Cross Effects > Areas

Little Russia

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The demon king glowered vaguely in her direction. "I am not a lightweight. This mixture is just heavy."

If he didn't know any better, he would swear to North and South that it came from the brewing traditions of the ocidental wastes. But those were significantly more inhospitable than this region, which only left him with the possibility that the Seraph's people... inordinately enjoyed their drink.

Lubei could feel the raptor judging his wits under its stare. Fucking quit it!

"I have scarcely spoken to an agent of Heaven like this," he said. "That you are not from the the Heaven I know is secondary."


--- Quote from: YOLF on November 03, 2020, 02:46:48 PM ---Lubei

The demon king glowered vaguely in her direction. "I am not a lightweight. This mixture is just heavy."

If he didn't know any better, he would swear to North and South that it came from the brewing traditions of the ocidental wastes. But those were significantly more inhospitable than this region, which only left him with the possibility that the Seraph's people... inordinately enjoyed their drink.

Lubei could feel the raptor judging his wits under its stare. Fucking quit it!

"I have scarcely spoken to an agent of Heaven like this," he said. "That you are not from the the Heaven I know is secondary."

--- End quote ---


Ivanna slapped him on the back. "Everything is relative-in this land, you'd be classified as a lightweight!" She chortled, downing a second pint of her vile green concoction. "There's a first time for everything. Enjoy it." The angel leaned forward, and raised an arm above her head to stretch. She felt her muscles relaxing as the intensity of the beverage loosened her muscles and deadened her stress.

"Perhaps my realm shall be viewed favorably by you?" She asked, glancing up at him to gauge his reaction. Within her eyes, there was an obvious longing. She wanted a friend. She wanted a companion who she could trust, and talk candidly with.


He coughed into his drink, hefted forward in surprise. Struggling to retain a shred of dignity in his expression, he wiped the excess on his sleeve and turned his face fully to the Seraph.

Could Lubei take down even the first of his walls for someone who was meant to be a foe under the gaze of fate? She claimed they had no quarrel, but the demon king yet doubted that they could coexist within the influence of her faith. Still, this otherworldly woman was no enemy now, fit to be questioned in his mind - she was his host, and as of these slipping moments, an ally in addition to that. He had to begin somewhere. Perhaps it was too late a start to achieve his desire, but it was not bereft of meaning to try.

"My kind is not wont to worship... and I pray for only one god," he said. Sighing profusely, a weight seemed to shift on his shoulders. "But I believe I could live here. Even enjoy it."


--- Quote from: YOLF on November 08, 2020, 11:16:07 PM ---Lubei

He coughed into his drink, hefted forward in surprise. Struggling to retain a shred of dignity in his expression, he wiped the excess on his sleeve and turned his face fully to the Seraph.

Could Lubei take down even the first of his walls for someone who was meant to be a foe under the gaze of fate? She claimed they had no quarrel, but the demon king yet doubted that they could coexist within the influence of her faith. Still, this otherworldly woman was no enemy now, fit to be questioned in his mind - she was his host, and as of these slipping moments, an ally in addition to that. He had to begin somewhere. Perhaps it was too late a start to achieve his desire, but it was not bereft of meaning to try.

"My kind is not wont to worship... and I pray for only one god," he said. Sighing profusely, a weight seemed to shift on his shoulders. "But I believe I could live here. Even enjoy it."

--- End quote ---


She chuckled softly and shook her head. "My god has no interest in the worship of demons, ehehe..." She replied with a pained chuckle. She ran her hand down the length of her slender thigh and squirmed in her seat. "I'll certainly enjoy your company, Lubei." She once again patted him on the back. "To our cooperation."

The small angel her go of her drinking glass and offered him a clenched fist. "Tomorrow, we start work. Today, we celebrate."


It would be nice to get back to work. Intimidating aggressive lieutenants and quelling assaults from holy warriors. That was likely not what she had in mind, but he'd do desk work all the same. If he did it well, he expected she would lend her resources. And until he found a way back, the demon king was not likely to want for goals to strive for. He had to return to those slums. To learn what demons he could find here, and how they sorted themselves.

Tomorrow. He could deal with that.

The faint smile on his mouth twitched, as he blinked at her gesture. The demon uncertainly formed a fist and extended it her way. "To cooperation," he said.


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