Cross Effects > Areas

Little Russia

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The full hulking physique turned to face the woman who had dared utter such falsehood. No he hadn't turned, his legs hadn't moved at all nor had he turned his upper body. It, it was almost like the room itself had shifted around so that he was now facing her, and they were closer now. so close in fact that his shadow was looming over her, despite that he was glowing faintly with the same aura that permeated the desk.

"Oi, listen carefully you little shit. Her Majesty is the chosen ruler of mankind by the endless wisdom of the Lord Himself. To question her is nothing short of heresy. But the Lord tells us to be merciful, that temperance is a virtue, and while ignorance is a sin, it is a minor one and should be corrected and forgiven.... Ivan  fetch me my robes."

"Yes Your Holiness." One of the men who had stood up to salute the painting of the little Tzaritza went into the backroom.


He recoiled, still holding Uria as though she was a misbehaving cat, but instantly put a step forward and drew up to his full height. Lubei Sang's shoulders seemed larger with his own aura, like a wall of authority standing in front of the incensed man.

"Your generosity is waste -" He halted to suck in air through his teeth. "Wasted on us. No need to bother yourselves."

His eyes pointed away, and the demon king scowled feebly at the fae child, feeling the onset of a stomachache. "Don't make this worse," he said to her. The assurance was welcome, but the words were begging for trouble. She shouldn't have chosen this time to express herself if it meant contradicting bullheaded human worshippers. They wouldn't let them go ignorant now, unless they knew he was a demon - in which case they might run in horror or try to stab him, and the last thing Lubei needed at the moment was the screaming that would result from either.

Endure it? He didn't have the patience for that. And she didn't have the patience to not be perfuratingly sincere, or didn't know the meaning of it at all. Could they forget about it with enough drinks? If he had to participate that was even worse. He didn't even want to sleep anymore, but it would be preferrable.

If there had been a flush to hidden by the cold flakes that bloomed around his eyes and cheeks, then perhaps Lubei's face was turning green under them next.

Umbra of Chaos:

They pressed a finger to their bottom lip as they hung from Lubei's grip. Their mouth had a little frown, their brows furrowed a little, but their eyes were still wide and curious. "But there are people outside of this place. If she's supposed to be ruling all of them then she isn't doing a very good job."


His Holiness was just about to respond to their insolence when his trusty college returned with the item he had requested. The muscular man slid into the robes that had been handed to him with a grace that just shouldn't be possible for a human, much less one of his builds. And the robes weren't just any old robes either, they emitted the same radiant as the man himself, whether it was the robes that had rubbed off on him or the other way around wasn't clear. What was clear though was the Holy Seal that adorned the robe, the very symbol of authority in the Orthodox Church of Little Russia.

"It's a pity, it really is. But that is the trial presented to her Highness that she and us all must endure, for once all the land is reunited once more will the light of The Lord shine eternal, Amen!"


He couldn't stand this any longer. At least give him a pamphlet he could throw out later and not feel bad about. Don't make him listen to this. Lubei all but growled, and when it came out more unsteady than he intended, stomped his foot. "Are you deaf? Thanks, but we're taking our leave."

He turned his back on the man and his elaborate regalia and walked towards the exit, dragging Uria with him. Icy footprints were left behind him as he went.


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