Cross Effects > Areas

Little Russia

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Suerte zipped in between the two, her face alight with facination.  She grabbed Sakura's hands as if she were a gentleman expressing being smitten by a fair maiden.  "A stronger version of yourself?  Is that even possible here?"


He'd so far seen an angel who wasn't supposed to exist, a squirrelgirl stronger than werewolf ancients, and half a dozen other things that had no business being in the thousands of years that he'd been doing this for. Alternate versions of people, torn from eras that had never been, weren't the most unsettling possibility.

Something cold coiled in his gut at the thought of finding a different side of the brothers he knew, or a Justice who'd walked a wholly different path.

"If she was you, and knew your husband, then you must have some idea of what she wants," the Rider rumbled. He pulled his hand over the cloth covering his mouth and whistled for something neither of the women could see.

Phantasmal eyes shone to life in the nearby alleys, translucent rats coming into being with faint ghostly flashes, and scattering at his unheard command.

Cherry Lover:

As the man spoke, Sakura felt a sudden spike of magical energy, presumably enacted by the man. However, she was too focussed on dealing with the current situation to ask him for more information. Instead, she simply responded to the questions she had been asked.

"She wants my husband", Sakura said in response to the man. "What exactly she's going to do with him I'm not sure, but he means a lot to me, and he has for a long time. I'm sure her version of my husband meant a lot to her, too."

Then she turned to the girl.

"There's no reason it shouldn't be possible", she said. "She's an alternate version of me from a different timeline, who presumably fell into the Nexus just as I did. Why she's stronger than me I'm not sure, though. Possibly she just has a larger mana supply. Although, she did seem to be using some of my husband's magic along with her own."


In the forest, everything has eyes. The birds chirped at each other, discussing the battle that had just happened. A slow hum buzzed around, and one couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched by the trees themselves.

Tsumiko's bugs sat in the shadows, emitting not even a smidgen of mana. Her familars watched Sakura and her alarming new friends, keeping an eye on how the mess her little sister had caused was evolving.


Suerte's entire body deflated.  When she gave that hypothesis, it made it sound like a typical job.  The cowgirl placed one finger on her cheek, striking a thinking pose.  "I guess that means we can just gather information on you and infer what this woman's weaknesses are," she said, her voice deflating with every word.  "That is kind of a disappointment.  So what do you want us to do, capture, assassinate, rescue?"

She was happy Justice was coming along for this job.  Even if a bounty hunter is strong, it always helps to have someone keep their personality in check.  Even with her luck, a single mistake could mean death.  Still, it felt like overkill, helping a mage get their husband back.  That seemed like the kind of job where the most excitement comes from a five-minute skirmish with some psycho.


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