Cross Effects > Areas

Little Russia

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--- Quote from: Cherry Lover on May 24, 2019, 01:23:47 AM ---
--- Quote from: Sinib on May 23, 2019, 07:54:16 AM ---Sakura

Sakura felt the immesurable skills of the great hero sigurd channeling through her as she trivially deflected the two swords that had been thrown at her. She at once felt extrodinarily nostalgic, extreme longing, and a sickening feeling that sank into her gut at once. Tasting bile in her mouth, she burst forward towards Shirou, dodging the shadows behind her and closing the distance with what seemed like a single step. She smacked him in the shoulder with the flat of her blade, hard enough to dislocate it and to break bones.

"Why shouldn't I, Senpai?" She seemed to be spitting out the word as if it were a distasteful, bitter pill she was being forced to swallow. An impossibly fast kick came hurtling at his gut.

--- End quote ---

Sakura and Shirou

Having fully expected the girl to deflect his rather simple attack, Shirou immediately traced another pair of swords. However, whilst he had not planned on his attack succeeding, he was not remotely prepared for what happened next. As soon as she'd dodged the swords, the girl launched herself at him. Somehow, he knew what she would do before it happened but, even so, he was unable to react in time, and the sword slammed directly into his shoulder, causing him to let out a scream of pain. Before he could react to the first blow or even react to the fact that she had struck him with the flat of her blade, he felt her foot crash directly into his stomach, winding him and sending him flying backwards.

Sakura, meanwhile, was watching with horror as the girl moved far faster than she thought was possible and struck Shirou directly on the shoulder. Unable to see that the strike had not pierced the skin, she screamed desperately.

"Senpai, no!" she shouted, her voice full of anguish.

"Schattencluster erstellen!" she shouted, glaring angrily at the girl as multiple shadow balls appeared behind and to the side of her.

"Aufladen! Explodieren!" she continued, straining her magic to its limit as tears filled her eyes.

With that, the shadow balls all exploded like grenades, the wave of magical energy hopefully crashing into the girl along with shards of shadow.

"Erschaffe Hornissenschwärme! Angriff!" she continued, creating several more swarms of hornets and ordering them to attack the girl, her face contorted with rage, hatred and fear.

 Shirou, meanwhile, began to attempt to desperately scramble to his feet, too winded by the kick to call out to his distressed wife.

--- End quote ---


An enormous shadow appeared behind Sakura, protecting her from the explosions, merely being buffeted by the attack. It grew ever larger, until it was taller than the trees, and turned to face her alternate self. It swatted at the hornets, smashing some of them with an inky black tendril.

Sakura ghasped a bit, gritting her teeth as she felt a large amount of mana leave her all at once, the distinctive glow of Rin's crest glowing on her arm as she lunged down, slamming her fist into his chin, knocking him out.

Then, she collapsed down upon him, holding him tightly as a shadow enveloped them both, sucking them into the abyss.

Cherry Lover:

Sakura watched with astonishment and fear as the alternate version of her created a shadow of truly massive proportions, using it to swat her swarm of hornets out of the sky. The amount of magical energy she would have needed to put in to create something that large was truly astounding, and it only underlined how totally outmatched the two of them were.

Still, Sakura knew that she had no choice but to try. So, she prepared to launch further attacks, hoping to somehow give Shirou a way to escape, if nothing else. But, before she could even try, the girl knocked Shirou clean out with her fist. Then, to Sakura's horror, she grabbed hold of him and, at a speed Sakura could never match, sucked him inside her shadow and disappeared, transporting both of them to God-knows-where.

"Senpai!" Sakura shouted, her eyes filling with tears. "Senpai, no, no, Senpai, no...."

Sakura collapsed to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. The man she loved was gone, and she had no way to find him. Assuming he was alive at all.

No, he's alive. He must be alive, and I will find him, she thought to herself, fighting back the tears.

Deep down, Sakura knew that he was alive. After all, the girl who attacked them was an alternate version of herself, albeit obviously insane and with some bizarre magic. Shirou was too important to her to simply kill him, and she knew that the magic the girl had used was akin to teleportation magic, of the kind she herself had used many times before. Yes, he was definitely alive, and would remain so for the forseeable future.

What Sakura didn't know, though, was what the girl would do to him if he remained in her captivity. She had clearly been angry and upset, and had attacked them without warning. Would she rape him, perhaps even torture him? Sakura herself would never do such a thing, the very thought revolted her, but could she really be so sure that her alternate self felt the same way? She simply had to find him, before things went too far.

Calling on all her training and years of experience, Sakura did her best to calm herself and work out what to do.

I know, I'll call Nanako! she thought, thinking of the flighty but very powerful squirrel girl.

Taking out her phone, she dialed the girl's number, allowing the phone to ring for some time only to find herself redirected to the answerphone.

"Heya, Nanako here. Leave a message at the- Huh, what's that?... beep", it said.

Despite the pain she felt, Sakura couldn't help but chuckle at the girl's message, before she began to speak.

"Nanako, it's Sakura, I need your help. Senpai has been kidnapped by an alternate version of me, and I need help to rescue him. She's too powerful for me to take on alone. Please, Nanako, help me. Please...", she said, her voice choking up as she spoke.

Then, she returned to thinking, wondering what to do next whilst she awaited Nanako's call. Should she perhaps put out a bounty for Shirou's return? That would at least get some help, but she was wary that they might fight each other over the target, getting him hurt in the process.


Punishment slowed its gallop, braying like a furnace, as the ragged cowboy duo on the saddle saw the compacted streets open up into more orderly, busier roads. Having crossed another district boundary, frequent construction work passed them by, with stares cautious and curious following them and quickly dropping off.

The amount of churches or religious icons on the roofs made Justice's eyebrows rise unnoticeably under the shadow of his hat. He relaxed his hold on the abyssal horse (now with gloved hands), leaning to the side to glance at the profile of Suerte's face, as she sat in front of him.

"So what're you looking for in these parts, anyhow?" He asked.


I don't know! is what she thought.

"Someone in need," she said, her confident tone betraying her thoughts.  "Trust my women's intuition."

Thats when they saw it, a purple-haired girl in a clearly distressed mood.  Suerte got to her feet, striking a T pose.  Then, she leaped several feet into the air, flipping at the peak of her ascent before landing gracefully on the ground in front of the purple haired civilian.

"Howdy stranger!"

(Continued from pine garden.)

Cherry Lover:

Sakura was still pondering what to do next and waiting for Nanako's call when, suddenly, a blonde, big-breasted girl landed directly in front of her and greeted her.

"Hello", she said, politely, putting on a very convincing smile despite the utter despair she felt inside.


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