Anya The girl's eyes widened in shock at the figure, her hands trembling with a mixture of complete surprise and hate. It left her completely open to the attack that had been unleashed upon her. The draconic magic darted towards her with death in its eyes and she had no defense to bring against it. On impact it would shatter her form and scatter Anya like the dust she had been made from. It's what should have happened.
"Hey punk, don't you know you're supposed to ask the parents before you take their daughter out?"
A rainbow blasted through the darkness, shredding apart the singularity as it smashed apart the dragon and golden haired woman as well. Anya fell into the arms of the
gallant figure who caught her as if she didn't way a thing. It was something almost out of a story as he held the knight like one would a princess. "And you, you really got to learn how to cut back with these boys. First it was the chimera, then it was the dark knight, and now it's this void dragon kid." Then he pinched the bridge of his nose and looked up at the guy. "Or at least get better taste. Someone dashing, maybe a bit of a scoundrel but not quite a full villain either. All my grandkids will be scumbags if you keep this up!"
That was about the point he realized she was completely unconscious. Then he looked at Ezekiel. His furrowed brow relaxed a tad at the sight, as if he was seeing something familiar. "Alright kid, I'm not an unfair guy. Anya probably started this going by how she booted up the Bifrost and it's hard to resist the kind of girl who can kill you. I don't know why you're really here, but if I were to guess... well a man loves a good raid. Hell, if I was younger I'd probably be out here myself plundering places, meeting fine women, fighting off a horde of noble heroes. Good times." He caught himself in the middle of his recollection with a shake of his head. "Alright, so here it is. For showing Anya a good time and not roughing her up too bad, I'll give you a bit of help. You just gotta promise me one thing. No slaughtering the civvies with them. Have them fight the cops, or force the civilians out of the area, or anything else. Just don't have my boys carving up the people like turkey. Do we have a deal?"