Author Topic: Character Sheet Template  (Read 6859 times)


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Character Sheet Template
« on: April 02, 2018, 11:36:52 PM »
Character Sheets


Physical attributes run on a scale from Human to Godly.

This scale determines how impressive that character is in that characteristic. Each level represents a relatively broad range of power, as described below.

Magic Scale

The Magic attribute is a non-standard stat that identifies how powerful one's magical might and default maximum output (in effect and radius) with magic are. It runs on a scale going from None to Divine, with None meaning no magic. (If your character's rank in Magic Power is None, you may omit it from the sheet.) The scale exists on a different context but is directly comparable to the Physical Attribute scale, from the Amazing-Low ranks up.

These ranks only describes the potency of a character's magic, so its applicability and flexibility must be defined in the extended description along with its workings and basic capabilities.

The Comparative Stat Chart

Physical Striking powerLiftSoakSpeedMagicalPotencyRangeTargets
HumanHumanHeavy BoxesN/AAverage HumanN/A---
ExceptionalProfessional BoxerCovered WagonN/AOlympic RunnerVery LowStrong WindArm's lengthSingle
AmazingGorillaBlack RhinoArrows/Slings, small arms fireCheetahLowArrows/swords, small arms fireA roomHandful
IncredibleBreak through a wallCarMilitary firearmsDiving EagleMediumMilitary FirearmsA small streetScore
FantasticPunch through reinforced/metal wallsTruckAnti material riflesSubsonic JetHighAnti material riflesA buildingDozens
HeroicShockwaves that can tear through a wallTankHE GrenadeSupersonicVery HighHigh explosive weaponsA City BlockHundreds
LegendaryBuilding felling blowsMedium ShipArtilleryHypersonicExtremely HighArtilleryA NeighboorhoodThousands
GodlyCity BlockLarge BoatTactical NukesLightningDivineTactical NukeCitiesTens of thousands

Throw: You can throw anything at least one rank below what you can deadlift.
Soak: You can take direct damage from the same rank without being heavily injured.
Sprint: A sustained run is generally lower than a sprint, down to the rank below.
React: You generally can react - though not necessarily respond - to things the rank above your Agility, and as much as two above when it makes sense.
Godly is a rank that effectively represents arbitrary amounts of power, and is deliberately broad in turn.

Willpower Table

Total Bitch WimpyAverageGrittyZenShounen Determinator
Has almost no resistance whatsoever to manipulations. Even a random passerby telling them what to do would be enough to make them comply with their wishes. All manipulations, supernatural or otherwise, succeed.While they are capable of functioning normally in Nexus society, they're often known as the coffee boy at their workplace, and are generally looked down upon. Bullying somebody of this rank into serving you can be as easy as dangling a carrot in front of their face, or threatening them with a stick. All supernatural mental manipulations automatically succeed on them.A normal human going about their everyday bussiness. They won't be easy to completely walk over and abuse in a conversation, but possess little-to-no resistances to supernatural assaults. Unless one is attempting to force them to attack their loved ones or family, or to go utterly against their morals and ethics, all supernatural manipulations succeed. Stronger assaults can force them to take actions regardless.Most player characters will fall into this catagory, as well as many non player characters of note. Capable of shrugging off more egregious psycic assaults, they remain vulnerable to more extreme, subtle, or specific attacks upon their psyche. Truly exceptional individuals fall into this catagory, those who have trained their minds to extreme degrees and reached the apex of mental ability. Most psychic attacks fail, although truly powerful telepaths can still batter their minds and hinder them in combat.Those who have transcended humanity and broken the apex to reach truly unfathomable heights. They are capable of shrugging off or completely ignoring all psychic assaults through sheer willpower.


Motivation does not exist in a vacuum. An Intimacy is an anchoring point for an individual’s force of will, the causes, principles, or individuals/objects (Ties) for or against whom they can muster up reserves of personal strength beyond their normal limitations. They also represent vulnerabilities which may be exploited in order to manipulate someone toward desired behaviors they would not normally be susceptible to. These Intimacies cannot under normal circumstances cannot reduce someone to a Total Bitch. There are two levels of Intimacies based on their intensity: Lesser and Greater. Positive circumstances do not stack but they can negate the negative ones. The negative ones on the other hand do stack.

Lesser Intimacies are some of the most important things to a person’s life. They can be political, religious, or social causes to which they have devoted the majority of their time and energy towards, relationships which they put before almost anything else, or principles which define their actions in almost all aspects of their lives. People will persevere and suffer for their Lesser Intimacies and thusly will be able to maintain their willpower rank even if something is negatively affecting them, as long as they're working towards that intimacy. When acting in defense of a Lesser Intimacy you may generally outperform other individuals of equivalent physical stat rank and skill to yourself who are not similarly motivated. In the case where there's only a negative influence from an intimacy through perhaps clever exploitation by another person, the person in question will fall a whole rank in will as well as perform worse in comparison to a person of equal strength and skill.

Lesser Tie: My Wife (Devotion)
Lesser Principle: “I must live by the code of Bushido.”
Lesser Cause: Columbian Independence
Lesser Phobia: Zombies

Greater Intimacies go even further beyond this. Even the absolute certainty of death or worse is not normally enough to dissuade someone from seeking to act upon an Intimacy of this level, which is generally found in suicidal fanatics and devoted soulmates. Even in the most dire of psychological circumstances a person can muster the strength to function for the sake of fulfilling a Greater Intimacy, functioning at a whole degree beyond their limit. When acting in defense of a Greater Intimacy you may temporarily fight against opponents superior to you. These effects may include bursts of impossible strength or speed, or drawing upon greater reserves of psychic or magical power than are normally capable of. However, if you're negatively affected by a Greater Intimacies, you'll suffer a whole 2 ranks decrease in willpower as well as a greater penalty to your fighting ability since you're effectively at war with yourself at that point. You'll also fall a whole rank in Strength and Agility as well as Magic Rank.

Greater Tie: My Nemesis (Hatred)
Greater Principle: “All ninjas must perish.”
Greater Cause: The Advancement of Knowledge
Greater Phobia: Social Interaction
« Last Edit: April 21, 2020, 11:28:09 PM by Sinib »


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Re: Character Sheet Template
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2020, 03:13:49 PM »

Race: Human, elf, zombie, germs, we take everyone!




Appearance: Describe what your character looks like, such as hair and eye color and body type. Pictures are welcome too.


Strength: Raw physical might and muscle power, brawn-based athletics.

Agility: A combination of speed, reflexes and dexterity, general gymnastic talent.

Durability: The degree of damage you can soak, your bodily integrity.

Willpower: Your resilience to manipulation both conventional and supernatural.

Magic: Measures a character's magical potency and reach. Can be omitted if your character has none.

Magic Resistance: Measures your character's innate resistance against magic and/or other supernatural effects, assuming they have any. It functions and is quantified similarily to how Durability is, in that it provides defense against Magic of the same rank and also partialy mitigates Magic of one rank higher. Unlike Durability however this is a seperate defensive stat and not tied to your bodily integrity.

Other Abilities: List and describe any other powers or skills your character has that sets them apart from others.

Assets: List and describe what equipment, minions, organizations, or special locations are associated with your character.

Weakness: List anything that an enemy could take advantage of, in combat or otherwise.

Intimacies: The things most important to you, for good or ill.

Origin: Provide the character’s backstory. No need for an essay, but make sure that others can get a general understanding of the character’s identity.

GM Note- Things like Charisma and Personality need to come out in the actual RP, not the character sheet.