Cross Effects > Areas

Little Russia

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Umbra of Chaos:

"Stew for me!" They weren't exactly sure what that was, but it sounded delicious. It's not like they had cooked anything before. After all, cooking was a talent! Just roasting things under their light wasn't going to make anything taste good.


"One steaming stew coming right up..."

With some quick hand movements and some even quicker leg work, a bowl seemingly materialized in front of Uria, and it was steaming just like he said it would. Then the smell hit them. It was like fireworks going off inside your brain, assaulting your senses with flavors that just couldn't be natural. and of course they weren't, the strong rich flavors were there to mask the taste of the potent relaxant.

"And for you.." The bartender brought out a cocktail glass and then poured something into it from a strange metallic container, he then stirred it before finally plopping a few grey cubes into it...

"I hope you won't insult our glorious leader by sipping on that like some pansy."


That was fast. Maybe the serving was magic, because the stew looked impeccably appetizing. Lubei was almost impressed, until he saw his order. Freezing a groan in his throat, a whiff of it hit him with immediate regret. He should have just asked for something normal. There was nowhere in the three realms that would serve something normal if you asked for a strong drink.

But that lip from a mere human server. Lubei's hand rested around the strange glass, and his spectral raptor's face crinkled like a raisin. 'You haven't promised any-'

The demon lord pulled it to his mouth and swigged nearly half of it in one go. His throat bobbed, and his head swayed back, and then to the front, and he paused the glass with a soft clink on the counter.

Lubei's eyes were wide as though he'd been bitten by a thousand needles, and he whipped his skull around with a shaky huff of air.

"You," he said, forcing himself to blink. "Who is this glo... glorious leader?"

Umbra of Chaos:

They reached out with an arm, and their arm mutated. It doubled in size, the flesh turned dark purple and black as shadows flooded their veins, and eyes blossomed along it as the palm opened up into a slavering mouth. Teeth latched around the bowl's rim, lifted it up, and swallowed the whole stew at once. Uria closed their eyes, making a pleased sound as the arm reverted and released the empty container. "That was wonderful!"


His eyes widened at the sight of bowl being drained like that and he quickly snatched it back the moment she finished devouring the stew. He didn't bother to answer the man's question at first as he seemed overly concerned with examining the bowl for any damage.

With a loud sigh he put it down.

"You're lucky girl, if there was even a scratch, not even the blessing of our Lord would be able to save you." Then he snapped around like a doll on strings to face Lubei, the movement was completely unnatural, robotic almost...And pointed to a portrait on the wall of Her Majesty. "Glory to the little Tzaritza!"

"Glory to our little Tzaritza!"

"Glory to our little Tzaritza!"

"Glory to our little Tzaritza!"

His statement was followed by roughly half the crowd suddenly standing up and saluting to the portrait.

"What brings two travelers like you to our glorious land?"


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