Author Topic: In Character Game Thread (Depricated)  (Read 202708 times)

Cherry Lover

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2610 on: September 26, 2018, 11:04:49 PM »
Sakura and Shirou

Sakura rolled her eyes at his words. It was clear that he was far from impressed by the new bodyguards, although perhaps it was cynicism borne from seeing all those that came before them get killed. The thought made Sakura a little nervous. Losing Shirou would be unbearable.

Nevertheless, they knew they had no choice but to see this through, and to protect the boy to the best of their abilities. So, nodding, they followed him into the house and to the ballroom, where they found the count sitting alongside two young men.

"We did, yes", Sakura said, pointing to the suitcases they were carrying, "but we need somewhere to put it all. We can leave it in here for now, though, if that's OK with you."


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2611 on: September 26, 2018, 11:14:01 PM »
The Hero

"About as likely as waking up falling from the sky." He blinked at the sudden flash of movement. Would've been real helpful to use that speed to dodge rather than scaring him like that. And what was up with that healing? This was opn par with the ancient beasts from long ago...

"A king eh? In these parts? Color me surprised." Despite his biting sarcasm he wasn't looking down on her, on the contrary.  "I'm glad you are fine though. I'm just some guy, call me whatever you like."


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2612 on: September 26, 2018, 11:29:21 PM »

If his sarcasm bothered her, she sure didn't show it. It was quite far from the truth actually, no she stepped closer, expressing clear interest in the last thing he had said. Even if she lacked a crown there was no denying the refined presence she exuded. It was like the finest of wines, preserved until perfection.

"Oh you don't believe me. Is it because of what I am wearing? Or because I am a girl?"


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2613 on: September 27, 2018, 12:00:24 AM »

"Excuse me!" A voice suddenly called out the purple haired damsel. A man clad in pure white cloth was standing behind the newcomer. Passing by by pure chance, he just now noticed her. "Are you new here by any chance?"

Sakura Edelfeldt

Sakura looked around. Was he talking to her? There didn't seem to be anyone else it could have been. Collecting herself, she turned to face the man and smiled. "I am, yes. Although I'm not exactly sure where "here" is..."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2614 on: September 27, 2018, 04:43:29 AM »

Tsumiko quickly climbed off of Thea with a bashful look and glanced away. "Sorry... Ummmm, I put my shadow familiars in all their shadows, and well..."

She glanced back at Thea. "Can't you be a bit more embarrassed..."

She cleared her throat. "Anyway, all her minions seem to be headed towards Victor's, so we need to act fast."


"I'm a little too old for just that to embarrass me~." Her grin didn't go away until the mention of Victor and the thugs, and then she was all serious again. "Let me just pinpoint which route they're going to take so we can cut them off before they get too far. I can disable their communications fast enough that we can double back to Valentine..."

She reached out to find the right minds and do just that, frowning in concentration.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2615 on: September 27, 2018, 03:25:29 PM »
The Hero

His intense look was only matched by his smile. "No I believe you. Falling for appearances is a rookie mistake, I'm just surprised. Most nobles I know would rather lay their asses on a cushy throne all day than make use of their two feet, let alone to go to a countryside like this."

He looked around. He did like the view and the air. It felt like... Home. When life was simple. Good. Without duties or beasts to worry about.

"Where are we anyways?"
« Last Edit: September 27, 2018, 03:26:19 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2616 on: September 27, 2018, 04:15:49 PM »

She made a dramatic bow and spread her arms wide welcomig the sky and the land with much grandiosity. "Welcome no one, to the Savage Lands. Only the most brutal of brutes could ever hope to venture these parts and live to tell the tale and the biggest meanest baddie of them all is no other than myself....."

A thick manual hit his face.

"Read it, it is much easier than explaining it out loud." The guide to the Nexus was an unsurprising best seller after all.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2018, 04:16:22 PM by Bern »


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2617 on: September 27, 2018, 11:25:25 PM »

The fake smile dropped, reversed in favor of a frown.  "Sir, with all due respect, we are a bar. We don't sell Sundeas," the bartender said, pouring a cup of vodka for a costumer sitting a few seats down from him,  I am sorry but I can't help you."


