Author Topic: In Character Game Thread (Depricated)  (Read 184716 times)


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #630 on: May 28, 2018, 04:29:06 PM »

"Oof" she let out a yelp from shock as Eru leapt onto her lap, she should have seen this coming with how playful the Elf was being previously. After the shock passed, another fact presented itself to her, one that annoyed her. "Are all elves this light." With how curvy this girl was, it was almost unfair. She pushed those thoughts down though as they were unbecoming of a first rate mage like her.

"I'm not really into girls, I was just fascinated by your extreme response to that stimuli, that's all. Humans aren'anywhere near as sensitive there." She felt like it was necessary to explain herself before they classified her as a deviant, oh the shame.

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #631 on: May 28, 2018, 10:44:06 PM »

She ran back, her eyes wide open with feigned surprise as she continued to charge her ability. But all the while she was silent, even as flesh tore and ruptured at the strike of the spear.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2018, 10:47:22 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #632 on: May 28, 2018, 10:55:03 PM »

The body still skewered, the giant spun his halberd over his head in an arc and took a normal stance, stretching his neck a little and wiping the rubble off his shoulders.

"Haaaah. Not even four seconds eh? And just when I was starting to get in the mood. Young ones these days just don't have any stamina..." His emerald green eyes shined like headlights as he opened them once more. He clutched at the cold helmet, letting out a chortle as low as the rusting of gears and metal against metal. This wasn't even an appetizer, more like a toothpick to scrub his teeth with.

"Heheeeheheheheheh...Hyahahahahyaahayhaahyahyahaahahahahaha! How merry, how merry! If I could, I'd turn back time just so I could crush and tear that cute little face of yours a while longer. Such a shame, what a shaaame~!"


"Eh? What the-"  His eyes now turned from narrow slits into wide circles, were they all of a sudden deceiving him? Moving his hand ever so slightly, he could swear there was another hand protruding from him. He waved his body and looked around, confused and trying to go around and touch the afterimages. What is the meaning of this!?

He suddenly felt a chill down his spine and turned his green eyes to roam at his weapon, where that brat should be lying like a skewered tomato.

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #633 on: May 28, 2018, 11:00:46 PM »

She was gone. The weight on the weapon had vanished, the blood that should have been on it and spilled onto the ground had disappeared as well. And Amser was... an obnoxious clapping sound was heard right behind the man. "Was it my death that you thought you saw? I must applaud you delusions. Your ability to deceive yourself is second to none." But then the sound stopped. There she was, one hand on her hip and the other hanging loosely, like an adult who had to look over a child.

"Are you finished flailing around? I will give you one last chance, slave. Join me now or you will experience true and utter helplessness."


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #634 on: May 28, 2018, 11:18:13 PM »

The hero blinked in surprise at the sudden gesture. For a while, she just stood there confused.


In the end, she nodded and accepted, a resolute aura seeping from her and causing the two to sparkle.

"You are a strange one. Very well, do try to keep up."

And with that, she focused her power and kicked off the platform, causing a shockwave as sound itself was decimated while the paladin carried her at top speed.


At first the sorceress was a little put off by this method of travel, but even she couldn't just ignore the total confidence Lighthart was projecting while holding onto her. Plus her ward against the wind was keeping it from making the entire trip unpleasant. She resisted the urge to simply teleport the both of them as she wasn't entirely sure how well it would affect her new familiar yet.

Was she also magically resistant? Not a question she wanted to ask right now.


The question she did want to ask was this: "So, how is that milkshake?"

Hannah had used one of the books in her collection as to attune her magic so she could find the appropriate location. In this case, the location had been the best kind of cafe in the entire world. It had been full of colorful books with both writing and drawings, tables and electronics everywhere, and cute serving staff dressed up in equally adorable outfits.

She had also changed into a different outfit with a word and a quick shroud of darkness, returning to a more sedate civilian look out of sight. She was even wearing her glasses, not that she needed to. So now she looked like the normal one and Lighthart like the filthy cosplaying otaku! It was great.

Now they were walking along together after she... demonstrated the greatness of modern society to her.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #635 on: May 28, 2018, 11:20:22 PM »
Jalut the True

The giant fumed, quite literally gritting his teeth to their limits. His slash was far wilder and quicker, not unlike a rocket explosion at point blank distance that annihilated the walls caging them both. Even if she dodged, the gust of wind would send her outwards high up the air, like a comet drifting over the cityscape.

"You insolent dirtstain, I will END you!!!" He roared. The afterimages, the way she appeared and dissappeared, just what was her deal!?

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #636 on: May 28, 2018, 11:36:15 PM »

As if he was an open book, Amser was already in motion before the strike had been made. The shockwave of air hurtled her out of the remnants of the building, but she had drawn her knives and simply waited as she fell through the air. At this level of synchronization even a body as powerful as Jalut could not shrug off this attack.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #637 on: May 28, 2018, 11:42:32 PM »

The giant was surrounded by crumbling ruins, the entire floor and walls thrathened to cave in and shatter under the weight of his clashes. This only caused him to laugh while everything broke down around him.

"Hahahahahaha! Yeeeesssss!There's nowhere to run!!" And with a thunderous leap, all he left behind was rubble and smoke as he catapulted his way upward with a monstrous vault, eclipsing the moon itself with his shadow while his blade was ready to slam down on the girl. "Come on, entertain me lass!! You'll make a better meal than most!!"

