aspiring to be like them. More than anything, he wished to go beyond the trappings of hell. It was a simpler time. A time where he simply wished to be the pride of his people. And so the weakling cut down his own weakness and heart. Growing stronger and training, he eventually cut down so many angels, he could not even count them all. And so, it was decided by his people that the one they once mocked as a coward… the one who now even the 7 archangels feared as “The Most Fearsome Calamity of Hell”... would be the one to lead the legions of the underworld. Hence he fought, as it was expected of him, and led his people against the strongest Archangel at the time, Lucifer.

So they may reclaim the paradise they lost once more, he fought and lost those precious to him until his tears dried out forevermore.

And yet, he found comfort in the arms of a woman named Lilith, and eventually fell in love with her. Despite the unforgivable taboo, she was the only one who could see past his hardened heart. For the first time in millenia, the demon’s blade did not care about victory or bloodshed. Despite the wishes of his people, despite risking the wrath of all heavens and God himself, he would protect that woman. And for the first time, he did not care about soaring the heavens. As long as he could hold her, he felt he reached something that was much more important than something beyond mere clouds.

Time passed. Wars were waged. But ultimately, slowly, angel and demon both were slowly growing weary of the killing. Thanks to Lucifer, Samael and Lilith’s efforts, it almost looked like peace and coexistence between angels and demons was finally becoming possible. Around that time period, he even bore a son. His name was Asmodeus.

And yet, this tale is one that is fated to end in tragedy.

YHWH would not stand for this false peace. As long as angels and demons fought, as long as blood was shed, humanity would pray. As Lucifer had defected the ranks of the Archangels, he knew that the balance between heaven and hell was undone. Without the strongest Archangel on their side, they would be eventually crushed. His power would be undone. It was thanks to his Holy Son that he employed a forbidden holy technique. A forbidden power that could rewrite the memory… the very existence of an individual. He used a divine power beyond understanding to completely bind the strongest Demon, sacrificing his own son in order to maintain the balance. Using this new weapon, he tightened his control on every angel of heaven, and the very notion of heaven and hell became indistinguishable as every world became cloaked in bloodshed.

Samael would become Asmael, an archangel so terrible, so ruthless, he would cut down even his own kin and friends, any dissenting angel who desired for peace, even his own wife and child. And so the eternal cycle spins forevermore. In the end, he was just a victim of the Holy War. A sacrificial lamb to balance. Be it as an angel or demon, he was never anything more than a weapon, a tool who forsook his agency for the sake of others.

This is just an old story. Now that he remembers it… his original sin… there is but one truth. He will tear down YHWH’s throne asunder if he has to. But no one will suffer to see the blood of their own wife and child on their hands. Never again. This time, he draws his blade following his own will.

Spoiler for Hiden:
During his existence as the Archangel of Death, Mael slew many, many of his former kin. And yet, he was always aware deep down. Always awake, and forced to watch in a never-ending nightmare, trapped in his own body. He remembers their names, their hopes, their dreams... everything. Now that the grace he once had is not poisoning his soul, mind, and body any further, it is like waking up from a long, lucid nightmare. Indeed, not a single drop of blood left his mind. However, a certain Archangel slipped into his breaking mind and took something precious from him.

The shard of Metatron, system administrator controlling the angels for the sake of YHWH, called this lynchpin a key. A forbidden taboo that would awaken a calamity once more and break every inch of control that still remained. If she used it, she could certainly take full control of that man. Or so they might have both thought.

It was something so simple, it was almost laughable. And yet, ironically, the only one who would be able to decipher it would be the one who had it robbed from him in the first place. The key to his very core.

It is the face of his wife and child. That is the memory that was ripped from him. He remembers everything, every single atrocity, even the feathers cutting them both down as she tried to shield his son... but not their face. The heavens would not even allow him this much.

And so he shall curse.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2020, 05:05:46 PM by Kotomine_Rin »

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Re: Character Sheet Thread
« Reply #40 on: February 13, 2020, 04:16:21 AM »
Name: Balius

Race: Vampire

Age: Several centuries awake

Height: 7’3

Weight: Average


Physical Attributes

Strength: Heroic

Agility: Incredible

Durability: Heroic

Willpower: Zen

Magic - Extremely High: A graduate of the Scholomance and intern to someone who, in some circles, was considered something akin to the devil, Balius has tried his hand at a variety of magical arts. His vampiric nature has only enhanced some of these powers. Sorceries that could take hours or days to perform can be compressed into seconds and minutes.

Weather: The more traditional studies of the school included the capacity to manipulate meteorological phenomena. He is usually capable of predicting the weather weeks in advance with perfect accuracy. Balius can also direct natural phenomena. For example, he could guide a strike of lightning to smite a certain target or area by marking them with his blood. He could also part the clouds in an area or reduce the intensity of the local temperature.

