Author Topic: In Character Game Thread (Depricated)  (Read 246956 times)


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1680 on: July 28, 2018, 08:00:49 PM »

Tsumiko liked more direct approaches than Thea seemed to, she was discovering. As Thea jumped down to chaisate the villianous thugs, Tsumiko yelled back at her. "I know that!" Instantly projecting dozens of swords, the girl shot them as fast as she could, raining down rightous justice upon the wicked.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Umbra of Chaos

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1681 on: July 28, 2018, 10:07:26 PM »

Her eyes lingered on the flexing limb a bit. She didn't look too long! Just a small innocuous glance really. Honest! "So do you just work out or do you fight a lot? Like, serious fights. The kind where people end up splattered all over the place and not just hurting."


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1682 on: July 28, 2018, 11:24:49 PM »

Her eyes lingered on the flexing limb a bit. She didn't look too long! Just a small innocuous glance really. Honest! "So do you just work out or do you fight a lot? Like, serious fights. The kind where people end up splattered all over the place and not just hurting."

Auspicious Breeze

"Well, um, all of the above I guess." Breeze reached back to rub her neck and frowned in consideration. "I'll get serious if I have to and it doesn't look pretty then. But I also know how to make a fight look good, too!"


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1683 on: July 29, 2018, 01:10:48 AM »

It was with a happy spring to her step that newly made royal court mage made her way to the majesty's private chambers. On her way in, her five fluffy tails of the same colour as her hair brushed by the guards and tickled them, causing them to collapse from laughter.

She bowed deeply to her regent, it was only proper to show respect to her after all, shame on those who claimed she wasn't well mannered. "I have arrived your majesty, in what way do you have need of me if I may be so bold to ask?"


Ivanna crossed her legs as she laid on her bed. Her face looked grave, in direct contrast to Yukari's mannerisms. "Was that really nessecary, Yukari? This is rather important. I recieved a rather interesting phone call. An unnamed person wishes to bait us into conquering the district owned by Yodth. Have you heard of him?"
« Last Edit: July 29, 2018, 03:25:14 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1684 on: July 29, 2018, 04:02:53 AM »

Her fluffy twitched at the complaint, the devious nature she possesed could only be supressed not extinguished. She cracked an apologetic smile that wasn't truthful in the least. "I am not sorry, they looked like they were in need to relax, much like you, my majesty." Yukari moved closer until she was next to the bed, good this was the perfect angle to strike from. The fluffy tails shot out, targeting the exposed feet and stomach of the empress on the bed, giving her the same tickling treatment as her guards before her.

"Hmm hmm... that creepy old man? He's a real hermit, or so they say."


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1685 on: July 29, 2018, 04:55:10 AM »

The girl in the dress pointed her finger at the blade targeting her, firing a rocket that exploded on impact.  The other men had no such ability and were skewered by the hail of blades.

Jackie, the girl in the suit, stared at the haughty looking girl with a dismissive glare.  Of course, her mind was racing with new information, but her surface thoughts remained focused on a plan of action.  The first thing to do would be to kill these two girls, then take the money from the man.  While it might be a good idea to size them up, if they are powerful, it would be best to go straight for the kill.

The two girl's exchanged eye contact before springing into action.  Jill, the girl in the dress, let herself fall behind the dumpster, flipping onto her feet as gravity pulled her body down.  Meanwhile, the girl took a battle stance, sitting down on her legs and raising her fists to protect her head like a boxer.  "Only time will tell," Jackie said to Thea.

With a smile on her face and a fire in her step, Jackie blasted forward, attempting to close the distance between the two.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2018, 04:41:48 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1686 on: July 29, 2018, 05:46:48 AM »

She trusted in Tsumiko to handle herself with the other one now that the reinforcements were taken care of. What she didn't do was trust the girl to take her own captive alive given her admirable devotion to exterminating evil in a decisive manner! She would have to commend her for that after she finished interrogating this one.

Thea reached out to her charging opponent with a grasping motion, wrapping a band of psychic force around her neck and pulling to yank her aside rather than allowing her to complete the charge!


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1687 on: July 29, 2018, 06:59:27 AM »

The raven haired magus tackled him, pushing him into his work desk as she leaned close to him.

He was aware of her supple thighs pressing into his and the voluptuous softness of her breasts pressing against the heavy muscles of his chest.  She was heavier than Tohsaka, but then again, she had the Japanese magus by several centimeters.  He looked into aquamarine eyes that were alien to him, similar but completely different.

"I've had mages want to dissect me," the white haired man said with a shrug as he tried to ignore her sweet clean scent and the way she had pushed him onto the table.  "And I'm not smart enough to run away from my problems.  I kind of rush them head on," he said before gripping her forearms and rolling, pushing her under as he moved up, placing her on his work bench.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1688 on: July 29, 2018, 03:20:55 PM »

"Of course i do, umu!"

Deciding to ignore the underling's callous tone for now- she knew well a mages ego tended to be large, and those legs demanded forgiveness for the gravest of crimes anyways- the bubbly blonde bombshell decided to instead follow the pace of the eloquent enigmatic elven enchantress for now.

"Golems of flesh, you say? That is something i had not thought of... Are they... anatomically correct? .... for the war effort."


