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This thread is the approvals thread for districts and locations within districts.

The Starside Hotel

An old hotel turned into a gigantic profitable casino. It's called the tower of babel by some over dramatic enthusiasts, but its name is not quite inaccurate. The hotel is a den of greed, lust and overindulgence where even the lowest born of bastards can rise to fame. Once you open the doors, you can never turn back. The finest of drinks, the most beautiful of women, and enough food to feed the entire city. And the games, from roulette to cards to dice and even more... unusual games for unusual tastes. It is a gambler's paradise, only open at night. All is available and more to those who play. It is a golden den of riches and thrills where trash become stars, and a place where stars flicker away.

Its owners are unknown, no one has ever seen them. Demons, overtly wealthy businessmen, there are hundreds of theories. The one thing they have in common is the fact that they promise everything to those willing to play the game and pay the price. Even the poorest can participate, and one can keep playing over and over to one's heart's content. An eyeball or one's firstborn do make for quite the thrilling gamble, some gambling enthusiasts would admit. But, well, those kind of practices aren't quite advertised. Only whispered.

Umbra of Chaos:
The Stone Forest

Bordering the Primeval Forest and the city itself is a forest made completely out of stone. Instead of wood the trees contain minerals and gemstones of great quality, but even for the more powerful beings of the Nexus it remains a mostly untouched land. This is because while normally peaceful the forest reacts in a deadly manner to those who wish to mine its unique flora.

If one strikes at the trees of the Stone Forest for its wealth earth elementals will soon arise. These hardy beings are clearly supernatural, and while not strong enough to completely ignore bullets they are far hardier than any human could hope to be and can crush most mundane invaders normally. As desecration continues the forest escalates, and while the increase in speed is minimal elementals with far greater strength and durability are soon called. They also begin to gain the ability to manipulate the ground around their opponents.

Enough rampant destruction can call forth a Titan, fierce creatures born of the stone. They are massive creatures the size of small buildings that can cause tremors and tear open vast fissures. When damaged the chips of stone that fall off of them form into lesser elementals. If defeated the forest will be temporarily exhausted and one could loot it to their heart's content, but it would be a major endeavor.


Strength: Incredible - Fantastic
Agility: Human
Constitution: Incredible - Fantastic


Strength: Fantastic
Agility: Human
Constitution: Legendary

The Crystal Arch

Within one of the more accepting temples in the Nexus is a massive arch made of blue crystal that serves as a major support. Nigh indestructible, a heavenly chorus emanates from it. The local priests have related this to the holiness of a person or the amount of faith that they have.

People who visit the arch and pray fervently are said to see angels of sorts. Beings of light and song that emanate from the crystal itself. However, they don’t seem to say much.

The Red

A rumor that dates back to the early days of Nexus city. Back before there was a proper police force or companies to back them up. It is known as a malevolent force that comes to power when chaos and disorder overtake the city. The older citizens of the city remember protests that broke out into outright bloodbaths, men and women who smoldered with a red haze that let them carve through other people with their bare hands.

Thankfully, it is a thing of the past. There are few catastrophes ever equal to the initial birthing pains of the Nexus, and the few conflicts seen have been devoid of Red smoke. Perhaps it was merely the act of an individual from that time long ago. Or perhaps that force is merely slumbering, waiting for the onset of violence that will awaken it once more.

The Village of Beasts

There is a once abandoned village near the outskirts of the Nexus. A failed expansion project from people ages ago. It is said that they were confronted by a great power that was affronted by their intrusion. That they beat their plows into swords and killed a terrible god-beast at the cost of many lives.

The rivers and soil are still tinged with the slightest bit of red. But there is no water more refreshing and no soil more fertile than here. Acts have been made to repopulate the area and families have begun to spring up there. Yet there are oddities still.

Unnatural strength belongs to the children of this place. They are born superior to their mundane parents, sing songs of the wilds that they have never seen, and live by a feral instinct that never fails them. Many have disappeared into the forests, never to return. But there are some that have mastered their primal natures. They teach the children now, instructing them in restraint. The place is bustling and still growing, and it has attracted many of the more primal inhabitants of the Nexus.

A Cave

Strangely out of place, a rather large natural structure exists inside the city itself. A small sort of park has been built around it and explorations are common so long as you have a guide. It is remarkably well lit and for very good reason.

Something ancient lurks within this cave. That, perhaps above all things, is its greatest draw. Its crystal clear waters and stunning natural art is nothing compared to what is said to have taken root here.

In a special chamber of the cave, when the lights are extinguished and a vessel is provided, a creature of secrets takes root. Its trade is forbidden arcana and long lost rituals. The cost varies, but is always more than what the person is willing to give.

If cheated the creature will attack, a swarming mass of limbs, blades, and spikes. However, it is perturbed by light and refuses to go near it. This makes escape simple if you are fast enough, but from then on you are banned from the cave. Further attempts to get in will result in resistance from the staff, and if you actually succeed the creature’s patience will come to an end and it will engulf the entire cave system into darkness before mindlessly butchering everyone within in incoherent rage.

The Creature:

Strength: Incredible
Agility: Incredible
Constitution: Incredible

Abilities: Twisted by ancient magic, the attacks of the creature inflict horrendous damage. When they strike they do not merely purely physical damage but inflict the target with terrible curses. The site of the wound burns, freezes, shrivels, rots, all of these things and more. Then it spreads. However, this curse is only applicable within the cave itself.

