Cross Effects > Areas

Little Russia

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"Curse your potato water," Emiya muttered as he collected Rin and headed out the door.

He tilted his head to look at Sakura around his neck.  "Is this going to hurt Tsumiko tomorrow?" he asked.


--- Quote from: Elf on November 17, 2019, 04:56:24 AM ---Emiya

"Curse your potato water," Emiya muttered as he collected Rin and headed out the door.

He tilted his head to look at Sakura around his neck.  "Is this going to hurt Tsumiko tomorrow?" he asked.

--- End quote ---

Rin Tohsaka

"No, it never does. The magic deals with it fast, it's why I have to drink so mush..." The fallen Tohsaka muttered from his side. The Sakura scarf just shrugged, as if scarves could shrug. "Basically." She quipped.


--- Quote from: Umbra of Chaos on November 17, 2019, 12:18:07 AM ---Uria

"She doesn't remember, huh?" Uria slipped into the establishment right after Lubei, not dimming in the slightest even within the enclosed environment. "Why did she forget? Things important to you don't really disappear, after all! They stick, and stain, and get all over you. You have to work hard to wash them out."

--- End quote ---


Lubei's boots thumped against the wooden portion of the floor, and every absent ear leaned towards him where every lazy eye slipped towards Uria. Many did not notice at all, too focused on their drinks or games - throwing knives? -, and that suited him fine. The demon ducked under a painted arch with a name in a language he didn't understand, and looked back at his companion.

For one so uncolored by the world, she knew much. He felt a certain truth in his bones, but it was no consolation, nor was it torture. "My kin say that the purpose of scars is to remind you of the pain," he explained. They existed to teach and to safeguard. Of many in his generation, Lubei had the least number of thumb-sized criss-crossed disciplines marks. "If it does not scar, then you have no need to linger on the wound. And I am the only one who bears those scars."

Lubei straightened himself, and he seemed to grow larger as he walked to the counter. His face was not bright, but dignity accompanied his poise like a soundless salute.

Umbra of Chaos:

"Hmm, that's a little true, I guess. They're not really friends if they can't hurt you, but that's such a sad thing to think about! Do you really have to hurt to remember? There are things that hurt and heal, really heal, but they'll never go away. And there's smiles that can vanish in a second but never be forgotten!" They held out a hand and fashioned a pearl of light. Then they lifted another hand, and small storms of darkness moved over the pearl. Black tides, shadowy rain, these things all gradually transformed the light into a more lumpy form.

"When something is important to you that wasn't before, you change! You shift and transform. You become all kinds of other things. Because you're here, because you're different, you know these things were important to you. Like this pearl!" The shadow that pooled around its form in her hand was a lighter grey now. "It's different, and it only needs to look at itself to remember why. But is it a lump of scars, or is it just changed?"


He frowned at her, stopping in his tracks, inclined as though deciphering a particularly opaque yet wordy puzzle. "Pain isn't necessary to remember everything," the demon king said. His voice was gravel and melting snow. "But some things you might forget that you need if they do not brand you, because they hurt, and instead of growing you'll willingly stay the same."

Lubei imagined a black icicle on his palm. He squinted, and envisioned a crack appear on it, which stretched through its insides, but flakes of snow came, and they covered it up, and the spiderweb of scars could no longer be seen. But it was still there, until the day the icicle broke apart, with no one the wiser.

He lowered his eyes to Uria. "There are times when people are destined to forget. I don't know if it is because it gives them room to change again, or because they deserve to reshape themselves without carrying hurt. But it doesn't undo what came before."

Did everything that changed a person deserve to be called a scar? Did scars need to always be remembered, she asked? It was traditionally known to demons that was the point of making them, but looking at the shadow on his shoulder, that idea made his stomach turn. You remember so that you may change, not because you must. Your conscience will not lie.

Lubei shook his head.

"Do you want to eat something? Drink?" He asked the half-divine child.


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