More intense powers can create these phenomena himself. He can spill his blood to make impossibly thick mists, tainted so heavily with the scent of ichor that it would make humans nauseous. Similarly he can conjure destructive storms that weep red and cast down destructive fire from the skies. While the smaller chunks of burning sulfur would only be dangerous to humans outside of shelter, large chunks of near explosive brimstone would blast plow through a building with Fantastic force before exploding with similar power. In more subtle capacities, he usually takes the effort to conjure a dark bed of clouds to block out the sun in the local area during the day.

Familiars: For a lord, having knowledge of his holdings is of the utmost importance. Balius may bind beasts to him by feeding them his blood. Once done he exerts considerable influence over the animals. Overriding the survival instincts of an animal is not easy initially, but anything that does not pose an absolute risk of death is within his capacity to give orders. He can make use of all their senses simultaneously, and with enough coverage it would be simple for him to observe an entire district day and night. Furthermore, his power exerts its control over their very flesh at night. Mundane creatures gain a boost in rank to their overall physicality as they grow close in nature to vampiric entities. They can drink blood and eat flesh to rejuvenate their wounds, and with this degree of mastery he can even make them take clearly suicidal actions. However, they revert with the rise of the sun.

Alchemy: Not the childish pursuit of turning lead to gold, Balius’ alchemy lends itself to the creation of treasures for his citadels. With his blood as the vector he can bind together brick walls with the mystic force to resist a Heroic assault for a bit more than a minute. With more time and materials, he can create mystic artifacts and buildings. A particular favorite of his creates a system which allows an entire fortress to teleport across a district. He can build crystalline objects that allow him to peer at a target through any reflective surface, even a raindrop, and he could also use it to directly project his visage and vision across miles. Using it as a medium also boosts his effective magic rating by one rank when contesting magic that inhibits such abilities. Other tools in this vein could allow him to launch magical attacks at his rank immediately, drawing hellish power from twisted gates in the recesses of a castle to unleash hellfire. Balius can create and launch burning meteors, unleash waves and blasts of fire, or unleash beams of raging demonic energy. Another could let him summon forth demons with Incredible stats who can launch similarly powered magical attacks. They enhance, channel, and provide new power for the master of their territory. Although it would make them more vulnerable, he can expand his territory by creating these artifacts outside of a fortified castle. Artifacts can be gifted but those stolen often explode spectacularly as the life essence imbued into them turns volatile.

Other Abilities:

Undead Constitution: While blood still pumps through his body and his flesh is still warm, Balius cannot be mistaken for an ordinary human in combat. His body refuses to yield a single drop of blood. When cut it will retreat deeper into his body. Furthermore, wounds that would be fatal for living beings are shrugged off by him. Sliced and smashed organs are less meaningful than sheer overall body trauma. Without a destroyed head, demolished bones, or pierced heart he will move on at his foes without concern.

Unnatural Weapons: While his brutal strength can deal with most foes, vampires usually tear each other apart. Balius’ nails elongate and fill with blood during combat, as sharp and hard as any sword. He can clash with the weapons of his peers head on and rip into Heroic flesh with ease.

Vampiric Prowess: There are a variety of basic traits attributed to his kind that Balius excels at. Even in the drinking of blood there is skill. While others might tear at a meal like a starving beast, he can savor and suss out the nuances behind the life he drinks. With a deep drink of blood Balius may read memories and even temporarily attain the skills from the source. He also attains an unnatural sense for where they are, allowing him to track them across the city if they still live.

Hypnosis: In terms of mental manipulation Balius is rather inadequate. He sees little need in forcing loyalty rather than inspiring it. Or simply creating beings that could not disobey you in the first place. With focus he could hypnotize a handful of Average individuals at once to do simple tasks. Alternatively, he could make a single person carry out fairly subtle and complex jobs without conscious knowledge. However, as with the animals, he cannot make them take obviously self destructive aims.

Regeneration: Drawing upon the thrumming life energy within his veins allows Balius to heal his body at an accelerated rate. Shallow wounds closed almost immediately, but more grievous bodily harm such as missing most of the contents within his ribs can take several minutes. Even a lost limb would not take so long, although he would prefer to reattach the limb or at least drain the blood from it first.

Vampirism: Finally, there is the capacity to create ghouls and other vampires. In terms of the effects a ghoul is not different from his normal familiars. He feeds them his blood and in return they become his agents. During the day they are the same but at night they are empowered into pseudo-vampiric entities. He can even make use of their senses as he does the beasts. However, he has far less influence on their mind. The process still instills a Lesser Tie of Loyalty towards him, but it is not an insurmountable trial.

