Author Topic: In Character Game Thread (Depricated)  (Read 247007 times)


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2040 on: August 18, 2018, 04:35:46 AM »

"N-no match? Surely you jest! Mine are clearly superior!"

Almost angry, the blonde grabbed Eru's hands to press them deeper into the soft meat, their enormous mass only accentuating the erotic body she was blessed with.

Of course, the elf's comment was not without merit, no human of mundane birth could hope to rival the empress' proportions, the sheer vulgarity of her body catching each and everyone's eyes wherever she went.
Wallowing in these thoughts and the touch of the similarly well-proportioned elf, Nero's breathing grew deeper, her body pulsating rythmically in tandem with Eru's.

"If you think you can duplicate this perfection.... I would like to see you try, umu!"

Having opened that challenge, Nero suddenly thrust her incredibly fat ass upward in tandem with the last "Umu", banging a perfect buttcheek against the golem master's defenseless clit.


"Ahm! Of course I'm better!" She suddenly flipped Nero over and pressed her own breasts against Nero's. "A human can never compare to a perfect elf princess such as myself!"

She then leaned in and gave Nero a kiss.

"Not to say you're bad at all~"

Something hard began to press against the Empress's crotch. "You're quite adorable yourself~"

"Humumumu! A mere princess' breasts can hardly compare to those of the empress!"

Instinctively looking down at the stimulus between her legs, she could naturally not see anything through the wall of flesh formed by the two girl's gigantic udders.

However, there was no way she could mistake that sensation, the slightest touch of it between her legs, the most minute whiff of it in her nostrils keeping her alive.

"I see you sprouted something quite mouthwatering.. Well then, let me prove to you just how magnificent these roman lustballs are!"

Getting down on her knees in a swift, well-practiced motion, Nero let gravity do it's work to bring her most magnificent bosom down on the delicious rod between the elf-princess' legs.

Immediately upon them enveloping it as if it was the most natural thing in the world, she slammed her palms against the masses of meat's sides to tightly seal the cock inside.

"You ready for this heroic task?"


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2041 on: August 18, 2018, 04:45:32 AM »

Eru brought her hand to her mouth and uttered an arrogent laugh. "Fufufu~ hohohoho~☆ If you think that'll be enough to statisfy me, you'll be mistaken.

As she talked, her cock continued to grow, two large balls swelling up beneath it, rapidly growing to the size of baseballs beneath her ever growing shaft. It pushed its way past Nero's face and up her forehead, growing to a size that could rival that of a horse. The immense shaft rested against Nero's face, the head gently nestled in between Eru's mounds.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2042 on: August 18, 2018, 05:12:54 AM »

Eru brought her hand to her mouth and uttered an arrogent laugh. "Fufufu~ hohohoho~☆ If you think that'll be enough to statisfy me, you'll be mistaken.

As she talked, her cock continued to grow, two large balls swelling up beneath it, rapidly growing to the size of baseballs beneath her ever growing shaft. It pushed its way past Nero's face and up her forehead, growing to a size that could rival that of a horse. The immense shaft rested against Nero's face, the head gently nestled in between Eru's mounds.


The elf may have been planning to intimidate her, but at the magnificent sight of what pressed against her face now, Nero could not have cared any less.
Without wasting her breath on further words, the lioness opened her maw, raging waterfalls of drool lubricating the bosom that could no longer hold the gigantic shaft.
Opting to instead envelop just the base and balls within them, Nero continued to massage her giant breasts, providing an ever-changing stimulation as her hungry tongue licked from the base of the elf's mighty staff slowly up to it's head, savoring every milimetre of it's journey, before, while almost dislocating her jaw, finally welcoming it through the gate that had welcomed an uncountable number of guests before, never once leaving one unfulfilled.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2043 on: August 18, 2018, 05:49:42 AM »

"Hey watch it, I'm not some damn hug pillow!" She squirmed in Suerte's but despite her complains she didn't break free, In fact her squirming only caused her shirt to slide up more, exposing some of her unusually toned stomach "At least not in front of Liz please..." The threat of the Succubi passed by her completely as she was far too busy having her stomach rubbed zealously and trying her hardest not to laugh.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2044 on: August 18, 2018, 04:04:06 PM »


What Thea glimpsed inside of Tsumiko's head was an absolute fucking nightmare. A chaotic symphony of cacophonous screaming flooded her head, threatening to overwhelm her mind with their terrible song of despair. It was no wonder she'd made a mistake to the number of people initially, and it was no wonder her mind reading had run into some troubles.