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #638 on: May 29, 2018, 12:09:53 AM »

The knives were clenched tight between her fingers as her hands became fists. Then in the moment before the weapon came down on her she vanished. Again, she was behind him again! "Worthless! Utterly worthless, you mad dog!" Her knives were let loose.

In any sane world the man was surely fast enough to turn about even in the air. The distance was just a bit too far for them to catch him by surprise. But they were not sent straight at him No, they were aimed at the numerous ghostly echoes which trailed after him!


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #639 on: May 29, 2018, 12:32:49 AM »
Jalut the True

Tch, this was supposed to be a worthy duel! He wasn't so naive as to think the battlefield had no place for deception, but couldn't she have some class and stop relying on the same tricks over and over!? This was insulting! He swung back, ready to deflect the puny projectiles and sever his foe.

But instead, they came flying in the afterimages he generated. Impossible, what was this ridiculous farce!? He felt the pain of each of his arms being pierced, and even more unbelievable knives began to appear on his forearms, legs and shoulders. "GRAHHHHHH!!" He let out a war cry as he spun with impossible prowess, something quite spectacular for a demon his size. Yes, he should have swatted the knives coming for him. Still, it was no coincidence that his vitals had been avoided. Even if he had fallen for this trap, his skill was no trifle thing.

"Kh- How dare you!? HOW DARE YOUUUUU!!" He was so enraged he didn't even let the pain or injuries stop him, instead he flipped again into place and delivered a full counter, giving her no time to execute her sorcery this time around. His foot flew straight for her gut and shot her down the street below like a cannon. Still, maybe it was the fact he lost some momentum, but the blow wasn't quite as lethal as he's have hoped to.

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #640 on: May 29, 2018, 12:58:48 AM »

Her body flew through the air at a breakneck pace, hurtling towards the streets in a single devastating-- "How scary." Amser was above him, knife in hand. "Let's see what's under that shell, slave!"

The knife dived into the gap in the echo's helmet. His body was strong underneath going by how she didn't cut through it with ease. So she simply kept charging her synchronization against as she jabbed the blade in again and again, searching for any vulnerability to cut into.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #641 on: May 29, 2018, 01:15:46 AM »
Jalut the True

The giant landed on the floor with a crash, splintering the ground into countless spider-web cracks. He winced once, then twice. There was no real damage, but it didn't feel right. It was like having a hand shoved in his throat, one he couldn't chow down on. What the hell was that kid doing...?!

His eyes looked up at the moon and widened again, along with his expressive helmet. Heh, damn clever kid! He was really really REALLY getting pissed off now.

"So that's it... just as I thought. It's no good leading a poor old man on like a fiddle..." He chuckled and stretched his neck, letting the good old bones that weren't actually there crack and pop into place. This had been one good what, eight seconds? Nothing like a nice good old warmup. He picked his halberd up again...

And swung it. Yes, but at the last second he let go of the blade.

"DON'T YOU HAVE ANY GODDAMN COURTESY!?" His roar was practically ear shattering, and sundered all windows and lamp posts in his range while the gigantic halberd hurled at the girl at hyper-sonic speed. This was... different. He could, just as she could, see limbs appearing behind his movements. About a couple, however the time-frame between his movements and the throw and the polearm's path were not synced in the slightest! There wouldn't be enough compared to his movement to read it! If she didn't see through it, the inescapable missile would reach her neck before she could gasp!

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #642 on: May 29, 2018, 01:23:52 AM »

She pressed her feet against the echo and firmly kicked off from him. Whatever he thought her power was, it certainly wasn't what she actually had. Over twenty feet struck the demon in the neck at once with great force as she pushed herself out of the way of the halberd. She hadn't even looked at the actual Jalut this entire time. She couldn't have been predicting him through the echoes!


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #643 on: May 29, 2018, 02:03:52 AM »

Archer raised his eyebrows at Eruraviel jumping onto Amanda's lap.  He shook his head and said, "Actually, that's something I've seen several times already.  It's not as fun if you don't get to participate."

He started gathering the used dishes up for easy clean up when the time was right, but left everyone's cups untouched in case they wanted a second cup of tea or coffee.  After he did the sort of tidying up, he settled back down in his chair, slightly relieved not to have a girl cuddling on his lap.  As soft and curvy as Eruraviel was, there was something unsettling about her.

"Eruraviel was looking to hire me for my services as a repairman.  Now, why are you two so interested in me?  I keep my head down, pay my taxes, and do my job and use magecraft as a tool."


The tall blonde eyed the petite Chocola and tilted her head.

Forest was pretty sure she said "male" and "large", which the little blonde girl did not fit the description of at all.

"So, I've never done this sort of thing before.  Is there a room where I go to where I can look at the goods on display and make a choice?" she asked.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #644 on: May 29, 2018, 02:07:01 AM »

She pressed her feet against the echo and firmly kicked off from him. Whatever he thought her power was, it certainly wasn't what she actually had. Over twenty feet struck the demon in the neck at once with great force as she pushed herself out of the way of the halberd. She hadn't even looked at the actual Jalut this entire time. She couldn't have been predicting him through the echoes!


"OOF!!" He grunted as he suddenly felt a powerful blow on his neck. He guarded out of instinct, but it did no good, and he was puced back a few inches due to the force. He panted a bit just now realizing how hard he was breathing. Could this be his anger? Frustration? Exhaustion? Fear?

No. It was something else. In the blink of an eye he had vanished and appeared right above the girl. If he was fast before, now he was as fast as his words were loud.  There was no running away while she was in the air, his fist shot downwards with the strength of an explosion. "Hahah!"