This case is similar for vampires as well; however, in exchange for a vulnerability to the sun they consistently maintain their powerful supernatural physicality. Furthermore, they gain all the basic traits that Balius displays at varying capacities depending on their capabilities. This does necessitate draining the subject dry and then pumping them full with his own blood, so even for him it is fairly exhausting. However, Balius can also transform his familiars into fully fledged vampiric animals. This greatly enhances their intelligence along with their previous benefits, and it gives them a Greater Tie of Loyalty.


The Mansion: His lovely home. It is large enough that even a small group could get lost within its bounds and not meet each other. Most of its offensive artifacts have been lost to time, destroyed, or gifted over the years. He still has his Crystal Mirror for scrying, but it is mostly bereft of such treasures. Balius also maintains a stable of Familiars and large reserves of blood.

Currently located in Columbia.


The Sun: As with most vampires, the rays of the Nexus’ star are still destructive. It could easily inflict massive damage to him if his defenses were to be circumvented.


Greater Tie: Humanity (“Please, do not hate them.”)
Lesser Tie: The Mansion (Our Home)
Lesser Cause: “Those of us that choose parasitism will be exterminated.”
Lesser Principle: “Power without restraint must be chained.”

Origin: There was a great deal of time before the beginning. Many things began there. A young man dabbled in powers he should have known better to touch. He attained some meager power, and he became drunk on his minor ambitions. Many things started here, but it was not the beginning.

The beginning was when a man and woman fought. Later, after many foolish things, the man and woman fell in love. They lived together for a time. There was laughter, and tears, and grumbling all those days. Yes, they had a good life together.

There was a strange relief when Belius arrived from the Nexus, unmoored from his past. The house remained, but he was no longer surrounded by the years of their legacy. New beginnings, so they say.

« Last Edit: March 08, 2020, 03:34:02 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Character Sheet Thread
« Reply #41 on: February 28, 2020, 03:22:27 AM »
Name: William Hightower, the Fist of Darkness

Race:Time Shard

Height: 184 cm

Weight: A shadow of his former self

Age: 32



Strength: Fantastic (Heroic with darkness shroud)

Agility : Fantastic (Legendary with speed magic)

Durability: Fantastic (Heroic with darkness shroud)

Willpower: Shounen Determinator

Magical Ability: Extremely High
William possess incredibly vast magical reserves and he is one of the greatest mages of his time. However, his body has been ravaged by the time outside time, a world that lies beyond the greatest chasm. Even so, at his full output his magical reserves is like a vast ocean drowning you in its seemingly endless depths. His time as a Wizard Saint long ago granted him an incredible amount of knowledge of various kinds of magic from mana transfer processes to imbuing inanimate objects with various properties such as scrying orbs and crystals that store both energy or even souls after a lengthy extraction ritual has been performed. He can also carve mystical runes into an object to enhance its durability up to Legendary depending on the inherent hardness of the object, cloth for example would cap at Incredible. He can also make them be self repairing over time.

Speed Magic:
William’s prized magic field, it increases the local flow of time in the user's body, allowing them to process information and act upon in one tenth of the normal time. That's not all however, it also increases the user's speed relative to outside observers, so it's not actually a magic that makes you faster, but rather make your time flow faster. It's extremely taxing though and he can only maintain this state for a second at a time after which he needs a short break before resuming.

Darkness magic:
His common element of attack, it harnesses the darkness that lies beyond even the void. He can project it into pretty much any form he wants to, such as making barriers and even fire powerful beams made out of it,although the more power he puts into the longer it takes to charge. His range is also dependent on how long he charges with his absolute maximum being beams that extend several hundred meters and building sized spheres of utter darkness.  In a moment William can only manage up to very high potency and short range. He can also envelop his body with a dark shroud to look even more ominous, This ranks up all his stats by one except for Agility and grants him the ability to fly.

Thought Projection:
The power to create a psychic copy of your own body, it’s intangible but it can operate over great distances and shares its experiences with him. Normal Thought Projection copies aren't capable of attacking anyone.

But years of waiting in the shadows, aeons even, have changed things. No longer is he held to the same standards as those pesky mortals, no he has gazed beyond. And what he saw granted him knowledge too great to speak about. His Thought Projection may now take solid form whenever he so wishes and it will share all his powers although at a rank down to magic. Making one generally cuts his own power in half with that power going to the projection. There's no real limit to the operative range of this copy.

Mind reading magic, can be used to communicate telepathically or to defend against telepathic assaults. He needs to be within visual range to use it. Can be used in conjunction with Thought Projection.