Tsumiko was a living disaster that could not possibly exist, a mistake of truely epic proportions. It seemed impossible for her to even exist, as if it were a flagrant violation of everything humans held good and sacred, and of the very laws of physics.

But she did. Here she was, living and breathing. A living mockery of everything good. Although who knew how long that would last at this rate.

The girl's tortured mind seemed to be drawing her further in.


It would have been a simple matter for this empress to pull herself away from the mess, to recoil in horror from what she was feeling and what this girl had likely done. Thea was not a simple woman - she committed atrocities on a daily basis just to survive that made her no less a monster than this creature called Tsumiko.

So she chose to brace herself, to draw all her discipline around herself so she wouldn't be torn apart, and dove right in.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2018, 08:08:51 PM by Sinib »


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2045 on: August 18, 2018, 08:09:00 PM »


As Thea dove into the sordid depths of Tsumiko's chaos, the attacks on her mind multiplied almost one hundred fold, clawing at her mental defenses. As she got deeper, though, she felt like there were two girls, arguing with and screaming at each other. But where was the third person?

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2046 on: August 18, 2018, 10:55:17 PM »

The girl's eyes widened in shock at the figure, her hands trembling with a mixture of complete surprise and hate. It left her completely open to the attack that had been unleashed upon her. The draconic magic darted towards her with death in its eyes and she had no defense to bring against it. On impact it would shatter her form and scatter Anya like the dust she had been made from. It's what should have happened.

"Hey punk, don't you know you're supposed to ask the parents before you take their daughter out?"

A rainbow blasted through the darkness, shredding apart the singularity as it smashed apart the dragon and golden haired woman as well. Anya fell into the arms of the gallant figure who caught her as if she didn't way a thing. It was something almost out of a story as he held the knight like one would a princess. "And you, you really got to learn how to cut back with these boys. First it was the chimera, then it was the dark knight, and now it's this void dragon kid." Then he pinched the bridge of his nose and looked up at the guy. "Or at least get better taste. Someone dashing, maybe a bit of a scoundrel but not quite a full villain either. All my grandkids will be scumbags if you keep this up!"

That was about the point he realized she was completely unconscious. Then he looked at Ezekiel. His furrowed brow relaxed a tad at the sight, as if he was seeing something familiar. "Alright kid, I'm not an unfair guy. Anya probably started this going by how she booted up the Bifrost and it's hard to resist the kind of girl who can kill you. I don't know why you're really here, but if I were to guess... well a man loves a good raid. Hell, if I was younger I'd probably be out here myself plundering places, meeting fine women, fighting off a horde of noble heroes. Good times." He caught himself in the middle of his recollection with a shake of his head. "Alright, so here it is. For showing Anya a good time and not roughing her up too bad, I'll give you a bit of help. You just gotta promise me one thing. No slaughtering the civvies with them. Have them fight the cops, or force the civilians out of the area, or anything else. Just don't have my boys carving up the people like turkey. Do we have a deal?"


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2047 on: August 18, 2018, 11:54:08 PM »

She weighed her options carefully, on one hand she could tell him exactly what they were doing but that had a high chance of getting him involved and she wasn't too keen on involving unrelated people. After all she'd been the one asked to do this and it wouldn't feel right to burden more people. But on the other hand he would likely force himself into it either way, so as the sun was beginnng to set over the horizon she made her choice.

"We were-"


The Vampire King was interrupted by the absence of the taste of dirt in her mouth, but the feeling was there all right, the feeling of having dirt in your mouth after being blown into the ground head first.

"You did not leave when I gave you the chance little princess."

It was back, the chilling dead presence from before, and so was It, the being responsible, standing right where the Vampire King stood just mere moments before she'd been slammed down from behind.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2048 on: August 19, 2018, 12:11:00 AM »

His eyes widened and before he could dodge, a blast of light ripped through everything and blew him away into the cold ground. Ow. What the-

When he raised his head the night was but shards of glass fading into nothing, the stage filled with the light of the sun. And in the centre of the worlds greatest spotlight, a mysterious man appeared.

Ezekiel blinked.


"Taking her out..." Ezekiel blushed, looked to the side and scratched his head. "Dunno what you're talking about. Where I'm from most courtships started with a punch in the gut. As for harming commoners..." He raised his hands and smiled confidently.

"Nah, wasn't the plan in the first place, at least mine. Why punch under when my target is the sky, yadda yadda. I need subjects to rule you know, my enemies are only the ones ruling this world."

The girls body was stitched together and fixed to its original shape. He walked up the man and held a hand out, as if all the prior hostility was under the bridge, didn't matter.

