AziraThe Nexus was a ruthless den of monsters and villains. Supernatural beings roamed alongside mundane citizens, at night entire areas turned into hunting grounds, and violence could erupt for strange and normal reasons alike. Truly, the only thing that mattered in this place was power, power and the tools that would allow you to achieve it. Surely these were mighty things, large amounts of human resources, great relics, ancient conduits of power through which one could channel their power. That would be ideal. But sometimes things just don't turn out quite like they do at home, and one has to make do.
These thoughts and many more went through Azira's head as she gazed upon her newest minions, the fell creatures which would serve as the soldiers in her great army. Certainly they were... lacking in some respects, but it wasn't all bad. That was mostly all she could to try and reason with the situation as a troupe of the goblin-like creatures danced around her.

"Hyaaaah! Mastah, mastah, mastah!" Her eyes literally smoldering with power, Azira tried to not make too much of a scene as she made her way through an alley. It wasn't as if they were completely useless but there had to be other options! What sort of cruel twist of fate would give her these lesser beasts as her first minions? Well, they weren't entirely bad. Her power flowed into them easily, and they were simple enough to be incapable of anything but adoring her.