Other Abilities

Combat Genius:

As the title Fist of Darkness implies, he's well versed in hand to hand combat. You could say he's a master, there are few that can match him though and even fewer still that surpasses him. Having emerged victorious in tens of thousands battles, his skill has perhaps reached the peak. He created his own style over a decade ago which transforms his darkness into a storm of unmatched destruction.

He’s also mastered the use of his sword finally. After years of it being a mere prop to fool his opponents into thinking he could use and therefore underestimate his fist fighting. The trap has now evolved and is multi layered, just like the darkness within him.


Black Doom:

A majestic broadsword that radiates with a darkness that casts a shadow upon darkness itself.

An old spirit within it finally awoke and that’s how he escaped that wretched place. A single slice was all it took and now this sword can cut even space itself in the place where the blade travels. It functionally deals infinite damage by cutting the fabric of Space-Time itself. Although it takes is a few seconds of charging with all his might as the darklight gathers into the blade. He can’t move while he charges or the volatile energy that gathers may blow up in his face.

Filled Soul Gem

The final piece of his grand plan, it contains the last fragments of his old comrades.


Greater Tie: His Comrades (TRUE NAKAMA)

Greater Cause: To surpass even the Will of the World, his will is his and his alone, none shall stand above him.
Lesser Cause: Fighting worthy individuals

Lesser Principle: “There is no try, you just keep going until you succeed, no matter how long it takes.”


His speed magic can’t be used immediately after it’s already been used and requires several moments of cooldown. If he were to combine it with his shroud, then he’d end up utterly exhausted after completing one move. He’s also incapable of charging up any draining elemental attacks while maintaining the Speed Magic.


Oh I had it all once, a seat of power, influence, the second youngest to ever be inducted. A bright future, that's what they all said, but they didn't know. About the darkness out there. The sit at their meetings and squabble with each other, how blind can one be? They're so simple these fools, The council is full of them, but they'll see, they'll all see.

Coming to this place was just a minor setback, in fact it may actually be to my benefit. Once I complete it, they will all know, how wrong they were...they laughed at me, let's see who'll have the last laugh.

The I was violently torn from the world into a realm beyond time where I slaved to the whims of the world for countless aeons, BUT NO MORE. My time has come once again and I return to a world so familiar yet so different. But he is here….
« Last Edit: October 28, 2020, 02:09:52 AM by Bern »


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Re: Character Sheet Thread
« Reply #42 on: March 28, 2020, 01:31:29 AM »
Name: Noire, Lady Black Heart of Lastation

Race: Console Patron Unit/Elf

Age: 106

Height: 177 cm

Weight: A bit heavier than average(It’s muscle, all muscle, I swear!)


She has a prominent bulge, and her ears are about eight inches long pointy elf-ears. Additionally, she has a faint sheen to her skin that grows more pronounced as she gets agitated.


Strength: Fantastic(Heroic)

Agility: Fantastic

Durability: Fantastic

Willpower: Gritty

Magic: Very High

Noire was always able to summon large conflagrations to strengthen her attacks, an ability that has been greatly enhanced by the natural abilities of her new body. She can easily throw around large blasts of fire at up to high strength and enhance the strikes of her sword up to her magic rank. She can also delay the explosions by creating glyphs that she can detonate at will, and can even set up so they explode on contact.

Noire is capable of strengthening both herself and her allies. After a short cast time, she can raise the strength of a friend by one rank, up to Legendary strength, and can imbue her friends with a higher degree of skill temporarily for three to five cycles.

Basic Druidic Magic
As an elf, Noire can cast various low level druidic spells with weak effects, capping out at medium potency.

Magic Resistance: Medium

Other Abilities:

Incredibly Intelligent
Noire is a genius who only appears once in a generation. She is a master of physics, engineering, robotics, hacking, and computer engineering. She can easily reverse engineer most technologies in the Nexus, as it is beneath her. Furthermore, she is incredibly competent at managing organizations, being able to easily manage the affairs of a large country. Unfortunately, her emotional intelligence is lacking, making her easy to manipulate.

Supreme Sword Skill
Noire is exceptionally proficient with fencing, even able to perfectly utilize fencing techniques with claymores. Her technique is perfect, able to fight with those above her agility rank(heroic) evenly when using a sword and perfectly incorporates her magic into her fighting style.

Tornraid Sword
Noire takes a stance, envelops her blade in powerful magic, and then slashes, sending out an energy beam that cuts at heroic damage.

Volcano Dive
Noire coats her blade in the fires of a volcano, jumps up and slams her sword into her enemies, creating a large, powerful explosion that incenerates everything in a large area, hitting at heroic damage.