The Graveyard

Similar to how some people will donate their bodies to science, others are metal enough to donate their bodies to serve as raw materials for a local sect of necromancers. They take residence in one of the larger graveyards and there they train young initiates to be powerful masters of the forms of the dead. Due to the potential for abuse few are ever taught the spiritual aspect of necromancy.

From there the students are allowed to do as they will. Many join existing groups in the Nexus, but a few have formed an expeditionary group of sorts. Using their undead as their eyes and ears they send out constructs to explore the secrets of the Nexus from the relative safety of their schools and homes. Some find great ruins, uncover wonderful treasures, and other sorts of things.

But for the more violent necromancer there is still a brawling arena where constructs are pitted against each other with the necromancers playing support. The victors are allowed to use the other construct as spare parts or leave them be, and many fierce rivalries are made by subsuming another necromancer’s construct. While many of the top competitors are undeniable experts at using their constructs some lack the real combat experience to effectively maneuver themselves along with their construct.

The Perfect Forge

It’s more of a legend than anything else. Of a vast and wondrous workshop that will provide a smith with all that they will need to forge their last work of art. Their last and their finest. It provides the tools and material, all they must do is work.

The creator is said to pour their very spirit into this process. That the end result leaves them so diminished that they can never engage in the act of making something beyond the most mundane of products again.

But those items that it produces still exist in the Nexus. Weapons that weep blood and strike with tenfold the force as they pull their wielders into a cycle of slaughter and death. Instruments that sing with the souls of their players. Brushes which need no paint and spill forth colors distilled from the artist’s very imagination. These and many wonders more are hallmarks of the forge and the great craftsmen who finished their life’s work. One might be correct in simply deeming it a tale to explain some of the more fantastic items in the city.

Demonic Office

Sometimes people in need just can’t afford to take loans. Instead, they come to the Devil. Well, the Devil Inc. Here demons of all sorts are willing to buy those pesky things you can’t really see or feel and exchange them for material goods. Your true name, your memories, your soul, all those kinds of things are gladly exchanged for money. However, they can also offer changes in the body and lifespan.

The Court of Vermin

There are certain inevitabilities to the Nexus. As the streets grew more dangerous it was only a matter of time before those that lives on those very streets became capable of defending themselves.

In abandoned houses and buildings many of the homeless have found homes for themselves. Led and protected by Whisperers, even some of the supernaturals of the Nexus fear this group now.

Whisperers are people with the ability to command types of creatures, generally small ones. They can look through the eyes of their servants and command them from rather far distances. A single rat is no issue. Hundreds of them begin to become a problem, especially if they are not ordinary rats. Indeed, the alien fauna from many worlds serve the Whisperers as well so long as they are recognized as an animal that falls into their dominion.

They generally make decisions as a group, moving when needed and keeping their people together. Safety necessitates stern protection, and they are sure to retaliate against those who harm their people.

The Crypt

“This is our tomb. You may rest here as well if you like.”

With necromancers, corpse eaters, and other such beings the desire to see the bones of your loved ones undisturbed becomes common. Because of this, a group of shamans contracted a spirit of the land to guard these decaying bodies. A reflection of its new home, the spirit is a construct of heavy earth and countless bones.

However, in recent times something has disturbed the creature, and few can even manage to communicate with it due to its awful rage...

Grave Golem:

Strength: Fantastic
Agility: Amazing
Constitution: Incredible

So long as the golem stands upon its territory it will constantly be rejuvenated and given new form.

Umbra of Chaos:
Curse Purge Plus:

A store chain that’s grown slightly famous for its capacity to break curses both on people and objects, Curse Purge Plus is an odd combination of modern commercial marketing and occult methodology. Ancient purification rituals are combined with buy one get one free deals and other such things. They also provide services in warding buildings from unclean spirits and other entities. Curse Purge Plus also sees work in various registration offices using spells that prevent lying and falsehoods.

The buildings themselves are often twofold. Mostly they appear to be rather normal shops with a white rabbit as their logo, but to those with mystic senses there is a rather austere presentation. In every manner except the physical each store is practically a shrine, consecrated and overflowing with positive energies. These make casting spells for the sorcerers within easier and make it difficult for supernatural beings of a darker bent to threaten them.

Umbra of Chaos:
Time Temple:

It moves across the Nexus taking many forms. Austere churches, dark crypts, everyday office buildings, ancient libraries, it has been all these things and it will be them again. The Temple has been destroyed many times, but those acts were meaningless. Its hallowed halls contain monsters from the distant past and that the future has yet to unveil. However these are the least of the worries that one may have. The worst of its defenders are creatures who share a connection with time itself. They can escape from the worst of situations by tunneling into the future, undo their wounds, trap others in stasis or protecting themselves by locking themselves away.

With the multitudes of iterations that the Temple has its danger and the nature of the beings within it are always varied. However, it always becomes more dangerous the deeper one ventures. That danger can be well worth the price with the grand riches that are within. Greater yet are the treasures within. These trinkets hold fragments of the power which made the Temple, and those who understand them can steal shards of this energy and gain authority over time itself.


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