Author Topic: In Character Game Thread (Depricated)  (Read 244732 times)


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1365 on: July 11, 2018, 04:38:51 AM »

Then she opened her eyes. Once, they could have been as red as the deepest sunset. But now they were a cloudy orange, overwhelmed and blinded by her own greed. "I've waited so long. So hungry, pangs in my stomach with desire. But if I go and go I'll never stop, and then it will end and I'll eat myself." The sound came from her mouth, from the sea, from the sky, from the warbling abyss of a jaw that was the monstrous fish. It was Greed.

"I want eternity. An immortality that can never be abolished. To swallow the fruits of the world forever." Then here eyes shut and she turned back to the waters. "What do you want?"


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1366 on: July 11, 2018, 04:50:34 AM »

Suerte sighed with pleasure as the girl's hands wrapped around her breasts.  She considered herself mostly straight, so it was strange to feel this much pleasure from her touch.  Then again, maybe it was time to reconfirm that.  As she walked away, she couldn't help but notice the way her ass danced as she walked.  As Lily began taking in the girl's tail, it began to dawn on her.

"Hold it honey," she said, and a little assertively at that.  "How much is this going to cost me?"


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1367 on: July 11, 2018, 02:05:12 PM »

"Hm?" Her tail swished around in the smaller girl's mouth. It tasted like pure sex, and only served to make Lily incredibly thirsty for her special services. "So forward~" she giggled with a bit of redness in her cheeks.

"It shouldn't cost you too much. Our prices are quite reasonable, you know? Unless you get one of our more... exotic treatments~"

Vanilla flashed a perfect smile at Suerte as she led them onwards. "Would you like to see the dancers first, or get something to eat? Or go straight to the back~☆"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1368 on: July 11, 2018, 02:30:04 PM »

What Thea found was uninteresting, mostly. Just meticulously maintained shelves free of any dust, a testament to Tsumiko's ability to clean. A few bookshelves with a completely random assortment of books, as if they were gifts or refuse, but then she came to a small storage room with the door left ajar slightly.


She had to look at the titles of the books just to see if any were interesting. It appeared that everyone here spoke a heavily accented form of the language of the Ancients. But she would have time to look at those later. She was more interested in some of the technology strewn about, but that she could poke at later too. The storage room...

She gently nudged the door the rest of the way open with a wave of a finger, and took a peek.


The storage room was filled with piles upon piles of what seemed to be miscellaneous junk. Old toasters, lamps, boxes, anything and everything seemed to be neatly stashed away in there. If Thea looked closely, she might see a few swords and other weapons mixed into the pile, their flawless craftsmanship visable at a glance.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1369 on: July 11, 2018, 04:56:56 PM »

Then she opened her eyes. Once, they could have been as red as the deepest sunset. But now they were a cloudy orange, overwhelmed and blinded by her own greed. "I've waited so long. So hungry, pangs in my stomach with desire. But if I go and go I'll never stop, and then it will end and I'll eat myself." The sound came from her mouth, from the sea, from the sky, from the warbling abyss of a jaw that was the monstrous fish. It was Greed.

"I want eternity. An immortality that can never be abolished. To swallow the fruits of the world forever." Then here eyes shut and she turned back to the waters. "What do you want?"


"Who knows, I'm not really sure myself." He scratched his head and looked away absentmindedly. It must be nice having a big dream like that. Somehow, he felt like he had heard this before though.

He supposed it didn't matter. He couldn't care less about what she or anyone else wanted, it's not like that mattered to him. He was simply put too self centered in his own desires to care. The black stain began to grow as if desiring to overtake this world, yet it was but a drop of ink in the ocean. Because of its nature, it was deemed fated to lose from the moment it emerged. If a man desired something with all his heart and everyone else desired the opposite with all their hearts, surely the former would falter.

But the stain didn't. Instead, it only grew in intensity. For now, the darkness was a speck, but its intensity reflected that of his black eyes and their desire, betraying his words. And then he turned back at her, and his presence was suddenly far more pronounced. If this was a dream, then it was one they both shared, he was no less of a dreamer than her.

"I just want to live without fear."


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1370 on: July 11, 2018, 06:38:12 PM »

"Sure. It's as good a dream as any." Titanic teeth severed the string with ease again as she prepared more bait. To someone who had eaten a sea of desires all of them began to feel the same. "What are you going to do to make that happen?"


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1371 on: July 11, 2018, 07:29:41 PM »

"The tallest building in the Nexus would be that tower over there." The Vampire King pointed in the opposite direction of where Yusho had been looking. Indeed, far away in the horizon a magnifcent feat of modern egineering could be clipsed, eclipising the surrounding structures with ease. It was the ATC Tower as it was commonly called, more precisely it was the main office of the Armacham Technology Corporation.

A marvelous building, 526 meters tall, and it looked like it was mostly made of glass. In truth it consisted of a carbon fibre frame with some sort of see through crystal to imitate the function of glass windows. The exact specifications of the building materials were however classified as they didn't want any potential competitors to steal their designs.

As for the building itself, it was very sturdy, and had even endured supernatural braws without losing structural integrity. Some say it could even withstand a direct impact from a meteor, although most people waved that off as a silly rumor.

It did have a visitor area on the 100th floor with an atounding view of the city, you could see it almost all of it from up there including some of the surrounding areas to the side. It was here she brought him as she informed him about various things.