Her ultimate technique involves cutting the air at blinding speeds which greatly surpass the speed of her blade. Afterwards, everything within a 3 meter area in front of her is peppered by countless slashes and stabs for several seconds. In order to use this technique, she must first take a stance.

Elven Body
As a result of being placed in her new body, Noire has gained the traits that elves all have. First, she can see perfectly without any light whatsoever up to 60 feet in black and white, and in low-light conditions this is doubled to 120 feet and has the benefit of being in full color. Her senses are also sharper than a human’s, able to detect even the smallest of noises and the subtlest of movements.

Furthermore, she has a new gracefulness to her movements that makes them seem unearthly, drawing the gaze of any who look at her and allowing her to dodge attacks in ways that lesser humanoids simply would find themselves unable to, and her skin simply deflects lesser arms that are not made out of cold-iron. Additionally, elves do not sleep, instead spending about four hours a night meditating in full-awareness to their situations. Anything that would put her to sleep or affects her dreams simply fails, having no effect on her.

Elves also have a strong affinity to magic and nature. She is capable of conversing with wildlife and the plants around her, they are generally receptive to her unless she is acting in a hostile manner to them. She is also capable of sensing magical energy up to 30 feet away, and can cast basic druidic magic as a result of her affinity. Were she to attempt to learn magic, she would have a great affinity for it as a result of the combination of her body and her natural intelligence, able to learn in hours or days what would take lesser beings months or years.

Finally, she has an enhanced sex-drive, as well as a penis in addition to her lady-parts.

Console Patron Unit

More than being an elf, Noire is first and foremost the goddess of Lastation. She gains power from worship, something she unfortunately lacks entirely right now. She is locked to her human form at the moment and is unable to transform, besides exceptional circumstances that would somehow grant her access to the share energy that she needs to gather. Furthermore, she can fly at her agility rank freely.

As a goddess, she is immortal, but not unkillable. She does not age, is eternally youthful, and is granted incredible strength far surpassing that of a human. She gains sustenance from share energy, a special form of energy that is gathered from the worship and love that she receives from her followers. It can be gathered and compressed into share-crystals, which can be used as a substitute for worshipers as well as a convenient power source. Without share energy, she does not die, and suffers no particularly ill-effects, but she is unable to transform into her goddess form.

Strength: Legendary

Agility: Heroic

Durability: Legendary

Willpower: Gritty

Magic: Very High

See Above

Magic Resistance: High

Assets: Literally nothing, especially not friends


Noire is unused to her new body. It is overly sensitive, more flexible, and all around alien to her experience. Until she has time to adjust, it may result in her being off.

No Friends, no shares :(

Anti-share crystals

Cold Iron weapons


Lesser Tie: William(Twisted Love)
Lesser Tie: Eruraviel(bodily affinity)
Lesser Tie: Eruraviel's children(bodily affinity)
Lesser Tie: Elizabeth(Former Employer)

Lesser Cause: Making New Friends
Greater Cause: Make Lastation Great Again
Lesser Cause:Learn the quirks of her new body

Lesser Phobia: Being Honest (Emotional)

Origin: Noire was once the goddess of Lastation, and fell into another world, where she was taken control of and manipulated by William. He brought her along to the Nexus as a soul held in a gem, and was given new life by Eruraviel.

« Last Edit: March 28, 2020, 09:08:38 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Character Sheet Thread
« Reply #43 on: April 01, 2020, 01:07:03 AM »
Name: Orcus
Age: Difficult to determine, at least thousands of years active
Race: Primal
Height: 187 cms
Weight: Heavy. Even for a muscular dude.

Strength: Heroic
Agility: Fantastic
Durability: Heroic
Willpower: Shounen Determinator

Magic: Extremely High
Orcus has access to an impressive amount of aether, the energy responsible for life and magic, through his core. Aether revolves through souls and microcosms of phenomena, cycling between descendant and dark umbral aether, and ascendant and bright luminous aether. Orcus’s magic manipulates this relationship and exploits its breaking points. He operates aether in the manner of an engineer, and through the following spells.

Mageia Erebea: From night came fair ether and crowned day, but below the dark for whom all unstring and betray.
Orcus may pull darkness like a shroud over himself, completely obscuring him from sight and hearing so long as he carefully lingers in the shadows. Rapid movement will throw off this stealth so it’s not easily used in combat. He may also gather and hurl shadows as grim orbs, the size of a skull or as large as a person if he takes a moment. These respective concentrations of darkness fly around at Fantastic or Incredible speed, following targets as he directs them, and detonate into eclipsing explosions that momentarily cloud or disable sight and hearing. These deal no damage otherwise, but the larger ones have greater magnitude and area of effect. At least respectively High or Very High magic resistance is needed to ignore the affliction.

