Author Topic: In Character Game Thread (Depricated)  (Read 208420 times)


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1080 on: June 29, 2018, 06:15:32 PM »

Finally that took more time that she'd hoped it would, it was getting real boring just waiting here, and she was starting to look forward to what she was gonna do the the other girl after eaten very very much. "You sure take your time princess!" The redhead called out from the other side of the door.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1081 on: June 29, 2018, 08:21:41 PM »

"Everyone in the whole city has to register, that's just the citizen list. It's Him that took advantage of it for his perverted schemes. And no I highly dout any of them are as talented as she is..... she's something else."

Amanda fished a large stack of bills out and put it on the table, enough to pay for them and tip the waiter generously. Then she stood up, having finished her meal a while ago.

"Maybe you could escort me to your workshop so we could talk a bit more in private. Plus you might be able to brew some tea, if only to save our mouths."


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1082 on: June 29, 2018, 08:33:18 PM »

Even as Suerte stared wide eyed at the man's phoenix like form threatening to skewer her, she had enough common sense to reach for her second holster on her hip.  As quick as she was, he was quicker, in a sense propelled by her own morbid curiosity.  With his strange powerset, this sparing match was always a bit of a gamble.  She needed to test him to figure out his powers in order deduce his weaknesses.  With her own versatility, it would only be a matter of time before something like this happened.  This match was a thin tightrope and she had just tripped.

It was strange.  Despite the sheer speed of the moment, time seemed to stop.  Pulling the gun from the holster, she did not waste precious time attempting to aim the gun.
No, she already had one pointing right at that cute little grin.  Instead, just as she pulled the trunk of the gun up from the leather holding it in place, she inched it to the side and made a decsion.  In the instant inside of the instant, the guns changed, signaled by the syncing of gear grinding mechanical clicks.

There was no garante of success.  In fact, this was the absolute dumbest thing she could do here and she knew it.  But when a man takes what a lady's got and uses it to the fullest, its only polite to do the same.  That is why when she heard that click, honest excitement pushed her lips to the edge of her face.

As a loud bang echoed through the night sky, two bullets were fired.  The first bullet was aimed at his forehead, a small ball that looked more like a paintball bullet than one of a pistol.  As it struck his face, oil coated his body.  The second was fired at the ground, bouncing the second it hit the brick roof and aimed at the center of Zeke's belly.  On impact it would explode, hopefully changing his trajectory upward and covering his body in fire for real this time.



Dodging was not an option, rather the moment he began charging head on it became impossible. His head was knocked back, liquid splashing all over, but that taste... it wasn't blood. Stunned for a split second, he retook his charge with a hollow expression, his smile ready as he took his course to crash down on the girl with his deadly blade...

This had all taken but a few moments, he was so close to her they could see each-other's faces up close. Her expression an unwavering determination, and his smile crowned with hollow eyes no different than a corpse's. Just as he was about to finish her off a second gunshot rang in the air.


His eyes were wide for a moment, and on that moment an explosion of flame punched into his large body, chewing through his eye and bursting into his flesh, exposing bits of charred bone. His body just stood there in the air, enveloped by the flames and the smoke, its momentum halted by the explosion while she landed. For a moment, there was silence, could it be he had been defeated?

An echo cut through the deaf silence, two singular words answering with chilling placitude and a tinge of battle-lust. "Meteor shatterpoint."And suddenly, the flames broke through the smoke shell, a literal burning comet zigzagging all over the sky at impossible speed, changing trajectory at unpredictable paces and twisting through the scenery, his legs ready to strike her, readying to collapse down on her in a split second with the force of ancient beasts.

« Last Edit: June 29, 2018, 08:39:05 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1083 on: June 29, 2018, 09:14:08 PM »

Suerte could feel her chest deflating as her lunges expelled the stress of that moment. Her muscles relaxed a bit, even as her adrenaline fueled smile erupted into laughter.  She hadn't had a fight that hard since she fought that man, or with so little at stake.  That is why even though she experienced the terror of death in that moment, she couldn't help but feel elated.  There was nothing else she wanted to be doing.

As her head tilted back to gaze on her opponent, her smile faded.  Seeing that face in pieces caused her heart to sink.  Did she kill him?  No her bullets went through him before and he was alright but...  Well that was a lot.  She stopped to help him damnit!  It would be a waste of time to kill him!

Just then, Zeke's voiced rang through the air as serenely and ominously as church bells at a funeral.  Her eyes once again widened as she realized even that was not enough to put him down.  "Are you immortal?" she replied, watching in shock as the man flew towards her.  Completely taken aback, she only had enough time to turn to the right and move a few steps before he slammed down where she once stood.

