Cross Effects > Areas

Little Russia

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Umbra of Chaos:

They spit a little bit, the last bits of vomit refusing to get out even after that. Then they started rubbing their head with a frown. "Oww... That was really mean!" Uria's arm began to glow and tendrils of light trailed around it. Then they converged, the limb glowing like a hammer of judgement before pulverizing the counter into dust.


The demon king gaped soundlessly at the repeated enthusiasm of every human in the establishment. His face was twisted in a consternated mixture of feelings, and his arms followed sourly, slackening in their grip. That was when a great force and pull of spiritual power vibrated through his body from the immediate surroundings.

He turned back to his unwitting ward just in time to stare blankly at the damage she had wrought. It was like a hundred... thousand, or whatever other impressive and non-literal number of pins had dropped in an empty council. With no recourse left to him, Lubei only laid an open hand on Uria's head with a single pat.

"Well, you don't have to worry about cleaning it," he remarked.


"Praise be our little Tzaritza for in her infinite wisdom she is a just ruler. Sinners falter before her divine might and the true believers will receive her blessing and weather the coming storm, amen."




As their prayer concluded, the splintered pieces of the counted all reversed course. No it was like a divine hand had come down and decided to piece it together piece by piece. It only took an instant, but that instant was alike an a never ending eternity, each piece carefully put in place to unveil the predestined architecture as laid out by The Lord. The fruits of creation was laid bare before them in that fleeting eternity and burned into their minds, for its beauty was not of this world, and only understood as His unconditional love for the Creation.

The moment was over as fast as it had begun, and in its place, the counter had returned in full glory. No, it was not the counter anymore it was something more, something far grander, and something not wholly of this world anymore. It was a sanctuary for the believers, and anathema for the unclean and unworthy, for those who rejected His love had no place here before the [Holy Counter].

Lubei Sang

An anvil dropped in his stomach and Lubei wished sincerely that all of his inebriation would fall with it. The unmistakable pressure of divinity pressed down like a bank of mist, having grown solid before his every eyes.

His feet challenged him like sleepy dogs, but he grabbed Uria by the scruff of the neck and pulled her back from the counter. Why had he called this place homely? More like a trap, shit! The demon king blinked past the men, to the portrait of the child that was doubtlessly the god of this place, and then away. He considered the door. His hand itched to hold his sword, but he was the visitor here and there was no justification to attack first. Yet.

If he yelled his complaints, his shadow would just stuff them into his ears, but the situation was such cheap drama. The demon was more inclined to pretend it wasn't real. Maybe he imagined that small miracle. Yes, he was probably just seeing things because of the alcohol!

"Do you have rooms here?" He asked the barman, working through an unintelligible grumble.

Umbra of Chaos:

Their eyes flicked up to Lubei as they were pulled back, a sharp clarity filling them. "We don't need to stay here if you don't want to! This place is a little weird. You shouldn't worship people like gods after all, even if they're really cool and strong!" They were only people after all.


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