Hamartia: What may the sole heart do but raise shield and envy the spear, when march and whisper low the forests of fear.
Orcus gathers crackling energy, and after a moment, releases it as a burst of blinding light. It concentrates on a particular target within some hundreds of meters of him and anyone within arm’s length, and drives a wedge into their mind. Even Zen characters are vulnerable, but for them the duration concludes by the end of a scene, and they may resist the effect by effectively penalizing their actions by a rank or by possessing immediately conflicting Intimacies. The consequences fade after one or few hours for Gritty characters, and may last much longer for anyone below that. The affected are driven to pursue or defend their Intimacies to disregard of themselves and others, and convolute disturbed justifications for their actions if necessary. Hurting the subject of a positive Tie will break the hold of this spell early, however.

Nous: A universe of forms dreams of life, and life lies in nightmares of axioms married to strife.
The thoughts and wills of sapient creatures occupy a realm with its own fabric, where the invisible forms the texture of perception. Orcus may unlock his awareness to this dimension in order to peek into pliant minds, to enter the dreams of anyone he’s met, and to observe and interact with souls no longer tied to bodies. It is possible to include two or three other people in this, but more is very difficult. If he becomes aware of an immaterial being in the area, he may also make himself capable of sensing them.

Paradise Lost: By the very hands which sought freedom was forever lost, to them no respite sung but a desert of frost.
A chaotic, pulsing aura gathers in Orcus, swelling into a spherical radius around him before bursting. The resulting wave covers everything within a radius of a kilometer, and undermines the aetheric balance. The weather and animals grow moody, inanimate matter loses a rank of Durability in its natural weak points, and living beings surge with vitality from suffering. The more wounds characters take the more vigor wells up in them, imbuing those who approach death with endless stamina and the will to fight. Paradise Lost also disrupts enchantments and blessings by turning their weak points against each other, partially eroding magics of this kind whose source or caster is not of Extremely High or greater power. The field will slowly fade if no significant collateral damage or injury is dealt within, or he abandons the area completely.

Other Abilities

Primal of Trials: Orcus is a being created from supernatural essence, designed to further and embody the concept of tempering life through conflict and deception. Albeit mortal in form and with approximate anatomy, he is immune to mundane ailments, and doesn’t need to eat or drink, or even breathe - though suffocation would still be quite painful. He cannot abandon or lose his Cause to “Test and mislead others”, even through magic or some other power, unless his nature is fundamentally altered by something from which there is no escape. Also, his signature gear is pretty much a part of him so he can switch in and out of it at will.

Regeneration: Orcus’s body restores itself at great speed. Shallow wounds close in instants, and more grievous harm such as shattered bones and deep injury to major organs heals over a few minutes. He can regrow a lost arm or leg in under an hour, but it would only take a few moments if he sticks it back on instead. By concentrating, he can dramatically accelerate this regeneration, undoing major wounds in moments and recovering even from extensive bodily destruction in minutes. This takes effort, so he can’t both do this and use most of his physical puissance at the same time. If killed, what’s left of his physical form dissipates, leaving only his core behind, a pulsing crystal that occupies the center of his torso, from which he will eventually restore himself. This organ alone he cannot significantly repair on his own, but it is nigh-indestructible, requiring a minimum of Legendary physical stress to damage. Unless someone charges it, however, recovering from such a complete defeat might take years.

Wings: Wings made of neither feathers or leather, but locked and unfurling blades. Orcus can extend or hide them swiftly without complications. When they’re out, his movement becomes unbound in every direction, allowing him to float and fly at his Agility rank in speed. The wings’ other function is the calibration and reception of aether. They are required to activate the offensive instances of Mageia Erebea, as well as cast Hamatria and Paradise Lost. They had other abilities when his creator’s aetheric network existed, but no longer.

Astral Analytics: Orcus has the ability to rapidly process information and minute details through his senses, and take in large amounts of magically stored knowledge in moments. He holds a great deal of information on obscure magical matters and the nature of the universe, but pieces of this whole have been corrupted and rendered useless by time.

Penetrating Insight:
Orcus has a knack for understanding others. He can tell when something makes people tick, and when they’re hiding emotional and mental wounds behind a mask. His intuition can put together a picture of their feelings from every little reaction that slips through, making him greatly able of deducing Intimacies, even when the person’s temperament is opaque.

Orcus has an ironclad control over his emotions and thoughts. There’s very little that he’ll give away of his feelings that he doesn’t want to share, including involuntary reactions. Even probing his mind is nearly useless. Contradicting threads and tangles prevent superficial reading from distinguishing between what’s true or false, or from discerning his motives. Genuine sentiments are buried deeply in his psyche, which weighs oppressively on deeper probing, and sorting through his memories is like wading through a black swamp. Orcus’s restraint also lets him suppress his supernatural presence indefinitely, preventing the passive senses of others from picking out anything strange about him or various powers from being reliably alerted to his nature.