The shockwave sent her flying across the roof.  However, the rubble did not leave a scratch on her body.  Lucky her.  She managed to stay low to the ground by going down on all fours, her finger nails digging into the tile.  As she rose, her fingers were covered in dirt, shaking from the pain the friction caused.  As she came to her feet, she attempted to run backwards towards the edge of the roof.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1084 on: June 29, 2018, 09:25:08 PM »

"Close, but no cigar~" A handful of voices called out above her, each from a different direction. The moment she landed four Ezekiels appeared above her, as if he predicted she would choose this path and casted his dark matter clones accordingly. They were fragile imitations that could fall in one blow, but they had firepower to compensate. Red lightning crackled around each of their hands as they swiped at her from different angles.

On the other side, the real Ezekiel landed and quelled his flames, the shadow that once covered most of his body now only wrapped around his lower body. The woinds in his chest were severe, but darkness enveloped them and snuffed the flames out, and in a  moment they were gone as well.

"If I didn't deploy my darkness in time, even I would've been a goner. To think someone would come so close to killing me..." A friendly, amused smile crept on his lips, but suddenly something changed in him, causing his body to  ache and his balance to falter. He barely managed to keep his body from touching the ground by holding himself with his hand, and cold sweat started forming on his head. Tch, could it be his vessel was growing unstable again?

He shook his head and regained his composed smile. No, this would not do. A symbol of fear must not falter so easily. Maybe he should show her his motivation.

"The corporeal realm really is full of surprises." He licked his lips and charged forth as well like a comet, intending to close the distance again.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1085 on: June 29, 2018, 10:08:33 PM »

As Suerte surveyed her surroundings, she found herself surrounded by four clones of Zeke.  Streams of red slipped around her body as she ducked and weaved through the swiping hands.  Rather than try to dispatch all of them, she stuffed the trunk of her gun into the mouth of the one at the edge of the roof and smiled, aiming the other gun at the ground.  A mechanical click was heard, followed by two cracks.  One bullet was shot through the clone's head while a another went to the ground, exploding on impact.  Rather than fire or some crazy explosion, smoke bellowed from the remains of the bullet, engulfing the five bodies in a thick cloud of smoke.

The moment she heard the explosion, she bolted forward without waiting to see what would happen to the clone.   If it did not vanish, it would go with her to the streets below.  As she escaped the carnage, a hand ran down her back, filling her entire body with a surge of pain.  Gritting her teeth, she kept up her charge, leaping off the side with a powerful stride.  As her body plummeted from the top of the roof, she turned her head to the smoke and shouted, "Remember, you can say uncle anytime!"

A guilty ache formed in her belly.  He was way more durable than she first thought.  Sure, she could try doing even more damage, but would that really get him to say uncle?  One thing was for sure.  There was a chance her next plan could kill him.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 02:07:12 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1086 on: June 29, 2018, 11:43:25 PM »

Her eyes did widen a bit a the metaphorical thunderstorm transpiring before her, but that did not stop her from making a few odd gestures, invisible shadows answered her call creeping away from the light, around corners and out of view. "I have arranged for it to be delivered here it should not take more than a 15 minutes or so."

"We share no common reilgion to speak of, other than the ones who still practized of those who were turned. But no there would not be anyone to judge me, I killed them all. Or rather most of them, some were on my side and others begged for forgiveness at the end, promises of reformation given." A quiet snort at the end, expressing her feelings on the conclusion of it.

A gloved hand was extended to the so called monk. "Now, will you join me in the dining hall Lord Yusho?"


Resolute and ruthless, hopefully not heartless. It was easy to act without regard, but failing to act after seeing your error was a downrotten path as well. He would have to ask her more about this history - and also where he was, very important. King Valerie seemed quite talkative.

The monk took her hand from above in a gesture of wholly uncertain decorum. "Is it proper for a King to escort a guest like this?" He asked, eyebrows curling.

The dining hall that awaited them was a empathically atmospheric space, with its old wood furniture and lumbering chandeliers, but also surprisingly underwhelming. She didn't get many guests, did she? Yusho's eyes sought an easy place to sit.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2018, 11:44:43 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1087 on: June 30, 2018, 01:13:50 AM »

Valerie lead him to a chair next to short end of the largest table, an imprtant seat that would be right next to the head, assuming this was seated by the order of traditional nobility. She held out the chair, patiently waiting for him to take a seat. "You are correct Lord Yusho, it is very improper. But does the King not decide what is and is not proper?

"Gaze upon my regal visage and take it to heart." She continued fully certain in herself and her words. "Now tell me what you see. How am I dressed?"


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1088 on: June 30, 2018, 01:51:26 AM »

Being forever like this? To crawl like a child, powerless and t an arm's length to-

No. No... no no no NO! No more was she gritting her teeth and flailing back like a child, instead her intent was stronger than ever. No, it was different. As if something they said awakened something dormant in the now little child. Her very aura was anathema to the dark, her will a sword that cleaved the night. And it would not stand for the insinuation of such things. It was as if her words could choke the life out of Hannah at this very moment.

