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Little Russia

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--- Quote from: YOLF on October 29, 2020, 06:09:38 PM ---Lubei

Had she read his mind, or did she just feel the same comforting numbness that did not freeze and cool that did not prick or pierce, in the solemn breath of the icy wind? Easier to believe it was the latter. He was only so transparent with his displeasure, of which he often had much.

Lubei tried to not project that sensation as he accompanied the Seraph's stride. There was nothing unpleasant to cause it, but where her posture was easy and tried among her people, his silent poise was trained on reproach. Even the most regal iceberg was still an impassable natural obstacle to a mortal.

Icebergs did not feel exhaustion, alas.

"Perhaps," he said, tilting his head towards Ivanna. "I should eat. What do you recommend?"

--- End quote ---


Ivanna let go of his hand as they reached the bar. She placed both palms upon the stoop and hoisted herself up with a short hop, landing atop the comfortably cold leather. The patron sitting next to the seraph's cheeks flushed, and they immediately got up, making way for her companion. He turned to Lubei and smiled. "Please, sit." He insisted.

"We'll have two plates of stroganoff to start. I'll have your strongest, while my companion will have a mild drink." She kicked the bar, spinning her stoop around to face her subjects before standing up. "All here shall eat free tonight, by the decree of the voice of God!" She exclaimed, raising a closed fist into the air.

A roar of approval resonated through the building as everyone cheered for their glorious leader.


How should he respond to a smile so favorable? Lubei held his position for a second, then smoothed his sharp brows as best as he could and nodded with a soft hum at the man, grabbing for the seat. His long coat crumpled at the small of his back and then drooped down over the edge of the stool as he sat.

The demon king's neck turned to watch Ivanna. He could not imagine himself commanding people in the same way. He knew he had to, it was a calling he could not escape even here, but not these people.

He was still staring when they brought his drink and he wrapped his fingers methodically around the glass.


--- Quote from: YOLF on October 29, 2020, 09:57:47 PM ---Lubei

How should he respond to a smile so favorable? Lubei held his position for a second, then smoothed his sharp brows as best as he could and nodded with a soft hum at the man, grabbing for the seat. His long coat crumpled at the small of his back and then drooped down over the edge of the stool as he sat.

The demon king's neck turned to watch Ivanna. He could not imagine himself commanding people in the same way. He knew he had to, it was a calling he could not escape even here, but not these people.

He was still staring when they brought his drink and he wrapped his fingers methodically around the glass.

--- End quote ---


The so-called mild drink in his hands was little more than a flagon of ice-cold vodka. The drink planted in front of her, well... It made what he'd been given the night before look positively palatable. A swirling blue mess that looked as if it were vodka mixed with toxic waste, with an unnatural glow to it that suggested radioactivity...

The small child lifted her glass up and clinked it against his own. "To a long and productive partnership, friend!"

She leaned back and began to chug the pint as if she were in a frathouse, with her loyal devotees cheering behind her.


Friend. The word was like a chain around his neck, but he wondered if it could be more than that. If his treacherous mind would allow it to be a comfort and not a binding, a strength and not a wedge driven into his resolve. Did Uria consider him a friend too? If so, then his precedent for friends here in the Nexus was a truly unfortunate one.

His grip clenched around the glass, but he returned the cheerful clink by raising it to his lips. "To a fortuitous cooperation." Lubei said, and chugged, allowing the ominous drink down his throat.

The burn hit him two seconds later, and the demon lord hissed, sucking in air through his teeth.

"Not bad."


--- Quote from: YOLF on November 01, 2020, 05:17:40 PM ---Lubei

Friend. The word was like a chain around his neck, but he wondered if it could be more than that. If his treacherous mind would allow it to be a comfort and not a binding, a strength and not a wedge driven into his resolve. Did Uria consider him a friend too? If so, then his precedent for friends here in the Nexus was a truly unfortunate one.

His grip clenched around the glass, but he returned the cheerful clink by raising it to his lips. "To a fortuitous cooperation." Lubei said, and chugged, allowing the ominous drink down his throat.

The burn hit him two seconds later, and the demon lord hissed, sucking in air through his teeth.

"Not bad."

--- End quote ---


She slowly chugged the vile mixture, savoring the delicate flavors hidden within. A few seconds after him, she slammed her flagon atop the table and flashed a toothy grin. "There's no shame in being a lightweight, Lubei!"


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