Orcus was ingrained with a variety of fighting skills upon being given a body, paired with his analytical aptitude, the better to perform his tasks. He has crossed fists with warriors beyond compare, and for a subjective eternity after, he fought and slew the abominable hordes and avatars of the void without rest, refining these abilities to a physically peerless edge. He can fight through pain that would paralyze a mortal knight, decipher ordinary combat styles with a glance, and devise feints for each adversary on the fly. Only an immortal truly specialized in fighting or a transcendent talent could surpass him in sheer combat skill, but he rarely exhibits his full potential.


Chaosbringer: A shapeshifting weapon that was doused repeatedly in the gore of denizens of the chaos between realities, gaining eclectic properties. Its original shape is unclear, but it can transform at will from a black, amorphous mist appearing close to his body into various weapons - spinning circular saws and ripping drills, swords, claws and spears - that Orcus may manipulate as extensions of his limbs or shoot at Heroic speed. These manifestations cannot exceed a certain volume, limiting Chaosbringer at any given moment to under a dozen small attacks like a hail of knives, a few larger ones such as a handful of flying swords, or a single strike large enough to rip through an adult body from start to end, like a massive saw; the smallest inflict Fantastic harm on their own, and the larger Heroic. Chaosbringer phases in and out of existence, and takes an instant to transform, returning to mist before changing to a different shape.

Chaosbringer appears to be made of constantly changing substances, effectively being composed of a chaotic mix of elements that should no longer be extant in reality. Exposure is poisonous to any living creatures, though by itself rarely lethal - merely persistent. Those with powerful healing and immortal bodies find those factors weakening or becoming unreliable until they can purge the effects. This usually takes a scene. The weapon also leaves scars in inorganic matter that seem irradiated by darkness and erratically warp its qualities.

Greater Cause: To test and mislead others
Greater Tie: My Creator (Devotion and Pity)
Greater Principle: “Imperfection is full of interesting things.”
Lesser Principle: “Violence is the heartbeat of the universe, but doubts paint its soul."
Lesser Tie: Uria (Curiosity and Pride)


In a crossroad of worlds, a warrior who lost his humanity sought to undo the past by sacrificing the future. He raised a great tower to usurp the pillars of the cosmos, and sought in the souls of heroes the answer to his plight. To this means was made a judge, an arbiter and a gauntlet in one, and either by arrogance or loneliness he was given the shape of a man.

He was Orcus. But the creator made no shackles for his purpose, and from the depths of that heart he inherited a treasonous impulse. None were excluded from Orcus’s task, and when the warlock made his moves and the true heroes came, the tower fell and its master with it into the inchoate void.

As the cosmic axis crumbled, Orcus was trapped in the primordial scar, but in the madness of his success he knew the story was not over, and his creator’s legacy not easily vanquished. For a nameless span of time with an infinite stream of adversaries, he endured, and now he returns.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2020, 03:56:03 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: Character Sheet Thread
« Reply #44 on: September 07, 2020, 06:26:07 PM »
Name: Marc Cedan
Race: Human
Age: 38
Height: 181 cm
Weight: 78 kg

Strength: Incredible (Fantastic)

Agility: Incredible (Fantastic)

Durability: Incredible (Fantastic)

Willpower : Zen

Magic Resistance:

Other Abilities

Chi Enhancement: The limitations of the human body mean little to a true master of the martial arts. By drawing upon the energies found within the human soul and using them to draw upon the energies found in the environment all boundaries can be broken. Yamada and his disciples use this power to enhance their physical abilities, ward themselves against magical power, and extend their lifespans seemingly indefinitely. The one technique he practiced best was a chi redirection trick, rotating the energy in his fists and legs at high speed, he can massively harden his feet and knuckles - letting his blows hit with maximum power without risking to damage the knuckles.

He can enhance objects just as well, like a colt pistol or a rifle, to turn their shots into much more powerful versions that hit faster and harder (a pistol could shoot straight into an Elephant’s ribcage, a rifle could probably shoot through the elephant and hit the target behind it.) And of course, he can whack you in the face with the thing, which would probably hurt just as much as if he used a sledgehammer.

Street Boxer: While he won a few public competitions back in the day, Cedan mostly stuck to underground fighting during his earlier years, where his strength made all the difference. He is a very skilled fighter with good instincts and awareness, making him a reliable jack of all trades that can adapt to most situations. As a classical Boxer-Puncher, he incorporates the aggressive bobs and weaves of a classic infighter with the range and footwork of an outfighter. This lets him apply pressure from both close and far boxing ranges skillfully.