"I don't know why, I get the feeling were the same you and I. I'm game, but your lass is tougher to crack than I gave her credit for. I'd feel dirty not rewarding a good time spent under the stars." He laid over the blonde corpse's side as if it were a wall to lean on and grinned.

"I'll answer any question she has, if she is brave enough to face me again. Can you tell her that?"

« Last Edit: August 19, 2018, 12:26:40 AM by francobull3 »


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2049 on: August 19, 2018, 01:11:09 AM »

From her place in the bulk of the water Oryuu eyed the figure from the safety of the waters. She quirked a brow as the water began to set in, enough to be at his waist just from the onset. Then she started ripping lightning out of the sky. Seizing them in the coils of the dragon before sending them down at the man.


The armored man raised his shield above his head, stalwartly standing tall against the fearsome force of nature. The bolt of lightning struck the shield, and seemed to catch on it before billowing outwards in all directions, blasting apart the already ruined town with explosive force. The ground threatened to buckle beneath his feet, cracks appearing on the roof, but he remained standing upright regardless.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2018, 02:00:23 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2050 on: August 19, 2018, 01:48:31 AM »

"I'm a pool of blood to you? That's one of the harshest things a Human has ever called me. Oh I feel so wounded now, like I could burst into flames at any moment and die again!"

Her angelic voice rung out over the deck, permeating the entirety of his arc. Yet it could clearly be heard that it originated from slightly to Noah's right. Which is where she was standing, or rathing floating roughly 2 decimeters above the floor, her feet just as bare as they had been the previous evening when she had perished. Her body was perfectly preserved as it had looked the moment before she perished.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2051 on: August 19, 2018, 02:49:17 AM »


As Thea dove into the sordid depths of Tsumiko's chaos, the attacks on her mind multiplied almost one hundred fold, clawing at her mental defenses. As she got deeper, though, she felt like there were two girls, arguing with and screaming at each other. But where was the third person?


If Thea had not been taught specifically how to fend off psychic attacks in anticipation of killing other psychics, then this would have tore her apart. As it was she 'just' had to focus all of her attention on protecting herself and finding her way through this maelstrom. The two voices she identified were so caught up in each other that the empress couldn't just separate them by force.

The key, then, was to seek out the third in hopes that together they could muster up the strength to do just that. And so she tentatively felt through her shields for that elusive third, calling out, "If you care at all about the rest of your mind, hidden one, then show yourself to me!"


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2052 on: August 19, 2018, 03:11:30 AM »


Unfortunately, the third mind didn't show up, and Thea's plea went unanswered. It was strange, as if this third person was faint or barely there. Or perhaps fading away and returning, akin to a ghost or a shade. His flickering existence not being allowed to assert itself over the cacophony of the argument, as Tsumiko's soul butted against itself.

Perhaps she would be able to learn more from the two girls?

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2053 on: August 19, 2018, 03:18:15 AM »


Unfortunately, the third mind didn't show up, and Thea's plea went unanswered. It was strange, as if this third person was faint or barely there. Or perhaps fading away and returning, akin to a ghost or a shade. His flickering existence not being allowed to assert itself over the cacophony of the argument, as Tsumiko's soul butted against itself.

Perhaps she would be able to learn more from the two girls?


She had witnessed minds as badly damaged as this wraith a scant few times before, over a century ago. Her old Order had shown her an example of what happened when a psychic focused on telepathic manipulation was crude and clumsy with their efforts, or deliberately malicious in their assaults. This was... similar. Not much was left of the original.... not to someone as unskilled as her.

A pity. She would have to do this the harder way. Thea mustered up all of her strength around her, and went the most direct route she could: directly between the two of them.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2054 on: August 19, 2018, 03:26:50 AM »


She had witnessed minds as badly damaged as this wraith a scant few times before, over a century ago. Her old Order had shown her an example of what happened when a psychic focused on telepathic manipulation was crude and clumsy with their efforts, or deliberately malicious in their assaults. This was... similar. Not much was left of the original.... not to someone as unskilled as her.

A pity. She would have to do this the harder way. Thea mustered up all of her strength around her, and went the most direct route she could: directly between the two of them.


It was as if they'd noticed Thea in that moment, and the cacophonous fighting ceased. For but a moment, the painful assault on her senses stopped And then, Thea felt the full force of both the minds seem to lock step, working together to repel the interloper who'd so rudely interrupted their argument. Outside, Tsumiko cried out in pain, twitching on the floor.


It was strange. Just before, the one that sounded like Tsumiko had seemed to be on the verge of tears from the tone of her voice, yet now that she wasn't screaming, she sounded distinctly different. Younger, less mature, and more fragile. The other one sounded completely different, as if it were a separate person residing inside Tsumiko's mind.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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