"Know your place demon. I was fine with playing along, but do not make such a jest again." She only needed to address her acquaintance of course, since she thought so little of the other party she might as well not exist. But she could not be more disappointed.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1089 on: June 30, 2018, 02:14:00 AM »

The dark comet landed on the smoked rooftop with a somersault. Coughing a little, he just laid down at the edge, resting his feet on the chimney with his arms on the back of his head. Amidst the shade and smoke, it wasn't him that came, but countless dark birds, scouting the area. His other clones rocketed out of the roof as well, riding the trail of flames but inferior to the original to strike Suerte with orbs of dark energy. But it was only a fraction of his terrifying speed an power.

The birds cawed and shrieked, and sent him a message.

"Ditto." He pointed at her exact location and shot a blast of lightning at her from his fingertip.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 02:21:13 AM by francobull3 »


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1090 on: June 30, 2018, 02:47:08 AM »

The cowgirl's body spun in midair to meet her pursuers, aiming the guns at the ones closest to her position.  Two bullets sailed from her twin pistols directly into their chests.  As she approached the ground, she saw it, a man hole.  Using the strength of her legs alone, she struck the sewer cap with a swift kick, aiming at the edge.  It flipped open, ending up on its side like that chance coin that lands perfectly on the edge, staying upright and refusing to land on heads or tails.  It was this chance strike that took the impact of the lightning as she slipped into the mysterious sewer waters below.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1091 on: June 30, 2018, 02:57:35 AM »

"Hoooo~! Lucky girl." He clapped nonchalantly and observed her down below, smiling placidly before rising up. His large frame was concealed by the smoke still, making only his frame visible. "That's your power, isn't it? There's no way all these coincidences can keep piling up otherwise. The bullets, the stunts, the large metal thing..."

He blinked once or twice, thinking a little, then pointed at it.

"What's its name?"


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1092 on: June 30, 2018, 03:15:27 AM »

Landing in the watery ground with a soft tap and a minor splash.  "Thats pretty good," she yelled back, her voice being amplified by the narrow corridor of the sewers.  "Your pretty quick.  Most people don't figure it out until its over, sometimes not even then.  Then again, your the first person to last this long in a while, or get so close to almost killing me."

"Well sort of.  Its... a uhh metal thing that covers the sewers!"  They didn't really have manholes in the dessert but she knew these were a thing!  "Now are you going to tell me your deal or are you going to come down and show me?"
« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 03:38:35 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1093 on: June 30, 2018, 03:34:06 AM »

"I see!" He put a fist into his palm and grinned friend-lily, his eyes closed as he restrained a victorious giggle. Ezekiel scratched his head in confusion, while the clones began to be covered in darkness and dissolving. "Eh? Why?"

Only for one to suddenly burst into movement, using the full might of his flame to deliver a surprise attack with impossible speed. One had to always think about the opposites. She had created a smokescreen. Who did it aid the most, Ezekiel or Suerte? What if he left a clone behind and merely acted as one of the clones in order to divert attention away from him?

Battle was not just about clashes of power, but about sharpening your mind and outplaying your foe. That too was a strength, and he needed to show and improve whatever strength he could.

"I'm already here." He grinned viciously, wrapping darkness and electricity around his arm to cleave her, charging far faster than she ever could hope. His hollow eyes and smile did not betray his intent, this had been a fine meal. "It's over."
« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 10:11:56 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1094 on: June 30, 2018, 03:49:57 AM »

Being forever like this? To crawl like a child, powerless and t an arm's length to-

No. No... no no no NO! No more was she gritting her teeth and flailing back like a child, instead her intent was stronger than ever. No, it was different. As if something they said awakened something dormant in the now little child. Her very aura was anathema to the dark, her will a sword that cleaved the night. And it would not stand for the insinuation of such things. It was as if her words could choke the life out of Hannah at this very moment.

"Know your place demon. I was fine with playing along, but do not make such a jest again." She only needed to address her acquaintance of course, since she thought so little of the other party she might as well not exist. But she could not be more disappointed.


She froze up, feeling the demon's blood inside of her nearly boil with her intimate proximity to such a potent vessel of divine fury. It was only Hannah's own courage, the sense that this was a mistake that she could work through, that kept her from panicking and throwing Lighthart off of her lap.

Her voice was a little shaky now. "E-Eh? I was just kidding! I didn't mean it, Lighthart. I just, you're cute and I..." She paused, and her tone grew softer. "You don't like this form at all, do you? I'm sorry. I shouldn't make fun of you this way."