Flash: If thrown right, his jab can be quick enough to catch a careless foe by surprise, even if he outdoes him in speed. It’s the signature bread and butter of his style - rather than striking with his dominant arm and using the other to pressure others with quick jabs, his jabs are thrown with his dominant arm. This sacrifices some of the knock out power of a finisher like an uppercut, in exchange for a more potent and consistent assault in the form of his jab combos. Of course… he is perfectly fine switching that up in the middle of things.

By pushing off with his back foot to close distance and generate some power, he whips his hand out elbow first, like a back knuckle. The torque generated from his footwork, shoulders, and dominant arm combined is enough to crack like a whip and surpass the speed of his regular jabs. Because of the distance needed to step in and out, it's not a jab that can be thrown consistently and is best when used as an opener, a filler to weave a combo between simpler strikes, or a finisher to force his opponent to make distance - and leave them open for a kick.

Savate: Savate, (Middle French: “old shoe”) French sport of fighting by kicking, practiced from the early 19th century. It occurred mainly among the lower orders of Parisian society. When savate died out, its more skillful elements were combined with those of English bare-knuckle pugilism to produce la boxe française. It’s similar to Muay Thai, which is a full-contact kickboxing style that is practiced in Thailand, and Khmer kickboxing, a related style from neighbouring Cambodia. Savate may owe its origin to those sports, as France historically had a large presence in Southeast Asia (most notably during the existence of French Indochina) and there was a good deal of cultural exchange between the countries in the region. It’s also often compared to “fencing with one’s hands and feet” due to its graceful footwork.

But despite its current focus being a variant of kickboxing, you’d be surprised to know that back in the day, kicking, punching, grappling, wrestling and weapons training were all parts of savate. Since he needed a weapon that would increase his range against competitive fighters, he capitalized on a style that took advantage of the leg’s reach, while filling the blanks that his boxing style left untouched such as close quarters grapples, clinches and fencing kicks.

Gunner: Marc is a shockingly accurate sharpshooter, and will hardly miss even a moving target unless it consciously tries to dodge him. His favorite weapon of choice is the Colt Lightning Rifle, as he is secretely fond of western movies.


Colt Carabine Rifle: The Colt Lightning Carbine or Colt Lightning Rifle was a slide-action (pump-action) rifle manufactured by Colt from 1884 to 1904 and was originally chambered in .44-40 caliber.

Motorbike: The Moto Guzzi Le Mans is a sports motorcycle first manufactured in 1976 by Italian company Moto Guzzi. It was named after the 24-hour motorcycle endurance race at Le Mans in France. The Le Mans designation was first used for an 850 prototype, based on the V7, displayed at Premio Varrone in late 1972.
Like the 750S and the 750 S3, the Le Mans 850 was developed from the 53 hp V7 Sport model of 1971, but power was increased to 71 hp. The power output measured at the back wheel was 71 bhp, giving a top speed of 130 mph. Compared to its roadster sibling, the T3, the Le Mans had higher-compression domed pistons, larger engine valves, and Dell'Orto 36 mm pumper carbs with filterless velocity stacks.

Weaknesses: He's a grounded fighter with strong fundamentals, trying to spread his strikes to make the most out of his range. While he's not completely inexperienced in grappling, his level isn't good enough to escape unscathed from a stronger foe's holds or locks.


Lesser Tie: Yamada (Conflicted attachment)
Lesser Principle: “I couldn’t care less about the money - but I do like what it buys.”
Lesser Principle: “People have their own choices to make. If you dig your grave, you better lie in it.”
Lesser Principle: “It’s not like I’m some hero, and frankly I don’t care what you do in your spare time. Dirty business is fine, but if I catch you abusing the weak, I’ll beat the living hell out of you.”
Lesser Cause: Living a comfortable life full of thrills.
Lesser Phobia: Spiders

Origin: “Hey Sensei… we have to talk.

That’s right. So you’ve heard huh. No point beating around the bush, I’m resigning. I’ve left the belt in my room. I probably won’t be coming back. Just felt it was the right thing to do, telling you in person I mean.

Jeez. You were always a shrewd one. You could probably tell from the way the last sparring matches went. But this just isn’t the place for me. The rules, the customs… it’s all just too binding for me. I’m grateful for all you’ve done, but I think I should go.

Don’t sweat it. I’ve found some work in the outer districts. If everything goes right, I should be able to settle down. I’ll finally be able to live the life I wanted.

I’m not going to call you pops or anything stupid like that, but…


« Last Edit: September 07, 2020, 07:32:31 PM by Kotomine_Rin »