Author Topic: In Character Game Thread (Depricated)  (Read 242398 times)


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #795 on: June 12, 2018, 02:46:31 AM »
Jalut the True

"Now now, is that a challenge to little old me? Considering the time handicap, it's not very fair... for you!" He hardly retrained an arrogant laughter, stomping off the floor again with such force cars were blown away and strayed off their course, causing havoc all over his path. "Ah, and euhm, the trial is just an initiation we had for our members! Everyone who joined the ten commandments had to do it."

Just what could this ritual be, that only the select who were chosen on the top ranks of demon generals could accomplish? As the demon sped up, he began to reach the outskirts of the city, skipping over forest, greenery and even water with impressive speed and dexterity for a brute his size.

Soon, they reached a great cavern, where he stopped right before entering the dark bowels of the earthen lair...

"Hahahah! Well then, I hope you took the opportunity to rest. This won't be as easy! In fact, you're better off challenging me in a combat to the death." He cackled defiantly.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2018, 02:49:45 AM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #796 on: June 12, 2018, 03:28:51 AM »

It was a truly great effort. But in terms of effort the difference couldn't be more vast. Her invocation of higher powers put no strain on her body, it didn't make her mind quake or form shudder now that she had a ritual as a buffer. She just turned the key each time. Every movement aws far more powerful than the sorcery she had previously managed before.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2018, 07:51:56 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #797 on: June 12, 2018, 04:31:12 AM »

Lucy looked on unimpressed at both the way they had come here and the place he had brought her too. She was about as rested as she could be considering her condition, him running around that madly didn't exactly work favor for her either. But his speech did also revealed weakness, a weakness she did not hesitate in the slightest to strike against.

"So clearing this trial is harder than beating you in combat... Wouldn't that mean you're unworthy of being one of the Ten Commandments?" He walked right into that one and she would be the first to teach him to pick his words more wisely lest he be burned.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #798 on: June 12, 2018, 05:23:29 AM »

Lucy looked on unimpressed at both the way they had come here and the place he had brought her too. She was about as rested as she could be considering her condition, him running around that madly didn't exactly work favor for her either. But his speech did also revealed weakness, a weakness she did not hesitate in the slightest to strike against.

"So clearing this trial is harder than beating you in combat... Wouldn't that mean you're unworthy of being one of the Ten Commandments?" He walked right into that one and she would be the first to teach him to pick his words more wisely lest he be burned.


The demon flashed pink, then red, despite the impossibility of it all!

"Huuuuuh!? Where the hell would you get such a dumb idea!? Don't say that again even in your wildest dreams or I will rip the colon out of your body and strangle you with it!!" And with that she was dropped off and kicked nonchalantly in the butt, rolled over straight into the cave with a kick that was as lazy that it couldn't have possibly hurt.

The smell was oddly pleasant and familiar, but the darkness in the cave was overbearing. Was this the ritual's ground? Just what could this demon be planning? The floor felt somewhat wet, but going by taste, this was not water...

Heavy metallic steps rang into the cave, along with a tired sigh.

"You know, I was hoping that by causing a big enough ruckus, the other commandments would be sure to notice. After three thousand years, we promised we were going to have a reunion party. I guess you'll have to make do for now..."

An initiation ritual. Something even the greatest would struggle to win. Of course, he m ust've intended this from the start. He crouched and pressed a button, and suddenly an irritatingly bright light shone in revealing a screen, balloons, confetti and a mountain of beer kegs stashed into the cave.

The giant sat on a large rock, using it as a cushion, and grabbed one of the obscene kegs before punching straight into it, opening it up for both before setting it right in front of Lucy. But none of it, none of it compared to the dumbfounding words displaying on the screen.


The giant took a massive gulp from his own keg, burping brutishly before laughing with glee, and roared at the top of his merry lungs. A roar that would chase off the crows from a battlefield, even more abominable than the chants of hell itself, for it was doom that they foretold.

« Last Edit: June 12, 2018, 05:24:11 AM by francobull3 »


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #799 on: June 12, 2018, 05:40:43 AM »

It all made sense now as she was unceremoniously dumped in this covern. Looking around her at the keg and at the screen displying certain doo, it all made sense. She nodded in understanding. This was a tale, a tale most tragic, and one that was unravelling right before her. She'd shed a tear if she wasn't who she was.