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2618 on: September 27, 2018, 11:44:29 PM »

The thugs turned and began walking away with the understanding that they were a makeshift hit squad.  The plan was to meet up with Jackie and Jill, then come back to Valantine.  A few of them wondered if she wanted to be alone.  After all, this was her house.  However, most of them did not think about it too hard.  Instead they broke into a jog, intent on leaving their boss who was clearly in a weird mood.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2619 on: September 27, 2018, 11:51:59 PM »
Locke and family

Locke lazily waved his hand, clearly dismissive of their needs.  "Yeah yeah sure whatever you want," he said before sitting down at the table.  The count gave him a look before smiling at the new body guards.  "Just leave your things there.  We will have someone take care of it."


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2620 on: September 28, 2018, 12:29:00 AM »

The squirrel girl wasn't long in arriving with Steaven, practically vibrating in place as she resisted the urge to go bouncing around the place all over again.

"Heya, Sakura, Shirou, Locke," Nanako piped up, eyes alight with curiosity as she looked around, gaze flitting from one thing to another.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2621 on: September 28, 2018, 12:42:43 AM »

"I got it the first time pal, don't sweat it." He sighed and slouched back, dangling his arms behind the chair with an aloof look. "Fine, a milkshake'll do I guess."

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2622 on: September 28, 2018, 12:51:59 AM »

The sky howled; the magic on display was more than enough to alert anybody with eyes or senses on what was about to occur. As many runes as Othinus could move her fingers in these scant few moments. But whatever should happen, the god would leave it in the hands of Fate.

A good deal of the magic would lose its potency as it wildly darted around, others would prematurely burst or find other targets. The earth sundered, thunder boomed, the air screamed, fire burst down, and immaculate light carved apart the world below. It was pure and random devastation, without any true target. Those that were Fated to live would do so. Others would not. That was what. And after unleashing that devastation upon district below her Othinus ascended past the cover of the clouds and soon enough beyond this realm.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2623 on: September 28, 2018, 01:04:44 AM »

"Ah, then we should help each-other. I'm pretty lost myself, hehe." He bowed politely as a proper knight, smiling cordially. "I've received some directions, a weird looking book and directions to perform something called... registration? Whatever that could be, apparently every newcomer is supposed to do it."

From up close, his features were even more striking than far. His cloth was as white as the moon, his skin akin to porcelain, and his hair was like gold. To call such a person beautiful was an understatement, and from his expression and diamond eyes, it was difficult to distinguish the handsome demeanor from the gorgeous, woman-like body. Striking, supernaturally so, and in more ways than one. If it weren't for his hands and a few differences, it would be easy to assume the wrong gender, though as an angel he was honestly neither entirely male or female.

He sighed, surprisingly expressive for his formal attire to say the least, though not unsightly so.

"I'd rather not be crushed by foreign technicalities, but it's best to follow the law of the land. Apparently this city is the Nexus. I'm sure we can find more information. What do you say? Two heads better than one?"
« Last Edit: September 28, 2018, 01:06:03 AM by francobull3 »


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2624 on: September 28, 2018, 01:17:22 AM »
The Hero

He blinked at the book bouncing off his face, thinking something like Ow. before catching it with his hand. A guide to the Nexus? Academics weren't his favorite subject, but that didn't mean he didn't read from time to time. Why xouldn't she just explain it? He'd rather get it over with and jump right into the action...

Huh. What? He flipped through the pages, looking as engrossed as puzzled before setting it down and looking at the so called king with a straight face.

"So basically, this is a pocket dimension that pulls people and things from other worlds and people have been building a civilization out of it in the last hundreds of years, and I just so happened to have been sucked in while taking a nap. Do you seriously expect me to believe something that ridiculous lady?" He put a hand on his hip and brought the book up with the other, as if this was the biggest piece of baloney he ever laid his eyes on.