"Fufufu~ but of course, my little empress. I can make them as sexy as you want..."

She tickled the girl's stomach. "Or as monstrous and intimidating. Which would you like to see first~"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1689 on: July 29, 2018, 03:32:21 PM »

"Of course i do, umu!"

Deciding to ignore the underling's callous tone for now- she knew well a mages ego tended to be large, and those legs demanded forgiveness for the gravest of crimes anyways- the bubbly blonde bombshell decided to instead follow the pace of the eloquent enigmatic elven enchantress for now.

"Golems of flesh, you say? That is something i had not thought of... Are they... anatomically correct? .... for the war effort."


"Fufufu~ but of course, my little empress. I can make them as sexy as you want..."

She tickled the girl's stomach. "Or as monstrous and intimidating. Which would you like to see first~"


"Kakaka, you read me like an open book, always a bit sneaky, those mages~"

The empress took the elf's hand and lead it further down on her abdomen.

"As this goes, the two go hand in hand, do they not? I trust you to make them such that a maiden's heart shall erupt upon merely setting her eyes on them~"


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1690 on: July 29, 2018, 07:12:38 PM »

"Oh so I'm a problem now, are you just gonna run through me too?"  Her aquamarine eyes glinted dangerously, his grip was strong, almost painful even but she didn't show him any discomfort. "Is pinning defenseless girls down your hobby? What a creep you are, I really should teach you a lesson.

Ever since he'd turned the tables on her and pinned her she'd begun subtly reinforcing her body to utmost limit, far beyond the limits of an ordinary human. As she tried flipping him back to assert the natural order of things one of her knees slipped and slammed into his crotch.


"Sorry... I slipped."


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1691 on: July 29, 2018, 08:55:21 PM »

Her fluffy twitched at the complaint, the devious nature she possesed could only be supressed not extinguished. She cracked an apologetic smile that wasn't truthful in the least. "I am not sorry, they looked like they were in need to relax, much like you, my majesty." Yukari moved closer until she was next to the bed, good this was the perfect angle to strike from. The fluffy tails shot out, targeting the exposed feet and stomach of the empress on the bed, giving her the same tickling treatment as her guards before her.

"Hmm hmm... that creepy old man? He's a real hermit, or so they say."


Ivanna's legs expertly dodged, her legs retreating into the safety of her fetal position. "Yes, he is. Have you finished going over the information I sent over to you? It's quite perplexing, to say the least. It seems as if they have everything electronic stored in any sort of recepticle."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Cherry Lover

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1692 on: July 30, 2018, 12:10:12 AM »
Sakura and Shirou

Sakura nodded in understanding. Seeing that the girl was obviously uninterested in the political workings of the city, she skipped the rest of her lecture, and instead moved to informing the girl of the things that would be important to her.

"OK, well, the most important thing for you to know right now, I think, is the registration system. Since people simply appear in the Nexus from their own worlds, it doesn't have any kind of official citizenship system or other residency restrictions. However, the chiefs do like to know who is present, so there is a registration system. It's not, strictly-speaking, mandatory to register but, if you don't, then it means there is no record of you being here, which means that employers, people renting houses and so on can't check up on you, so many of them simply won't take the risk. And, it also means that you can't get any help from the government since, as far as they're concerned, you don't exist. There's really no disadvantage to doing it, either, so you should register as soon as possible", she said.

"Yes, she's right", Shirou added. "If you want, we can show you where to go."


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1693 on: July 30, 2018, 12:42:23 AM »

The squirrel girl's tail swished thoughtfully as Sakura explained the system, managing to catch the important bits about employment even as the rest made her eyes glaze over.

"Alright!" she said, nodding to the handsome ginger, "That'd be helpful, yeah. Let's go!"

With that, the squirrel girl glanced around, fidgeting and shuffling as she waited for their directions. Chances were that they couldn't navigate while she was going full speed, and she didn't know where anything was, and the brunette soon realized, with no small amount of dismay, that they were going to have to walk. At a painfully slow pace, by her standards.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1694 on: July 30, 2018, 01:24:06 AM »

The girl in the dress pointed her finger at the blade targeting her, firing a rocket that exploded on impact. The other men had no such ability and were skewered by the hail of blades.

Jackie, the girl in the suit, stared at the haughty looking girl with a dismissive glare. Of course, her mind was racing with new information, but her surface thoughts remained focused on a plan of action. The first thing to do would be to kill these two girls, then take the money from the man. While it might be a good idea to size them up, if they are powerful, it would be best to go straight for the kill.

The two girl's exchanged eye contact before springing into action. Jill, the girl in the dress, let herself fall behind the dumpster, flipping onto her feet as gravity pulled her body down. Meanwhile, the girl took a battle stance, sitting down on her legs and raising her fists to protect her head like a boxer. "Only time will tell," Jackie said to Thea.

With a smile on her face and a fire in her step, Jackie blasted forward, attempting to close the distance between the two.


Tsumiko pointed her finger at the girls and released a massive volley of crimson energy bolts. They streaked towards the girl at a frightful speed, blasting apart the ground and walls behind the girl. At the same time, Tsumiko's shadow snaked out towards the girls, snaking through the dark alleys.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end