"I see so this is how it has to be..."

Her red eyes looked at Jalut with a completely new emotion in them, one unseen for countless eon, pity. It was absurd, beyond a miracle, an emotion more alien to her than her father's love, yet it was there, shattering all foundations in its wake.

"You.... You brought me here so that I could listen to your attempts at singing since you have no one left to do that for you.... I'm so sorry." Lucy even attempted a bow, what with the state of her body it looked utterly pathetic, but it was impossible to deny how genuine it was.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #800 on: June 12, 2018, 08:07:08 AM »

Eru's ears shot up, and then went back to their default position. "Well, it might have something to do with you trying to manipulate me with magic, possibly. If you turned off your little trick I would probably be more positively inclined towards you." She answered curtly, but honestly. The feelings of attraction she was having towards her were frankly annoying and distracting. It was the epitome of utter foolishness.

"Plus, I was informed out of the blue my species was subjugated by law by some fat creeps. Forgive me for being a little agitated." She threw up her arms and stood up. Her shadow was by now, letting Amanda move as she pleased, but still held onto her, like an inky black dress. It wouldn't allow her to escape or anything of the sort, but she could move around the room.

"Is that better?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #801 on: June 12, 2018, 06:15:37 PM »

"I can't afford another zero, though." Lora said, knitting her eyebrows as she started quickly scribbling equations. Carry the five, subtract the two, no, no, that's not right. Crap. Crap. Crapcrapcrap...

She barely got through five of the questions when Mr. Peterson walked in and started role call.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #802 on: June 12, 2018, 08:17:56 PM »
Olga Marie


The two girls had left the alley, and were now on their way to buying clothes. Olga was relatively inconspicuous, at least compared to how she was before, and she was humming a happy tune, as she was now in a rather excellent mood. She currently had the chance to incorporate powerful elemental genes into her mage linage. Today was a very good day indeed. "So, Lily, do you mind if I ask why you have the form of a young girl? Can't you take other forms as well?" She rubbed the shorter girl on the head. "Or is that just your natural form?"


Her body momentarily ignited as Olga rubbed her head, although the flames died down the instance right after they had come to life. It felt good, a comfortig touch was always a welcome one, especially when emotions were still running high after what they had done.

"Mhmm..... This is my natural form, until I gain the ability to turn into fire itself."

She idly wondered how far was left to the clothing store, part of her just wanted to feast on something, to devour a fine meaty steak, but another part wondered if she could convince the mage beside her to buy something silly looking.

"That won't happen in a long time. How about you, can't you just conjure something more? You're making that ridiculous blue suit just fine."

Olga Marie

"I see, I see. Hm hm." Olga nodded. She wondered if all elemental spirits in Lily's world took the form of small girls. It was an interesting idea. "And no, it doesn't work like that, really. I could conjur myself up some clothes but they'd quickly disappear, so that's less than ideal for me. The only thing I can conjur permanently is my battle uniform."

She then rustled Lily's head, giving it a fierce rub. "Just don't burn up my clothes again, alright?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #803 on: June 12, 2018, 08:49:31 PM »

"Mhmm... But clothes are made to be burned away..." She complained in jest and then pushed Olga away. "And stop rubbing my head already, I'm an adult and it's freaking embarassing, you young ones really need to learn your place sheesh."

"Battle uniform?" The lone phrase suddenly caught her attention. "Do you.... like to fight Olga?" It was rather weird for someone to have a battle uniform and not enjoying combat, she didn't look like she was forced to wear it either by someone, which really only left that option.

"Are you any good?"


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #804 on: June 12, 2018, 10:18:38 PM »

It all made sense now as she was unceremoniously dumped in this covern. Looking around her at the keg and at the screen displying certain doo, it all made sense. She nodded in understanding. This was a tale, a tale most tragic, and one that was unravelling right before her. She'd shed a tear if she wasn't who she was.

"I see so this is how it has to be..."

Her red eyes looked at Jalut with a completely new emotion in them, one unseen for countless eon, pity. It was absurd, beyond a miracle, an emotion more alien to her than her father's love, yet it was there, shattering all foundations in its wake.

"You.... You brought me here so that I could listen to your attempts at singing since you have no one left to do that for you.... I'm so sorry." Lucy even attempted a bow, what with the state of her body it looked utterly pathetic, but it was impossible to deny how genuine it was.


"KAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HALF RIGHT YOU GNAT!!" He laughed maniacally, striking the kind of pose with his claws and face looking up that only a demon could make.  A violent kick smashed the ground and sent dust high up, only for his massive hand to wrap around her and drag her closer. For someone who had just tried to brutally murder her, he sure had turned docile. It's like they were already best friends, or maybe that was just how demons rolled. "Singing and drinking aren't an activity to be done in lonesome!"

A hand dunked poor Lucy straight into her keg of ale. She might even fall straight into it, if only because of how ridiculously large it was. He took his own with two hands and gulped it down, all of it. "Alcohol sure improved in the last three thousand years! I could drink this all night." His cheeks were starting to glow a reddish pink somehow, and more of that sweet stuff came dripping from his massive maw. "Like it?"
« Last Edit: June 12, 2018, 10:19:20 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #805 on: June 13, 2018, 01:41:04 AM »

It was a truly great effort. But in terms of effort the difference couldn't be more vast. Her invocation of higher powers put no strain on her body, it didn't make her mind quake or form shudder now that she had a ritual as a buffer. She just turned the key each time. Every movement aws far more powerful than the sorcery she had previously managed before.


Was this the gap between them? This woman had to be older than her to be capable of feats like this. Was this chasm of experience the end of it? Was this the end of her efforts to assert the value of her hard work, of her bloodline, her pride? Were all of those people Hannah had allowed to do say and do awful things to her right?

Witch. Freak. Filthy half-breed. Otaku dork.

Just a shell for the blood of her father. A tool. Just-

You can do this.

Her trembling body stilled. Her barriers ceased to buckle beneath the weight of Eleanor's power. Her eyes went from bright blue to a deep amber as the blood beneath her skin roared with the power of her birthright. Steam followed the breath of her utterance.

"Bring down the issue of heaven upon her."

The sky lit up. Azure flame struck the ground where Eleanor stood in a thick pillar that burned the air.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2018, 05:14:39 AM by Aiden »


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #806 on: June 13, 2018, 02:56:30 AM »

As the giant demon dunked her into the equally giant keg of ale the chain of miracles persisted. Instead of falling facefirst into the sea alcohol, the former angel stopped mid air, her face aimed downwards and her feet dangling freely above. Then she floated up, maintainign the same unusual pose as she gave him a glare, while being upside down. Her hair somehow defied gravity itself and still flowed down her back or rather up her back.

"Is this it really? Your comrades are trapped, unable to move of their own will, yet here you are in a cave making a fool of yourself. This is no inition test, it's a sad hangout for rejects, miserable failures who will never amount to anything. What would they think if they saw you know huh?



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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #807 on: June 13, 2018, 03:56:44 AM »

The white haired man sighed again and then cleared his throat.  Loudly.

A frown crossed his face at Eru's words. Great, the second time in five minutes that someone has mystically mentally manipulated me . . .  Tohsaka always said I was a push over.

"So this Lord Nelson T. Russell is the reason why elves were enslaved by law then.  That's a name, somewhere to start at least," he said with a frown.

And of course I'm going to don my mantle, tail, and armor, spike my hair up and take off my glass to go prowl around looking for this Russell guy tonight.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #808 on: June 13, 2018, 06:34:23 AM »

An impossibly cute giggle was heard, Amanda quickly covered her mouth a hand and got herself under control. "Don't think I can do that. Unless you want to wait say an hour or more. It's pretty much a passive effect and stopping it would be such a pain." She stood up, finally able to stretch her long sleek legs, it was very refreshing.

"First off, you should stop thinking of them as fat creeps. They are dangerous, very dangerous in fact, some of them makes our shop owner here look skinny."

With that she turned her attention to Archer and strode over to him before taking a seat on his lap. it felt so much better when you were the on top.

Then she spoke to him, with a soft and melodic tone of voice. "I'm so sorry... I forgot it grows more intense with my emotional state.... But would it be too selfish of me to ask for your help?" She looked at him hopefully.

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #809 on: June 13, 2018, 09:41:12 PM »

Her cheeks bulged and her hands thrust out as three jets of fire blasted out to meet the tentacles. They were fierce, easily capable of melting their way through reinforced walls. Not that it was meant to do much more than buy time to escape. That was a lot of tentacles, and Ananta had been to the Eastern Sea depths before!