Valerie gave him the general rundown of what the Armacham tech corp was on their way there, and how they were the main suppliers of military equipment for the Chiefs. Of course, she also explained the Chief system itself.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1372 on: July 11, 2018, 07:42:10 PM »

He raised his arms and shoulders with a carefree smile, though his words were spiteful they held no contempt for her, and were almost brotherly. It was a pretty good question after all.

"People seek many things in life. Status, glory, riches, love, to make love. But people only look up to that petty garbage because of how much others are willing to fight to get them, and keep them. Fear is a poison to wealth, the fear that having to fight for something will result in my defeat is a poison that has plagued me since my earliest memories. In that case, I only need to become the one standing at the top... I need more power!"

Darkness erupted around his body and swirled around his muscled frame, his clothes replaced by an aura of dark flames and his body flexed in a pposition ready to reclaim everything. It was at that moment that his smile turned wicked and the contempt in his eyes turned into an endless abyss.

"If I can get more power, I don't need to fear anything anymore. I can be the king of the world! And you can be my queen. We can simply.... destroy everything. Drag them down and take everything until no one has any strength left to resist us."


"Just kidding. I'm not that bad of a guy." The flames settled down and reverted to normal black clothes, and he just stood there sheepishly, as if he were a meek little lamb all along.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2018, 07:43:52 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1373 on: July 11, 2018, 08:09:58 PM »


The delcious tip of Vanilla's tail only left her mouth for the brief time it took for her to say that, after that it immediately went back in. She was well aware that the remarkable taste it had was due to he Succubi's power, but she didn't care, it just tasted so wonderful.

 The redhead infact begun sucking on now, like a giant beast threatening to devour Vanillla whole if she did not get her needs sated soon, such was the desire being shown through her actions.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1374 on: July 11, 2018, 08:31:49 PM »

"Good. That usually doesn't work anyways. When you crush things to stand high they start biting back, and you're never strong enough to be completely safe. So you'll be watching your back for everyone who would want to stab it. If you don't want to be afraid then..." She thought a bit as the lure bobbed. If she kept this up she might actually wake up soon! That would be unfortunate. Mostly just for this guy though.

"Become alone," she offered. "Destroy everything that isn't you. Consume anything that is different. If you're alone there's nothing to be afraid of. You can make whatever world you want."


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1375 on: July 11, 2018, 09:17:59 PM »

More exotic services? wondered a yearning glint in her eye.  This wasn't her getting swept up in the moment.  She was just exploring is all.  Besides, she could have fun and do her thing.  That was her thing!

"Yes, backroom," she agreed.  That tail must be really good to make Lily beat her to the punch like that.  "Tell me more about these exotic treatments..." 


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1376 on: July 11, 2018, 09:47:44 PM »

"That was... The worst advice I ever heard. And that's saying a lot buddy." He patted the amber kid with a gentleman's smile.

All of a sudden, the view below the girls feet grew smaller, and the ground far more airy. That was because inbetween his love taps he had grabbed her head and sailed her up with his monstrous strength.

"I don't care about your poor eating habits..." He suddenly grit his teeth into a fierce rictus and tossed her aboard with all his might. "But lone wrecks don't get to covet."

He knew all too well the difference between the two. He also knew lowering others would not fulfill his wish. He would raise himself up like a star and fulfill his dream, to hell with these half baked cryptic suggestions.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1377 on: July 12, 2018, 12:38:40 AM »

They rose, and the sea swelled, and the sky stretched farther away. "If you interrupt the feeding of the fish I will eat you right now." Her nails and hair were coated in a brighter amber sheen while her flesh began to chafe like... scales. All the while the sky seemed ever distant and the oceans bulging and swaying below them as waves rose and fell. Yet the raft remained untouched.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1378 on: July 12, 2018, 12:51:48 AM »

"Backroom it is!" She exclaimed. The red haired girl was voraciously sucking on her tail with a vigor that surprised even her. The girl wrapped her arm around Suerte's shoulders and pulled her close, as if they were close friends. "I'm glad you asked about our specialties~ Normally, we simply offer a dream service where we provide you a dream fulfilling your wildest and most naughty fetishes, but for those who have real money, we have ways to make most of those fantasies into a reality, you see."

"For instance," She began matter of factly. "You can have sex with one of us. I'm sure you noticed our more exotic women; we can make that happen as well. If two lovers want to have a whacky night and literally swap roles, then that's on the table as well~"

She leaned in close to Suerte's ear and nibbled gently on it. "Are you interested in trying one of them?"

They had quickly arrived at the back room, when the doors opened automatically, revealing a truly luxurious assortment. There was a large bed in the center of the room, a fully stocked minibar, and an assortment of appetizers that made your mouth water just from looking at them. Vanilla led them inside, with the doors shutting behind them. She finally let go of Suerte and pulled her tail out of Lily's mouth before quickly twirling around.

"My name is Vanilla, and I'll be your hostess tonight. What sort of treatment would you like tonight, my friends?" She looked expectantly at Lily, waiting for her to make her big request.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1379 on: July 12, 2018, 12:54:58 AM »

So much for a friendly meet and greet. Not that he wasn't weary of the charade himself. "Like I said, I would be very unpleasant to chew. You can eat all the city for all I care, go on and get your belly filled till you pop like a grape or something. I'm here to throw my hat in your little endeavour, no more no less. Really."

Just as she rose up he began to rise as well with his dark wings, while his remaining footprint grew into a shadow that swallowed the raft.

"So how about it? You just keep feeding and I'll take care of the trash before spoon feeding it to you. You can feed all the fish in the ocean. All I want in return is an opportunity to grow."